l , sfaai4iV.A,t,VV.V.)n.A, Tha Kind Too Have Alwnro TVinc-tit. nni vi t-h i.n tu use fop over 80 years, has ' , All Counterfeits, Imitations tuidMJust-s-good''are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of -Infants' and Children Experienoe against Experiment 1 .What is CASTORIA ; C-Castoria is. St harmless substitute fSr Castor Oil, Pare' gorlc, Drops And Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains notther Opium, -Morphine nor other Sfercotio " substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms , nnd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind CoUc. It relieves Teethingr Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the - Stomach and Bowels, grivlng healthy and Plural sleep- ' ,; iu vuuiuws iranacea xjie GENUINE CASTORIAV ALWAYS Sean the Signature of " ' The Kind You Hare Always Bought - In Use For Over 30 Years. li mmmmmmMmmmm wro anmunnmnm tt. iinwniain, ' ' '" N A LITTLE DOES MUCH. . ' ,lv Boon, Iowa, Du. M. Ho ten in mb tell what I bav endured in th past tan yesra wllb my moulhlr lok. - na. Whil auftorlnt; untold njrony, irland called tod r.commandad Win o'. . Crdai. 1 Mat lor bottl. and Ohl wht - rallaf . Alt tha flrat dot I bent to In I r and bun hud no pln (Ine. T. ; MJU. QBAGB LAktFHBBB. 111 Win of Cardul not only curei but it ids AT ONCE. Here is tease of ten years' Handing, and yet one (ingle dost made the tuffertr feel better, -and (tupped tlx pain. -The Wine cots straight to the (eat of the trouble. r -It acta directly jtpon the menttrualand genital organs, v Its action It not violent, and H dues not force t result. simply gives Mature that IHtle ", assistance that the sufferer's system tacks, A single disorder tn the r feminine organs -spreads many disorders ail over the body, and when tbe W'ne cures the source, all Uie other ills vanish as a matter of course. A woman on be her own, physician and eureberseK at home.' Local ex-' Ullir aittSMI ItrMTtUIT, flrorUofm, 4Il.k, (If im ninpuini. Druflgists sfjll Largo Capital, Sarflu sad rrefltf ll.H , ArRQ. tit it. v1 OftN-A BANK ;accol 1 AND YOU CAN ANY tANT Om of the mmy ennventmr (lrrld j fn m having lnk Srwrnnl t the pnjT- mintf4slltlllilyrhfk,lhHrllviigl T' ur mlml f tbe n uy bar T;tr ( yXTTn I Th pl ur mt nf lutvlnc S Vwitiful and rfflrta 4 rmnf twlv fn V't) St onf rinmlor It rwt a ml nnuliivmUw. l i no. will fiprtj a nitiit with , r,'y tf r . it .it m u m -r s -f7" yr nave You oeen the ly rjgiwt U fin r?i itn s o y . yiu i . Jnnk ti-Oto oa iia '., -. , " m M.eru.i. ilryq Pictures s, . v Russell House, Whfle In IWof'Xt tar 4 imp il lb Kill II. Mr4l A bne for leMn panfi'. TiaHInf 4klne -vrl l, .Tnr. 11S 4y ett IV6 rr if. ir. nuxrorr. - - -f ttft tlfnnil fllrrrl Tif-.t..f .... -if.. . ti.r-t- i ' . tt b t I .i ill it I ar b m .r . Ml mrt r, II V . . ullr hw -.)( V. f ifMn ' . I ( fif Sm . f I . k i 1 fvlMAT (1 I ii ( t ; jiakiHti ,l -. ! r nM Ww1 t I. In . ( wf . f -' twl ! ' rjt-r-,' ?! borne tte slffnatnre of1 ana dub been made nnder bis per sonal supervision since its infancy. . Allfflliin nnatAAmln ntn in it, la- " jnotners Jmend. amnuitons are au-gery tningsol ine ' past the obnoaloue custom is no -; longer necessary. Wine of Cardul . b the only perfectly safe and sure -vegetable Wine made fxfay for the curt of fenulttroubitsS'----' , .; . ' - :. . 1, !, Bottles for '.$I.00.v. ; In order to nuke room for Rjirinf Goods wtMrlll for NEXT 80 DAYS sell our entire line of JlSJATIXa 8TO-K8 AT COST, AND BELOW COST. '.v We need room.' Too need ttOYod". Now is your time.' Come, ..... . " YottrS foT bUftlnrM, , - T h fllTI If) I! W f f n ! ti. bUllllJ 11 Wil UJ th) Kxhil.ftWxt i' Henrys Pumvtcy, . . 127 LTJJle Street. TUa U H avi (of b"aal cU' of, lb I It f"pr lot if k r illltfl ms ,; "V:. i . -y mk j llearmg Out ; ; ' U" ot !, l, o ViM, til t- 'wu, li)f Muf la Bunt, a ' 'n?! (. 0 'v I ft fc a ffl-i-a Inl'ill'i - fit ' 1 t i.i f , 1 S ! " a fcf V a e' 1 V ri ' I L't '- t. F"f T-. : 1. A a '. I , ti ! 1 1 t : ,', Mil -. '; I i. F.I A r.'a, 1 h, ' V.J,.?, !i. t A e. , , To tlone Coi Abroad. Tod fclddtie. !!: jari'in li-r Aiierimn Jotkcy. who iiimli- mil li c.U njowlntj in the Grand AmeiUini liainHcnp fur the profetiiiloiial wing ahit chainplon- rh!p of th- I lifted Stati n, mil l-av for England alicut tlo LiUUilc of May. lie In suing alirnnd to rutikv utipllcatlon for renewal of bit license, tfUich wee withdrawn by lhe Engllh Jk''f!t, UiKt yuar. Klo.ine U of the opinion that be will be allowed to ride In England, again. In speaking of bra futuro plana a few days ago bo tntd: " -... "I do not fimr tbe remit of my applp cation. . 1 be English Jockey club atew arda are men ot .sterling character. They bare alwaya boeo -fair to ata In - - , tOD SLOANS. erery respect " When tbey bear my slue of tbe story, I believe tbey will ; coDilder tuelr former action and will give me a license. - - ' "If a license Is granted me, I will re- .turn to America about tbe middle of tbe season. It It my Intention to make flying visits back and forth between America and England. -', "1 bare not been engaged to ride for any particular stable. -1 will free lance until I ran see my way clear to a good engagement. -" . - ,-. - - "The story, circulated that I lost beavily at tbe recent races In Frisco is only trne In part. As a Jockey I. did not bet, but as an owner: 1 did put down a few wagers. Tbe amount tant I lost did not hurt me much financially. ' "My Lady was s bad triveatmeut, but Credo proved bis wortb several times over. -. Credo la by long odds tbe- best cross country horse in - America. No weight in tvnBou- It too heavy Tor lilm, no roots too long. .He Is en route to New York. . I wlU enter htm In all tbe stake events. I may sblp him to Eng- bind, but hare not decided on tbls ac tion at present." 1s,-" t Srfr. t V fM'-'-.-.i v'-t .. ' ' Caam Reatrtetloas Fi CrelUt. i'Tbe - Notional ; Cycling sMoclBtlon racing board of control bas determined that cyclists shall hereafter oln'crve tbd proprieties of dress whi'ti taking part In optm race meets. .Cue of tbe rales recently promulgated by -the board bas to do with evil of lite part. Not only soljed salts and those which Offend by having no -sleeves and vx trnordluarlly low necks, but those bide out color combinations of other days are expreily 'forbidden. " The rule reads its fotlowt: "All riders will be re qulred to- appear In black breeches (knee .tights),' though stripes of any color may be oaed. Tbe color of lbs shirt is optional. Jto attendant will tie allowed on- tbe track; daring s rare meet .unlets bis costume Is neat and proper. .' Sleevelets undershirts.-etc, will come within tbe .objectionable style of attire." Tbe terms of tbe rule seem a little arbitrary, bnt If it suc ceeds In correcting so ertl so general snd so disagreeable to spectators It wlU not be criticised for its phrase ology, 'x;:' r- j,. . , i;vi 1 1 1 -. .t -. :-;f Bfwn Ceajab Tale. ; Walter. Camp, Tale's chief stbletle sdrlaer, baa atated tbat Tale's bead foetball eoscb next fall will be Gordon Brown, captain of last year's cbtmpl ontblp eleven. It bss been known for some time that Tale's football sotbork ties were insloas to btre Brows tsk command at New Haven, bnt It wss said tbat bntlneas'mlgbt interfere, sir. Camp's positive declaration, however, tbat Brown wlU be lb bead coach will prove welcome news to the followers of Ibsbloe's fortunes. , . . sir. Camp also stated tbat berrsfter tbe puts of ttvlng t be varsity captain cboam bead coach for tbe ensiling rail Woeld 4 pnt Into effect . "Tal will bare Is build op slmoat as, entirely new sieves next fall." said Mr. Camp, "burtiklm' Brown spoeara to be tbe ma a to secompllah tbls feat with tbe moef toccees, He proved to be one of Tale's greatest football trad ertvsnd be enjoys tbe confidence of tbe entire onlverslty.", - . Tralao Dak Ooa Btev- William Doka, lb Americas trainee Snd partner of Enoch Wlsbard. bas fallen biio s verttthl gold mine by bis engagaent In Engltnd : wltb Hlr Tburtby Ballnbory. Tbe Vtnkee ban diet is lo look tfirr the lattrr't stshic lntrta si s salary of fJS.000 s yir snd 10 pre cent of the gfoa smesol of tbe aTlHlr sad purars won by the bora In bis charge. tuk bas Slao bren gtvra HM blanrhe to lart tny bur k Ilka ami la UT.-.t J."4.ts art vlake-wlniiara In Hlr rlltinr;'t all II wa duke's tumaaa wltb bis ttrtiig 0f artn borajat tal r that l liljs lo lila fat rfifarma't)L n ti k Dial ssmbrr of thorogglitirrde be won 3 rara, U U-at prrtiiar of wle- ar tiKnrd oat by tny oo Iralivr. bll R.d. trI.Wnt "bHm yimmre of U Trrr' rrtrtertlte aKUttnai and ho 11 fi-ar ttr4 tth Hi Sli burg Nttniil laigne aonnniirr 1,'a r-1lrrmDl at S rfrlm t iil fUyet. fiamblMf of til rrtlr Bwnt. r.imrtwe f t): ! I,r. tMn l1rcr4 wtih drnslil r)- 111 g iml t rrjlhlfg r'w .j ot II, rn- ti Ml - 1st Inn, I if a; I f l' i-tai l."T lt.t I l4 iv.l. ty f.,r it. tt If VM Iif (',. ( '!,., ,j p '"I 1. ..:. . r ,.f 11,, U'tr ai '-! ' r' v r. c ! ( ! i -. 1 a 1 '. ' 1 .,- " ' . ft ' . i I : , at ; - 1 I s a 1 r U T i. L L.. k.'t, wiu tli kr.-rL I U k. rr ti.l Hire I in, tw In iLw coumrf rou!J arii. a okiil SO Aa lui a at rvuld coat 14 I tuitiuw ut Hilmra. ' b lh i;k'l foalbcf prt-3j t aci artnavl . . Tb kKrfuilnl boarkapr the sroovrj ana ail rouo TVr aiwok 10 , hat omla Ilk c aarttHpuk. Iioo th, aroim'l -Tbtj rouidn t itt ahaad of bar; bar anotto arm. - all lima. "Tb dima that nk iba dollan, aa lb dollan . aaik Ux dlmaaf . .. aD, riw'd flfrar baesr out Ollltfll tb town anal corporal -MB aomr of Hwni wall frtaBda af .bn took her I. Saar koak atala To tb rrrr cllr si It-th bltrsaat, bra) hotol.' Wbar aacb anlaut aieank anor aaooar tban ariuV Mtlc aawld lallt . r -; Th waltata Uragafoa' bac tU ihamd tap It . . . - to kill, . v . .-. ... ' - . . Aa t Urn tb want lo aat ah aakad 'am, , a. "Wbat'i tb bllir' i - . An, luikln at tb bill of tart, tb, only abook bar brad. is U ibr (raat tnrprlte of all aba boUrnd ut, - .v: "Cora Ixaadt" -j v -. U all are frat too anidt far hart to tot tnltar ' -- amllt - v. , ,-..;r; t-yj-v--. , t! lhar mMnt batt lM aMIara, arblcb at bom ii' , amtiM no aaihl' . (-v.. v v An a all nniMo't .alan' It: alia, left tbat Seta. ' kal'iim, ' ' -An aha'a uw al knart I ClMVIIl lo toeoau , : torn Moral .-, - -- , ,, c -Atlanu ConKituiloa. , Anotlur niitorlcnJ SoTel - ' ' ."Oh, yen, be'ssw'fly fbiyer. ; ITtd you bear slwttt his Is test effort?' - y "Ko." . '.' : "ne's writing s historical novel that Is based on tbe Incidents of' 'Mother Goose.'" Cleveland Plain Dealer,", ' -.-4 th Wta Le Pormnnto. j'Toutb Alim Stanhope, you're post tlvely tbe only person I've met today wortn stopping to speak to. ; -w k. a .Miss Stanhope (thoaghtfullyt - ln deedl ' l'ou art) more fortunate than I tun. ranch. - t. Fan Por Brohr, Too big bolly. Junt wait till my' hlg brudder sect you!" -Xcw York Evening Journal. . ' iij'af'.'..:'.1 1 1 '" 1 !r r'-"'i . ' ..' A Sr SIb ' "' '- Novelist-Hurrah! My new book will sell 100.000 copies. - j '. Frletid-Wlio liflS accepted It T ' i Novelist-No one yet. but It bas been rejected ten times. -Syrarnto Herald.. WOMAN ' , mum annum . mvmoAL mrmmiarr In good condition she is sweet and lovable, snd sings life's song on a Joyful harmonious string. , Outset order or vnstrung, there Is discordance and unhapplness. J tut as thorn Is one key note to all musie so there Is one key sot to health. ' A woman might as well try. lo fly without wings ss to feel well and look well while the organs tbat make bar a woman are weak or dltaased. She must be healthy Inslds or she can't bahealthy outside. There are thousands of women suffering silently all ever the country. ' Mistaken modesty Mtgee their silence, While there It nothing more adm liable than a modest woman, health' la ef the first Importance. ..Every other con si dart Hon shourd give way before H. Brad, field's Female Regulator Is s medlolne lot women e ilia, ills blltng ot lbs womb, nervous seas, htadacha, beokscne and gen eral weaknesa. Yos will be astonished st the result, es pecially If yea kavs sees eipartmea. tng with other so oalltd remedlea. We are not asking you to try an uncer tainty, Bradlleld't FUgklator hss m ado hapjrioouaandsof woman. What tt bas don fcr ethers II esa do for yes. Sold In drag alerts lor tl s bottle. ' , A lr-a etaatrMaal ill b. ml 4U WWwrttav TAT aUATXIXB ccuAToaco. AtUarU,(, J li' T f Jr I I. . ak iT y . - A ' F r,f j 1 ju ... y rkosMkon nr.t of thb worlb ouMoT tlilnk of air!p a ri1t anai!i tan orrl.illitng. 1'i.a nt th lumrliaol 1 1 I tn ha J nf ruit,!n( lo fit wll,l '"I il, l"-k I and tit Tnur i .)., I'r-m i. r In im " r I Vie ail. I rra I - u a a : I of rli.tlilrg l i.-it! at i, I g' arm ; I Im lllli! I r ii i. t. V ai. I'll! ' I ' j r 1 "! 1 1 1 r 11 1 OL " " h,' ' IK' 'II ) M. I 1 7 J n I .1 1 1 1. f?; LiaT I mW Ft. ..J U4 . tJm It.., 9 .JK- . i-;5 Illl IVi.-'i t m au r- w f TV' 1 . .fi"-- Weinvitai voniattiintinn to iLJl?V!h. 9"'DeT't- . .. . ----- 01 Marten Tools. anton tiarden Plows, Fire r ly Garden J losys,, Iland - Hltiva- tora, Cartlon Uoes, (Jarden Rakes, Pntn-; inpr fhears, Faitd ;. Weeders, : Florist ' Trowels, Hand' o'ks., ' A r'mall Handled Axe for Sfle. A t-mall nanrlawfor 8Se. ' ', ' Aud lots of I'ardwoio, 1 In ware, Gran. itovfaro and rtl:cr i ouwltnid specialties, lne estate of the late. Capt. M. F. Mor . Don't forgot iV &IWJJ?&2 t : J. C. Whitty CO, : ..HflAtQAliTEES FOR HARDWARE And all Kinds of r BDILEIHG MATERIAL, Heating and Cooking Stoves and Bnogcs, .aim", Otimeitt,, Plaster, P-iDl, Oile, Vsrnlsh, -Pult Sasb, Doors, Ulinds, Outlery and all. the useful articles nntlly fonnd In sn Up-t v-dste llard waro Store. ' Bet Goods. -IowcHt Prices." Under Hotel ChatUwka, NEW 1IEK1V, N.' V, EASTERN CAR(M12 DISPATCH : LINE, AN For All Points North. The Steamer NEXJSE will leave on Mondavi. Wed need art. sod Frldajt st 6 p. tn. shsrp, mak ing landingt st OrionUl, snd Roan oke island. ? . . - .- , - i NAGS IlEAD. The Str Jtfewberne Commeselug July let, wlirjesTS st II o'clock soon on. Tuesdays ssd Friday t, making lanilirgs at Oriental, Ikiaaoke laland sod Saga Head. fi". , Si7 Freight reocleed not "Utoi than one hoar previous to sailing. For further information arplj to GEO. UENDKICJ0N, Aft, - H. K. Kiid, Oen. Vt.,- : , . 1 1L0, IIUlaiSS,Oen.Frt.i Pna,Aft . ' Norfolk, Ts. . lACtJt? Ilirfcforj. NEW SEK.f CONCLAVE 4M.Imprr.vH f)rtlr lli-piaa. plia, anla Imi and Ilk Thufxlay n:glilt. al 8 o'clnrk at ICoon trrli.l. V. A. Willi. An bob! J. J Tailaon, it, FlaaockP, Z V. Mnrpfay, Beo raiary. , , f-UREK A UiDCK KO. 7. I. O O. F. OTcri,, W. F. Cr kail, .GJae B iaao V. U f Om. (Jlan. Ktrty. W, II. Ili rtev. Klntoi 11 rWcn taraj , it, ritt i an, Tir. Ilrrnlar nw-ilngt every lon)y fetfc-til ha 1 aoo'clork. r U.t'r.T KNCA VPM FN T. Kn 4 I () O. f. 0!",it- J i llaiur V- V i M Iifin, II I i T I) Cairawar. H, W A. T. I.ml J. W dm. Otn. t i'J.! ,ir.. Ti' i'r. H'Mir I nrairp. r-rni. ., St.), axil 'Hi (if ) T hm lav j li 't 'i't I" ' h mr r. ih al 7 H-i i rw iu: c. ' ; iiiniK i. r n (..I .1 !l '.: !,. ! H H r i. r-... ; , i 'a ,1 1., -. r I ; 1 i.. ;.f r L rml- r i E.W.kaliwool, 1.. . " CHtLLC, fEVCr.3 ' NiCHT CV.ZATS Grippe and all other forms of maladies when you - ; can be cured by " obcrta, Chill Tonid The world does not contain s better remedy- Many wonderful cures made by it. -a j cents a bottle. Money refunded If It fails to do th work.. . Delight ful to take, ... v v,-- ; . I Mcji Druggists f, a. tlrcwa. Pro, St. B. tfda, T.TrM j.-; ;. H. af, a3tw,)lf,.,,.-..'y.- c-iTizKffwv hank; ; j w-jtmr jBBuun-, ev.c.. (olng General Banking Cuslneu . Ki-lirimryltl, 10 0, ufp!ue s ! - ,dcd 1 ioliU,IS,lS5. and TJndtvi- 1S5.78. HiTimiil Snd earefnl atieuliun ! a.. all liusintws entrusted to us.. Aoconntt rcvoivru on invuraoit lornu.- -.w..:.:..v W4. ,- Hoawal mt Ulrsator. :. ? ., rrdlnnd Ulnoa " ' t. B. Moaulow. , uiwi . .p. . .mill's aaun Jmii baa. H.Powiw. . lUTorHaUui. . yraiDaw, -,. luomaa A.ttreatk ir. SmaUlwuod - O s. tn dao. ST. Ivoa,. W. S. Crawkett,, 5 ,Mark Disotwsy. - . Koifce to Creditor, v Hsvine ausllfied as admlnlatratnr f - -w.w. w pi mu. IMC, I uaUBBI W 1 undersigned for "payment on or be fore tbe lOtb day of April lOttU, or this claim will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. '-' - Ajt- persons indebted 4ossld sstata are noUfled to make Immediate psy ment. -..'. . J.A,M0RT0ff, ? . r. " . Administrator. D. I. WARD, Attorney. April, 10, 1001, P. II. Pelletler, 1 1 ATT0BNH1TLAW. i Mis Street, Lawyers Brisk ; Balldlng. fill pmottoe IU sne Coanttee of Craven :.rtrt, Juuea, (Vnalnw ana raanlioo. O. S Jkiort st Mw Barn and 8unaa Court o be . A Good tone SERVICE IS A bUSINBSa ' NECE88ITT, A HOMK CONVENIENCB. A COM BINED . . ; , .... T TSeeemdty,' Cfenvenlentre, Luxiiry! rder Your Pbone at Onco I P. M. SlBtttess. A. D. Wsrl 5IMflONS tt WARD, ATT0BNITS ss C0CN8KL0K8 st N 1AW. .. - : 1S BBBBB. B. C Ofnos68Bo.Froat Street, nearly opptv aia nuaati unamwia, . (Offlos slto st Balelsn.) : Practice In tha eoantWm nf ! Duplin, Jones, Onslow. Cartertrt. PamIL oo sad Wake, In tbs Depress sod. Fed- erai uovns, sna wssrever servVoee are neairea. ; 0B H0BI TJ8B Clone, pure wholes oess, faarneteed ba, chemlcatlly sade frost dasUlled wast i and rrae Iroaa Imparlilaas. Bpaesally Is traded sad prepared for annans pa aaamnllna. . - , Ice delivered daily (except Sensslsys) i anutpav . HODdays (retafl oaly) 7s SS ts tl BOO For prions sad other mfornaataoa, , ; - .. -' Address. v-';' i ! New Berne Ice Co. Notice) of Sammoni ! NOI1TU CAROUNA, I Bnparrior ' . Craves County. ( Court,- a- Petition to sett suids tor psrtitioe. - . Nottoe of BummonA, - . , . 0. V. B 111 and W. 9. BllL Bar hsUa4, - 4 - vs. - . - faamnel Suttont John ftutinai and Banlrt -. ble wllei Akmea H1U sad CMnriis Ana ' rluttoe infant, by hr riinralau M. K , linn; ".am.A. bntly; Llul Bnlly iaxni rannyi ur.rmua-y.an4 eUiaars; , tinkiioirn hairs ef BJ-t'Ury, fWal; .riurtarai Ileitis au4 hr btubaeat, I "an tail, and the heirs ut Jobs A. rntly. . . . . . ' The atne mmd ALaiao H lit. Cxx A rVtitiy,l.lnlHatlyt eciretly.L.r. rUajtUpy aaad hln of Bar, In ai In Btiar. diKvaataiat, and ll'iraanr anala and hit nnatatnd DanMt, and tite Klr of John A. Ptlv. eVtawlanla, In lha abn artlnavwlll uk nU- Ul a Ban mnna ha bn Und frua thl wnirt Is tli tlxit nliiMi artinaa b ai lal pro- nf. eqnlfiBf trwan tn t fur sfnr lh f,Mr-ir t ruirt oaj I rnTai t nvnty mm o4 Cm T. 'Hi ly 4 Ma 'fail, 4 nwv ll.a rv.mrWalnt fl U-rl hirlrv. tli 14 ri'i. l.oi. f a P-l1'!"" tn ll Uril In ( r,. C innty, ftarik Cf,llnav. f -r i'.i,.i.-n. 7 h .d ai4fitnla Vlli .MI.laMi,,tt,alt fi y, .r I' iH a-iant nilnt oaa autj for ! iV 1. I' al tl. mm ,4 n ; f-nl4 nnal Jhi!cwtiI I " vi,. ailna thant enonlint ti aa.il ( uir. W. M. WAT'. vf, i f IGB , Post Office Serrlce. ' : iiie au en i ion of the- pnbllo Is re- pai rally. Mlled to the rbasge is tbe aclMilnhj of tbe mails published today, n e change necessitates s new schedule r th crrla-r, !!: . -, Hrciion 7.1.0 at" m to 8 00 a. m? IVIlvery )00 " IJ " , '. v Delivery U.fO .00 p. st -;! , Colled iu a 1 00 p ss. M i 00 " ' ' : Collection In boclness district only 4.80p. m. to 8.00 p. .. cEouUng Mall (.00 p. m. "to? 8.80 p. m. '-: h iti-tif At tbs Post .Office tbs malls fprTfie 8.00 s- to. train dotes st 8.1S a. m. 1 . Tor tbs 4.80 p. as. train at 4 On d. m. - fur the train going East iu Morehead CIty atU OOpm. : There it one collrclfon only en 8nn lay, from 7.00a. m. to 0C . in. ine onnaay snd afternoon trains olng West carry no mail for interme diate points between here snd (lolds- boro. ? ' v Carrier's delivery-.., indoor open from J0 s. m. tnflO-80 L m. Bundays. Gen al Delivery window open for half an hour after each mail on Sunday. - Sfotlce J NORTH CAROLINA, ) In'the raven County, f Buperior Conrt. John A. Cully, Plaintiff, ' i-v-Vsv-Annie Cully, Defendant The defendant above named will tab a notice that sn action entitled as above has been commenced m tbe Superior court of Craven countvto obtain n rl ivnrr-A upon the ground of abandonment, and the said defendant will further take notice tbat she Is required to appear at the next term of tbe uperior .Court of said county to be held on the 18th Mon day after the 1st Monilav in March. ioni st the court bouse of said county in New oven, ft, v., una answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. W. af. WATSON, , , .. t , Clerk Superior Court. This 15th day of April, 1901. Executrix BTollce! Having this dav aualifled aa H!YArmr.rlY of the hast will and testament of Joseph L. Rhem, deceased, all persons indebted to said Joseph L. Mham. dunannarl nm MnnA.ail I., ma V a lmMAJui. ...... 1 . - t ... ..H.AV i,iiiouMii Bwiicieiiteni, ana au persons flowing claims against said deceased are notified to present the same for payment on or before March 2Hh, 1902, or this notice will be pleaded iu mar 01 recovery. Tnts siarcn istii, 1001. KATE E. SPENCER, Executrix. Administrator's Notice All person! bavins claims airalnat thn estate of Sophia Bamberger will present ssme'for psvment on or before the 19th, dsy of April. loa, or this notice will be pleaded la bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to esld estate must make Immediate settlement. Notir. nf claim should be sddressed to our mttor ney, I'. H. Pelletler, New Bern, North Carolina. LOUIS L. RELIGMANN, EMMA HANF BIEBEIlT, Admin iatrntiira P. H. PELLET1ER, Att'y. April Uth, 1901. Administrator's Sale. North Carolina, )8nperlor Craven County. ( Conrt. Thomas t. MoCsrthy Administrator of Oliver I pock deoeased, vs. Virginia Elisabeth Ipock, and others. . Sale of land to make assets to pay debts. ' Psrtssnt to tbs deeree of sale in the above entitled proceedings pending lo lae eoperlor Conrt of Craven county to tell lead to make aaaett to pay the debts of tbs deceased, I will offer for sals snd eeu roe GASH to the highest bidder on MosdsTlhs Iddtyof JuoS nest at the eoer of II o'clock ss. st Pnbllo Auction ss US vosrt Uoass door of Craves ooesty, asbleet to tbe Dower and Right of Dower, of tbe Widow. Vlralnla Ella. hetb Ipock. sUtheJolkmlng deseribed traot or pareel of lead lying and being llaated la Ue Cooaty of Graven, Stau of Norlh Carolina, tally -described In I none snsdry deaadt duly reeorded Is the ofBos of tbs Regitter of Deeds of Crsvss Cossty, ssd bearing tbe dates reepee- tavniy no loiiewei opioaf ipocs and wife to Oliver Ipock, dated Jsae 1Mb 188 recorded Is Book No. 100, page . WllloeshbT loock toUllvar Innrk. h aaran uaiva lain, ion. reeoniea Is ones o. im, pneess, B epbea ssd Bertee loock lo Oliver loack hia'aail dated Noveabertsad 18VS, reeorded la Book So. S3, pate 97. Alles Gaaklot to uuvav laaKk lAsed dated Nor. lath. itne reoeraea noos ne.ss, pegs to. Bar ig ana sosptief m seres conveyed by RalBanl fklns by deed recorded Is said Oliver looek le Records Book Mo. 130. pn so, tat ail ot iee said lUeorda rtfvreaee Is stade for s It II daaeritM la of aid lead, wkaee. Is sow eanbrnoad lo On raroei, eeelalaln. by eallmtHos M seres anor or Waaaa. Tee boasdarWoaoaulaad la ike eevwnl Deeds sover Itg thesnUis waci oaci inq. TUOlf, MoCARTnT, . Adastaletfalof. April lth, 1M. - i . . .. Pyl!lcitloiffiBBOBi.t Nnh Cemllas as I Is tboBossrior taty, t Coon " Cravta Con JeUa Mtrttittl. Nallle L Mar. Cert .k-ll II t W.k.ll Iall Mart till, aai . HarahaJU Ut bwt fuer SMincd blg lafnats es rn""! ay mair stt . f'f-nd II A M f srtball and U . . ' A MtrtanJ! Arlnt - Oty K. Martkan K0T1CB. Tk dafandanl stwve saaad Will take nrH'r Uti an rtU Uila1 aa abort baan KSmt la t f nrrtnf rt f ( rtra oaty, bfor U rk. tn !! a r's ef lnd ain.ll( (y nntT. t-ar Mrttllna. I I I C-'.r. :nt U1 fTttf take ' ! la I, ta .-. la.! arpaatr b 1 1 f f tl- H jrxrln, ( nrt at a ' t. tt I a ."a la t.t irt In t ;i, Iialir,, f'.nt a a , n ! ;, rtaf nf Jan. a I IHIHl'll-rjl, V f.ll- ' i i, f r I: a i 'a '., f ' i ' f tu ...f ato- WAT -f t . 'ill. SI - . SV K mm t . " A Km Nt n Q D WlVABli 1T0V 19 ? T' tttnnb r." Doe. 1st,' 1900 ",l( A. M i B. b T. UoingKatt UcBBDrLfc fiotag West - KO, 8 Paattnger Trains J No. 4 P TAnossi . J.,...;...Goldeborow,;;: liaQrange.,,.,, .'.. -. . iflnston... 8 4o....,.Ar.NeBerilfLy; Ar. ssa ...1108 ...10 83 ...ion ... BOO ... 887 ... 706 " w. ...,,i,v, '. Ar... TI5. Ar. Morehead City. Lt.. No. 7. Isgunff-flr ' - k. s h?'in n"i"8un Only-i-Ar. p. m. 7 40. '"Okleboro, 8 00 ;UGrange.. 7 27 K'Bston... 7 07 - DoTer... 6 47 Now Birh 0 C2 .ar, Morobesd City Lt ... 4 20 8 09. .8 80, 8 53. 8 80. 11 19. No. 5, Passenger Train. I No. 6, fcTvrtOKM Paefcnger Train. DAUiEroSFT SCHDAT. AT. A. M, Lv.p, M .... 7 14 .... 640 ... 6 86 .... 621 ... 6 03 .... 5 61 .... 548 .... 582 .... 519 .... 606 .... 4 CO r. ti. 7 80... 748... 7 68... 810... 8 28... 8 86... 8 40... 9 08... 930... 9 26... 952... Golds boro Best' LuGraoge ...Falling Oreek.... Kineton Caswell Dover ,.r..Cre Creek TuBoarora CTarks ....Nut Bern No. 1, f Uz'd Ft and Paee.Tn. Lt, ib 7 00 7 83 8 15 No. 2, Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn. Ar. p m 5 83 stations: . . . Goldsboro Boat's I-iGrange ...Falling Creek.... Kinston usswell ...Ar. Dover. Lt... core ore T.iscarora. . . . . !larke .Ar. N, ty Bern,Lv. .. 4 53 .. 4 23 ..3 53 . 8 33 . 9 28 .. 2 10 .. 1 10 ..12 48 ..12 40 .12 10 ..10 47 ..10 10 ..10 00 9 40 .. 9 06 .. 8 47 .. 888 .. 8 20 ..750 8 27. 912 9 28. 1015. 10 40. . . 11 m. . , . . I il Ol 12 C5 1 80. 212. 8 20. 8 05. 8 84. 8 47. 8 53. Lv. f: '-Ar.. IiiverdaleJ . roatan Olock Newport, Lv... Wild wood .Atlantic 4 08. . . .Ar. Mor. head City, Lv. 4 28. . . .Ar. M. city Depot, Lv. e.B. j - A. M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday tTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, j. Buperinteiden 4- Rcduced Sunday1 Passenger Excur sion "tRates I The A. & N. C. ifallroad will sell tick ett after this ihm- it the following ex cursion rates hy N'6a. 3 and 4 train on Sundays: From M. City lodoldsboro return. ..$1.25 " Wildwooil ,M Lis " Newport f" joo " Usvelok " " .oo " Croatan J" o " Now Bern " " . .75 " Tuscarora t " " ,7,1; " Core Creek " ' .70 " Dover 'V" "70 " Caawell " ' m M Kl niton - 6o " Falling Cr li?" '60 " LaOratKo " .40 " Bests " .80 The above tickets are good only on Sundaya by Moa. I tad 4 trains snd on dates tumped or vrllten on tickets, and Umlta will not l attended. Supersedes all lirmer rale. Effective yfmi .1 October 98tb. l. Dux, 0. P. A iki'Adf BO VgARB' vv;- VKXPKRIINOI 'f.itm cova. 4ttrofBB MMlltf 4mtlrM SUSS fl aAalriatS mtmrnm tssoM SJIIHAin OSif Or-nn fr SMnaBr m BSTTSSralinA kf AbW Ia?tJ,i SpteJSt An vXrtsstfy artnMr ItsJ. ItuMfsrnrtfc OSS ff SBB1S) rm $dcminciJir.:rlca!te latraal val,. I.aaaaaa aa. 'UNI X Co Hew Tort Q-riWiain.R(fc Atlantic Cofwt la I new WuBiiOTox A Kmr Bsui R. n. ,' . tiatrA4t.isro.ft, . UXtfeet tYedooedsy, Aug. 1, IMJDsily -f 1 " XiotU Sunday. 1 ' OoUg South I sctiB vt! f doing North No. IL . raanwng -r Trains No, 10. L. ASA,.. STain.iS!- Ar. BBI, 100...,,..,. ffa IV roe .."..,, I AO Wiktriis 04 I. ..a BarfUI... 4 SB tOOt JaeAs -ovills 1 t.n .! Wilis 'rt I. . J tsiei, till ...air. WOe-i n . I "O. t, PaS3o4 1 Leave Wt1mlni4 4y and Friilny, I Any, Thareday ssvt : U.AB . IM Lv. Wile I 40., fv.it i ore I'M .. .......H '1-4 .. a.. IH P . le.A Wnrlneei rrran 1. i"lf, Toaaa. ,i.:.y, . Ar. Ar. r a ... t ...IIM , ...11 IS .11 ee ...list ...it , ... At .... et ... ... .... tn .... ts .... 400 10 61. ;::::v. ,..Ja .....V" ... .... ...I .. .t-' Ar. 1 v. 11 ., II M. 1 1 tn. . i f... If'.. II'. I '1 . I" .

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