, VOL IV1II--K0. 282. KIW.BI&N, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, 1901. NINITIINTH TEAR i H ir Jl m P7R Am UiMJ PROHIBITION YQTED. HOUSE EXCITED. Bill For Fayetteville Passes Both Heavy Privilege Tax on Railways OP COUNTY INTEREST. Is Still CONTINUING the House and Senate. Causes Hig-h Feeling. a vBaciviaciVic7 &w& On all goods in his Dry Goods Store DON'T FAIL TO COME AND SEE. Not a wind in argument or praise is needed in offering our goods to you. Th worth 8eakn for themselves The (Utili ties are p'tiinly in evidence at all times and the juices that's the point that wins us more and more patrons. The richness of the goods coupled to such small cost is ail any customer will expect. I have just received n Very nice line of Fancy Crackers and fakes as follows: As5t. Fruit Slice, Knynll Toist, Atlicna, Ramtmi, Champagne, Cheese Hisenit, Van Sugar Wafcid, Venice ( renin, Asst. .r O'clock, and many other k'lids too many to mention lu re, lmt if you will give us a call you can see them all. Yours to Please, J- 13- PI10NR li! Jr. Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Cor. If road & Hancock Him. e w 3r00CilsBil E3 We are now ready to showjour New Line ot Spring Goods in all the Latest Styles. Don't buy your Oxford i until you see our E. P. Reed Line. A big line ot Douglas, and Taylor Shoes in button, lace and congress, every pair guaranteed. Our line oi Clothing is the Finest we ever carried. We are showing a beautitul stock of White Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Percales. We will Save you Money onlanything you buy ot us, Respectfully, vX vX Baxter. It Makes a Sensation. The Pilotage BUI. Tax oi Cigarettes. Geological Board Holds Their Meeting. Raleigh, March tf. There is a great deal of feeling regarding the passage by the House yesterday of a bill to give prohibition to Cumberland. .The cur rent comment la that it was done in anger and spite, by the advocates of the abolition of the dispensary at Fayette ville. There is a great deal of harsh talk. The senator from Cumberland said he intended in some way or other to crush the dispensary, after the failure of his bill to abolish it. There was no petition for the county prohibition law, and no primary held. The bill passed the Senate this afternoon by a unanimous Tote. The matter will create a sensa tion. The State charters the Carolina Miner al Company of Marshall, Madison coun ty, capital $15,000, George E. Brighton and others stockholders. It will mine iron, copper, gold, tale, etc. The State geological board met yester day, largely to familiarize Gov. Aycock with its line of work. The board found that within tie past few days he had c mBiderably familiarised himself with the subject. The bill before the legisla ture regarding the geological survey virtually proposed to abolish It, as il puts it under the agricultural depart ment and says the latter may continue and maintain it. 'l b y bill regarding pilotage fees passed thi House. Il Is a compromise bill and provides that coastwise vessels shall pay 23 cents por loa in and out an I then have to pay no more pilotage foes for twelve month;. John S. Cunlngkam Is here working to secure the modification .or the tax ou cigtreltes an Imposed by the revenue bill. Ho B-iys he bas secured a change by which factories making under Z jO, 00,000 annually pay $350. those over ihal ainounl and under 500,000,000, $500 and over 500,003,000, $1,000. The Adjutant General Is very anxious -io ascertain whether a bill passed Con ress, providing for the issue of Krag- lorgensen rides for Ihe Sprlngtlelda now in ihe hands ot the National Gusrd. The Ouardsmen are calling for ihe Krags. The Hone geological board, the Gov trnor, J. T. Morehead and Charles Mc Names, met yesterday, heard the report of the 8iato Geologist and discussed tho nutter of government co-operallon In ibe survey. The joint commillee on education de cided to recommend the payment of I .'0.0O0, the debtof the Agricultural and Mechanical College here on the express condition that no further debts be cor. traded Also to reoommend an appro prla'ion of $10,000 Ibis year and the same amount next year for a textile dt psrtment building at the college. Tote Reconsidered and Matter Goes Over Until Today. Seed Bill is Tabled. Monday The Last Pay Day. ' Special to Journal. w Rai.i ioii, Mircb 7. -The House de voted nearly the whole session today to the revenue b.ll. The House went into a committee of the whole and Graham offered an Amendment impo-lng a heavy prlvilsgd tax on railways. The aur;ndinenl was los' but when the bill came before the House he introduced it and it was adopted The attendance at the time was light. The bill i bus amended by the Grahiiu measure passed its third reading and there was a gieat sensation. The vote on the bill was then reconsidered. Feel ing ran so high that it was decided thnl the bill should not come up ses.i.1 be fore tomorrow. The bill to protect seed buyers wai tabled Is the Senate, although its passage was recommended by the agricultural department. The bill placing the agricultural c al lege under the agricultural department Next Monday is tho last day for which the legislature can receive pay; that is both branches of it as il is now -el tied that same pay of senators, as members of the coui t of Impeachment, can begin M ireb 1 1 tli, when the the trial of Ihe judges opens. The judiciary committee today beard arguments by council on both sides regarding this matter. The educational bill has now passed both branches, so have the two Important insurance bill", the soldiers home and penitentiary bills, the pension bill. See that you get the original DeWllt's Witch Hazel Salve when you nsk for It Tho genuine Is a certain cure for piles sores and skin disease... F. S. Duffr & Co Drink Law In Topeka. Topeka, Kan., March 0. An ordl nance has been adopted by the City Council which, it is believed, will make Il almost Impossible for the "jolntlsts to do business in this city. The ordinance mates il unlawful to treat a friend to a drink of liquor In s private house. A mm Is declared to be guilty of violating the ordinance if he Is found In a place where liquor is sold The ordinance dots not require that an actual s:ile shall lie proved. Heavy floes and imprisonment of 30 lo 100 dayi In jail are the penalties for violations of the ordinance. Car Load SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS JUST RECEIVED. Nought lKfnrr thf? ad rttiee, , Full etork of Neil and all kind of Hanlwarr, I'alnta, Oil and VarnUh, "Cakiino" OoM Water Taint for Interior wutk tirw of tbt beat rm the market, A icnl line x4 Aft War In Coo't Tola, 8atKi Tans, Cup I'anr, "Wmii I'sinn, 1 o I'ota, Walw Buckcta, Dipper and Toilet Hot. Come Uv. see it fur what tort w$nt (iln o thft orders. Our price nre ritflit. Our (to,! a UeprvtentprJ. Hrrromjit l1leinf Jl porena. Yoira truly, ' ' Gaskil! Hardware Co. When you are bilious, use those fs mom little pills known as DeWllt's Lit tie Early Risers to cleanse the liver and bowels. They never gripe. F. S. Duffy A Co. OverunThe White House. WAiminoToa' March ft. The White House fairly overrun with v III lor, to day. Thousands of those who were sere lo attend the Inaugaratlon crowded the grounds, and all day they clamored at the doors of lbs maasloo for admis sion. Ilowsver, lb, doors wers elosed to all except delegations and nlhsra who bad arranged la advaocs lo be received. The lingering cough following grippe calls for One Minnie Oongn Core. For all throat and long I rotable this Is lbs only bar roles remedy that gives Imasedl ale results. Prtrenls eonsasoptloe. t S. Duffy It Co. raoni 14J. Tl Mti KIW BKR, H. a Seed Irish Pofe jOO iPITY ' I OTQ l T!Wwflhil trswlta yU mo I r I kU I Ot ties the Wet stark at life lYoUwal SW u V kwihi ', think kaM t ' lisle mhm ere A UaasUiWi ' V AH k feat ratal Clt oaslellflf Os Lete ted lee More Than China Can Pay. Wabioto, D. C, Uareb . Acting Miolsier KockhHI bsa advised the State t)prtatol ihu be Is dolag tit la k's power to get ibe Kavoys to agree lo set dowa their deatads for ladeaalt to a reasonable (gar or tack eaoeal Cbleacat pe wUh'l areaaoaible Uae. baleipreaat tke fear that hie effort will prove la vela. De tare that It appear Ust tb sikoeat of Ir. density dasviasded IU IMO,roo to 00,000,000. Peek el traoaat Cblaa, be itya, eeaiot ptt Sum Depart SMt officials tre Bach die ts rbed ever ibe a titer. , Tbetf f reaaxHeeet a4 laelr plseisel effect SMk Us W Ill's Liu I Karl S leers aoei poeele llitl allle bemer ike era keewa. Tbey ere les4s arfee for Href sed bowet I roe Mas. t. . Defff 0. Nl rWsh Cnnty .Ms!4yi Votae Tsylof. . ' ' Laltl will ka aatd al ika tlnaaa' wtMsTef frt4r4ksarveisirfHfnraiiy rtlnrrh 30, CVda Hmae OrMrj tarty Bx' fed.' Clrtelar with felt aWrlftln ef lb jilt ti4 wnii iniaa. , . ' f Ont mHmi I a hawailiU. f t I J. O. Lathe a ft C, tbera, faralsbed apea afptiretbia te ' ' . CMAl. f. BOLLWTIH C ASTOR I A ... for lafaati bai Cllrti. til KUYt.r:Ta,e:iJE::;tJ the PgaatareaT The Factory Sale of Pianos. Are Kimball pianos durable? Ilea 1 the following expression from the president of Ibe largest Normal Col lege In the United States. Valpailaao, Ind , June 3 J, 189)1. Mr W. F. Blount, My Dear Sir: Yoors referring lo W. W. Kimball ptano received. I take pleasure In staling Ibat we have been us ing these Instruments for the pasl ten or fifteen years. During this lime we have experimented with various pianos, bat have foaud that for durability, action and tone ins Kimball Is by far th best Our pianos are In use from (.M In the morning until t 00 In the evening, and as you know there are not many pianos Ihst will stand such work s very f rrat ength of llois, especially where tons sod action sro considered. These pianos have not only stood the test of cooslsot use, but have endure! almost twice a long as ssy other Instrument we have svtr trl d. We are just now replacing our forty Instruments, and whit ws could bsveae ca red others tl t lower rt'a, yel w tr potting In all KlmbelU. For school parpoaes, as well as (or other purposes, 1 kaow these will give the beat of sslls ftoUon. I lake pisuur la saealeg ibese siaie meat, simply harass tb p'aao It wor thy or ibea. It aae ear school or private ladlvldaal 01 saore tbaa verify the truth of thee suteeaea). Very respeotfallf, (Blgaed.) tL . Bases, rteeldeal. aaa iitiaau rtaioe aanertor Reed the followlef tpreaeioa frea woeaaa to whose a a baa paid taore boaag the say living aestdea. Crtlg-y-aos Ctetle, T4radyatal R.1 0. flreootsalfa, faethValee, Jalr fa 1ST. r i Uatr M t KbhUiIt 1 with freat pTsWrUtt I writ to aohaewed tlMeefe arrival ef lb KlsabaU habj graad piaaa, li la la dead beeetlfal 4aa,aed ha aa esqeltlte loee. It he aireedf he) gtssatly adalsesf by taesy aoaaoteaeera wee are au asiawi us sn teaaetat h a ehef-sroMtr. Wllh lis regards, boiler ate, -'., , ' . Teere vary Italy, ' Antrat fsrri ficffuei. If here ewaf h aeeteet laallanay fe 111 Saaslay adiile t Ihe its Tovk Was Id, Twebeedrad Ibewaaad eetle (ed sMleara, J il tblek at II. De yew eaad t plsoot Wlthlt Iks test ataeteat) daye yea get ibe rVl s eiaedtf p4e4vl( f iVJ it $270 o ftnj Owe lara tt pattaeel, Ope evealsgs llll e'ttoeh. Car. Brn4 aad tttaoetk llreeta. W. t. Bttst, . Soolkaf, tf tesfsf, Y Klabsll Coapaay, Regular Monthly Proceeding's Board Com missioners CravcQ County. (COKl'LUDBD) Board met st 10 o'clock a. m ich 5ih 10 1 pursatut to recess-present cotnmi' siouers, Jones, Baxter, Fulcber, Wadi. aorth and Wood. O dered that properly listed by Thos. C Battle on Barn aid Queen sis be red :cd from $500 to $800 on acount of error. Ordered that properly lUied by 11. (J. MeKeel in Sih Township, consist ing of ilO acres of land, at Clerks, for $100.00. iiest-ickeu from the list sam-i having been listed by Abbott and Jones Ordered Ibat property licltd by Fred Ileoser In 8h 'lowuship for J2o0. 0 be stricken from the list, tame having been so'd to J. W. Warrenton and he baviui; lis'ed the same. Ordered that the railroad stock to the amouulof $009 listed to Mr. E. 11. Cltypoole be stritken from the list on acco ini of error. Moved and seconded that Johnson illinghau bj and is hereby relieved f poll lax he being over 50 years ol agp. Ordered by the board that J. W. Did die having filed his process bond in the um of $500.00 the same is apprrved and rdcred filed and the said J. W. Iliddlc, Sheilff Is allowed until Ihe first Monday n, April to file two tax bonds as required ty law, Commissioners, Jones, liaxter. Wood, Fulcher and WaJsworiu voting for same. Whereupon J. W. Iiiddlc tool, the oaths required by law. Mr. W. T. Weeks having prcsonud his bond as bridge keeper of the Ticin river bridge, same is approved and or ered filed and recorded, Comruistioncix, Jones, Baxter, Wood, Walswood and Fulcher voting for same. Ordered that $800.00 Kailroad rk cl, sieu io u. Li. Houcrls oe stricken I rum Ihe list on account of error. Moved and seconded that the mallei f W. R. Dixon be and Is hereby rt fene to tho next meeting of the board. A check for $75.00 having been re csived from A. H. Riggin & Co. in net tlemenl of the damagcB due to th Neuse river brldgo.lt was moved ami sscouded Hut th i sum i bd accepted au 1 he Chairman authorized lo turn sun over to the Treasurer and take his rei eli t or same. Ou motion of Commissioner Wa l worth the Chairman was instructed and mpowered by the board to hire out u convicts In the jail. which the I) iir,l hi power to hire out, using his Judgment I Ihe hiring of said convicts. The regular.bllls were allowed uruerea tnsi tne ctera issue a vou 'it r to Mrs. J. A. Meadows for supnor Mrs. A. E. Burgess lo the amount $3.00 per month. Moved and seconded Ihal the minu'c be received and adopted as read On motion board adjourned to inn i st Mondsy In April. New Bern, N. C, Msrch 2, Hull. To the Honorable Hoard of Com ml. slonert, Crsven County: Gentlemen. --We your Audltlug four mltlee beg to report that we 'hare nam ned the County accounts of I). I.. Knt erts, Treaaurer of Crsven county an ! find same lo be correct. The ciamlua lion was made for the Quarter ending Fsbruary 18, 1001. We also examined and cancelled II.' vouchers, which hsve been turned oi.t to ibe Register of Deeds for sifo kee log. Attached hereto are ibe jatalemrnts of lb several accounts. Respeclfully'submlite I, Jams F. Carhawav, K. It. Joxia,; Auditing (Jonitnlttee Daniel L Roberts. Treasurer, 1 1 ac oont with County of. Craven, fcr Quarter ending F.b 18, IDJ1. Oaaral V.d. Baltoce received from Thos Denials To amount received from Jos Klaaey, sharlff To Belaaee dus Treasurer ISlaaaraaai aa ta . By vouchers psld rt i I I ' sj w. jm m Bl m. BBB -ti "-hi j' m m U Wm if yuu 3ji "to need a liiinul it will n:iv von to irivr. me : cull '"aa Snow Drift Star and Admiral 5 TIII.KK BIJANDS OF GOOD Fl.OUK. tii'L'u u iiiinei 1 1 win iay yon to f?ive inc n ciu Nt'v lot wliule Codtish just leccivcil. Yours to Please, u. L. McDANIEL. Wholesale fc Retail Grosser, 3 'Phone 91. 71 Rn.H St. J. A. JONES, hfci, rJTEiVAIll'S UI.U STAND, STABLES. llKOAD STREET, STEWART'S OI.l) STAND, Wvery, Feed, Hale and 3xehsanie . Largest i:d Jimtd S 1 1 1 k if in New Hern. Also a Coinplcte I .ine i.f lliigfjien, Wagons 1.. .-, Wliipf, ( ait Wheels, Kte. J. A. J OX EN, Itroad Street, Stewsrt's Old Stand. hi ml At the 1 . 0 6,031 on ft.or.j tl Balance due Trtaaorar laiarl Aaaanl. Belaaee reoelved froa Thos DaaUts Bslaaoe oa bead Faa Balaee reeetved DeeleU Aatoaal received froa Joe By vesKken paid BaUaoe oa bead f) HI 04 1 'i ; 1,843 M 1 ."Al 04 Wa. I. froa Tbo Kin loo!c Store cAll Kinds of Magazines and Periodicals. Free Delivery. G. H. Ennctt. H I HI i k NEW SPRING GOODS .lust III Miul isrlvliiK dally. f- I PP i N TING, Balaece o kaed Pi Btteaesi reeetved Ha. frosa Thos Dealele Asaoaal raesirad frees Jos h?1e- fly tosMber paid BJaeo btad DsJtsee a aaai IsUsxse reeetved Daatats frea The. Ml IWM Hit I SO 1017 . MM a u HoT $n inn TsT$i Satisfactory Printing. niir niD aay Uiat It Is Impoulbl li. tp a )"h well fUne (rtilalda "I my of H.t I irialnly dn my bl t tarry out my mt'imrrV wlshn and In dn Worb mhu h will l a rnwllt In snaand a tours alUfaribm tn thaws. Flftaaa rears riprrianra. and arry marhanlral facllt ly. rnalik tnf lo do trtlille end np-tn-di wi.rk My ivtra are rtghl. tna, I lust a lull Una nf B try etas rirsvanua and Hportlne (Innrta. I have MirM a hn WoUharh Unman aad i.rt or at Lnwast Prtoass. W3f. T. mi!. Rlnyetea, Ones, AsaaItloa,Orpa opboees. Job rriatlag, Rabaof Bteapa. tl A N Middle Ik., - K Barm, B. 0 laalah til of hlrh J J.G.DUNN&CO. TheAlIi-t4idae Fiirnlishers, ft7 riil.LOCK HTRF.KT UCi Beiaaes) bead , Eaet If. On. Clh.fd. C. Oeea. By 0 B. Wsttst, Dpiy. p. TnEWWiTir, BIlCmiTBilBELEIGRT, aafeetarer hf Btgflea, Wat. Carta, A, ' Bfpalrlag tHM Ibart VU. Bigilea, Wtgoe, Carta aad Dray kept aa bead fot ). abaee Baa'B raaaa Baa taw tattraaaV Beam mn.tr, - A DRESS PARADE ks Faiblon' ratw, W r.r if rxsr snsd In ord suits l.irsn a lrlklng pro eaaalna. Osir stork of wnnlati praranf Use Irst eholra la lh tsbflr-s )..r Uita snav I laht a a attiyr, nl a a hllllnn, and arttatleaa a p Win re. Uwaa petsarae bnkl aHmlrallr pHanaae. a4 make ap la the mIIWI sslts la trwis. We It all I Fs IL Chad wick. in. iiAmciiT, Wrw' Bar - Iktlh fraal $ Beft Itraet Ftoiej Ltqnom n4 An ExUa QnnlHy nf lft IWr ra Drangrit. ; ' ' ' '