I VOL XlX-HO. 19. 1 IIW BIEIrl. C, T0I3DAT M0RSIK9, AFRIL 23, 1901. - - - : TWENTIETH TEAH Til T1SS. V 4 0 - They Must Go ! I 35 Pieucs Se.t Island Percale Reduced from 12Je to 9c. fiO Pieces lrew Ginghams, Itcduci-d to 8c. 25 tt " " , 4c. . 10 Pieces Suitings, Reduced from 10 and 20c to 7c. 25 Weces Figured Sattieus. Reduced to 7o. New line of Lawns, Dimities and Silks. Dotted and Figarod Swiss for Curtains. Largo line of Hoje in all styles Bad sizes. Ladies, Miss. and Childrs OjfordJ in all the htest styles. 47-49 POLLOCK STREET, I ' WE ARE STILT, Slaughtering Prices At flio 1UG AMEBICA.W STOCK CO. tTThe CHEAPEST PLACE in North Carolina to buy Clothing, Dry Goods, Shots, Hats, Gents Furnishings, &c. j A full and complete line Spring Dress Goods, Cushin -res 5r? Worsteds, Lawns, Percales and Culicoes at attractive j.rices. jjj IT?" Men's Shoes 88c and np, Indies' Shoes 74c and up. Q I'nrgoins in Watches a good Watch for 98c. 0 AMERICAN STOCK CO., $9-6t Middle St., Neto Bern, N. Show an Increase of Fertilizer Sales of23Pef fnt.' ' Marti Time Ulrra teEianttae School Books. Cloads Sired the Stale. Farmers Behlad lam - Their "- . Work. : Ralkioh, April 22 The commissioner of agriculture announced today ibai the increase In the sale of tax tags for com mercial fertilizers are np to this date 28 percent greater than they ere opto this time last yean At one time they were 80 percent greater. - The Governor extends the time for the sub-commission of teachers which is ex amining' the hundreds of school text books submitted by the Various publish ers to mate Its reports to the State text book commission. Tomorrow was the day when the report is due. The exten sion Is to May 1, the governor said re garding the sub-commission, "This State has never had better work done or more faithful workers." The cloud-blauket is all that has for tw days saved this State from blighting frosts. The temperature here has for two days and nights been but little above frcexing-polnt. So far the fruit is uuhurl in this part of the State, experts say. The (armors are well up with the work of preparation for crops but badly behind-hand as to the planting. But lit tle cotton Is yet In the ground. In ordi nary years April IS Is planting time. J The ground Is as cold as it was In Jan uary, and much wetter. Judge Pumell and district attorney Bernard left today for New Bern, where a term of the United States district court begins tomorrow. o a a o s Carbon f - astic Paint FOR YOUR ROOF. PHONE 147. Stops the Leaks, Wears Well, and is Guaranteed, Qaskill Hardware Co SOLI AUIKTt, Celery Headacfce rtwden. There la act say bettor nnviy for headache tbaa there powder. Thy mt fill la le'love. Med sad okl oaty at Davit r.etcrtptloa rbtrmecy. Slabs! rllvrd at your done f IV par trod for swxt SO days, Tiiurr LcxBtn milia WHEIt TRAVELING Whether on pleasure bent or busia. s- take on every trip a bottle of Syrup o Figt, as It acts most pleasantly aisj el factually on the kidneys, liver, and bow tin, preventing fevers, headaches, snd "ther foims of sickness. For sale In SO cent bottles by all lead I bit druggists. Manufactured by the California Fig Sy rup Co. only. To Instruct Tax Assessors. Rai.riuH, April 23. The corporate n commission will next Monday begin lis tnur of the chief counties of lbs State, t Instruct tax assessors as to their lutlet under the new law. Richmond vs. Wilmington. S e rial to Journal. Wilmington, April 23,-Iu the VI r- glnla-Carollna League game here today the score was, Richmond 8. Winning ton 7. As Old Offender. KiLiina April It. Last night I negro desperado, Boss Daniels, shot and seriously hurt another negro. He ts Id tail. Three years ago ha struck with an ss and nearly killed a policeman Spring coughs art especially danger oat and aaleta cared at once, serloas results ofun. follow. One Mia ate Uoagh Care ecu Ilka magic It la totaeoav moa mixture bat ts s high grade ttmsdy, r. a Duffr Co. Raleifh vs. Portsmonta. Special to Journal. RiLsiaa, April tt la the gaax here today batweaa PorUmoalk aad las boaM least, RaleUb oa by a score of II to 1L CASTOR I A lot IsiuU aid Cbildra. TliUnlYoa HaTiAlwajt EcsgM ROYAL Baking Powder is indispen-1 sable to the jpreparation of the finest cake, hot-breads, rolls and muffins. Housekeepers , are sometimes importuned to buy other powders because they are "cheap." Housekeepers should stop and think. If such , powders are lower priced, are they not inferior ? Is it economy to spoil your digestion to save a few pennies ? IJe L. McDaniel, 71 Broad Street, Ci trie; one of the Largest and IJ.-st Selected sloe s of Staple and Fancy m The " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook " containing over 8oo most practical and valuable cooking re ceipts free to every patron. Send postal card with your hill address. Alum is used in some baking pow- j. ders and in most of the so-called phosphate powders, because it is cheap, and makes a cheaper powder. But alum is a corrosive poison which, taken in food, acts injuriously upon the stomach, liver and kidneys. ROVAL BAKING POWOES CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Col. 8. B. Taylor of Catherine Lake ts In the city. Dr. T. D. Swindell returned tn Goldt- boro yesterday, Mr. Ed Hardlson of Salisbury, Is visiting relatives In the city. Mr. E. F. Samlorson of Pollocks iU it lii the city, attending court at a Juror. United Stitet Mtrahall H. C. Djckery of Raleigh, . It registered at the Cbat- lawka. Miss Carrla Myers, of Wilmington. is In the city, the guest of Mrs. It. D. V. Jones. Mrs, S. Oelllnger of Elusion, Is In the city visiting her sister. Mrs. M. M. Marks. Mr, L. E. Bryan returned Sunday night from Tarboro, where he has been visiting relatives. Bev. U A. Jenkins of Ooldsboro, ar rived here last night, and Is the guest of Rev. Illght C. Moon. Mrs. O. V, Richardson and daughter, returned to their horns at Dover yeeler- lay, after a vial with relatives la the city. Judge Thoe. R Panel! of RaMgh. arrived last night to hold United States court, and It the guest of Mr. L. t. Moore. Mr. P. M. Ptaraall, private Secretary to Gov. Ayeock, eome down from Ral eigh doaday night, to attend United Slates court Mr. T. W. Hancock aad two children, returned to their home at Oxford yester day after a week's vttlt la the city with relatives. District attorney O. M. Barnard of Greenville aad assulaat District attor ney O. J. Spears of LIUlagtoa, arrived bar last Bight to atUad U. & Court. Mr. Joha X. Pool of BaWlga, Us Ad vaaot Agtal af Hillyer! Faa aad Jolly Maker of New York, la registered at Ike Chattawka. They wtU play here oa thttdvk. Mr. O.CL Jerome aad Dr. O. Ootdoa Taaataad of Book Bprlag . Lodge H1 sail shortly for leropa, whare they wDI spend the sammor la trtretllaf oat the eeatlatnL . Mr. T. A. Oraea aad Mist Gar Green left for Hew Orioaal ytetorday to altaad tbs ateetlag of the Ooaeral Co faraao of the Methodist rerotg Mlesloaarf Society. . Chattawka Arrivals. W. H. Knester, N. Y.; Pete Bone, Chi cago. III.; W. J. Griswold, Durham, N O i Geo 0. Stewart. Baltimore, Mi.; II. 0 Dockery, United States Marshall. Raleigh; Oscar J. Spears, Assistant United Statoi Attorney, Raleigh; J. F. Sharp, Deputy Unite I States Marshall, Raleigh;' Peter II. Kelly, Baltimore; E. 0. Duulap, Durham, S. C'; J. E. Poe, Agt. Hlllycr Fun Maker.'; L A. Sugg, North Carolina; T. 8. Duffy. Charlotte, N. C ; O. F. Baoraan, Btlilmorj. J. A Laughlngboute, Greenville, N. C ; C. M. Brown, Washington; A. Sayalro, Char leeton; F. H. Cathran, Charleston; J Ashland Sander, Philadelphia, l'a.; T. R. Kerr. North Carolina; Haywood Ed monson. Wilson; 8. B. Taylor; Catha- ilne Lake. Like You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeks snd sparkling eyes If your liver Is slugarlil and your bowels clogged. De Witt's Little Early Risers cleancs the whole system. They never gripe. F. 8. Duff j A Co. Our spring line of "Lyon Brand,' negligee shirts are now for sale, slti a handsome line of panls, clothing, shoes hats etc J. J Bsxter. J. J, Baxter has Just received s fire Use of the Ronnlrae Roller Tray truokt from I to 10 dollars. Piblleitloi of Summons. North Carolina I la tat Superior Uravtn County, ) vootl Jalla Marshall, Nellie L Mar shall, U T Marshall, Cora Leslie Marshall, and Marshall, tha last four named being Infants sp paariag by their aeit friend U A Marshall aad II A Marshall. Against Oay K. Marshall. MOTICX. The defeadaat ahova aaated will last aoOoe that aa aolloa aalliled as abort baa koto oommoacad la the Mapertor Ooert of Crave Couotv, before the Olerk, to sell a oartala parotl of lead S (A tfYu akl Ims avaA ll Lna WIWW H VdTVai rwiimii mn uttuw, aid the eald defaadaal will further take notice that he tt rvqatrtd to appear I for lb Clark of the Sapertor Cotrt Crtvta Cooaty, at ble offlea la lb Coort Hoota la ta oily at new aero, n. v., at II o'clock a. as- oai the Sth day of Jeat ttvl, aad aaswar or deiaar to Ibe rwtt- tloa ta aid aotloa. or tba elaiaurrt atplrtotba Coart for Us roliaf da- maadod la said potltloa. W.M.WATBON. (VrfcStpxWOoarL This t4 day of A pill. IHL 4S hceries in tho city. Prices Low as the Lowest. Goods delivered rromjitly anywhere in the city. SSySpecial inducements to spot caeh buyers. Yours for business, i J. L mm L, 'Phone 01. WhoIeNalo oft Retail 71 Bro4 Hi. i OCCC00V0O00O0000l Eat Satterthwaite & Bro.'s Everytjoing Else there lire nil kinds of groceries on the market. But there is ;t big difference in the quality. Our customers tell us the iu;ility of our groceries is very much better than tiny they ever bud. I have just gotten in a Fresh line of those Fancy Cukes, which are very Bite; I have also just received a nice lot of ll;ild win Apples which we will sell Saturday Only for (flic pk. sJ"Give us a call for your future orders. Yours to please, J- 13- .SZE, Jr., Wholesale and Retail Orocer, PHONE CO. d or. llroad & Hancock His. Live Long nnd le Happy. Wo have anything in the grocery line. Phone us yonr wanU and get your goods promptly 8delivorod. q Phone 169, 61 Broad Street 0 4CC0444444444444 OOOO I WHY NOT EAT THE BEST? $ Lilt It short, but wt will endaaAur In prulung the umc if ym .ill JJ" help nit by glTlng ate yuur ordrrt fur food suppllM. MY 8T0CK IS COMPLITt. W. K. T. H. J. J. TOLSON, Jr., 1 3: Broad St. Grocer. Phone 137. A Good ToalC If yoa ated a loala, try oar Baef, Iron and Wise. It le a ooablaaUoo perttealtrty valaahle la the tnelattat of dtblllly altaadrd with lmaoribaat of the Wood. It promotes dhratUoa. rmnrove tba tnotlla aad sites aaarwv b "Ht trettem. Davit rratcrlp- m jnurmacjj Property For Kale. I bare atveral deelrtble Reeldtnne for tal. lilt ated la Ibt bett mlricaet part of tba City. Alto t namber of good beOdlag lots la good loratlllrt. J. J. WOLrTCrtDE?! i l ft i, n 1 L) : 0 Q .. c '8 '(3 O'O 0 ':: O 0 0 ,LJn u n 00 W have made tho lost, with ihe following result: ' ' 12 gall cm i Choap Taint at $1.25, $15.00, covors 2400 square frof, lor 2coata. 8 D. W. P. M 1.C0, 12.80, 2400 ' ' - ! Bavlng on aa ordinary housot $ 2.20 In first cost. . AIno lli:ni:mii:il w guarantee 0; W. T. Looks Beat and Wears Longer. .""The proof o! tho pudding is In thv eating thereof." Get a Dpring Suit and Easier Bonnet ior your housfj. fr to 1 J . w c ! V 0 c- ( r r J r