r i ,; VOL XY1II-X0. 25(V NEW BXUS, N.'C, FRIDAY MORNING, JASUARY 18, 190L NINITItiTH YtAK' r 3HE TITe 01d; Saying "That all things come to thoie that wait" may b tru if we - watch' for g and make nu of opportunity.- Xo day is your opportunity.:. We hare Harked Down 10 dozen pain of 82.00,: '$2.50 and f3.00 nnn V ' u u 8- "Of .OR. for, LISTEN T . 50c arid 75c i ; You have watted, bat do not long' er delay if in quest of a real bargain. S - SI ml M. A 8 u8..TCr?Tl : .J.J raft ; (M . TCI MEL BUI to : Create State, Text .'. Book MANY HEW CORPORATIONS. ' BAZERS ARE DENOUNCED, Commission. Resolntloa ' te Ooagress to Improve XJpper Cape Fear River.- fa v ; Hake Flrat Monday 1H i September labor Df Cottoa Being- Held Back. Meetuig-of Mr. Drifts Use Many Adjectives laltef- -State Associations. Marriage aL V ", ? -ereneeto West Pointer. . 1 dupel Hill. , Wxst PoiSTrJt Y., Jan. J0.-Cadet lu H. C," January IT.. Thi ?Jocke.y. of Mll..l, pi, today Wnllfnl mlh.r .ndad taat nlffht- and (5w,vi J u, .wrwiuu. . , . -- o " - -,VL a- I rain etln.,ThsmeUgrI0 will be bj .filled. It need, a snowfall i So far , Military Academy ..hat he had than ha. : been at Utile .now aa thee. . . '7. 8.- w , JBIllr Passed. . Ybtt Wust Eat. - Large Joloy Sweet Orangea. ...80e aud 40e Dozen. ; " f dalfSeedlees Lemon. SOo Good 8weel Table Batter......... rf, 80e Lb. Fot River Print Batter................. ..w... 88e " : Good Cooking Batter. .. standard 8 lb, can Tomatoei,. ... - - v Corn, " " BtrinxBean,.. u ; 8 " ' " Lima Beam,... " 8 " " Beete,.. ....... " . I v c BeeU,..,....;. All Kindt Canned Sonpa lOe. er. 85o ' . ..8 earn forSSc, - ...... .8 " " 85c. 8 u " 8Bo.. ........ 8 " 85c.' ,.,.....9 " 85c. .8 " " 88o. ..8 ." " 85c Special to journal. Ralkiqh, Jan. 17. The Legialatore today adopted a resolution, urging Con gress to Improve tb4 XJpper. Cape Fear river. ,V - ' ' Senator Ayeock Introduced a bill . 0 re tting a State' Text : Book ' Commission, composed of the Governor, Superloten dent of Public Ioatruotlon, and, three members of the State Board of Educa tion, witn power o aaopt ana mug con tracts, the adoption to be for five years. There la now county adoption., 4 Books are to be exajnlned ana - recom mendation to the Commission will be made by committee of school : teaohers, Bills passed the Benate Incorporating the Security Life and Annuity Co. : and the.BOathport and .NorthwesternJ.Ball- It was private bill day In the House. The orooeedlngs were uninteresting. : A bill was passed making the first Monday Is September ''Labor Day.". A bill giv ing the United States the right to acquire territory lor me Appauacnisn nauonai Park was ratified. when threatened by pneumonia, or I any other long trouble, prompt relief is I necessary, as It is dangerous to delay. I We would suggest that One Minute Cough Care be taken as soon as Indica tions of having taken 'cold are noticed- It cures quickly and its early ate pre- I vents consumption F. B: Duffy ft Co, NEARLT$60,000,000. 1 Gallon Can Tomato Catsup for hotels and boarding houses -''" oOeCaa. :, ' ' We have numerous other Fresh Goods just in but for lack of spaoe ' ' .we can't mention them Just now. - call at ouretore will SAVE you MOHBY. ..... ' .:.:'?':' :'':-:'-::.- ;.. PHONE 69. WboleaaU aod Retail Orocer, .. -"v . Cor. Ilroad Sc Hancock Sis. u YOU HAV'NTl BOUGHT YOUR COAT 5ow In Tour Opportu nity nt ourX) ''':X f'- clearance;: ': s ale t o of, Tailor. Kliijje kjiaUi Hear(IlcM of Ctmti ' D. F.'JARVIS, I F0LL0CI IT BEET. I Honse Passed The Wveai And Harbors , Appropraltloa B1U. : , WisnisoTOK, Jan. 18. The Rivers and Uarbors Appropriation bill' was passed today by the house. The bill has beea ander consideration for 'over week and has been assailed from .many quarters, but Its friends have, stood sol idly by It and defeated every amend meat to which the River and Harbor Committee would not agree. . . The bill passed practically as it .cams from the eommlttee. It carries slightly leas than $0,0O0,000, of which $88,000 000 1s In direct appropriations. - The friends of the Missouri - river improve ment, although thty were nasaecessfal seoaring.what they desired, persuaded Chairman Barton to offer ea emead. At tfw Rank- Qf ntv I mnl ,p in- Prop, DUUlV OlUlC ? I sbultlug on the Mlseodri to build dykes S I and wing dams for its proteetlo where 1 1 sack straolaree do not Interfere with 1 1 the nsvlatloa of the ttrroa. Hate You Read i, ,r - . a T il. H I i we , in ine raiace oi me rung, . . TheQentleman from Indiana, ' To Have and to Hold : -' 2 Prifonen of Hope, ' Eichard Carvel, and Red Bock f Quality and not qaontlty make Da Wlu's Little Sarly Rlsert sock valuable Uttle liver plIU. F. S. Duffy Co. ", "? tU 1 wrecking the Plant system fast I ; i vr:'.'-. w-i,; .:-v: .-- c- 1 Ftill Oeam was last winter. . There will be a great iflsny new cor. poratlons this year. ; It Is learned tbat there will be applications . for at least ten railway charters, and more develop. ment along that line than during the past 1 year. The State today chartered the Maxton sash and door company. , The cotton growers say a greet deal of cotton is yei being held by growers and glnners, , It I the case all through , this section. .'. '.l' ' Rerenae officers are at present making bat few seizures in this district of Illicit dlsttllering though they admit that llre Is as much "moonshlntng" as ever. - , At Chapel Bill last evening Miss Mary 8. MaoRae, daughter of ex-Judge' James O. MaoBav, dean orthe State University law school, was ' united in marriage to Mr. R. h. Gray, son of R. T..Gray, Esq., of RalelshTiiri;:-. v!:n.A''-. Ex-Attorney General Douglae in his repoit covering his brief term of omci warmly; recommends the establishment of a reformatory for young crlmraais Tho pressure for this 1 great, bat there Is considerable Sentiment against U rn the legislature;, mainly trOm the mem bers from thO eastern: section of the Stata It appiara.'v-'f ' " President F. P. Tenable of the Slate University says that while it gets $&!,- 000 a year from the State it ought really to have 50,000. . - No news has as yet been given out here as to the completion of arrangements tor ending the $10,000,000 tax assessment ease between the railway and the cor poration commission.- The attorneys on both tides are dumb. As your correspondent predicted two two week! ago, the republicans la the Legislature would - vote for' Richard Pearson for TJ. 8. Senator. Haver was there an emptier compliment, but it la one he coveted, The -caucus decides to support him, - " The tobacco grower association of the State -leet night elected John 8. Cunningham president. He Is to go to Washington aod urge a reduction of the tobacco tax, for which the associa tion ask. ' The SUte Cottoa grower protective association also met, V7. A. Graham presided. It discussed the best method of holding cotton. It too urged a redac tion of tobacco tax. who other fourth class) twlth five or six : "What was the reason for hazing Mas Artlior r jvas askeil. . . .. i-'.For not braqing hard onoug'o," re plied Diickery. : , ' '-Was it a dUioclinatlon on his psrt to Urate hard? ' J'Icau'ttay sir" , "You , are satUBed yoa hazed Mr Ms':Arliiut and' that he was sick-In fsct.bad convulsions after it?" Slid Mr. Dilgn. Ye, sir." ''Did yon think it was cruel T" "Yes, sir." - .-"well, young man, for your your Information I will tell you that I think ll was atrocious base, detestable, dis graceful,:" dishonorable, disreputable, heiuons, Ignomolnlous, ill famed, ne farious, odious, outrageous, scandalous, shameful, shameless, villainous and wick-1 ed." said MrDriggsand the torrent of adjectives almost took away Dockery's breath. . , ' . Cadet John C. Pegram, of Virginia, a second class man, said that he had hazed several cadets. He gave Cadet Brown 150 eagles. That was the only time he remembered having hazed Brown. "How many eagles could you do your sellf asked Colonel Clay tin. I could do about 200," replied Peg-ram. "Have you ever given tobaeco sauce to other cadets?" "No, sir, but I was required to take It myself. I hare taken 10 drops three or reur times," "Were you ever engaged In a fight?" "Yes, sir." ' "With whom and where?" "With r. M. Smith, of the third class The fight took place In the barracks on November 5 last. I was awarded the fight on a foul'. I wai In the hospital for a week after It," replied Pegram. As fine as there is made only 15c lb at at 7. L McDANIEL'3 71 Broad Street Fancy California Prunes 10c, 3 for 25c: Nice Table Peaches 10c per 8 lb can; Best Quality Tomatoes 10c can, or 3 for 25c; Best Quality Corn 10c can, 3 for 25c; Best Quality Beets 10c can, 3 cans for 25c; Hemz's Bated Beans with Tomato Sauce 10c, 15c and 26c can; Calf Evaporated Peaches 10c lb; N. C. Peeled and Kliced.Peaches 12c lb; N. U. Dried Apples 8c lb; Evaporated Appies, finest quality 10c lb or 3 lbs for 24c. A "few Seeded Raisins in lb packages which I do not care to carry over to next season, you can have them for lOcJpackage, Fresh lot Fox River Print Butter. Anything in Groceries you want you can get at Wholesale & Retail Grocer, J. L. MtDitilEL. 'Phone 91. 71 Bro4 St. J. A. JONES, EET, STEYYKT'S VLV STAND, STABLES. BROAD STREET, STEWART'S OLD STAND, Islvery, Feed, I Bf Sale and Exchange Such little pills as DeWltt's Little Early Risers arevery easily taken and they are wonderfully effective In cleansing the liver and bowels. V. 8. Duffy & Go THE MARKETS. . Alvord Gets Thirteen Tears. New Tome, Jan. 18. Cornelius L. Al vord. Jr. the defaulting note teller of) the First National Bank, we today seatenoed to IS year Imprisonment. The amount of his defalcation wu 890 009. Be wa taken Immediately to Sing Slnr. where hi pedigree waa recorded and a striped tell gtvea bins. Hanged. For Traln-Wreckinf.. OoiLA, Fit, Jan. 1& Kormea Mo tor recking the Plant System feet trala eear Duasalloa Boadayalght, aad the victim Implicated two other waa may share the same fate it they are eeeght la tee tbaa two hours after the wreck la which laeeagtaeer wet killed, Ue Clirrrs eooaly offloers were oa the trail orthe wrecker, aad a-doaea arrests were made beforaaoea Monday.' ATI of the arrests were ea satptdoa aad eeverat of them .were llbtrtud, piovlag ems elusive) that they were aet the guilty partle. . .i . , - . ; Moaday aiteraooa HcKUBey was taklag a deep lalaswet la U affair aad promptly arraeted by the otSosrs, also oa tespletoa. Thu alght be Was qaeetloeed so eloeely aad told to assay eoefilctlDg stories that It we decided to -'.;-0 -' A Year's HardRiding""!""" w . , .lOatae wsyaeaob of 80 or mora ever- . CLOW ! Wehavasoiae good BAEQAINS in MeriB Touthi & Eoya Cloth ::V;'';v::Cl03C: " I - n ' i -- ' ' " ' t Kow la tho tlmo to pjet a Biff Bargain rs rro are maldnjr room lor Crriafr Goods. Tricci r.cduccd 10 hu prtma thu the Ilea of IWycWs aatdUd by me b the BUT. My 1801 Ha le move complete tbaa any prevloii frar. Ifcvclaslgoryfor COLUMHIAt U4RtTnnD, . BAMiLER ULF.VtLtM), BTEh5.,8TRACDSK. - EAOLK, CRAWFOIP, ' V ' PIAadllA. IDBlL, - ' - AND MaRlS tlUYCLES. JT"RPl'1ni0sr1rc!ll. ' .wn.T,iiirsrs, (llcyclre, floe, AMeteslUoa.Oraph' ,epbnee. Job rriBtlsg, ' tletbst Rumps. l a ei en.. ' K. fw X r wsyamea or SO or mora over powered the officer tad look the prieoev . He wet ukea beck te the tees of the wreck aad that coefteaed M the e rtnse, ImpUcatlnjr aad deerrlbtnf U twewr. whebeve escaped.' bet are low eelig bested. After the eoafeaeiM le which be stated that the treie w recked for the perpnae of robbery, be wetheared.lo a tree. The eoroeer" Jury rsierned the verdict that be - daath at the heeds of psntee as keoea. '. Tha One Der OoW Cur, 4 if tmrrn. Mo. P. Fed. 8 Rock la ... A. 8. A W.. - , , : The Holy Bostoiese. Boeroa. J to. 1$ The director of the American Humane EdecaUoa Society aad MaeeachaeetU Sootetr for the Fra- reoUoa of Craslty to AatmaU today I T. . . . v" I Am. Tob l Be lonaeT snipawH vi mwmnmu wmiw tad male for aet by the British army la South Africa la eoaaldaratloa of their terrible tafferlag waea to need. Tb following quotations wore receiv ed by J. E Latham & Co, Mew Bern, N. O. . Haw York, Jan. 17. Oottoh; Open. High. Low. Close Jan.... 9.81 8.81 S.55 9.r,9 Mch 9.85 9.85 9.SB 9.81 May 9.80 9.80 9.28 9.Z8 Aug 9.00 9 01 8.98 9.00 Sept 8.51 8.81 8.48 8.40 ffaaar. Open. High. Low. Close Msy 80 80 70, 7 Sugar... So,R'yPfd 7k 84 4S 1S8 98 . 114 J Largest and linctt H1 f Ever Found in Now Item. Also a Complete Line of Buggies, Wagons Harness, Robes, Whips, Cart Wheels, Etc. i. a. joi;w. Broad Street, Stewart's Old Stand. I II. & J. i mm a. 83 T0 Meadows 1311 3 High Grade BPl 1 118 MANUFACTUKERS 0. B. Q StF...... Special 150 150 Oottoa raoelpu were M.000 balee. L' siriiaiiLE gc:ds. rrli! rVla, frn ft On ep, Kattee sad fniks, fram -c p l ep. f lrsr i'lstod Kslrr, and folks fr 1 Al h ep. ' Plirtf f'!!fc sr-o'in frri t'4 s4 Bp. J'fWm li'.i pr'n'tr fr- i. 1. up, A f" "M f'. trt U'l t.'f k BUI h .' ! t r - ii. HcIU Si!ck ( B:i CtUmate. OaLsna, Jae, 18. The T Dmboc'M will WMBnrro f .i ;i at s In. U 1mm "niltiti-UB nnj la wl.Uh ks SoS ! 1,'s aultBS's ,1 K hi'nfln( of t 'll". -, 1 t !. trip .,, n tt'4 1.75 0 I.:, U sti')i.: V v I s-s1 fsH' on'. '-., " Lilt of Letter Ramalolof la the Pott Office at Raw Bero, Craven oouaty, If. C Jaa. 14 ,1901. : . , . -.-- , Mirt UBTt,', '. , . O Bea Carr, Joke Cbadwlck. ,. D-Joha R. Draogha. ' . . , B-Caarila Edward. J . . F-Ccrdla Fodrey, Oeorge Fore care Bchr. ALU ' n-Zcharie Bard, C H Baadke, C 0 Hares, V . ; 2. J Sarah I Joees, Jobs Jew, 00 tag WBHarloee. '. - K ' , L Bsary LewVa. . M-WUMemy; : . y Me BeaJy MeCray, . t ' U-Jeha O Briea.ee, Btf. TloUt, II W WPoUock. - : , R R It lUeaardaoa, Reddeo BoberU, oa aerge Freak O EofUr. B A ewe Btaely.eo Edward Blaaly.G B Smalt 1, Owea BaaU eo Cap. Coeg loe I. Oeorg8ftr. Thotae Blueve, Fetar Stoat ee Mr Perry. . W W Dovf late Wool, Rev. t W WUllaass, CapU J. R. W,lBled ,e barge Mrtcery, ' - woaant wirt. , ., . A Pr !t!Hs 8edrwi. "' K.rbM'iry x:itsna. , . . - rMri1a foe fill. ' f Jsrr OrB. 11 Jsa IU1rwk, Mary M Hew l4, Tlss'f lisiotM, j - ii. , ;v is, J' fr,r.! r.i'.lnfk. V-tHi;.' P.'.Tiia. Miae Y,vl. n- T t t ' ?.t, Blsn'y, Prsk :r.1., I" ; "f P. ft'Uf. f.' -"' m, Fssate 'Wt ?.,! J j t W t-i B f WW !:-.. Urarl BvtM. Spot 1 7-11 Sale 8.000 bale. . ww IS OsiSaa aurat. Cettoa ir the loot) market sold at LMMtlO. . .. ' If jon'fi rra on an extenive syiU-m and for profit, you must use HIGH GRADE GUANO. Onr goods are especially adapted for this I section. Meadows' Great Potato and Cabbage Guano Ueed by the largeti and moat successful fanners of thit section. F&IiMlb: .'Special Guanos for all Crops. ycouaHSYiru?r oor, OrTrrpo,I'Dea. 1 1 Bare Loo em. Grinpo.1 moo la auu Bronoaitia in a fw daye. Why tboo rWk CoarampUon, a alow, earo cWtht OH Dr. Bull' Ooogh Byrup. Prioa, erjo. iWl U iinpoewl apon. SW . Ik. t-rnft ttaNM) a Or BWt trfin"-T"' rmrm tlBi.IS , litest TJa lleadowt' Gold Leaf Tobacco Gnaoo (triel and true) for color, cilkineu and fine teitore, manufactured in the bright loaf section of the State; and especially prepared for the needs of our land. Sr-Stud for leaflet of ana ysil and testimonials If interested. i)nr 1B01 ( alendar alto for the asking. II. at J. A. WEADOIVN CIO Wsrki it ObIoi Point, HIW BIttS, N, C. I rnr-i mi ihih I - ' 81.25. ClearingUf Sals! Dont Read is! Ffonry Hnrrd '. U 3IONKY 'HADE. r- I have some young Holes, large and a mall also some nice Horses, tugglos and Log C artt ftiao, t.oo and f i.ttv UsU Mt that I will sell at Bar- drj to ii.ts, '; gains, lor Cash or:on We here only a few tu4 of each time. I aDl Out Ol bUS ,H, Lft, eo fome early and gH inC3S inr) mUSt CloSO your rS.ire f jlf nJ BE M0,'l;Y bj o d-!rf. them out ' ' - It will ho to your Interest tQ prlco - my etock bcloro. buying Bat ttop at 71 Pollock Street aad leave yoer laeodry. We keva taoved oar Leaadry Offlea to the store Mr. Me Borley geeevally as tor toy, We bare oerLeaedry plant la taethtpe,. pWaty of light, plea' v f roxa, pUety af good toft wtr. .Jtow with ibei tdttatsgea we will gaareatee better work tkaa we have aver done. '. 1 4 - ' We doat elof tt the pmaiis. - Wa hT400 aloe preeeal wktcb win be clrea away wiib tvery r-eere at laaedry Ual le left as the efBre T prisiu are well tnk eomlef after end wilt ewly be ilvea pal two week. Oef wsiea will be oa tbeetrari every day. all good will be oeJsd tor sad 4 llrr4 ea before. With assay lhatt for yoer pMt pes rnksr end wtshlag all a prospermt Nsw Tear, W era Teem Truly, ' . " DiTBIERT 8TCAM LI II DM Pa'iaaltO Tiro'lork HSW OCR 4, Jf. AU s f i '1 f f S ' I n I' Iw.l -. i n 1 . i ! f t tv. x' " A f ' ' (f;'.'.,. 1 . : ( -t r elsewhere. J. 7. STEWART.