-a '- . 1 - aeos. I ' art WW V -V" mblnatlon. k1 and beneBcial i known remedy, u factored by the i p Co., illustrate ' the liquid laxa ..iits known to Be r and presenting t refreshing to the '. to the system. It ' trengthening laxe h vstem effectually, udaches and fevers v and enabling one 1 constipation per fect freedom from : quality and Bub mir on the kidnevs. An Eatcelle The pleasant t effects- of the Bynup o Fios, Caufoiwia. Fir, the value of obt a tive principles o medicinally lax them in the form ti.i.U and accept; is the one perfec1 tive, cloansiufr tl dispelling colds, gently yetTrom to overcome habi mancntly.i Its every objections stance, and its a liver and bowel.',, without weakening or irritating then make it the ideal laxative. In the Drocess of manufacturlntr figs are used; as they are pleasant to the taste, but themed Anal qualities of the remedy are obta ed from senna and other aromatic 'riants, by a method known to the Cjiufobhia Fia Stbcp Co. only. In order to get ita beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please romemberthefull name of the Company printed on ine ora ox every pacKBge. CALIFORNIA' FIG SYRUP CO. ' V BAH rBANOISOO, CAL.."' . LOUISVrUJS, XT- EW TOBX. W. T. For tula by all Drop ists. PrioeMo. per bottle. TH&tUOURftAL. New Bern, N C.; April ?, 1901. Index to Nef Advertisements. K. Berry-PlaUo Tuning. . ' F.'T. Pattersons AuooaDcejbent. Win. Announcement. Wallace Shoe Co. Footwear. Barfoot BeyerJ Hundred. ; F. M. Chtdwlcl Prosperottt Men. Wm. T. nill-iflcycle Repairing. Blmmont & ."' If ollowell Co. Speolal 8le. " i ) ' ' American Stoc'i Company Clothing, etc. : ..5 ,v Business Locals. PIANO and Organ tuning sollolted. Or ders may be left it Henry's Pharmacy R. Berry. -; V.'." ''.,.ir'': ' FOR SALE 500 cabbage boxes at 9.00 per 100. A. R. De unison, Cornet Met clf and South Front Bttti.-?'" Additional Local News. In order to accommodate' advertisers a considerable amount . of newt matter had to be carried In aids In thlt Issue of th3 Journal, and Villon found on the second page. c. K-.lr .; Among - thli ntwt It, political an nouncementt of candidate!, voice of tbe people, Ortfton pemonalt and proceed ligs of .County; Commistlonert, Very Important matter. It It all good read ing. ' ;V Is "'- U, t - . ' ' Presbyterian Churcn. tfervlceti todst", will be oond noted in tbe morning at ll o'clock by the pat lor, Rer. H-'S,Dr l8hsw.. Admlnlstrs tlon of tht.Lord'tsnpper at theconoln Ion of tbe morning lervloe..,, , . , At night, 6 o'clock, the service will be conducted by Rev, 'J. Aberly, Missionary of the Lutheran Ctiurch, ' from Onntni India, in the.Madru presidency. The subject will be IJli lu catlomt and rs llglon. The public are cordially Invl ted. . ,1 - , Rev. Mr. Abertj It new borne on a vacation, and W.IU f ;nd ft few day! la our city, visiting a'l brother,' Mr. W. F Aberly. ,WHEH 1 AVEI.IW8 - Whether on pt irt bent or battues take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Flg-f, at It sell no t pleasantly and ef fectoallyo Oiekli ryt, liver, tad bow cl, preventing fr rs, headacbea, and other forms of tli t. - For tale la .CO cent bottle by , I loading druggist. Minufactored by i' Csllfornla Fig 6y rup Co. OOly,'..'li I-AU r? InviteiL.v All tkeehlldrsB f t .Htw Bera are la vlled le aueed sn 1 uter (( beet, oa atifTteeday afiet -n at a. Ma. at, at No. M East KroDl .. Admlstloa 10a with the rivll'-C'- r all th agg you oaatad. . .Ugbtrefreium" will be lor aad taete will u r immoMU, Be eon M com s .J '!,ua. . - , ' Alder: iT.J.McOVih sin Wart -'. A MaelaWak. Fine Pork Lol. at ike Osha Mae- f prie L" Market. " ua it the Oski J. J. tftUt'f i eta l"t fcatff . -tl ig a baeeUftil f. Buaw list CURB 'JR head ' :n-; and I 'PPE V Willi )INE to l4 11 i rtr, Benryanli DWELLINGS &EINC BUILT. . Six Hot Under Ctnstnctloa. j Kach fce- ; ).:'' pair Wort Going- aa. -Considerable balldlng Is aew golef on 1b New Bern, six aotoee Mag la pro oeu of erecUoa aad othere are la coa tearpletloa. Font of these dwellings are oa apperrbtlddle street,- ' Oapt J. J. Lasslter Is hsving a dwell ing bnllt on Kiddle street sear Johnaoa. Mr. K. X, Harper-has the' ooe tract. Only the beet material. Is going In and the' details are being attended to very thoroughly; the planbing being an es pecial iittsa ;: The two. dwellings on Kiddle street constructed (or Kr. J. F. Ives are near- Ing eomplellotf Contractor Lokey bat charge of. the work. Kr, F. P. Avery Is having a dwelling built oa tipper Middle treet pert of the former . buildings Is being utilized but the dwelling to practically anew one.,'' -'f .: ' v' Mr. E. K, Bishop Is having a dwelling built on Queen street near the station. It Is a two story building of good depth. Contractor Lokey it doing the work. . Mr. W. P. Jones It bonding oa Met- calf street, below Pollock. Contractor T, J. Baxter hat the work in charge. ' It It also a two story dwelling' and It hv tng careful construction. The repair work about town tt conslil arable this spring. The most extensive work It that being done by Dr. Frsnclt Duffy on the larg brick building on East Front street, known as the Oak- imllh property. ' The whole building hat been gone oyer and additions made, one part of the -building being rtleit, and a new door way on E t Front street hat been made.' Tbe property corner of Middle street and Sooth Front stre. re c ntly purchased by Dr. F. VV Hughes it being partially rebuilt. Three of the until stores have been made over and present an Improved appearance. Tbe residence corner of Johnson and Middle street, purchased by Mr. Msrk Disotway from Mr. J. F. Ires, (s being extensively repaired. New tills, pns's. piazza railing etc., being put in. The house will be occupied by Mr. Disotway upon Itt completion. Announcement. voters of the City of New To the Bern I hereby announce .myself .as a candi date for the nomination for the office of Major of the City of New Bern at tbe primary to be held on Wednesday next. As I am a candidate for an office which I have heretofore filled tbe people have the right and should consider my put record In determining my fltneii and qualification for the office. Wm. ELLIS. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Rev. D. H. Petree came down from LrOrange last nlgbt. State Senator Thos. D. Warren of Trenton, arrived la tbt city last night. Mr. 8. D. Moody came from Wllioa yesterday, to spend, a few dtyt In the city. Rev. John 3. Long went to Trenton yesterday, where he will oonduot ser vice In tbe Episcopal Church today. O Mnthv fcgaaua ef AITOnXA. Tb list Iwfawtrstn IswjH Fine Yacht In Port. The yacht "Louise" of NewTork, hit been In port several dsyt. Tbe yacht It s fln one rnd It owner Mr. Ilodgmia I taking a cruise la Soothtra waters. Nense River Brldf e Afire Friday, a traveler over the Htote river county bridge, discovered a blaze coming np through lbs flooring, and giving the alarm, the bridge keeper ei tlogulshed It, three planks being burned through. ,1'he Are probably originated from t lighted cigar which fell la a crack, and Iglnltlng with rreset tbt planking a Bra. Skin troubles, eats, bar si, asaldt and chaflng quickly heeled by tbe use of DeWllfs Witch Htaei Salve. It to Imi tated. B tore you get DeWltt't, F. f Duffy A Co. , Bicycle RecoTered. Klghtaefora last Mr. CUU WintaM found that aeeatewe bad gos eg with hlt.bUyele wkkh be had ItftoatU street Yeaterds ateralag be weal t aeolored men"! shop aa lowa whera U eyolee are kept aad dlatovered el at Itg wheel." Tbt mail Said IhatH ksi beea brougkl 10 klat aad offtrsd for tela aad that the mat had aof-feoetred aat motwy bat wM be Wok. I Kr.lrilBaa bad eBoer Leptoaweteh eat for Us tklefbutaa did hot retard. Uut .K tat day Mr. WOlUaM agWa went bf tie hop aad the proprleto looked for Ik ttppoaed aUf had aolatad kla eek Offlee Leptoa tbet arretted klat aad he wat placed la a aeil at Ike Cllf - Hall eTlw jHaFW Ift 1 f&IGf 0wOT94 Ml'' ;j AcclddnunSI, jw.. w. HKtfoe teree ur it the aefaer at Sow a Froet i lieva tiU wis ttassUlag a molver tkarged, Tke ball eeUred iU DeeWt if above th Is. . . s Vf ' Ml. Dtdsoi started, U eih,awa tewa la tplie ef the wove1 bel met Dr. begeld who Mh Vim la kle toggr tad Ntaraed I Mf. fladma' ptas. The ballet WM lodged la Use U, prabsMy I UaikoaewWrek woetd U alleged te raatala If rack arwved M be the m, vbtrwtoe It weald ktra m U pfcb4 fa tad dUlodeaoV mt MfVtWy'a, l , - r TES CKURCEES TODAY. faster Services, Flowers and Special - j ' -, Sonf rrogrtmme. ; v ' v There will' be special Easter aervlces la several of the churches today, accord ing to eastern Tb dsy premise, lo be a bright eae'aoOT tlxrefaraa large' at (endaace to assured,'' ' 3 y ' At Christ Episcopal chorea there will be early communion at quarter to eight o'clock;' Morning services will be held at II o'clock with communion. The sermon by Rev, T, M. N. George will be oa.lhe "Resnrrectlon." ? At S o'clock to the aflerao&a the Sunday . School serf U oei'wiU be held aad a iavUIng program to arranged to which the peblle '1 iavl ted The ehnrch Interior will be Veaa tl fully "decorated, th reredof corsred with eneW of, beautiful; whrtel nowf rs, the chanoe5vWfllbtdeeoraled-ad4b9 windows banked in flowers.- The long service will Include Barret ft "Te Deum' and the Anthen f Alleluia" by Buck;.'-; ' At Bt -Faul'a Catholic Church tbe fesst of the Resureotlon of Our Lord will be celebrated with fitting solemnity. At 10. 80 a. at, high mast will be rang with specially arranged . music. . The tinging to under the management of Mr. Matt Manly, assisted by Mrs. J. L 'Sill, Misses. Clyde Beaton, Mary McSorley, Mr Lt Blalsdel. Mr. J W Watson.Mr.C Kehoe, Mitt Daily Sweft pretlrUng at tLe organ.1, A teVmon tultable o the oc casion will be given by the pastor. At 7. 80 p. m, Ereulng services Ser mon, special singing and Benediction with the ' Blessed Sacrsment. There will be altar decoration of fl.iwr. Themukicsl program will In- o'ude tianss' la (J" Tantu n K go by Faure, and O Salatorla by Mssvreni. Tnere will be Eastermuslc at Cii len- sry M. B. Church. There will be su Eatter offering to the Conference' Fund and Communion at the morning servl-e. The morning .song service will include Victory over Death," Hubert, and "O Joylnl Bound; O Glorious Hour." C. B Ad Ira. At night will be given "Christ It RUeo," T. O. O. Ksne, and "U, Tor h Tboosand Tongues,'' Excel). The In terior will be decorated with palms and Bowers. - Regular services at tbo Tabernmle Baptist Uhuroh todty. Morning sub ject: Jesut, the Resurrection." Evening subject: "Civic Blghteouinest." A du cusiloo of the duties of Christian clii.cn ship with. special reference to the ap proaching mnniclpal election All voters, and especially all christian voteis are cordially Invited to hear this dlscu slon. 'Bundsy school at 9. 80 a. m. Tblt week will be observed as a special week of prayer at the Tabernacle. Service each evening. Come. Christian Church. M. 8. Bpeir pastor Services today at 11 am. and I p. n conducted by the pastor. Sunday scKdol at 8 p. m. . Services at the First Bxptlst Church today at uiual. Rev. Hlgbt 0. Moore, pattor, and Kr. C. C. Clark, Jr. Bupl of Sunday school. Strangers and vlsllort always welcome. St. Mary's Free Will Bsptlit Cborch services at 11 a m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor Eld. W. H. Frost. Morning sub ject "Unity" Teit Psa 188.1. Kven ng subject "The power of Christ In -his children.' Bnndsy school at . 80 p m. R. O. Godley iaperlntndent. Publlo cordially Uviud. The public It cordially Invltrd to at tend tbe Easier services st SL Cyprian's Episcopal Church at 11 a m and 7. 80 f-p. at. Tbe newly vested choir will render choice music W. Geo. Avsnt Rector, -i , Christian Science Church Services, Sunday 10.49 a. m. 7 49 p. m. Bible Les son Bermoa today. Subject "Are Bio, Disease aad Death Real?" TeillmoDy Servic Wednesday 7.41 p. m. Reading Room open dally. All are cordially In vlted to attend. Thoee famous little ptls, Deffltt'i LIUle Early Risers will remove all Ira purities from your system, cleanse your bowels, make them regular. F. B. Dolly Co. , Scenery In QooVadls. Tha oary displayed lathe produr lloa of JC J. Carpeaur'i production f Sjoo VedU" eoattou prlsolpally of I be Ptristyl la lb House of Prtroom. th utae Bceaa, the Gardva of Aolot Fta. lias, Hrot Palaor, Rome; laterlotof lb KaraMrtla Erleoa, the Ootlseuax lb Roeaaa Amphltaaalr aad Artaai lb Bavalng aad Deetraetloa ef Boat, the Death f Kara, la Big of tbt Croat aad the Dawa of Chrtotlaa ly. WhOt lb laeese of tha play deal principally with a somber eahjeoVUa wit ef I'stro- atat aad Callo, la Oreek pklloaophar Ugethet with lb over wet Blag fealty of Bsto, osas mack ameismiat. . Tkto rr- markabl play will be see t Ik Optra Boe,Tday April alatk aad a packed bnaaala raeeoaahly'aipeefd. , ,B4rvt seal oa al at Bradham. . . Rmiril atate 140 peers! admit low T5 aeeta, gallery M eetls. ' ; Til IUIITV Tae tellewlai geetatleM Vert feeetr 4 f $. K. Lataaei stOerlt Beta K.9. : ' . , ' ' : KtwTeac, Atrfl I. WaeTr . Oaea, Bla. Lew, Cleee Ha ........ T7 TT re, r.k tjiasii Opee. Klft. Lew. Close Ktjr.'. S 4t) , B TMevttea aal steel etstssfM wsre (loeee fuMv. UtL 1U4 aeas Teecaref, It. C, April 1 h. lni.Krs. sfsry.K. Bfr ir. of Mr. ItlthaH toff, Sf.4 11 yts, Phs Unm a eaatsaA sa4 tnnt iW.-irt. tTstlsSt S"1 f;fl THE FAIR J5PCTACLE. Work on Auditorium Commences Tomor .v -;- :.'-.' Tickets oa $J. i'x,'w AH necessary arrangement fr flttlsg nplhe aew auditorium, formerly tne Planters Warehnusa, htre been 'comple ted, and the work will "begin tomorrow In transforming this Urge . haUfnto. one of the, largest and Onea, tbtalres In, the South. 'lOii-'-. -a. iiit'.i w'1' :I5ij- t'T'.ft It will be thoroughly equipped .with new and elaborate ' scenery, ' electric lights, private boxes, ' and comFortabl seals for nearly two thousand. -Vv " ' Tbe ttsge will be over fifty feet wide and forty feel deep, and the stage trap plcgt will be complete In every de- iil v . .. Tomorrow, Prof. Thos. 1L Foosl, Sup erintendent of the Graded schools, will distribute the ticket among bit schol ars, for the gigantlo historical tpectacle, Which will be the grand opening of New Bern'i new play house. v. , Mr. Edwin T. Zlegler, who has been tpendlngthe winter In this city, and Beaufort, will be Director General of this monster production. He bat been General Manager of several large expo sitions, fall festivals and etc , and has been more then successful In every event.- The New Bern Fslr Association hat been Indeed fortunate la tecuring tbe services of an experienced manager in- conducting Its testimonial entertain ment. A grand success Is assured under hit able management. All those purchasing tie It els from Ibe scholars can exchange them lor choke reserved seals at Brsdharu. drug sioie in a few di;a, wlthout-thy exlia charge. It would be advisable for all to pir chtse tickets at, once, to si to be able to secure good sealt in advance, as tl.e Ue- man 4 promises to be very large wben the opening nlgbt comes. It is tbe in tention to have several excursions trains run bere during the engagement. Real Estate Sale. A lot on George street, just above South Front street, bts been told by Mrs Puan Rlchardtnn to Alfred Ga'klns for $315. The lot Is 20 feet front, and 99 Feet deep. The ground once formed part ot the old palace square, of Gover nor Tryon when George the Third Whi King. Mr. Gasklnt, will have a dwelling built oa hit purchased lot. Tbe late sale of the Francis Taylor property, 23 lot In all. has had the effect of stimulating real estate values, at tbe tale 1'iowed that there it a demand for property. In several Instances a higher price nit been offered the purchasert, but to far at known no ooe bts accepted offers. The prices tben obtained were considered good, but the market shows an advancing tendency. Resolutions if Respect. Tbe following resolution! were pssstd st tbe meeting of Trent. 'Conholl No. 411, It.)ysl Arcanum., held on- Friday night, April Slh. Whereas, our esteemed - brother Joseph L Rliem has passed from among nt, tnd Whereat it Is meet that tome eipresslon of regard for the deceesed and regret at hit death should be made by those who united with him while living In his strong and affectlonstf brotherhood. Therefore be It resol ved by Trent Council No. 411. U)a' Arcanum, that In the death of Bn. Rhem this Codncll loses one, who for twenty yean bss been a loyal and con sistent member, tnd whose active In Ureal wit manifest la til tbst con cerned the, Oouadi's welfare nntll ad vancing age prevented inch active pat' tlclpaltoa In tbt tSairtf-Oht -Council. Resolved i bit t copy of these resolo tiont be sent the ftmlly of our dectated brother, a copy be furnished '-the Journal" for publication, aad a copy be spread upon the mlnutet of this Coon ell. Rehearsal, Tomorrow NlfhL There wUI be a rehearsal tl tbe Thea tre Moadey eight of 1 Devld the 8hp herd". All who have boost of th musk era requested to bring them. Aldermea lh W. S. Phillips. Wsrd-P. A. Willis- , CABCdOI-BMCOCk. . Oa Wedoasdav. April 'lOth at I p. ts. at Cealeaarv . Caaroa, tha" atarrtate of Kr. David & Cosfloe se4 Kite Slisa ketk, Uaaaeek. wll take place. ' Mltesa afarfsret Hadlsy, ef Wllsoa, V.O, aa4 Ksr; tell, of Morehead City. If. C. are la tke dty, to altead tat Burriafe." ,. ' Shipmeat tt FcrtUlxer. i . ' Tkt river eteassef "Uaele Bail re aeatlr belli to raa bet wars Ult city eat Ooldsbero, was aera rests rdaf , aad loaded with fsnUtseri; at Dlsaop't vareaooea. Tea eteasser took M baft of fertiliser eons! (ted la Bevea Springs Tbe TJeele (Uai will retsraVeedsy aid tab oa aaotkH load for ap tbt river. Tbe frtUbt rate obttlaed to a ovd ot aad ataket a prollub'.t boilas for tbe ttaasser. Tke tlMtser TaaesWe lot ed resterdsy wltb T0J bsri of fsnlUser. la reply le aa laeetry of tbe tlp esMUlo Sena Sptlscs, It was titled Uat Vat for the water (saMpenatloa aosark larje qesailt ef fsvtlilsvr wield be kroi(l a lie ktil from LtOraect f ta ailH Is err ae1 ptebshlf oelf blf Iks l sunt ef fsrilllwn would N tsdse. Tae tfsasporls'loa bf wsi.f Is a f rat edvsatatt (e Mttloai e"Si'Eioe W lh fiver tad 1st sunt I'(mI fr h'sW 'n.ra's fstere rib. MTOTT T rv . . '. t I S i 4 ' . I is mm AFTER EASTER S1LE OF NILKN WE - have piIepared TO MAKE "Toeslay andl Wednesday SALE of SILKS To be a Record Breaker in point ot unpre cd4nted value giving. A MTOKM OF GEN UltfE BARGAIN. No fictitious values trustworthy and representative merchandise priced low to undersell competition. Every thing as represented or better. No exaggera tion w'd rather understate than overstate No such lots ot Silks at such low prices has ever been oflered'the shoppers ot New Bern as will be on exhibition on our counters on Tuesday and Wednesday. Following is a few of will be irmi(lM)ino Fancy China ".ilk, -2$ indie wide that was 7fr, (lining this sale 58c. inch Sil't Foulard in Beautiful desim, 6'.)c. 2 inch Satin Foulards, 5Kc 23 inch Fwicy Cliiiut, 4'Jc. All our remaining stock on hand of Silk and Satin Foulards in the new rut and wont ln'.iutiful deeigiis that wore 85c,duriug thie-aale (511c. All who litve teen our line of K5c Foulard will remember tint we hud a lot of beautiful defiant. Such at have not been sold are offered at this ealf- Ahwwt anv woniun can have a handsome Hiik drrcn at the above prices. THIS IS YOUR OPPOR'H'MTY ! IKfG WANII HILH IIARGAIKN. A stirring Special for thit Hale C(.nHint of alK)ut 20 pieces of Wah SiK XiingialUH In varlont combinatioiiH of colors; very itriking forwaiHtM and coBtutnet. The WaOt Silkn will by the yard at :!.-. Tbe Silk Kinxhains by the yn d at 16c. COnG DOWN TUESDAY OR WEDNESHAY and jnin the crowd of bugy thnppere and examine our offeringH. After making auch silk purcliatet hh yon nerd, take a look at our line of Wanh Good, I-awna, Dimities, and thoae Beautiful Mercerized FabriiH. Our lino of Ginghamii Bt lOo per yarj i very atirartive to many. Potwibty you mig'ot ttnd simething there of jnterntt to you. PLAIN A. FANCY PKIICA1YKH. Light and dark flgurnt, fnucy dttijjrta, plain ttripee and olid color -ull (aat colors Ufa Ilave a beautiful aaeortrhtnt of colors, all HO inches wide at 10c. Our ttock of Perralea lis a repntition all lu own for coinl. tn si. argeit aaaortinent In the olty to aelect from. We call your ipedai attention U our velt. rpwtatiy goon vaiuee at tun. . WHITE GUILTS. Wf claim our line of Wblta'QaltU ttneqaaled In'tbt city. Pilcei rnce fmm tha cheapest (o tha bandaoma ta.60 Mantel It, Two rpeclally good valuci we mentloj: Opt at flOn, and m at 11.17. Dont fail to aeo three voter. - .. K ... - . PAniROIsH. : Hew are yea off for Parasols for si a star wear t Doal aeed aae aow bat will a Utile later. Tbet It last tbOeetoa wbf roe t boa Id bay aow, wblle tae oretty eert ire f li. LtUr wbea yea and est, h ttsr be Utile dtfflealt te tt ooe te tall roe.. Oars bare only brea la a few dsya, bnt eiaay of tbt beaatlet bare beta taapeed an. - oxvonu TIE. J We bsvtsrea especial aiieetloa to tbe frloetA of ear flee ofOifnrde fot tbe cblblrraaad atlue. Ilavelbeta Isse-trsl aW,aad tjaalltlse, frost tbt hstvttaibeitrf Ineoow. f ' Tee paittl Irstbrr vtwip, tad ftllover pattat leatber at fords, are lo litre to tl tbe wre Utile tot ead tbe irewa ap tlrbv ; Tea vUl Isd est prteea rlf bl. Tbe lufofdt for ibe ladlee te la Btte'y etjtre. 9ef If we bare ear ale be eutt yoe. . . , TA trtu-r aseortmcnt of a p. tomato fondt caq't be fotmd In East ern rnrglit), than we firry, w have tmsparlngty uaod oar best efforle lo meH the pnWIe w ante and coort comrmilarjt'bf rici Wtwriit and onr rximittltor. I y f "! are taLUra Uiings, we e artd, tVF.VKUYTIlINfl AH HKNlEHKNTED I L mm the many values that offered: Una of riqnee in fanciest aad plain SEVEN HUNDRED Pieces Decorated China Ware on Sale Wednesday Morning at Nine' O'clock. This is by far the Best Collection we have ever gtten together in this lot will be found the most Beautiful Plates, Cups and Saucers, Side Dishes, Bows, Pitchers, odd pieces for your Center Table, Vases, Small Covered Pieces, Sugar amd Cream Sets, Matched Tea Sets. In tact Hundreds of odd pieces actually worth up to 60c. Each Wednesday Morning at Klne O'clock CHOICE lOc.JEACH. a cA. BARFOOT, 43 Pollock Street II VITALS. BRAND CLOTHING- IS THE DC 5 T II H ,r-9v -H- I 4 t BEAUTY, VARIETY, X X All combine to Spring wear. niak e our x We CHALLENGE COMI'KTITION on on (1 fn Perfect Fitting UlBJ i '.in.' Wctit da, line, ii li, i Sc tfs. 1 lie and I luck WursU: OxfunU, Su ii,Hl i ud Kitncy ('atxim'Tc are all inrliided in our H).o0 ' va urs at tV'M, l:l..ri() and ti: (in. ilv-l .-vtejr 1K I TKIt. u'ltst The in. Hecan r stcne yini wi MKV oii k I IT t.i , i f. , ii'iri OUTSIDK , f m j 1.6. 57 olloclr Street- g 6 1 000044444ceeed4dOOOw3 O onooDODOBoaaaouoDOBODocon o a o D O a o a o a o We are receiving Kyi n of Various Brands and Handsome O Shapes of Fine Foot Wear at g Wallace Shoe Store, S 95 Middle St., New Bern, N. C. o ononononononononononononon ' " Cdcry Hfidactt ttmiau Tbere le set ear bettor reetedy for baadtcbe I baa taese aowdvre, - Tbey aer fad lo rtlleiw. Iade ead eetd eel; tl Davit' r etertptl" rbtrstsef. Bey year tboet aad iw) tbe beat mtki$ UVal ae eearaataed, la tbe, D1aa, W. P. TsrWt foot (tore, AtaeHeee M, . P. lUeJe st t. i. Setters. The One Day QH Our. tm I itw mi 4 tS i wm M W MI . I f.V , tm ' I tMf l.4 1 ORIGINALITY. A. QUALITY X SuiU Ihe pnip, r clothes for x SUITS!: FIT WKLU.ur Custom Made men who wm our lot-ties need - ; I hey ar. Ki(;hl. I tlnd ( veryilu'n neede J '.,r ih ; 1VKAII. o WALLACE SHOE COMPANY. O a o D o D O a o a o daily the finest linen 1. 1. letlef bat jest r solved a lao Dot of tbe Roeetree fti'ler Tray traaka frow) I te II datUra. A Ise lot I resb Wrrrra bW at tbo OUt Mat bit. DDI & 00.. Pre)pe?rtjr Fr I bare atverel oWrable Reatdeaoa for tale, elloated lo too beet resides et pari of tbe Otp. Aksetaeatberef eo4) b04ia )ote la d loealhWe.' hi. WBUiJIDlX, - (