An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Btbup or Fies, mauufactured by the CAUroimiA Fiq Sybup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It Is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs aro used, as they are pleasant to tho taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy aro obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Via Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the ful 1 name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, ST. NEW TORE, N. T. For sale by nil Drwwlsts. PricoMo. per bottle. THE JOURNAL. New Bern, N. C, March 5, 1901. Index to New Advertisements. Lost Pocketbook. Simmons & Ilollowell Co Spring Goods. Business Locals. LOST A pocketbook containing money, some visiting cards, etc. Reward if left with Mr. Tims. H. Hotel Hazcl ton. J4RDINIER9, with aud without "ped estals," and Umbrella stands at cost at Whltehorst's. FLORIDA ORANGES, Bananas, at McSorley's. Apples and TO-DAY At Dawson's you will find Oranges, Apples, Lemons, Cocoanul Cream and Peanut Brittle, Nuts Raisins, Dates and most anything In the con fectionery line. 103 Middle Street. A NICE Lot of medium sized N. C. Hams just received, will sell st 121c. per pound. J. U. Parker, Jr. FOR SALE 30 tons oice bright crab grass hay, baled, at f 1ft per ton. Apply to W. H. Bray. FOR SALE Sevoral pieces of choice city Real Estate. Will pay 12 to 15 per cent per annum. Also several Craven county farms at a bargain. J. II. Hack burn. FOR Bale or Rent. My residence No. 11(1 Broad Street, now occupied by C. W. Munger. C. V. McOehee. GET your Stove Wood at Big IIIMY JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whltkey li th llott. Middle street. Celery Headache Powders. There Is not any better remedy for headache than these powders. They never fall to relieve Made and sold only at Davit' Prescription Pharmacy. Fresh Tripe at the Oaka Market to day. WANTKD BIDS. On MO corda pine wood, (body of tre) to bs delivered In April or May, 4 feel leoflht Writ or see 1. W. MOO UK. Moore's Wood Yard. Jordan' Coufh Balsam. .'oi ought take Jordaa'a Count) Hal asm. Mada aor rdlna, to foratola of the late CoL Jordar. Dor not contain aay morphine or cKorofottu. On tale only I Davit' riracrlplloa Pharmacy. WaJauV Taffy at McBorWy'i today Now It Is throat, broachlal and lonj aadiclaaa Kaalaloet. Malta, Cod Llvtr OU, aad all iMr eoatpoaads. to bt pat p by jraacrtpUoa or told at Patent Rataaolaa. W have lbta all, trtah. aad of tka fallaat tiraagta. Boy lata b.rt aad roa Way the baa I. If yoa .atat aay klad of Mall, or lla ooaapoaad, gtt li aara. If yoa waat a far Cod Llvtr O0 HM bat tar at any price) gat It aert Alt la taadlaf Eaalatoaa art aara. All la rallaola Oaagh. Cold, aad La Oripp Madtdaaa, at wall a tiroaralal tad Laaf lUaaadtat, art aara. Lot at bt fMt IrtCfW aa4 HI l praactlplkwt Wt Warn Uat fo woaM bt aattar tat lataatfjvaboacal all oaMrt ttott fOoda aara. Bradhata a PVamary CURE YOUR HEADACHE and LaORlPPE With CAPUDINE lMlrattirwtVtwr, , mihaaiMt, fUlataaT A Urn-J (vatl DavW rVaraaa. AttEWSHERIFf. J. V. Uddle JBte4 By Tie Board af Cenaty Commissioner. Joseph Klntey handed In hit realgna tlnn as Sheriff of Craven county jester, day to the County Commissioners and tt was accepted. The Commlasloneri proceeded to the election of a successor and three names were put In nomination, M. W. Gannon, J. W. Lane and J. W. Biddle. On the Brat ballott Carman received 1 votes, Lane 1, and Btddle 2. Tbe name of J. W. Lane was then withdrawn and on the second ballott Carmjn received 2 and Biddle 8. J. W. Biddle was there upon declared elected Sheriff. Mr. Bid dle Is assistant cashier of the Farmers and Merchants Bank of New Bern and stands very high in the community. The Commissioners elected J. W. Weeks bridge keeper of Trent river bridge. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. D. C. McCotter 1b in the city on business. 1 Mr. Ed Stevenson of Kinston, 9 visit ing in the city. Mrs, T. H. Moore went to Kinston yes terday to visit relatives. Mr. J. B. Blades of Elizabeth City, was in the city yesterday. Mcbsis. A. D. Ward and W. W. Clark returned Sunday evening from Raleigh. Messrs. J. Gulon Dunn, J, T. Hollister Mark Stevenson, J. 8. Wahab, Chas. B. Hill and Robt. Hancock left Sunday evening for Washington, D. C, to Le present at tne inauguration. The Dapple Gray Dies. The line big dapple gray horse brought from Kansas City by J. M. Arnold for (he Atlantic S. F. E. Company died Sun day morning. The chango of climate and eiposure gave the horse pneumonia The horse was to be tried by the At- lantlcs and bought if found satisfactory. No trial had been made. The loss is quite a heavy one as the animal was a valuablo one. Died. In Wilmington N. C. March 3. 1001. Jos. B. McDanlel, aged 41 years. The remains arrived on the Coast Line train yesterday afternoon. The funeral services will be held this afternoon at the Middle street Baptist Church, at 3 o'clock. Mr. McDanlel was engaged at one time with N. S. Richardson & Son in printing business In this city. Ha moved to Wilmington about fif teen years ago and has been with the Wilmington 8tar. He was the brother of J. L. McDanlel of this city. Mrs, Mary McDanlel mother of the deceased and Mrs Carrie McDanlel, Ills wife, came to this city last night. Fire Alarm Test. There will be a fire alarm test tula morning about 10 o'clock. Three strikes of the bell will announce when the lect Is completed. Stewards' Meeting;. The Htewsrds of Centenary M K. Church will hold llielr regu'ar monthly meeting tonight at the parsonage at : o'clock. BEST OF ALL To cleanie the ayalrm In a gentle and truly beDedclal manner, whn the Spring lime comet, use the true suit perfect remedy. Syrup of Flgt. Buy the gen uine. Manufactured by iho California Pig Syrup Co only, aud for tale by all drugglit, at 50 cents per bottle. Notice. To the officers and Membert of Kureka Lodft No. 7, I. O O K. Brothera: -You are rafjueatad to ai aemblt at your Lodge Room promptly at 2 00 o'clock, lult afternoon fur Ibt pur- poae of attending the funeral of our de ceased brother Joaepb McDanlrl. Hy order of the Noblt Grand. 0OGmii, Hcc'y. At the "Opera." The varltly tbow al tbt Opera Ilooat laat night was t good allalr of Itt klod, there were plenty of peoplt oa tht ttag and tht coatnrott wtrt good and inert wat lots of "bora pity." Ilweaont of tbt oddaat allium of varltly, vandtvlllt tad anloatralt that baa coma tb la way. Of coo rat It wata't opart because tbtrt wasn't attic. Iat Ptrkard aa"Priac Pro Taw" raised a llcktrofbop wbta bt coat oa with hit "Tomaajr Tom ok I oa, kow do you do," bactata It wat a Caleb air. Tbtrt wat a fall boat, tat gallery wat packed aad gavt (reel applaat. Meeb atvtr erltlta wat batrd after tbt per. fof aaaor. "Doctor Acragf" aadt a derided kit, at It aa old Hat ftrotha btrt who glraa at an air "last appear aeota" at Pttll aartalf Ta thief faalt wat I tat It wtta'l opera, aad lb srtoat charged war what aaaailf etaed for light Optra aara played baft frit Word Atatef el tat Otit Mail Market. OKI OKI butzz-Z'Zl fW Ooodoetl fntw iwnpt 4m I UU Slop tbit "t- ihiiii U, la k aw mtf hi? M wnght U ba ta"pp' Tb" mm, nut tb bll-tof pmf thraal Ibt trt H.a nf tntar Utxrtmru Mr. 'wy 4hwiMt doat bal.t avwa. Pfa yn kianw It fim kava't airy wiart rmi(b a fi ana taw at at bnait. tttrat m. m atiHtty ra.,m A It n at Om avaat aattaftwlnry nK rarly kw M, rrtraWa, 1t frm at lltryrH't fhawvaary. ttmi A tmH trt THE MONET APPROPRIATED. The Sam of $t,000 Secared to tneHuonic ' . Opera Boose. Telegram received her yesterday from Senator Marlon Butler and Con gretamau (J. R. Thomat gave tbt newt that the bill, appropriating 96,0)0 for the war claim for the ate of the Maaonlc Opera House during the civil war, had pasted the Senate and required nothing but the signature of the Pretidont to be come a law. The membert of St.' John's Lodge were very much elated over the passage of the bill. It got through ao close to the end of tbe session that the gratifica tion was all the greater. Of this sum It la considered quite cer tain that $1,000 will be nsed In rebuild ing the Opera House. This amount will give New Bern a first class place of amusement, one that is greatly needed. It Is proposed to get as great a benefit in the way of Improvement as careful and capable expenditure of the money will afford. Jacksonville. Jacksonville, March 4. Miss Bath Henderson of White Oak, It visiting her brother Mr. Mc Henderson. Mrs. J. F.Giles, who has been visiting in the country, returned home today. Dr. Jno. Guilman, formerly of this place but now of Virginia, will be with us for a few weeks. His many friendt are much pleased to see him. We are glad to say that Mrs. Henry Jarman who has been quite ill, la much improved. Iligbt many of the young people at tended church at White Oak Sunday. They report a grand time. A Big Tumble in the Price of High Grade Pianos. The largest Piano Manufacturers in the United States, send their Southern Advertising Manager to New Bern to close out a car load of sample Instru ments, Beginning with Wednesday of this week W. W. Kimball Comnanv. the millionaire piano makers of Chicago one of the oldest and most reliable muel cal concerns In existence, will conduct the greatest sale of pianos ever seen in this section. Mr. W. F. Blount Southern Manager for this Comnanv has secured space in the new Parker building corner Broad and Hancock streets, where, for the next twenty days, this sale will be conducted. These instruments are of the highest grade and are artistically finished in Mahogany, Ebony, French Walnut, uun walnut, Kosewood and English Oak. Leading musicians throughout the world endorse the Kimball Pianos Pattl, Nordlca and Sousa being among the many musical favorites who have them in their homes. This ssle Is purely for the ourDOte of thoroughly advertising and introducing the Kimball Instruments. Pianos which are sold by agents and music dealers from laavOO to $(100.00 will be closed out from 1160.50 and up. Liberal terms will be given parties who desire to buy on time. The people of New Bern and surround ing sections are cordially Invited to at tend the exhibition and sale. The columns of the Journal will contain Mr. Blountt notices from tine to time Weather Conditions. A severe norm was central ovti Like Superior yetterday which moved rapidly eastward accompanied by galea. The atorra hat been followed by decided rite In barometer and fall In temperature over tbe nortbwett, fonr below xero being reported froa North Dakota, and tht line of fretting weather baa reached aoulhern Kantas. A low pressure tret bt formed In tht south weal with Increasing cloudlneta In tht Gulf and South Atlantic etatai. Rain It tbt fo rectal for thlt section . Flower For Sale. The Daughttrt of tht Confadtracv, it Kltlrtll, N. C. offer at 11.00 oar oat hundred, dtllvtred fro aorwhare. tht beat blooming aad bedding varlttlet of vlolett. iowtr la quaotltltt. That platila can bt tat al any tl from September ltt to June lat. Cold wcathtr dott tot btra them, tbartfort. they can bt safely plat ltd era In aid- winter. Tbty trt itch Imartal bloataart that daring 'Bt cbltf blooming Mrlod tktt trt attt of radiant parpl. Tbty af ford blooms daring lb wbol wtaur ti otpl la Ibt atveratt tptlla, aad with a littlt prottetlo with ttavtt or tuew will Mooa freely tvta lata. Tbat vloltu art told la rtlt ft id to mark tbt grave of Coafadarelt to Id tart barltd at ItlltraU. Al aay Uat froa April to Ifovaabat Urge batket of rotet, of nrgaat. Ileal fariMlt. will b tat I ay tiptwat. tartly pecard I dtap a ota. fof 1 1 00. Olrtrt of eater telaaaal ctt ikat . obtal profattot of really aagtltoaal roaat fof t vary tatll tea ltd ta a a Uat aid,, a good eeate. Add rata,' Naa. O. W. SuicataU, KJitrrL,W. C. Pratldeat C. C. BlacktaU Chapter, C. DO. Atgatt Arattart, U Klvtrtaltk, mU aad la plait aa which Dagaarra leok Ik irH twanatfal pfatUiffepa, It Mttef la Pi. U a, at Ik ag of atg tfa. i I! fat la Wt of pom fflctad pao. 44.0. Satltf. Jr. will acwatlOMltr a tta laat(4mraU-jt frM Mlitbl taartaet ak pr. atourat atlitj a rani from toatt l!grlLlttlltgtttMlk tratk Fro-a eta ittil Its, af AmU tnm 1 to fa.aj. A f rate UAnt I ro-)f A Ca t, Watte ktwf Jatt rtHvt4 at CHkt If t'i4. PASSED AWAT. The Oldest Railway- Employee In the Sooth. There patted away at 8 o'clock yet terday morning in Wilmington tbe mo-a notable man In hit calling and walk of life, In the State. It was Jamet Knight, known far and near at Jimmy Knight who wat the oldest railway em ployee In the South, if not in the country. Mr. Knight ran an engine on tbe Raleigh and Gaston road In 18S5, and had for moro than sixty years keen con stantly employed in railway service. He lived to the ripe ge of 86 years, highly esteemed especially by thj A. C L. officials In whose employ in a trusted position he was at the time of his death. VOICE OF PEOPLE. What Does tt Call For. There la pending in the General As sembly an amendment to the City char ter, and this has given rise to more ru mors as to what the proposition Is than a little. There are all sorts of things alleged about it, many of which cannot be true, but in the absence of definite knowledge anything may be believed. We there fore suggest, lu the interest of trulb, that a copy of the proposed amendment be furnished tho Joubnal for publica tion. And by the way, is it not the proper thing to let all our citizens know what changes are proposed? Let us have a copy of the amendment for publica tion, Mohe Lioiit. The Sale of old Freight. The sale of old freight advertised by the A. & N. C. Railroad took place at the Warehouse on Neuse river yesterday at noon. There was a big crowd of bar gain seekers. The stuff was put up at auction by S. R. Street and there was quite lively bidding. Hi usual at this kind of sale, large prices were realized. More than the val ue of the articles were paid in some in stances while some bargains were picked. Oue barrel of vinegar sold al fit 25 and five barrels of the same for $15. Two slot machines sold for $30 Boxes of soap brought $2..VJ and a number of boxes of plug tobacco brought several dollars each. An old wooden bedstead went for $2 00 anjj a number of sacks of walnuts at 60 cents a sack. The sale lasted an hour and a half. OA8TORZA. Baan ti jj ll Kind You Haw Always Bought Bignatojs tf ANER YriUnf IflMatatea fS8k -to THERE NEVER WAS A TIME WHEN .... fo))iin IrliiillUvJ were CHEAPER ug AAAU aft, 0li iWD DiiU VU1U1 LX-XftO CW KJ Beautiful and should please tbe most laatidious. We are showing LATEST THING in Spring wear and invite your inspec tion. We will offer A FEW SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY in DRESS GOODS, only eight or ten pieces left of these desirable goods and the price will be cut jutt in half. They ire now ON EXHIBITION IN OUR SHOW WINDOW. H Careful buyers are ever interested in these sales. . When wo offer Bargains they are such as can be seen V-.' '....:' . iUCi;v13 TO A LTa af Tratk. Waaa I bat to at nitooa paoal ta aaith Who talk la a eanloa a style, I caaaa to bt anri fey amUoos el Birth Aad an wearing a cynical nail. tttaitdtr't protTtai ytn cannot retrain ; Ton at it wnenrer you itrar, and I murmur In sorrow and murmur la vain, "Oh, whit would Ocorge Washington uyV When tne aaan who waatt office tUnde op and de cline That bt knows in Infallible plan For treeing tola lift from til uaual caret And enriching etch womin and nun, When he towi he hat tricka which will guide tor tune'i star With aanmnce nntrammeled and ga. When he tcattere itrange arguments here and afar, "Oh, what would George Waibinglon lay?" When t lady aayi: "Howdo. deart I'm to glad You came. You are looking to well I Thla gown ii the smarten by far that you're had. I'ye been wishing for you, truth to tell I" And after two hourt: "Wbalt You're going so soon! Dear me, how the time tllpt away I f wllh we might Tisli the whole afternoon!" "Oh, what would George Washington sayf Washington Star. List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at New Bern, Craven county, N. C. Feb. 25th 1901: MEN'S LIST. A Paul Adams. B E C Boomer, Edward Bat son. C-Ben Can, J G Colvan. G-Willlam Gibson, Rev, Dannell Grifflng, Mack ElliBon. H John Ilalley, John S Hardison, J W Hall, 8ndy Hudson, Jasper M. Jones. M G A Miller, Jas. Riley Moore. P Arthur Jeffery Parsons. T -Birt Simmons, Walter 8tone, Dun can, J Smith. T James Telly, P E Turner. W Tony Wilson. WOMEN'S 1. 1ST. C Lizzie Credle. F Marttina Foster. J Lizzie Johnson. L R L Lane, Miss Rosa Lane. M Almeater Midgelt. 8 Salley Spencer, l'earl Scott, Eliza Spikes, Mollle SuggB. T Elizzer Taylor. W Sallie E Watson, Mm Augustla Warton, Eliza Williams, Alvlna Willis Persons calling for tho above lot ters wll please say advortised ami giv! tl ate of list. The regulations now require that our (1 cent slmll be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. S. W. Hancock. 1'. M Cold in the Head. Cured in one niht, by iiie of Urad harn's Dime Catarrh Snull it B'.imuktes and cleanses the delicntc memliranea of nnae and throat opens up the head, is the Idea. Only lOr. nt BltADIIAM'S PHAK'.i.U'Y. MAGNETIC NERVINE L EasIJy. Qalckly. PermanBnllT Rsstorstl. frT.'.'.'u Ss s J.n vitality, Nerrona Debility, Inmrnnla. Palllnc UcmrT, and al. and all WatknetMO ruanl-lnn r:trly or lulef ctc-cwb. ji p-r tmi,6TorK5. Maft'd te aniaiwrcii on recstpt o( pnc. 'Xbn l.uit aUtaOlola t j, bu Paul, Miuo. For Bale by F.N. DUFFY & CO. t than they are this : : i O. WKV KS CO. mm in ii m For Ladies Waists Consisting of Lace and Satin Stripe ' Lawns, Dimities, Figured and Dotted Swiss, Etc, We are also showing a Pjetty Line of Percales in Rrilit and Spring Patterns. J list opened and put on sale New Linen and Cotton Skirtings. 0 mCash American. Prints in small figures aDd stripes, very lliing for email childrens dresses, and little boys waist?, at fc yard. The Ne Val Laces bate arrived. G. A. VARFOOT, 43 Pollock Street It is a Perplexing Thin fcr lvnders of newspaper advertisements to determine wliul in what. WY do not use as large type or as much of it as some, but what we say is not the less important. AS A Sl'KINti STAUIER we hue just in a Beautiful lim- of l.aee and Embroideries. Fine Torchon I. ace , hu h n :: inches w ide at 5e yard. Utir Kinbroideries are Beautiful. We have started off to maintain our just v earned reputation on ShirtWaisls. A well lattndried Waist at !'(. Silk, Me,r,.ieil Silk and Sateen Waists. We are still selling those Handsome Ti links and Suit C.i.-es. SMITH'S 61 POLLOCK AND 99 MIDDLE ST. We re tell ph iuihI iih (,ur na'oi of the K KN'I I ( K V; III' T K- the pat seamti our ciiHtnmers arc Ihi. And i f yuii i-x i buy see tin in on our floor or ak yiiiir neihlmr aUiit tln-ni. "Id illi n (Hiaruiit.v to Imi k them. Cur t k ki wi-'.i t,-. ,,n.- .md In 1 An lluiig you mint in Hardware, I udditiir" Material, I'.-iut-. iiU, N'aniiKh, I, Hue mid ll.m (iet ourpllecx Sae Molic i. P H 0 N F. 147. t. II. & J. I. Meadows' High Grade Special i tit on rn m ul tiita- HI011 (tHADK (il'ANO. Oor anctioo. Meadows' Great Potato and Cabbage Guano- Uaad b 0 Urft tnd matt irrrrttfn) ftrWrt of thit trrdnn. Special Guanos for all Crops l' a ilrtxkaY OoU Lnt ToWto Ow (trW anj int) for rW, tllklewt 4 Sm Iritara, maasfactarxi in that b)U Ut tavtwrn o iW Uimlf, atJ twraotaJlj faparaj far Ifca axll o( oaf Un4. mrBfi for UM ef Mia'pil 4 kttianoiiialt if iatrmtfij. 0r 1W1 taletlJlf tM fof tU Watllf. 1 II. A J. Aa MKADOWH ( O Virki it Clin Mil, ' .ItW Hill, I. C, (laskill Hardware Co. 7.1 MioiLt T, NF.V IIKitN. N V AlHiADOW IS (),, nn WW . li ii nd for p iTit, yon mint naw s!a tr. rt-nt : alapt. l for thit