r r ) r7- XVcgcdiUe Preparation for A -sumladi Utcl-ooJaiulUcula- ling UlC lOuilClLS OJal iWVl t; JS of jPwowlcs Di(jcslionJCIrful nehsiid Itest-ftmUiiis iu;illier Oiuuii,Moipuiivi twr frluiwaJ. WHfja Hefty AiVJa JthrtS ffrT ttm4mf Apafecl Remedy 'orConslipa nun . Sour SlQuuf4i,Diarj'ltGC0 Worn)onvulsuHSj,evcsI)- facsimile Sijjuatur of v s7 NF.W YORK. .' -. ' a Signature - 4: fXACT pOPy J9F WAPPER ipp. af a ff 1 j if , '-for Oyer Thirty years Mil A jx-iy- ;:M .f the Jv.vtl .4 ii ;.uim fctlO l.as ji.a. IvtU-iarJ 4:o:U 'l) M tiib iit fuilou in Jftui y of Jxiiil JuLh- eiiers HWru Mi"-" jounce, iu iub TK1 ant's oi.jiiajij' thcri' happened to U a prlvnie who iilwnya bkMuty in a uu-t. uiiutiiiiishu imiuiiLT, tvhii-u piiilli j for illlll Ccertlllu epci flOUJ Ills JuimeiliaU' JiiJX.')1'i d compiin. loUP. Km- inumlug tbb luaii prveiiled himself t 4l oiln e mid reported that lie mis ill nod unlit for duly, lie jva Oldlivd do AMienr -iMifurw lr. A-j ,0s jnodiral olliit'r.of .the.eorim, who pro nounced blm lu cod lu.uilli pud prdur- til liiiu back to duty. .- Agaiiuit tills verdict XJMsre H DP PP- auU. and Jim pohiier .returned to u vvork, -yvliub pas preparing puwwr lor 1 1 fiip9y,yf..,fffp.p. ) hT bop puJI(i;rlniroro'eoi)f woiklc f c J.j; our yoarH, nj Imyo Ulori pmujf moillcle, )ul jhft'fit ,0n)ul Slid J)'cj( PtmigUt Jigy (louo Wiort (pf i)iuii It is i mi&tikt to take inv nd cverv kind of mcdlcint li ."'llicra Is Jjnirer In It.' Most iir he io-allej cwa (or f emle v.ciknc.'.s" do notlilng more than deaden the pain temporarily, n J yviien iiic fnea we.irJ ?way m iiiipif w ytsuccr tuiu iutrr umii iicn'ic h i liever wlte to tale cliancts. Voy luvepnly one Ve, end thai U dear and precious. J you avj any rain, ticJie. disorde; or i wtnesf hi the femi nine orvant, imtliing will help you like Wine P CiM. Ii Jiclps do away wuh niornii.jf tldcne&i du;int! the early ftwei of pregnancy, and moJiues tlif pains rif fuuablrili ; fetverv k fiu) ajiJ future heaili) If ' UDIIS' aHVIIOIT llfAITMiPT, for nJ lii in riiMB rrqulimir tppfcl dlti.rt)tin, 4t1rM, ufvlntf lyinliloiii 14,wrf Tli l'llT IMIIOI kiiiv i iuiuiik'O, Tuna. 1 (lahle. helim ni.iJe Of lierpi mm( njedianaj prnpertie ta direai upon the oi ji j nt of wornwhooi. It it finii tiied remedy, md hi maiiv veart of success I'tJiInd it. it )i mre. Why take i dunce pieJiane who; joy aif f 4 1 lure medicine J Poultry Netting - iu l i p M' W Irti Jire tviir nmiiiii (r iMi trutxs thi; ken C. i. 4r. Wlra Ki t Slni'h-k. i' i ."I Itullml Vf irr n t tiil'lf. Il-lliwl in Mnui htm Wi- rin. iro irinr Ii i-4i h, Vk r 1 iiilli I fto lurtt, Irv Moiimi ihh.13.i rui'k Wire lint yini t!n Mid, wli L'nfli StmlinT Ho (''ii. Wmi (hotkiiil Mnt H'"V lib il Wire Ton il rr ilh n lull llnr vt Hnnlf tra- w mIi Ui'ifioli-iti null; ii vMr kl.nk (.f 'llH,iHS ).(lll nl f)ff i r,,T' I'l1'!. . J.CWhltty.ft. Russell llnnsq, Wkll In U-iif'tl N wt in 4 ird A fcnme lui trtvillni I'C.'l i. fUUnl limine pi'dKU.iK, icimfli MI fnliWM ' i i . ' (i i nrmri t. Pnt n rr"1 i I'll A i vi.f I. .0 . I all. V .i.. : .c . iy I oiiipi.'U'J I: Ui-y buis l.li i: :.,;r I. Lt W illi,' of ,i Lt? Jil l'l- r eu-atwia lure jiniw jf .uuih-iua a ijiaintur. Jy .M.wraiddc .t-ouiuinuic- UiiiliiuiiMiisly tin Um lluoni. Jiut tUe uiiiu swo iii t-i "is iiil oatinK to diiiiiiii tuwl culd uutjist I'viai u nliiu the '.;lit ot Cood M u iiot HX'O lluuua. lie f;relijuoiiU '' ervwl -iu tbc Ljis luiiiit, lu room too m"U t HOUi?U MO 4C0UIU1U JllMS JUi,MJU, wLiii'U I"? i.'UK: JuiUxkI. j in llie iiikrooii) HU fuwuiilttoe la flange iot Oiuir Uonda, -wllor kl .iiMi Iwkx. nnd4t l mtud w jfood inthoi-i- 4 jtUia tlte mliiliuroux ,-lMir iviju KJECEIVERS $Al Tlie (ILc3&e mot fuared are tboce wbiri us ttion, ioid f-mtiiy to family, iiy ifur the iiiont xiijirucUve of u.je u Caucur, vrliicli tmds the tTuaiciit ti;;n!x-j- iA ts ricuuu, among the ciiiMiva iiirl rraniluilnaof tnoc wiuc bmd vJietiiiUid villi tau tlcijitil ul imtljdy. You nuyciurr tills uattoa inthe blood lor vcun. tut 08 Ihe vital lovi ca U-kia to wuoe eliiibt bnae or cut, kitrt r tuoV tote jjiuijile ULy fl'.vcl'ip uiU Cancer, from 4iiidiUe liie to-old g is tie time wiwa iuU Cx'icur, ind ' umorp bvcouut niure prtrumve and ukaate UiBugUtki;.ikiu ' ijiechtfp, fdivotuij? paiiiau-iuiix tUeiuot iatoaoe uhw;vj. : '-. . V-v" ' 5 Ihc Ciiiicjr lMtiL-utciturully kiw dooudentaKBe: after Another tliGnsn' xemedic ud, r.d Uie sore shows noAigtiiif hcalitH5, --yb im jmntiai tJurt ba btxnttCCiniuiUtinriii tiieiynkm, perhauor enctatkisatinit be eliminated nor Uu!poisoiicllikodiiiadi;parcbyiiilvea( wasboe iiud plaster. The proper taaUtteirt; Of V aUubic Saw Kit J XiUuau?l- jPurttioil In the deer pf -the -Clreail uil( Ibl- tlOUd feUUwfiif Mie lklv- (Mi-wkl ,T mHb CtllM, Ne IVru Diuij. U tbet eruia asloe itMiKiB peiwliui; entiUcd K. Kt od bilL . tj tinge . Bfigg uul jCob uuiy, rtiiercd m Ke Jieia, Mbe April UMiuofMdCtuit (V.a.Uui, byahioe Wodrflid luoeicere ppoioKd by t;d Couri, ,wte dkeetrd .end iseUucled iueH tbeierfte dctoriUd property t liuiiliDe.'4tr Certetet oaai Htior an MileeBKi(, end report their taidMlee K ihe 4mh( od m laj notice 111 ld decree dirtcud, tbere- 3iie,eoeieri ftpoHiletl la tlie above norK,iiuu pas pri'puriMK j-owt ji viirtultyf tit jnu p uere Is to oiu-ityuabuj tlie bkoa,.tUiHiw act too and under said decree j toniornr ,lrUlfr, jfound ItJiu- ,)or:K irc?loy nrcteil Jut -.ll t ' J . - - " 6-- 8.jgoe4weqtt :'-- will ofter for alen the premises at po,bk tovoU niMi vmtm4 uruucaup horns w Mminu. - . , uft2!! H. fivi io tlif tSf..nr, plih vlotn rW j retort. U tb.it w ontlomn SiS?, !SnJeV um TW 'S:!?0 J wojou nioMiii-udlyturiii - MkA AV.'UA bill, lu-o'njilei i- tWaaeatveat. AuCanour U Weoiuury t euyfawU: ,toewot tegloning at tlie or .of 10 'U'liimt bi Iht 'cam helooi tAri i'..T.n i nmin -a iiml lymtlw-ul.' itbeeawtooonerulyaUuBia4ltoMitin nd elrmmnsi 4b f eloejt a.!in.f tutday, all aod singu- tr.ffi.i!? WZllSuT in ' ?i?.ZZ d tWar bU jMhta;-mm V eystem Witiej x Jar4heftloploe described real estate kl.tUfOiDofJiow,! "Oh, i div flol,- jrcullea rb rnftn. t'Uo to too ntniid off jmd cold." rVWi-U, if jou're afraid I'll ,4o )f- sole" and Ui did. t i "O'dcr.tlw" bMin Jieto m xmce, aid JvlU'Iiwicr without .lyulUiig ,up. "ud nlKoAJta. J mtd -7-' - , FmV of Ahfoc lm mde exanilrje 4H9 xatk'ur 4u ibniri!wpx'er Dr. report' -'.UynUold In mnrtiefl jrtagf,?', Ar, vnnxlc the Miiw dinijnoln, ' '.'rvc'iia gr fir, . tmnwaittwi.'. awf ly wntur'd Jford ;itiilnor. ! t'f uily. I Is eltliej! Ul pr ,niilngor- WK.' - Iir. X. ppjwmed .tho ,coinBirMJiHi limli nud lusrvoiwly nld)V'Hir, fi n that l linvc iimuv a uilntivkfl. -iin liinn in to .Uw curly atnet's of "ypnoio. 'iinvo iiu mnu at jonce j"enioyd o io lioHulUil," came In cold, ininloiiitii toni'i. "Anil vou, sir, apply to wo ft- Julunt for ynur nailer tuid flt your nrlloHt convenience retmp - w -lunar - Bnosevell'e DeTotloa to Dptr. elc'nnior UtlUold of 1I1I40 toUl A Rood Mory UlusLi'iitluK JUr. toonevelt'e'iul nuil tjlliuliitloiis fill presiding oillcw n ItuiiiKUintlun day. After ilie vlre pres. UU'iif hnd Jnliwi the onth of ptlU'o and xho tionitto had been wKaniwd nil In iho chamber oroci'cdcd jto .the ntnud wheru iliu.preeidiiut was luUutc Jnla oOico mid delivered bis ddress. he Jiiulcmout pentlur drovo Mr. Jteltfyld back: into iliu cniiltol for tiultcr, nal be ljhjily wandiJA'd iutp fMa fju? Mill .vivi'red Jn 4Ffie corners t dtxwiiiKoMu nt !wnUi' jiejtf morn- .ball, tho ;'ouimltti!0 liiide lnlwiitP Aiiniwmotiw in.ornor wm (Iiikho nu- jiUuwintino siionta ,uot agiiiw f ilave you ,auy Jdva.'' mirke4 ,tlic xoBbier 0 w.' oTithe iargent Juaeh o ypilppte ilie virage down town .inwi pern mini oevoton jto tu wiycwy ueoi r .''At 41 venture' ttuawori-d JtUe report. ,er, wntcbUig tlit blUTitid play of knives una uws piioui imp. jbiiouio w pilIlUUiH.-' XOU atf jiuout roe iuiu iwupiiy w jnated.! returned the cashier, ".but in jvaltty linl Aliat iltqe would lie itearcr riKiu. y w nvernge itnt' wnsntw or iiuuJi by 'the .patrons W ttlils .entabllsb' I,'' totitiinu'd Jhp icnsbter after the rer Doi-ty litul ventured 9 oibodlnir for Mtr- Jam . tgeitioa, 'iHiopiv jnw V tnicb a rifling end ainotiii uiilve auuCter luat Aq ant lillv of lunolr that few '....ll.. .,.!. nl,.n,.l.. J,i.ul,.i,a U .la inerely to auonly Jitingry icoule down VTyr t Aiooti, becauao &w 'Uig their 1 jluueuon with theiu, juid ptpm w.qr? jiuiuun of thv city noiie i'n gobuwp, 'This cxmbllshiucnt feeds S.0Q9 peo ple a day, ind tlie AUiouut of food re. Aruorziatl aaviaua lna 4o trv S. a., tv th t. n... iuld talcdA the aecoud bettla tba Gima boiMS to ahovr ais-us ,of itealuur,4a disoKaxjfe euwy jrcsduaUy Joas aod tloallF leased altogether, toe ere dxied up liAthuik fumiAiua but a sliirht aear. 2 aaL that X we any of B.c a. as a, cure or Coocor ly supported by .the tosti mony of tbose wbobave tested it and beett xa atoted to licaltlt. Jltmn in littiA Ann ak until the blood is so polluted and the system so thoroughly saturated with the If there U a taint in vour bloodret itoutatonce. don'twuifffir jinn.rf,,i 4ence)f 4t, the app&iriuic of a twnorr ulcer. - :We hiave prepared apecial book .on Vftticer wuicu a wui jnau tree, 4)iu? ptiyiwlaos are ready to belp you by their vice and such, du-ecbou as jrour ase requires. Write us ullyaqd fKwlyia 1. lJljyilUUH JH' JI ' ,H 11U1SHIW.W .wii M iiiiiiii HAR0WARE nri all JKundef '.(kting. and UookiK Stovoe and BtttigPf , pl, HU3J1 iHitcr, Doo.re, HfldgJ DutUiry tvd iU .(.Jiio fluirc4 ni: or thta patronage jit? J ppaD-dato Urdr Ure. Jintih nil tit a 4aiiuulnlu' niiniirrh la maAa 1 bai on th peciale' uoug Is wade up ttctunUy to 01 a .wagon. W are not the targest lnncli)ooui, however." anc pecsooal property to wit . Tueoeuiio tract of land eitnatid in X'rtu(et,couoty iiorth Carolina In How pott loosbip coDtaiuiiigX) acres anire or lcMnily dasoribed in the patent null Mri ioJ(il dated June liitb A. 1). li,nd recorded In the office of tegib ' tr ,of deeds ip said -Carteret uounly iu kmj!i y. V page 12 to which reference Is .made for full description: Also all that certain ,Uot of Undsttuaud in said l ar tereccouuty and in Keport toweehip containing J 14 actee uioi e or lees, fully descrihed is the patent and grant No. 1(1600 Mated June lath 18W1, and recorded 'in toe 61ce of said Register of deeds in 'took y. y. Pge .11: Also all those , tracts of Jaud situated in said (Jarteret county and known as the ''Thomas , Laud' described Id a-deed of James U. Uolfliee and wife to William A. Thomas u liice M registered la the ollice of said register pi ueens in hook r . r . pages 07 to 09, consisting of three tracts, io all DiaO acres more or lean, being the game land conveyed to said U. 8. Meal by deed registered in the office of said reg inter of deeds In book N, N. page 6&8: Also all the timber of every kind whicb was coove.ted to said ii. &. Meal by lid ward HUM aud wife by deeu registered io said office io book V. V. page 48 with all rights conveyed by said deed: Also the timber of all kinds and all rights and privileges conveyed to mid li. $. Meal by M utile JE. Would emeneb Garner and wife by a deed registered In said office In book v. V page 60. Said lands fully aescribed iu a --. r certain mortgage deed executed by K. b. . , ... I Neat to P. S. Cot on tho 9ib day of WUilW) ,IU vfKUIlUffi July im, and registered iu the ollice ol Mavinir oualltitd as ailiulnlktrfclxir of said register of dceda iu book V. V Ibe t-iMi of Ihe late Capt. M. Mor-' psgs 4S n 490 and 491. Also tlie fol lou. dcneasnl. notice is berel.y ffltu to lowing tract of land situated iu Onslow all i nulitora Io nrciujit their Claims to county North Carolina ou Uuteu creek Ihe undersigned for oavment on or be- aud known as the Nowuolu land aud fore the 10th dav of Aoril 1902. or this bounded and described as follows: Be claim will be pleaded iu bar of their re-! gluuNf the lauding ou said tueen t. A-?rew, Ptei. m. H. Meaoum, V.tfiea jU.te. ltiiie,ej.tter. Oping QeaeraJ jEfetnMaf Ktislaess February .18, IVO, urplusud Uudwi dtd J'rofitc, $.W.W. Prompt and coref ul eUentlon given to all tiualness entrusted to' us. AcrouuU received on favorable teims. ratdtnand Ulrum i. A. HUKUOWS, Bamuel w.tpork, R. H. MeaOowa, Chas.puitv.4r. ami.f. Kedmond, Clias.fi. rosier, . w . urauiKUT. X. W. BaaUwuOd. C.E.rov ao. y.tves. W.e-.Oocaott Mark Uisosw y Xhuuas A ran, mm tfprjiijr, nvtw -fill fr my wwm mm at mr, inskM lie mi if 17 n l wp vuiit." ,i ypiinfiir vhhiiih, ; , UH, CUTUfl H'DVJ'FCC! Aitlillttl'S teitalfwiii IhVa. k 11 l'i U-si- l 4, K t mill f m i ill1 Ui i-it h , in It . II... . . l' 1 1 . .1 , II V r V II.. A .. i. II .u i M it I i i I ' I .1 i i 1 i I IMny Piety m - , . . - , . pr IV Khil'iHiw at ; J Ht t Ho (o lionH ln'. id t'ai.li PitpMl Im h "ti iaf l Net, !. h'k ti4lt. rris. tlif i Miifal vt I,1M11. I lasm.Opt'tintTbavliki'a'tV an m p.nl'i '.( Iula ill fl4lBl tl'if.ntt ptnully ( sM s.lll.H lis t Pf I; ' In fl IVf auBh KUU'4 t l' i lii' a P mi H ni"l i sun'irn t a. foi -a ll'tarfc-l'i . Ail I'c iHi , 4uU, tli t. t;'. fi ta tl cU i lut It it. . .. ,l i i I f atl'li It a.i t. i r . I i.t. V'11' ' N ' '" i.n- " Jv.'tT ti- J f t r r I t ft iu; w. iiuusavabT statku TlfS gi) wt?om f:luiuilier. heii sut air. (looaevelt aluiie. lie occupied lbo proslUlug af- fiwr's chair opd iu fpl 19 Ih4ul7 ainal ijiut u hud ruiuruti upon Mu Infoniicd (hut lli,o yeuatu pud put ad journed, but had temporarily eueienl- ed pwecilnB to attend n ouuyura enerclsea. panie lo h rwle' sub) , Mr. liuiiri'id iu rvuiug mo lucbiuur, "by furnially moving Ihni the aenaia Biljpurn. f-'loije Jlooeeyelf aiuttil fhf iiuenlluq, anuouui'cii it carrieii ann ue rlmvi) Um aeunta pi)Jourui-4. 1 fhon vucuuil iiu chair.''-WaaWpglnn poe- f plcaio fierartf. ; ' ' Had Tbeat la I pare. Kins Edward aecoinpauled hll tf- role tluriiig flielr ulsiurls Io fnrii In Urn Aug""! of tui) N ni) Ida Drtnct'H i)a part a pw dpiiuht rnl lima Indind t Bi wld at Ihf a'reucb point that III young print m niurn rniuiwl himself thai b R lually lwiilun.il I he (xsitlful inprvai lugilo, ha' had Mn ao kind Lostiis to her young aueala, iu k pe tnlimhip for Miu n iisy pa after ibeir mrcnie Mil gP. WhU tier Iniin ruu najesif rumaikNl aiulllugly Ihnt ijuirn Viiiorla aa4 i'lluca . ym would Po w abla i apart) helr ! iblor si, i iii ran, lite iiiiim pnnm an acn'd aagi-riy: 'nut do, wiiimut iw 'raf ili) not think Hist, fix thera art al mora ff ft at pom. Thfy ran 4t without ua nulla Fill M a H t It I fluif accriiunoa i) (ha rpvf uuar- H w ban Uirce children. Before the jbjrj'J of ihe k&t one my wife use four hot ilDfKOrilER'SlWtM). Ifyoiueiitue ptciurei wourcp::arto, ypu toon w ai a g ancc itiu vis sui vu Jbeallukt,prtttkittii flaeit-looklni of ilieai all. iy wlb Ibiulti 4biha' 4;icu4 tf the rrcatcii and ffdnfcil remedf . In the waria toy wpcu apl tnotlicyiV-Wrttcflhyafea, itickf Ailney-al fr i-TftTifrn If ill! WT7t w a i fuv nr. K4TU9f MEOLiHij mm urn, coverr. All persons lnuootco to sua estate axe nolloed to ma ice immediate pay ment. 4. A. MOKTON, Administrator. P. h WARD. Attorney. prn, tv, iwi. mpOo prerenie, nlne-tepihl of tk tufcrfnr incident u cblU. Mrib. Tbecomlni aioiher'i I dlsposliloi) nd temper rcnala awullUd lurouguoul he or JMi.ae cause uui rtpixr lug, pcaclraijnf Unlmcnt re litre M 1 usual aiurcsi, a guou-naiurcs aiomci Ii pretty Hire lo bare a rood-Baiuxt child, Tna tmufli 14 acpt u a wrunf, acaimi tonllKun. taicay Ua pblld ls4 i Bcrtt, Huihcr'i rrlcad Ukc a wife Ibraugh IP ciisii julckly fad almost ailulosly, U tsslsti la tier rPM fccurery, and yardl mi ma ainien mi m riicd iniiot ao fUnWWW'IIWl' TUB BPAppiEU) iPauMTPH W ' .IMlpi - ( Bn4 for our Irr lunri-l feest piUlM apiM u eptuui moUitra, , W or All lMmu tirW, rill leara on Moudyi, Wodoe4aya, arc) JfffdaM at fl p. ). abarp; mak ing lapdipajl at QfientaJ, Fn4 jon. oka Maod, - JiAQH mill, Tb9 Ptr, WwbrR9 Pomiwmelui July M. l)cara at II cpock poos os T V4 Fridays, making landing W Orleatal, Hoapaia bin4 and plagi Bead, ' , - taf Freight foaiTed not laUr than na pour prarioua m aaiiing, . kf, K,KipO,i3m Mgr., ' ' - , U,q, UbPOiMien.Jr'rt.A Paj,4i l,llA liiTitn Arn JV llnnnliAnfla IrUHj Dirf rlor, tmi n capital, IRIM pM fronit $il,IIO,H . - inn-. mt imi,. " MKW BBltH(UBlO.AVp4H.)aprors4 tlrdtr llepiaMipbs, airsie lad and HI) Thurtdsi nigblaail p'clmk at fioua IrealMf. P, A. WllHa. Arehnai i, I Tolsoa, it, riuaaaiar, f, Hvfkf, p raalaf Pawf !? - fA thewr' . I. n.iior lvpv tata ana pf bn f- pimii ii Tn-s In the k h.iIu pna a'ti iioiiu rioiiiiy. The rn-K.sia ru la i, pihUi ill put if aii uMiur ii nii'a hiol rkniMiul x'tto'lt. It upM'l Ihe gittlly (if li Mimta for fully Pre ilu- UKa. ami ha tl.r.n Iu l.a gnlUrii lancliid so f . hiIbiii.iuI Unit l.a ptv 1 aiding (.riin'i bad la ii for enl. r. A fiw t,f pituiur Ixita'a annma in a 'aili. ( t.i'nn Uvulil mk a l.ntniin fur ll.a una 1 riu btll li.clr HiinHal ftprt'stkia M ha lhl';lil pf iiiislhi jit tii'Lvu. It Is t 'Mfii'l lsti l l tcii a tirw ri flew tli? I'niM Ii ii.ii t i t II. e ..iii. S' ei'illi." t It r" ...J N . li.' ',-l- u I-. ii? vt l wr I - f i- " aha " Ili ' I H. f- I J I i I i.j ! t-J lliSll n vl I li..: I It M ' . .Tt , I Diaa Tl. ' 1 . . 1 . 1 i . . i" . v " r- it JC.'? I IT.::-: T If C BUBKKA UlDOl KO. T. I. (107 iimcoiai W. r". trotktm N. li i Jimrt H liasoa V.UOto.irin,tSKlyi W.ll. jlaraar, f Inaucial BecrtU'fl A. I'lllr ii. iirguisr aiMiiBgi arary pi, hi at j u a'tion, KNOAMPUVNTt i. II ( i. n. jr. onioer: J J lu.i.r a f lfin.H.n.ll l'.TIM'nasy.. W a,T. snl I. W l UV (iirta.rtf 1 1 1 R (itftxk. Tniunr llr.mln rartrup. cut. III, lid, anil Ilk III sk Thnrsilay Rig II II IN ll H H"P l 1 H IH NEW KKUM 1.011(18 Kn I. Ml 0- 1. I). Hi.ln, I r..t, J, II. fmllk, riMOirl Ine bn'i. II. II. Illll. rinaneiairwi'i k- . H In l. Kn , i i o lla.umsf i I ail ,t.i U tml i. siiisiiiy ii(' mi ia H U ..Hill. l, tt. VeMetler, AfTOKKBV AT WW, ; Idle street, Uw;ara BrtUi UaUdlag, Till praoUee In Sua Counties of Oravsa 'artarat, Jouun, Onsloir auu i'aaillco. J. 8 fourt at Maw liorut said Huuftm Court o ha Creek pud on said New bold land whlcL is east ol the uivuih, of iiurnops branch and runs thence north 03 and 30 mlou les east 11 .140-100 cbaiuB thence north W east i,90-100 chains, thence north 82 east 1840-100 chtloe, to a pine, marked one notch ou the road leading to owausboro, thence uorlh Hi" east lb chains, Ibiuct) north 01 cast 10 90 100 chains, thence north 11" aud 80 mluutui. eaai 24.60-100 chains to a pine In Burnett brancn, tbence south 6i" Dl .iW 100 chaiostoC'at l'ood, thence south 10' east 24 H00enalun, Iheuix souib 11 west V0.19 100 cbalos, 1 lima, aouth 40 wist 10 chalus, tlieuce south W west U W-100 ehalus, theuix south 65 80 m t, 9, liaiaieai, 4, . Ward , emmm ward, ATT9BKKFI Ml UtVVUUtM al UW. icar atasam a. ii. (ytttoa 61 So, Front Btraet, nearly oppo- (OOIns also 4 BaJehrto.) I'raclioa ip the poo n ties of Uravaa, DudIIb, donas, Onslow. Oartarst. i'smll- co and Waka, Iu tba puprana sad r'ad srslOouru,siid wfaarsrar aerrlcea are daslrad, IGB F0H HOIK till ear a e fjoaa, pun avbnluaoaia, uaranUjo4 to t elmnilcally pads frooj ifisiilliid wah aad frus I rum Impuritlea. Hiiaoiallr la londad aod Wfr"4 for PUIM op aumpiloo. lea deHvarad dallr (aapspl Ho inlays) i f sBlolp aa... (iundava (ratall only) T a at I It poos) . For prVoot ai othar Inforaisttoo, -4 . A44raaa, ' . 1 per, Ibeuce south 00 west 21 80 10U ,4iaias to 'iueeu i rctl, tUunce along tus said trmk to the bcgluulug at lbs said lauding: Coutaiulug iWil acres mora or lers. Fully described in s mort gags dead to lh Maibiual llauk ol Mew Itera as reeoruiHi in ine oiticc oi im register of deeds of Uul iw couuty In book ho 71 pegs Ul. Also lbs followlag tract of laud lying In Iks county of Carteret ttiate aforesaid adioiulug lbs lands ot It. li Neal aud J 'I' Mlou pounded as follows: Ua lbs Bortb by lbs A. A N C It. It., ou tbe sssi by Us laud of It a Me. I, ou the west by lbs land ol 1 I KaUin, ami tie ginslug at lbs southwest wrucr of a pttaa of lead sold tu David tkll by the ate Bsajsnila Kslou at blab water aiark oa Vogue rbmud, sod running wit to bis Una north b cut 48 poles u lbs A. N. C. It It. Co. 'I laud, lltence with tba ilaa of said railroad mirth '' west W nolss, tbsncs soul h ur .! 1A poles aad 10 llaks, lb sue south 1 1. fr t.' I I I! MS. Hl.4 Ml. t 1 1 1 t. I r, i u t i ii , V a ,Jl a il I U U l !. l' I . I I 1 1 1 1 i I f f .t ' - I . i ' n.iiiH Vit'n who f .?nii. tl l.al.it (. ui.i.uailiH".i l-y ('nit In.. I i..i-k i-..Hi. iimI.., i . ..! Ik. :. . li- i j I ly it .i.t.ti.i.iu-i a r. i-i ai'--l d s w.iii nmi i.i.t III I ,U t l-i ll i.(MI.4. J 1 t li .HI 1 I Ua; .re I.j, i I I i vg a .'"t.'il t, 1 , ,- , 1 i t i l I , .. II l (.. I i i in. t a ii'.' ' ii lu.ii.i h- t , u i. , a ..i i ,i i i i i it. IU W I lilitiH hu, 1 h" In li 1 - ll-ti.V! kiwis nl and t ii... . Lis In eat h a. v. t la .mi, ' H .a, t'-ii k "t, al 1 , - k. H. II Jt. il. '.: It J ti'fi It It, t I, I ' l ''Klril-ii'i V.'l f. m. ., tl A'l r I y t Vtilre fUln l , ! .. - .1 . I .1. t ' It It H !'( Hi" 1. .H ! ( I JVollr of Niiromon I HQI1TII CAROUHA, I Ii,rh4-' ' ( revert (Jimmy, J ' I'onri ' Pttltiua t aell kinls fur iMrtltbiav . .- Nnttca of laiumona, . II. y. Bill iml W. r. Hill, Her hnUssad, " . a. . --. - - ... laainel 8nllii Julia lnttii and Kailly his ifaialonM llill sod 1 l.sriis Ann butli. Infant, by tier g'lanliaii H. I1, hixiiB; fj.vA. jlfwibiyi (.lasts o'Millry ( l psnik'fi Ur1 lli.iill)i "d l4hri pnkaowa lii'lr ul Ul llitWy, ibi rl; )kra I'rnm ls and line Ininlianil, trU, and tha Iwlia of d"l A, peath-y. The ab"a wnd Alonso Illll, Dan, A lUntl. .,blai.ll,ilW r I n irl'i-iill.-r Uf, H,lli suit lu'tn of l'n)iiiln llMMtUf, ilnsl, aad H'i I anirli aid per hiitlml llaHH-K ami l.s . iiw ul J .I a 4. lli-atlif, ll. h wUnia, la lis l,..i( a. t...B ill taVn a4ii.ll.al a sum. n,ini la. l..ri lunnt Imihi ll.iafiiil la iln is .. mnl.d art irf t ml i.nt- i.. ,!,av, rH)iiiii'a Uitm aiiwi '' I 1 1 i . il i t I mm t imif a tbe foUearitur tracts f land. Xm lying d pDf to what Is 4aow an Juaapioe; Hap stad .beep -Creak ttwsapa..a the et aide of INurtJi river.- to wiu- 6-7 of tbe -tract jJmmwp jaa the '-MiinaaoB .AJap - oaa Uaet- ksown as tbe V. B. fVUter cauent eoataiuioe-816 aetw. ily desoobed to ttoot -yx, K pagel in lue ocioeot Uae JKeg liter of Deeds of Carterat opanty. AUo 10e tract oom aaoBeiog at tbeortb st -aorner of tbe V. 3. Seller 816 aero tract -ruooiog aouth 100 poles, UMttoe west 100 polee. then oonbSOO poles then east K00 polee, theu south 400 pole to said patent, then west wun eatd &1G acre patent to tbc Beginning, jieing the saaie conveyed to It.B. jhesi -br V. B. Salter br riamt dated August Hth MSWI recorded in said recoraa oootc v. V. page 158. Also all tbe merchantable timber of aod above the aiceof If inches now standing and growing or which may be daring tbe term of two-' wears, -from tlie. lmri,.,f January 1100, standing ling ot growing ou the tract of land lying in Carteret county .Beaufort Township. On Ithe wet side of Worth river, and South west of KuseeH's creek on weat nrone of north river oontaiuiug 40 acres more or leas;- oonveved to. K ' 8. Neal by George i . Uimnaon bv deed dated January 1st 1900 aud recorded in ine Register ot tleed's office of said county in book V. V. page 814. All tbe tnecbantable limber of 112 inches at tbe base or which may be lying standing or growing during the term Ot 0 years from January let lliim on tract of land in said county in Beau- lori xpwnsntp, on JNorth river and ad joining pud running with the line of ttichard Wbltehursl, containing 140 acres, and conveyed to ft. 8. Meal by George W- Simpson on the 1st day of January 1900 and recorded in the said register's office book V. V. page 212 Also all the standing timber of the size of 12 Indies or which may grow to said size during the term of 15 yearn, ou the trait of land In Carteret county While Oak township, ou the east side of Wbite Oak river bi'irtuniug at the mouth liamons Cut or Creek, and fully described in tire deed from Daniel Weeks to K. 8, Nual dated Septem ber 28th 1899 from which siiid date the term of 15 years begius to ruu, said deed recorded in the office of tbe onice of tbe Itegialur of Deed of Carteret county in book V V, page 191 . Also that certain twenty year lease hold Interest, coupled with the right of purchase, with all runts fully paid lm the entire term of said louse, of all that certain tract of land iu Carteret county at Carolina City, ou llie south side of the A. & Hi V. K. H , ad joi n i hk the laud conveyed lo li t. Neul by W. M. Webb, and luuy described above, aud adjimnug the lands of the A, & JN J. li. It. Com pany, aod the chauuel of llogue sound. laud the lauds of Murliu Uoss Willis uiul J. T. alou, upon w hich is located the mills and dry kilns uf said U. S. Neal. Also that oeriaiu saw mill located ou the laudt) just above described, said mill belug (itiarps Number 2 Circular, ca pacity of about 40,0UO feet per day; with all eugluet, boilers, belling, Bhafliugs, pulleys aud all other tools, fixtures uud appliances, and albo the brick dry kiln, wharves, nut-buildiugs, and U-nemeut houses, aud all other buildings located ou said laud. Aluo all lumber, acaut llug, aud 1'igs, located on said land or in tbe pond, aud all rafliug, gear, wagonn, aud all other tools aud luiplemeut, and appliances. Also a certain sleaw Iu;: boat coouuonly kuowu as the "William K. Moore," and one oilier steam lug hunt uauied the 1 Nellie", uow )ti Hogue sound al said mill. And also all tiuiliei rigiitH, llnili i ciii tracts, or ealrii-s on lainiii iu the n.util) f Carteret or elsewhere, iu wliii li Un sold It. S. Neal is aei.uil of any lulen-Ml legal or cijtHtablc, and wliicb may Ih- i.ly rei iinleu In tlie records or i.arun i county or elsewhere, or such as may lie unrecorded, aud wntcn may uot be civ red by the description of the land, 1 1 in ber nd limber rights here-ln before diMicrlbed. Offering at said sale all the right, title and Interest of tbe said H b Neal Iu any and all oilier Umber, timber Ights, or Isad, of what so-erer nature or kind, or wherever louated aud sit uated, Iu addition lo thai already here lu-befors set forth. Tbe last aad best bids, will be at once reported Pi tbe Coon for confirmation. not less Hit a 10 ol lbs parcnase prtc lo be deposited until confirmation of le, which will be bad on lea days notice. Deposit to b credited oo con firmation or returned If not coo firmed, This April Itilh, 1901. Jko. Di ns, O. II. Ol'loN, Itecclrrri i y V V I 1 1 t .h .' I I tl.., .1, ami I., (, t u.ni fti-.l l.r-iiv tl.e mm! r.-rn-I u:nl 11.4 a -.li4 P s. II lrim I in t i. mi f. ni.iT, rf..r t-jr.ti., l,l-,!i';' ll, 1 ' l .1 it' I' I'bl.l. Will Inn... I If n 1 I l II II rail U . . t . . . I . m 1 ,i-l a Mil ! r 1 ..t I ..11, 1 I, 11 at i- -tr if lt 1 . h , s ' a l I"'1,: ' ' I t-.i..t ti..-n a i-i 1 1 ll I ri.l .... I I W M t . t r 1 1 I'" 1,-t not, IBauca soum sail la lbs cbaaesl of Hog us Houpd, ilmm-e ilk a Ilaa parsllsl to tba shore lias to a noiul wbss e eouru 9" stU will sirtka lbs Bralsorasr of ihU Iraci, nr soulb past aoraar p( las Irani containing 111 aorsa wore or lass. Also a trset Imi In alng at a stake oa lbs south shls of lbs A. ai- U, It. It aad wm of lbs colored rsva yard aad a eulrsrt In lbs tan tl.lt ft, raaalag weatpardly with lbs Ilaa of said rallruad IV poles sad 10 feel to aaolfcar stake pr ecoosd eorasr, the sea aoutkwsrdly to tba blgsj watsr aitrk la ttogua aoaaO Ibtucs saslwardlf to Iba blab aur mark al said anosd lb poles Bad It fst lo a stats, lassos Borttwsrdlr la tba twalaalaa .ooaiaia lag I aarsa I mode Bad IT rods aanre or leas, pais the easts fully dsserllpd ia a ostitis morta ses daad final It S Nsal lo W M Wsldi raoordrd la tba alDoa of lbs rsiliisr of daade af Oartarst aoaaiy la book V. V. uses Ul. . Also all tbe aurtala traeia af lead aad tha ttatbpt r It hie tkaraoa, eliaaiad la t'arurnl anasly, Nortb L'amllaa. fallf daseilNMl la lbs axwlgaea dd taeealsd tba Oliluaa Haab PI Ms Ha' a, wklck aald saattf ss dsod la duly rrdd la ibaaRltauf the rrtlslsf af drada al Catarat anaaiy la book V. V. P"S tVT rl to uhlcB ta'sraaiw le Pisna lor lull BtMrlpiloa. A tap Iks tract pan ul lard lylae la Iba sops' Pf Josas. Hiala a'eiaMld. fsiry aVa.lhpd la a datd troM (Ipnrn W Hay aad Pikers, le HI Nal ht Ju4 mmiM la Ika oflaa af lbs treble! af iMsta of Jpeee avaatr la bonk 44. liM 4.a,-4Ti, l.lse ak Ik anrtk sins al ltasirs riwi, sntaiss . t i . j . . 1 u .1 . . .a m i.M . . . . j sail Ji.ks Ysaira, IrMPwrly IKS Jaads tae lite asd (Ipwrs liar ars A taw a l ike pipe. Pk aad ash aad r.pn-n lwU. aaP Ptaadlsf PT sipwlee I wkk k liill frav alsilwa 1P laa P t taarsftoai Jalr Utk H M Ik is al II Istkra, sra ike retlstp takd la fatiairt enuale la rfs fori ta- .i.'iv lur e i4 Uii-e pp tba bMd pf k.w r ..t .Ira as4 la Ika aatkwasl tnik l Ua .!, faiillat ao arM trap. . a aa aa a rai. xire aiia sows, as vr.i . ai P nal kf Pifka t a July ITtk l si I r d4 fwrorta-l l Iks r"'4s af M r.'r l lk V. V, pr IT. Ail ia l-ii c lh sit I 11 Is. kaa al Ika .utn mi al aw I.1"! f flM a. all. k I a ail a I ! i'tm a,f ,.ul In a, Ii. H t-l .1 1. Ill l-t,l i, p( oa iaa-iirf l ',, ar" t( lla S -! . a I r It al.. , i..r lahl ail t., r it :,, . 1 g U 1 1 - 1 at I . I ti. a aa . i-lmi. t la t ,, r t 11 .- a a i .. t . I I I ' I i Administrator's Bale. North Csrollns, huporlor Ursrsn County, j Court. Thomas t. McCarthy Administrator of Ollftr I pock deceased, vs. Virginia Kllaalisth Ipoek, sod oilier. Bala of la on to mass assets to pay debts. I'ursusat 10 lbs daorss of sals la tho above salltlad prooasdiogs psadlng In lbs Hupsrior Court of Crarsn ooualy lo ssll land to aaaks assets to ps tha dsbts of tba deeeiesd, I will ofTsr for sale and sail for 04 till to tba hlgasst bidder on Monday Iba od day of Jims pssl at IPs boar of II Vslork si. at Public Aactioo al tba U art llouss door pf Cravsa aooaiy, aalilrst lo tba Dower aad Hlghl of Dowtr, i, tba Widow, Vlrglals klfsa twtk Ipoek,. all tba followlag dsseribsd tract or psisal of laad lying aad being aliaalsd la tba Oaaly of Craven, Huts ef tfprtb Oarallae, folly daacrllasd In Ibose enadry daede duly recorded la lbs pfllea of lbs K later of Hearts pf Osvsa Ooasty, as4 hssrlsg Iba dates ree pec lively as fellow st gplrar Ipoek and lire ta uiivvr ipoci, nwi... ims BP0, rpparrlsd la bnok Ns. IOO, ptfs . Wliloafkrsy laork la Dllvar iWk, by dead dstas) Jsaa 1Mb, f, rwpo.oe.1 la book Mo, 100, p Is, Blepaea aad Itartaa laoeb t Olivet Ipoek by seed dslad Moteaibsf Mad IVL racnrdsd hi IkMik He, at, pagp 17. A Ilaa Uasklae ia Oliver Iparh I4 dalad Mev. IMk, IPfMI taaapltaj bank Na.tt, page M. Pa lt aad airernlag II eem aoavarsal bv Piffle Plarkias by 44 rpnordadlpeaid (lllnr lpe In rlsowpile Hoob He. ItO, para Itt, la all of wklck said iirdi wfertwrp le M for S laU OeeerlptloO af aald Isad, w,i.k Is pawsmbraead ra Oa I'trwl. otiniaf h aallssaltaej m aarsa apirapeaa. Tke kwa4araoalalad Ike eT'J iela aarsitaa Use saUie trt dssrr4. liHaF.MfCAimiT, -,- Adaalaletrate. Iprt.lflk.lDfll, t U t - ljhr I a 1 iwi. .-I k . FVA . e. s... PMskaj, "DC . lain

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