The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which had been '' . ,0F- OT?r. w ye na All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-trood" are but " Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What id CASTORIA Costorla Is a -harmless substitute ibr Castor OH, Pare gorky Drops and Soothing Syrups. . It is Pleasant. It..-, contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic ' substance.:, Its age Is Its guarantee.' It destroys Worms ( and allays Fererishness.. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind , Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation , and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the -Stomach and Bowels "giving healthy and natural sleep, , The Children's Fanaeea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the Signature of w The Kind You Haie In Use For Over 30. Years, twtonmniw oommnv. rr MawiV tmrr. mnv tokr cm. irtuus's- win cfia Ther b no us talking a toby in tbc hous b the Bnk that binds husband and wife together. Nothing is sadder una fruitless wedlock. Tbe prattfinf and cooing of tlta tittle one offset a thousand times the occasional worries and trills of We. When wife is barren, there ts a derangement somewhere in the genital organs, caused by one or more of those common disorders known ts Mamie troubles". Wine of Cardul is the remedy. It puts the orpins of generation la a strong and hetlthy condition, fitting the wife for the sacred duty of reproducing her kind. During the period of gestation the entire system of thetetpectmt mother ts built up to withstand the ordeal of tabor, and when the Bttle one rakM it advent it at luxrv and r" strong, weft-fitted to grow to mt- iui J hi sa eva-a, v mother, too, passed through the trial with little pais and no dread. Wine of Cardul a truly a wonder ful medicine lor n.ui.. UUjc IX) l lies lor FT J. A. JONES, BROAB STREET, STEWART'S OLB STAMP, 1 ilTrry. Fcexf. tiale tind Exchange liVml rd Krcr Yanni U Kew.em. A1 1 "-u 1 ! -" w . ' ttmum, lot-,. Wblj, Cart Hbtl,rU. : 1 , ' rea4 llreft, ffuvarr I4 Us4. w.n i n'oif'wt 4 .tip k R-Mi ItMMM. nm-4'lM. W ri"M v-e J"" - a fn mtWI. rw.i gr rteJilMI 4 k'H ! i 4t IV. to -r -- a, aitswBt.i, ts-- II. W HIJlJno, nilUlWAI VI. Vrnrl. )!) eU I iff t ' VMt. W W ' i . .. f ' t IwWiiU gii si4 "- borne the eignatnre of . ana Has been, made tinder his per ; Bona! gapefrisloa since Its infancy - ' Allow no one to deceive von in this. Always Bought THElUNKilHAT BINDS. taoaaoa, TamT, Wot. as. , I Waaratyect to lUaeairiaK for three yean, and n9ml oomUnUf witb Mckach.. I wrote to to far advl, and-after utlog Uure botUsa oIWtoeefOertut.aoeordinftOToardUvoUone, 1 tae strong tad wall, and the mother ol a fine -girlbaby. - kin. K. N. JO WWW. utnrittni souratST. dtwaloM. d(lrM. (Irltttf armlMomt, , l.tMv, v. tw CaiTTUWOaZ t aa r L i.w at uiuxiiou. - v ES. Jiiiif tKC. cl- ' '-, CortpkU lias of farf, WagTOg. - . . t i . !. nr. r. Nl.iiJ!Jr,n at Henrys Purtrucy, 127 Middle Street, 1 1 TkielatlM Bfpr at ih IVi I," nf k-ie, sets, fboa. an 4 la fi. Iat Uxesf 14 Mnrai, 'fl fr1l-a of lb laMb, bo i h orljr'ial ;"! Wa fc.r l'r- tl lb asatTbaa rt;".4 ..ty r ii'- l4'lw.. !. T"i 7i li. Aa a H'Vl-. St. Is ll. ...... . ft tb r-aa. Ith. !. A. I I .- mtr S. f t !. ? b. . . v, , ft i -. ? ,H llf' ' f 4 t' ' f ., ' ' r , 1 ; t T . A . -a 1 ' -.- THE CHINESE. DENTIST, . Werk Dm tor Ha Waaderfal Tfcwaaa American ladU8try:-i playing havoc with all time honored tnbtltutlona. At one time tUa dentist .foruscd an lm- portaht guild in China, hut in the past 80 .years hundreds 'of bright youog Jlongollans have picked op more or lee knowledge of the profession froua American practitioners abroad and are now doing business according to mod ern scientific methods. ' In San Fran elsce the new school baa almost driven the old one to. tbe wall.: Nevertheless three op four of tbe latter pursue the calling In thd'same. manner as their nn ccstors alii for thousand years, At lAnn- A ,Tiam vlatia Valxr VrtIr OV ei y year and stays two or three ttontosve delegate, brtnglng up the Whole tuitll, all of bis customers .have had their teeth not "In order.'' J: " His work la curiously prlmltlve.'vFor extracting he relies iinoi his fingers, and with these be does marvels. '."- With tliumb and forefinger" hewlH' null, a- blenspld or molar on which an Amer ican operator employs 4 nowerfnrior- ccpsis This dexterity is' tbe result of years -of practice. From boyhood to mnubood he Is trained to vati pegs driven Into a wooden board,": Three and fonr times a day, a naif hour at a. time. he drives pecs Into the. holes of his piai tlce board and then pulls them out again. Be Jlftt In similar fnsblon twth to which' Bte-attached heavy weights. Tills special training . Changes the as pect of the hand-- The spare flesh van tabes, '.and the blood vessels and ten dons seem to double JnUe. The fore-. arm growe in . glrtb. ana becomes ns hard ns wood.: The apprenticeship pe riod lasts two years. - At the end tbc student has a finger grip which is a wonder, "its strength is equivalent to lifting power of 800 and even 400 pounds. Besides extracting he cleans teeth with a preparation containing ground cuttlefish, using brushes made ot split bamboo. -For toothache he em; ploys opium, peppermint olb ciuhnmon oil and clove oil Sometimes, thoiuh rniely, be fills teeth,' but does It so Ig- norantly that the filling comes out within a few months. " Through all- his practice runs laughable element of superstition. Ac cording to bis system, all toothache and other dental woes are pAxhm ;1 by tootb worms. The nerve pu'p tf such worm and Is shown to n i:itlent Whenever tbe decay Is great cuii to permit of Its exhibition. - To .xntlsfy others be. carries about In u pi-ket some white grubs about as large as au ent. . When be extracts a pnlnful tooth, be uses a little legertlemnln and shows tbc sufferer one of the white grubs as the cause of althls pain. For neuralgic toothache be employs counter Irrltatlrm and sedatives, rubbing the gums, cheeks and neck just below the condyle with a mixture of lamlnunm and pcnpermlnt oil and pinching tbe skin until the blood te almost forced through tbe pores. - tie Is not highly regarded by his countrymen, bis social position being half way between those of a barber and laborer, - In New York .be gets 23 cents for removing a tootb and for other services payments la proportion. New York rest CmmH Ball SlaatV Trick. In one or two of tbc concert and dance balls now so common on both sides of tbt city there prevails a cus tom that baa heretofore been consider ed peculiar to the west (hat of throw ing coins te the singers. TUe singers are in most cases young men, ana tiwy occupy the center of tbt floor between the dances. . - . ' '. - When the aoJIencm, through Igno rance of tbe custom or other cause, falls to send the "expected shower of (liver, the singer lends en courage meet In a way that shows cleverness through long practice. , One band ts mn-irssly throat Into a tide pocket sod soon fbe ring of a silver coin oo the floor its heard. -The stager's band Is aim t hit pocket, and If I hers; is no evsnooso tbt first rail of silver soother coin is beard striking (he Soor. - ' - i , Tbt Singer himself Is flipping tbe ruls out of bis pocket, but you could n' gocsa It anion yo karw the irk. Usually (wo or three sorb bids bring rtfwroos rwooeae, eiclsll 'If the song ts ptrmslns,--Nrw 7 orb Baa, ,'.' , Tb taSa Salt.' - - , The ewltta wbeo t prloce kmrued carpenlcrtng and bertcne an' rxprrt rarpaotcr Bioaeb? sa4 has always coo- tlnard to ukt a grral loiervat la One of hit rst acts Wbe soerrelga was' to satablltk a enmpMe 'ioluvrC factory at ftldis, m wblrk be saperta- (aeids Ike manufartur of sil sorts of nv-trs of feroltura, mostly of bis owa dura. Tbrse sro worked by very ets borate axcrd prioga, to the turca- ttoo of which tbe soils takes gnat de light. U bo )ua4 arOI M the Itoaslsn rmlMMjr a sntrttswo of bla work as prvwot tolbecssr. ll eanstaia of S ts bl rSrbly laUld. With I be nltaa'S srorS la front, what there are tomr drawers, rj tow-falng ( spring tl top l)a opea, sod I b canter rams, bearing a silver Plata, OS wbkb ts to be found rry thing amass ry for emoting ha eilvar lad SnHrr. The fnaide of tbe lop bss a smoalliah. hi which It a pnnratl lb MHaa's so arroarKi'4 by a frame f brtlliaotm TV h',a? Iob V-tr wb pat ne- rtwer tb t ontb rrrl'ltfita ss tt ran aT a rm a t.k'r.e elf oo d--al r tntirf i!ip tr-oib (! I. cfi- d' la 0V-imi)'a r4 l-al b'ad. "ra Ui km a rsl." tanf l cm af t! awrl A.tlr-rlt I d!f !, I lb A f:rf. ffJl'-f r.ool t Ik c r '. 'f I '-' , la ,.a.1 "- I ( d' - t b-y j,.. a u t f - a V f' r , -. Ill' THE WORLD'S PARLIAMENTS ReflM t Brfset.llTe la . CorlTelT Small. - The largest parliamentary body- of lawmakers la the British beuseof com-' Brans, tbe membership of which la 670. Therl''reuch cMuiber of deputies, rep- rescntlug- a constUuency numerically smaller titan t'ue Hrltiuh commons, has niembcrsuip Qt DS4, the Italian par liament iw:v the, Hungarian house ot represeolaiiveH 45a. liu Spanish cortes 431.. lle .Austriao-reichsrath 524 and the Oortnnn rolclistas. the smallest of Jke toropcan iarl!apients, 807. ; '.' The bre8rnt nieml-ersulp of the Bouse of n prcamtatlves U 337, which is less than that of any cf the European law making bodies, and the nest house of representatives win be made np tt 388 luembers, a small increase when com pared with Jhe growth of popqlatlOB and the requirements of representatton for each state as fixed by tne teaerai constitution. Each, of ; the1 four iterri- tories (there are- now only: four) 'Will 800, a larger tnembersblp than la the rule hi legislative bodies In the United States..': 'v"",r -te: The lower branch of tha lew. Tork assembly at Allmii j ban a membership of 150, the lower bouse of wnnsyiva- nlft at rllarrlsburg has za; memDers, the lower house of Illinois at Spciug- fleld 1U2 and the lower bouse of Ohio si Columbus 111)..' In terse American states the general tendency la to limit tbe menSbersblp of the aoglsfaitnre so that It shall net he nnwieIdy.-tbonKb there kre 250 mom bers of the lower bouse of "the Masso cbusetts leg'.slntnre and 184 .members of tbc lower house of the Georgia legis lature. The Canadian parliament, under the apportionment of 1802, consists cf 813 members. v-Tbe boole, of ureece, con sists Of 207 members, and the chamber of deputies of Brazil bas 212 members. New York Sun. ECZEMA'S noHisTomvsr. Bezema Is csosed by an acid humor fat the blood coming in contact with tbe skin and producing great redness and in ttammetion ; little pustular eruptions form and discbarge a thin, sticky fluid, which anes ana scales on j sometime- tne sain ts hard, dry and ftzsared. Eczema ia any form is s tormenting, stubbora disease, and tha itching and burning at thnaa are slmoat unbearbht tha acid burning humor teems to oos out and set the akin, on fire. Salves, washes nor other exter nal applications do any real good, for as long ss the poison- remain in tha blood It will keep the skin irritated. ' ,-. BAD FORM OF TETTER. For three yean I bad Tetter on ma bead, which catucd bm to ewcU to twice thdraatsralalat. Fait at the tiara the dleeaar waa in tb brai of rao alog aoraa, very pain ful, and anMngV e much dlacomfofi Vow doctor, aiU th Tetter bad proTMd too far to bt caiad, and they oald da nothhia far w. ISaokoalTtbrc S bat iic, of a a a ad T waaaoaie'letaly eared. (L Ttdawa dfteea year "wr1,' Hoc aeea any ) of my eld troabt,." bfaa. Ia Jacjuaa, 1414 MoOea Ic, bnau City, ato. & 8. 8. nantraliaas this add DotaocL, aoola the blood and restores H to a heal thy. natural state, and Use rough, aa heal thy ikin becomes cart, smooth and elr, cures Tetter, Ery alpelaa, Pwrlsaia, SslT bUMuta sad all akia dissatas doe to a poia oocd condition of -the blood, tend far oar book and write at. about your . case. Oar physicians have made these diiesasa a Ufa study, sod caa nerp yon or incur sovsca ; wa eriararforthuiaarvioe. AH it apnductad la atrtcteat coafldfnea. TM SwifT trtoirkj pa atuutta, aa, , Fof Rcit f My store on Booth front Btrset Is now tt rant, It Is 10 x at feet, a story.Vbich U doalrrabls stsad for snott any baaloes sad good loraUoa for the ondnbry trade aornas tne inm nvar orwgo ut etiy trade. With tar tubbw and shlnek yard, brk-k and lathe, and saill baaiMaa all on tha same lot In Uie rear of say say kbsd to ssy stora Beaiig BIU fur anvwt aaottvaa BWs have now rut down' price oa all nda of btove Wood, aa 11 1 prtng h Swat bers and wa want to gab oar old stock of tmod nil bafnre Warav wvalhar tabna eharg. 1 bit adTSatafa oa kaoeh oows priaas bt fnf our toatotnars. . - Oouthern " . V - . Tba ftuadtd Ballwat df Ue tWUTb Tb tHrard Um k all rointa, . UNI A v ri)::mi, cijha Arr . roi'.io 1:1 co. HUirlly fmt 'fcM f.j "j Trxw-.t tm a T!r-'rt)a ff It-aI T"'r: f':."rr., fal V f rirf l'' " a.1 f- (.bt !'. fa ti4 Pf P' .!.,'. 1 - -.- r? nr rifT:r:r ppnn chills, fevers Vbia vU a uib ruwiii -- NIGHT SWEATS ( - .-"."'','.' ..-" ! Grippe and all 'other forms of maladies when you r.- -''C: -. fOB-be cured by. ;.;"i',i j i CllUa TCH13 I The woriddoes riotcoinahettW M - wonderful cures -made by ft. as cents.- a. bottle. I 1 .nm . r Money refunded If It falls to do the work. Delight fultotake, v -.' v 1 J ; Local Druggists. s . w - The Farm ts .CaplUl, Surrlus and Prcflts 488,0.00.00 1 - n-AHU ".rf. . APRIL lit 1701. One of the many conveniences derived from haying a bank account is the pay ment ot -ait pin py onapk, trms reaevtng your mind of the necessity for carrying; largo and unnecessary sums around with you and always being obliged to make exact chauge. . . The pleasure too of having a beautiful and efficient young lady serve you at our counter Is not a minor consideration. If yon will open an account with us, carry It six months, and- don't say that your only regret is that yon didn't do so sooner, yon can drink Cooa-tola on us for the next three months. - E.W.Saallwool, . HR A IQITARTERa FOR HARDWARE And all Kiiifls of V. BUILPiS& MATERIAL. Heating" and Cooking Stoves and Ranges, Li me, Cement, Plaster, Paints, Oils, Varnisb, Pattj, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Cutlorj and all the useful articles usually found in an (Ju-tiKdate Ilardwaro Store, Bert Ooelft ' Ieoweat Prlerfi. - Under Hotel Cnattatvka, wew nuiwr, w. c. : EASTJERN CiBOLffliJWAtCH AND iioiiMeaiDii r niiflBT 4 nssmia Fer All Point Worth. The Steamer'NETJSB HI laava'oa UorlrlaW Wedoaadaa sad Fri Jays at 6 p. ss. tharrs task log latvdinfi at. vnootai, ana uoas okstalaad. 4 AWAGt HEAD,: The Sir. Newberne ; Uotearaaelag July 1st, Id Jravo at II rclock aooa oa Tasadsys Sod Fridsys, auaing Uadlogs at OrtcsUl, rbwaoke Ultad sad fags Head, ' , ' . . rmr Frslrht raoaivad not lator thaa ooa boor prsTrOOt to aaUiogY for Zarthtf inform su oo sfrpi to GEoTflSKDEHSOK, Agt.- If, K. lima, Osd, Mgr., il.a ncMis-i.Osn.Frt.b, rasaAft ' Korfotk, Vs. , , . oltcrce scrrtce Tb aiuatloa of the sablto ts ra speetfslly eaj'td to tbe ekaags la tbe erbadsVs of Ik SSralT pabllekarj today. The tbsage Meeatltstat sew tcbadel fof (be earrlef, ! O.lWviInO Mia a aa to 1 00 a av, lt!..y r " 11.00 tttTwy 1109 " " tOO a. as tVWUnelMa ss-" 40 ,- '- CoilMcllr-o Id l-Oi'ma dlattk-4 4Wp,t. boltrtp. - Rl!ag Mall p. St, U 110 p. as. ittbarnrt fi'RfO Iba aat!t fof tbe I OS a. aa, tt, a at I It a aa, fnt ia. t .v p m. t'ia at 4 00 a . y, f V, r.!a ( rtrg t MntthnA ('.,(! r.l p 1. 7l . it 7 a ..4 ' r- t- Pa- at. in f ' J n tr . ' f t--.-,1 r n i . - I n IW - .1 Trade Mark -. - design -Copyrights Ac n flfmrllnsf nalifbtftri Md dAfHHntl . quioai lilVSttlM It Moeruin our opinifin fr frbUier on itViei ts pmbnllrrttaU)lq, roRimumftfV 1 atrisjtly oonbdiittaJ. ahdbot ah PU&U -t.lraiiaaLriatilri ' Hiic iretj, uinofKanor ior ieounii jwwitai ratcntt taken throufth Mann ft Co. rsolT8 tpecial notice wUhoatebrtriTa, lath) .J' Scientific HKsencasi. : A handsomely llluftrttted weekly; fdnveat elr enletloa of any aoientlfle morniiL Terma, $3 0" r . iuui iiiui)V.s( sti, sywiu u mi ntTaiEwiiH JNNKCB.'"B'?'N.New!Dr urtuiuu umup, uao r yyuuiuhilhi. T. A. Green, Pro,. K. a. Hoaduwa, T. Prat H. H. Grave, Ca.bler. CITIZEN BANK, . ow nvvrsiraiir, nr. c. Doing Qeneral Banking Business February 18, J900, Surplus and Undivi- - ded Fronts, $13,186.76. J' Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to ns. Accounts received on favorable terms. Board ot Dlreotora. rerdnisnd Clnon i. A.Keadowa, Samuel W. Ioork. B. H. Meadows. Chan. Ouflv. Jr. Jamn Redmond, Chaa. Hjpw K.w! Small llwood-. C.B. Vov. Oeo. H. Ives. W. F. Crockett . Hark Disosay. P. II. Pelletier, ATTORNEY. AT LA If, : 'die Street, Lawyers Brlek Bulldiag. WiU practice In tha Coonttea of Craven 'arterot. Jonea, Onalow ana Pamlloo. U. B ourt at Mew Ram tad Supreme Court o ha A Good Telephone SERVICE IS A BUSINESS - NECESSITY, A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM BINED C'Onvetsleii'e, Iduxnr ! rder Your Phone st Once I P. M. Slaiasont, A. D. Ward SIMTlONS-ft WARD, ATTORNEYS sil COUNSELORS si LAW. lit) tkSSS, I. C IMflot 60 Bo. Front Street, nearly oppo site note uoauawaa, (Office also at RsleUh.) Practice la U oouatle of Ursven, Doplln, Jonas, Oaslow. Carteret. Pamli co and Wake, la lb Supreme aad Fd eral tfoarta, sod wherever services or daalred. 'OR BORI Cfll sta, para WhoUsom. gnarsntoocl tt 0 ehmlcajiy mada froca diaUlied waitr aad free Iron tmptntuaa. Bpactauy is leaded arte prepared for saaaea oe auaintirm. - .. lot dVUvared dail; (tsoapt Boodays) I ati toa p as. - hnaday (rstafl ealy) f a ts to II aooa . for priors aad other tofortaatloa, . :, '. . Addtwat,. , ' New Berne Ice cio. Notice of Ham nortei I NORTH CAROLINA, I Superior ' . Cravat) Couaty; -1 :, Court, . -fttHtna to tall kuwU foe parUtkio. , " . JloUeo of ruuaaaa, . ' , XL T. Din and W. F. Hill, W ftatbeeaf, - -. vs. ..r . Bamaal Bntlw Jobs tnilrm aad Cwilly bit Wtfai Abatat II lU aad Chartk Awa , ttnUoo. intant, by tow gwardam B. S. -k Urn i Oca. A. b(iUy, Mm ftoaUef Cartt rtaatteyi UF.rbantlora4 otharai nakarrara blr of Peal TmKirj, OWd Ibwawrw tanbk aa4 bar baahaad, Ibwlala aad the heirs of Juba A. !VwUy. v . Tbssbnvs aaarl Arsa fllltCem A fUit-T.LlaB0T'airPtbT.Ur. titbry and to Ira uf rVnbinli hWatk, aM, sa4 rv-WMMW twaleh aa4 bar hntlatad lHto' tad the rxlrt of )a A. Hritbt, ckfMxIaaia, bw tba abura a-tla.wlU tab twUf.t a tana. wra Kaa toa tamed' ttvm Ot ia mart ts O-e atww .! h1 4a mt lal .r. eelir f. lilNHvf thra In a - bfire tl, r-, trW C'"t t4 " t waty oa lhartbdy t4 slat. I lad, bad wt IK, r-c-mi Wxrit f )"4 V.Tvla. t)a aa4 Ltalrt I r,f t rt!U 4t ta !l rt rj( ( rT f lr. Nertb ; , ,ri tv. 1 1 ewi WMMta aiil f i-.' t. It a V.y tail tn ,r-tT !.. M t f.wiiatat r" f-,t f'-t M.t t :'y. I 1 tm . ,r-r -l U- Ml h T 4 ,rtt iKmm '.T-if P, , WAT ' Kl' rb IGlil r:VT EKUBiCO.NCLAVt86, Improved Otilsr HeptcpL meets Sod and 4th Hrd. nlRbts, nth u'clttk at Houn iretHaJ'f r."rrVlliN, Anhon; J. J. Tolon, J,rt,1aancIer;Z V. Kurphy, 8ec- EUt EKA LODGE SO 7. I. O O.F Omotrr: W. F, Orockt tl. N. O ; James B Dasscn V. ; 0o. Urtstn, rVctyt W. H iluvev; i'lnanrlaj SeoritdT; A. K. Pilt u an. Tilts, . Ui-nular meeilugs every iloyl if nlaLt at 7.20 o'clock. CALDMET 'ENCAMPMENT. No. 4 I. O. O. JrY Ofllcew: J. I. Baxter C. P J B Dssson, II P.; T O Osrrawav, S. W A. T. Land J. W.; Geo. Green. Scribe; E Qvrock; Treasurer. Regular Encamp ment, tat, 8rd, and Slh (if any) Thursday nlghis In each month st T 80 o'clock. NEW BERN LODGE No. 1, F. H. & C J. O. V bales, frett; J. H. t-rulih, Ii( cord ing Sec'yt R. Tl. Hill, Fiuanclal Sec'y. Meets In the Knights of Harmonv Hall every 1st and 8rd Monday nights in each mooiu, .i . : . CRAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KM6HTB OF HARMONY. Meets Snd and 4th Wednesday nights In each month in RountrevV Ball, Pollock street, at 7.30 ouocs. B. K. Ball, president; 11. J. Diaoawav. Sec'v: U R. Hill Flnnfi.l Secretary. x Motles? ! NORTH CAROLINA , I In the Traven County, j Superior Court. John A, Cully, Plaintiff, i ' - VS. Annie Cully, Defendant The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court ofCraven cnuntytn obtain a divorce Hpon the ground of abandonment, and the said defendant will fnrttter take notice that she is required-to appear at the next term of the uperior remit of said county to be held on tlie 12th Mon day after the 1st Monday in March. 1901. at the court house of said county in Now Hern, n, v.. ana answer or demur In the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de- manaep ip said complaint. W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court. This 15th day or-April, 1801. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of the late Capt. M. P. Mor ton, deceased, notice is hereby given to til creditors to present their claims to the undersigned for payment on or be fore the 10th day of April 1902, or this olalm will be pit ailed In bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to stld estate are noli fled to make Immediate pay ment. J. A. MORTON, Administrator. D. L. WARD, Attorney.' April, 10, 1901. Cxecutrlx Notice ! Having this day qualified as Executrii of the last will and testament of Jciscph U Hhem, deceased, all persons indebted U) taia josopn b. Kliem, deceased, nro requested to make Immediate st'tth nient. And all persona Imlduig claims airninst asld deceased are notilled t., present the asms for payment on ,,r b-fini Man h 25th, 19U2, or this notice will he pl-adcd m bar ol recovery. 1 his March IVh, 1901. RATE E. HI'ENt'ER, Executrix. Admlaivitratur's Notice AU persons bsvlng claims agalnat Ihe eaute ol Dopnls oeuiberger will present ssjb for Davment nn or befora the 13th, day of April, ltiOJ, or this notice will be pleaded In bat of their recovery. AU persona Indebted to laid estate must make Immediate settlement. Notices of elaha should be tddreueil to our stlor aey, I'. U. Pelletier, New Iiern, North Ctrollna L. 8P.U0MANN, EMMA RANK HIKBEItr, Admlnlttratori P.U. PELLETIER, All y AfirU Ulh, 101. Atlantle Coiwit 1,1 ne. WlLalMOTOB AiTi.W U P. B. Tim i tails no. 6, bltfact Wealataday, Aug. 7, .Daily - Etorpt rhioday. Mag Boa Ik ocuaooLS I Ootng Morth No.fO, Paaaseger Trains No.DO, Lv. est, M ' rr art oat: Ar. pat, .... I to saw. I M..,-.l..roctvUle . . . II t..,.....Vaytvtlia lift) Jacksonville.... . IW .. 441 ..411 ia . tu ' t a Ha 4 U0. till . .Ar, WOsstoftoai L. Ho, k, PAsaaMB 4t raasoarr. Latva WUaUegioa Mnaday, WMatw ay a4 Friday, Lean New torse Tata Say, Tharsday sad Baiardary. -. U, Afyfa t so,..Lv. Wilmlajrv, Ar..... l I 40. rVnat's IIIU ........ .11 At M....V... Waoeabto. . It lW . ........ .BoflyrMge. .. .11 00 141 .,,,, Disoe. ...., ...141 II ..... ....Vatraat, ...I0K liri. ,.,v..;aaaoa1Ila... .... IU II to.... "iUMt. .... It ft -. Wbitaca . I SO I to , ....... Maywttto-, , lot IIS.., r"0aekvilbt.. TM M .... . brb'... I a 10 ...Ar.NawNvae.Le , IM laJly Ksoap rtbaday. - J. 9. ItKLT, i. xoiks af rim Vcetiff tf Cnditort, It tba ptawbH Coatt af lee I'afUd tt, fo e Kaateva I latrVt.sf , It O. ' - ' Utbewattar of i. W. Antvetro1 flMtraptls fteakrvpvy. T4 ike trSlu.rt of It'UfAbef. N as, X. f, be tdjadltalsd t pt, a IJ t tMk Say AffO 1 t. , ' . lake ,U tbat t ItaMtng of kbj -.rt ';! U k i lb4 rffa V-f L. i. Vwrrfa. r'.a. ft New fters, N. U. tl a. e tk. t day of AftD in, i k 1 ( I (K, t!!!(w pvay tllead, r '('' r fJat a trMi, AilaDH'c coast liaettpaiCo., Ceadesg, Mediae."- TRAINS GOING SOUTH. P an a-" DATED . Jan, 18,1901 03 (0otr!ted) fco , w. A..M. Lv. Weldon 11 60 Ar. E. Mt. . l 00 . Lr. Tarboro la 21 Lv. R. Mt. . 1 05 Lv. Wilson 1 69 Lv. Selma, . 2 65 Lv.Fay'ville 4 30 Ar.Florence 7 85 P. M. Ar. Golds Lv. Golds Lv, Mag'lia ArWilm'ton si P.M. P.M. A.M P. M 8 6e 9.-531 too io oa! 87 5 15 6 67, 12 63 10 40MT 10 3 40 li 18 13 86 340 A.MJ 7 55 6 46 8 80 4 85 6 00 7 61 8 20 P.M. A.M. P.M TRAINS GOING NORTH. .. it iltl il A.M. p7L Lv.Florence 9 50.,;,. 7 85 I-v.Fay'ville 12 15 9 41 Lv.Selma. . 1 50 . , ;''; U 86 . '. Ar. Wilson. 2 35 12 13 A.M. P.M. A.M. LvWilm'ton ;., 7 00 9 35 Lv. Mag'lia .... 8 80 11 10 Lv. Golds oO 9 37 13 26 P.M. U AJ.P.M.P.M Lv. Wilson 2 35 k 88 12 13 10 45 1 18 Ar. R. Mt. . 3 30 ( 10 12 45 11 23 1 53 j ,' Ar. Tarboro 6 4tt Lv. Tarboro 2 31 Ly. R. Mt. . 8 30jXl2 45 Ar. Weldon 4 32.,.. 1 3 P. M I y- A.M. Yadki Division Main Line Train leaves Wilqiineton 9 00 a m. ar rives Fayettevillo 13 OS p m, leaves Fay etteville 12 25 p m, arrives Saaford 1 43 p m, Keturmne leSve Banford 8 05 d m. arrive Fayetteville 1 80 p m, leave Fay etteville 4 30 p m, arrives Wilmington 9 25 pm. (Jf't , Uennettaville llrjneh Train leaves Bcnnettsvillo 8 05 a m. Maxton 9 05 a m. Red Springs 9 51 a ta. Hope Mills 10 55 a m,' arrive Fayetu flile 11 10. Return ing leaves FayetteviUe 4 45 ,p m, Hope nuns w i ni, uoa Dpnngs 0 til p m, Maxton 6 16 p ni, arrives Bennettsvillo 7 15 p m. ; Lonncctlons at r ayetteville with train No. 78, at Maztoa with the Carolina Central Railroad, iit'Rei Bprings with muuvu uiiuiu .im xjuwuiuirj miiroau, atSanford with the Beabotrd Air Line and Southern Kail way, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad. Train on tbe Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Weldon. 8 66 p m, Halifax 4 17 p m. arrives Scotland Meek at 6 08 p m, Greenville 6 ',7 p ta, Klnston 7 55 p m. Returning Ic'ites Klnston 7 60 a m Greenville 8 52 a in, arriving Halifax at 1118 am, Weldon U 88 a m, daily ex cept Suncn,y. ,;. - Trains on Washington Branch leayc Washington 8 10am and S 80 p ta, ar rive Parmele 9 10 a rn, and 4 00 p m, re turning leave l'armcio 1 85 m and 6 30 d m arrive Washincloa 11 00 1 m and 7 39 p m, dally except .--unday. Train leaves Tarlwo, N 0, daily except Sunday 6 80 p m, Sunday, 415 p m, ar rives Plymouth 7 10 p m, 6 10 p m, Ro turning, leaves i'lvmouth daily except Sunday, 7 50a m, and Suaday 9 00 a m, arrive Tarboro 10 10 a IB, 11 00 a ni lraln on Mi llanl;Ntj Branch leave Goldrboro dally, rirjept Bunday, 5 00 a, m, arriving Bmilhllela 1 10 a as. Return ing lcarea Hmllhllcld 7 00 a to; arrives st Goldsboro 8 25 a St. - - . Tralna oo N-itllle Branch leave Rooky Mount st(3Ttm, 1:40 p atrrive Naabviile 10 30 a Oa, 4 08 p at, Bpring Hope 11 00 a m, 4 A p m.Ketornliig leave Spring Hope 11 tu t m, 4 59 p m, Naah ville 1 1 48 s m, 5 25 p to, arrive at Rooky Mount 13 10 pm, UQ p m, daily except Train on Clinton Branch leaves War saw for Clinton dally, except Sunday, 11 40 a m and 4 25 p en. Retaining leaves Ulntoo at 46 s m toa 1 60 p m. Train No 78 mk cloaa connection at Waldos fot all poiitte North daily all rail via Richmond H M EMKRSOrT. Oeol Paas Agent. J H KENLY. Gen'l Nanartw. T M EMERSON, Teaffio kWgar. Oar an rraed tl wil. afaraalK bMb aad aiailaitoal aey la.aattea will IX (aMraaabllMv at . "Bow te Otaal Uweb aa ilriiitrd f 1 aOeatear eedraa. faiiala lakea oat Ikrrai 1 a. rwatv tpflml at'., wttaowtcaaff. Tm ravawv tacoan, aa Unwanted aad ! rrrkl.4.taaraa .... Mi I a BUaalanerr" leo,. iar auaaw tT f a i a. aaiiaaa, . wieToe d. sUsms a oo. CTaiaat tracra,l . ' laaat'talldtaa. ' , .eMiaoreet, a g i rt .HT ' W lilt .,,., a kaaa, a'. VntHi SCO, i'.TON.O.C. Aft II TaA.Ht -.Aa. t 'It! k a, tav4 S freaoj ttua.iBalara e C I a Sft - Was - --- BoilOrj Be H ordtlssd.h letri of A kleneea of Bare, Knrtk t trolls th tatbtrlly saafarfr 1 lbs feaaertl A asattbiy r f f IW.taltS'edeS'VM lev , pTie lew kf knadt thia aauaarfi aavat of I A1 UnO M tn t 'aa4 I ncc. .... ! Mayadted ' liy f New t r-nrtnsal te iy U i Aotof N oiOi ( arotlsa toaew-1 Ckap. IW' T...4 the U Ui lij lb t?.e : , '.! --.-a (' r.a boa4) em a a.ale Is l.apx a ll taaaalif, t: M Ire r-".r a14k-t t tar Vat e t' tbeiaM " 4 (!. (A U a 1 tba t -' a-.t 'b 11 r ; . r - ?' MHyye- Mt-' ' lb" i r-' !' I ' I. aml i tka a . of c3 'Me i r,t i -a. - .,'1- 4 a; j In. I n , - .' ! I'-illlilxiwl t'l I ' ' t ! t ir t f ; f e-e be j " - L.J lr4 Mi f I si.rrc I I I