THE JOURNAL. ;- IHiblUhea every day la the year, sicept Monday, et 96 Middle street. '-. V Punas No. 8. .:1,VV" - CHARLESL. STfiVENS. -7 SUBSCRIPT10H BATES, One Tear, la advaaoBTU;.' it.M0 Oae year, sot tavaH.Vw,.-7t Monthly, by tarrier la Mm cltjr. . . ,a 5 -. ' j i i u ri T. , Advertising Rates furnished on appll. etlon. c- , . i'J-.h'' .- Entered t$ the Poet Office, Sew Bern, If. C, M second class matter, - 0 Heist Fspsr ;! ;Hw Bent fravea Ceasty. -V ul New Bera, N. C, Jaa. 15, 101.,- HOW ABOUT 20TH CENTURY AD VERTISING? With all the welcoming, of the twen tieth century, and promises of great changes and reforms from nineteenth century methods, there is no bane more Important to the newspaper man, and specially so to the newspaper man In North Carolina, than that Involving foreign advertising, a basis for its con tract and payment. The various discussion of the Ptate Press on this subject of foreign adver tising has never resulted in any appre ciable good to the newspaper men, own ers of papers, for tbey still have to ran the individual gauntlet with the ontslde advertising agent, and if caught unfairly must suffer loss, and that without hav ing a chance of posting the outsider, and making it impossible for him to do fur ther business In this State, unless he "squares'' himself. In addition to the old vexations, there seems to be a new one which threatens to be added to the newspaper roan's lot, and this is again the foreign advertiser, who proposes to make his advertising payable at'the end of fifteen months, as If the six and twelve month payment contracts were not bsd enongh. How many newspapers will accept this twentieth century method, remains to be seen. The long payment contract is one which is going to demand that the news paper man must have some capital be sides a printing press and a handful of type, for onoe inaugurated, what is to prevent all advertising contracts to be long payments, so that the publisher of a paper must hae resources of his own to bridge over. . To the country editor there is always the resource of garden truck . and poul try, with an occasional load of wood, all coming in on subscriptions, bnt to nearly every publisher the dollar is not merely a plesssnt article to handle and possess, as It is an important medium of exchange with the world outside of those who con tribute vegetables, eggs and wood. But Is the twentieth century adver tising to be of the long payment order, Is a question of importanoe. With the advancement ia every kind of business, with the idea that eash transections rt presented progress, It would seem that any advertising house whisk asked for any extended time cos tract, was not up to date, and should hsvs a hard time ta finding newspapers willing to put up for one or two yean, and tbaa fed that their payment was to be based ob the matter of retaraa to the advertiser. There Is ssore Catarrh la this section of lbs eouatry than all other diseases put together, and Bail the last tow years was supposed to he tocarabla. For a great many years doctors proaoaBced U a local disease, sad prescribed local re dies, aad by eoastaolly falUag lo ears with local troelaaeat, proaonsoed It In curable. Bctesse has prove eeUrrh to be a eoaalltolloaaj disease, sad therefor repairs eoaaUtaUoaeJ tfeelaaeal. Ball's Catarrh Cure, maaifaotared by 7. i Cheesy Co, Toledo, Ohio, Is the oaly eoatthailoaal tare oa the stark. It is Ukea latoraeJly la doeee fro IS drop to a teespooafuL u acts dlreoUy oa the Mood aad Baoee tarfaeae of Ue system They oae oee kaadred dotier lot aay esse It (sue to ears. 8ea4 for eireaUrt ad teotlmoelals, ' Address. T. J. CBKarr Oev, Toledo, 0. toMby dragg1tt,73. ' ' BalTirssany mUaieUeUet i . 1 ' ' taktag BIS . "What kled f at tals Jobs Ssallhr - - ! "Oa, as'l tb kta4 thai Ulaka be eaa old m u hie aabrella by bar lag bl ' aasse eagreeed aa the aaadle, A assail Iteai la hU ewa apr lately Wnegbl aaMMlsf food frrlBM to tdtlse ' Uhrle. rU!tif. ot Ue Bagtssw (Vtck ) , Tost aad Zttteag. tie sad bis family had Ue 0 rip Is. lu went fm, Tht I doctot did isMs M food. Tbee be reed '' that Dr. Kief's Hew dlaswvery for CW eaipUoai Coek and CnkJt Was a tearaatasd tars for La Orfj pe and at Taroet sad LeiMI treabU tried It a4 aaysi ikne bottle rr1 the wknle family. Re ebr swIir.Us wl ,! It" Oaly aad ll.OOal U U, Ilradkaia's drag store, Trial uie (rse. ""Aaotka KoukM Spoiled. ! Tn a good story and stick 'to It is an old maxim that Is Illustrated In a story that la going the rounds along the Rlalto. A. certain well , known actor floated Into bis home one morn ing about 3 o'clock. The wife of bis bosom was waiting op for him. He told her be had been out ail the even ing with one of their friends, Charlie Bv and then related an Interesting fairy story of bow Charlie' had taken ' a crowd to supper, how funny Char-, lie had been all the evening,; how; well Charlie looked In his new suit," how he said tils, "that and. the other. After telling, a 15 .minute story, to which the gentle partner of his Joys and out of work periods listened with, respectful attention, but cynical mien, he paused for breath. Then she. In 'confident now I've got yon tone, satd: - -"That's a lovely romance you've been t BiTins! me. ana t nnte to spoil re, out Charlie has been, here nearly , fell the ' evening waiting to see yon about an engagement. -He left only about half an hour ago." . V . "!' -' The teller of the tale looked rather dazed for a 'moment as If be had been struck. Then quickly gathering him self together he assumed a bold front, with hands fat his pockets, head throws back and, in defiant innocence and em phasising each word, said: :" Well, that's my story, and I'm not going to change It for anybody." Clip per. . . .. - : Mlaaadraood. TJncle Reuben I Jes com' t' town f gtt a couple o' sideboards an tbb't I'd drap In tf see you. City Niece Why, Uncle Reuben, what do yon expect to do with two side boards In your house? Uncle Reuben Soy, I'm tnlkln about my farm wagon. What air you talkln about? Columbus Stnte Journal. It Girdles The Globe. The fame of Buoklen's Arnica Salve, as the best in.the world, extends round the earth. It's the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, ScJds, Bolls, Ulcers, Felons, Ac'i e, Pslns and all tikln Eruitlons. Only Infallible Pile cure. 25oaboxat C. D. Brsdhsm's drug store. The DtffereDoe. "It seems to me your husbsnd Is more considerate lu bis treatment of the ser rants than in his treatment of you,"sug gested the old friend. Naturally," replied the wife. I ve gol to stav and they haven't." This sesson there Is a large death rate among children from croup ana lung troubles. Prompt action will save tb little ones from these terrible diseases. We know of nothing so certain to glvt Instant relief as one Minute Cough Care. It can also be relied npon In grippe and all throat and lung troubles of sdults. Pleasant to take. F. 8. Duffy & Co. A Secular Thins. "Daughter," said Hr. Olddlngs, "U thatjoungMr. Dintmoro a man of reg ular habits ?" "Oh, yes, papa," replied MissGlddlngt He proposes regularly every Thursdsy night." The merited reputation for curiog plies, sores and skin dlsesses acquired by DeWltt's Witch Har.el Salve, has led to the making of worthless counterfeits. Be sore to get only DeWltt's Bslve. F. 8. Duffy & Co. A Wld OnM. Brlggs I hear yon have been opera ting In Wall street. Qrlggs A great mistake. I've been operated npon. A Deep Mystery. It Is a mystery why women endure Backache. Headache. Nervousness, Sleep (run eaa, Melancholy, Fainting and DIs ty Spells when thousands have proved that Beotrlo Bitters will quickly eurr such troubles. "I suffered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cher ley, of Peterson, la., and a lame back pained ate so I eoald not dress myself, bat Xleetrio Bitters wholly eared I as a, although 71 years old, I bow am able to do alt my housework." It over comes Constipation, Improves Appetite, asves perfect health. Oaly tOo at CD. Brad ham's drag store. Nell Meade Is a very persevsrlrjf girl. BJle-Tes, ladeed. She b still keep ing an bar 1901 dairy, and the month I aeeriy half gone. Pepsin preparation ofma fall 10 re lieve tndlgeettoa because they eaa digest oaty albs mis ous foods. There Is oa e reparation that digest all Blesses of food, aad last It Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It feres the) worst oases of ladtgeoUoa aad gives Usual relief, foe ft dlgeeU want yoa eel r. & Puffy Co. Teeamy Pop, a eagle la tea dollars, aval It t , v - f , ; Tommy Poo Tea, sty so. ; " . Tasassy Tbea doe It take sa eagle to peas larkf ' : ... Wom Tt Atoms, i . Tb aid idea Uat the body aosaetlree seed t powerfal, draette. pergatlve: pill kasbeeiptoddfor Dr. King's Kew Life fill, wbleb are pfc)y bersalees, gBl1y ttlaselal brt sad bowel to ea sel aoleoaeai saatur, eloaas be tyatsai aad ataoletvly Mr CevMtltMtloa aed kk Oeadach. Oaly We l C. D Bred bass't drag etora. CAPUDINE iieadaciie & u unirrE. frs, tsd srt pMtl', for sale try a D. Biks sad D. Bart4. indigestion V dyrpepsia . biliousness'- and the hundred and one rimi- lar ills caused by impure blood or inactive liver, quickly yield to .the purifying and cleansing properties couuuucu us - , . garsaparllla mum auwn n lit cures' oermanently by acting naturally on ' all organs oi me body. Asa blood-cleansef , flesb builder, and health-restorer, it has no equal. Put us in Quart Bottle, and sold at Si each, "THE MICHIGAN MUM COMPANY," ; , . Dttrelt, Mien. .- i muiwwaiiflw ua, ays. 8old by O. D. BHADHA M w hern. Jcmrt vjlialtiM Yoa Haw Aleap goqrW Bijiia-. of Bis Typo. Mother What type Is the young man that our daughter says jou met in New York when yon went to bring her home? - Father Well, to Judge from his clothes, L. should say . he was poster type. Persons who suffer from indigestion can not expect to live long, because they camot eat the food required to nourish the body and the products of the undi gested foods they do eat poison the blood. It Is Important to cure indiges tion as soon si possible, and the best method of doing this Is to use the prep aration known as Kodol Dyspepsia Oire. It digests what you eat and re stores all the digestive organs to perfect health. F. S. Duffy & Co. Hoax What an egotistical fellow that young medical student is. J jar Yes; I suppose he's going to be in I specialist. MOZLCrg LEMON ELIXIK. A Fleaaaot Lemon Tonlo. prepsred from the fresh juice of Lemons combined, with other vegetable liver tonics, cathartics, aromallo stimulants told by druggists. SOe and $1.00 bot- les. For biliousness and constipation. For indigestion and foul stomach. For sick and nervons hetrieche. For palpitation aad heart failure take Lemon iaixlr. For sleeplessness and nerrous prostra- ton. For loss of appetite and deblHtv. For fevers, malaria, and chills take Lemon jLlixlr. From a Prominent Lady. I had not been able In two years to walk or stand without suffering great pain. Since taking Dr. Moiley's Lemon Elixir 1 can walk half a mile without suffering the least inconvenience. Mrs. K. ll. Bloodwobth, urlffln, us. At tha CapltoL I have lust taken the lsst of two bot tles of Dr, Motley's Lemon Elixir for nervous headache. Indigestion, with dis eased liver and kidneys. The Elixir cured me. I found It the greatest medi cine I ever used. J. H. Mihich, Attorney, 1125 F. Street, Washington, D, 0. Bloaley's.'Lomoa snialr W. A. James. Bell Station, Ala, writes: I have suffered greatly from to I Ices t loo or dyspepsia, one bottle of 1-eroon Elixir done me more good than all the medicine I have ever Ukea. SfoaWy Lmoa Bo Drap. Cures si) Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore tbrost, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage sad all throat sod lung disss aa Klegaat re liable. Vie at druselsls. Prepared oaly by Dr. H. Motley, Atlanta, Oa- ToThe PabUcI On sad after Monday, Jan. 14th. the targe aad oommodloaa warshoas oa Treat river will be opeaed to U publlo for all Incoming freight over the A. 5, C. R, R. for Hew Bera delivery. AO out-golog freight to be forwarded over said road for Ike present, aad salll otherwise ordered, will be wsy-bllUd aad forwarded a keretofora, front ike old wareaoeet oa river. The sew warahoete will be kaowa as Treat River Warehouse, aad Pier He, (. feVUDnx, ; ' . Qeat Bap. , DUuGURATIOft ' T BimasastSfc- MCef.CaViycsxk, at Kklgk,.C, -. Jiaaary Iftk, ItOI. . TVs Bpeolel low rats at fare frees Itew Bev oa A. A H. a R. H. to Raletgk aad return. Tickets to be sold Jaasary lltb hy special Irate good to retara selfl J senary lTta. 1901, Far from Ksw Bera, l(0, V " . The folbrwlag . rewai trip per eaelta rates will apply for Military Coeipaales la salfona keartsg ems aad rfalar eQBlpaMot aad braes Uadsta sairovat, iasaty,fW)r mors ea oee ticket, eae erst pet sills traveled. ' TkaBaffet Parlor Oar "Taeoe" tsd satin train win go throegb litest cksags of eer. - f clwtale of special laaegetaiioa train Leave l)orbed City, Ptor 3o, I, Ml , at KmW City, ap tows, I? a. sbj Hew Bera, 1 M a. bm Arrive Ooldsfaove 1 10 t Un Oatdabovo I M a, ss ArrtveF.Wib.UiOa m. rtHoraleg Uve BaW)k II) B, ArrW f se. a , Leave QoUUhnn for A, A M. C sutlon 7.40 p. A gfKd brt't tad tnrrxrtwiD be "v4 oa Ik BSt a l ru.u o, r, a. Aner JikH With Haras. "During the civil war," said an ex- army officer, "the aotborltlea for aome reason were anxious to move troopa np the Totublgbee river. . Word waa sent to the engineer ta that district asking what It would cost to ran ap the Tora- btgbee. That official got gay and re ported that the Tomblgbee raa-dowa and not up, a Joke that promptly tend ed hla head in the basket; at the mat ter was swIoob.'-?1-; r;;2;v', V; i 'At the bombardment of Charleston It was extremely desirable to bring to bear en the city an extra heavy gun. called .by the men the Swamp AngeL The gun took Its name from the swamp la which. It, stood,"' and to move It through that boggy morasa was an en gineering feat, of extreme ' difficulty. However, the commanding officers were determined to have the gua brought within range of Charleston aad Issued orders to that effect- At the same time they sent word to the engineer having the matter . In charge of requisition without regard to trouble or expense for anything necessary to accomplish the, desired object His first requisi tion called for men 20 feet 0 inches In height Another officer promptly took the matter In charge, from which It can readily be deduced that tt Is not a pay ing investment to make jokes In the army at the expense of your superiors." New York Tribune. A CoMtmat Is Ceoka. In an article contributed to a London paper. John Strange Winter, who has been living for many months, past In Dieppe, compares the French to the English cook, rather to the detriment of the latter. "In the French kitchen," she says, "there la no waste. It would seem that the French mind does not run to waste or revel In It as the lower class English mind Invariably does." The French cook will not only do a bit of the housework, but sbe will do It cheerfully and as a matter of course. "You cannot buy your French cook too many pans, and her soul loves copper .In her kitchen. Certainly an English cook would grumble If she was expect ed to keep a kitchen full of copper pans bright and clean, but a French one has them In a condition akin to burnished gold.' Her pride is gratified If her kitchen walls are hung with these or naments, and even if she does the greater part of her small cooking in little enameled pans she will dally rub up the copper ones which hang on the wall." Ska Gaeaaed It He was descanting with vigor on the exceptional quality of the dinners that are served at one of the fashionable clubs of Brooklyn at a very low figure for a first class meal on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Equally toothsome luncheons could be bad on other days of the week, but dinners In course only on those days. "And why on only those three days?" queried the New Yorker, to whom the delights of life in Brooklyn were being rehearsed. "Wash day. Ironing day and the girl's day out," quickly responded one of the ladlee of the party. "That's no sort of a conundrum to a woman who has ever bad the care of a bouse. Retter try a harder one next time unless you Imp- pen to be In a stag party." New York Times. All Pish." Mrs. Ttaurlow says that Cardinal Wiseman went to dine with some friends of hers. It was Friday, but they bad quite forgotten to provide a fast day dinner. However, be was aulte equal to the occasion, for he stretched out his bands In benediction over the table, and said. "1 pronounce all this to be fish," snd forthwith en- Joyed all the good things heartily. The Btory of My Life." by Augustus J. C. Hare. Post Office Service. The attention of the public It tpeclfully called to the change In the schedule of the mall published today. The change neoessltatee a new schedule for the carrier, vlx: Collection 7.00 a. m. lo 8.00 a. m. Delivery 9.00 " ' 11.00 " Delivery 11.00 " " S.OO p. m. Collection 8.0J p. m. " 4.00 " Colleotloa lo business district only ISO p. an. to B OO p. m. Routing Mall 6.00 p. m. to (.SO p. m. Al the Post Offloe the mailt for tb t.Ot a. ax. Irala cloeee at 1. 1 J a. m. For the iM p. ta. train tl 4.00 p. m. For Ik train going East to Mora head City at 0.00 a. m. There 1 oa collection oaly on Sun day, from 7.00 a. tn. to 00 a. m. Tko ttaaday aad afleraooa Iralst foiag West carry bo mail for latanoa dlats point befweta bera aad Ooid boro. Carrier's delivery wladow open from tX 1st. to 1040 a. m. Bssdays. Gen era DaHvsry wladow open foe half aa koar after each stall ea Baaday. tmrtut rest Office Notice. It It eery laportaal that all pefsots kotdtsf keys to Poet Office boxes act Sow rented by Ueea sarreadef tkesa at this aOesal esc. The keys are sot told by Ue Oosorsejoat. Tbey art lbs property at Ibe Ualled Stales. Tb boss bar m be reatod to other parties sad It U B4 desirable to have sotae eUar peilr hoUllsg s key to tktir bos. If atari aboald to misted Ml at lb hot, easBtctoa wovld of soars east spa tb party keldtsg lb key. . ..- If ihl soUc I sot ompttod wttk sad lb key terreadered I skttt be eoat palled to psblUh lb atee of those wltkkoUleg key 14 bote tbey kav vf KcaeetNlly,i r - . ' ' v A W. IIaboock, - Pottssaetor, - ; Police To Snipper. AD frttfhl inf Ouldsbore s4 tt. tloo Waal of Kew Pra toast b de llvetvd et the srBon of IM A. A It. t, K R- tot lalM Ihaa IO0 o"etork A m. sad Sll frvUtbt fnr Rorvtxad tad oil'. as eait of Kew IMS sate) be lrr4 Wot taut Uiaa If a sa. Pnlftil rwlrt afiar ih boars will be foe- M4 stit dsy. . J. P. C. Dvra, forwaMeg ignt. - . . I aL C . ' liaiAf -aaarr tj,w ' V How shall a mother who. is weak and eiok with some female trouble bear healthy children f How anxious women ought to be to gire their ohQdrefi the blessing of a good constitution ! Many women long for a child to bless their home, bat be cause of some debility or displacement of the female organs, they are barren. Preparation for healthy maternity is accomplished by Lydla TE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound more suc cessfully than by any other medicine, because it gives tone and strength to the parts, curing all displacements and in flammation. Actual sterility in women is very rare. If any woman thinks she is sterile, let her write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., whose advice is given free to all expectant or would be mothers. Mrs. A. D. Jarret, Belmont, Ohio, writes: "Deae Mbs. Pinkham : I must write and tell yon what your Vega table Compound has done for me. Before taking your medicine I was unable to carry babe to maturity, having lost two one at six months snd one at seven The doctor eaid next time I would die. but thanks to Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, I did not die, but am the proud mother of a six months old girl baby. She weighs nineteen pounds and baa never seen a sick day in her life. Sbe is the delight of our home." Mrs. Whitney's Gratitude. - - j From the time I was sixteen years? old till I waa twenty-three I was troubled with weakness of the kidneys arid terrible pains when my monthly periods came Vegetable MBS. H.WHITNtYo BABY osa In the future aa in the past, and may many homes be brightened as mitt has been." Mas. L. Z. Whitney, 4 Flint St., SomerviUe, liase." The medicine that cures the ills of women is Lydia E. Pinkham's VcgefaMo Compound, The World's Best Music 8plendldly bound In ten volume at a j Bargain. Instrumental and Vocal. Strict- t lyclaaslcal. A charming Xmas Present, j Also Shakespeare complete In gill at one-half .rlc. O. N. KNNKTT Elkllwooi, HEiDqUAKTKBS FOH HARDWARE And all Kinds of BUG MATERIAL Heating and Cooking 8tovns and Ranges, Lima, Crment, Plaster, Patott, Oil , Varnish, Fully, 3ssh, Doors, Minds, Otttory and all Die useful articles oioally fouod in an Up-t-dsls Uardwar Su re, lie I UooJ. Lowest Frier. Under Hots! CbatUwka, if Evr BEtt?r, w. c. W bv sew pleotf of Dry Btov trsawl Oak, aafc sad Mas, kept Ssdrr bade, sever gets wet la ratty west tor. - Phone. 13 1 : fof Dry Wood, tblaglee. Brick, Utb aad rM for feaciag.Taret LlB, Cork suak or IVaf, aw aayihleg yoa eed that yoa a1 ltd aay where Ih, Tb only btov Weed bus tbr"B" Is BIS HILL, T13 iafe& fci'" notice ' Fwt oMn bt reeter, Tof bnl rat lor Ibe qaartof Matvb IUI, t0 It stow de 4 nnM be paid ea et tofore Jsssary Oik. (; W, BBri, . - , , Poatf. ROUBLE HO! UdsocJ 5,000 REWARD . Owing to the fast that snsiealuptkBdpaoplshav from tus to tun ens, tionsd the genomasscf the testimoaiai letters we art oonstantly pobllshbig, we btve deposited with the National City Bask, of Lrmi.Uaai, (5,000 wkick will be neid to any person who will skew that the following testhBonisb) are act genuine, or were pub-. ttssea before eocauung the writers' special per missioa. Ltdu R, PntxaAsi kfaDKxn Co. on. I made up my mind to try your Compound, and waa soon relieved. The doctor said 1 never would be able to go my full time and have a living child, as I was con stitutionally weak. I bad lost a baby at seven months and half. The next tune I continued to take your Compound : and I said then, if I went my full time and my baby lived to be three months old, I should send a letter to you. Hy baby Is now seven months old. and is a healthy and hearty as any one could wish. I cannot express my gratitute to you. I was so bad that I did not dare to go away from home to stay any length of time. Praise God for Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- S round; and may others who are suffering lo AN T dlrl find .cllaf WlaklnawmMu. CeYSi,osr After Dark even In September a light Fall over coat la frequently very comfortable-la October, almost slwsys Don't order clolb cot Into before yon see oar latest novelllea In Itaglans. Burton la. Pad docks snd other leaders for tb Autumn snd Winter of IBOO-t. Of coarse cut sod fit must malrh material aad handi work here tbey arr. F. 91. Chadwlekt LOANING JIONEY 1 Loans made. Loaas placed. Apply to ISAAC B. 81 1TII, 180 Ulddl sti Hew Bora, H. (1 T. K. Tatty Q Co. COJtJIIrVIION BtAtaaa tmipix aid matt risH, Til Wstot IL, BaHlatarw, ML fteervail rtv XaAbeate' KtUowtl BaV CsiUBeatol Hetl,al ". Roiite." . " : , Areltoatlna wlUbeaiade to Ihaaetl (lateral Ateeatbty n4 Koitb Car oil at fof t ameediBeal to the Cbartar f (bs Cl'y of New Dart, tntboHaln lb faad lag ef the loatlag 4W, tad for psrooaa. . CoWBrTTtr, ' Dec 11th, 100. A Prosperous NewWear - Is wbst we all desire, snd we p r- poeato help yoa make the incoming one a proip- roua one by offering you spr eall lraiaa tn Sewing Machines. The Blue iUuon rVirg Machine for $15. d0. The samr In Drop Head for t'0.00. The Marguerite lor 19 00. The Kelialile Drop Bead for $2 (.((I. Tbe New Do mestic 025.00 and $'.00. The New Do mestic Drop Head for fSJ.OO. The New Borne f30.')0 snd S3S.00. The Cele- btated Wceeler & Wilson for $30.00 and $35.00. Bo you need not send your money away from home when yon can get a guaranteed Machine from a bome dealer tor $15.00. So begin the New Year right by starting right. Watch our ad vertisement and let us Induce yon to come onr way. If ou need any Ammunition we offer you Loaded Shells in black powder at 40c. Semi-Smokeless at 50c. SmokelesB loaded by the Laflin & Band Powder Co, at 55c . If you are a wholesale buyer, we offer you 200 B. D. Plows, 20,000 pounds of Casting. 100 kegs Nails, 20,000 Loaded Shells, 200,000 Paper Bags, 20,000 Butter Trays, Drays loads of Tinware, and a full line of Hardware at Competition Prices. Wishing a happy and prosper ous New Yesr, we are Yours truly, J. C. Whitty to New Bern, 9T. C Julius M, (Arnold, Islvery, Feed Sale & Exchange Slables, Horses & Males, Buggiee, Wagons, Harness, Whips and Robes. tyOart whcelsja epecinllv. 66 Broad St., New Bern, N. C. Southern R;aiIway. The Staudntd Railwu) )t ttic fKJUTI. The Direct Llue tc all Poiut, TEXAM, CALIFORNIA, FI.OHIOA, C Hil l AND PORTO RICO. Btrictly Pirst-Class Equipment, on air Thrqugh or Local Trains; Pullman Ptl ace Bleeping Cars on all Night Trsin; Fast aud Safe Scheduled. Travel by the Southern aud you are as sured a Safe, Comfortable and Eipndl, tious Jourooy Apply to Tirkct Agi nU for Time Ta bles, Kates nd (linieral Information, tr address F. R. DAKBY, . L. VERNON, ( . r. a T. a, Ai-bfTil), N. ( T. r. ., Charlotte, N. C. Fausi a Oissox, J. M. Cji. 8.1 V P (vn Man. Tr II . W. A. Ttaa, CPA. WA8HLNOTON. -DC ICE OR H0MI CAI Cleaa, pure wbolesome, guaranteed be cbamloalty mad from diaiillad i'h and free from Impurlltee. Hpcially In tended and prepared for human onn aumptloa. lo daltvatwd dally (iotpl.Huntlsy. asBtotpst. Haodaya (rotall only) 7 a m in II noor . For pHoee and n,rr Inform' km, Aldraaa. New Berne Ice Co THEY HAVE ARRIVED 1 The natdanatel tad IVf DU . UrafliiK H(otcv Totb W,ol a l 0- ta 'hr city. Waralo saie f iu ll I saws, High OraA Cooking NUtm, . tSaeb st) Tt Caeatttor, Etato, . ' Fantier OUI, FameT fjny, O. K KlBf aad Ol'f. Qbsm. All of , , w' k-b fwraat'S to r'r rv , ht aatBrto a. ' . if yea at la swd of ti)lkrsg la la llrda I J. at tVwb, Do d Btlade, lime, ljeat r Kl tivsasaeailaMl w OAS AXD WIU SAY at loV MORtTi Yea 'ef Itwla', - , -

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