VOL. XYI1I-NO, 251, ' SKW BIN, N. C, Sll'U ELDAT MORNING, J ANU S BY 1 9, 1901.' NINITKENti) !AR 33 "Of 1ST I WsXi)WP(M The Old: Saving ! "That all things come to those that. J wait" way be true if are "wateh for J and make use of opportunity. To.- day Ik jour opportunity.,! "We have . ; Marked Down 10 dosen pairs of 2.00, $2.50 and f3 00 forWSTENl , v 50c and 75c PER PAIR ; You have waited, but do notkmg er delay if in quest ot'a ietl bargain. .-- AT. . , V MM- . Anti-Trust Fight Will be Active in : Legislature, ... WINTER WINDS - CHAP TENDER SKINS ! Superlateadents of City 'Schools Meet. , BUI AgalasV Lobbying, .. Keetias; Confederate Veler ,' an. Hospitals Waat Bis; ; Apprprlatloas.. , Rat.bior. Januarv 18. The annual meeting of the North -. Carolina associa tion of Superintendents of City schools ! began hers this afternoon. jHeretofoie ' nun 11 w K YottMast Eat. Large Juicy Sweet Oranges 80c aud 40c Dozen. " " Calf Seedless Lemons 20o " Good Sweet Table Batter 80c Lb. Koi River Print Batter 8c " Good Cooking Batter i"io Htsndird 8 lb. can Tomatoes,. . ..8 cans for 26c. ' S " " Corn,. 8 ' " 85c. " S " " String Beans, 8 ' " ?6c. 8" " Lima Beans, .. 8 " "25c. ' 8 Beets a " " 2'c. Beet", 8 " ' 2Sc. All Kiodi Csnned Soups 10c or 8 ' " S5c. t Usllon Can Tomato Catsup for hotels and boarding houses 60c Can. We hare numerous other Fresh Goods just in bat for lack nf space we can't monllon them just now. A call at our store will SAVE you MOSEY. ' ' s Wholesale and Retail Oncer, 5 PHONE 69. Cor. Broad & Hancock Sis. week In December, bat this year there 1 was a postponement. Prof. G. A. I Grlmsley of Greensboro Is presiding and Prof. W. C. Lane of High Point is sec retary. 'The association has about 20 members. The bill which, was yesterday Intro duced by Senator Aycock, providing for Slats adoption of school books, for s term of .5 yesrs, s preotlcally the Ten nessee law, and resembles tha Tens law.'; - . ' Snow fell again today. The wheat growers hare for weeks hoped for a good fall of snow, as it would benefit, that crop which the frequent freezes have hurt. . r Gov. Aycock has requested aljutant general Royster and quartermaster gen eral Macon to continue on duty until he decides whether he will or not make any changes. Sit Is very notable that the Republican and Populist papers have words of com mendation of Gov. Aycock's inaugural' addreis. Willar J's bill In the house, to prevent lobbying Is along a good line, bat It does not appear probable that It can be made effective. The lobbying Is done not so much In the actual lobby Itself as at ho tels and boarding houses sad on tha streets. Of coarse there Is much done In the lobbies. The matter of properly ventilating the capltol Is arresting attention. Some members aay they desire air ducts and fans which will furnish fresh air to alt the officers as well as the legislature halls, bat they ssy this will cost $11.- The committee decides to favorably report Senator Brown's bill to forbid the ssle of cigarettes In North Carolina. There will oertalnly be a fight oa this measure. The American Tobeco Com pany will materially take a hand, and so no doubt will the anti-trust manufactur ers also. Commander Alei B. Stronach of thj L. O. if. branch Camp of Confederate Veterans of this city ssys the meeting or rather the convention of Confederate YOU HAV'NT BOUGHT YOUR on AT uum 7fm 1 Yonr Opporfa ilty at oar CLEARANCE SALE- f Tailor Made Conls Regardless of Cost. t D.F.JARVIS, i pollock mm. k I veterans to be held bVe ea the tOth Inst At the Rnnff Cnra fJ t0 con,ld' th ' psasloas and 5 i ii UsJUIV 4JLUI C S I an Increase ot appropriations for the H&e You Read m i G . N. En n ctt. Ak" " re.T J . II aneed la lbs lsglilata In the Palace of the King, TheGentleman fronilndiana, To Hare and t Hold, Prisoners of IIop2,1 Richard Carvel, and Red Rook? CL1 01 M T 1 W a '"Vs. A Years Hard Riding ' ht (nms that is line . f fitryetss kstdM by sm Is toe BIT. My 1(61 I ae Is snors eopls iba sc j rvloDS yr. I ears ecloe'sef ray fe 1 1 Soldiers' Home promises to be a very In 1 1 terestlnr one and that Hts Important I there should be a full attendance of rep- a resentstive men irons us .ausrsai vm 2 1 ran organizations. The elllssas of Ra' 9 1 sigh, whose hospitality Is unbounded 1 1 will through L. O. B. Branch camp enter tela the delegstes. It Is Important that k 1 delegates should forward tbslr names el k once to Commander Strooach or to J. C. S Blrdsoog, the eamp adJataaL SI A boat 11 vears sco a bill was lolro- lsglslatara prorlvllng last all eseeutloBS ehoald laks plaee la psalteatlary. Tks bill bad aot a few merits, oat It died oa the eslsadsr. WU lard's bUL latrodaosd yesterdsy, U to the ssase effect. While It U Is sooosUteitoasl.U to levy a dlrsot las oa dogs, a privtlsfs taieaabe Imposed. There will be streanoas ssovesseal to gel sack a law. The Mil to tkst eaJ Is sow belsg drswa. :' ' v , The aasiera bosplisl (or. lbs lasaae asks the IsfUUtare (or 1170,000, the oae hers for l0,000 end tks essst Golds bora W.0OO. The A all -Trust Igbt Is loss bsgtaalai la lae lag Ulatara la a (ortalgkt It wlU stir. TUB MAKJLBTS. ' V---.'- . TTe have soma good "BAHOAINS vln 'Meni.' cotcn n. mBrroRD, . ITEAkMA, ITRACUifK, , - IsOLE, CBAWrORD, . , .. 1HIAOABA, IDItL. Youths & Boyi Cloth Close' ..' -. Oat Now Is the time to get a Big- Bargain as we are making1 room lor Spiinff Good. Price. Reduced 10 per cent. ' , " ; mm t siHrav' 7 niddle rt CASTOR I A For Infants ana Cl.i'..ir. It C:"-'.i 4 r 4 4. ' ,vii)rrrx. reiBinr ASD MARK BUTCttS. fjrRoplHoaC Bpeclaltr. - WM. T. II ILL, Btryclse, 0 ess, A aa ollloo, O rapa- epsoasa, Job Prlsllsf. - Rubber Preserve, Purify, and Beautify the 5kin, Scalp, and Hands with Cuticura .Soap assisted by Cutlcura Ointment. Vtlltomii 09 Womkm TTll f?fTTifTTTRA flnAP. uslBtAd br fintlcTirft Ointment for beantl. tying the tkin. for cleansing the scalp. 'and the itopplnir of foiling Iiatr. for softening. ror dudt raanes. ih'iiiiiitb, bdu un. antHMifi. ana excoriao whltealDaT. and soothlna red. niifh. and, sore hand. tfoos, In the. form of bathe for annoying Irritations, lnflamroi many saubtive i exoorfattone. or too free or offensive perspiration. In the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for aouM For all soap hi to be compared witii It for preserving, purifying, i hair, and hands. No other foreign or domesao toilet soap Iseutto imruoaes which readllv sumrest themselves to women, eraeclallv mothers, and for all the luii-nosee of the toilet, butli, and naraery. No other medicated : the toalet. bath, and nnrserv. iuu complexion soap, and . and beantl f vln ar the skin, scalo. inn. however expensive. Is to be comparca wiiu uuticpka boap ror ail me purposes 01 uie urn Thus It combines In On a Soap at Omt Pbjoi, the best skin anil inc hbst souos ana oaoy soap in tne worm. Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor $l.25t Consist ins of Cutiotjba Boap (26e.), to cleans the skin pf crusts and scales and soften the Usleksnedeatlole; C'ptioura OrNTMSirr (60e.), tolnstantly allay ltchtnir, Inflammation, and lrrl tsliSD, and tooths and heal; and Ctjticuba Kssoitknt (60c.), to cool and t-leanso the blood. A BiNaxa Bbt is often sofHclent to cure the most tortniing, dtsdearlntf, itching, ta ruing, and scaly skin, soalp, and blood humors, with loss of bnir, when all lse falls. Sold throoghout the world!. THE LEGISLATURE. Great BUI on Public Roads Promised. Governor Visits Senate Chamber. Bills Introduced. Speoial to Journal. Ralkioh, Jau. 18 The Legislature Joint committee on public roads an nounced today that It was preparing a general bill to cover the entire State ai.d one which wlU.be far in advance of an; thing previously attempted. Got. Aycock vlilted l bo Seutte Clian.- ber and was loudly applauded, an1 lu lled to a seat on the floor. Ha was received bv the Senate etan ling. There was a long debate on the bill to alluw a husband to sell property same as a wife In certain case, but it was de feated. A bill was Introduced in the House to allow counties to buy farms aod to em ploy convicts sentenced for terms umltr ten years to work on suota farms, or on public roads: to allow magistrates o sentence convicts to farms or roads at d to provide that all employment of con victs on State farms shall cease with end of current year. . A blu requiring all elocutions to be In psalteatlary was favorably reported. The bill for State adoption of school books Is made a. speoial ordsfsfor nsit Friday, It was charged that certala pabllshlog houses were pushing this bill Seaalor Ayeock Us author. Indignantly denied ibis The avni soothing, healing sod aollsspllo application ever devised Is DeWltt's Witch Hexel Salve It relieves at once aod eures piles, sores, ecsems aod skta diseases. Beware of Imitations r. B. Duffy 4 Co. THE COMA1G YACHT RACE. . ... , StRYICElBU GOODS. rervlsg fcVta, front l.O0 p. Eslvas sad folks, fross 40e per set ep. Hirer rialed Katves aid Fetke doss tM sm se. Bilrsv Vlated spoons fross Lie eel up Bilirs (row) T5 (p. Jllrkla riaM erlMore (mm t ap, . A few wood (Ixors U ft efckk will U sold at eott, - AUr a fell I! os of cook ttntra. 1 ksTS tK tt siots ea t rt for Ike ptl- A lou Hits ef llsmvtre nhf'b m:, lMp ff lbs ruH. a , . . i ' .,..; Tke (eUewlet qooiatloas were reeetir ed. bf J. , Uthssa Oe, New Beta, ' . , ' l VawToaa.laa.il. OoTrotri Opea, Ulga. Low, Close Jaa.... iu m im in Mck. ......... Jl Kay.;.... ... IM . M 1 11 Aag ......... ivr in ioi im ept It lit Ml IM .Waaar , Ops. niga. Lo. Close Msy ......... sVH i . m m 8o.ryrid..... w Me.r. v ttA.. ... 44 Rookie. ....... Ill Lit W...... I ... Coa. T ' AavTob til) C,Bq,.,..t St. V. 154 4 Dlmutslous - of Ikamreck O. aoslos BcftaderlaTrdkble. HermbofT may bilMCenicrboardcr. Boston, Maas., Jan. II Aocordlog o lbs Herald Sir Thomas Llptoa'e atw ehslleefsf Sbaasroek IL will have a draft of alaevea feet all Inches, b am twenty three (set at lackee, aad ber leattk twtU wUl be IM (eL The seed weight h lo be 88 teas. Dealgeet Wataoa believes teat a beesa sack as ke kss glvaa Bbaaraek II Is better fat ail arouad psrforassaca tbaa the twaty six feet waleb begsv Vslkyrle III. "It Is avUoseUe (set" says tfcs He.s "that Iks asw ehelleegef aad the Brltaa ale, Ike Irises (Wales boat, ksve si actly the sssse bases dieses Joes laosgk tke foram kas'ssote leea two feet mors draeg hi tbaa the Prlaee'e old yaefaL It Is evldaal (rasa ibeee dlsv ssdoas thai ktrs WaUoa kae g le sseaeera, to the eaaoe type ( atldskip eaetlee ssore like lbs JaMIs Iksa sV ef oar other Assetteta boau. It la qaite evideet that ths ysht o beltt- 11 by Itessy Brother, of Desbartoe, M Ine eowerfol 'tbaa tkoea beieg belli ea U'S aad It Is qslte eertaJe, na dlasestoos, Uat aha will aos be sbls ll'osry oalietAesaSI alea of efikar the SI.Lsweoa or the Btalsye41el shoal' while she stty be peeellsad la rwet. sUe tl la eaethee la- Crowninshleld that Ihey were Infring ing on bis patent system of construction and it is said papers were served Mon day. This will not, however,' stop the building of the boat on this plan, for Mr Hcln'yre will doubtless be reasonable In his request for terms. As tbe work on the boat progresses it is more evident that the Boston boat 111 be considerably lighter than her rival at Bristol. It became known from the moulds yos tertlay that the fraiuca of the Boston boat would be spaced t veuty-one Inches on centres, against a spacing of twenty fnehes In tbe Bristol boat. This mean that the Boston boat will have seventy one pairs of frames, against seventy-live in tbe Bristol boat. Hr. Lawley said yesterday that be had decided not to send the scrlre board over to the Atlantic Works until the fl;st bulbed steel angles arrive. Captain Hani will visit Boston within the neit ten days to settle matters con nected with the crew. Designer Crown inshleld has forwarded to blm a large number of applications be hai rccclv. ri for places on the boat. BaisroL It. I., January 10 More Tobln bronze plates and steel bulbed angle arrived during tbe past 24 .hours for the Herresboff cup defender and were promptly removed into tbe ma chine shoo, where they will be mule read r for setti'is; up in tbe aouth con strociioa shop. The derresboff Manufacturing Com pany Is kevplng up Its policy of ii.io ei press cars for material needed, sfih New York syndicate has given orders to snare neither asoens nor time In rush lag tbe work to oompleilon. Yeslcrdiy men were put at work set tine on lb stern casllcc Urder are aakl lo bare lwn reoVlvel for a new suit c.l sails for the Columbia, as ll Isdc ired lu bare In; In Art-cl is condition wbea -be outU imbcw tacbtln tn unloj-np Irlsl.. It w laarotd jeaiiridajr Ibat Oeslgner iierresbod hd uodtleJ. and ordered laa fur s eeolre-board eloop In or del to be la readiness to owe! tbe pro oosod IisuUv boat la eaes It I coo iroct.L as lAwsoa 47 ) But IKH'tbkmp I Mll mi Cottnej renetptt wete V,VA btlea. poi I. !! s,o4 tnirt. y. lr-, pln( Aif 4 5f. etia'eg ponaat dlrwnlow, ta btvleg tase die- planeotMl, I'M wMi4 rfn, aad, all thisf xit, sbs bokl be o.site s evtlr drive ! ber ralva as lbs U'ctr aad star aoweffal boats with IhiHf rslr tall spreads (Wxioa. )!. J. H.-A Mr. Hole irr s l"l Wot bi If. c fm.fHK ,aiy s Is Sn'b B -u, .M l. .nlUll tl ''i ll roTf H M COUGH db byrup eorea Ooogb or Cold ab onoo. CorKrarraTVoup, Whomnff Ooogh and MaswJo-Ootwh witiume iVil. All inoUMrs praise lb Poctora prwaorlUo U for uronotuus, llomnr. UrintMi. Pneumonia and CoojampUoO. juirk, war r I lis.'-l COUCH SYRUP Always aurei whea etkorw fH. tw.a-a.pvaiic mrn Fttii Gf earn Lta ra mm As fine as there is nmde only 15c lb at at J. L McDAXIEL'.S 71 I 'road Street. Fancy California Prunc-8 10c, 3 for 25c: Iice Table loathes 10c per 2 lb can; Rest Quality Tomatoes l()c can, or 3 for 2.r.o; Best Quality Corn 10c can, li for 25c; Kest Qualify IWta 10c can, 3 cans for 25c; Meinz's Ha cd Ifetns with 'I'om.if . Sauce 10c, 15c and 20c can; Calf Evaporated reaches 10c lb; N. (!. Peeled and Hiced Pe.iclioH 12c lb; N. C. Dried Apples Sc lb; Evaporated App'es, fine4 quality 10c lb or 3 lbs for 24e. A few Seeded Raisins in lb packages which 1 do not care to carry over to next season, you can have them for lOc'packae. Fresh lot Vox River Print liutter. Anylhing in Groceries you want you can get at J. L. MclAIlEL, WhoIMIe 'Phoue 91. 71 Ht. J. A. JONES, BBOAI) STREET, STEWART'S OLD STAND, Hale and H & Kg R-fl Excliailt' . . sssy & aft wWsMssysWasBsarallsja J Largest tr.il I im tt Mori, if Ever Found in New I' em. Also a Complete Line of Hiun-ic. Waeona Harness, Robes, Whips, ( art Wheels, Etc. J. A. .lONKfS. Broad Street, Stewsrt's Old StSBd. i II. t J. 1. mm ft, ?i4MirAcruiti:ns Meadows' High. Grade Special IK I( jcu . in on an i-xtcnive syffem end for profit, you ninst uoo HIGH GHADE GUANO. Our goods are epecia'!y adapted for this section. Meadows' Great Potato and Cabbage Guano Used by the largest and most successful farmers of this section. Special Guanos for all Crops. Use Meadows' Oold Leaf Tobacco Ouano (tried and true) for color, silkineM and fine texture, manufactured in the bright leaf section of the fatf, and especially prepared for the needs of bur land. Iff Hi nil for leaflet of ana'jsis and testimonials if Interested. Our 1001 Calendar also for the asking. E. II. A J. A. J1EAIMMVH CO., Wirki it UBtoi Polat, KIW BIE1, S. f. Ii JIOXHY WADE. ftw.'Ms f .f ii,, it 1T1 ftWi Wk lt 1' Ti r tO tit. fi the I-t Is ' '"-I l.!y t4 I r ClearingUpSalq! I have some young Mules, large and small also some nice Horses, I Buggies and Log Carts tiio. (loo and i.75 Uau He- that I will sell at Bar dunrj bo ii-sj. gains, lor Cash or on We U ottty a fttr slo of each time.' I am Out Ot bus slvie Ut, so come early an fH JnCSS an(J mUSt ClOflO yoor e'ere of stjwa and BAvS Jjom OUt t ' HOM .J,. bQ to your I R fllK'Pr.nn 'intercut tp price my , . , . . . . . v . I.Mnrn 1,ivrlnO' 1 1 A ..J J V.A v m U . 7. STEWART. Dont Read Bolvpst7l Pollock Stmt aad stave) oat bandit. We bate asoved oar Ltwadry OIBee le tks store Mr. Ms (tot ley iseeralty ases lor Iny. W a ksvo oar Laasdry plsat la los Shape, ploatf ot I'lk', Issiy o( room, pleotf o( good soft wsier. Kow wttb tkese advaaiafso we win isataaies better work tbaa we hsv ever doss, . W4tipllka prtiwlsea. We bavj(Ki aloe tit wfelch tabs jivra sy vi.a etny packar o( Iseedn ilitrl as IS offlr Tkoe piisrt M worth noealBf alief liil wa will be oo Ibeetrstt every ilav- l will he OSiled for sod de livered as before. - W'lh s Ueels fnf yoor pt p frtisre d oUh sg nil a prepro( Ni Yr, r Tears Traly, DAT1IEET ETIill Ul'IOU Pirnai 140 TlToUotlfU Vt V PEa!f. K.

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