m UP fat- -1 -vw An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and benefloiol effects of the well known remedy, Bybup or Fioa, manufactured by the Califoksia Fio Syrup Co., Illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa-. tive principles of plants known to be medioinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing' to the taste and acceptable to the system; It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but tho medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained .from senna and other 'aromatic plants, by a method known to the CAuroRSiA Fio Stbtjp Co. onlv. In order to got its beneficial effects nad to avoid, imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FBANCISOO, OAL. LOUISVILLE. KT. NEW YORK, N. T. Foriwle hysll Dnwglats. PrloeMo. par bottle. IT SNOWED THE JOURNAL. New Bern. N. C, Feb. 24, 1901. Index to New Advertisements. Citizens Bank Statement, James B. Dawson Today. F. & H. Bank Statement. Mrs. Kate C. Richardson Fur-sale. Bradham Cough cure, etc. Barfoot Clearance sale. Smith Trunks, valises. Simmons & Hollowell Oo We invite. Business Locals. COCA. Cola, Sandwiches and Oysters TO-DiY at James B. Dawson's, 108 Mid dle street. "WANTED TO KENT Three rooms unfurnished rooms in some private fam ily. Answer, H., Journal Office. LOST From transfer, Robe, rubber and blue cloth. Return to this office and oblige. FOR SALE Several pieces of choice city Real Estate. Will pay 13 to 15 per cent per annum. Alto seversl Craven county farms at a bargain. J. H. Hack-bum. LOST, Sorrel Hare, 0 yean old, between Neuss river bridge and Orsatsboro. Re ward for return to L. O. Darikij), Bsy boro. I HIVE Secured an aieocr with the Wilmington .Steam Laaodrv, for the benefit of my friends, who appreciate good laundry work. I will call for your work Monday and Tuesday, and deliver It Saturday. Satisfaction guaranteed. E N. Braes, Agent. Work can also be left at Wallaces' shoe shop, 85 Middle st. Monday or Tuesday. YOICE OF THE PEOPLE, i FOR Bala or Rest. My retideoce No. USBrosd Street, now occupied by C. W. Munger. C. V. McUebee. OKT yoor Stove Wood at Big Hill's. JACOB? tUUIfO Rys Whl.ksy Is tbe Best. Middle street. CLEVELAND'S Improved sitra Early Red Valeatlaa Beeae. 1900 Seed, at Bottom SterM. Cbas B. Hill, Si Mid die Street. And teat aU Rev tern Records. Great - dty For the Boy. Nine Inches '; . cf "The BcaiUful " Fell. : The snow began to fall about 7 o'clock yesterday morning and never ceased all day. It was lbs biggest fall ever known here, all agree, but, it came down so quietly and tbe air was so mild that it was not disagreeable day.- Vs ji .Two year ago, Sunday Febrnaty 12, there was a heavy snow fall, a depth of ? inches being - noted. It was much coldei that day, the thermometer drop ping to 12 degrees, with a maximum of i decrees during the day. It will be re called that th trains were aU delayed, the Atlantic Coast Line not getting) through for several days. There was. al to ice entirely across Neuse river, so that It-was much more wintry than yes terday, although the snow fall wai not as great. ' New Bern can go way back when it comes to telling about the weather. It is banded down that in 1780 people crossed the rivers hero on the toe. That is further back than the memory of "tbe oldest inhabitant',,' but this individual is fond of recalling that February 7ib, and 8th, 1888, tbe thermometer was be low zero with a maximum of only 12 above at noon. When enough snow bad fallen yester day to form a snow ball, the bays began to get In their work, and all day,,espec tally on Middle street, the fan was fast and furious. Everybody got pelted, age was no protection, aud sex deserved hone, for the girls were out aud throw ing snow balls as straight SB nature al lowed them to. Too much freedom was taken by some of the frollckers and there were a number of small fights as a result. Mr. Ferd Hsbn had his two seated sleigh out shortly after noon and the big pair of horses kept moving the rest of the afternoon and ttaeWjeijih bells jingled merrily. This bleigbls the only ons in town and is justly deemed a cu rioilty. Mr. Hah a has used the Bleiira for the last three winters, last year af fording a few hours of the sport. A feature ot the day was the fool gear of tbe colored men. They obtained big piece of bagging and tied it over their shoes aud up around their ankles snd then went ploughing along very content edly. Tbe draymen and the transfer drivers had a bad time of It and said they didn't like "no such." A fall of snow is considered a, good thing for the fs'mers and truckers. It covers up tbe vegetation and seems to enrich tbe soil, at least belter crops are said lo follow snow fal's. For tbe fWher men it is bsd, it cbllls the water and tin fish do not corns up tbe river and It was aid yesterdsy that tbe effect will be to make shad and herring scarce in the market. People who bsd telephones yesterday were lucky, for they could telephone their wants to the batcher, the bsk?r, and the candle stick maker. The central office said that it was an awful busy dsy, a constant call for "oentral. The snow began at Qoldsboro yeiier day earlier than it did bere and it was reported heavy all along ,the line. At Kaleigb about three inches of snow fell tbe storm letting up in the afternoon about three o'clock. In the three lower gradeij of the Graded School there will bo no sssilon tomorrow, tbe ground will be unfit for the smaller scholsrs to reach the bulid- dk. Notice ot this will be found In notber column. Careful measurement of the snow fall showed Ibsl nlnt inches bad fallen up lo late lait night. The lowest point touched by tbs thermometer during the at hours was 90 degrees. The weather bureau predicts fair and colder for to- dsy. Oyster Packers Hot Dishonest Editor Jouuial. Id your Issue) of thetjd reporting the Legislative pro ceedings at Raleigh, In reference to the new Oyster hill, your cor.-etpondent says "It was reported In tb Hons, that eea ner and packer had avoided taxation Id every conceivable way.... '" 1 f ' '. Now we do not know ; who It was that made this statement, hut whoever It wai either knows nothing whatever asto whs he assertr, or made the statement know tng that It was maliciously false. For our own basinets we will tsy that we paid every dollar dte the Stale on our business, until this season. We paid hundreds of dollars to tbe State in good faith, and received nothing whit ever from the State for it. The tax was for "Inspection" which everyone (who knows anything about the business) know was the veriest farce. The political Inspectors did nolo Ing whatever, never made any Inspec tion as required by the law, and for days and weekt were not teen at all on the oyster wharves. We do not mind paying this tax for inspection," if the Slate carries oat its part, and ciusei the oysters to be in' spected, but we do object to paying something for nothing. We doubt very much If any merchant would pay for goods which wore sever hipped or delivered to him, or thst any lawyer would allow his client to pay for proptrty which was never conveyed to him, and we do not beleive that the State can force the oyster dealers to pay an Inspectors tax when there Is no in spection. We are satisfied that every oyster packer" In New Bern paid tbe full amount of his tax to the State, just as fully and honestly as we did ours, and we beleive that all the cauners and packers In the Slate bare been much more honest on their part as to this In spectors tax, than has the State of North Carolina on Us part Geo. N. Ives. Criminal Court Tomorrow. The February term of tbe Criminal Court jf the Eastern District of North Carolina will convene her tomorrow.' His Honor, Judge Augustus M. Moore presiding.,' . rf x The docket la a fairly long one, hot contains no esse of special importance. Cold in the Head Cured la oas alght, by oeeof Brad k sal's Diss Catarrh Haeff It sllatnUtes aad detain the dstlcal aseabraaet of bom aad throat-opeat Bp tbe head. Is the Me. Only lOo. at BRADHAM'S pharmacy. Cckrj Hetdicbe Powders. Thar It not any bet lev remedy for headsets than these powders. They svt fall to relieve. Mad aad sold ealy tl Devi' P'aaeriplioa Faaimary. Wanted. I waal to bat S holler tad tagine, ant teas lata II her newer. Tasoas I am - sjatag It of that at, hat sat aaeMt to at wood at fast at It as ovdavoi. Apply M MOOHCa WOOD TaRII Oooalao Coo Goto, hot ef ooM, aarvan at MeSevWy-s. Walaot Taffy at Motor Wys today. A freak 1st 4 Areseef A Co', Wottm ooaf jet rtvd Oaks Mara. Jf (411 CrB(. BalSAflL ' , , , For Use JonUt'l Coegh Hal , awn. Made tsenrtUg la trass U al the ', lot Oat JvrAsa tes not ooaula say ' sstbMss a thloroloraa. O sat Mjr ' at ta 4 f raatvtanto rhamec. ; CURE: YOUR HEADACHE and LaORIPPE With CAPUDJNE hat ftv sffwta . IK M a4 V. r tf T A Dif a4 f '' rwswy. Serrlces Todsy. Csnlanary Melbodlit Church --'o vices toJay at II t. m , and i.Wi p. rn Preacblog by the pastor Rev, R Bumptu at both mornlog and tvrnlng servloe. Al tbe Prasbylerlin Chorcb: Prtscb lag II o'clock, t. m., by Rev. F. I), Tbossas, ot Elberton, Os , aad T:l) p. a, by tbe paUr, Rev. H. 8. Bradihsw Sabbath School, 130 p. m. AU attending Ibeat Mrvloat will msat with a most eordlal walooate. ' ' rtarvlostatM.Marf'trrWlll Bsp Ust Chart al II a a), aad 7:S0 p. m. by the peetof Rev. W. H. Froai. Morning tahjeot "Tbe Uassealty of Chrltt" ltd John ll li Ivealag MbjeaL Tks Blond ot Cartel" MM Dsn. fcl 1-14. Thar will bequaru't st boihatoralBg aadevtalng asrviot. Vaadey Schoot at t:S4 p. ai, Psblle tt lavlud. we welootaa visitor aad ttraagav. Coats. Ckrittlan BjWbos fharbk -ServloM, fteadty IC U a as T:W p. as.' BiMe U slot attatoa today, subject ""Ckri.l Jsms," Jnda, tftto II. Testleuxy Sac vice Wadaaaday 7 JO p. at. Heading Root opan dally. All are aordlally le filed M attawd. ' - " ' Snow for Packlnf FIsU. The fish men, tome of them, took ad- vantags of the heavy snow fall,, yester day, to stow away a quantity of snow in tfaeii Ice boxes, to be used in tba place of ice In packing fish for shipment Fish dealer say fresh dean snow it better for packing flab with lor ahlpment than Ice, at It packs more closely. Mr. Geo. N. Ives, a large fish and oyster shipper, speaking of gathering snow, said yesterday, that during a very heavy mow fall here a few years ago, he got out teams and men, and gathered up 60 tons of snow, which be pat away Thlt snow cost htm about fifteen AoV. lart to have gathered and stored away, which be afterwards used In hit basinets The' cost of ice, which would have bad to b) purchased if no snow bad beeu gath ered, would have amounted to two to three thousand dollars. The following quotations ware receiv ed by J. E. Latham AG , Hew Bam ' i . . Feb 8. CoTTOH; . Open. High. Low. Close Feb 883 9 0S 8.08 . 0J March.. 898 8.08 8.83 8.08 May..' 8.1 819 8.G8 .9 WATt Open. High. Low. Close May ., 80 80 80 80 THB KARXETS. Cotton receipts weie 17 000 balsa. TJvvrpool Spoil 5.S-16. Ssles 6,000 bsles. Futures, Mch.-Apr.-8.15, Aug-3ept 4 60. The finest Turkeys on the market, live or dressed, al The Oaks Meat Market. Editob Jodrnal. Several articles have appeared in the Journal, regarding the lale New Bern Fair, what it has done (or this city and seotlon, and what it might do if continued. One thing ought to be done by tbe Fair management, and that Is t come to lome business settlement al once on the affairs of tbe last Fair, and for that matter on tbe entire Fair Association, so that Its financial affairs can be settle ! up for lbs benefit of al) concerned, and there are a number very mock interest ed in such a final settlement. OH IaTEBESTID. Wreck on A. t N. C. Road. Yesterday morning the material train on the Atlautlc 4 'North Carolina road ran into the wood train wblcb was standing on the main track, about one mile east of Totcarora. Tht tender of the engine of tbe mv terlal train and two cars on the wood train were derailed, and this blocked traffic on the road an III late, the regular mall train reaching here -at 8 p, m., tbe 4 SO p. m, passenger train not leaving here until after tbe arrival of lbs mall train. Modern Conversation. N. Y. Sua. Have you seen 'When Poached Eggs Were On Toau ?" 'No I've lead the book. Have you teen 'Under two Breads' : iHot yet I've read tbe book. shouldn't think it would make nearly so good a play as 'Unleavened Flags.' " "I didn't read 'Unleavened Flags,' but if it was as poor a book as it was a play it wasn't worth reading. Still, you can always tell. You've seen 'In the Palaoe of Harum,' of course." "Oh, yes indeed I wasn't half through the book when I saw that." "I didn't read the book. I was afraid they'd put tbe last chapter first as they did when they dramatized 'David Mere dith,' you know. I don l believe in this dramatizing a novol by mixing it up un til you can't recognize it." 'Ob, I do. "it's ever so much more exciting all mixed up. I like tbe kind of dramatized novel where you can't tell which novel it is until tbe third act at least." " 'To Bhave and To Scold' ought to make a good play don't you tbink aor" 'Ob, yes, Indeed; much better Ihsn 'Carvics Janel' did. By the way, did you ever hear of a play by tbe name of 'Hamlet f" 'Hamlet'? Why, don't remember any novel of that name. Really? You don't mean it? Ob. if that's the esse, I shouldn't csre to see it. Have you read Huxley'a 'Life and Letters' ?" "No, there's not the slightest chance of Its being dramatized, I'm told. I'm read lug 'When The Boup Orews Cold' the advertisement ssys It's sure to be dramatized." Try tbe Oak Meat Market's Breskfast Bacon. It is delightful. Now It is throat, bronchist and lung medicines Emulsions, Halts, Cod Liver Oil, and all their compounds, to be put up by prescription cr sold as Patent Remedies. We bare them all, fresh, and of tbe fullest strength. Buy them bere and you buy tbe best. If you want any kind of Malt, or its compound, get it here. If you want a Pure Cod Liver Oil (none better al any price) get it here. All the leading Emulsions are here. All tbe reliable Cough, Cold, and La Orlppe Medicines, ' as well as Bronchial and Lung Remedies, are bere. Let us bs your druggist and fill your prescriptions We believe that you would be better sat isfled if you bought all your drug sLore goods here. Bradbam's Pharmacy. Feb'y Clearance Sate! : riTJB SELLING DAYS ONLY. From' Friday Fb. 22nd to Thursday 28th. -'. A great many articles at half, others at even a third of regular price. We are greatly over-stocked and must have the room for New Spring Goods which are now arriving. One lot Good Percales, f yard wide, at 5c per yard. 85 pieces Best Sc and 6c Calico, sale price, 4c per yard Heavy Cotton Coverts for Ladies Shirts at '0c per yard. Black Dress tioods in Cashmere, ferges and L'rir.iantincs worth up to 40c, now at KSc per yard. Hooka and Eyes 2c, failing Sc, Whalebone 4c, White Dape He hnnch Skirt Binding Ho bunch. One Case Ladies Felt bailors, Velvet bands, in black and colors, worth 7-1c, sale price only iSc each. Hamburg Edging and 'nsertings at 4c, 8c, 8c, 10c, 15c and up, all at real bar gain prices. Ladies Silk Waists in black and colors, tucked all over, value $6.0", our price, all sizes, $4.4S, Light Blue, Pink and (.ream, exact imitations trench Hannels, very thing lor waists, at 16c per yard. r-everal .00 and $8.50 Rainy day Skirts wc offer at 42.20 each. One lot Ladies Fine Shoes all small sizes that sold at l.53 to 2.00 all in this lot 75c per pair. Ladies Vici Kids, Button and Lace Phoes, $1.35 per pair. Our stock of Ladies and Childrens Jackets and Canes for 25c. 175c. 85c. ' 10 and up, all at about half prico. Ladies Heavy Ribbed Lined Vests at ?Jc. 40 Corsets in Whito and I.rab, all sizes, 22c. Yard wide Bleaching and Unbleached I nmestic at 5c ncr vard. Onn lot Linen Mowcls worth 15c to 20c, sale price :0c each. And a great many other things in this sale not mentioned. Bring this advertisement with jou to.eee that we hive everything as advertised; but we advise an early visit as eome lots are nmtill and can't last long at the above prices. a A. BARFOOT, 43 Pollock Street Desirable Property For Sale! I oner for sale my boardinir bouse on Pollock street, containing 10 rooms kitchen, psntry and batb room?, has gas water and phone connections, In good repair, nar business center, convenient for transient travel and has been run sue cessfullv as a boarding house for 10 yearB. Apply to MIIS. KATE C RICHARDSON. 82 I'ollock Street, New Bern, N. C. Or R. A. RICHARDSON 05 Craveu Street, New Bern, N. C. Fo Rent. My store on South Front Street is m for rent, it is 0 x 51 feet, 2 stoiy,'wlii is dcsirealile stand for most any busines and good location for the country trad across the Trent river bridge or city trade. With my utaliles and slune,! yard, brick and latlis. and mill lmsine all on the same lot in the rear of n store anyone can do ; nice business any kind In my store. See Iiii; Hill f serious motives. We bave now cut down prices on i kinds of Stove Wood, as the spring , most here and we want to tret our o stock of wood off before warm wcatln takes charge. 1 his advantage on knoc down prices is for our customers. BIG HILL, The SliiDile Mao Coast Line Train Late. The snow storm delayed tba Atlantic Coatt Line train from Wilmington, last night., the schedule being 5.40 p. m and the train getting In al 10. 80 p. m. II Sunday School Adjourns. Tbsre will be no Sunday School ser vices at the First Bipllst Church Bjb- day School today, il being deecssd bast lo adjourn on Seconal of ihs weather. Prompt Payment. Tbeoffleeriof Treat Ceaacll Royal Arciaara yeelerdsy paid tan widow of tbtltuCtpt. Baml. B. Water three thonasad dolls ($3000) laa aaaonol af la ireoo carried ay bias ia that order It s worthy of Bote that lb hack ar rived wlthla on asoath front th oaaih ot Capt WaUrs, which Speaks wall for Ih efflosrs of Treat Ooail as well for tho aaaaetal boatth af la order. Wthla tho past two warn tho Royal Area a bat paid lo heasaolarU llvlaf la Bern twealy-oa thomaad dol lars (tf i.OX) a4 he aroapta la pty tag all i bet row as hse w f of It aa aavUM rapnlaUoa. It Is gratlflag lo aoto tho rapid f .via of Ibis otdv.' Th CoH Wt I Urg t aai a U, atW moaaoor hring ablated at nearly ovory atatUai. 1AQ X www invite t your i I inspection I Qniti School Notice. Tbr Will h no OtarclM at ll.s 0rd4 Ischaol for la thra lot t'lM (1st, tad A) I'd) tail! Taosdsy wot alsf TV ether fradr ltl fa en rv(lsrly. Parent plana not tat . Too R FetT. Hupt, Cures Colds, Coughs, L&Grippc. r"pt m !Hlrt"l ft l id M snoihifif r"nli. t 'tfr"'r'i'l ix rw frn.i''t. Il slt't tl Sm Hmhtnr i4 th" t rrt r -1 Tales f the Blri Banters. . . ffldsy srss diy which ihoro M a Wat Of thill twin two tanas of Wrd haa om, oliao ibrr May ho a aMttoa aoa lb parUdpaau that thar was ssy ascatlo of skill Involved I la saemla t ee I Prtdsy. nevsr 11 saay be. Ih la Uata wrMsra Hauls sad Kaa, oo on Id, tad Wessr. K4 Clsrk ssd Ltsa. 64, oo th otber. Ad Us tbretlr, nr.ba. Usl MeMra. flsrHi snd Krsl Spsal all 4f oalblsfcsat, h lln hk If aot't, bile tn CUtk snd Laoisdaa la a f.w hors iko 'n kin4 I esi ss4 1 rsiit lts, kl' k r bfM knas ssd farrt4 fcf Mm. . m-iMi, it'f tht t, M 4i :y s4 af's." e f- tt f ' f -, In . r ' t ' r I - r . S.t ot our Latest Arrivals in Wash Fabrics for Waists and Spring Dresses, Lace and Embroideries, Lawns and Dimities. Every piece bought right and will be cold right Those Beautiful "A. F. C." I Ginghams for Waists are selling very last many beautiful patterns still re main, and the cconmlcallmother Is buying tho children dresses irozn these goot5s as a matter ot pure economy. . o o o o t t Vo are constantly receiving : . a iOv and Seasonable Goods. Vo invito you to our store. t ... ). At Smith's tores You illfmd the Largest and most Complete line of Trunks, Valises, and Dress Suit Cases in the city. These are just in, all neH) and fresh goods, money on them. We can sale you SMITH'S 61 POLLOCK AND 99 MIDDLE ST. WcsiP w ell pl.Hfl milh (,nr aa'cn of the KKNU'CKV nKMOHT .NTf)'E-i the priMt ia'nKin our ctistomrrj are Uo. Ami if you exn- t tu hliy wf tli in on nur floor or ask your neighbor nUmt tlirin. Siild ith n (ttmranl to back thorn. Our stock is a well wlrctpj one ami full. AnytliiiR vou isiit in tlurdwarv, I uildinrs Material, I'uintA, Cilx, Varnish, I.imc i.nil 1 1 jir. Ot our jiriwa. Save Money. Gaskill Hardware Co. PIIONK 147. 73 Midi Li 8' NEW BIR1T. N. 0. DOIl'T WAIT TO St II ADVERTISED BnlCOMS ASTTIME ) B0"6T aDlMOlT YAB1ED Atwrtnttat cf . I-IOP-3E3 and 2TCTXd2La, Iif ' scl t rie. Al ref !, tTip . Cor U, ( ori Wka!, Ham-, lUl rn U found In th. BUta. Etrry tal. OCARAN I tT.IX p.pwifu!lv. IL HAHN O SON, lldtoMMnrirr. M r" f 1f r '' P.'ft fV-S". -y I ' ( ) . 1 1 A t

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