- I -. 1. , . w,- . -at .- VOI. XV1II--M0. 306. SiW'BIEN, K. C, SUNDAY HORSING, MARCH , 1901. NINETEENTH YEAR Ex-PRir.iE niniSTER OF HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Commends Peruna to His Friends as a Positive Catarrh Remedy. Hon. t'elso Cesar Moreao, Ex-Prime Hlalster of Hawaii. The Hon. Celso Caasar Moreno, ex-Prime Minister of Hawaii, and projector of the Trans-Pacific cable, 1876, is a distinguished statesman, and the best known Italian in the country. In a letter from Washington, D. C, to the Peruna Med icine Co., he say a : "I can commend your great national catarrh cure, Peruna, to my Mends throughout the country as safe, reliable medicine. I know of no other tonic that Will It Is a positive cure for the iiniversat disease, catarrh, and those who will try thts remarkable medicine Very respectfully, We huve in stock the Knmoufl ft front, which ih popular with most women who do not demand an e i treme Ntraitfht front. Titos who do will ttnd it in the new, straiRht front xhown in our illustration. Our corcet utook is large and well 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. Clearing Out Sale! In orJer to Kprinjt Oond wr nisks roots) for will fo VKXT UU DAYS aril our eriUrr iisia of HKATIVt; STOVKS AT (X)T. AND JIKJ.OW COST. V nwl ron. ,Vp) aUm Now is ritr list. ' eod Coma, make iw sn offer la stll we- want. Yours for l.ttainr, L H. tlllllll HWf tfl Till . CONCERN YOU. Hare JU 4 your elf TAX I . . ... .. - - . t & ..A Limit as not, I ww orw bwtwot Minsw, ta call at VHf Tat r.tVNWs t AT ONCI anal ssttls ' Too art 14 BM U VS tits onftoeltoa Dtellk u wk4M r tmt jov Kcir r&T TOtm crrr tax. iUsiaielfwBf. ! i, I. TOLiOr. Chty Tat Oitawka. build a person up as well as Peruna. will find m sure cure. . - Celso Caesar Moreno. SELLS R. & G. CORSETS. Every woman knows what the II. k O. ( oriel i. It ii the corset of comfort with tike essence of style. It u tha only corset that will not, cannot, and dooa not it t retch. If you boy an H. 0. Corset that doaa ttreU'b or proves unsatisfact ory in any way, bring it baok to us and we will Rive you a new one. No. HW7, nxxloratoly straight We sell No. 397 for $1.00 seleelml. Call and ace it. a 22 CITY LOTS. I AU lh Real Estate eosalstlag of twenty (M) two Clly Lots sad Iks Una thorooa of the Frasoss Taylor aisle, will he sold at the Court Hows gaUardfty March SO. ' OtfMlars wtta fall doscriotloa of the above, furnished apoa application to CHAB. B. HOLLIirTER. HiSONIC OPERAUOUSEu Thr Nights Oommsnninx .25. v ;a.awsaw.i , 1 FRANK ADAMS and bit clewr rmrn in ng clly notuwm. Untie lift, nth4r' Crime. threw Pearl flhe, Rlrrriua. AU (portal aosiHrr. sjnfflnr aM . " ' " dsarlns- nrtlUa 4a. I . " r . " A dollax shot ai popaW vAcm, Ifi,M4 l (WfttsV, v , ...j.f" Of Udft Urpla lietH for . ItsajsTTsJ fWU 6 met at tlns4 sV! stfuf Hot. If 1 ' Charles B. Royer, 906 W. Washington treet, Morristown, Pa., writes: "My oldesti daughter Mslln da Royer, Is cured of deafness by Penma. When she began to take Peruna we had to go up close to her and talk very lond to make her hear. "After taking one-half dozen bottles of Pemn a she can hear you in any part of the room. She can hear an ordinary con versation." Thousands of people have ca tarrh who would be surprised to know it, because it has been called some other name than catarrh. The fact Is, catarrh Is catarrh wherever located; and another tact which Is of equally great Im portance, that Peruna cures ca tarrh wherever located. Catarrh Is an American disease. Fully one-half of the people are afflicted more or less with It In some form. Previous to the dis covery of Peruna, catarrh was considered well nigh incurable. Since the Introduction of Peruna to the medical profession thou, sands of cases are cured annually. Mr. W. M. Holland, of Hartwell, Ga., proprietor of the Hartwell Tin Works, writes of Peruna as follows : "I am more than pleased with the benefits derived from Peruna. The win ter of 1 899 my weigh t was 1 50'poo nds. I used several bottles during the winte: and now weigh 211. "I have recommended it to all my friends both as a tonic and catarrh cure. 1 f 1 had been lucky enough to have seer it several years ago Peruna would have saved me much inconvenience. I can never be too thankful to you for the benefits received from your valuable remedy. My mother has also been won derfully benefited by your valuable remedy." Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. , for free catarrh book. THE SWAMP LANDS. Their Area 'and lvalue. Extent of the Lakes and Their Peculiarities. Special to Journal. RaLkiuh, March 23. Your correspon dent had an interview with Mr. Myer of the Geological Barvey, who st present Is doing special work here, in the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction looking liter the areas, and the location of the Stale "swamp lands", also the character of the same and probable value. He find the records In bad shspe There are of what are termed good lands (that Is those which will brlog over SO oents sn acre) 83,000 acres and the re malsder of the surveyed Isnda Is 291,- 187 acres There are 1 83,000 acres of omarveyed lands, and there Is no record here of their character and value There are Wo likes with sn area of 81.885 seres Of these the largest I Lake Phelps, with 25,000 acres, Oreit Late, sOOO; Catfish, 1550; Long. 13); Lake Ellis, with MOO of which the Htst owns two thirds having sold ths re mainder; Little Lake. 485 acres. Mr. Athby Baker, now of lUlelgb, formerly of Baltimore, Is arranging to purchase Lske Ellis, as a game sod flih preserve. All that pert of the Bute Is full of game which Is nowhere more abundant than at this group of lakes. There Is another group of lakee In Bladen county. Mr. Myers has not yet dlsoovsred whether these belong '.o the Slate or to private Individuals. They are higher thaa the aljaceot lauds, are full of Bh sad gsme Is plentiful. One of them, silver Lake, ts ij by I) miles In ares. n hen you are bilious, use those fa mous little pills known as DsWIlt'a Lit lie Early Risers to cleanse the liver aad bowels Tbey never grips. F 8. Duffy Co. BIG LOSSES IK TRADE. CbIbcm Trouble has keel EtpeclaUy bad for Aaaarkaa Treat. Wbiotos, March tl.-Oesslar reports are beglaalBg to furalth soots Idea of tao ssonsou losses of Assert. osss tag aged la trade with Chios oa ae sossl of the trouble Is that aafoitaasia tstplrs, A report frost. Coosul fowler at Cbsfoo, (Meg a reoaess of trade ooa Alloa la Worth Cslaa, asskes a Ud bowleg, especially for lbs A ess rice sollo goods Irsdo. Mr. Fwwlet says ss other to a try i trade saffsveel a ssasa as tool of too UoHoi ftiotao, owrag the fort last law) scese of strife severed Brscttealtv too sotlra Astorteaa SeUaf usd. Coosa! KwttUk, al TVaislau1 auke s report of U so astir, aa4 sail tao ootiooa Is aoridodlr asfsroro- ala. fls a.yi ih soosuy aonk of Tlsaula. wWr Ub srtodpal antotstof siaorl are atodaooA. It atorraa vita Bosses sad s-ec Idlers was) aevs larsa 4 boadlts, aad that It la iiSoaU for soaolj to g( gooS owl of or law Utartoft , i . CASTOR I A Fat lafaaU aal CU14m. Ul 114 Tt. Earl A!i l::?A Mslinda Royer. All Sorts Of Opinions Of Result Of the Impeachment Trial. Termination Expected By Thursday Interest Will Be Very Great. The Effect will ' ' Be Lasting. Raleigh, N C, Harch 23.-The wide variance of views as to th result of the Impeachment trial continues. One side figures that the judges will get i major ity; the other that the vote will be 117 to 18 against the judges. There Is plenty of lobbying, people say who k now about such things, It was said today that eveu peachers were lobbying. Nearly every body takes sides. The opposing fractions show their perdllectlons In the plainest way by word and by applause. By Thursday night, they were Buying today, the trial will be at an end, and the Senators ready to tear themselves away and go home. AU the guessers are at sea. Quesser No. 1 says the judges will get a majority, (luesser No. 3 says this is impossible, as he looks at it. but that there will certainly not be a two-thirds vote to convict. Guesaer No. 3 says the vote will be very close and he really can't predict the resulK Oucsser No 4 says that the conviction is a certainty and lias always been ooe As yet, though peeplo bet or offer to bet on almost any court, no bets have been heard of on the result of the im peachment trial. One man said if be had $10,000 he would bet it all that the judges were convicted. U bets this on the ground that Locke Craig would have never Introduced the impeachment reao lutlon unless lie was sure there would be conviction It is observable that a number of He publicans say there will be conviction, Tbey say "the Democrats are bound to have the court. Great as the Interest hss been all the while it Is smsll compared to what It will be when the supreme moment ar rives, that moment which damns or de livers the accused judges. To the gener al public It Is like a baseball raroe. To the counsel there is the prido of maitery To the accused the pride of success or the gloom of failure. To the accused the end of the greatest strain their lives have ever known. A business man here aald that it might be a long range view, but he would venture to predict that the trial which he deemed utterly Ill-advised, would tie felt as a political factor for years to come, lie aald he had so told some of the highest Democrats. Thore will be much more heard and said about the trial after it ends than before It. 8oe that you get the original DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for It. The genuine Is a certain cure for piles, lores and skin dlsoasos. F. S. Duffy A Co NORTH CAROLINA SOCIETY. Large Membership In Hew York. Old Soldier Pardoned. The Printing of New Law. IUlsisii, March 98 Gov. Ayeock has a letter from judge Augustus Van Wyck, the president of the ' North Car olina Society of New York," In which the latter saya: "Ws hsvs organised the North Carolinians of this locality Into s very strong society snd It is In every respect equal u the beet of the Bute Sootellee at this great ceo Irs. May 10 we prOoee to give our first banquet, which will be as haadaoeas and ss Urge as any of tbsm. Ws have o included u give s North Carolina flavor to all ths spwschss. There will be four of tbeea. Ws wast yoa to rwspoad to lbs first toast sad discuss 'bow ths Boulk Is per forming ths new duties devolved apos her ss results of lbs changed conditions brought about by the war." Arrivals of ooavlcts at lbs pealua t Is ry are not aasMroas now. Ths last srrif sis are frost North aaploa sad New llanovsr. There was also broagai froa Nortbaaptoa lo Us ertealaal Isessa 6e- partssaal of the peatualiary a saaa who triad lo siardsf his ssotasr. The work of building dividing well aad f saves bw- twssa tbe criminal laeaas sad taw eos flat will bsfla aeil aaoata. Oov. A)cock pardoas B. K. Tops of Ballfat who wss eervlsg a sealeaos for aasaUl wit dsedlf waspoa. The la tarsi areoa asked for panto a. Pope Is old sad Is I rat. He wss woaaosd la las airU war, ta wslea he wss a food tor. foe of las WgUlstlr acta aars fcsoa sib! Iake4 ywl, sere Us vsry few wkkoh by assets! art lbs lesisui y of tats was order to g4 sal si osso. TVat rwvaaao art la not prtotod, AU rWlo aolag head a astfl U stlst. aoiaUssloa swsnlo U tuw wa wiu ory rrooewy aoaoossiaa- Met Ml tW Slillw. I Mot Mark ao4 whlto pf Wal a rtsa W wrswisg. av a pi a 1 1 a (t4l at Xa foltoal auwe, waotat , wta U rtlbroi a4 aWo gtv aa aa la sasol aad oil a1 a ties'. , , I asaaa aortraiM M aviof froai stillsgt r frosa aaotofrasla. aa4 spmJ VS tamo V waal gaed wort aai asra Us bmT lo aof for H, Ylslfaors ae WsV On A. M'uaa, i Wsiasl TafJf at MeAotW, o4sf THE PEAB0DT FUND. Its Allotment at Various Towns. The Edu cational Conference at Winston- I Salem. . Special to Journal. Rii.aisa, March S3 Today the State Superintendent of public instruction was notified by Dr. Currie that $4 0 of the Ptabody fund is alloted to tbis State for 1900-01, as follows: Greensboro t3.000, Winston $700, Elizabeth City (400, FayetlevlUe (150, Frankliugton $350. Monroe 400, and Mt. Airy, Klni ton. New Bern, Washington and Way nesville tlOO each. Of the allowance $1,100 was received today. Some of the $4,200 has already been paid to schools. The Superintendent of public instruc tion it Invited to deliver an address on Rural Schools" at the Conference on education at Winston-Salem April 19-21. He today made up a list of 50 prominent educators in the Slate, to bo specially in vited to attend the conference. The lingering cough following grippe calls for One Minute Cough Cure. For all throat and luug troubles tbis is the only harmless remedy that gives Immedi ate rosulls. Prevents consumption. F. S. Dulty & Co THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. E. Latham Co, New Bern, N. O. New Yobk, March ii. Cottor; Open. nigh. Low. Close March.. 7.07 Apr 7 98 May 7.99 July 7.97 Aug 7.88 Oct 7.28 Whbut: Open. May 801 7.97 7.98 7.99 7.97 7.92 7.98 7.9:1 7.9J 7.92 7 98 7.94 7.90 7.(12 7.08 7.02 7.28 7.28 High. Low. 80( 8 14 7.-'6 Close 80i Close 47 OoBS: Open. May 4i High. Low. 47 4(lj Am. To 127 J So, R'y Pfd 79 j Fed S. 481 Con. T A. S. W 48 8o. Ry, c 271 Rook Is 128J Mo. P ..100 St. V 1511 ft. A O Leather K'j A. 8 A. C. Y 101 i 0. O ..40 T. C. 1 Cettoa receipts were IS 0 bain 1271 7bj 4S1 104 42 27J 128) 100 152, 181 103 41 47 !Wriol Spots 4 . Sslcs 7,006 bales. Katuret, Men. -Apr. 4.89, Aug -iept 4 81. Nw nra Cottoa Sfarkd. Welles in the local market yetleniaj was qaolsd at to 8. PORT HKCBIPTS. This week Same week ltit year. 18,0j0 U.C00 14,000 13,000 11,000 11,000 Sat. Mob Tues. Wad. Thurt 15,000 Fri 80,000 Bachelor Items. Bacbeloj. March 13 Clear and pleasant wealhtr for the last few days, which was much sppre clsted by our farmers. The schooner Ches T Hlran, Capt Marshall losdsd with lumber for Bladrs Lumber Co. and aatled for Klliabclh City yesterday. W, H. Doll of liartowe were among Us visitors U Barb :lor Torsdsy. Mr. Isaac Taylor goes in builcsn lo New Bora today. Ths Ropor Lomhsr (Jo's tug, Uaiells, of Norfolk fu lo Clubfoo'. Crok Toe, day after s large tow of lojt for their ill si Wlalhropo. Ths tug Bdsaoad r'arkla Is kspl vsry oay araoad Clubfoot Creek towing logs sad bergt. Mr. J. L. Mstihews wot to Newport SaUrday Mr. Jobs Halts left for New Hers Tassdsf oa boslatos. Fla lot of Taylor's ysas wa carried to Hew flora Ikls Mr 4. It. foillk returned hoots to Bay. bora T rldsr. Mr. M. i. Ooaaor aad wlfs of It ar loos were visitor lo Becolof lest fdy K. T. C TVelr praapts ssd taotr eff ecu sask DeWlu'sLIUlo Carl) Rlsors saost aooslar IliU fH anvriao art I sew a. Taoy ar slasplf aorfosl foe llvor ssd aowsl trwaVov t. . DaTfCa 1 aaa aoa sWraWo Bowlloa for Bale. Bttasto la U ksat mid ear aon W laa Oltf. Also I aaasaor of good bndl lota la good loralltloa, ' ' i.i. WtLfXJIDM u n. HAmciiT. Tfw nir, loail fraal tsl laaoosl It reft Mna uqqnra srxl uptl Ail tstra Qnj;t7 ti Lrt ttet. a kraugat, f ftiWtVUWWtWsY to cut Krt'sh lot of those Nice California Prunes :"c ll. Nice lot California Seedless Oranges. Kivsh Elnin and Clover Hill Print Bui tor. Codlialt and Irish Potatoes. Norton Yam Potatoes Nice ones. Complete Ntock of the best groceries lo be bad at Price to Suit tbe lime. I resi'jctfully .solicit your a. 'Phoue 91. McBMEL J. A. JONES. BROAD STREET, STEWART'S OLD STAND? Li very, Feed, Hale and Exchange . Largest ami Finest Slick f HOUSES arid. IvTJZLES Ever Found in New Pern. Also a Complete IJne of Hu'in;, IVtion.s H:trne8H, Robes, Whijip, Cart Wheels, YAv. J. A. JOEN, llroad Street, Stewart's Old Stand. ILIHi-Book Store I Book-keepers j We Have Files S of all Kinds ! 6. N. Ennctt. i How mrmrsmr w-r4sr-sr js sjs) Satisfactory Printing. Pr m mm toy that It l ImrxAslbl' Ut gt a )"b w.ll done ouUuU nf my d ff I rrtalnly d my bt ti rarry tit mi nit"mr' wUhe and in Ho wi,rk whkh will b a credit U wwand a sotirr cf Mtufsrtton bi ih'm. Flftn vwirs esortnr. end rrry mwhanirol facill tt. eosblM in tn n arulc snd np-t. Hat wik. My pri" ar right, too. hove a full BlcvrW I Ir armt smH llporttng f!. I hove sdded s ktrg ,rtmfit of WeUbarh Barwn sort Mantels hl'h I efle at Lowest Prk. wji, t. nir,i lUoyales, Oaaa, AaasaalUo,Orafs opaooos. Job PrlsUsg. Ratbor NuosDa. 1 M MldiUs Rc . Tat Dora, rt 0 ; r.'.iBcxmin,' ELiCISUTH & fHULEIGHT, aaafaataraf af t Itfttaa, Waf oa. Carla, a) , . . aUaaJHaf VaaalaartlaUo, tsggloa, afoaa, ("arto" ia4 Dtt;s f oa aaa4 tot aslo, Mwws Ml IMP afawBaV t aaarw. aasmsf , tt Hams JUST RECEIVED. trade. Wholesale & Retail Grocer, 71 Broad St. EET, STEWART'S OLD STAND? STABLES, f IM S You will find all that's Seasonable lor EASTER wear in Clothing and Men's Furnishings. A lure and omi'li ti- .'iv'tii t of New Mr, i- in N. k h . ;i: niel Shirt. iSi illj; Ii.ijh-. in Iv x II. ili .il.'i Huniiii MllH'M. Hnnan I'litnit s r i Kii i i. ,pi , i;.oo. WaU'h diir iiulou . J.G.DUNN&CO., The I p-loMlHfc Clothier anil Furnlfther, S7 POLLOCK HTHKKT A DRESS PARADB la faahkio't review. Wnsvert t "iir 4s to order solu tnrm a linking 'f oaastnsi. Oor ssnrk 4 wooIm wiwli too it 4nt too nbrW Im tM aeswno. light a spbyr. ennl hlltUin. aosT srtleti as a otrtar. Iom aaltwwa anM sdwIraiV nrtowf, H ooh aa la In aatttMt nn in a- WsitaUarvu, F. Jl Chadwlf k. .rontA. T loi hlmkmn IsojM

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