THE JOU .J Published every day In 11.; - Monday, at M Middle street. ' .. . - ' " I'iioss.No. 8. car,eKCepl CHARLES U STIIVCNS,:" t WJITOK ARB VBOrulE IOtt.' -S- - SUBSCRIPTION RATES. - One year, la advanc ...., ..,,. $4.00 One year, not In sdvaooe jn-5.0o Hoalhly, by carrier to the tltyi. : '.SO - , .r "' 1 '" . 4 'f Advertising Rales furolitlied on. appll atton. - 1 f t " . Entered at the Post (rifle. New Bora. H". G, ae second claw matter. 0 trial' Paper of New ;era .. -CrYi Coasfy. v. a New Ber. K.C, May J, 1901. SHIP SUBSIDIES ENTUtELUN ' HECESSAltf ' The recent pnrchise 'of the? most ei Uniive British 8lemlilp .Jlae, by the greatest Industrial sod commercial com bination ot the, vorld,-all Under Amerl can control, ia proof .that tUe ocean car rylng trade la a good bmtnBsat and also that any national legislation.: favorable or looking to ship snbstdlei, ta entirely unneceaaary, so far as It may advance the shipping' interests Lihls couo- In other words the ocean carrying trade of America cannot come into the halls of Congress, and put op the suc cessful plea tKtt:1(VA!JI"t!.lB'a, try," and Is therefor entitled" to ship subsidy for its continuance and maln- tenanoe. ' The Morgan kyndlcate po'rcbasnof the Leyland steamship line shows that this Industrial combination found that ship were necessary ill their business,' hence the extensive purchase. With the railroad Interest so largely under the control of Morgan and his friends, the buying c-f ,iha 'steamship line Indicates'' that this ocean carrying line la but an eitaniloa Of the land car rying system, the railroads and that to aik that the government extend In credit, or give financial assistance to the Morgan syndicate or' any other ayadl oate, for their ships," would be. as con slsunt as to grant, subsidies 'to the rail roada controlled by this combination. ' Under the control of' this Ameilcaq Industrial combination, the vMorgan in tereau, this new .American' steamship ' line will at once be provided, ifith plenty of this oonn try's carrying trade This steamship JIM It already well established, and has a carrying trade, which will be largely increased ander tu new owners '. .vj: TlMOoaas carrylpf trad v under the Morgan eoosolldaUosr Las fceea etlab llahed without goTernaMnt aid,' aad with this object leaeoa before the country. It ought to be n warning to tba people to glre no heed to talk of ship subeldle ta ths future, and also that nf ship sub sidy bill Introdeeed U Cocgrsss should meet with absolute Mjeetlon, atid this without aay prolonged dlscussloa. To talk ot shlo subaldtes. or the eealtyof protection for'.lhi Aaaerkaa oeaaa carry leg trade, after the .Morgan trsoaactloa Is absurdV Htats or Onto, Cmr er ToLkno, Lucas Coostt, j FaaMK J. Cusssst mile oath that as Is senior partaer of the Ira of P. J Cnsasr A Co dolag bnatnest la Um Oty of Toledo, Coenty and 5'aU afore said, and last tald ' Bra will ptf U sew, of Oss - Bcnotas Douuu for each'aad trery tase of CxTiaaa thai eaaaot be eared la lbs tM of Hsu's CtTiaaa Ccsa. . ' -;". . ' miXKJ. CIIE5IT. Bwoia to aafora se sad eahscrtbsd la sty pros en ea, this fia rfy of tor, A. IX IM, " IB! . A. W. OI.fsAOJf. ; Alt OTI T l'Chue, DaQ'l Caurrh Care U Ukas Inur sallr. aad acU dirtily in the bteod aad siaeoas arfar ( ttke Sjstow. tmA foe taaOswmUU. fi v r.i. cneMET ac-v, ToUdo,o, , Hold by DrsyirWta, 75r- UairsPaatlr I'int sr l - best, - VsfttUa, MUfc, Mr 8 - ii It said lb at sarfso UdleaUosi cf ii ) be dl cevftf oaf Wilis ci - r v'Wi, Well wlu be ssab u - U arracf. anstta ess be auda. T roaatder. aiU anJUw! arer r ( i 'i, a, ewtog ta Um dttery, , rWi1 ( - L'lalttH C"tf il SiIm" Uat U S"H pMU Uatlna If t54. . 1-4 U,S ' S'ia WHY THE DOILtR BURSTS. elratlfla Eiplanailoa ef Some The uatu f Ike Klleben. When you bear the kitchen boiler cracking, there Is no cause for alarm. ! There la a prevailing iiiiorcsslou thr.t the cracking Is produced by steam and : that. then.', ia therefore an Increased prexsurv on the boiler at sucu-tlmcfi Bnt this Is an error. If the boiler la In good condition, with the writer turned on as usuul ao that the boiler Is kept fined, I hi? only pressure that It Is sub jected to Is the same aa that In the water'. Tripes,1 from which of course there ncvor ts the- slightest danger. And thW is true no matter how bot the watpr in the bolter may be.;-V The reason IT very simple. As long KB tbo Iwller Is kept full of water there Is no room for steam, If. yon open the hot water cock, the water pours out. and steam rises from It, because It then has a. rlmnce to escape into the air. In other ironist evaporation takes place. But as the hot water ftours out water from the pipes rushes In to . take Its "Tlaee, and thus the boiler Is kept full 'i lie : cracking .-noise referred to- Is heard when the water ts unusually hot and Is nothing but the expansion of the holler tinder the Influence of that heat It Is in no degree an Indication of dan ger unless Indeed the boiler is worn out or defective, which Is a matter entirely outside of what We are now consldeiv When 0 kitchen boiler explodes, It Is generally because a fire faas Iwcn kin dled In the range while the boiler was empty. It happens sometimes wheD people come back to town after spend ing the summer away.-' The Are heals the boiler, of course, and when the Wn ter Is turned on It Is converted sudden ly and violently Into steam, and' the boiler caunnt atnnd the enormous pres sure. Fortunately - few. persons are thoughtless enough or silly enough to build n fire before opening the cocks connectlug the boiler with the water pIlR's. Chicago Chronicle HOTEL KLEPTOMANIACS. Pmamalilr Hick 3ats Whs Ap prnrlnt Other PaopU'a Provertv. 1 was mucb struck wltb the habits of kleptomania common to some of the presumably rich visitors who engaged expensive suits of rooms and even paid their bills. After the departure -of these' guests -the bed would be found minus he satin or silk coverlet, while towels and pillowslips were, also very often removed. On one occasion a gentleman engag ed a double room for one night only, and the following morning the mold; knowing of bis departure, made op the bed with fresh linen for the next ocen pnnt However,; the' visitor had evl dently returned to" 'bis ' room after breakfast, deliberately taken the slip off the pillows and packed. them with his luggage, for on entering the room shortly after I found the bed made up. but no ellrm. . 1 happened to know that the maid bad certainly put fresh oivt on When she made op the bed. ' What Hint gentleman couM want with thesr two pillowslips l difficult to under stand. ' ' ' -..C'Vr . , ' Of course randlea. matches, and anri (snpplled gratlsi are commonly reuior rd. and even the sheets on the beds art not red. ' Once a large double ahinx was nit Into pieces, the vbtltqr evident ly.miulrlng eaOvleui linen for a petti eoatt or lining to a aklrt. Jnrtgtug from be Imm of I be plenw left, .Toe bold wheel waa no doubt, toe nrareat ttitujt available. o II was taken to save time and troublts and the pieces ten were feond carefully rolled np and ibrowa Into, a ' renboard . outside .the" room wbh-b was ooly used by the maids and at rlcily private. Needless to aay. be fore tue remains; or the alieet W4-re rotraw the r tailors bad departed. Wnr Ing no4iddrva.Cbaml)era' JoaraaL. ; ,' ' - v Tbe eel la vary tinnopalar wltb mnny peoU,: liul. lis many aupormlar thlnaw, be Iniprevea with acquaintance. In form be la long, atendet and grace ful, lu color dark-grevw-above and yellowish' white below.' Many be lieve that tbere ara two dlstlnrt tarte (lea. lb aalT and the fresh water eel but I am inclined to think, that, like aD other Bsuee. tkw ret partakes moh of the nature ef bra anrrouodlnga. A httg aararaw vara lion ta a pood er brook renders him darker la color, and d nlly xrastlng oa landlocked tUUracie readers bl'ji more rorpulent. 4 oat so eoddah take oa the rotor their aabliac gray auett o4 noddy bottom, brtgbt red wara living among kelp and gay colored marine plants I Wtteva, too, that tlx eel aftea for- geta la mora to aalt water, bot Barer tsewnrre, for I bare aaver baby est ra brook a er pond I hare too ira ibeo ta be taken awry aientb la too year la tbe same fcjcslt Ilea. Borne aay Lat bslf tbe aebjapend tba -winter a Imb water, tomleg tfewa 1a lb eprtag. and that (be atbef half go ap for tbe ectnwee. , , Bel 9 hmtiiln.' Jtwtw-Ttxi aay that yea AooM the atsieoMol of the peevkMW wttBeaa tint tu aftiK'iul aqnaadered bta Inherit snee. r lease glre rbe riaaaa for yeor 4oM. -, - ' . - WUaa-l tried fbrea ot four times ta gH felm ta etstf a rbnrtb fair, hot It was naalr-aa. He always smlWd sad In formed toe ibai be waa aot bora jrwtae- esy- Uamrm Trs rrlpt. - , As faodsatloa prrraats awallpos, and aslalaeaknis asd frvef. so Tarrsis prereata a4 sesattrarta IU1 "-u of tbe easTs beat, et- iM ty BuiOmts Wltb sull CtlM r, liiTHin relieH U auwiy ltm;!.;n t'' Sot In t'Jtag sal Iks hot .u mTt, ad o awtlMS Is sieMh'.a in 4 '!r h, fof H eoats e)y W ta al in--- .-. etsMUtaaMUtoai. Kni, m r . Lla, Ma. capu: i;; ( f r. : -9 :' A gorgeous costume flashed Tneath the brilliant lights of a bau room.' . The queen of society is radiant to -night. . - " The" nervous hands of a weak woman have toiled day and night, the weary form and aching head have 'known no rest, for the dress must be finished in time. - - To that queen of society and her dressmaker we would say a word; One through hothouse culture, luxury and social excitement, and the other through the toil of necessity, may some day find their ailments a common .cause. . -, - 'Nervous prostration, excitability, fainting spells, dizzi ness, sleeplessness, loss of appetite and strength, all indicate serious trouble, which has. been promoted by an over-taxed system. ' - -V ' . -' - :;. rr For the society queen and the dressmaker alike, there is nothing so reliable as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore strength, vigor, and happiness. j r;: Mrs. Lizzie Anderson, 49 Union St., Salem, N. J., writes t- f v " DaAB Mbs. !PlHKHAit iI feel it ia my duty to write and tell you bow grateful X am to yon for what your medicine has done for me. Atone lime I suffered everything sv woman could. . I had inflammatlon of the ovaries, falling of the womb, and leuoorrboea. At times could not hold a needle-to sew. . Tbe first does of your Vegetable Compound helped ma so muoh that I kept on using it. I have now taken six bottles and am well and able to do my work. . I also rido a wheel and feel no bad effects from it, ,1 am thankful to the Giver of ill good for giving' yon tbe wisdom of loine to every S 5000 MRS-SARAH SWODtR ItEVMRD onodml mtia skich ht aamau aia tba vnun' apaclal If KUtkmi'i LaUstaefMiT Londop. May I -Tbe , rat -. OSes "das received - the -' following 'report ftom totd KUchaaaT under ths date Pretofir, May J-Ten' Boers hara been killed three wouaded, "It have sarrended od 180,000 roaads of smtU arm ammunl tloa, aed 1,000 horses bsvn bsea cap larad since the last npon." r. V "; Old Soldier's Expcrleicc- " ' M k. Aattla, a civil war veteraa, of Wiacbaeter.lad; writes: -M Wife we lek a long time la spile of good, doc tor's Ireauasat, bot was wblly cbred by Dr. Klog's New Life ' rtllv wblc) wiwked wbsders for bar health " The tlweya do. Try tbem Ooly 5C atr, D. Bradbaa't drsg store, - r'.j. ., "ir. .. .. ' A SWat TrmM Ike LstW. j - ritubarg, PaUayt Aa attempt Is bow belog made to sella tba shovel ma eeraeef the. aooatry lata A comUss flat may beoswie kaowa aa tba Aaaatl aaaPbavelsnd Tool Compasy. wbtrb win bare a capllal of 1100-OuOaO, . " ''I kavs bsea saffarlDg from DytPT' at tba paat twaaty years sad bare bees Saabts aflat trying all prvparallnoS a4 pbytktaaa to get aay ralW. After tak ing oaa bott'e of Kj4oI l)jrptls Coia I friend relief sad am sow ta barter baalih thaa I bars bees for tuty yn ( Pas sot pralae" Kodo DytpTtala Csra loo blfhlK" Wflles lira. O W IL Wta, Worth Crrak, Aik FBDeffA Oc , , ' - " ' ' - ' WSM tmrmme t tmr f'. , CbVn, May S.-Hn. a.&iO aa4 tW einj!?ee la tbe J k'T nfibe allta l!l!nej (aul Ji!!i'd have bs gtani 1 a t,fir!i,M tt!'i.M at h et rBt, ! r Alilxi(b )t laiaart. Ib ttt.'.ft aa ' 10 "t Mf I, a4 wl'.I I- ' I an saal ptf tc.:i ff the ir ; ay ''f - r v,f r - r.f 5',,' ' t . ra, U M i f- l ff ' 't Tot - I r; ,f t-.'h M, J T T I ... I f.'a ' ', r A 0 i i -- it ifeuLI -CBT-SJ.TS eurfnir auffgrln? women, -l recommona vour meu- woman troubled, with any of these. i- Mrs. Sarah Swoder, 103 West SL,' -' . La Porte Ind., writes . .-;;-v: " '. '' ' " Ubab Mas. ' PntKH-Ui: It gives me great pleasure to tell you bow1 much good Lydia B, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. - ;"I had bean a sufferer for years with female trouble. I eould not sew but a few minutes at. a time without Buffering terribly with my head. My back and kidneya also troubled me all the time. I waa adviacd by a friend to take your med icine. .' I had no faith In It, but decided to try U. After taking one bottle I felt so much better that I continued its ase, and by the time I had taken six bottles I was cured. There is no other medicine for me. -' I recommend It to all my friends. " ' .-, (Ma to tht taot that mmm akradad aaoela aava (ma tiaM lo tuaa qoaauoaaa the nrraiaaaBiol Um tcHHaoaUl Itttan) vmmnu, um wiiiaiai imaia amtaatlv wuMuamf. v hava U,&a,MHa,m a waa win laow taat ta abova M ara MnUMtl Ox 1Catkaal Car aaat ta anv aanaa aot saaaaM, er mmm pimwa motv aaraiaiiaj pnaMav-lvi I himou Cm. Bavawea Oattar DaaaacaA fcjr-CalHaUa. I Barsaaah, Oa Hay' S Tba .reveaca outter Uamllloa, Captala Boetb, ssI1Id for Jacksonville,, with, tba purpose of rendering aid to tbe Bra aoffarers, 4 lldedwlth a.mud. scow, la low of tba tag . Klakora. 1 : A six-foot . bole wal stove la tba IUmll lea's bow, sd ths tu forced to ret sra te tbe city : for rr pairs, " . - . .- , ;.. t aaajaWasaaaTaTfcaWaWaaa 11 people osly knew. what wa know about Kodol Dyipapals Oara, ft would bs eaed la Saarly every beaaebold aa there are few peopla who do aot buffer from (relief of fullness aflat eating, balch lag, Sataleaea. Soar stoeaaeh or Walar- brash, eaaed by ladlgsstloa ar dytpap. tta. . A preparattos.sorh aa Kodol D;l p pals Cava, which, wltb ao eld from the stomach. IU digest yonl" food,, ear- talaly eaa't belp bot do yi.a food. OaffA Ofc-'it - 'J - ,-mm , rtawWaeka auM ny . T Dsllaa,Tes4llsr I The repository ef Ike Southern Hock lalaad FWm Co, here waa dtatroyed by Ira tba loss sailaalad St sbool ISO,000 wltb probab ly IISO.000 lormaoe.' The Ire was oaeaad by Iff klalng. - ' - . ;. aOei III tie girl was waeooaotoee fi om ireolatlos daring a iadrWa and ls rlble attack nf croup, t qulcklf beesred bottle of Oae Mleuis Oagb Cora. gt- lag kr tbrta drum. The eroep wat eiaaiarc) Sad oar little derllag -aslllr reoovarwrir rkj wtliaa A. L. flpaffmd, Ckaaunkllrk. 7 r) Doff A Co. t!awareaala r r t Tka UalUstas Avfcit lifrt. ' It was In tbe dark of the evening, nd the street were thronged with men and women on their waj borne at tbe end of the day's work.- At Thirty fourtb street, where Broadway and Sixth avenue ernes with a network of tracks, the n&uo clangor of conga, the shouts of newsbors and the roar of tbe elevated trains Oiled tbe nir,. whfle myriad electric Uebts sparkled, like so many stars. . v-....- - ' Suddenly out of. tbe.cloom cntie a little white b parse, being driven rapid ly borne. , Its sad day's work was over. and . the little horses were. -probably anxious for. their dluner. fitlll lt cave bne a shock to see them jrallopln? so, Even more, pathetic- It rooked when empty than wltb its precious tittle bur den. .The very emptiness apoko of the vacant llttlo chair at lioinej the unused toys,' tbe uowom -frocks Toliled awny for some woman to cry over on o raiuy Fathers hurirlmt borne ta their, own little ones felt a sadden lump in the tUroat -mothers -leading their children grasped thet little bands wltb a quick access or tenderness, - and a strange, sad sense of lonelliicss- came -to tbe heart of the passerby who bad no child to losoi'; Just - little white .hearse, seen only for a moment In the gather ing darkness by the hurrying throng, but what a world of pathos It suggest- edl New York Mail and Express. . ; . Artteolal Lesa. The most lifelike and serviceable ar tificial legs In Ue World are mnnnfao tured In. America; .Enormous qucntl- ties of these- limbs are shipped to Bu topoevery year. -.' -. .. "" Tbe first great boom In the artificial leg business was brought about by tbe civil war.- Since that time i-ailrond and trolley car accidents Imvo kept tip ad ever Increasing demand. Another fnc tor he a been the general use of antisep tics. -The mortality .among those who bare their legs -amputated Is far less than formerly; and a large proportion of the survivors become pn tronx of the wooden leg factories. . The oh fa8lifoned peg leg Is priictlcnl- ly athlDg of .the past. The modern nr- tlflcial leg shows a great advance over the old forms. Every Improvement lias been with the Idea of greater simplic ity. ";..' , . The main object of the' manufactur ers. Is to Improve the fit of the leps. The best ' models now cost $100. It costs from ii to $25 a year to keep one of these In order. few women wear nrtltlclal legs. On the other hand. It Is becoming inr.c common to fit limbs tn children. Legs are made for children sometimes be fore they can wnlk. They hrc fitted na soon as the. child learns to stand and make It poxslble' for It to. develop sym metrically. ' ; ' Where Waa the Svvtnaiet , "Ethel," raid Lionel Bertram Jones as be dropped his slice cf bread In the plate with a noise that art Hie canary In tb gilt cokc overhead cbli ping nw-r-rlly. "Ethel. I have something to any to you." : , - ''They '-bad been mnnicd only fotrr weeks, and the time had tint arrived when she did all the saying. ."Do you remember the day on which I proposed to yonT' '"Tea," she replied. "I will never tor get It." "Do you rememlier," be w-ul on ns he abstractedly drilled a bole In I be loaf wltb the point of a carving knife, "bow when I mug tbe bell you came to iUe door wltb your lingers sticky with dongb and sold you thought It was your llttlo brother who wunled to get-lut'- " - -"Yes."' ."Oh. Etbell Uow could you? now could yeuT , . "Jlow could I what?" tie respotided as a guilty look crept Imp her face. , "Bow could yon maku me the victim of such a swindle r-l-oodon Tlt-Illtm. --'V-;. rtael Makiasr Bnaw.1-: " An old farmer In Scotland once went to have a troublesome tooth citracted. Said lha dentist arter looking at tbe of fending oaokuv:'- - . . ' "It la a tery agly ana. '1 would ad- tba you to have It oul by the painless system. ' It Is only a shilling extra." He showed the farmer tbe ammratoa for administering gaa, remarking that It would canae blin to fall mdnp for a minute, and before bA awoke (be tool b would ba out' After a alight rt sisiaure tbe eafferev conaeated. provevdlnf to open bis parse, V ., "Oh, never mind paylnf JnM dowT aald the denllat kindly.- .,, - -1 "liootsr answered tba rantlooa old, fart. "A' waan't thinking o' that. IUiI If A'm ga-en ta aleew, A tborbt A' wad Ilka ta count ma siller fuat" Olaarnw Tlmea. - - -v ' GURS m r rt. t - rsa ) -a W$ t,f IMIMti) S fl ! "it. ( araf I mr Mtur, ir (tMt.iiW'ntili "". "tit I ....rna km srh $ nI fm'f pf 4 . til c rrr&zKT, t& m. f IlinMtWMf t. t. 6. WTTY A CO. ValoaMe Cfinstry Prefcny pot; "- Sale. A ttm'A ef land Ijlnf Is 0onW rxxia ly ' j oa tba r,M!c rl tea-ilaf t- ta V...11: ( Hnit-o (raatlk ft.mika nr and btad!ata!y '. ' t V.'i,! ! f;it m:pw il;s ' i a'.-.t i ' ' ' ef .!, t lf n.!) F l'i !l-!i!H ' ' ( ' ! it i." " i --- T uH ;. f ii 1 - r . f !-- ii'.d A ! . -' ;; 'g, - 0, . 1 r -i-.-v I Pf..ei . ra V J M re,,r t,r aw1 Armrmm. ? r 'U mv mi 1 as inimmiiji n- 1 I M ei.t. l raa I', Tt,,i4 tl.ssiaf -i 1 .''11 M' 1 , . I',. .1 k .U ..... at ::: ill W 1 .' -rn i'h 1 (i ' mi 111 a ..jr-?j I ;a.MM:..' -' 1 ill ii iLW. Oil - will boil, biki, broil or fry better than a coal stove. It is safe and cleanly can not become greasy, can not emit any odor. Made in several sizes, from one. v burner o five. If your dealer does not have them, write to nearest agency of STANDARD OIL COMPANY. Executrix Notice! Having this day qualified as Executrix of the last will and testament of Joseph L. Rhem, deceased, all persons indebted to said Joseph L. liliein, deceased, are requested to make ininiediatcseltleiiient. And all persons holding claims against said deceased are notilkd to present the same for payment on or before March 2fithf 1802, or this notice will be pleaded in bar 01 recovery. This March ZOth, 1U. KA'l rJ E. SPENCFK, Executrix. Publication of Summons North Carolina I In the Superior Craven Uounty. I Court Julia Marshall Nrllle L Mr t'OIK aball.H T Mnrriiall, . Leslie Marvball, and Maiaball, tbe Inn four named being Infants ap pearing by Ihi-lr next frlrnd H A Marshall and II A Marfball. ApsliiPl Guy K. Mari-licll. NOTICE. The defendant above named will tnko notice that an action entitled as rbove ban been commenced In tbe Superior Court of Craven County, I fore tbe Clrrk, to sell a rortain parcel of land situate In Craven County, for partition, and the aald defondint will further take notice that he la irqulicd to appear be fore the Clerk of the superior Court of Craven County, at hi oltlco in the Court House In tbe city of New Bern, ft t ., al 11 0 clock a. m., on the Otn nay nt June, 1001, and answer or demur 'to the peti tion In said action, nr the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tbe relief de manded In said petition. W. M.WATSON, Clerk Superior Court. Thl23nd day of April, 1901. Important Post Office Notice. It l very Important that all eraona holding keys to IVat ofllce Imea not now ranted by Ibern aurrendar them at thla nflloe at nneo. Tbe keys are not old by the Qovernment. Thry are the property of the United Htaiea. Tbe hoses have to be rented tn other parllet and It It not detlrablc tn have some other party holillnn a key to their hh If mall abnuhl be mlpard nut of lha bni UtrrleloB would of course r at upon ilia arivhtllUftlnkar. If this notice la not compiled Ii b and the key anrreonerorl I shall be com pelted In puhllah tba namea of tbnee wllbbnldlog keya In bosea tbey bare a sated. P. W llascocs, HpatmaaUtr. Post Office Scnrlct The aural loa or the public is re spectfully called to the chance la the schedule Of lh mailt publiabad luday. The cheat e aeaeaehaiee a near schedule I for lbs carrier, tt: - . Oollactloa 7X0 a. ss. to 1 00 a, s. . Delivery 1.00 . 11.00 " Delivery 11 1 .? . Wlecib.al00p es.- 4 00 " CoUeethaa la atMlasae dlairlrt sMly 110 p. m. U 1.00 p. m. j floaUsf Msd W0 p. as. ta ISO At the Post Offlos the ssafls for tn at MS a SV . to the 4M p. em. train at 4 00 p, m Tvt tar trals golsf Ceel to Keheal City M OM p. nr. , - ...f TherslaoM ofleetloa oaty Baa- day, froai T OO s. kv te I W s. as. Tb faadef sad t af lenaoo . Inlae folsH West carry no Stall for Islsna dials polau iMpeea berfj td Oolds boro, V - v - ' '. k 1, Cerrlev't dallvary wladow (ipes froas JO a.. to IsMi, sa. todays, flea- aralDallmy wlnda open fur kalfss War f let eh nail ea "aaoaf. , ' A tl m 1 n Isif mlo r'n If otltf ' rttltliUly a1H(M a db,W. tratAf US tba "ill aiit nf tw will a4 ia mal a mm llarrMi tr a. llut, , All ar a "fa.: -iat!IU4 la f rm ai ail r ''rr m'4 ml 1 Uia ataiail aaM hi.iimim Itilf-aaiNailai.!, an et t-'r... U.a iW r1.y-t V.v A M If t o i , I ,t.a ! I ba pWa-tl rUr t, la-t-r A-1 a I yroa lartb(d aa . 1 Hiva a.a nij inuii la Mtte tw ve - . - I. 1 V r 4.. k. t let ii. n rvit, t Cf eUi f !!- ' r H5IX "turn In the Mxti-worlrVvVkkless i Hue Flame Oil : time and rise ccMhfortable. ':.No for'arrylLndaitmr fire to come up or die "down;' a ". of the ordinary stove. Wickless BLUE FLAJtiE Stove Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. of Creditors. ;i:ir.,; In the District Oourt j Scales, for Hie EHBte! I N. V. 1 In thc'miiHcr of Owen F. .Inslliv "f Smiils Keirv, llnnkrui t. In HkiiIi ' mptey. ! Tl ll.n ( 1 1 ,.f l.llt..,AP Iw. been K''j ml ii-at c;ri a lUnlirnpt Tftkc iioli(-e I hul fi UH-i;lin of eredl- tnrs will lie l.'-M Ihe olllec of I, J. Moore, liufcree, In N:!r ili-m. N. (! , at 13 111., on lli Villi iluv of 11 iy 11)01, Kt wliiclt time tlr eri ililors limy iilleud, prove llieir mih. tippoinl a I, cxniiiine I In- tmiikrupt ai d transact such ntlier bu'-lncs us inny properly conic lie fore llie inei lin I, J. MOORE. Iteferre In H.inkinplry. New Bern. N Vav 1, 19(11. Nice Residence On .lolinttiii it rt't't foe sule nt nliv limine. I a'fo liave 011 my liuiiils 1(10 lil-St-clllSS fclllpiif Is, mid 10.00(1 liitlis llial will fllOip. IMii.iic l!i:i. ilisjosid of very H. HAKPl'i:. Fo? Rent. My store n Smith Front Street is iuw for rent, it is D x 5 feet, '-' story,' Meli Is (Icsirciililc staml for most ;uiy liusliu s ami fMtm) lot ;i; ion for the eountry tmdr iieross the 'I rent liver brittle or eity tnule. With my studies ami sliinh ynnl. Uri k hit lis. and mill hesim ss nil m the si) me l( in the rear of my sUre anyone erin iln a nirr liiisirnSH of any kind in my slrr Me I ig (till for serious motives. Wnl awiiow i nt ihi n jiriee on oil kind nf Mow Wnod, a the spring is litmtt here and we unitt t get our old toek of woimI nlT I eforo v. arm wetilher tnkes chnrjje. 'I his aiUnntnpo mi kmx-k down prig's is for our eiisioineni. BIG HILL, Tic SHie Mao ntOSfEROUS HEH Of THE WCULb wouldn't itlok of oeatlar a ready mad aalt of lmbin(. Oss of the laiorlts nt I fs la to have your clothing to Ot welt aeaf well, look well aad aalt your ladf vMsalliy eapcclailv la Watm aralker Ws will sasku yne a sail of rlntblac frrna iarxa, si prlrea that will give yoa tola isry si a wr pile. - F. W. ClmtlnlcU, IWfnn tAWOlJ'. I la Umi t . Crasaw County, ruperlnr CiiAri Juha 4. Colly, lalntlff, . , ' vs. . Aaab) CoUy, rWnxUht - - .Tba aVfrtidont abate ramr4 will take nnikw tiaat aa artie eUOal as above has eownwaacM ta U exipcrlnr emirl nKn enonlyl nbtala adlvurre Ml ti Itrnnnd of aMnooaineaW and the aaWl dHawWfrt will fartlier take 4ic that abe la trjnlff to appear el tbe f at trrm nf lb t rt M aald rmnlr to be bM on tbe 17tb Mw 4a y after 1st Mwvlaria Manh, IS-1, at ttie enart hMM i4" aa4 rny tw New tlr. I'., and siMwer "V Ui tbe fotMplalnl la an id ati'Ti, rT llie kilnt0 III apply tulbenmri ..r lb rwwt dp. maud r J in aald i kalr.t. V.. M. W4T)!. " f lr(i i.pnUt,t . 7bla 1U day t4 ipviti !. A Good . ; Telephone Stove will save labor, - ari(i keep : the cook bulky luel to prepare fraction of tlie expense A-;-." ' . A.&N. C. R. h. TIME TA HI.K N". t . T.i T'ike KfTect Snti idi j :e. hi. 1WMI U I2:.( A. J- , I: S T. lioir.K Eiin I McliK.mii K: (,oint.'A.s No. 3 Passenger Triiiup No. I l.v. p m STATIONS: Ar. 11 m 3 10 OoMrtlinro I ! ( 5 4 0i) I.ndranpi Id r.S 4 II? KhiKtnn 10 ia IS 10 Ar New II. rn. l.v. . .'.MO 5 51..... l.v. Ar. ... :7 7 15... Ar. M'i-I,c;ul c:iM l.v 1 (Hi No. 7. 1'ihk r jr r No l.v. a. m. bLEil::j h ( i lj Ar 7 40. irili! Wl)! l.i.t;i:u,ce 8 80 Kimtoi: 8 55 Ilofer I' 50 New Hern 11 15 .r. Mi.rtl.cud ( il) l.v . . r 01 i 7 i; i; i; No. 5, raHaenKcr Triiin. 'Ii.-, 1'aii.y Kxni-r Si mi Ar. a. 7 :w. . 7 4.. 7 5-1 . H II) . I- 2H . s;(i 8 40. 9 Ki 20. 9 2(i. WfiJ. . a. m. M. M i I . . . ( iol.l.-niir.i. . . b, i-i'h. .... . . . i . Tailing Jrrck . . . . . . K illrtl.II, . ...dim oil.... l;:vcr . . t'.irc ( r. i k . . . . TiiM iiniiri . . , Clurl, . . . . Ni-w lU'i n . No. I, l'ii Kt. Hi Pbkh.Th. Lv. a m 7 00 T-n .... 81-. .. .. 8 37 ill .. un .... lo r, 10 4(1 ti i ft n in I! . 'I I K.-iTloN. I ! I I - . . (ji)li.tnn,. . IU-IV . . . . I JtOriUii;,- .Knlllr. i.'i ii Ii . . .... Kinrilnn. . .... -:n-ill Ar. U -.r 1 v . . . n ire ere . . . Tir-mrnr .... ( Ihi U . . r. I'win. J., . 1 80 Lv. a 13 Ar. .i I'ii r:lKl- . . i'.r-iiUip M.ivrli-rl. . S. .-! I. I.. . Wi:.L...1 ... Allrini'.- . Ar. Murr-hcad i lly, Lv Ar. M ni) i,'(iiii, I.t 121... 8 (.. 3 84 .. 841... 85) .. 4(8... 4 23 .. 'Moaday. Wwlniwd) am! Kudu;. rTuwiday, ThoraIay and Hniunl .) . ft. L. nn.i., riir"nni it Aflltlltl fiOllNt Iiill. WiLkisiiTim i N: I mim l;. I, TIM TAblk tin. 5. aXlfact fatDaaday. Aug. 7, lew, I'm Eseepl tkiaday. (Wn South aottlfCUt: Oolnx b. nl. Wo, 61, raaaasigor Tralni 'N,, .v. -'' , otAVKI": Ar i. n 00. ,',.,., tw llOTUf 8...'...iPllot'kavi1la ,. , r..,.....tayaVII JarkaotniW. in h III 4 H 1 .3 II It .Af. Wllmlogtom Lv ... lv-. r m 1 . r M Wa. t, ; ranta C rnriony n 4 ' Lm U'llraiarlraj Mt.dai Wln 4yaivd frUay. lni Nr-.lw-t Tiw-r. lay, Inurariay aoal flalniday, t. . x'l '. ' a. r . T0 ..,.6. WilnrinyiAai, At... I 4 :j )i ii II 40 10 fit 10 to S.4A S M aa n r f n w,.,,.lurmM I II'M W4. ......'.IMIyrtdCT. ,. i m MM kata w Pf W m -, . r It 0-1 If ), II M ,..Jkarl,)U. ft' ... . .... W brlrvak Mayarllt , r"U-a.,in..,. . t ... l; r.irvf' rKe.lay. , ' ' , j. n. kk?i.y, tiTwnrf Mvar-, rtfi.-rrl) rrrtlr;v tkir i.tal itrb' fmlW f. f al .!!. 4 In U M rati, Way) riivjcit t a Iiti5r ' Hr t :- 'ITT. A Hi frvi ;.'Ut( K. A '. nifsi . " ' . TVrrc If j, I'otia nitrurc, l.u xury rP --.;r I ! - at O- a I nrAUAc:;:; ?. n.r t t r f lha t Uf iM . vnl f i M'. W J tt ar Va ."' 1 fn i ; r w ') ' 1 t..-' r v.-t c .. x. c )!;-! t V. 1 In fn nrl"lr ,, J. i tvtii,rtstpf i 7 f " I r ' r

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