-r ''j .-7. y. i i - N ! i: NEW BERN, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, M4T 1, 1901. VOL XIX NO'.. 26. TWENTIETH YEAR , ft , m if 'A I TO. - iuuu vuuu lav A ' , . '! ' 91 hL, . 3 UW ft--,- - FOB ONE WEEK CWIXV - ' TO 00 FOU iX&S THAN.XO3T In Taffetas. NOTE TBI0E9-75c and now 86c. TIERS IS A BIG INDUCEMENT A Curtains for i.1.25 and f 1.2' or 98c; ' - tiers and Table Covers- ; ; : - ft ft :', SEE AND EXAMINE onr NEW LINE of Crepe Dechine Organdies in nil shades. PKI0E3 RIGHT. .,: ... r ft ft i f ft HACKBURN'i 47-49, POLLOCK STREET. - $ Like EverythTng' Else there are all kinds of groceries on, the market. But there is a big difference in the quality: Onr customers toll us the quality of our groceries is very much better than any they ever .had. - . I have just gotten in a Fresh line of those Fancy Cakes, which oro very fine; I have also just received a nice lot of Bald win Api'lee which we will sell haturday Only for COcpk. sffi-Qive us a call for your future orders, ' Tours to please, (, , . , - J. -33. EAJEKKBK,--.3Tr., Wholesale and PHONE C9. Cor. Ilroad fc Hancock Sis. 3 iXtiViXiXilX1 ASUflXAfS astie aim Paint Stops tho Loaks, Wears Well,". ;and Is Ouaranteod. ' . . iou ivtnt, ' , . ' it MiosLa f, - - HEW BIRJf. H. 0, 17. Is supposed to bo tree. W give It freer . - Como lo our place nnd blow up your tire, Ynlr, Tr.bnnr, Frntliervtonr, ; ' ?!onpr!el Iltrjrtrm TIRES J. W. I'HCJKIITON, JilW BJEH!.. C. For Rent. tr.r S f r-tH Ffl t4 ! rxj k (' .r(fy r' i ' ! 7rTrt f'tt ht'f ' ' t I t i. k M - t : . (ha r J 4 rf rr t 1 a i 1 nn rfi A ' ' ; ' .t ",.: t T T. I . TMXfiPVfirtl V UMV MW WU 1 1 - 200 piece Black and Colore. 88c, now OOcj l.O0 and fl.SCi . " 1 for hoiisekeepers;T-t2.00 Lace also a BIO OUT in Damask, For- 'Vfr : . and Retail Oncer,- on FOR YOUR ROOF. . GaskiH Hardware-Co 111. SUSKIH, It (iei. qurtcrt for OX AM. Spring Goods A IVrftli, New Hlotk of lntllm mid (Jrnt rurnlnhlnuK, Dry f4oHl nnd C'lolliln. Jindfrn nnl ilent lenient tityle Ilnlwniu lihe inn n mil pik I Villi Convince you. n. suski;, '1 t!'-:i to MB EUIIEO. 1 Variety jof HewsTrom' the. Offl- - ciai State Centre. Key. Mr. Dlxoa Preparing a Beok. Andltorloni neetlsg Friday. , Chief Fair anhal. Telt ' ; Book Commlssiaa : - - 1 s .i Finish Wtrk. Balbioh, April 80. Farm work is very active. The ground It la line con dition for planting. " r- ' The news that the damage to fruit- la this State --was greatly eiaggerated, Is very gratifying, , Rev. Thomas Dixon It here,- and at work In the Bute Library teonrlng data regarding the reconstruction period la thlt State, lor publication In a book. ? The Commissioner of Agriculture say fertilizer talet are falling off very rapidly. . .. - The removal of the' milltarv ttoree from the State arsenal began to day. It it learned that there will be a large attendance of the Daughters of the Con federacy from this State at the reunion and general convention at Memphis next month. , ' ' The auditorium stockholders are call ed to meet Friday. It li understood they will yield to public sentiment and buy jhe property , adjoining the Acad' emyof Music, enlarge the latter and make It a spacious theatre and audi toriam. Thlt plan hu complete popu lar approval. The, i lawyers , and the insurance agents here are practising for a game of base ball, In aid of a charity in this city. - . - In the Superior Court here today there was a trial of the tlO.OOO'libel suit of John B. Hussey vs. The Hews and Ob server. . There are many ; witnesses, among them' - ex-Gonffrea . Grady,- -of Duplin; J. F. Williams and & F. Per tall, of KernersYllle. i J' ' President Cox, of the State Fair an- nounoet that General Wnv P. Roberts accepts the appointment as chief mar hs'l. . The executive committee Of the fair adopted resolutions 'expressing Its pleasure at this appointment and ao ceptanoe. ' ; ''vv-7x The tub-eommlttM of. the textbook commission found It could finish bust- new tt last nights session 'and did so Its work . covered a period of thirty working dart, beginning March 28th. There are Un members. ' They , were paid per diem and all expenses and ten cents, mileage. It required about t,700 to pay them. ' Their report was handed la today. ; ' ' Mrs. Bbtpp and'Mrs. . Robert Tbomp- son, daughtert of F. H. Bnsbee, Esq bvre returned here, the first from a flslt to the battlefield of Baatlago de- Cuba, where her husband was killed In action; the latter from Bremen, Gar- ' V t i Skin affeetlont will readllr dlaaoDear by eslflg DeWIlt't Witch Saiel Balre. Look out for eouaierfelts. If yon got Ds Witt's you-will get good results. It U the quick and poaiilfe cure for piles.. F S Duffy 4 Co. ' '': .,' Horpin Bnyi Steamsnlp Line, Lojido. April t9 The first tup In the direction of the coasolldatloa of one of the biggest trass-Atlantic ship ping Interests hat been accomplished by the parchese by J. rierpOal Morgan Co., of the Lrytaad Lite of steamers. poll on the purchase money bat beta paid. A reprf eentallTe of the Aseoclaled freu learnt that the purchase of the Leytaad Line la taattmoal to It coa aolMalloa with the Allaatlo Transport The katl la natality ttd most qnalliy deeeribee IHWItlTt Liu It Early (I l am, the famous pills for coattlpalloa tad liver complaints. F B Daffy eV Co. Soprtme Coort Opinion. ipdal to Joe mat RaUtet), Ap'tt 10, The Snpreae Court filed the following optaloat today 11 art) j va. Hardy from Lenoir no or- for." . ilLlndaey va. Beaasaji from Oreeaeao trm. Bank vs. Lumber Co. from Cberokr ae error. North tt. Dssa front Traniflrenl odlSad tail tiHroied tf b party to pay one half ela o( appeal. Olna rs. N. A W. ttallroad Co. from for. j the ao efror. Tbe to!ln!B appalj were dlpol of by perteilaei ordar to wit! Cha.llaa VS. rlatl frrna I laf Wi'.;ima vs. Tatbtti frnm '- flrm.ri. .I'l-i..r-l f,f f.'.-sra lo i ''- i t"' 1. J V..rr.t ( 1 ' f ( - ' ' n ' ti, T ' tti m fi.i. n ' n r f I W . Vt . 1 f t ' ' i I ! ' t ' ;. .'. r ' r r 17 I,-.!. HILL ROT READY. Hot to Make a Trip Through the South Regards Suggestions of Candidates v : at This Time Premature. .' AuaaMT,' Ni' T., Ex-Governor.' David B. Hill today gare out tht follow-i Ing statement: - - " ' "My attention hat been called to the story which is going tbe rounds of the press that I am expecting to make a polUIcal trip through the West and South, either this year or next. I dctlre to state that I do' not contemplate any bach trip, v h I will state further that I am not a candidate for tEe Democratic preaiden-j tie! nomination la 19.4. I am neither seeking tbe nomination, nor expecting It. I regard all suggestions of candidates at thlt time premature and Inadvisable. No one can tell now what'ean or ought to be done in 1904." , Soldlers' Home Arrangements. "RaLBigH, April 80. This morning State Auditor-Dixon tent out a . notice to the directors or the .Soldier'., Home calling on them to meet here next Mon day to make all tbe arrangements about the home. . ' - Work Is now In progress at the. Ilome In the way of beautifying the grounds Tbe fences hare been removed. De Witt's Little Early: Risers search the remotest parts of the bowels and re move the impurities speedily ' With no discomfort. They ate famous for their efficacy.' Easy to take, never gripe." F S Duffy 4 Op. MRS. NATION INSANE., The Saloon-Wrecker Attacks One of Her Friends In Jail and to r laced in Sol . , . ltary Confinement J Wichita, "a., April 89 Mrs. Carrie Nation, the saloon vfrecker, hat broken down and It supposed to be Insane. Tbe crisis in her condition followed a term of solitary confinement and the receipt of the newt of her brother's " death. It is thought by physicians who have ex amined her that the will toon recover, but It It believed by others that her con dttlon It hopeless. On Thursday Mrs Nation had a light with her friend, Mrs. Wllholt, who was confined In the tame celL 8he accuted Mr Wllholt of being two-faced and tald the was a spy of the saloon men to set evidence aialntt her and that she cast evil epells upon ber csue Mrs. Nation slapped Mrs. Wllholt and pulled her note. :L :v '"v. Sheriff 8immont vu forced to place Mrs. Nation la 'solitary confinement In tbe rotary oeU. She was also put on tbe bread and water diet : ; t v. On Saturday morning newt came here that her -brother wet dying at Lewls- bnrt and aha wat advised to acoeDt ball at once and go to him. James Ray, her attorney, and Wilbart Jones, her former bondsman. Vend - best, friend, visited the Jail and" asked. to. tea ber... They explained lbs reasons' the should accept bond.:. ' .: y Mrs ' Nation stared at them, then buret Into a hysteric tirade- agalott them land tald If the wanted to get out tbe woold fly. This alarmed ber friends, who snmmoaed her phy- tlclaa. ' ' is , - ';. He titled that the wat Insane. David Nation, bet . hatband, wat ao- tlfled. ' , ;.; Mrs-Pslloa wat much better lata to- nlahl and accepted ball.' It wat ta aouaoed that tbe would be released In tb custody of friends. ' ' t , To are much mot liable . to dWaae wksa your liver ttd bowels do not act properly. De Will's Utile Karly Rbtrt remove tbe eaate of disease. F 8 Duffy Co. f; : ; - . CANT BB BURIED. Lsagktlng Bart not Allowel to EX Bcrimeaten hit AstltusU Bl-rmW. V AprlUO.-IUcauae ill elerjymea prayad to Mayor Ilreeir prohibit ta eipertnasl berlal.tbe Mayor kas st rerd to tbe prohlhltlnn, and Will Brlckbnute will not be Interred ellvtBsitTbaraday, aa advert I e.1. la stead there trill be a lu4o slwip. fi they bare this afternoon erl a wia flow la the pnatofiloe ballillng f r ,r demonilrailoa of bypnnollc Inllufnre. Tbe mlnlttars trl that tht "tablb' tloa will be detrimental to Hit BV'ta! lone of the eo-nntnltt," and frlbr ll.il It "will lriil to Urrorlie Vnotanr di'p tht aanrUly of hnm l!f, an to furnUh the Vlrlmn su-I rrlmlr.al f.n'. '. 1c 117 -'.'( n In n,' 'n it of v!r, 1 lie tiif tire rw.l'.l r f. "it tl S ln ! in 1 ll lUrf'ffli B. I'.eT- .H, l i r rn An ll 1 I I the markets. ' The following quotations wore receiv ed by J. K Let it 11 A ConNjw ' Bern r ..!- Nw Toes, April 80. COTTOWt Dnen. lllch. l-o w. Cloe May...... July'..., , Aug v-, Oct , . 79? "T 0 79J 70 ,r74 ,80J 73 TJB' ;7.0J 7.H 7 0i 7 05) , - Chloii$of April 80 Whba' Open. High. Low. Close May 7!i 7-'i 7IJ 72 Julyy...... 7i, 7i 78 Corn: .- - lijtea. lllgh. . ... ill 4 i Low; Close 47, 48 44 Low. Close May.: July , Rlha:- . Open. High. My 831. July ..a. 7 9J 833 8 30 8.3) 7.9 H 7-93 7.031 High Liw CIom 89 '' 85J s. 80 ' 103 104 105 St.icxai -Open. So, It'y Pfd.. .. 81 Oont .......... 10U So By Sit 82) 31 161; 163 82 104 109 141 50 681 101 i 601 43 Rook Is,..... . 184 Mo. V . .. 103 13 ....... 63 (Per.). J00 59 1101 JOS 11,81 13 . 08 03 100 081 104f 471 O.L 9. S 071 51 lOlf 601 100 4J 124 U 9. 8, A. R. S.. B. & O. . ,100, .. 4 ..133, .. 33 19'J - 73J 0. & O. A. M. 0. Dm. ... OB& q Atoh Sugar..., 8. T. P . 133 138 83 32 109 10 73 . 73 1481 146 I7i I7.'l 198 75 -1473 1721 147 , Llverp.itit Spots 4.31,33 dales 7,0)0 bales. Futures, May-June 4.33, Aug-4ept. 432. . . Kama week lat year. 6,0 Q 10,000 4,000 0,000 0,000 9,000 48,000 This week. Sat. 11,000 . 23,000 34,000 Mon. Toes. Wed, Thurs. Fri. Advices to J. K. Latham A Co.: . Nnw York, April 80 The general dulness In demand for cotton causes declines. Market Improved later on un favorable government report, . . Moons & Co- Patronize Home Industry, - we make these three reme dies' right here In our pharmacy" The formulas are recog nixed among tboae who know, as in every wsy reliable and commendable. Anwavs Croup 8yrup 25cL uraansmt uoia iietdacne foWdert lOot, - Bradhun't Carolina Cough Cars I5cl If anyone la not tatUfactory, come back and get your money. We know what we're about, Thoy're good and you'll like them. , , Bcveo iboutaod pretcrlpllons , were compounded by ut last year. Not a telle take. Sevea thousand times did pedplr place oonfldeeoe In as to put op their medlcli a. ' Thlt year,; at tbe present rates we'll go way abead of that. Wbat'r tbe reason' Thlak It over. BaannAu's PnrtcnirTioH PaAUMAcr, New Bra,N. C . . - v , Mail Onlert Promptly Filled. - DIAMONDS ! Not South African, Hut a Most Popular K)lo of ITioUogTnplw, such as you hnve jjever paid ' lcia than 1.00 pnr i drtu-n. OUlt FPEC1AL rilICK 40o per i dnzn. - -FA.K0T3 C0J1PAHT, MitMle U nftr rroad. Dobbin A Ferrail, At Tucker's Stora. Raleigh, N. C . Preparation For School Commencements Iks Begun, Wtr,Vat ;.rl'!y rf ; ';' fon itjn.ts-'.t r-'i f"t t'r.irf 1.1' 1 f fir f,t'.' ; ' 1 !' J li f-'. j - I, I . . n I tana 41 I - n ' a J?l l'ffr fh l .ri r 1 t. Send your Wheel To my Shop If it ttands in need of Repairs. -Mv VMltmMI .M .Vtlli) In thr.l litw. and can transf orn a next-to-useless bicy cle Into a handsome, easy running and ruimuie maciune, ana tne cost will not be In proportion to the satisfaction Given. tar A 11 kind nf nrPFIfTn T BCPirnc on I'lcvcleg, (iuiis or similar machinery, yvn. t, nir.i,, Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, Graph opbonet, Job Printing, Rubber Stamps. , 91 A 98 Middle St.. New Bf-rn. N. C Look Ont For Onr Mai 1st Welflesday Sale- We' will clean out our entire stock of AGATE WAUE In gray and white enamel at still lower prices than we have sold them on onr previous sales. This sale comprises the most complete assortment of everything imaginable In that line. A Big Lot or Crockery just received, will also be ttrrtflced on that dav. in cluding, Cow. Dishes, Platters, Nipples Bowls, Sugars, Gravy Boats, etc., and 350 Cups tnd Saucers at 8c. The only 6c and 10c store In town. NEff CiJITOBI CiiH STORE, 69 Broad St., TOLSON'8 OLD STAND, Next to Swert's Meat Store, Opposite ' Jones' Stables. Notice ! YThe publto It hereby notified that I am not or will not be responsible for any bills whstever contracted without my written authority. - Signed: J. M BRAGG. April 26, 1901, Middle) Bt NEW BERN, N, C . Modernly Furnished. Sample Rooms. Bath Rooms. Table Un excelled. ' . Special rates by week or month ' MAX L. JACOBS, Propiletor. NEW ICE! At the Old WaUon & Daniel's Ice) ftouto. . . Polite and Prompt Attention. l ice Delivered it your bouao - , :' -i XVM. DEJTIf IS, At Us Old lee Beate, Mliils It id HazeUoD, THE PRUDENTIAL has the Strength of Gibraltar You cannot at tort to make your wile and children carry thelnauranceon your.ilfo, BUT EEIIEUBER IF YOTJ DON'T THEY DO. If you contcm ptato talalnj: a I'oiiry it 'will cf."t you noth- lr.,T to ret an C3 tI:::ito frcr.i tho :'rud::itlal. IT r:GUT jllsiWhVirVte mom Big lot just received dnect from factory ranging in price from 25o to 60c. Fresh lot Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams nnd N. C. Hams. . Complete stock Fresh canned Goods. ' Dried AppUs, nice quality, 5c lb. Also Nice California Prunes only 5c lb. v It will Pay You to Buy Your Groceries from 'Phone 91. lovers of Good Coffee Listen! I have secured the ngency for the CELEBRATED ROYAL 5 BLUE MOCHA AND JAVA COFFEE that retails for. 35c lb, 8 lbs for $1.00 all over the United States, but in order to introtfUoe it to those who appreciate good coffee, I will sell for 25c per pound until further notice, and to kIiow my further confidence in the cup qualities of Jloyal Blue, Lpropose to give away ABSOLUTELY FREE every fifth pound. Those who love good coffee, and want good coffee, now ia . your chance. Watch the slate. Yours for J. J. TOLSOT, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. Phone 137. OCCC04e4O0000 ;JTTST IwSMHCVED O A BIO LOT of Country Hams, also a Fresh lot of Fox River Q Print Butter- We have everything in the Grocery line and it X will be to your interest to see us lefore buying. X Yours respectfully, 1 1. M. Satterthwaite & Bro. X Wthone J69f . liiSLBook Store X TV T Sj A A T n n k TAB l KTH -' n is e .'A- T T ' I T y H H ' If ro are not tatlaued with what f row have beoa getting from o therm. X we eaa please yon. - , I :. G. N. Ennctt. J 11 One Minute ; Jf' taken In algnlog an application Jjl Vv ff life asuranta policy may jCw mvi your fnmlly from m whole I f'Y' ' lifetime of want and misery. J r ft LNaf Wholesale Ss Retail i Grocer, 71 15nil St. mm good coffee, W. K. T. B. 61 Broad Street Valuable Residence For Sale. I offer for tali,' my residnnce on tln Southeast Comer of Union and Crnvi n SU. in the City tifNow Bern. TIiIh hmv contains 8 rooms In basement, 8 r.nns on flrat IliHir, 8 rnoma nn second Moor, and 8 rooms on tMrd floor, making a total of 14 rooms' The house la in good condition. The lot fl"180 feet on Craven street, and 80 'e t on Cnion ttreet, Any peraoa dinlring to purrliaae tit i n pnperty, I will show It to them. Poa aeaafrm given immediately. f. K. BBYAN, Ba, a v s O