WW An Excellent Combination. Tho pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well lniouu remedy. Syrup ofI'igb, manufactured by the Califobhia Via St.vp Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the iiquidUaxa tWe principles of plants known sto be medioinally laxahve and preGOptingr them in the form most re fresh : ; if fo the taste and acceptable to the tysuti. . It is the one perfect f;trcnrlhcmnfrlajt-tive,-cleansing the system cfVetally,' dispelling colds, headaches hm:1 fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual coimtipatio jpeis manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable qualif y and: subs. Btance, and its acting on the kidneys, ' liver and bowels, without weukenfiisf or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. fiV-'-i In the process of manufacturing flga' are used, as they are plcnw.nt to the taste, but the medicinal qualities oi the remedy are obtained from KeuntmniV other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fiq r-YBtrp Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, pleaso rememberthe full name of the Company printed on the front of every pnrltage.- CALIFORNIA FIG SYBilP CO. 8AH rBAKCISOO. CAI LOUISVEiS, JET. BI7 YORK. IT. T.' For sale by all DnisjKiats. PrlM."'. par rattle.- Now Bern, N.., Jan. 13. 1901. Iadex to New Advertisements. Lost. Barfoot Special sale continued. Smith Shoes. G. N. Ennett Have you read. - J. G. Dunn & Co-Hats. r Katie B. Boyd Auction Bale continued Bradham Taking Precedence. A. & N. C. R. R. To the public. .. Moore's Wood lard Did it ever oc cur to you. Simmons & nollowell Co Embroidery Sale. Business Locals. LOST A ladies plain open-faced gold watch with chatelaine pin attached, Lost while out driving Saturday after noon. Finder will be rewarded by leaf ing the tame at this otlice. OYSTERS, Served to both ladies and gentlemen at 103 Middle street, JametB. DawBon. WANTED, T wenty men to learn K1C trlcal, Mechanical; or Marine Engineer- log, Chemistry, Architecture and Plumb ing. Wanted, ten Young Ladies to leant Ornamental Design, Stenography and Book-keeping, seventy courses In all. Largest Schools In the World, 8o0j000 Student. Terms easy. For further In formation write or call on Geo. "W, Petty, representative for the Internatioo al Correspondence School of Scranton, Pa. At Hotel Haiellon, New Hern, N. 0, SECOND II AND TYPEWRITERS for sale, any tnako you desire. Mac hi set Bold on 5 dny trial If yon want a Type wrltor it will pay you to got my prloe. I am also agent for the Oliver Type writer. J. L. llarlsfli-l'l, Real hsiat and Insurance Atfcnl. DRY Stove wood at Hlg Hill's. Jacobs' Raleigh Rye whiskey is the best. Middle street. Bradham' s Prescription Pharmacy Taking Precedence. Over all other functions of this store is our Prescription Iteparltntat, and we feel that It has demonstrated lit position with considerable cmphstls M compared with other prescription ill pirttneots. The fact that our R trade steadily and continually Increases week .alter week the year 'round goes to further tabllsh oor poaltloa as meriting jour rf dative trade. The appliances, equipments and am vtnle ocas are of tb most modern ada. lallon Nothing It wanting that couM assist us la rendering a better aervlra. We Invite you lo bring all your Pr tcriptlont to II radium's Pharmacy to Dt) filled. Do qoallly count with you ' II oyUr's Candy freab every wek. HEPORK going bonit Mop at Ilradham' and get a oollls of Aowavt Croup Kyru yoa may need It HITLER'S Candle ajw.rs frh, Bradbasi I rbaratacy, you know lis) reel. CbeetaoU, 10 cents pet pound at X rWrleT" Hasans., IS ley'. ceu doar al UcHort The flaeal Terkey mi lb market, lit Of drttaed, at The Oak Meet Mark. Try the Oark Meal Markets Break fas Beee. It la delightful Mat Vettsn at IM Oaks Matt Ma. 14, talt ttoratbf. U CURE YOUR HEADACHE and LaQRIPPE With CAPUDINE Xe bed a Of afft'i wWtrter. . 1H 9m tod tH f" fksM by T A ary asd tJevw rwmerf. IN AND ABOUT NEW BERN. Late Happenlop Beallnjf .in Hatters Of Local Injerest.'' -Her. Dr. John tt. Long, will kohl aervicea at Trenton, Jonee county today- C yv-i ryfi -'C-;V'' The annual banquet of the Atlantic 8 J . E. Cov, will take to-morrow, Monday night, at 7 o'clock. , , ' A meeting of the Naval Reteme U called for 8 o'clock, Monday night. Full attendance Ii asked : , Fair and coo) 1 the weather forecast for to-day and Monday, .70 degrees was the maximum yettexday. . i The New Bern Division Naval - Be-" (eryea will attend Gorernor'a Ayooch'a Inauguration on Tuesday, leaving here On that day at 7:05, a. m., on the special Between SO and 40 member will go, ; Tbe ratines office ot Mr. C. K. Joy haa been moved from lower Craven street, near Cotton Exchange, to new quarter In the Virginia-Carolina Chem ical Company' warehouse,, on Kense river, near A. C. Line depot. ' . Yesterday, engine No 8 of the A. & N. O. which bad been atandlng in the round house, suddenly started off an t ran into the turn-table it. A defective throttle valve was laid to be the cau.c of the engine' wild flight. No damage of consequence wa done. Senator Tho. D. Warrrn of Jones, la the youngest member of the dignified body. ' Though a young man, he wilt rapidly forge to the fore front In the Senate. Besides being an able speaker, the force of Mr. Warren' pen will be remembered by the excellent article c n trlbnted on the constitutional amend ment. Raleigh Poet, 12th. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Solicitor Hodolph Daffy returned from Raleigh last night. Mr. J. E. Latham and children, re turned home yesterday, from a visit at Greenville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cooper have re moved to New Bern to live. Mr. Cooper will be engaged In the lumber business. Wilmington Star, 19th. Mr. J. M. Arnold returned from the West yesterday, with a car load of fine horses for hi livery (table. Dr. F. D. Swindell, D. D., Presiding Elder of the New Bern district, came down from Goldsboro last night, and will conduol the services at Centenary Church thl morning- Died. At Raleigh, Jan. 12th, idol, Mr. Sarah A. Hancock, widow of the late L. W. Hancock, in her 49th year. The remains wiU arrive on thl morn ing' train. - The funeral services will be held Mon day morning at 10 o'clock at the Middle Street Baptist Church. Auction Sale! Hevlnggdeclded to break np house keeping, 1 will offer for sale at my resi dence on National Avenue, on Monday morning Jany 14th all of my household and kitchen furnltnre. Sale to begin promptly at 10 o'clock. My home wilt Jben be for rent, lease or lale on easy term. Katie B. Boyd. For Daughters of Confederacy. Ticket will b distributed tor tale-in a few days for the elegant entertainment to be given on the lth by the Daugbt era of the Confederacy. An evening of claaalo enjoyment I promised all who attend. Admission lOo, Including your entry to the "bat tle." , Jteretbmeau at nominal cUy pri. - ' Ifew Shotn For Pamilcav At the meeting of the County Cosv mission an of Pamlico aonaty, leal week, Sheriff W. J. Parker teal la hi resigna tion. - . TbrmelgaalloB wa aeoepudt by tb board, which Imnvdlalely appointed Brinaoi Oaatpea, aharlff. Mr. Campn at oeo gavaboad and waat Into Ue oJBe at Bheriff of Pamlloo aonnty, ' - v I ' Services Today. ' , Servtoet al the Christian ekarch Ik I moialag SubjeU "Prayer Baaday acbool all. P. M. .That will be bo ted rice la lb evening a we all axpeet le auead the aatoa atrvlee at.tM Taker act Baptist ekarch. St.Mvy'irre W01 Baptist Cbarab Servtce at 1 1 A. M. and 7. P. M. By the pastor Kid W. O. Froal, "ktoratag aerviee Sahject "LeW. Ten Id Cor, li lt, Me "tae Mother" Child." by the orgaaM Ida M. Itattlag. Xvanlag aervlc Mebjcct "Chriatlao Dope" Tail Bah, It I. 6olo"Wba tb Pearly Oate L' a fold by Ike argtalal Ida M. Heuleg Pb!t ar lafltad. Coat. ' tWvlose al the TaWraacU PfUt Ckarch thl Moralaf and Kvealag. Tb Evoning WMtl"g U a aaloa aervtoe aniUr tM tasptce of lb reeaaJe Be- (Tolont aoeMy. Beaday acbool al J0 A. M. TM areeordlatly. Invited to thee rvbes. ' CbHitlae Jdaeot Cbirek ' fUrvkw p., !.r 1 U. A. M. a 7 no P. M. MM l.p rWrmo today Pob)e( Llf' C-..V.lanIJ l. Wdalay7 9P.M J( ling R-xm epa dally. i ;!y IbtIiH atwad. AH are Oor- tt (itri tint. - ih lirpwtaBw ef el a) s"-U ed war 1 ;h t''l ftlee; fcl now i, f r ii' .f ll that tjnp of r, I ir-? rfmi f'f la t ' ' lasa'.lvse, fci..ls svi i r ' r lr J T tba 9-, l!tn r . Yr I He '':ff. WASHINGTON. In The Senate. Clumber and the Bouse, v . politics and Politicians. Paila- ' . . ; delphla Moving Along. : i;':C?'"V'-;. New York. Jan. 11, ; It wu an Important week In Washing ton, In the way of legislation, and a good time to visit tb Capitol. The House In creased It membership from 83710 388, the Senate knockedoutth army canteen and the Supreme Court engaged la the preliminary hearing of the Porto Rico guettlon which will decide whether or ao the conitltotion follow the flag. " The Senate it more interesting than the : House , because there , are more famou and easily- recognizable men there. The flrst,8eustor to come through the tide door was Butler 'with enough hair to inpply half the bald headed Sen ate and a Prince Albert coat Mow tho knee. . The butlnesa men In the Senate weat business suits, the politician dress op and keep their right hands imposing ly atuck Into their coata In a itatetmen 11 ko way. Benator Piatt In the front row is like hit cartoons, Hoar handsome and beaming in a row behind with mean looking Pettigrew in spectacles behind him, and in the back row near the cor ner Is Mark Hanna. Beveridge and Morgan are on the opposite side, acrota the aisle. , ? .. . . , ' . Butler and Pettigrew do most of the talking, their last chance and making the moat. Hanna listens, Is sllont and saw wood, . Butler talk about his "people'', as If be had any, and. he and Pettigrew Insist on small 'points ard delay things generally and when not. talking, parade around on .the yellow carpet. The gallery I well tilled, a m in put hi hat on the railing where it might fall over and an attendant olis his attention to it and thanks him for removing it as if it mere a personal favor. - In the House, Crnmpacker trie to get hla amendment through, to reduce mem bership In the South, on account of the negro he say. Crumpaker speaks poor ly bnt I In earnest and bad a following, but not enough, for he it beaten by 130 to 110, and later tbe Burelgh'bfll goes through. Thl will make 476 votes Jn the next Electoral College, Instead of 447 and gives 19 to the States that went He publican last year and 10 to those tl.nt went Democratic. Pearson joins tbe North Carolina Democrat In downing Crnmpacker. Bellamy of Wilmington has a good seat near tbe center rnd Thomas " of ours" across the aisle from him and some farther back. The room will be crowded wltb 10 new members It Is pretty full now and If the House keeps growing it will bo like the British Parliament where half the membership can not enter at once. The Supreme Court Is Imposing, the handsome Cblof Justice Fuller making op for tbe exceeding rugged and homely features of the associate Judge. Their head seem to hava all kinds of knob containing wisdom and dome well stocked In learning. One tip-toes In and out of the room, the old Senate Chamber to as not to disturb the argument and to have a proper respect for so much knowledge. Washington still Improves but purely In a governmental way, Tbe 'automo biles are beginning to InvaJe the city many carriage anl cab of the horseless variety going about on the smooth asphalt. Not much of a crowd, although Oongressln esslon,nd tbe Library and publlo building can be visited and not be In the push. Mont people find Wash ington very Interesting, and at least the member of Congress seem el way! will tng to "corn again", there it a conaol Ing air of greatness lo have autograph album tent down from the gallery to have precious signatures written therein Besides tb pay Is good, unless tb mem Mill t millionaire and then be may hav other chance. liyoawanlto be cold yon must go South whrabr are open door and I replace Cars, botela and building are kpt ovar ha lad la lb North and tt U only wiatt Id tb streets. Philada! phi I enjoying treat prosperity, high tariff and maeufacture keep It on tho upward grade. - Everythtag la beginning to center around lb City Ball where tb tky scraper ar Increasing la au era. It I a great place but people know User It a greater. Wbea yee apeak of Mow York, Phlladelpblad ilgb and aay,MOh,aryot going ibota, that I Indeed a Iowa." Cbealaat itritt however, b busy ooongh for moot people and Market street pteuy lively, and late afiemooaa oe 6th trt there aot room ea the sidewalk and peopl take lo the street. Her there ar assay auto. ebllt for hire, aad the street eat vie T good, vol aot aay loo rapid. Leaving by the Feoeylvol II ukee II ailaale to get l of lh cltyKoe remlodad of Ike eld fallow who "eoelde't ee Use Iowa there wtre to assay bonsai ' i . . A. X. B- ; -DM It Eter Occur t Tot r ; Tkal lo save Das, trouble ad pee, yo Would w.d tbroegh Phoa 14, tad gel yoer wood eel aay Wagtt roe waai It. Hot a big B. bo total) g "tee." Mooar Wooo Tino. ' Jordaal Court BAium. For e4bt uk Jurdaa Cgh Pal sate. Mad eooHlg lo form eta of tb hie CoL Jordan Doe axH tataia aay etofpbta or thlofoform Oa tale calf at Davie' rreevipiloa rbeaify. Celery Headache Powder. That I aot aay betiav r1y fr headache Ika tfaae powdtrt, Tky eavtf fall l- t!!v. ,,, , i mMciflij. at Davie' P rt!tl!'. Tha-reay. The Cough Goes Kith the Coin. Il t , en w. r t I tl-T.I f. 1. Al IU'f 1 r;"H f!,' M'.K-a,! "O a to the Battle.' To commemorate the memory of our Peerless See, . The New Bern Daughter of tb Confed eracy, ' Hav decided to honor each year of her birth, .. .. - y n - With wit, humor and joyous mirth, They Invite therefore, all Craves county "i ."town folk" V.:V.-VyT v.i. To engage with-them In a myitertout joke; - , , . At No. M Broad street on the 19th Jan- nary- , . r - (Unlet tb weather be excessively eon. trarj) --,-- - . ,.f From 8 to It p. m. they'll entertain la a way that 1 hovel instructive and new. - u t To every Knight who give a lead, Be it : assured that safety Is guaran teed; .:- . . And without fear of the myallo "ram or bull" , You can enter the contest without a "pull." ,: But just k eecret Til whisper low, Sharpen your wit before you go; rwlll'be the "sesame" to every one , Who engage in the battle, "just for fun." -- Though should tome Knight yield In de Plr ' ' And ''surrender arms" then . and : there, He still can seek another duty Within the charm of "grace and beau ty" Forget tbe fight, the war, the clatter, By doing justice to the platter. If though, any care- not to enter the fray Other joy will greet them while they etay.J - Now last, but not least of all, To tbe successful cavalier great or small, . Will be given an emblematic token, In a few words choicely spoken. Annual Reunion U. C. Veterans. Hkadqua&txrb Uhitbd 1 COSPBDBRaTB VETKBAJiS, ( New Orleans, La. Dec. 28, 1000. General Orders No. 210. 1. The General Commanding announ ces the Department) Commander con curring, that on account of the urgent request and insistence of "Our Host,'' the noxt Annual Meeting and Reunion of the United Confederate Veterans, which Is to be held In the city of Mem phis, Tennessee, will take place on May 28th, 29th, and 80th, 1901. Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday, respectively. i. With pride the General Command ing also'knnouneet that 1800 camp ha v now joined tbe Association, and appli cation! received at these headquarters for papers for over 100 more. He urges veteran! everywhere to tend - to these headquarters for organisation papers, form camps, and join thlt Association, to at to assist lo carrying out III benevo lent, praiseworthy and patriotic objects. By order of: J. B. Gordon, General Comdg. Geo. Moorman, Adj't.Be"beral and Chief of 8taff. OASTOniA. BaanOe J) lie Hmd Vw Hrw tiwrt fagM lb) lai m HrwMrt I trotter Rev. H. S. Bradshaw, Rev, H a Bra libaw, waa lnttslledat pastor of lb Presbyterian Cburcbon Thursday night. Tb services were very Interesting, b glnnlng wltb the dowlogy, rttdlog the Scripture and prtytr by Rv. H. 0. Moor of thlt city, the sermon by Rev. E. D. Brown of Klntton, N. C, from Itl Corinthian l:l-f4, la which Chrltl wat presented as the power of God, end lb wisdom of God, to them that are aavd. Rev. P. W. Farrle who preelded pro poended tb Coottllnllonal quetlieat aad charged lb pastor la aa earaett eoUma and appropriate addrooe lo one wbowatlo watch for tool, tbat be might mak fell proof of hie ministry end purchase to hlsatalf a good degree. Tbe charge lo the people by Bar. Geo. W. Better, M.D. of tbe Prat byte rise Church of Brasll, waa oae of tender end love Maori Ing lb took to fallhfal. aaea, In OkrisUae daty aad to ephold end Mreegihea lb head of their peetor ' Rtv. H. B. Bradabw Ike aew pasli r eoaw lo Dew Bare from BlUtboro, where he had charge of two ehnrebee, tb eoagregttloa of which tprd Uflr sorrow tt Ue dlaaoluUoe of the past oral retatloe, le a aerie ef retold, lino pbbitahtd la , the Pretbyterlae Blandard. . ' ' All Ibe dly pastor wet pretest al the lettdlttloa tervtoa, logatktr with a large eoagrvplloe of people lo tratcoei la our tsldst this new brother. , ' . c ' Kltt SmltB EoterUlBS. hi Is Xdtth Q. Baltb eaiertelatd her frteed M a delightful eard pony ea Fri day evtalag Uat. Progretelve Wkltlwat Ihtgasa of the evtalag, end II was Ikoroeghly aj'yd fiem bag laalag lo ad. V'alqae toere oard le the thepe of heart aad d I ansa da War I aad I keepfag the eon 01. Tbe I rat prise wtr woe by Mia Mall! Clark aad Mr. Jama K. Cantway, wkll the "boob lea wart carriad off by Mia Kaaal Btrael aad Major Jta A."Wotk. At Ue ciBcloaloa of Ike gave, dafoiy tad d I'ghtfal ifraaba(4 wtr Mr fad U tk gal. Tht following war praaaati Mr. aad Mrs Jamo W. D dlia, Mr. and Mrs. J. ft. B. C araaf, r. al Hn J oh Wklif'Ot, M " Kan! Clark, AfaM Fnf, kalila Wlo-i , Katii II Kinir, !(!( Puwt, I-'t' U iuiti', Jtnl Pir"l, M.-r.r-t ail Ia'l ft a. t l Itaar.'k. K-y V "' t- V. Tf. I'S 1 t an T M. : i ; n ft i a I I ' I - ill! . ii IV 1 t CRAVEN COUNTY. (ooaruvaoii lt riot) A; thDaolel road leadlog np tbe river, Gatkloa, Bryan R.-Wiley.' ' i but the weather was so bad, we dlaeotv : Townthlp No a J R Qrlffla, f P Out tinned the work and had prisoner re- law, W. L. Berwick, R. A, Richard ton, turned to jail i. part of the time we had 8 convict and afterward only tlx. during thit Townthlp No. B-rGraham Dave, W. time one of the convlcta, a while man, R. Hlnnant, Jr W. B. EUit, J.O. Rig named John Manning mad hla escape, don, J. X. Latham, R. B. Blalock, R. E requirea ngnt mucn expense to guide . and work thee oonvlcta, and there only being tlx to eight hour we think the expense too far exceeds the benefits de rived, aud therefore disapprove of the continuance of the work at thlt tetson of the year, ' " . " N K. R. Jones, - ' J.J.Baxter, ' Silaa Fulcher. , On motion Commissioner Baxter wn made cuttoditn of the property of the County which wit used by tbe convicts In working the roads. Ordered that Jos. U. Hahn, Ex-Sheriff pay to Jos. Kinsey, Sheriff $36.60 being money now in his hands collected from Insolvents and which has not heretofore been turned over to the Sheriff. Ordered that property listed to J. R. Henry on Cherry Branch being 126 acres valued at $250 be stricken from the list, the same being owned and listed by Jesse P. Godett, Jr., and further that Sheriff reimburse said Henry, he having paid tax on tame. Ordered that road known as the Dink Ins road In No. 1- township which has heretofore been petitioned by citizens of the township to be discontinued, and which has been advertised in accordance With law, be and the tame It hereby dis continued and the overseen In tald townthlp be notified of said action of the Board. The sheriff submitted hit report which wat accepted and ordered to be filed. - Seymour W. Hancock having applied to the Board to be allowed $5.50, and It appearing to the Board that thlt claim has been formally presented to the Board and the Board hat already refused to pay the tome, it is considered and adjudged by the Board that no further action be taken in the matter. Ordered that clerk notify E. E. Har per to appear before the Board and make explanation 'of errors he wishes correct ed on his. property. Ordered that the county purchase tafe from former sheriff, J. L. Hahu for tbe me of the sheriffs office at the price of $50, the same to be the property of tbe county. It is ordered that the sheriff be and it hereby Instructed to notify all delln-' quenlt who are liable for schedule "B" Tax that the, tame is due and unless It Is promptly listed and paid legal steps will be taken to prosecute said delinquents. Ordered tbat Silas Fulcher be empow ered to furnish Wm Moore with $1 00 In rations, per month. Ordered by the Board that application of Caesar Becton by bis attorney, Wm E. Olarke to reduce tbe value of his real estate as listed, be, and is hereby denied, at there It no evidence before the Board thtt the tame it not correctly listed. Tbe Board proceeded to draw a jury to serve at the term of Superior Court beginning on Monday the 28ih day of January, 1901. For Next Tuesday we beg to announce that we will put on i ale a large line of Em broideries and Insertings irom the cheapest grades to the Finest . They , will be on week so that everyone itiea and prices, but positively will nt ba cut until date named. ' ' Everyone uses EMBROIDERIES during spring and summer, purchases now, while this sale Is 6ver prices will be very much higher.' .: y.'-:r'. '::;..'. " ; We want EVERY LADY fa town to come down and examine our offerings, ft will V;cll PAY YOU for your trouble. : . . nuT wbik. - ' Townahln So. 1 T)nH! - ; Townthlo No. J. K. Hartlev. D. P. C. W Butaell, . A UWUIUIU HV, V-IlDnrT JaV. JUaarUlaUJ. -. Ta.kla. m tT- A' U - Whitehead, 8 K. Sullivan. , ' ' ' J,' BBOOB0 WlSK. FirtlTowntblp Gordon Gatlln, J. L. Bland, Wm Oeve, W: F. Lancaster, r. Second. Township Joe A. Fulcher, Jesse L. Jones, Wm A. Gasklns, Tho A. Btappletord, John F. Rowe. Third Townthlp J. 8. Robinson, T. E Wetherlnglon, Townthlp No. 6-A. J.Tippett.. Townthlp No. 7 Alex Uardison. Townthip No. 8 Allen Atkinson, E. H. Moadpws, E. W. Simpkins. Township No. 9 J. F. House, E. W. Wadsworlh. Ordered that the chalrmon be empow ered to have electric bells placed in tbe county offices in order to call the officers Id tbe different office to the 'phone. Ordered by tbe Board that Henry A. Marshall, surveyor elect, having failed to present bis bond as required by law. It Is ordered that tbe office of county surveyor be, and is hereby declared va cant. Ordered further that Joslah Tin gle be, and Is hereby appointed county surveyor to fill the vacancy aforesaid and the clerk is directed to notify said Josiah Tingle of his appointment and to request him to appear before this Board at its next meeting in February and file bond for said office and take tho oath, thereof, all the commissioners voting for same. Board took recet9 bntll 3 o'clock p. m. Board mat at 8 o'clock p. m., pursuant to recoss. Present: Commltbloners Jones, Wood, Baxter and Wadswortb. Ordered that George L. Clark be re lieved of poll tax, he being1 an exempt fireman. Ordered that license be granted to V. A. McCoy to retail liquor at N- OS west side of Mlddlo stre t on payment of proper tax to tbe sheriff. Ordered that the chairman and the at torney be empowered to Investigate the matter of M. E. Williams taxes with power to act. Ordered that R. W. King be relieved of the double tax on his property in No. 1 township upon payment of the tingle Ux lo the sheriff on said property. Ordered that J. J. Tulson be, and is hereby given the contract to f trnUh ra lions to county poor, and county home, for the year 1D0I at 124 peats per ration. Ordered ItMtvUargeret Procter'! prop erty In No. 8 township be relieved of the double tax upon payment of the tingle lax on said property. Ordered that allonanco mi le to Har riett Taylor be, and is hortby discon tinued. 'rdered by the Hoard that the chair man Is em powered to transfer Oilror Windsor's tax certificate to II. Danee burg upon payment by him lo the sheriff of the taxes and costs. On motion Board adjourned Ersxst M. Of ses. C'erk Board L'ounty Coreuiloionrrt?"' Qualities we carry. Exhibition this entire can examine the qual so why not make your they aro CHEAP, after CO CONTINUED-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Embroideries, Edgings, Insertings. From one third to a hairless than regular prices. All arranged on Special Tables for easy buying. SEVEN LOTS at 2c, 4c, 5c, 8c, 10c 12c and 18c per yard. G. cA. BARFOOT, 43 Pollock Street Up-To-Date in Ladies, Misses and Ckildrens Shoes. The Nobbiest and Most Up-to-date Shoes in the city. SEE OUR EXHIBIT WINDOW, POLLOCK STREET STORE. SMITH'S SX IFollocik: Street. NEW LEA Among other things wo find: How can we cut expenses P Get a CAEBOIT STOVE and SAVE HALF THE COAL HILL. That's a big cut. think of it. Your neighbor has one and will tell you about it. We are sole agents here. FHOM K 147. tS6 -.-. -nir DON'T VAiT TO SEE IT . ADVERTISED Bet COME iXmUX and yn, till Cnd tbe tUOGF.ST and WO ST VAHtfiO Anrtmt of ' ' y aUaWlJ tOZXO. JUL U .1 l,J ,, any ,! in4 pric. AV0 N$g;, IWpattf all, . i " : ,11 IIAIIN 6 SON, ' ' ::tM!e t:t, hmhw. IIP! Qaskill Hardware Co. 7i ViDoi.t Pt, . npw ninjf. v. c. Wawt, l'n, t an W feral, ilarnxv, . st.n ii:u. rt,

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