The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has boea .i V? la use for over .SO yean, has borne the Blgnatiire T and haa been made under his per- . ' - jWf'ls bobujI supervision slnoe its Infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-goodM are bat - Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health off.'-"'... Infants and Children--Experienoe against Experiment t . What Jo CASTORIA : 1 Gastoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-SiTfe; goric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms and allays Feverishnes&V It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic it relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It asHlmlTates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, . The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. . : - GENUINE; CASTORIA ALWAYS , j9 Bean the Signature of The MM Have Always Bought ;inlU8VFor Ovef:30TYear8. tw ewwum eM-aajgw, aatffminr men wctt vow orr. ''-' - ; A SURE MEDIClIlL Hutimom, V., Dee. SI, I hare been lofltrlng from ternsle weak Ml for four mn, and hTe tak many medloln.i, but Wine o Osrdnland B ok Drtnght here dona mora for me than any Uiii( ekw. MBS. GAkOXJNB XVANS. It H a mistake to take any and every kind of medidne when you sra lick. There is dineer m It Most of the so-called euro for female weakness" do nothing more than deaden the pain temporarily, and when the effect wears away the patient it weaker and sicker than before. It is never wise to take chances. You have only one Bfe, and that is dear and precious. If you have any pain, ache, disorder or weakness In the femi nine organs, nothing will help you like Wine of Cardul It helps do sway with morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy, and modifies the pains of childbirth i recovery is rapid and future health is assured. The Wine a purely veg- table, beinK made Of herbs whose medicinal properties act direct rr upon the organs of womanhood It is a bfiftried remedy, and has nunv veers of success behind It K is sure. Why take a chance nwdidne Drujjoist3 sell Large riNAMCIAL. . v. r. UTIZRifH RANK, o wnwamiW.K.c. Doing Oeaeral Banking Business rVwuary II, 10, Surplus and Undivi ded Profit, tU.1U.7S. Prompt and carrful stteoUnn tftim to sdl basliMias eDtratted la us. AccoaaU raoelved oo favorable l tmSleeeS Dtrma J. A. UmmAtm. tMMl W.lMfk. Um. I.rowm, J. w. Oreleser, a. w.sui4. . a. aeadave, Okea. (Miey.Jr. ;, avnmnejd, Mrar nana. Tn-, 4.fcf 0. W. T. w. r.uroeaea. Mark Dineay. F. & M. BANK, . riBtClKl 1st. lfwO. CsllailUek rUa,.M " It. Calif lld rrelta, . aHaeett t.eM ornotjw. L It. UvvtaS :Prastat. W. a. tXtni..Vk fresv T. W. tiewsv, Caabtw.. " I. W. RlMta, Am t laW. Mies Baowirts llaSKS. Telkf. - lilREOTOUfl: Wat. . tU-Ua, , , at Marks. p. P. BrariltMi, : f. rl. P0ak( .' U H. OutWr. J nvwr, W.ate4wV. f41W.atewart,, W. Dewey. k Snlte"U for saeretiMla, rnaaef eve ! BMke MvmfMly M aperial takes a wk, e atafcM eikM re earae SMMbka. Bf In lih-ralny m4 aa- terpeWftf beaiavaa eMUmta, a f mrtig aalkefraataf M Uaroltaa's Raaklns laaUiaUoae a He Hiv. H ts tae Atnt Nk eaeo say la psor fusienit. F,M.llajweaa. r A. t. Wrl , . UNIONS a ward, -irrotmiisa roisiswn . - tiw. : ; ' ' Saw aaaaa, . . USaa . ffae "v, Mariy act- HK tMteka. Oturn akt a bMii , frertM le w oatwe t)fve, t)all. laMa4 1 nti, r"'l- a e4 le Ik ,r" M4 I el l"tia, a4 afcirf Mrvw at 4 r. If. IVlIrtlrr, TfOBMT T I tw. W ltvt. Isaeri Bftk f!U!r. D n id ustir Mtisan iirutatiT. For fcdYia. in mua if! all In, shu tflrUom. a11r.M, flrlri. nniptonk,. P.. I. nil MTT.HUIN. when yon can a sure mMlclnef Bottles for $1.00. CiROLINl DISPATCH LINK. Old Dominion Steamship Co. rRIIfiBT k PASS! KGIE, Fr All PolnU North. The Steamer, NEUSE will leave OD Mondajs, Wedoeadays, sod Fridays st 6 p. as. sharp, snak ing Isodiogi si Oriental, sd1 Boas- oke Maud. , . 2VAGH HEAD. The Str. Newberne , OostsMstsiug July let J U1 bae at U ifet-ch toa oa Taeaye lad rWa;s, soaklag teartl&is a Oriental. HoaaoVs ielW aa4 Hags Hrad. , ' tST Frelibt rMoivad not latat thao oris hour pretloss u saillof . - or fsrthsr InrortasUoo apply 14 , ; oeo. ' BKS'bjntspir, it. ' M . XL. Kiss, Oen. Mjrr" f t J ; tL0,IlDD4tvi,04a.FrUt Pas.Agt , Korfotk, vs,.v-;:,!.H De yaal Wish U 0tevwilale b4 Bar. Ck Roaches, Ants T Ac, Tbsa t's , ' . . - !. ; v Liquid Crcolcuni.. Onilne Is ela a mful koeJwH fSi'4y fnf laeey kOfle Silnv.aU. Aa S dUi"lMaiit U is opwlM la earVil. h, I sMk4 (urtwtMMie w elv aa4 bM a Mel a -i nvViV, I'mln le irt Soeik M flt. MM.e la !-. e4 UI kf I limns. IMiWi rt tiviy oa taeewk, 1 CM i lUil 0,LT. A'teMtfwrMt!v aad ImmsiI- ' , , - CamBkxwe4 M kt'1B. , , . t4teq4f Mkk'la, ' rWv WoikallM la f& k- i see at Henrys Pharmacy, 127 mile Sired VlliaTr4 At a Skf Frit !...:.. r II TflEGKANMCMMEPJ HIS TAILOR CALLS TO 8E HIM WITH - - ' " HI8 LITTLE BILL, The loenH Heeaalaa ductile. kt . tka Clotklas Artist U Taltea late the Ctraat Aairieu )! Traa. '"'MM GKua Caaiur -." OoRjiickt, mi trail uwts. " Major Crofoot bad left the door ot his office 4peo by accident, and a be aat smoking with, bis beeia on bia desk he was suddenly accosted witht ' "I vhas come for dot leetle btlL" What-reh is K your exclaimed the major aa be almost fell out of his chair la getting: up. ' "WebY well, but this Is luck ' why, man, I was Just making ont a check for you. . I happen ed to remember that I owed yoo a dol lar for cleaning my ault"-: .Wv" "Yes, It Tbaa a dollar," replied the tailor as lie beld out the bill, "and yon don't pay me for a year." " - "A year) : How time flies! Tea, It la a bill tor a dollar for cleaning a salt and pepper suit, and If you bad only waited half an hour yon would bare- bad a check for It. The check would have been flUed ont for 1100. My dear "I VBAS COMB It)B DOT LEKTLS BILL." man. you are one of the few people who had confidence In me when my fortunes were at the lowest ebb; The check for a hundred was to prove my gratitude." ' "VhelL 111 take him now," said the tailor. "Ah. I remember that salt and pepper suit and the daya of my adversity r' sighed tbe major as be walked about and Ignored the check. "You brought tbe suit up here one day thoroughly cleaned and rehabilitated, and you went away saying not a word about the bill. You treated me as If 1 bad millions of dollars, and never, never can I forget your -consideration. Major Crofoot re members those wbo remember him." "Vhelir Queried the tailor aa be looked at tbe blU In bia band. "I said a check for a hundred," re plied tbe major, "but 1 shall do better than tbtt A hundredfold le not enough. I'll make a rich man of yow Vll put you light up nmoug tbe millionaires, Tbe more I think of bow you trusted In my Integrity the more anxious am I to' prove my gratitude. Tailor, snake hands. Tailor, accept my congratula tions." "But bow vhas be?" asked tbe crvd tor, with a puzzled look. "It wss this way. my d-ar, conflding friend: I waa juat about to Incorpo rate tbd Great American Rteain Trou eers Creasrr. wltb a cash capital of $1. 000,000. Tbe papers go to tbe secre tary of slnte today. Neit week tbe first machine is set np.. In three inontus we shall have 00 ot I hem at work In tbe principal cities . of the United Stales. Tbe stock Is supposed to sell at par, but I can get you 110.000 worth at 187. Tbe dlvldeade won't be less than 00 per cant and may go a hun dred. For tbe" Brat machine out we want a practical snanagen You shall have lb position at- $20,000 a year. Tailor, shake bands." "I don't see bow be vhas," taid tbe tailor after a lymphatic shake. "You don't? Tbat Is because your good fortune has for tbe moment uret you. - Look at my trousers. Look st the trmwera of all tbe mee yoo mrc There ar. creases la litem. When yoa buy a pair of 10 eroueers, you pay for the ereaaea. ' Too must bare 'em to be Is tbe swim. Can't go Into society or get a check cashed at to bank without 'em. The ereaaing. as yoa know, ts now done by band and la slow work. Our company wilt crease by steam. The trousers win be fed la the same as straw, and at tbe rate of 10 pairs a miouta They come oat beautifully creased, at s east of ooly a quarter a pair, sod there you are; Each machine wlU crease 18.000 pairs per dsy of tea boors, and there an. In come of HJOO a day. We anas atrara ernes tbo troaavra of I be world. Cv erf royal bead will be avuoog stir pa tmaa Isn't M plain tayoe bow? las t It as clear ss daylight tbat yoa will be riding Id year owe taroorfc la tbaa ell axHiihsr - - -. , - "But foe owe mo a dofl lrlrd tbe tailor. . "Omit scott. bat yos talk about dollar whe hundreds of thousands are falling at your feet! Let sne go ever this ebe seals. We s re the Great Aiaertras aieaia Trooarrs Crrsr. W don't steam trout re. but rrvaee 'ess by steam." , f , " . -1 know." " . . -Vti rrvaee 18.000 pairs ff d St aaartee a paw. we saake . per dsy ewaf aoy OS rrrrf ineHiln. ind we bev rO.OOO marblB SI work. Tour share Of lb nraSis will tw at least half s ttlUoe avAlsre ft it. Is tea teere yoa are enk Tailor. alske Made. It III nmwm from roar coat) la aw." "Pet I ooq'l have anme eaaO'ta. I vkas beta for Wit dn4lt," Asd toe Ooltar Is resr Arpoi ea t oar grrrtiM Saoe etark It le ss rv eVart of yeur food f11 surf will evmrnenf lw reieriwd le yon ."ea tea tM year Sbnp toder? laa roe K. ft la tfcf d, S eke kuM f vmv mm Dr. I I . -. 1 1 rrut I et mi- t ' :erm t a a h I f- I. I t 4 1, f-f J- I 1 . a - the first iaatnine and"Ieed iSoOO pairs of trousers through UV leu can, of course. Tou will be ready,' and 1 depend op yoov Shall I speak to some bank about your opening an account J" "If If you could pay"w You'll get your first montb'a salary In advance, and If you want to use bolt a mill km I can lend you the cash. That's all, except that we'll shake bands again. . Too will excuse me, 1 know,, but Fts got. to go pnt for an hour or two. - Call again. See yon later. Don't fall Da H-'?. The grand promoter put on his bat and. overcoat and loft "the offlce. The tailor had come for tbat dollar. Be took a chair to waitjThe Ore was low and the room was cold, and In on hour bis teeth Were- Chattering. Be stood It for another hour, and then be rose, up and Boftly tiptoed Out and Went down stairs. At the foot of the stairs he met a man who queried;. MDo you know if that old deadbeat Major Crofoot Is up stairs T ; , - - "He vhas gone out," was the reply. 'Have you been trying to collect a "Tea" . . , jr ''And how did you come Cut 7" "I vhas put Into dot Great American - Steam Trousers Creaser und creoaed all over 18,000 pairs a day, und now I vhas glad to go home mlt my life und let dot bill go. - Shake bands,: I'con- gratulate youl" ' S M. Quad. WOMAN iSUKEA DOJOATE MUSICAL IHSTRUMENT In eood condition she ts svset and lovable, and sings life's song on a Joyful harrmnlous string. Out of order or unstrung, there l discordance and unhapplness. Just as there Is one keynote to all music so there is cr.e key note to health. A woman might as well try to fly without wings as to feel well and look well while tbe organs mat mane ner a womsn are weak or diseased. She must bo healthy Inside or she can't be healthy outside. There are thousands of women suffering s:lcn'.iy au over the country. - Mistaken modesty urjea their silence. - While there Is nothing mora admirable than a modest woman, health is of the first lmoortance. ., Every other con sideration should give way before it, Brad. field's Female Regulator is a medicine ioi women sills, -it is thestfestandqulck- estwsytocurewur oorrhea, falling of (he womb, nervous- headsehe. backache and gen eral weakness. You will be astonished at the result, es pecially If you ha ve been experiment ing with ether so- called remedies. We are not asking you to try an uncer tainty. BradHeld'a Regulator nasmaae happy thousands oi women, wnat u has dons for others It can do for you. Sold la drug stores for SI a bottle. . A fra. tUntratad knok will b. Mnt teaUwfcowritoto tht KuonoB K6UAT0RC0. Mlawta,6a, Isodge Directory. NEW fiBRNCONCLAVE480.Improved Order Heplasopbs, meets Ind and 4th Thursday nlgbta, at 8 o'clock at Roon. tree Hell. P, A. Willis, Archon; Greene Brysn, Flnsnclen Z V. Murphy, Beo- relary. . EUREKA LODGE NO. 7. I. O. O. F. Officers:. W. F. Crockett, N. G j James B Dawsoa Y. U t Ueo. Green. Bectyt W. H Herrey, Financial Secretary! A. X. Pitt- mas, Trees, tteguiar ateeungs every Monday nigbt at oeiocc. CALGMET ENCAMPMENT, No. 4, L O. O. F. Offlcersr J. J. Baxter. C. P : J B Dawsoa, H P4 T U Csnswsy, 8, Wt A. T. Land, J. W4 Geo. Green. Bert be; B. Garock, Treasurer. , Regular Encamp. stent, 1st, Ird, sad 6th (If any) Thursday a if bis losacn asonu at 1.9) o'ciocc. NEW BERK LODGE No. l.F. H. AO J. a ScsJes, presV J. H. Smith, Record ing BeCyt H. B. Hill, FIbsbcUI Betfy. Meets la the sTnlhts of Hsrssosy Hell every 1st asd ltd Monday aigku la eaca loata. - -.- .. ... v - r CRAVEN LODGE NO, I KIU0HT8 OF HARXONT. Meets tad aad 4th WadaeedsT alibts fa each woe lb la Rouatree'e HalL Pollock street, at 7.Sn o'clock, o. H. Bell, frealdeati K. t. Dleoewsy.fWyi aR. Hill, Ftaaactal Secretary. - . , . ; . Notice la hereby slvoa that aa apptt- catloa will M made to Iks seal Gear re assembly of North Carol I as to ass lbs act entitled aa act. to attabllsk Graded Schools Is the city of New Bern to Increase the les from tt to toe. lor I be parpoee of ssalatalalag said school. , . w. M.,Wss. Jsasary. 1st. J ' 1, ' ; Secty, I 4 . - i 4 a & : A LAi::.V Kvr.KZr z. J (Mask I 'J Swaawael aaam , r MS :i 2 w- a . a -k- wi a . . e-o f- - 1 ,. . , - a- -4 - . L aa.e w isj k-w wm. J j tiei. 9 allaktav, srU. fa. ss ; : aw. . a)a A J j fr-: k i 1. n 'mi H A TKEB PATTLRN I rwMsy tyasysj WVstMl ts) W H akLSOeMS. Omif sW WWW ytsk .-'--. - ----- L' 'o' s Temper, Leisure and . . " . Energy by the -housekeeper who J, neglected to use . " 0 " J GOLD DUST Wo-shlng Powder Administrator's Sale of Uod. . Nohth Cabomsa, ) In Superior Court Oravek Coustyf Jjjj? J- Wrt; Thomas F. McCarthy, 1 Administrator of the Estate of Charity Am - broee, deceased, .. ' -- vs. ' John r.urden, Kitty Hill end Cortle , Hill, her husband, Lewis Ambrose, .truest Picket and Daley ''-..'.,' -Picket. . By virtue of an order of the Supertax Court of Oiaven County made this 10th, day of December 1900, in tbe above en titled action, I will on the 14th day of January 11)01, at tbe Court house door in the cltv of New Bern N. 0. at 13 o'clock m. offer for sale the following de scribed tract of land to make assets, to wit: ' In No. 0 Townsblo near Rtverdale. be ginning at a lightwood stsko at the bead ofJSorsepen Branch, near the edge of the Beaufort road, which leads between Beauforl and New Bern, and runs with ssld road lo tbe Woods road, and with the said Woods road to ' the Great Branch, thence with said Great Branch to the mouth of Horsepen Branch and itli said Horsepen Branch to the beiln blng-, containing 175 teres more or lets, being the lands 'convoyed to the lste Charity Ambrose, by Deed, recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Crsven ounty in book 1U3 page (ill. Less ahont 68 acres heretofore conveyed by Charity Ambroae to John Burden, Lewis Ambrose and others. Terms of sale ca h This 10th' day of December 1900. Ttios. p. McCarthy, Administrator. Executrix Notice. Having qualified as executrix of the last will and testament of the late C. C. Pettey, late of Craven countv, N. C, I hereby notify all persons bsving claims against tbe estate of tbe deceased, to present them for payment on or before the With day or Decern her, IflOl, or this troilce will plead lu bar of recovery, All persons Indebted to tbe ssld estate will plesse make prompt aettlement. This December mjih, two. SARAH E. 0. PETTEY. Executrix. R. W. Williamson, Attorney. Coram iKotoiier's Male. NORTH CAROLINA, I Superior craven uounty. ) Court The National Bank of New Burn, ve, H. H. Pony and O. U. Perry. Pursuant to the Judgment and decree of sale made In the above entitled act Ion under which I was directed aa coruiuU sioner to sell the hereinafter described land In accordance wltb the terms of said decree after duly advertising 'be same aa therein reaulred. 1 will therefore offer for sale and ten to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door of Crsven county on Monday January, Jib A. D. lttOl at I be boar of II o'clock as. It being tbe first day of the aaxi term of the Superior Coerl of Craven county, all tbe follow described tracts or pareele of laud lying and rains attests in ssld craven county, Ubouaded snd described ss follows: He- lianlos at I be mouth of Ovprase branch between ureen uui aao Kaccoon laisnu ats marked Cypress and running the various courses of seld branch 189 pnl s to s place oppostis so Iron poet on the southeast side of said branch, then In a line wltb said poet from tbe ran of said Branch south 4 degress west 179 poles le sa I roe post 00 tbe aorta skis or Ust Grove then annh 80 decrees west 41 no'es to anothar tma poet then soetb4 drirecs west IS nrlee to au I row' poet then north OB nt trees weal Br polss to as Ima axle Poet In tbe lane aear a marked Sycamore tree then South 4 de grees west lo a back line of Hatch's lead Ibea with aald eastwardiy to urtoe a creek, then down the said steak lo tbe tetlnnlea. eoalaiatng 1000 acres more or , flelos the laada described is Ike complslst Sled Is the above eo titled artloo to which reference le made for Ml description. This Decern r ttth 1900, ,. OWEN IT.GUION. . ; .. t ootmiaai aar. Commissioner's Bale. Psnsset to that certain lurl. menl of the Superior Court of Cierae crusty rendered at the Fell Term lnO la tbe amies tbtrele iwsdios? eeiliU-d tbe V lineal Beak of New Hera erelast B. H. WooUS sad jntia wooiea fcl. wire, as CommlMloaer anootawrf la .aid Iwli. meat, 1 will offer fur sale sad sell m the btfkeet btddVf for eesb, at the eoart kites dnor of Craven eoea.f, oo Ma day Jaaoary Mik I KOI. st tkaanvr of II w'clork, M. ell lb fallnalea' taal satsi eoeWid le ludfaMat to be sold sad fallydtarfllied la Mm owplelnt (led la sai l setl'ia, bouaded aad daerilbed as follow, in all: A plrre er pareal i t land Irlsg sad halef la ibe Third loow.nlp of the m.oiyof Craven, tKsie of North Caro- Ilea S"d ksae Sd rta.lsiel at fol town -A rri of the tcoh llb rLn bin aiH iM mwi. ridn la aald H. II Wrw. by Jnba d laHnil Wv,,n t.l. e4 j.ilia Ike lnd J aa'ila It. t'. bh e.-l r.rti'r. 1 slanln , a ,ik Ik. amtb ,1 le nf Ike dl'r n4 met aoutk (4 ! lo J. J. ai lhe altk rel' He tn ,. l nl'.4 H (. CoMi. tiirrrr, I r-r !,f). ibe alik aeld ('i.bbtt'ee In ll.lf M inn me. Ib.n en ld ,e'r B-.Ut in a ti.. e the I. "f aiT.ri r". It n'h IS rt.i. In O. K-f 'r,". r', SO n. mn. M W, fu iy Avet la ! r-'i n ir.'.Hp-. !'l f. t ilei'l lo IM i.f r-f 1 r f 1 K fa i it ' r t I'i'i 'i' 1 : I Ii . H i. 1 '( I r I ' COM MISSION IBM - 8tatico NuK-rn Caroliha, l guperinr Crv l,t CM'V. -I jiurl-. The Ksttonsl Bans vl N lini., -; -- - '.a. - x , E 6. ctreetetal. i Pursuant to the judgment in the ebvve asmed actloo rendered at the fail Icini or the said Court, Ue ne(.eriBbed will uell st public suction vnKouUsv the 28tb .day ot January, A. 0., li)ol, v tbe Uourt Uoue ot hl Uiaven couu'V, at t unlock m fat csd, ' tne (uilowlug deciibed laiiUt: .. , ' All bat certain tract of Uui sUuslwl oU the uoitb side tf . lb Tieut load in aald Craven county,- about three uilien frombe riiy tl New btrn, known as the Lorecza I). Whitforil lain) wgiunma at Ihe cornt-r uf ilin land formerly' be longing n Rnilly f, hrhi vti na t) road end run. no; lu it, lue W m "f Im now' Owned by rjamuel Udwhi, tbeuce south 8. wBt, r-poles eudli g lu thoTmlll ponii, thenee down aald potid soiitbeat thlrty-ibree poled, (hence souih 21" est tevenly-elghl poles to the nest side ol aald pood and on to the publlo -road leading from Hew Hern : to Trenton, thence with paid road eaetwardly to the beginning, containing 190 acres, more or ha-', being the same land conveyed to E 9. Street by Bebssilsn F. Bsngert snd Wife by deed dated January liih, 1877 registered lu the office of the Register of Deeds in Book No. 06, Folio 844 and 845, and the tract of land containing about three-quarters of an acre convered to said EdwardS. Htreel by L. J. Moore snd wife, except tbat part of said land which lies on the north side of tbe Wil- mington, New Bern and Norfolk tall road, bounded as follows: Beginning at the crossing of said railroad by the street s roan, runs tnence norvn m west with said Street's road to tbe line of George West's land, now Boa en's land, thence with s chopped line of George West's Isnd, now Bo wen's land, south 84t west chains into tbe mill pond, thence south 12 east eight snd one quarter chains, thence south 184 east 17 58-100 chains to the railroad, thence eaetwardly with said railroad o the beginning. M. DbW. Stevenson, Commissioner. Dec. 87tb, 1900. ISxecutor'a Notice. Having this day qualified as Execntor f the last will and testament of Marv Reddick deceased, all persons indebted to said Mary Reddick, deceased, are re quested to m k Immediate settlement And all persons holding claims against said deceased are notified to present the same for payment on or before Decem ber 26th, 1901 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. mis December CTtb, tvoo. ROBERT It. DAVIS, Executor. Foreclosure Stile. By virtue of authority vested In me as Clerk or the Jfaateru District Criminal Court for Ciaven county, I -will expose to public sale tor cash, at Ibe court bouse door In New Bern, on Monday anoary 28, 1901. at 13 o'clock, m, all that certain piece or, parcel of land des cribed In a certain mortgage executed to tbe state ot aortb Carolina by .lease Whitfield and wife In lieu of bond for the appearance of said Whitfield at the February Term, 1900, of laid court, aald bond having been forfeited and foreclos ure of moiurage ordered Hald land Is situated about one and a half miles from the city of New Hem on tbe Pembroke road adjoining the lands of J. L. Ilabn snd others snd contains two acrea moio or less. W. M WATSON. Clerk. 4dinliilstrntorfl Notice. Having qualified as the Administrator of tbe estate of Charity Ambrose de ceased, notice Is hereby given to-all per sons having claims sgstnst the estate of tbe deceased to present tbe same to under signed on or before tbe 37th dsy of November 1901, or this notice will be plesd In bar of tbelr recovery. All persons indented to ssld estate will plesae make Immediate payment T. f. McCarthy. Administrator of Charity Ambrose, - deceased. This 17th dsy of November 1900. Executor's Notice. Having this day Qualified as the Exec utor of the last will aad testsment of Martha Hammoade, deceased, notice Is hereby given that all persons having. claims sgslnst said estate will present tbesa for payment on or before the Otb day of January 190 orlbisaotlca will be pleaded la bar of their recovery. AU persons Indebted to the aald estate win aaae immediate payment. This Slh day or January iwui. , . NOAH POWELL, Executor of Martha Hammonds, de es asad. , . aaa.. mm ftrt aarOi CVI 1 IM vn. hrnt OV hwiwi aM fft n.iiiut anna, cof iKiMToreti3.s f auiiCltoa. s4 bks4. MMa,evsaaae. rtw fre mMtB.iie e4 1.tna wrc.A.c::ov& co. PefctatlawTwe. WASHINGTON, D.C . Nollesv;. . torn os Noava Oabolisa I "srwrtor .. , CBAvaa Cvcart. ( , Court, ' . Fan Term, if. , .' " . The If stloaal Bask of New Bern ; . - . - vs. , ' - . G. 8. Biigr. " ; . Tof. R. liktaea, Take Notloe Thai sa acila kes eommeaceq agelaet yoa la Ihe Seperlor Cnart of said crsvea cnisty eailit4 ks Nailosel Bank of New Berne VS. U. a. hrlf r. for (he peipaee of reenvertBg Judg. sr.lart yn for stfktara kae- drd dollars ted lalere.1 lk.rMia. an so ranted drafts dl:c"Bin by tbe pleleiln ,ed yoa are r)nlrd la er-pMr st tbe l.rwi of Ibe f.plo Coert ef said ( tTn t.mieiv to be k.14 st the Coert I,im In lb rliy af K.w Ilt oa lb tik Mn'U. bfnre lbs Ar.t MoBd.f la M.wli tfcfil, Wlr. tbe Sik day of J.B1- ar lO''l iit pr il.mof le the anmnletnt thai t 6lt la this an. ib.n. and t"S ar S'lifld 1 et a writ of UK-Jiwirpt h mim4 la this (l"n 1 k!s loth rl.y ef p-.r, W. kf. Wt.4. lk pTiperbn ('part. , a !'" ' Aii'y 1 - A.&N.;C.R..R. s,5.V'-' " -is:""----v- .' -TiaS TABLE VOi 19 .Til Teks Fffcct f ti-id)y. Dee. 7,t . i 1900- at 12:00 A. M., E f T. JutcgEaet j BcHBDtrtE: Going West No. S . - Paaaenger Tralna No. 4 L. p m t BTationbi ' Ar, a m 1 40. Goldaboro,. 11 05 4 0..''...... LaGrange 10 83 i 8JiT.... .". Klnston 10 18 5 10...... At. New Bern, Lv, 9 00 5 53 .....Lv. " Ar..i... 887 7 15 . . Ax. Morehead Oity Lv 7 05 N.s7. P sjen;cr - . . S. Lv a ii'. Sun !y-" y '.'.m. 740 ... .,...OoldBboro 800 8 01.... Grange lit! 8,80..... ..... E naton 707 '"'5 , ....Dorer 6 7 SO New B rn 6 02 11 15 At. Morehead City Lv ... 4 20 No. 5, I 'No. Passenger station): Pas 1 Train. T, Daily Exovt Suhdai. .' Ar. A. H. 7 80 ....Gjldnroro... 7 48 Best's.... 7 53. LaOraugo... 8 10 Fa'ling Oreek 8 28 Kinaton... 8 80 Caswell... 8 40....: Dover... 9 06 Core Creek. Lv.p. M) ... 7 14 .... 656 .. 6 86 ... 621 ... 003 ....5 61 .... 543 . . . . fi 82 .... 519 .... 008 .... 450 p. u. 9 20 Tuncarora . . 0 26 ...Clarks. 952., .New Bern. A- a. No. l, t No. 2, Mx't Ft. and Pass. 1 n. Ar. p m Mx'd Ft. and Pass.Tn. Lv. a m 1 00 . . . Goldsboro.. . Beat's.... LaU range. . , ...Falling crock.. .. . Kinston... 533 4 53 4 28 3 58 3 33 7 81.. 815.. 8 27.. 9 12 9 23 oaswell .. 10 15 Ar. Dover Lv 2 28 . 210 10 40 11 15 11 81.;: 1315 Ar. core ore 1 10 TuBcarora 12 48 ..Clark's 12 40 New Bern, Lv 12 10 1 80 Lv. " 2 12 Riverdalo 2 2) croatau . 8 CS Havelock Ar. .10 47 10 10 .10 00 9 40 8 34 . 8 47.. 8 53 . 4C8 . 423.. p. a. . . . . Newport, Lv Wildwood Atlantic . .Ar. Morehead city, .Lv. . .Ar. M. City Depot, Lv.. . . opo . M7 . 8 88 . 8 20 . 750 A , It. 'Monday. Wednesday and Friday, t Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, Superintc idon Reduced Sunday Passenger Excur slon.Rates ! The A. N. C. Itarlroad will sell tick eta after this date at the following ex cursion rates by Nos. 3 aud 4 train on Sundays: From M. City to Golilslxiro rolurn ..1.2." " Wildwood " " 1 15 " Newport " " 100 " Havelock " ' .90 " Croatan " " .80 " New Bern " " .75 " Tuecarora " " .75 " Core Creek " " .70 " Dover " " .70 " Caswell " " .00 " Kinstou " " .60 " Falling Cr'k " " .80 " LsOrsnge " I " 40 " BesU " " .80 The above tlcketa are good only on Sundays by Nos. 8 snd 4 trains and on datea stamped or written on tickets, anil limits will not be extended. Supersedes sll former rales. Effective October 28th. 8. L. Dill, G. P. A Atlantic fJoaat Line. Wilmixutox & Niw Biksi K TIMS TAHLB HO. 6, li In Effect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898, Dailj Exoept Sunday, Going South BOtlBDOUt: Ooing North No. 81, Paaaoager Trains No. 60, Lv. a m, STATU) Ma Arp m 00., .. Now Berne , 640 I M. , II loot ..Polloohsville.. .. ....MsysvUle JacksoavtUe Wllmingtoe, I Union Depot I . WllmlngtoBi Lv. . 604 4 49 4 11 in U08. till ...Ar. WllmlogtotM Lv. ... IU r a r a ITo. I, pABftaaOEa H Faatosrr. No. 4 Leave Wilmington Monday. Wednea- day and Friday. Leave Hew Barae Tuesv aay, Thoreaay sod batarday. Lv. A Ar. r a t 1.....Lv, Wilanlftftoa, Ar I 48 40 .....HmtfSlliU. .1155 .11 II .11 40 0......... .WoobaJa..,., 1009... .......Hollyrldre ... 1011 ;.. IHaoa II ....... .... Varoaa. II 09. Jar.kaoavUI,,. ...1011 ...10 SO ... :4s II ., ftnelhsaat, II W Wbitarah I 54 110 OS s lS0.,...,MayaUla I II Poliookrrina.... 7kX M .... ,.lplnirrs. ltd. Ar. Nw IVroa, Lv bally tansm. sWeday. ' J. R. KZNLT, M IN fewf tt r-.'aM H earsa lalk, AT ss kSt twaxrb .f4 fctkosy of fsrullwel wlQ auariifiilf f B-i -e owf nS4r-f fraua laa ervlska w bm i t a '- I w aa Skar-wav perrey Is (aawsi ro skwort stfwHa twiasw 1 Usara-sall Skw ev wma t ew4 f. awasjtM r'e wuj trf l mm fawewlsey Me, Hsy-s rKwray, tn 1 sjH raVWWf . S ' tsewt-, ae4 bi1 4rk4 fje-ieaam. n w a fTa aasj t 4e Vsf saast fMifr K fu iPmtmj AttmrmrJ - I li I';:;;:!d:l ri TTrr-I f arret ; Atlantic test line Miai Co., Cendease Schedale. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. T A amn July 22,1900,.5 o' u o a A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Lv. Weldonill 60 Ar. R. Mt. .1 1 00 8 58 9 52 Lv. Tarboroiia 81 6 00 Lv. R. Mt. I Lv. Wilson1 Lv. Selma. . Lv.Fay'villel Ar.Florence' 1 05 1 69 a 55 9 52! 6 87 5 15 5 57 12 52 2 40 10 25 7 10 11 10 4 12 22 2 24 7 25 P. M. A.M L7. Gilds...! Ar. Glide...! 7 65! 6 45' 8 SO 4 35 6 00 P M. Lv, Mae'llai ArWilm'ton 7 51 9 20 P.M M TRAINS GOING NORTH. i'S'O Ha 8 3 gjA 3 d'S oj d'3 d'3 d'3 ssq !?;S fcQ KO A.M. P.M. Ly.Florcnce. 9 50 7 85 Lv.Fay'ville 12 20 . . . . 9 41 Lv.Selma.. 1 60 10 64 Ar. Wilson . 3 85 11 83 A.M. P.M. A.M. LvWilm'ton 7 00 9 35 Lv. Mag'lia.... 8 8011 10 Lv. Golds 4 50 9 37 12 26 E.M. A.M. P.M. P.M Lv. Wilson 2 85 5 83 11 33 10 45 1 18 Ar. H. Mt. . 8 80 6 10 12 07 11 23 1 53 Ar. Tarboro 6 4 Lv. Tarboro 13-21 Ly.It.Mt.. 8 80 12 07 Ar. Weldon 4 82 1 00 P.M. A.M. Yadkin Division Main Lino Train leaves Wilmington 9 00 a m, ar rives FayeiteviUel2 05 p m, leaves Fay etteville 12 25 p m, arrives San ford 1 43 p m. Returning leave Sanford 2 30 p m, arrive Fayctteville 8.41 p m, leave Fay etteville 3 48 p m, arrives Wilmington 6 40 p m. BenneltHVllle Branch Trains leaves Benni'ttsville 8 05 a m, Maxton 9 10 a in, Red Springs 9 40 a m, Hope MiIIb 10 is'i a m, arrive Fayetteyille 10 55. Return ing leaves Fayettevllio 4 40 p m, tlopc Mills 4 65 p m, Red Springs 5 35 p m, Maxton II 15 p m, arrives Bennettsville 7 10 p m. Connections at Fayettevillo with train No. 78, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Kullroad, at lied Springs wilh the Hod .Springs and Bow more railroad, at Sanford with tbe Scaboird Air Lino and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train .m the Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon 8 65 p m, Halifax 4 17 p m. arrives Scotland Neck at 5 08 p m, Greenville 6 67 p m, Kinston 7 55 p m. Heturnlng leaves KiriBton 7 50 a m Greenville 8 63 a m, arriving Halifax at 11 18 a id, Weldon 11 33 a m, daily ex cept Buniiby. Trains on Washington Branch leave W antiunion 8 10 a m and 2 30 p ni, ar rive l'armele 9 10 a m, anil 4 00 n m.n- :l urnini; li ave rarmcie Hffiim anil GO p m arrive Washington 11 00 a m ami 03 p m, daily except Sunday. lrain h avee larboro, 11. daily except Sunday 5 80 p m, Sunday, 4 15 p in, ar rives riymoutn 7 40 p m, 6 10 p m, Km turninn, .eavee Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 60a m, and Sunday 9 00 a in, arrives Tarboro 10 10 a m, 11 00 a m Train on MUland: N C Branch leaves Ooldrlxiro dally, except Sunday, 5 30 a, arriving ttmllnneld 0 40 a m, Keturn- ing leaves Smith Held 7 35 a m; arrives at (ioldslioro 9 00 a m. Trains on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at 9 80 a m, 8:4(1 p m, arrive Nanhvilln 10 80 a m, 4 08 pm, Spring Hope 1 1 00 a ro, 4 95 p m.Keturning leave Spring nope 11 80 a m, 4 55 p m, Nash ville 1 1 41 a m, 0 85 p m, arrive st Rocky Mount 14 lUa m, 0 00 p m, daily except Sunday. 1 rain on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton daily, except Sunday, 1 1 40 a in and 4 85 p m, Returning leaves Clinton at 4 45 a m and 2 50 p m. 1 rain no 7U makes cloeo connection st Weldon fot all DOinta North dally all rail via Klohmond. II M EMERSON, Genl Pasa Agent. It KKITLY. Genl Manager. T M KMER80N, Trafflo Manager. AN EASY WAY TO EARN S 2 5.00 Wo will may this to yoa. aeadlnsr m. lO mow yearly sit sMrtptkavao, astern mankBa ' by the full yearly arts, for eaa BMbeevtexkaa. M .. ftaad two eextt stamp for swoaaeetMsv. aam e4o se.i.. ad star, seswiora .,... A, OuUng Publishing Co. 239 Fifth Ave N.Y. A Qood : f Telephone piuvici is a BCBrjilwi NECEflfllTT, a, BOMB COlCVESItNCl. A COM. I IVffemlty, t ConTrnlenee, OrdJa Yotir I bona at Osxs) I a a-- - " si uiraimv gmmimwom fofsawst . t I the Wet tealdeaoa Oartoft'.l r. Alwt S asmbet Sf (0o4 kndS 1 i. la Il!iUa. - ft. IW-t- a i ; l i. untrnritw .... - ,