THE 'JOURNAL. New Brm. H. C, Fats. , 1M1. r Index to New AdYertisements. Notice. J. L. XcDeniel. Prunes. J. R. B. Carrawey. Notice. K. B. Harper Bookkeeper Wanted. New. Bern B. 4 L. Ass'n.-Statement. Moorei Wood Yard. It tu rumored. Simmons & Hollowell Co. Annul Clearance Sale. . Business Locals. GOV. AYCOCK's March and Two Step, played by Soma and on sale at Ennetl's Book store. GENUINE Imported Bherry Wine can be bad at Colligan's, near the depot, also High Grade Liquors at prices to suit. WANTED A good reliable white wo man, as assistant house-keeper. Apply at Hotel Chattawka. EAST Side of my residence, where Mrs. Bates now lives, will be for rent after February 15th. J. W. Stewart. WANTED Two Boarders, good front room, desirable location, satisfaction guaranteed. Apply .this office for par ticulars. ORANGE9 80, 40. and dozen at McSorley's. 50 cents per GET your Stove Wood at Big Hill's. CORNED Hams at the Oaks Meat Mar ket this morning. Jacobs' Raleigh Rye whiskey Is the best. Middle street. 1 3 FOR RENT. Office on Cravent street, .ecently occupied by Mr. C. E. Foy. Ap ply to H. B. Holland. IN AND ABOUT NEW BERN. Late Happenings Dealing With Hatters Of Local Interest. The tug "Uncle Sam" is on the marine railway for repairs and repainting. The stewards of Centenary Methodist Cburcb, will meet in tle parsonage to night, at 8 o'clock. Dr. H. Mayer, the notice of whose ar rival In the city can be found lu another column, is a gueit at Hotel Chattawka. The schooner Agnes Qulllcn Is un loading a cargo of coal for Holllster and Cox. The schooner Uulda Is also at the dock awaiting to be unloadod for th same firm. W. T. Hadder has been engaged as foreman at the Trent Lumber Mill, C. H Hall manager. Mr. Hadder was former ly at the Clark, now Blades, saw mill, and Is succeeded there by T. H. Button. Fair and much colder Is the forecast for today The temperature yesterday ranged from 69 to 43. Very cold weather Is reported from the northwest, 16 below rero at Blsmark, N. D. The rainfall Buo day was .38. A few shad were In the market yester day, large fWh are scarce. The supply has been about as small as li seen here in the winter. Oysters In fair sunplj but the demand for shipment is very slight. The steam yacht "Iecoy" of New York owned by Mr. Brace, is In this port. It Is an elegant cre'l with two small boeis and a small oaptha launch. The yacht may return from here to New York with oat going further Booth. Carolina Cough Onre Is the only Coogh remedy fully guaranteed. No strings to It either, yon boy a bottle for 89 eta at Bradhan's Prescription Phar macy and If sot foaad entirely satisfac tory return the empty bottle aad your moeey will be refunded. We ssake It aad guarantee li, and yoq take so eaaaoee la baying It. Contains bo la Jnrtoes dregs sad ehlldrea alnoet "Cry for It." Hold oaly at Bredhea's. Bradbasa's Dinse Catena Core will oa etop tbsl fold start aoee of yoera, sod eoes yoe oaly lOe. Every bottle Is gaerantaed. If yoe don't like It, bring ll back aad get yoor saoaey released. Ra BMsaher 10 e. el BredhaaVa The Sup Druoai Cidbob- A big maty aaaaoe) la lyiaf on Broad street la treat of . 1. Willie' amble works. II at a eaaaoa trom Ike riva ls tteapdrafo, saeda 'fassoee la lbs war of 1111 by Oar- Otwer Berne. This eaaaoa bee beast steed at aWafert for assay yeas at a laadasert, e Froai eueei, A grandees of CfC Herat, sow a reetdeat ot CMtaga, t tailed here last eaatase. lie foaad Oat Ue grave ef Gapi. Doras was seeurked by aay saoe asseat aad obtain tbttw eeaoea for lbs lew af teea'at . be asad (of that aeranea. The easYsma will Ha a a Week af Oerfa smtM la afafctta-Ui' be ar. tWIly lasaaaaal This Moat la iwa feat tbtob aad win vast aees asmbar Meat eboal etgnt feat loaf, I fee Me aad a too tale. Wbaa Use aMaeawet Is tared aver IM grsve ot CepVeree, ft wUl be a assiiisji aad eapmattta atak af lad laeUal ateee af lbs bald fivs- The lean Tarbeya a Ua aHet, Bra T d i sand, at Tba Oaaa Meat Market CURE YOUR HEADACHE 'aha tiORIPPG With CAPUDINE 10 bad sAf afeHa wVaWvee. i ' ' IH r- aM r. r ry T A ary an 4 Is-rf tVnrttvecy. , SHERIFF WOOTEN DEAD. Med Sunday Mornlar at 9 O'clock at TV a) lUnstou of Pneumonia, v; v, : Sheriff John 0. Wooten' died at bis home, ' corner of - Heritage and Blonat streets, at 3:10 o'clock Sunday moraine, of pneumonia and la grippe, after an Ill ness of two weeks. While his condition was very critical from the outset, at on time he showed signs ot improvement, and the hopes' of - his relatives and friends, who anxiously awaited each diy news ot the sufferer's (oiditlon, were raised. Sheriff Wooten was 53 years of age He leaves a wife and four children three sons and one daughter: Messrs. Lynn C.', of Fayettevllle; Harry and Emmett R. and Miss Clara. He also leaves three brothers, Messrs. T. C. Wooten, of glnston, B. B. Wooten, of Craven county, and Dal F. Wooten, of this county, and one sister, Mrs. W. O. Mosely, of this county; and two half brothers, Messrs. Frank and Lloyd Woot en. His father, Mr. Jno. F. Wooten, al so survives him. Ho was an energetic, hard working man and provided well for his family, but his generosity to his. less fortunate fellow beings kept him from amassing a fortune. He had Just gotten his. busi ness interests In shape to make money when he was taken with the fatal disease He leaves $14,000 insurance. His remains were interred at the ceme tery In Kinston at 2 o'clock this after noon, the funeral services being- con ducted by Rev. C. W. Blanchard, pastor of the Baptist church. The active pall-bearers were: Messrs. Plato Collins, W. D. Suggs, Y. T. Or mond, W. D. Pollock, N. J. Rouse, II, E. Shaw. The honorary pall-bearers were: Messrs. A. J. Loftln, S. H. Abbott, J. B. Temple, J. W. Grainger, L. Har vey and B. W. Canady. A large crowd wsb at the burial, many of whom had driven a considerable distance to pay re spect to his memory. In June, 1884 Mr. Wooten was appointed railroad agent at Kinston for the A. & N. C. R. R. and held that position for nine years until he was appointed postmaster at Kinston under Cleveland's second administration. He took charge of the postofflce Nov. 1st, 1893, and retired on April let, 181)8. He was nominated by the Democrats lu the fall ef 1898 as the most available candidate against the strong Republican sheriff then again a candidate In 1900 he was renominated by tho Democrats for sheriff and was again elected, lie had served nearly two months of bis second term. He was married November 15. 1871, to Miss Mary K. Cobb, of Carvcn county a a (laughter or Dr. K. U. (Joub. Mr. Wooten was a member of the Royal Arcsnum, Knights of Honor and Knights of Harmony Kinston Free Presn, 411). Superior Court. The proceeding of the Superior Court of raven coumy yexterdsy con sisted of the calling of the motions anl summons docket and taking orders In uncontented cases. la the cue of Bryan it. Garrett fur lander, tried Saturday, the Jury brought In a verdict In favor of the plain ti T Rryao for SI 000. damages. Court will probably adjnarn today PERS0NAL PARAGRAPHS. Rev 1) II I'slree of Latiraege, Is In the city Mr. P. O. ri.tnmoni returned froa lielslgb last night. Mr. P Orlans left nn the stsamer last night for New Tork. Mr Sydney Haas left for El I'sso. Tsias, yesterday morning. Mr. Sol Cobso lft yesterday after a fsw dsys visit In Ibe city. Major 8 P. Telfair of Ralelgb, was amoag Ike arrivals la la s4ty last night. Representative Frank Thompson af Oastow, retaraed frosa Jacksonville but eight, aad will leave for Italelgb this nsornlng. Meeers. W. W Clark and Geo lini left by Steaattv rfeas leal eight U Norfolk to raeoase Ibe beating of tba Brlfgt-Xea! ansa Wedeeedey atoreleg Mtos MatUe WUHanss west e eteaos; rspber OAHTOniA. j isj Mf Irn i let sjat la x ym af!t Kauce. Not toe la bare by glvea abet araUee. ttoa wltl be aseda Vt tba ateatat Oeaeral Aeeeeably of Xonb Caroline la laeae nomas ibe Treat ft ire sed Car fear Railroad aad Leflleg Compear, deanery M, I apt. - tlVu it amort . Aad bow baa erofee to be a foot, tbst aeaa proe1 SfpliraOoa av tbroegb saeae let, yea ee g4 aay kl4 ot wood art as yea waat M, aad aVUvered aat as aawaaa Has badoaa, (basse wba said tele It Heary Joaae aad b aeM tbe fclilaJe al tba aety aa ef was - MooMrt wooorAUn, . Try t be Oak Meal btt' tbeUfas tare, fl fct .Hf MM Cherry-Glyccrlnc AnostDellbllutan4Ara MaCasJlbPtanedy-, Always Ce- liable, Reliving the fWM Ob. (I asW CoH staj Kettering the Tfcroat aad l-emr TM Nor nbJ end. Meelifcy CeneUitin. fcsJd ty ft ftisrme-y, RrAel and fl"! 'fa. WEDDED AFTER FORTY TEARS. The Romance, That Antedates the Civil ;-i ;.';. -War. yf '. ' CtiriLm, 0 Feb. 1 When the Civil War broke mI .HIn Ella Pitkin, then a mere girl, who was visiting In New Bern, N. C, made the acquaintance of Richard D. Hancock and they fell In love with each other, Hancock, entered the Confeder ate army and Miss Pitkin returned home, and on reaching womanhood married J. J, Holden, of Cleveland. - - It was not until bis sweetheart of ante-bellum days had been a widow 18 years that Mr, Hancock, learned of her widowhood. Then he sought her ont and revived the old courtship, which re sulted today In her marrying her South ern lover, who had been a bachelor all these years. Philadelphia Record. SMALL MULLETS CAUGHT. Bad Thing- For the Fish Trade. Short Sighted Fishermen. Quantities of small mallets have been brought to this market lately. Saturday a trading schooner load was brought. The fish were piled np In quantities on the fish stands at market dock and were sold at very low prices. Inquiry of fish dealers revealed the fact that the catching of these small un developed fish is considered very inju rious to the trade and to the interest of those engaged in supplying the market, the fishermen themselves. It was said that the load of fish brought in Saturday if allowed to grow until next fall wonld have filled the big vessel Ivy Blades. These mullets are not a migrating fish, they remain and develop In the waters in which they are born. The same fisher men, who bring in these small fish and sell them for fifty cents a box with per haps 1000 fish In a box, object to the use ot long seines and pound nets. They say "well If we don't catch them some one else will, and anyway we might not catch them next fall." This is a very short sighted argument as It Is believed that catching sach quantities of these fish must make a material reduction in the number of large fish In the fall, for these fish are able to take care of them selves, having passed the age when they are the prey of larger fish. Probably no larger than a five eighth Inch net is used In catching these mul let when an Inch and a half should be used. It Is said that no smaller than the latter else are used la Florida and that the beneficial results are apparent.. A Splendid Local Institution. We call attention to the Statement of tho New Bern Building and Loan Asso ciation published In this issue, also to the notice of payment of the 7th series of slock. This Association has been organized thirteen years, and has been conducted almost exclusively as a local measure. In that time It has loaned out to citi zens of this city over $190,000 and has paid off including the seventh series now due nesrly 1150,000, and now holds raortgsges on city property for over (90,000. It matures a series In seven yeara and l enabled to do so by the very econo mical plan by which It Is conducted ss eipenses on grosi reef Ipls are leas than one per cent. A new series Is opened on April 1st. and October 1st. every year, and anyone wishing a safe paying Investment can not do better tbae become a stockholder snd anyone wishing to purchase a home to be paid for la easy payments will led tbls Association Just the right thing, as many of oar etllteas oe testify to. The aeit series ef stock (ibe Ittb) will be opened April 1st end we caoeot give oar readers better advice than to ask tbens to aaoooraga this A asocial I on. Toe officers nod directors are all well known prominent baslaeea aaea of Ule city and are so careful Is the Butler of loans that not a cent baa beam lost dor- log tba sits usee of tba Association. F00KD W THE RIYEH, body ef Edward CUbcrl Macavtrvd al OrVatal ftarkd It Tmal Mac. ldardUllbart,awkltaasaawaa bas beea Uvlag la New Bern, (eft beta Chrleiaee Ere by tba ftleaaior Keaaa for OrlealaL Oa area aaaa to get off, tba Biaaasar at OrlealaL Tbea be dlaap peaied aad ao aaa kae whet bad be ooeseofhlaa. Last f rldey a body was dteaotartd el tbe aad of tba wharf al Orteatal aad later It was IdaaUtsd as that af Ue ss In sist, ssaa Id ward Ollbar. Tba body as takea aehova aal gtrea barUl at OrlealaL ODbarb area atagla' aaaa aad It la stated that wbna be tafi bora be told kit Meads tbat be eras golaf 14 Ortea. lal to gvt married. Tbeta la botblng te lndUie bow tbe aMaent oecarred tbat reenlied to Ale eWb. Biti Tttr ly tt Eujatiti. " Dr. It Mayer, IM aMmitd aeatUt frees Ibe ta(rlal aad Royal L'alvarally af Ttotaa, Aaetrla is avfleg fo etveral days at tba Hotel Cbetieaka, wbera be etasateea all defscis af Ue eye fte af aberia. ft. Mayer aires eoeeelutV la all latare Tke Verfeik Vlfgielaa aay, (r. D. btayar tbe !', bet darteg kle saoeUe euy la aer etiy, s"f sHy tmt4 Ike ere ef kndM ef ear bast trv ead fcle yrite4 le eaUe. ea".y trat sg. Tke WMMrstne. vi I mi a'iv iri: ail wmss la Ik'lr'l; t t.i.i Orr eee kia1r4 e4 t'tf ..f i r ml; 1 ee ke nnt rf s - at,s ts '' T'i ts in bl t v m- 1 : n t . 1 t lis ,--' le r"'- -e el , - fl"-.t fi'J 1 . l A t t! k ke l M . f . tr r .. Notice t-:;- f "The Board of Directors of the New Bern Building and Loan As-ociatloa have declared the seventh (7) series of stock matured. .' -Holders ot same wilt be paid on pre sentation of tbeir oertlflcatea to me at The National Bank of New Bern on or after February 11th 1901. J. R. B. GlBBRWlY, Sec'y. and Treas. Walnnt Taffy at McSorley's today. Eye strain and Cheap Spectacles. Persons with seeming good vision are quite often led to believe tbelr eyes are normal and complain of eye strain and headache and most all the symtoms an optician knowsto come from defective eyes, and quite naturally too, for cannot they see alright? You can have most any eye defect with seemingly, good eyes, and these cases are those which an optician finds more trouble In correcting and the patient more pain before correction. This seemB carious nevertheless true, because in a low error the muscles strive to over come the defect by the power of accom modation resulting in strain, on the other hand in a high degree the eye has not tbe power to accomodate sufficiently to overcome the error, the eye appreciat ing this state of affairs does not spend any of its strength by trying to over come the error, causing no pain nor any aggravating symtoms such as inflamation of the lids and etc., but of course the vision is reduced according to the class and degree of defect The moral of tils is to impress on you that your eyes can be defective when your vision is apparently good, and pretty sure to be so when accompa ned by any symtoms I have mentioned and I trust I hive made It plain enough forsny intelligent reader to understand. Another word in regard to cheap spectacles. In buying lens only the very first quality are free from flaws and Irregular curves, every flaw and scratch Is opaque causing the corresponding part on the retina to become less sensible to light and irritating the eye, at limes causing irreparable damage. Tbe general effect Is to demorolize the most sensitive part of the body the eye; In cheap spectacles the Bpheric curves being Irregular, oftimes result in a cylindrical lens, causing theeo wearing It to become astigmatic, tbe most troublesome defect to optician and patient, tbe frames of some lens being made Imperfect causes them to be d ecentered, resulting In muscle trouble, in fact any frame st and price not adjusted right will cause muscle strain (Asthenopia.) So tbe oecesity of comluir to J. O. Baiter's Optical parlor for examination. Xxamlnatlon free. VIGDReI Eisnj. Quickly, Pennanenttr Rsslorid. C J)". Vltalltr, Marroni JxbtMtr, Irtaomnlav, Ptlli - API tl- waiting i)ltnavi tvun Ml Woimeum r-ai ,m ht tar boi. efor fin. Msil-d Is angaria. t 'Xhc Hu. iludlolua (J..., 6u X:u'., Wlru. Kor RdlebyK. H. DLTKY CO. t t Anntf al Clearance Sale w A. A. A. A. Beginning Kelt Tuesday we Winter Goods. Everything will go at Bargain Prims (iciiuine oat and out bargains. "It 's an ill wind that blows nobody good' This if your chance to buy and our chance to make room for Our Spring Stock toon to arrive la addition to tba few things mentioned in today's Supple ment, ( might mention the following "Benefits" Blanket Goodness, We take care that only good wools, unoderoui wools, get into the I'.leokeU we aelL , Blanket, but we can get jnstas bevo cat the prioe alt to pieces nnd trust to luct tu make back tba money we loot on them. Forour h80ooee our prioe will U 13.74 - e.60 t R4 Rate Values in Silkaline, ' , ; The 10c Drapcriaii will bo "jc. T REMNANTS. . Thd rrrtcad bav baa a baivad and quartered to bid the Hem- ? Bafitd t quick food bye. Be iur Id look for tba Baaaaant Table. Y French Flannels Surprise. v A few pi of tboat EUgaot FraochJFlanneJslarf left but, V must go at 6 Ho tot tba Fancies and lfor the Plain ocaa. Thii T U a sample of anme of onr Hargaina. X Visit our store ii cwill pay you welLr: j CO During this sale no goods on o srfe Ivill be sent charged, taken back sn 0 , Book-keeper- Wanted, I hare an application from a tragi new house of this city for an active young man who has knowledge of accounts, .wich clean habit. Per sonal interview unnecessary. Please apply in own hand-writing stating salary expected. Correspondence expected. E. E. Harper, P. O. 14ft, New Bern, N. C, Great Reduction We have Removed the stock from our Lower Middle Street Btore to 130 Middle St. above Hahn's Stables. Owing to lack of space for our tremendous 6tock of Clothing, Dry Goods, Shoes we have concluded to sell them out Below Cost, no reasonable offer will be refused. Take advantage of this opportunity to secure Bargains. Yours for business, P. ORLINfi. THE O K Steam Laundry, 31 Middle St., New Bern, N. C. I wish to state to the public that I have opened a new Steam Laundry at No. 8t Middle St. We desire the patron age of one and all. Strictly first class work'guarauteed. All work delivered If requested. J. H. DAY BERRY, Manager. E. C. D. & O. D. Line. IMPORTANT NOTICE. On account of necessary repairs to the Steamer "Neuse" she will be withdrawn from her route after Monday Feb. 4lh, until Saturday Feb. 9th. The saillnp schedule during the week will be as follows: Mondav. Feb. 4lh. Hleararr Neuse. i p. m. Tuesday, Feb. Mb, Steamer Newberne 12 noon. Frlduy, Feb. 8lb, Pleomer Ncwbernr, 12 noon. No stumer Hailing WedntrlHy, or st ti p. m. Friday. OKO. IIKN'DEKSUN, Agont. New Bern, N. 'J. Feb. 1. 5 o Q O 4 will cut the price m all o o Hnvr only the California Wool X good ones next season, we out on approval, $ or exchanged. - 1 o o 70 t. n v. : O, !EH WAGKET1C f torn EMBROIDERIES AGAIN. Cambric, Swiss and Nainsook Edgings and Insertings. Nearly two thousand yards were sold at our last special sitle, so we were encouraged to make another large purchase which has arrived and will he on sale this week at from one-thirdto a half less than regular prices. In this lot are a great many dainty patterns especially adapted for infants and ohildrens wear. Special EXTRA SPECIAL. All Indies, Misses and Childiene Jackets, Capes and Furs now at from one-third to a half less than former prices. G. A. VARFOOT, 43 Pollock Street Shoes JTJST DECEIVED in Ladies, Misses and Childrens Shoes. The Nobbiest and Most Up-to-date Shoes in the city. SEE OUR EXHIBIT IN WINDOW, POLLOCK STREET STORE. SMITH'S OX 3Pollocl: Street. New Goods. A IujI line ol Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, gate Coobirjg Utensilsl'oilet Sets, Pails and Pans, Furnituie Varnish, Stains and Enamel, Paints, Oils, and Vai nish lor house cleaning and finish. A lull stock of Snsh. Doo:s and Blinds and a car load to arrivo, Trices Guar anteed. Lime, CementsHair. Crock and Terra Cotta Pipe- Try our Carbon Roof will take care ol tho root and atop the leak. Fine line Sciseors, Shears. Carvers. Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Razors and Pock et Knives. FHONK 147. 7! V, DON'T WAIT TO SEE IT ADVERTISED But COMB ANYTIME and yoa till find the BlOOFrTT aad MOST .. . VIRIKD Aiin f aECOllClEa and. 1 SM'U 'XJ3ZG9 any lit and twrra, Ala PsgjtW, Wagot', CsvU, H Wa-tU, ttafnsa, that caa be f'rund la Ua But Emy taW 0UARAS1 tEO. . ' R(wtrtf atlr. . M. HAIIN & SON, llidclle Hi. ftfuMrat, , faVnt. j t!r I. e-iti art Wila' triViaiWtMt"i f.tAe. w-nli r..n.s t4 (..r-vwe ikik'inilF''H Uw Tr- .... Sewi prices 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 14, 18 cents np. Gaskill Hardware Co. ,.,., gT, m:w vihv. n c lit nr.xv nr.n!f,?f, ci Jeriiil Catcl sUlMti. re eM take I Mse I C i fal aasaj. Mte erentateg te l-raxte af Uo ee C4. JaH. aM "U'a any ,"vV wr riitis aate I a a- . . . - a a

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