... - The Kind Too Have Always Bought, and which has been ' in on ror over so year, ha ana n&a AHaiIBa All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jcutt-aa-good " are bat -Experiments that trifle With and endanger the health of -Infants and Children Experience against; Experiment ' Castoria ta a harmless substitute for Castor pu. Pare - V porlc, Drops and Soothing yrups. - It is Pleasant. It -contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Korcotlo substance. Its age ts 1U guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind , Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. ' The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend, -K.. . GENUINE CASTORIA AUVAY3 'Sean the Signature of . : . f ar- The MYou HMwaysBouglit In Use For Over1 30 Years.'. - mt cwtuw mam, y. wuwht twtt. new ton crrr. - a sure r-c:ci::E. BunsoK, Vi. , dm at. I bars ba snffarliig from fkmale Wsak ueii lor four ttn, sad havs takes assay medicines, bat Wis ot Caidol sad l uk Draasht bar doa, nore tot ate than Auy - tUaf SlM. HBS. 0ABOUNI IVANS . Ifgusa'c It Is a mistake to ttk any and svenr kind of medicine when you rt tick. Tbers It danger In a. 'Most of the so-called cures for female weakness" do nothing more than' deaden the pain temporarily, and when the effect weirraway the patient is weaker and ticker than before. It is never wise to tak chances. Yon have only one fife, and that is dear and precious. - H yon have any pain, ache, disorder or weakness In the femi nine organs, nothing will lielp you like Win of CarduL K helps do- away with morning sickness during he pal assured. The Wine b purely veg- etable, being nude Of herbs wbos medicinal ororjertiet act atrecuv upon the organs of womanhood it tt a long-tried remedy, ana au i many tears of success behind It' It it sure. Why take a chance mediciM Druggist sell Large tauumitmuiuitmmtmmit 1 A FREE PATTERN I MlMtiaat tSSTMT I Mrtkas, Oaty at oats a rr. MSCALCSiTx magazineWv' syassssssssWBssBBSsasakBsw 1 IADU2T flAUAZiTUS. MM mim ,fcMt V-M ! I "t 1 11 i Wllai;kM SW s . m4 ft. to. Iiii mtm UH, Wimmmm II ,1 tmA A MMM. j firtiO-riMkM; frnsi rtisw ME CALL 1 TUB McCAlX, COl, iss-144 ms lets sw b t . Omt tm imtvmtA II fc.lt. AT "'f tkrttk m4 rift ml mmy tamilna XR kmiiiIIi m M vtmiom In w inl-i iM DUMUlf mt mm. " K" to vmftm film wat apaa lw. raWat aamaS U aa,lniiin1 a et ,aii. rawal, takra M Ikaat a, mrmtm mltr. m nht a laaiaa. la III f TaT Saroa a niaaiaua a4 wlr '-!.. toaraa) uiaM W W,aahwiar.,a4 w ' i aafc 4 ka rsaa. aastaa,- ; vievosi 4. cvass aoo, - a. I Russell Houso, Whns I B-naafort a Mr sad stop ft) ike Raa!l liaaaa 1rat-Caa Hoant, L bAtM for trsTalhif tyvll ftaklsc sad esaUsf SMieallad. . f erase M s Say Of Ba.OB Pa weak 1 a. HtmttX ra ; ii4 w. wiiirttorf, MM&SpnkCaCal ; llrI r.trtvrl)' . 0 Mas sad faava ef '4 ) War-I a t"all,r SaaK Mhan tut aal mmm im.m . mi W aaf talar,.U. lty talary I ad faarly: fa .iaaiW.i. arM . t"a'H.rataHv,.wVirW al.; .1 SnaM. Umm4 rliaa tit - -U na ' af w ia,a Wt ai-ata ral f '' MHaMilllmMn"Maa hian, ' WtliaMi ttaaa, Wrixataara. modifies the pains of childbirth: recovery is rapid and future health Is Ti .. I - A , V-.V.jJli.,1V.VJ berne the signature f - Dcen made under his per i- AIM tAllnmln vn l Ma r - . , . 4 the early stages of pregnancy, ana . I . taSHl t Torn! tasHs1 aawtsar ttMiTMUT. ParidvlM IB M rcntr1nv wtM dtnetioM. tdtlreM, HvlDK IT f. 1 o in., UMCuacik. ckwuwxm. Tun. hea you can get a sure merfnef Bottles for $1.00. : CABTJEBN CAROLINA! DISPATCH LIKE. nilSBT t P188IRSIE. For All Io!nt Iforth. i w .The Steamer NEUSE will Issts oo Moodajs, Wsdossdsrs, add rhdsys st 8 p. . sharp, mak Ing landings si OrloDtal, and Bosa okslslattd, . ;. lWAGH HEAD. ;-Tlie Str; Newberne 0oesan)u July lat, tllte tt "'II o'clock soes oa Toeadsys sal Fri lays, taaklof haalajs OrieaUl. Jtuaaoks blaa4 sad Dag Bead. - ' nr Freight 'fsoeirsd oot Uttr thsn sds boar prwriooi to ssiuof .. . For larthsr fnformatlon apply to GEO. HENDEUSOy, AfU ' K. K, Krio, Ota. Up., ' . '; QLa IIviisi.0en.Frtt Psst,At '.- Norfola. Vs. V 'K . I II. I II i Do yo Wish es) CatarmlaaU ' B4 tUrs, Cexk Roaches, Aat T - i c Ljquid ctvi-v Crcolcum. Oaoleutil ft Slao a Oatfat afloat liold aiaily I grata ay aUtt-i silauv, AS s dlaialactast n M sapanor w ran W arid, h alvaV eotonaoas anf enfrik. mil end kat S rW ' (Malthfut Ofn. laoia M sars eiaia u ria. rarr M.a, la Ioe-a.d JTH-aj ,41 imnn. Th, K.t-4 MflMdy S) AIM at at' haavtiUUaS aH InsaKt. old. Cap Kora i Hmkalis, ' - ' ; ; I, a4af U akaiiae. ' . fa-W KeUallae is Oaa fummi ark ta t Henrys Pfarnucy, . 127 i::jJ!c Street sa an a ? .-; WA rdUi ; AND- Old Dominion Steamship Co Fail llaa Ti-'M A 1 fs f ry. rr,'1,'l rrlpmi lmrmf,T) a J al'4 "the SPOTTING WOULD ; Wkr T.ir Wheel (Itili. . Where boa your -wheel txwu dnrlnr. the past (our mouth and what con dition U tt In for the coming spring and summer? Wltli tbe riding season 67 1901 bat a few weeks away -the question to n. opportune, one. To many- riders possessed of long pocket books the condition -of their 1900 niouuts or the attention they way or may not hare received since the holi days of tbe old year presaged tbe com ing of 1901 makes no material differ' enee. The old mount was only Intend ed for one fear's servlee In so; event s.nd -will be discarded or pass Into :. aotcBAirrsM or & cbatjiliss biotcls. other hand and afford, unfold enjoy ment for another' year or tnorev Its owner has selected if indeed he has not already given an order f or o new year's model, Just s he has been in the habit of taking it for granted that his tailor wlU supply him with a new wardrobe as the old goes out of style and fashion.-? ?i ' . To.-thS rider of slender purse, how"- ever, the question is a timely one. If he has stowed his. wheel' away In the cellar to 'fill up -with furnace dust, mayhap to receive tbe drippings from sweating waste or water pipes, be will And just about now a nt subject for the scrap, heap and Will without ques tion need a brand new mount for tbe nresent rear.: : ' The percentage of riders who take even ordinary care w their wheels dutlng tbe winter months is small Garelessness Is certainly a predomi nating characteristic lu the human family, and .the fact that nine times out of ten they are compelled to pay dearly for their fault seems to leave no salutary effects; How many riders are there who, when the air becomes chill and the roads frozen, give their, bicycles a thorough' coating of vnse llue, shelter them with a canvas cover and store them carefully In some dry wholesome corner, there' to remain until tbe ensiling season shall call tueln forth again. In this . respect -there pre few Solomons and equally few wise virgins in the ranks of cyclists. -Neglect, dust and dnmpuesa work destruction oftener than not, and tbe life of, many a high grade wheel has been shortened by neglect and mis use rather than by judicious use and actual wear and tear. . Bicycles, like men and horses, suffer from neglect and abuse, only they suf fer to a greater exteut because their nickeled and enameled parts possess po recuperative powers and are de pendent for their life and condition npon tue care and attention tney re ceive from others. aavarlta Far tha Darhy. Volodyovskl, favorite for the Rng' llsb Derby, holds tbe center of the turf world at present. He Is the most talk ed about and sought after horse on both continents. Recently be was the bone of contention between I,ady Wll 11am Beresford sod Lady Meux. To settle tbe question to whom tbe colt would race for this season tbe case was taken Into tbe English courts. Happi ly the trouble was adjusted satisfacto rily, and he will go bjpk again to 1-ady Meux, who leased him to Lord William Beresford. Volodyovskl Is s bay colt. & by Florl sel II La ltelne. At a 2-year-old be ran nine, limes, of which number was returned a winner Ave times, tils first three efforts were failures. He did aot develop hit great speed and staying auslitlet till tbe season wss well adrsnced, and once la form defeated aU tat' best colts of his sge without sny great tffort T, Wetdon was Lord - Beresford' Jockey for tha blah weights. He lost on VolodyoTtkl three times tad bes woo. It was ecmroon report st tbe time' that tbe stable was dissatisfied with tbe way be rode- the colt. Boos arter Weldoa was discharged. Tbe Bel ft" broth or, Lester and Job soy. tbra had the leg op, and tbey woo four times out of Ire efforts. Lester Relff while here this wlatrr expressed the oplnloa that Yotodyotakl was the best colt IS Cnglasd. Feel's Sew Q laaalaM, . The gymnaslnoi committee appoint ed three years ago t raise tnoOjOOO for t new gymnaslaa for tbe Unlrer slty of renaeylrsala has atade Its re port, t bowing that all the. saeMy has been yaleed. the airblterf a plana as preved asd lead glrea by tbe dty of t'blladelpbla OS which to erect the beUdlet. Work Is to brgla at ooca The bulidlug win be three stories la helsbt. tbe rymDaatnm praper occupy' tog tbe top toor. Tbers win be a rws Blag traok gallery eroana tbe gyaaa eiaat owe-teatb of S tails In ctnmlt. The swimming peal as the greaad Nlonr WUI be 130 feet leaf by 43 feat broad. Separate rooms will he pre rkled for fearing; tvartinf Sad wres Ulnf-as well aa far tbe oat of tbe pbyekal dlrertor and gymaaalas to st rod or. George Woodruff ei parts t be aaade direct nr faertl whea tbe aw fymaaalooi la opened, - ' taaa ef ft aa OravntS. - . MM Chs ttrtoa CbSrWy ssl a foe- taae telWr told hint N ws aotaa ts taerrr B braivtta. lief Motbar-IWtnt S trfaod. that stoat ant lobk very promUlDt for yea. hllat CbaHatinti (wtilllly-Oa tka roatrery, 1 14 taat It ety ahewt how tar off s fortoat tUef rat be st tits -rack. A tiflnf, FoarlBf; Flool WaaUddetalaUgrapb Use kick Ckaa, C. Ellis, af I.l.Soa. ts , kd t T fair, PUsdlr. ,! dwpls ky ee wrliaa, "1 vt m I Urrltla eM mni -rcb II g-w ore dtff. Fi Ike (Mt cV-Man la OtMaad, !, r!"S Cliy Sr.1 Cir.l. an VI I ka4 (' !.-:( lint ,k) eo: I SM IW, Tb t lft '' I ff. I'rt'i Kf f fcSv-,, 1 a a It fvil t ! W-.m ' I 'i PzcrLiV of THS DAY Mr. Sttklttaki'i iHmHfi'. "William Cary Sanger,' who has been ppointed assistant secretary of war tn fill the vacancy esosed by the reelfrje- tlon of George D. Meiklejobo, was born In Brooklyn Is 1803, though be has for vara been s resident of Oneida coun- N. Y. He Is gradnate of Harvard college- and Columbia Law school. though, Ire engaged In the 'practice of law fur only s abort time; He was a member of the New York atate asaem- txnxssn. waxiakt cart siSGxa. ,- bly In 1S96 and made a record as a civil service reformer. His militai-y service began' in 1880, when he was uutde quartermaster, with the ntuk of ninjur, In- tbe Third brigade, N. Q. 8. x. y. He -was conimlssioned assistant chief of artillery, with the rank of colonel. In 1803. At the outbreak ot. the SpanlHli war h6 was sent,by the adjutant gener al to Camp Chlckamauga and was la'.er detailed to the pay department . at Camp Alger.5 He" went abroad Inst year to study the British system or auxiliary .forces undey Instructions from Governor Itoosevelt and Bopratavy ltoot, and In a great niensnre he owes big appointment to the assistant secre taryship to tbe friendship of these two gentlemen. Harlowe's Iletreaase.Kosa. "When I wat a little girl," said Julia Marlowe, "my greatest regret mid anx. lety was my retrousse uose. I was lu tha habit of stating to my family that should some day become a great tragedienne. This amused them not a little, for neither they nor I knew any' thing of the stage or of actresses. The Idea "wat plainly my own, but the fata lly laughed at me and assured me that such a thing as a tragedienne wltlr n pug nose bad never been heard of. 1 was Impressed with tbe statement, end It occurred to me that tbe nose tuight be .remedied. So .1 sought our family physician and confided my troubles to him abd begged him to operate on the offending member, lie wat vastly amused, but reassured me on tbe subject of noses. For years I was troubled with the Idea, but 1 bare lived to discover that even a uose Is not a barrier to success." Tka Wireless Wlmart. alarconl, tbe man who says he can transmit telegraphic messages without using wires or ptlier ropvevors except air currents, It with us. lie Is In the United States for recreation, so he sayi tmsoa eoouauso uaboobv theagh while here he will Improve au opportunity. opened to blot to expert- tnaat with wlrekee teiegrapby aa a leans of transmlltlnf oiessages be tweea ships of our navy and betweea tbe ships sad tbe itatWna on land. The perfonnabcet of tbe wireless wotard will be watched Witb profound Interest. Tae StataaStaat traaaaaa.' A very sMthodlcal royal lady Is the Dncbeat sf York. Even st girl she WSt stoat orderly ht all her arrange- toeota and quite aollke tbe ntodera " as issiiaas uaaaan. isa eavaaaa warn, as i now. uttrestad aeraatr coastsntly In charitable schetoes, sod' she roodocted her work Is aa expeditious way. AD her letters wars duly docketed sod placed, each packet kt Its own pbytosy kola, la her writing tibia. Aaotber principle of the dacbeee la to take time by tha rortkxic Tbe amount of kait ttaa and aeedlewerk she gets tbroogh is sarprlamf. Ts every country hooae tbe gees she takes her workbag with her and while chatting with her frlende ertq halt Mocking, doooa, wrtetlert by the scoes. Most sf tbeee rventvally Bad taetr ty Is Cbanty. ; '. ', - Mr teaee (a aieh. , If ra. Leaet, as Is Q kaowm, betas her pelltk-el rarver aa a Populist. SU Wtt saw of the ore tors ef tbe Populist aattoaal (eeipaige ta IKtJ. Oeaeral Jaoiae B. tVMrer of lewa.wst the PotHitlat readUlste la fbat tampstta tad polled !.ooo,mo rotaa. i iwm Mrs. Lasse Ippria4 ttrysa aad was paid for bar sorrlTC ftbe wat employ. ed tad paid by tin HrpubUrae aara gart IS IW ttrr frvads say Ifasi as t tarterar aad political sekay sirs, t :eae has axraaaletad a fortune of Bor 1bs 1(X).0U0 during lbs pait fotir ef r yasja. Wlrblts Cor. fu I Dinars loa. Hells cp Ccr jrt-uir.ia. illke t4 f Hi Imi tmp't,' rtlW 0.Bp (1,rk, ':M'mrr fctl V r.(raa,n.tn, "frnta (,.rant, a.fr taaalne, W 6f t'tp r, 1 r"ri:nl Wif I kd S'lt f.tailf I..! It mmm4 I bat il tha atfr I, w y t-1 y a aa ef eM.r, tut lbt bo". rl K"..ttt It'tte a.s-le rs s'l It's i' t.t a'l t'.o'.l a" '-a - r 9 ii , f . ' " ' ' L . ' t-r7. V' J il l, 1 RallraaS Kaa'a Prayer. Aa oKl railroad nmu. paving I em eoBTerted, was asked to lead In or yer. The following wee the rwrjiouse:, "O Lord, now that t hare Sarct-d tbi. I'.rt up my feet from the rough road of lire and plant them safely on the deck cf tbe train of salvation. Let bm: tbe safety lamp knowa as prudence, aiake aU tbe couplings la tbe train with the strong link of thy love and let my hand lamp oe the Bible, and: heavenly Father, keep all switches, closed tlint lead off the sidings, especially those with a blind end.. O Lord, If It be thy pleasure, bare every semaphore block alone the line show the white line of hope that 1 may make the yun ef life without stopping. Ana, Lord, give at the Ten Commandments for a sched ule, and when I hare finished, the run oh schedule time and pulled Into the great dark statloa of death may thou the Superintendent of the : universe, say, 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant; corns and sign the pay roll and receive your check , for eternal happi ness Railroad Gazette, .v ; rk Tarkay Dreve la Atheaa. , The turkey -merchant ; Is "the moat wonderful of street venders." V tie ar rives with 260 or 800 birds, which he drives about town- for-a week . or- two, selling ihetii oue by" one. : He Is armed! with a long pole, witb which be touch es up lasy or quarrelsome birds. Tbey gobble' continuously, nud. he shorda above Hie din, "tlallous. gallapoula. gallopuletr- fTurkey cocks,- little tur keys. tnlp hn Ittrkeysri tVhen 0S8 drove meets another face to face or at right angles, they -twss through with out confusion, and no bird changes masters. gcrlbner's Mngnilne, , ftuffenM from this herrlble malady aearly always inherit it not necessarily horn tha parents, but may be from some remote ancestor, for Csacer often "runs through several renovations. This deadly poison may lay dormant in tha blood for years, or until you reach middle life, then the first little tore or nicer makes its ap pearance ot a swollen gland in the oreasi, or some otner pan 01 we ouuy, elves tha first warnintr. TO cure vanccr worougaiy a in penna nently all the poisonous varus must be uunuuuea from toe oiooa every vesuge if it driven out This & 8. a does, and a the only medicine that can reach deep seated, obstinate blood troubles like this. When all the poison has been forced out of tha system the Carreer heals, and the disease never returns.' Cancer beerns often ins small way, as the (allowing letter from Mrs. Shirer shows : A null pimplecsm, on my law aboo). aninch bclowttatwonttaeUftstdeof arylsce. ttgarf poos,' and I sbpHldHvii , i sod ' Heh tt would bleed a UtUc, Utm Kb ow, but ; mmm aot ncai. i m aataaafof aMaattala, ' Khen air jmw befm, Co ? aalL becomtna verr - pahiral. Tha Caaoer ba. aa to eat and apreM, ntfl It M urn lrr, a, a llar.wBtaibaira a sad delmttla. aStojrlwtt al-irtrtal, tad S was lamarkaMt abati a wmnaerl nl enact I froai ihtwv knlanuurttBtssrali lISJW adarterUkiaaa Itw bottl-s'dIkii Urtly, TDwuteyeiaieitairst 11 ts asa a, taa uiimr, sua my itncni saiua aartlaess taaa-Haa, A. aatasa, 1 Flata. Mo. ai it im Bresteei 01 au blood purifiers, tad the only oaa guaranteed puray vegetable. 8eud lor oar free. book on I - - - AAMftttalnfli valuaMa anil Intaipufc. ma infonnatioa about tola cuaeaae, and I srrtteesty physiclarMitbont your case, Wt ssake ao charge for aMdJoal advlee, aaSWtfT tHOtflO Ch ATUSTa, tt. XhcM!iitrIx Notice I Having this day qualified as Zxeeutrl of the hut will and testament of Joseph L, Bhem, deoeased, all.persons indebted to aaid Joseph L. Bhem,' deceased, are requested to make Immediate settlement. And all persons holding clalais sgsinut said deoeased are notified to present the same for payment oo or before March loth, 1001, or this a otic will be pleaded la bar ol recovery. This March soth, IHul. KATK K. 8PEMCIR, Exeeutrii, For Rcnt V r store oa Booth Front Street h now for rent, it Is 0 a U feet, I story 'which Is desiraable stand (or most any bualnea aad gnmi lore lion for the country trade acroas the Trent tver bridge or oity trade. Willi my stables and shlngl yard, brick and laths, andmlil butlneu all oa the aune lot la tlie rear of sny I any kbxi bi aiy store. UJLlg Bill tor 1 ,, ads ot rtove Wood, as tlie .tprlag! moat here aad we want to cat our nM stork (4 wood; off before warm weather tstea charge, i aw aavantage oa anoea down prkee It for our rustiMnera, BIG Mjlh MMM Did you know TUAT oar I, sV t. Taint hat ao to. perk aad wbea rMlr lt m rnstt yoa only t. par gallonr TryltimaUma, yoa will always nse It tberasnee, , in T yon eoald art wire wrapped I koM with eonpllan V awl W fuot Wot the fnies at at lr per loatf THAT vrt naiM fat anyUitar foe wsatad la the Hardware llae tnmi as tt luwaat eaah ttat THAT yn emits eat a ravnlvlrm aut iwf e rata, l I "o, wire handle lor 6, a rlr brollar bif 10c, t al bmch bus (r I ."a. pair .ball brsckaU lr 10a, a bird r hark lot loo, fmai wf THAT yon ra,,ld rt aadlra fn any kind i4 arwlas anrhln fma as, ta wall M'hlne beaahw. ell -rae tmi rra 1 1 1I AT wt era arlltne b-t of Iht ela. ,1raiad tt( Sad Irm C lad anaitM-l a,rT If yoa are aa sutnlrar f tha lanliful yn wiml4 rartalaly sdmlr. tk, f""K :J. C. Wiiilty CO Cii' If W . kj W J t J enate tend SaSS Ti.. , ,i a ; . r ; r 9 I'll' I1 r 9 t ' ' st.l F." & M. BANK, irtu APRIL Is', 1901 A !. 151:1 c;j:.Y-d a , r .it r Ihe Issuing of letters" of rjedit enn- stitntes an Impnrtaut feature., in our Banking business ; It is impossible to (iverestlinate their importance to the traveler, Everv -&oillivand convralnnne nnnHlttU ent with conservative ilnancial methods are always at the disposal of our patrons. lour account is respectfully solicited. .Simmons, A.D.Ward SIMHONS Sc. WARD, ATT0KNET8 sal COUNSELORS at LAW. ' MEW BKftNB, B. . tWloe 68 So, Front Street, nearly oppo site notoi unatiawaa. (Offloe also at Raleieb.) Practice In the counties of Uraven. DudHb, Jones, Ontlow. Carteret. Psmli- 00 and Wake, la the Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are desired. A. Chreen, Pre,. R. H. Hetdows, V. Pras H, St. Groves, CmMm. CITIZENS' BANK, or jsrmrw jsratisr, jsr. c. Doing Qeneral Banking Business February 18, 1900, Surplus and Undivi ded Profits, f 13,180.76. Prompt and careful attention eiven to ill business entrusted to ua. Accounts received on favorable terms. Board ot Dlracton. Ferdinand Ulnob 8. B. Meadow,, I. A. Meadow,. Chu. Dnffv. Jr. samnel W. I pork James Bedmond, Chsa. Br rowier, Mayer Rahn, j. yy . uraiuger, rcomu a. brean B. W.Bmallwuod, C.E.rov. Oao. N.Ives. w. r. Crockett. Mark Oisotaay. E.V.Smallwood. HEADQ0AI.TER8 FOR HARDWARE : And all Kinds of 'BUILDING MATERIAL Heating and Cooking Stoves and Ranges, Lime, Cement, Platter, PtinU, OiIp, Varnish, Potty, Sath, Doors, Blinds, Cutlery and all the useful articlei usually found in an Pp-to-date llardware Store, B?t Goods. lKwet Prices. Under Hotel Chattawka, NEW BERN, N. . Atlantie Coast Line. WlLMINUTOH k NlW BlBNB R. R TIMS TABLE XO. 5, InKlfocv Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898, Dell) Except Hunday, Uoini south scukoclb: Oolmj North No. 51, Paesenger Trains No. SO, l.v. a m, STAYlOpS, .. New Btme ..... .. Pollocks vine ,. , ....MsytviUe Jackson villa WilmiartoB, I Union i)apot . Wnndngtoia) Lt. Ar. f d 900 80 61 .... ... taO .. 804 .... 44S 1004... , U0. .... 411 tin Ar let r at r PAauaoca at FaaiOBr. ' Ko. 1 No., Leave WUmuurton atonday. Wad Baa- lay aad Friday. Leave New BerM Toaa- lay, Tbartday and Saturday. Lv, A M Ar. T SO Lv. Wumina-toa, Ar 1 48 40 Bnott'i HU1 II U I SO Woodalde., 1IIS 1006 . Uollyrldge.... .1140 10 81 t.Dlaoa , ...10-61 11 W... ....Verona. , 10 SO It OS Jacksonville..., .... . H.... .....HortheasV ...... M tl .... ......Whlterak ' . ...... M I SO Maysvllle 06 ll-1..,.....PollocsrUW.... ..,., TMI lUrv.... .... Dabml-rs. ......... I W 1 40 Ar. Hew tVarae, Le...... 4 M Daily aUoap rKaday. - , - , - . asm.!, r. , - t 1 fl r ( t l.rl 1! f-M 1 t. WH ll-,,ii. , f I I a. ( n- .!. I lto-"l aK4, .a.at,..ia. j r f r i t i rr v Tt tin, w.Atty, L..A LI f I L.M 4 WASMIBOTON. D C. A Qood ; Telephone T.. i ; w I citVK'l n A Bt'KHE 'l xtc. :tt. a uoki ro?ivr.:;iE3CX. A cou. BISED . . r J, i' ". . : I. . . ! 'r Your I !.'. it t ; a I Oouthern - ail way. rS ta- dstd UWB'ot IMeS l The Olivet Line K all Points, CAULFOItNIA, FtODflDA, . t;U IIA AND . i'OBTO RICO. Th Strictly Firet-Glas Equipment on all rhrough or Local Trains; Pullman Pal sec Sleeping Oars on all Night Trains; Fist aud Safe Schedule?. Travel by the Southern and you areas ureJ a Safe, Comfortable and Expedi tious Journey, Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Ta bios, Rates and General Information, ot address F. R. DARBY, R. L. VERNON, xs. r. 4 t. a, T. P.a.i Asheville, N. 0 Charlotte, N. C. 8. ft. Habdwick, G P A, WASHINGTON, - - D. 0 Irodgc Directory. NEW BERN CONCLA VE 486, Improved Order Heptasophs, meets 2nd and 4th Thursday nights, at 8 o'clock at Roun- tree Hall, r, a. Willis, Arclion; .1. J. Tolson, Jr, Financier; Z V. Murphy, Bee retary. EUREKA LODGE NO. 7, I. O O. F, Officers: W. F. Crockett, N. G ; James B Dawson V. G ; Geo. Green, Sccty; W. H, ilervey, Financial Secretary; A. E. Pitt- man, Treat. Itegular meellngB every Monday nigni at v.su o clock. CALUMET ENCAMPMENT, No. 4, I. O. O. F. Officers: J. 1. Baxter, C. P J B Dawson, H P.; T D Carraway, 8. W A. T. Land J. W.; Geo. Green. Scribe; E, Gerock, Treasurer. Regular Encamp ment, 1st, 8rd, and 6th (If any) Thursday nignts in eacn montn at i.m o clock. NEW BERN LODGE No. 1, F. H. & C J. C. Scales, Prest; J." H. Pmitli, Record Ing Sec'y; H. K. Hill, Financial Sec y Meets in the Knlfhlg of Harmony Hall every 1st and 8rd Monday nig hie In each montn. CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights in each month in Rountree's Hall, Pollock street, at 7.30 o'clock. 8. R. Ball, President; R.; J Disoswsy, 8eo'y; R. R. Hill, Financial secretary. Notice of NiimmoiiM ! NORTH CAROLINA, ) Rupci i..r l raven county. ) .t nuri. Vtltion to sell lands for partition. Notics o riiiiiiiions. H. V. Hill and W, F. Jlill, her ImOmml vs. Bamuel Button; John Siittmi :iml Kniil hi, wife; Alonza Hill and Clinilii' Ai Button infant, bv tier unnnliiiu t. H. Nixon; Gen.A. Bentlcv, Liz.ii1 Hi nil Cecil Bentley; UF. Bent ley :iml -t li.-i unknown helm of Benj. I'eniley. di id Florence Daniels and Iht IiiiIuhhI rsniels, and the In ns .if J A. Pentley. The above named Alonzn Hill, Go Bentley, Llitle Bentley, Cecil Bnitley.L.F rentier and nelri ot Uentaniiti Ui ntlev deceased, and Florence l anicK and I husband Daniels, ami the heirs of John A. Bentley, defendants, in (I above action, will take not ice. t lint n sum mons has been hunted (nun this nam the above entitled action ur special pr ceedlng, requiriuc them to appear before the Superior Court of Craven County tlie lUtn day ol May, lVUl. ami ami the complaint filed herein, the s:n,l , m plaint being a etltion to si ll certa land In Craven County. North Carolin; for mrtltlon. The uid defendants v furtl ler take notice, that if they (ail answer the ssid comiilaint on ,-il.r f May 10th, 1901. that the piayer of tl petltlvu wlUglie granted anil J i w 1 1; n will be rendered: aeainiit them ui "i .rl n to said prayer, Clerk Superior t ourt P. II. Pelletler, ATTOENIT AT LAW, i'ials Street, Lawyers Britk BtlUlag. Will are ansa ta tka Ooaatl., of Cr "artaras, Jeaaa, Oaalow aao r.ail oo. V. a COart at Saw aarae aad Bapraai, Court o Theodorie Robseyeit V'V. ,' WrtVee ' Tat' at kd or TiukiMut OMCnVATIOBI MlddI.Wstittrn Sport, Clubs . tknd Ground " tare fa I tertes rAaf stitf eea(M Ikmtk 1991 mm4 aoewr (As eartre sec M est. 00f ItlTlNG. tnOOTINO ka AAOUWi katetes st OUTING for MARCH Wff sVwaw . ALASKA TO ACITtAUA ' : ' ThiOutlnsPubtUhttigC! tit fifth Mmm r Cltf foil CtTiCC Koitcc. - ToM Omoa,hot reatertwlB Wee takt Sat I e that Ike rst It ae dat for the aaariaf esUat Jsae lh It 1 ts4 U. rsl It s it paid aa ot hetort the 10th tf Ari', tke kflras vtU ha eted tad i!lhrnl'a the faaaaal aallrevyte w,r !Bra wlti Ua taealaiioa si he restore 1.; arimaet, ; A.&H.C.R.R. TIM TABU JTO. 19 v' To Takt Effect JSatardsy, Dai 1st. 1900 at 12:00 A. at,' E. b T. OolnglEaH ScHDcta;. "f Going Watt No. 8 ratienger Trainaf .Ifo. 4 BTAiiOfisi - Ar, t m boro.;.,....ll OS LQga,;,.i'...io 88 tlnatoo. , . . . .10 12 ..Ar. New Bern; 1,....? 9 00 -Lv. !;'".A.i.... 8 87 Ar.MoreheadoityLT... 7 06 Lt, p m 8 40... 408... 483... 5 40... 5 50... 715... No. 7. Passenter JV . No. S. Lv.-a. m. 8undavfb,lol,. , 740 Goldeboro...; 8 00 oua ILaGrangs.l 8 80 Kinston.;.. .., 8 65 Dover;;.....,, 9 50 New Bern1 ... 7 87 707 G47 6 03 4 20 11 10 ar Morehemi Dita No. 6. No. 6, Passenger Train. Passenger BTATIO': train. DailtJEioejtj Btodat. Ar. a. M. 7 80.... 7 48.... ...Goldsboroi...,,,... 7 14 Be8t')t'.,...v 6 40 . . . LaGraoga.', 6 86 .Falling Oreek 6 21 ....Kinstqn.. 6 03 ....Oaswell... 5 51 Dover., 5 43 . . .Core Creek. 5 83 . ..TuBcarora,. 5 19 Clarks,. 5C6 ...New Bern 4 50 iV." P.M. 7 58,... 8 10.... 8 28 ... 8 88 ... 8 46....- 9 08.... 9 20.... 9 26.... 952.... H. No. 1. No. 8, Mz't Ft. and Pass. Tn. Mx'd Ft. aud STATIONS 2 Pass.Tn. Lv. am Ar. p m . Goldsboro, 5 88 ....Beslft,; 4 53 7 00 7 83 8 15 LaG range.. 4 23 27 Falline creak ft BR 9 12 Kinstpn.'.-....... . 3 33 0 28 Caswell 1 28 10 15 Ar. Dover Lw 9 in 10 40... 11 15... 11 81... core ere', l io Tuscaroral 12 48 Clarke 12 40 ..Ar. New Bern,Lv 12 10 ..Lv. " ' Ar 10 47 12 05 .. 1 30. . . 2 12... 2 20... 3 05... 384... RiverdaleJ. croatait . . Havelock.... ....10 10 ....1000 .... 940 .... 9 0(1 .... 847 .... Newport," Lt. 3 47 .WUdwood.'... ..Atlantis..;.. 3 52 8 88 8 20 7 50 k. H. 4 08. . . .Ar. Morehead)lty,Lv. . 4 23. . . .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv. . Monday. Wednesday and Friday, t Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 8. lu DILL, f' Boperinteiden Reduced Sunday Passenger Excur sion Rates r The A. & N. 0. Railroad will Bell tick etB after this date st the-following ex cursion rates by Nos. 8 and 4 train on Sundays: From M. City to Goldsboro return " Wlldwood " fl.25 1.15 1.00 .90 .80 .75 .75 .70 .70 .00 .60 .50 .40 .30 Newport Havelock Croatsn Now Bern Tuscarors Core Creek Dover Caswell Klnstou Falling Cr'k LaG range Bests V The sbove tickets Sre good only on Sundays by Not. 8 and i trains snd on It tea stamped or written on tlckeu, and Imlts will not be extended! Supersedes all former rates. Effective October 28th. il b. ypim q. p. a. Clean, pure waoletoavs, rnanuiteed to ba chemically nude from distilled wsU r aad free from Impurities. Specially In -landed and prepared ioT human on sumption. r . loe delivered daily exoeyt Bundsys) i s m to 6 p m. t Bundsys (retail only) V S at to 19 noon. For prices and other hilonaaUos, Addrtsj, -V. New Bern Ice Co. Literary Jlotev Ida U Terbcll wUl tall la'MoClure s for April ot "The Ih)haadtb( of the Confederals A rmj," Mt artldt of ttrons; est Inleretl tnd, too, h historical Im portance. "Walks aad Talks with Toh loy," by Andrew D. VJhlts, Aabaesa- dor to Germany, will Sirs 4 rsallstlo picture of tbs frest iaeslta (ealut. PloniblDf," by Martha KeOallooh' Williams, wlli:descrlN:wllh dallihlfsl sympathy t dsy amoe ttaUj 'sad far- rowt la lae Boats. ; It la said thai lbs potfert o( sfther BUS or woeaaa are asvtkw1 Bve-fold by worklnf with t llfe-etmpatloB wko Is la entire harmoty. The Ideal wife at a rale hat It la her power to tasks the Ideal hasbaad. Tkst roetUlatea tha Ideal wife It dlsceaaad In aa tstresselv able artiole by Uviels 11 n la Us A t rft Oieasopoime. Csnccralnf "Ui Mel." , A series of tedJ nT. "Dad Mea tt eos Is the April sl lt el tvery. body! Katasisa. 0es WtHtt Writes of tats yriailUre type ol frontlet eaiebrtty ta s sttet iai' Ue way, 41a tfsfalehial bet east Vm real aasperado aad Us reck lea, toek-ry cr proepector, , whs treaaeaily taooU 1 kirit sadst (aetaoaeone et siwia r,v. laassag resldeaos tstkenvr W , UwtaWlttat Uaraed the wild life of , e ylslat tad BaosatOat hetler laaa. - tnsa. aa4 sosa is stars saw . tiprass ta terioat rttratewbtH of tu gaa ttbUrtWaS IS thS t r rl,T Vsre tliaat tsauaary tie f f lw or 4rln( aad hftital halll t lost foe bt"M skarWIa,. T , hi tow s!aint tl sil!aV I , t kt Ci l8olhwat, . 1 o. 1 ; ti l W, itAtrort. roi x'f, " Tt SStS , ' .a. faaa

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