(C'A The Kind You Havsj Ahren Bought, and which has bean in use for over SO , has borne flw slgBatnre of 5r ,.. ana has All Counterfeit, Imltettons And "Jost-as-good" are baft Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience agatnat Experiment. What iCASrppRIA Ccstoria Is a hannless' sabstttote lor Castor 00 Pare poric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It U Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo MibHtanoe. Its age la its guarantee. It destroys Worms t.ud allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. - GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S9 Sean tho Signature The Kind Youieilm Use For Over 2ZZE A LITTLE DOES MUCH. In Boon, Iwa, Dee. U. No tongn. en UU what I hay. aadarad In the put ten yaar. wit my moat)? .iok n.s. Whll. raffariaf antoM aeony, a frl.nd called aad racoamradad wlaa af C.rdui. I ..nt tor a bottle, aa4 Oal wkat rallo! . Aft.r th tnt doe I baaaa to feel batiar and have had no pain atnoa. MBS. GRACB L4MPE1B1. Wine of Cardui not only cores but It acts AT ONCE. Here b i case of ten years' standing, and yet one single dose made the sufferer feel better, and stopped tlie pain. The Wine roes straight to the seat of the trouble. It acta directly upon the menstruaiand genital organs. Its action is not violent, and it does not force a result. It simply gives Nature that little assistance that the sufferer's system lacks. A single disorder in the feminine orpns spreads many disorders all over the body, and when the W'ne cures the source, all the other Ills vanish as I matter of course. A woman can be her own physician and cure herself at home. Local ex- armnatioQS are largely things of the USUI' alfltNT MSAITSIIT. Foe Ml no. Id cmm raqolilnc aMal direction. addreM, gtrlnafTinMotna, uiw' 1..W7 vwrtATTAiaaa auicissco., 4 Druggists sell Large a A FREE PATTERN 2 tmr m sclactloa) la evary j aaiUiaa. Only S aaata a yaas. MCALi;S MAGAZIIIEW A LAMES' HAQASNB. A fassl wmmmH lilinl jtal laal.as;.iii.iitsi in I i.fW , beeehetd ; kWiam. M aW eras f-4mj, sw-sal M laMt esssjsa. LaaV ssj IS w fi, ! Ih ma Vtylluk, RalUMt, mmftm, UH , aVcnsoaicaJ sM Awm fHHacVr.ttisjtj Pap MCALLfIT M BAZAR. I 1 i fATTERJiSVL 1 AB rat m aw ui k aM,anaf 1 TUB McCALL CO. I 1-la Waal Mia aa, aa lai itmt u Mmri U wa till . A M T in.h aad 4mtikm a aa tan rumr rmiim oaf nialiia ! m if axralaUWy al mmt, " Mm aa tkrrmak aa alwuaa aa aia) t aar a' rum. laaaa l laraaak aa rr wMaMa1a4rfata Toa raraarr HlaMtalW aa4 vVaatv rrililp4 ) i.IM fcy aanWhwilM la 1 1 i a aaa tat aaaiaaiaaaf tM. Aiaa VICTOR 4. IVAM OO. i faara Atlm mtf a.) ' ,a)Tf). e i Russell Houso, Wklto Is rVnaafort U Mr tad ttot M ika Koaall fioaaa. flrat-Claa Bo. A bM for iraveilaff (. flaala aad kaolin taolioa. TrajaLM S 1 f of SS.U0 sat wwas a A. HUMtlL ra n. w. NinmojT. ArclecUSijperaleiiiciil ioaraoyJJ9fifl Salary . ..n,. Mao a4 aoaaaa of aUws r a a. aias to trl ( imlottag M M wevk awklef a- MS aaiary fara teaa) rawlf: tta laaVma a4 ixaiaiaaasa i lima niVoM aafallak i tumm. Oiaaa Wtui liWmi In p ' XnI Ntmf-tv Jl, urron nut. been nueds nnder hi per. soaal sapendsloa since tta Inttaer. Allow no one to deceive too 1b thia. 30 Years. ilUI! J saaAJhsIJkJfl past the obnoxious custom is no longer necessary. Wine of Cardul is the only perfectly safe and sure vegetable Wine made to-day for the cure of " female troubles . Bottles for $1.00. aiman sVaWavsAJ EASTJEBN GAROLIKAI DISPATCH LINK, -AND- 1D10Q fEtlGBT k PAS8ENGI&. For All Polata Xrth. The Steamer NEUSE ill Imto m koodajt, WsdoeedtTS, nd Fridoye st 0 p. b. sharp, msk n( lanniop at Oriental, and Koao k Isltnd. If AGS HEAD. The Str. Newberne OoateMaStaf July lt4, wOl v at It clock aooa ea Taaadays aa4 Fri liya, aMklog laadlagJ at OrtMlaL RoaaoV Uaaad aa4 Rap Boa! Mr Froiibl rtosirsd not later Ihaa oee soar prsvioas to atilisg. for fartber Infor aiaUon spplj to GEO. HSNDKKSON. Aft X. K. Kjss, Oaa. Mgr., 1.C. UciMjiSa,Ga.Frt.A PsaLAft Norfolk. Va. Da ym Wist) to ExtorratoaU Baal Bates, Cask Rsacaas, Ants f tc, Taaa Uss Liquid Creoleum. Crntoaai hatss a waefal koanknU aaxiy tor saaay avpla ailaaaaav At SMataMMt M at Mpartot la sarM M ki4. t aeltaer sooeoss s ) oad has a aiaaaaal aaaliarat Sedor, Cveolawaj It tare aaaia to (IMS, aai ttsna.alaDaBa.aa4 wl Mf riea at iHwaee, Tee c'i'iat rami iy aa IM aaaraav us wtsnvsbl, Aba MoU; CrevaaUUva aa OMtatMraif4 Mellaallaa, UvaaaVw ttWa, ' fWar VottUllM fat aa ' ay a , , - Henrs Pharmacy, : t27jmU Sired. frj Has TetWl Artte aa a fa faav arf.. " ' fafilalaa't, frasaftfttoas ; refatly Steamship Co ilATCHETAinJ HGm UN ROMAN TIC &0URTSH1P8RE THt RULE IN GERMANY.," r Thow tat Want in OMItrl to iaaaa in Floaaatel Sana Wkaa TImt Harrr T CoMt A a, mlria- M Uitary QkauaS : , ' In Bavarta every girl la xpecte4 to get married.' - Ask a Bavarian, and be will teO To that It Is Impossible for a portlonleea maiden to find a boaband. If a girl baa no money Tor a dowry,. therefore, she sets lieraelf at work to save one. Marriage in Germany la nearly en tirely a matter of business. The father of the girl announces tbe sunt which Is to go with her, while the papa of tbe prospective husband holds out for more. That Is the tint stage or the negotiations. Little by little each yields to the other. Finally, often after months of delay, tbe contract is drawn up with minute specifications by a notary, and then the lovemaklng may begin. The courtship Is very circum scribed and Is probably not altogether satisfactory, for the German maiden la a romantic creature, and the opportuni ties she has for getting acquainted with her husband before marriage are very meager. The parental supervision is so inbred in the nation that even tbe government takes a hand In it with its servants. A German army 'officer Is a splendid crea ture to the eye, but his pay Is very small, ranging from a matter of a a week for a lieutenant to $50 a week for a full fledged general. In order to prevent the possibility of seeuiness in appearance or style of living tbe gov ernment forbids an officer to marry un less be deposits a certain sum it is $20,000 for a lieutenant and becomes gradually less for each higher grade with the authorities, tbe income of which Is doled out to him semlannunl- ly. This is In reality putting a price on tbe man, because the greater number of German officers are very poor and can get the money required only from tbelr brides. The money which a wife brings to her husband, unless there Is an express notarial stipulation to the contrary, be comes absolutely tbe husband's proper ty. Woman in tbe eye of the law has practically no rights except sucb as her husband may allow her. He treats her very often as merely a piece of live stock. If the woman rebels, which she does very rarely, he displays a very short temper and an aptness for wield ing a poker or a walking stick In a use for which they were never meant. In a German newspnper one may al ways find a column devoted to matri monial announcements. There Is no romance In these advertisements. Tbe man tells how much money be has and bow much be wants. The woman names her dowry to the very pfennig. Very often the man lias no money at all and expresses his desire to marry Into a business, but tbe wonmu knows that It Is useless to advertise at all un less Bhe has some money. If It amouuts only to $100 or so, which may be re garded as the lowest sum worthy of consideration as a mltglfL On tbe other band. It is tbe woman's privilege to name the calling which she prefers tbe man should follow. 8be I usually chooses an official clerk or por ter, a policeman or a car conductor, nil of whom have tenure of office and un old age pension. She has more of on eye to stability than to ambition. It is in the so called higher classes of society that one finds tbe baldest and most baslnessllke matrimonial trans actlona There are few young men of this class who have either money or any prospect of making any otherwise than by a wealthy marriage. When they Inherit fortunes, It Is tbe fashion to dissipate them, and when tbey don't Inherit It Is against tbe prejudices of tbelr education and training to seek mployment or to engage In any kind of business. Therefore most of tbcm enter the ar my while waiting for a rich bride. Daughter of rich brewers and mer chants ara acceptable to these gentle men, but their great and perslateot dream Is to capture an American heir as. Tbey confess the matter frankly to any one and every one wbo will lla- teo. Traveling American belreaaea are not ao plentiful Id yrrmsny a In France oo Italy: still, tney arc to be round It would (eem. however, that notwltb standing tba fact that Oermau titles ara at least a little more valuable than of tbe Latin countries tbey do Dot possisa tba same glamour In feiul- BIm eyes, because tba Uermsn title raptare tbe Aroerlcaa bag of gold comparatively rarely. Perhaps It Is he- tbe Teutonic wooing la more ar rogant and taperriUous than lualnuat log. Of all countries Qermeoy Is perhaps that la which romantkiara Soorlabea It la Instinct In Its traditions. In Its alstory sod Its literature. Tet In tba slfslrs of dally life aad pra-eml- aetly la its matrtmoalsl affairs mlll tartaca rWa to tba plana of worship. Kw Tort Baa. A SlleS Sato. As eicbanjte lei la of a aorei plan koopled by aa Eoftlaa boataes to so rer faaos for s cWtty la which sat was tateroated. fas rare a dance, hv tred octs la tba cotillon aa soctloo flfare. is tbls tba favors war far sale, A tabla waa Bpraa4 wrtk tkem, frsaj watch a4arttoaa wara siada After lbs ebotra tbe parcbaaar fooa4 th arte sAxed aa lbs mm atda. Tola sstfbt bs S peast er s poflsd. tba laalt ret rest, sal was art trrtboat aay resars sa tas sppafoat talas af lbs article is walca tl was sitae' Tas Boat trV iar anktt aarbaraj bed tba Upsisst saark, sad vtos tataa, saaklnf caeks ss far ss arte wo rasa. A taflaf, Kstrtac no4. ' -" Waae4 sows a aseefra- Baa wbica CW a ZUU, Liaboa, !a b4 U ra fttt. aVa4Ia ! 4ess it ley wsttr as wrl'oa, "fv sa a terrtbls o4a sa4 aaoS, il (raw woras dsilf. flaaity tba bast ioetofi la 0kUa4, Vab, BloOl City e4 OsMka saM I aas OasosaBOoa aa4 a14 set Uva, Taaa I t aslef Df. K lt Hew Iarwary i wkat If ? f all Vat'laa." tOo(llvla faraie4 ( Coefba, CoA sa4 all T a4 Lot traaJ fof aala by 01) fttarfaeea, 'rVa Vie fl t Trie) Htsetttttssssg I'Aftcr He Comes j Sbabaaa bard enough time. "Every. 5 thing that th specunt mother S O can oo to belp bar child she should jj 9 do. ' On of tho greatest bleaainga S 3 aha can give hits fa health, but to S 2 do this, aba most have health her- W 5 self. She should use every means Z 2 to improve her phvsicat condition, a SSha should, by all means, supply herself with S Mother's g Friend. j It will talce her through the crisis easily aud (fhickly. Itisa liniment which gives strength and vigor to the muscles. Com mon sense will show yon t Ii a t t h e stronger the uacles are, which bear the strain, the less painthercwillbe. A woman living in Fort Wayne, Ind., says: " Mother's Friend did wonders for me. Praise God foi your liniment" Read this from Hnne!, Cal. " Mother's Friend r, a blessing to all women who undergo nature's ordeal of childbirth." Get Mother's Friend at the drug store. $1 per bottle. THE BRADflELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. S Write for our tree llhitt-ated book, " Datora 2 Uaby u Horn." ja Executrix Wot Ice ! Having this day qualified as Executrix of the last will and testament of Joseph Bheni, deceased, all,persons indebted to said Joseph L. Khem, deceased, are requested to make immediate settlement. And all persons holding claims against said deceased are notified to present the same for payment on or before March 33th, 1902, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. This March ZStli, 1UU1. KATE E. SPENCER, Executrix. Fot Rent My store on South Front Street is now for rent, itils fO x R8 feet, 'i story 'which is desireable stand for most any busines and good location for the country trade across the Trent river bridge or city trade. With my stables'! and shingle yard, brick and laths, andamill business all on the same lot in the rear of my store anyone can do a nicejjbusincss of any kind in my store. BeeBig Hill for serious motives. fWe have now cut down prices on all inds of btove Wood, aa the spring? is most here and we want to get our old stock of wood off before warm weather takes charge. This advantage on knock down prices is for our customers. BIG HILL, Tbe Shiotle Mas A Good Telephone SERYICE 18 A BUSINESS NECESSITY, A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM BINED Neeeflalty,' Convenience Order Your Phono at Ones I E.W.Smallwood HEADQUARTERS FOR HARDWARE And all Kinds of BUILDlRij MATERIAL Heating and CookiDg Stoves and Ranges, Lime, Cement, Piaster PsinU, Oilr, Varnish, Putty, Saab Doors, Blinds, Cat! err and all tb oseful articles usually found In aa Up-to-dats Hard war Store. Bent Gootla. Iwet Prieen. ' Uodar tloul Cfeattawk, NEW BEnJT, If. c. Did you know THAT our U at. Paint ha ao ad parlor aad wbea read fnr aa eoaU Jon oaly $I.S per salloof Try It ena Maaa, you will always as rt uwraartar, TB IT yrm enakt gai wlr wranped I hoa with eoupllnn la SS aed M toot lanfftbs iron as at lljc per tootf THAT Jro etajld gat snythraf voo waatod as lb Hardware lie trow a at knraat eaab arte? THAT jroa enaM (t rvolkf f grater for 10a, wlr headla tnt to, a lie broUer fnr ISo. sair luach baa nr ISo, paar shod brarkets lue 10a, a bird oaf book lor 10. trees asf - - - THAT f oa enold fa aeadlas for aey khtd ol Hthl aaaehbaS troal a, S Wall aavetile aaeda, oil ean , aad drtvartf THAT W art atthaf loU a tl eate- brai4 Dolft aad Irs Ckai nnf It rve ara aa admirer e( kaeaUfal yea woald aartabil adaslr trai oa good. J. C. Whitty A CO. City Residences. Tares ralaebl City Kaaitae for sal st a barf at. Oas located Bread (treat aatf Crsvse aad I as 0tg. atrest. Also la aaooad-kaad Iroa lafa 1 Wal m for lst$S. sad $10. K.KUrsa J. A. JONES,- BROAD STREET, STEWART'S OLD STAM, 11 very, Feed, Sato and Exchange . . trt1 Ever Found in New L'eni. Also a Harness, Robes, Whir, f ait Wliccls, F. M. Simmon, A. 1). Ward SIMHONS & WARD, ATTORNEYS aa1 COUNSELORS at LAW. HEW BKKNE, N. V. Office 88 So, Front Street, nearly oppo site Hotel Uhattawkft, (Office also at Raleigh.) Practice in the counties of (J raven, Duplin, Jones, Onflow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, In tbe Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are desired. . A. Green, Pr. K. II. Meadows, V. Fres B. M. Oroves. Cashier. tITI ZENS' BANK, Doing General Banking Business February 13, 1900, Surplus and Undivi ded Profits, $12,135.70. Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to us. Accounts received on favorable terms. Board of Director.. Ferdinand Ulrica J. A. Headowa, Samuel W. Ipock, Chaa. H.rowier, J. W. Grainger, B. W. 8m all wood, e. tl. Meadow., Chaa. Duffv. Jr. Jam;s Redmond, Mayer Hann, Thoma. A.Grean. C.K.roy. weo. n.tvea, w. r. Crockett. Mark Disosway. F. & M. BANK FEBRUARY 1st. 11100. Capital Stock, $75,000 Sarplns, 10,000 UadlTlded Profits 8,600 Deposits 162,000 OFFICERS. L. H. Cutlsb (Preaident. W. d. Chaowicc, Vice Pres. T. W. Dbwst, Cashier. J. W. BiDDLS, Ass't Cashier. Mus Bbowhis Hanks, Teller DIRECTORS: Wm. B. Blades, M M. Marks, O. D. Bradbam, P. d. PelleUer, L. H. Cutler, Joe. Suter, W. 8. Chadwick, J. W. Stewart, T. W, Dewey. It oollects for merchants, manufactur era and other Banks promptly at special rates to each, ana makes quickest re turns poasible. By Its liberality snd en terprlslng business methods, It i forging to th front of East Carolina's Banking Inttltntiona. In its own city, It Is the only on which doaanot pay interest on Ueposlla. .bC. BO VSABB' v v. SKIIIKNOK -4 Tnabc Maaaa Vs. Daeaana rrlssfS n.,.. ...... a an ft. Dcaaaeia 'rrulS'' OorvmoMraAo Aaiuaa laiSimeaa aa .aiartallna a aMlr aiia.uia oaf aatalna fraa WMifcar aa la'aMMi H araaablr ...aiiniil. fta UMuall7HtadanlUL llMbnnSoa rtmus aaM Im (mm f'T far wmiauM. ruumiM uaaa Urraa Maaa AUa. raaati. eji a aa)na waaaat at.na, aiU Scitntinc Hnedcan A iMBstoOSaWly inM(nisr4 WMartttfa BNSS SJ)f sHkaAMI mi sry MssrUM vmrmmL TrtM. rv i fr-sjr mcmWL knkm mfA 'is. rU"taf rrm AVIJU) I!1 I .MAS si sVaVlatasaWtawsMaVALal fft( JICTMs. ftosast mm, fm iVsis) flwdsiru4iMti au4 sVTTtos). mi ciriim.ui'atr MfASMlSiaroM.O.C. . la order to tnak room tot Spring Goods ws .wUi for KKXT SO DAYS mB oar entire fins of f IE ATI NO 8T0VM AT COST, asd below txMrr. , W bed room. Ton ed ilores, Kow Is yottr tlms. Cosna, Sale-! S maks os sa offer Is all ws aratit : Yours t otisJrMaaa, . i. n. tofica nD7r co STABLES Fit tit MULES Complete Line rf Buggies, Wagons Etc. I. A. JOBFKN, Broad Street, Stewart's Old Stand, Southern Railway. The Standaid Railway rt tbe SOUTb The Direct Line tc all Points, TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AJT PORTO RICO. .Strictly First-Class Equipment on all Through or Local Trainu; Pullman Pal ace Sleeping Oars on all Night Trains; Fast aud Safe Schedules. Travel by the Southern and you are as sured a Safe, Comfortable and Expedi tious Journey. Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta blcs, Kates ind General Information, o addcess F. R. DARBY, U L. VERNON, c. P. a T. A, T. P. a., Adheville, N. 0 Charlotte, N. C. S. II. IIakdwick.U PA. WASHINGTON. - - D. 0 Lodge Directory. NEW BERN CONCLAVE 486, Improved Order Heptasopbs, meet 2nd and 4th Thursday nlghta, at 8 o'clock at Itoun tree Half. P, A. W111U, Archon; .1. J ToUon, Jr, financier; Z V. Murphy, Sec retary. EUREKA LODGE NO. 7, I. O. O. F. Officers: W. F. Crockett, N. 0 ; James B Dawson V. O ; Geo. Green, Secly; W. II. Hervey, Financial Secretary; A. E I'llt man, Treaa. Regular meetlnga every Monday night at 7.30 o'clock. CALUMET ENCAMPMENT, No. 4, I. O. O. K. Oltlccri: i. 1. Baiter, C. P ; J II Dawson, II P.; T D Carraway, 8. W; A. T. Land J. W.; Geo. Green. Scribe; E. Gerork. Treasurer. Regular Encamp ment, 1st, 3rd, and Ath (If any) Thursday nlgbis lu each month al 7.30 o'clock. NEW BERN LODGE No. 1, F. H. C J. C. F calea, I' res I, J. II. Smith, Record Ing Sec'y; It. R. Hill, PlnaocUl Bec'y. Meets In the Knights of Harmony Hall every 1st and 8rd Monday nights In each month. CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Mnela 2nd aad 4th Wedoaaday night. In each month In Roantree'. Hall, Pollock atreel, at 7JW o'clock. S. R Ball, President; R.JJ. DIoway. Sec'y, H it. Hill, Flaaacial Secretary. Nolle of Nummsni! NORTH CAROIJNA I8.iparl.r t'raven CHinty. Court. Patiti'in I" ll laorli fnr rtttl"ti N"tice nl rumnionv H V. Hill and W. F. Hill, liar hntbend, . Sanmi-I Suttii. John Huttoo anil Emily Ina ail'. A Ionia Hill and Cliarlia Ann B"tt..n Infant, by her fiiardian R. H. Minn, 0, A Heatloy; Ltaal Banliay Cwil Hntly, UFHonlley and ntbars, unknown heir, of IVni. Beattay, dae'd; Flrrnrv Iantrl and her huabarxt. IwnlaU. and th hairs of John A. Pentley. Th above aamad AWnsn HllLCao A Hvntlay. LluleHanUeT.CiH'tl BanUay.Ur. fntlT and h.lnt n4 Hantsmla HanUay, drraaaMi, and floranr Unless aad bar hutUnd Daalala, k tba heirs Job A. rVntWy. rMandaaU, la lb abmr. HUio.wlU take ntk,tbt S Sat. aansM ha baea tantad frotai Uila eovrt ta th sbnv antilhxl artkm or aaraal tro- earHHaj. narairint In" t" apirl4or trx BnnavtoT 1 unr c i;ra IMaaty oa UxlOthday 4 Msy, 101, aad aaawat tba euwiplalat DM bar la, lit saM na. alaant a aatftioa a ear i 1 , r t' si wn i ,av rm j , Herta. Oanttav fnf mrtKVax 1 n aaM watawnaat will fmrtW aaka axHina, that ibay kit to slat aatd enanaaaial orb fnr Msy lutfc, lavri, that u sear- of tn pMltsn wllfb frantaal taxi )adamait will ba taaSaraS laa tba aearSaf so saM wm. W WATaOH. Cbwa swawrao Crl P. ir.rellet!T, ATT01XIT AY LAW. fill Itrwal. Usrrsrt BfUk Bstlllsg.l ' - Rev. rawaru 4 Or) . HtoasM Nail), O, S A. &N. C. R. R. Tlari TABLB K0. 19 To Taks Effect 'itn-r-y, Ilec In, 1IKW at 100 A.M., E. b T. lioing Kaat SCHKCnLl: Going West No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 t-V. B m STATIONS: Ar. a m 30 ..Goldaboro H 06 09 IavQrange jo Si 3S Klnston 10 12 5 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv 8 00 50 Lv. Ar 8 87 7 15. ... Ar. Morebead oily Lv. 7 05 K .1 Passen;er Nr. 8. -Sun layfpr y r. r. m. . . . Goldaboro 8 00 Lv. u 7 40... 809... 8 30... 55... 50... . . .LaGrange . ...K nt( n ....Dover New B. rn Uorehead City Lv 7 '7 7 07 6 47 fi t2 4 20 11 15... No. 5, I No. 6, Passenger station: Paa n r Train. Trriu. DailtJEiokit Scndat. Ar. a, M. Lv.p. m 7 80 ..Goldnboro 7 14 7 48 Best's 6 40 7 58 LaGrange 6 36 810 Falling Creek 6 21 8 28 Klnston 6 03 8 30 Caswell 5 51 8 46 Dover 5 48 9 06 Core Creek 5 32 9 20 Tuscarora 519 9 86 Chirks tT06 9 52 New Bern 4 50 A. m. P. M, No. 1, f I No. 2, Hx'd Ft. and stations: Mz't Ft. and Paas.Tn. Pass. Tn. Lv. a m Ar. p m 7 00 Goldaboro 5 83 7 88 Best's 4 53 8 15 LaGrange 4 23 8 27 Falling creek 3 53 9 12 Kinston 3 33 9 28 oaswcll 2 2 10 15 Ar. Dover. Lv 2 10 10 40 core ere 110 11 15 Tuscarora 12 48 11 31 Clark's 12 40 12 C5 Ar. New Bern, Lv 12 10 130 Lv. " Ar 10 47 2 12 Riverdale, 10 10 8 20 croatan 10 00 3 05 Havelock 1) 40 3 84 Newport, Lv il 0(1 3 47 Wildwood 8 47 8 82 Atlantic 8 8H 4 08....Ar. Morehead city, Lv.. . 8 20 4 23. ...Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 750 p. a. a . m. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 8. L. DILL, Suporintc )dpn Reduced Sunday Passenger Excur sion Rates! The A. & N. C. Railroad will sell th k els after this date at the following ex cursion rates by Nos. 3 and 4 train mi Sundays: From M. Clly to Uoldshorn return " Wildwood 1 1.2.1 1 1 r 1 (HI SKI 81) Newport Havelock Croatan Now Bern Tuscarora Core Creek Dover Caswell Klnston Falling Cr'k LaGrange Beats .711 .70 .60 .III) (10 to :ni The above tickets arc good only on Sundaya by No. 3 and 4 trains and on dates stamped or written on tlcketn, ami limits will not be eitendcd. Supersedes all former ratra. Kffnrtive October 28th. H. L. D11 1. (I. I'. A. Atlantic C3oaKt 11 no. Wilminutom A Nkw Kkhnk U. 1(. TIMS TAHLI NO. f), (nKtfect Wedneaday, Aug. 7, IW, Dally Eioept Sunday, (krlng South actllDCU: (loln( North No. 61, Paaamger Trains 'No. M, Lv. a m, UTATtoifs: Ar. p m, 9 00 Nw Berne 5 40 9 Pollockavlll. 8 04 9 81 MayavUla 4 4 I00S Jacksonville 4 II Wilmington, I Union Depot I Wilmington; Lv 1108. i Si . Wl r a No. 4. It II . r Ha S, Ar. Piasnou A Fbsioht. Laava WUmlngloa Monday, Wadnna day and Friday. Laara Nrw ItcrnS Tua dajr, Tbnraday aitd Saturday. La. a Ar. r a ... 1 4 . . .11 M . . .11 1ft .11 40 ...10 1 ...10 HI ... ... s u ... sso ... on ... 7 ... t H ... too TS0 Lv. Wilmiagtoa, Ar. 40 ftroU's lltll 1 10 Woodatd 10 OS HoUyrtdg ... IS II IHaoa II W Vron It OS Jarkaoo villa .. . It W KorUMe, t SS Wbltaea . . I SO Mayavtil . . , IIS PoMooaarin. . . . t St beta-ear. I 40 Ar. Iw Baraa, Lv. UailJ KtOf la4y. i. H. KE5LT, Uaaaval Majaar. Ti Hi ,0 ,oiMtg" CUM, as wiolnria, rsaassad to a aaileaJiy paao rrea SMUiMai wi r ad fraa f maa Issfawltaia. fo-naally la b Sad asat tssist far ssssss -aaar4ka. - tTZ Ira) Vatlaraa 4t0f (tlStf fWMay'lr S . . . .4 I H a lira (raSaft ty)ts sa ta II Soua. tm yrwasa ad talsrsaathia, - . -- . . AAaraaa, .4 . ITew Benit let CV. . il ' Paf Paaa, Oaa bfttu fraa.