NINETEENTH YEAR BFFORE THE SENATE. AUGUST ELECTiOHS. 1 P ID Jlik ". . v in.., ; TO WHAT WE HATE TO SAY. Tfert come aji examine and see for yourself. If what we say is not correct then dont buy, WE ARE DETERMINED TO REDUCE OUR STOCK in our DRY GOODS AND SHOE De partment, and in order to do so have made A SURPRISING REDUCTION I IIERE ARE A FEW. 300 Piecs of Dress Good.- to Go II EG A EtDLESS OF COST. $2,00, $175 and $1.50 Values, now at $1.00 Articles of Impeachment Adopted by f ,. Tne House Yesterday. anarcra Preseat the Article to the Senate. Orfantxe a Court Monday. The Judge Will ask - for Time. Special to Journal. Raleiqii, February S3 Article! of Impeachment were ' presented by tbe. board of managers to the House today at noon. Tbe House went into a com mittee of the whole' to contldet the arti cles. All 8ve sections were adopted by a rote of SO to 21. The House then voted npon the arti cles and adopted them by a rote of 56 to I. Tbe House, proceeded by the board of managers went to the Senate Chamber when the articles of Impeachment were read. The Senate decided to. organize Mon day at noon as a High Court of Impeach ment and be sworn In. The Judges will be immediately noti fied and will appear before the Senate with their counsel and ask for time to prepare their defense. The managers of the .impeachment and their lawyers have done a great deal of work on the preparation of the arti cles of impeachment, notably a bill of in dictment against the judges It was thought tbe articles would be presented earlier thun there were, but the progress made was not what was expected. Necessity Has Passed and There . Will be no More. 1.25 and $1.00 ' " 85c 85c and 76c " " " 60c 65c " " u 45c 50c . " " 39c 40c " " " 25c 25c ' 18c 75 Pairs Children's Shoes, Nos. 9 to 2's, Sold for $1.50 and $2, Now 25c, 50 and 75e. 75 Fairs Ladies Shoes sold for $1.25 and $1-50, Now 75c. 500 Pieces Ribbon to go at same pro portion of Reduction. A Cut in our Linen Department thatjwill Surprise everyone. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE MONEY ! - Not often do we make such Tremendous Sacrifices, but when we do we are in "Dead Earnest." No Humbus:, HAOKBTJRN". There is always dancer in using conn terfelts of DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. The original Is a safe and certain core for piles. It Is a soothing and healing sslve for sores and all skin diseases. F. 8 Duffy & Oo. NO EXTRA SESSION. Believed That the Legislature can Finish In Nearly Given Time. Special to Journal. lUi.Eion, February 28. The con'cesus of opiniou today Is that there will be no eitra session of tbe legislature, but that It can finish by March 10 or 12. A few days of froe service may begin, if there's an emergency. JUDGE MOORE RESIGNS. Oo Account of IU Health he Withdraw From the Bench. Speelal to Journal. Riition, February 88 Augustus V. Moore resigns at Judge of tbe Crimloal Court of the Eastern District of North Carolina. lie gives 111 health as necessitating his withdrawal from the bench. rr. Hi M l ! - - J Not a word in argument or praiite It needed In offering oar (rood to you. Hie wn Ui pek for theroeelvea. Tbe quail- tie are plainly in evidence at all time and the prion that's the point that win on mnre and more patron. The richnm of the good coupled to mi.'ti small oot la all any customer 3 vlll expect. I have Just received a very nic line of fancy Cracker and X f akes aa follow: Aiwt. Fruit Slice, ItoyaU Toot, Athena, lUmma, OtamrMgne, Cbwm Itiacttit, Tan Sugar -Wafera, V,nlr Cream, Avt. 6 O'clock, and many other k'nda too many to mmUnn here, hut if you will give im call yoi can ee Uvm all. Ymira to Plrw, ' For Collecting Rerenae. tpeghl to Journal.. RtLKian, February II The revenns bill is reported. Host of the objection able feature are sirlokeu oat. Than yel renalo a few. One of them Is the manner of collecting taiaa on corpora tion loans. No doubt this will be modi Bed. State tiuard to Meet at Wrigbls- Tllle. Governor and Staff Will goto BofTalo Ex pasltlon. Rail road umr- A ten. Kalsiok, February 24 The sab-wm- mitteeou election law has completed the draft of a bill for a new liar. Tbe Aug ust election Is done away with. Last August Slate Chairman Simmons told your correspondent that there would be no more August elections. Of course the election la-tt August was held in that month so as to entirely separate It from the national election, so there ooul.l be no federal interference with the consti tutional amendment vote at the polls. Tbe necessity for such elections has ended, of course. The first real snow storm of the win ter began this morning. The ground was very dry aud ready to hold it. It Is quite probable that the State Quird will go' into camp this year at Wrlghtsville, If the property on which the encampments from 1883 to 1891 In clusive were held can be secured. The Congressional district arrange ment Is a great puzzle. Tbe caucus his settled that there shall be 10 districts. but now the task oomes of so arranging as to make all certainly Democratic. W. E. Gary was today appointed as sistant quartermaster general of the State Guard. It is now regarded as reasonably sure that tbe State will build a new arsenal and'hall of records. A bill to that end was favorably reported today. The Sonthport, Wilmington and Dur ham railway company Is the one which has Invested 150,000 .In terminal prop erty at Southport. It will connect wltL the Norfolk and Western at Durham and give the latter road an outlet South, which it greatly desires. The Stale charters the Burlington fur niture company, capital $13 000, "with leave to Increase to $30,000. Oov. Aycock will not attend the pres idential Inauguration. (le and staff will go to tbe exposition at Buffalo. New School Law Completed. Special to Journal. Raxbioh, Feb. 2'. The sub-oommit tee of tbe educational committer of tbe legislature today completed the new school law. There will certainly be four months schools all over the State. Rev. W. O. Clements, the superinten dent of public schools In this county says It can have 8 months schools. The trouble be finds Is that parents Insist on taking their ehlldren f rota the schools to work. He declares slrooflv in favor of compulsory education, and says that while be sees no immediate hope of yet It will be ordered sooner orlster, a asoeaslty. Church Parlor Boilnr. Hubokea, N. J. Feb. ft. Tbe parlors of the West Hobokea First Baptist Cburoo will shortly present a most aa. sua) appearance. Kev. II. II. Rollins tbe peator, believe In healthy elastic sport, and la order that they may be soooa raged and tbe yoaag asea kept la loach with the eknrck he has organised sa athletle aa4 literary aloa ead boilag boot asay be bold la the church parlor. The novel ld ha (track a popaUr eot wish the yoeaf asea of tbe eh arch. TM slab I hot cieleeiv,. Toeag ease easy H V they wish to tear bow to kaadl the "Itlee."- 33. 3EV.IZE; Tr. WMtwIi sod fUUfl Onsat, Gor. If road eft Hancock Nu. VolBtUtn Comlnf, ItL WatkUgtoo, D. O, Feb. tt-C4oel Mlltrf, ttni)Ur at tlsella, bat ewUed tbe Wet Dvpanawat that the traaspett Tbeate win Wave Haalla MsrcbltwlU tbe-Ta)iyebib aad Thirty -Ink Kf laMlt el vl(atr iad A. ' snAva .k mm m. mm V I w w mmmm mt wm 3 rnuv. vor. iinwu w aiancon nia. IW T.eaiyie.h a.4 TkWty-eeep 5 , ; ' " Hfltl. Tbov ltt Ike) aeJa XliyVlViyXVXVlelXVrAU I rfleltw be ptvt4e4 fe. ' . I" w ' fss J111) aaikipat ae ioviiy la trpniaf tke to tbe Valied lietes by Jsa 9X mi iiuy DB1S. Llk bad dollars, all oooalerfalu of DeWIti' Witch Hsxel Salve are worth les. Tbe orlgiaal quickly ceree pile sore and all sslo dlseasee. P. S. Dully Co. Tea la South Carolina. CasaiaeroR, 6. O. Feb. II. The AaMrican Tea Cos, chartered oader law of Sooth Carollaa, ha porehaaed 1.000 aerra of lead 'aear Iht city, sad the planting of lb Irsl rear crop of lee will btfta tkU week. It is expected that next eeeeoa 100,000 poeeo of lea will be raised for the American Market, The ooatpaay le afO-.latlg for Othf properly. Timber Sale Rear fialata. ScLim, Mixn, Fsb. tS,-Wlarwele teaiberatfa taosa Waaeaa and a Ckletge trm are bayleg a tract of- 00,00) 00) ft of plae tlajhsr beer tkl die $111,000. Tkl I $J.t per l.'$ tert, and I the blkes( price ever paid, espe elslty es tbe asale eevert eeevythle eewa to aal lacledl He. 4 Mwb. . Leaber frees eeb a. parekase ktr le brlsf $20 for Re. I and better le gtr aey 4e retera. Mdltae of penpl are fIUfwtU DsWUf Llule Xerly tUetr and tboe be ee thee ted tbeaa t be facte little llrer pni. Hover gripe, , F, 0fy 0. ' . fitt Rallroal Tine. (tttstiia. O, Frb. II. tU (rle K I, frmait To k le vbeag t"m dty mtAtm teti tea, wvmIhk sm. IliWe ee4r4, that le netstkaUe Tbetrale Ml nla, Tt 1.. e hoes 4 tita tte lata. d rt In order to make room for our BPILINQ imch--i.. yttnt, G00D3 wo will ollior CASH all WINTEE -; goods AT COST, Bucti as Underwear, CIotlKuf!. t.-. ..),t lug, Nckwcar, Fancy Bhlrts, Drcsa Qoodg,''"! -" '-e Ladlct Cloaks and Capci, Blauketa, Qullt3, and everything in our storo that cannot W CASTO I A old In summer, "Wo will guarantco you y; ... , ( 1 ... A HIT1SU or .1 Villi :i:.t. oa your r j r -j t'Vi' "i ' ;" 'I infl ttr-OBIiTOXT fcILL aper4 reverakly 1st Will le Orpestd, IIB le krow tabor tetra. f.-ial to real. tuunmm. Ft t -Tke Wtl for a t fomatsry fnr ya erlaltaU WM ! lit wpTtd ftfWy. Orast prMsr lit bbt,M uthvtt to -ere the nwil mt Ike kilt V y Ii!i'iVi kln, star fltie tl II, i j !il m . t. g a.ltf (mm ', f,f bo - 1 ill aaip'.nf . cl .r."'1- la uttH. ir '. Tr;.nt I; If COLDS fS COUGHSiaf a W ate THROAT) YdCROUPl fittJt! r. WM . I NESS 1 CHAMBERS' OP SAMOA, I 1 Sajmt "I cv recommend I i Perunm as one ot the very m beat remedies for catarrh, m 3 f recommend Penma to all 1 g wrfllMwa." ' BOOKER T. WASHINGTON, OtTuskegee,Ala., writes: "I have never taken any medicine that has im proved me as much as Peruna. For catarrh it is certainly a blessing. " TATBHBNT OT THE CONDITION of the Farmers anil Merchants Bail:, NEW BERN, N. C, At the close of Business, Feb. 6th 1901. RESOURCES: Time Losns $188,389 6t Demand Loans. 1D.450 (it 4tocks and Bonds Revenue Account Overdrafts (secured and unse cored) Real Xstate Furniture and Fiitures Due from Banks Cash in vault.. 202,739 fl: 01 Hi Sfc 138 (0 8,8c0 8 11.907 02 11.H87 38 10,427 7u $U0,8 0 77 LIABILITIES: CaplUl 8tork $ 75,000 Oil Surplus and Undv. Profits.. . li.m tt Due to Banks 9t Bills Klloounted f,WJ tKj Dn DaDoallora. duhlrci to Check) 130,0 IS 03 eJlO.SM 7 I. T. W. Dewev. Caahlrr of the Farmer! and Merchant Hani do solemnly awra that Uila statement Is true and correct to tbe beat ot my knowlrdre and Miff. T. vr. uawtl, aiiir. Hwora and ettbaoribrd to bWor n tble IbeMrd day of Feb. 1001. Y. u. raLLrrixK, Notary Public. Correct attent: L. If. Cctlk, J. W. Srawarr, , O. D. Bbadsmn. Director. STATEMENT or rn Ci'ini M, if Net Bsra, At the cloM of voalueae, Feb. (lb 1001. RESOURCES: Lows and Dtaeooau ...tlU.OMtH i on to l.M 01 CKWOO 1.IN00 tf 161 1? Ovrrdraiia, eeowred and ana. Curr4 RfJ EeUte , rUekrag Hoaee Foraluire ad Flattaree Cah la FeU acd ds frora etber Bask IciflraBillPriDl Fancy Elgin FRESH LOT u u Ls 1 Ontario Prepared Buckwheat, Fresh Grits and Big Hominy, Genuine Java Coffee" fresh roasted and ground to order only SJOo 11.. A Nice Table Peach forylOc, 2 lb can. A few of those Nice California Prunes at 5c lb left. Snow Drift and Star Flour are two of the leading brands so d in lew Bern. Give them a trial. A COMPLETE fcTOCK of the Nicest Groceries to be had at prices which are hard to beat. tyOive me a call. Yours truly, a. Wholesale eft Betail Grocer, Jg Vi a. : ftiV0Hi,l.Uftfa 'Phone 01. 71 Ilrol St. J. A. JONES, BROAD STREET, STEWART'S OLD STAND, Isl very, Feed, OA f A TT Y Y af Sale and XI ZA Kl LH- Exchange . . a A aft JaftaaWjLaaaValV f Largest and Finest HiocV cf HOESES azd. UTILES Ever Found in New Hern. Also a Complete Line of Buggies, Wagons Harness, Robes, Whips, Cart Wheels, Etc. T. A. JONKN, Broad Street, Stewart' Old Stand l i riNa ooe mm Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, Satisfactory Printing. Pom men aay that It Is Impossible to gnt a nb well done ouulcle ol my of Br. I rertalnly do my best to carry out my cnattimera' wlshm and to do work which will be a credit to m and a source if satisfaction to them. Flftaen years eipertenca. and every mechanical naclli ty, enables m to do artlatle and up-to-date work. My prices are right, tnn I have a full line of Btcyclm Fire-arms and Hportlnc Uooda. I have added a targe assortment of Welsbach Bnmrs and KanteU which 1 oflr at Lowest Price. W3f. T. II I Ma Bicycles, Osat, Amaailtloe, Oraph opboea. Job Priatlaf. Rubber Staaipe. -It Middle fV., Mew Ba. V. 0 $.1.5(r 3.50 3.50 rrt'lit Vici Kid, I.nrc and Button NEW SPRING STYLES. The Boat ccr In Umn lur lot than than $6.00, titiaranlcctl equal U any 14.00 Fhoe. We hars the now thapra In VIcl Kid, htoe and button, and also in VHnur Calf, lac and button A look la all that Is necruary to convince you that they cannot be equall ed for In than IS. 00. EVEtY PAIR OUARANIEED. J.G.DUNN&CO., The Up-to-date Fnrnluhem, M POIXOOIT 8TKEET. ' UAfitUTIESi Ceelhd Stark Mid la I N.0 00 Kuroloa a4 nilTk)l pronta, n,Hr thMrxker )tnks sad Haekers. k iua? bee iMnartora Ul.lilM ; . nei.tis is t K. H- Oro. fWb-r of the above mmmri Bank, e entnlyWHir Ua( Mil uieM4t M tf-e in the of Biy kaowMf e4 blf II. M. UR0VE4, Cashier, AuteofKortltOaralia, . . 1 1 t aam to end a-fa-lbed before M. .. . - . . . V . , r.' , i L WM B"7 " wmr. T. i. Mmxiu, oUry Febllc. Corrwt muU T. A. Ossae. . Jis )tar-ia. K. W. Seat f , I)ird'ir, rrhM) I l!JLBook Store The I Chicago S Typewriter Onl $33.00 1 ' EmtIo' dean and terp . .. . -t . tn aritt. G, N. Enriett, DON'T READ THIS L'oleu Yen Chew Oeo4 Tooacca RO0 A!D BOXI5T I U bst There ll ttothlnf b4 lot eoiH a coughlnt. CntWI5l lOftAO.tJIa tbe wevleV Th.rt Is ro'.h'.nt 1 for I mntrm4 e tk feast Beery r k v ! in- a form! ",,r r- '' Toe ea 4lt at K A DRCSS PARADB k) faahloa's eevkrw. Waavwe el eate wmA to order rail foes a ttvlkkaff Bf eaaelna, tr irt r4 wiw.lewe Siiase lb era ah-leas la ibe bbrle lof thai ". Liihs a a a-pbyt, eM e a hiiH,a4arUrte a ftetaiea, UwM paii boM admiration) erlaneer. aa4 xaae p as toe eeMie esH k l It all pavtaeUy. s F. JI. iliadwlrk. i. n. iiAmciiT, Tfew liar, dsstk Fraat ta Bsaeevl It reel a. Tin U'j'Kir kr,1 L'.tra. An fx'r Q iaJity t4 I-ajer lUef frenjlif. purcna80. itcpccuuiiy, i -' tl.o 1 h t t Hllilt Ct Iflt n't tore e r- V, )' t everything In eat t to i f 1 1 1 f t r i " ase "hhiiiimi mm m w Jf mm-- mam ;fn i.

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