' ' "J V . ; i IXW BEEN, N, C, FRIDAY MORIIHG, fPRIL 26, J 901. VOL I1X-K0. 21. TWMTliT TIAR , L - 4- - to , IN , A ' to ,. & ; is to to iv to They Must Go ! ! 35 Pieces Sea Maud Percales Reduced from 12c $o 93. 50 Pieces Drejs Ginghams, Iieduced to 8c. 25 . 4o. 10 Pieces Suitinge, Iieduced from 10 nud 20c to 7c. 25 Pieces Figured Sateens. Reduced to 7c. New line of Lawns, Dimities and Silks. Dotted aud Figured Swiss for Curtains. Large line of llo-ie in all styles and sizes. ' Ladies, Miss . and Cliildw Oxford in all the l itaat styles. o o , . O. O v.- 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. ft. 5 Like i Everything y Else V there are all kinds of groceries on the market. But there is ft 3 big difference in the quality. Our custom, rs tell us the quality of our groceries is very much better thnh uny they ever h-td. "V I have itist trotten in a Fresh line of those Fancy Cakes, which aro very rinc;l have also just received a nice lot of Ilald win Apples which we will tell i-aturday Only for COc pk. I-Give us a call for your future orders. Yours to please, ( J. 33. ZEIKIDIR, Jr., i . Wholesale and Retail drocer, j f PHONK GO Cor. If road A Hancock Sis. WU ABE BTILI Slatfglitemg Pieces O O 8 O At (lie HUi AHKUICAW STOCK CO. Q 9 t-a Tt.,. f'llliiPlfST I'l.ACK. In Nnrth Carolina to bnv Clothing, Dry (locals, Khm, llnta, - O A 'u11 Rn(l ''l'1''1 "" Spring Draw Gtaxls, Cushnicrea q q W'oniteb, Ijiwds, Percale and Calioooa at attntcUvo fricet. q . CI ryMcn's Show 0c aid op, Indies' Bhnoa 74j and tip. Q ,Q ryPwgaln in Watclw good Watcu lot OUc O S AMERICAN STOilK CO., 1 59-6l Middle St., Np Bem, N. C$ - . .X.f, i -.7 :-7-., 'J. . House Work U Hard Work without GOLD DUST. H -rTarJ ST t 1 nn UU 0 : - o o o o Gents Furnishings, 4o. '0.:D;.O,'B: - O::O;:C:: - O.v:0YJ. - nnn n Li L J uuu u ,) I'M i a I a a- ''Is made specially for porch floor ecrvicr-for cxpcsr.ro to weather, vralihn,-; and hard usago. ' Looks vell and Gprc"u3 easily. r r r V r. Will less.. The "Sneak" Bill Which Passed the ' Legislature Affects Hills.' Law Mar Mt Bteai a Test.-: State 6rd Will Set Hew Sias . at Oaee. rheArsa- . mal U ' 1 - ? RkLBiaH, ; April S5 There will be quite itlr among ldmbermea when they get the new as to the' dlscorery of the "weak" bill which It designed to pre rant the thlpment of .logt oat of Mm Bute. It la really 'aimed at Norfolk, WhaleyyUIe, and GeorgBtown, ff O. It is a "tnoak" bill became the title mU leads, and of coarse wu Intended not to betray what waa the real Intent ottbe bill.-:: The question la whether, each an act wilt hold good In the -court in act which aaya that no one nnlesa he has a aw mill in this Btata or I telling logs to a law mill shall own or out the timber from over 800 acrea of land. It la said 100,090.000 feet of logs are sent out an nually. The legislature might aa well try to prohibit .the shipment of gem stones out of the Stale, nnlesa they were first oat into gems. , The arsenal Is to be removed from the capltol square. It waa built 1st 1829, at a coit of 91,000. It has repeatedly been condemned as unsafe and unfit for use as an a-snal. The Bute Guard receives with pleas- are the news that it Is to be. entirely re armed, moat probably, with magazine rifles and that it Is to be famished with a complete outfit of Khadl summer olothing, "The act of Congress perml'- tlng the issue of new rifles In place of the old, at no cost to the State, makes possible the re-armament. ; 4 The State today chartered the Albe marle furniture company of Stanley county, capital 110,000; the Hockavllle chair company, capital $T,5W, and the Smlthfield improvement oompany, cap ital 920,000. Oen. Thomas F. Toon, State Superin tendent of public Instruction, Jeft today for Henrietta, Rutherford, county, to make a speech at a great educational rally. -. Those .famous little plls, DeVltt's Little Early Risers will remove all Im purities from your system, cleanse your bowels, make them regular. F. S. Duffy 4 Co. Cotton Acreage In Texas. BoDsroa, Tex, April 14. The- Post will tomorrow Issue a report on the oot ton acreage In Texaa. It shows tejat the planting season Is folly three weeks late and much replanting la to be done ba- causa of the weather. There will be an taorraaed acreage. Hack land sowa to grain will be plowed np and put la cation in the norther portion of the State. Only a small proportion of the crop Is above grouad and tha aland- Is aot good. From Chlcaf o to Europe. Cbicaqo, April II With a cargo ot agrlottltorel laplemeala, packing aoaae products aad mlsccllaaaons maaafao- taree, the staaeaar Honhwealara draw oat ot Chicago river today aad beaded for Europe. , - ' , Ula aaldtoba tha first at earner to start from Chicago across the Atlaatie. At Buffalo a large aaaaUty of wheat will aa dtechargad aad lake on agala aa afoatraal after laa stsamar hsa goltaa through tha aaaala, t , . ; . ' " CASTOR I A Jot ZaikaU aal CMldraa. - Til Iti Yea Ran AJijji E:t! tlgwaragwof must bo made specially lor that s n i 1 w i i - J W it- ; To Conti ol A. It V. Collere. ,- Special to Journal V . s BalsioE, April 25. Governor Ayeock today appointed tbe following "Board of visitors," hch In conjunction with the state board of agriculture will have con trol and management of the Agricultu ral and Mechanical college: v " ...v . Charles W. Gold. Wilson; w. J. reele. Raleigh; R X. Smith. Stanl County; J. B, Btokea, VYindson. W.- 8. Primrose, Raleigh; D. A.'.- Tompkins,. CharlotU) Matt Hoora, Kenansvtlle;; W. Li. IUgan, High Point; Frank ' Wood, Kdenton; David Clark, Charlotte, J. Fran liayam Macon County. , Basehall at Raleifh. Special to Journal. . - RaLKiaa, April 35.Basebsll here to day, Raleigh 10, Richmond 1 . The Game at Wilmington. Special to Journal. " .WiLMiKOTot?, April 25 In the gime of baseball here today, Wilmington de feated Portsmouth by a score of 8 to 8. Skin troubles, cms, barns, rcslds and chafing quickly healed -by the use of DeWitt's Witch Hszel Salve. It is Imi tated. Be sure you get DeWitt's, ' F. P. Duffy A Co. . Labor Union Talk. lULkion, April 25. It Is ss d by' tbe cotton mill men hereabouts that there are as yet no signs of any labor trouble Of course they do not know to what ex tent there Is onion organization here. The union work la all secret. The labor sgltstor who waa here the other day from Danville said In the course of his speech that textile operators were op pressed in this State. An explicit denial waa made of this by an operative here. The labor agitator said while here that the union Intended to force the MVioiir day In every mill. Money Due the State. Rilkioh, April 2It found that the estate of the late P. H. Lybrook, paymaster general of this State, la due the State 1800.' Notice ot this Is sent to the administrator and a check will no doubt be sent la a few days. Lybrook'a bonds cannot be fount, In any of the departments here. It Is known to be good. lie was appointed by Gov. Hut- sell. He died a few months sgo. Ton cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver Is sluggish and your bowels clogged. De Witt's Little Kerry Rlaers cleanses the whole system. Tbey never gripe, t. 8, Duffy A Co, , Rain Prevents Game. Special to Journal. Naarosr liawa, Ta., April St. There wu ao game with Norfolk here today on account ot rain. A Ralelrn Fox Hunt, Raliioo, April M. The bnilaeas men of Raleigh had a lively foi chase this mornlag aad by 0 o'clock returaed with tha fos. There ware SS horsemen. Tha fox gave thee a twelve miles ran. Ai Educational Exhibit. RiLeiDB, April 25. It la expected thai tha schools of tha Btata will snake at tha aext Btata fair here Ue g raalaat educational exhibit North Carollaa haa ever seen, .This will be aa added, tvl deaos of the vary remarkable leeraaaa of asblle tnlereat la edaeeUeo. ' ' , - - ? . i " ' ; WBUt TJtAVUJM ! -t : , -Whetker oa pleasure beat or bualaeaa take oa every trip a bottle of By rap of figs, aa U acta aaosl pleesaailr aad st- feataally oa the ktdasys, Urn. tad bow els, preveallag fevers, hianeoaes,- aad oUef fotsas of sick sees, for sale la 10 aaal botUea by all leading droggtete. Muufactared by the Call fori la rig By- rap Co. oaiv ; :..; purposa, It it la to cfr.nd the walking and scrubbing: that porch floors always get. n Filipinos Continue to Surrender. MiKtii, Anril M.--One hnndred and fifteen nfflcers snl l.tTJ bolomen have surronderstl and sworn allegiance to ti a United Smlcsat N ttvaosa, province of South tlocn. The Americans are active throughout tha archipelago, accelerating surrenders.' '-'( 11 . High Water at Cincinnati. CiRDMHATl, April (4. At o'clock tonight tha stsge of the Ohio here Vas 515 feet, bat since p. m., the -rate of rising was reduced from 1 inch an hour to almost i loch aa hoar.; The 'stage at ( o'vduck is 7JV .feet ; alovo A he danger line aad the rateof rWng la gradually lecreaslng. .The flood here sill exceed the predicted limit of 08 feet . . ' The Corn King. Chicago, April 24. Shorts In corn ex perienced another exciting day as the re sult of George H. Phil llpo' efforts to ad vance the price of the cereal, and some o( them were forced to pay as blgli aa i-i cents a liiisliel for the privilege of covering , their May coutract. The a'Miye prlte la the hlglienl at which May corn has sold so far on the crop. Tbe trade is now Inclined to regard 50- cent corn as a certainty. Shorts are be coming nervous as tbe tlmi for deliveries approaches, end there is le disposition on the part ot local speculators to sn tsgonlxe Mr. Phillips, whose leadership In the market la now n-garded ss su preme. . According to well-poeted traders, Mr. Phillips Is selling out hi M-y holding o the shorts on his own terms. North Carolina's Self Constituted Nter Political Leaders. Editor JouBsL:Plese allow me space to make this brief announcement to the generous tuanrican people. If I ho President will persist in ap pointing niggers to office from North Carolina, he sluuld oil of respect to common decency to both races telect from the honorable, decent and respect able class. How is the President to know when s nigger politician Is honorable, decen and respectable f ry this: At a tree Is known by the fruit It bears, so t Is s nlggor knwn when be he has no regard for his w nd of honor, or his promise to piy s deh. Awsy with such self constituted sod self inieresl, so called political nigger leader. All paper In the United stales will please copy. Bend your oopy to me marked. Signed, Isaac H. BMirn, The Original McKlnley Man. Valuable Country- Property For Sale. : A tract of land lying In Onslow coun ty directly on tha public road leading frosa Maysvllle to Bwaasboro five miles front tha latter place and Immediately adjoining White Oak River below Stells eoavalnlag about 800 acres of which about M seres la cleared lead la a good state of caltlvaUoa, tha remains sbound fng la timber of various alads.. A large oomforteble dwelllsg, ooUoa gta, aad other aeoesaary - Improvements oa the plaoa all la good ooodliloa for esc. For a eoaatry hoase and fares a ssora deslraMe sltaalloa la aof to be foasd la thoOoanty, being oa the pablle road al oa lbs river ft la very aoceaaeble fross say polsl, a cheap plaoa 10 11 vs with tha Sural fish aad oj stare la eboedsnce, very healthy aad one of the beat baeloeas toesttoaa la the eoaaly, kaowa as Stiver Data, . for)ranbaf laforsoaitoa Sppty to, ' '.f - " "' X. R. Bsaaca. ' -i ' " Don't forget to aao oar stock of X. I. Read's Oxfetda for ladlea bsfora baylag, se I Wat, aad yaw will bay Iheaa. I. t. Beater; ' . ' eO - Bi6'':tt':D,.:6?. a. 4 i 4 ' 1 ; Buyintr Worthless Slate Bonds. Losdos, April 24. A London firm Is promoting tha old scheme of buying np bonds which the Southern States iasued during the .rocoustruotion perlcMl end which later were repudiated by ' the State governments. The papers exploit the enterprise, urging bondholders to come forward." There 1 considerable local Interest in the repudiated hondr, which are largely held here. One bank Is reputed to hold a msjoflty of tbo Ar k-insas Issue, ' Sick Child) Anway's Croup Syrup is more reliable than ipocac, hive syrup or any of the ordinary things given for croup. Quite a number of our customers say that they would not be without Anwaj's Oronp Syrup In the house. They feel safer about thoir children when it is near. Price 25c BRING US YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS. The child will be bettor off, in the long run if you do Here you always get just exactly what the doctor pre scribes. We have the largest stock of drugs, and always take pains to keep up on everything. Prices invariably just and fair the lowest. Bradham's Carolina Cough Cure is a splendid remedy. None better we think. 25c. Bradham's Cola Headache Pow ders are the pleasantess, safest and most desirable of the headache remedies. Price 10c." Bradham's Prescription Pltarmacy, New Bern, N. C. Mall orders filled. Fine Spring Lamb at the Oaks Market today. FINE MEATS ! MIJTTOJr, LAM B, VEAL.. Very fine Beef today. ALWAYS OPEN. Elm City Market, B. SWERT, On Broad Street. We Invite your attention to our Line of Garden Tools. Canton Garden Plows, Fire Kly Garden Plows,, Hand Cultiva tors, Garden Hoes, Garden Hakes, "Prim ing Shears, Band Wooden, Florist Trowels, Hand forks. ' A Small Handled Axe for 60r. A Small nandaaw for 85c And lot of Hardware, Tinware, Gran iteware and other houaehold specialties. tVDnn't forget ua. J. C. Whitty to Slabs ! DDlrvrredatyoardnorforlOr per load for aett SO days. TRENT LUVBItt MILL. Property For Rule. I bavo several oeafrablo Bsafdee for sale, sltaaied la the best reeideaee part of Ue City. Also a busbar of good balldiag Iota la good looaUtlea. 1. 1. wourxaDB! r"-,, n r J is i I i i t i iiii j Big lot just receivwl direct from WU IAJ UVSJ. '.-J Fresh lot Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams and K. 0. Hams. Complete stock Fresh canned Goods. : -t Dried Applw, tree iuality, 5c lb. Also Nice California Prunes only 5c lb. j . It will Pay You l to Buy Your Groceries from 1 J. L McDANIEL Mrnone i. nom js. Eat Satterthwaite & Bro.'s Live Long and be IIai)y. Wo line. Phone us vonr wiintM O delivered. g Phone 169, OflOOOaoeoeeeooCOOOS Lovers of Good Coffee Listen! U I have secured the agency for tlie CELEBRAThjo ROYAL 1 Ll'E MOCHA AM) JAVA COFFEE that retails for !!5c lb, :t lbs for tl (ill .,11 ov.-r I be I'liited States, but in order to introduce it to IImikc wlio aiiiuvcinto irood r-ottVp. T will ,.n f,- 25c per pound until fur! her notice, and to show 6iy further continence in tl,c c uuliti.-s of lioyal Blue, I propose to give away APSOU'TKLY KI!KK every Mftli pound. Those vi lio love cjkk! cofrec, ami wunt got si cofliie, now is your cbiiiuc. Watch the slate. Yours for good coffee, fc. j J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. Phnn r?7 lasfic arbon P aint Stops the Leaks, Wears Will, and la Guaranteed, -,- Qaskill Hardware Co. SOLI A MINT V" TJ af idols Br, HEW liBH, . 0. mom 1'47. r O C factory ranging in ftom WliOIesale & ICetail wter, 1 71 Bread HL liave anvthinir in t. lie trrocerv w nml irt promptly 61 Broad Street, g FOR YOUR ROOF. ' - , K C : f Cr . r 1 I i i