An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Stbvp or Fios, manufactured by the CAtiroxiru. Fie Syrup Co.; illustrate the value of obtaining tlio liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form moat refreshing-to the t taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengtliening laxa tive, cleansing' the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling; one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sab stance, and its acting on tlio kidneys, liver and bowels, without Weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. ; In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to tlia taste, but the medicinal qualities of tlia remedy are obtained from senna nud other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fia Btbup Co. only. In order to get its. beneficial effects and to avoid imitatkmag please remember tho full name of the Company printed on the front of Tery package., CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP GO. BAIT PEAKOISOO, RJKtV LOtnSVTLIJ!. KT. . jrsw TOBK. W. T. - THE JOURNAL; New Bern, N. 0., May f, 1001. , Index to Nev Advertisements. J. O. Whltty & Co. ParU breen. Jas B. Dawson. Cigarette. LIppman & Yoffle. Bprlng Ooods. Simmons & Bollowell Co.f-Tuesday's Special. ' ',V ; tj Business Locals. DUUMMOND'S Nstursl Leaf and Egyp tian cigarettes at James BJ Dawson's, 103 Middle St. , . - PARIS GREEN and Sprayers. For killing Potato Bugs and Tobacco Worms- For sale at J. 0. Whltty & Co's. . a- t A FRESH lot of Cream Chocolate just received at McSorley's. ' 5 JACOB3' Raleigh Rye Whiskey Is the Best. Middle street. Fine Meats of all kinds at the Oaks Market today. t. Western Pork Loin the Oaks maraci. Don't forget to see our stock of E. P, Heed's Oxfords for ladle before buying, see them, and you will boy Stem. J.. J. IUiter. A child's eyes are subject to defects more so than adults, especially school children, because of their tendency to yield and become Improperly shaped, statistics show that In large ctllat the per cent of defects ara f rtttly lo excess of those of smaller town, on aooonat of the limited field of visloa, the am trouble titsl In school children, they be come sccustomed to ttudrllf at t short distance aud grow np this way, lb eye gradually becoming (near lighted) or myopic, or reselling la to to disposed defect which should be corrected by suitable glasses. v, .'- It I swell known fact smocg opticians that many a hopeless bllsd aua't eye could bv been In good condition bad the dlseue or defect beet tecog nlsed as a corrected by gl eases e la eneet of lb trouble. - ' K Myopia to not only a defect but t pro gressive dlteete which est generally be cared or lu progress , sujrtd by the proper lea, statistic) show the pur Ota U of myope of atlrersHI te b , which goat lo show bow the mind It enlUvMed at the 1 1 pee a tf the y po ttv year child eye by hiving lb iatlatd by J. O. Baiter r. : . ... sick cmh-i- Aaway't Orvan ?jrni I more r(tbW thaa lpA Mt Sfrop of nay of lh ordinary tilings gftt Jor rrnusv Q"lt a BumWf of oof twtnwm say that lhy wnntd not b wlti-wl ianfl Crrmp Hyrnp t the baawv They M mli about their eblMnsf wbt St It a. I'rkette, , : a , BfctM ci Tovt riEsarrnoKt. The tblld win be Wttf oC, In IK yt m H ym do. Ur ja elirl gH Jutt esaHly what the drtnr m xrlWa. We ! tb Itf ttnrfc r4 draga, e4 eleeyt take rV o km it tm wytlitno rrl tavuiably Jest jhI astr th fcnrtet ' , BredaeaVt Can-Daa 0gh Care M t ttitiltj rwawdy. fiiMtM'cf vv tMk. Sr. Vra4hji' Ct Itu Whe T aWwnbt nltbe iMvyWh rnMl PrV 10c Biadhaai'a rwTiptVe srwtsy, Jtw Btw Jf. C. , Mail orWa allot. Welimt Taty at strfvf . . u4f. CURE YOU "if HEADAC1II and LaQRII With CAPl- Ke bt)tt - IK p4 tv I 8wy tad DfV T T T 1 EC51E TEAM WHS. Rev Kern Defeats Chocowinlty at Ease BUby25tol$. Yestenltj'i game of baseball between New Bern and Chocowlnlty etthsFair grounds was distinguished by the length ef the game, S boars and SO minute and by he big score run up. The Lome team defeatiog the visitors by: ; the score of 85 to 18. '. . It was predicted by four out of five -person that the bona team would lose, Just M la th foot ball gam with Wil mington it was said that the borne eleven bad no . chant. It . it Ante that the boys ara faithful "rooters" for their ilde when they get on the field but a little" more cheerful confidence In home talent would be the proper thing. There fas a fair sized crowd present and ex penses were mora than covered, but there should hive been a mock, b'ggor crowd. ;'--Vv-'' There wu considerable amocement over horse racing by a number of own era wbo bad their roadster on the track At times Interest wu 'divided with the ball game. In the several spurts "Judge" had no difficulty In forging to the front. - . , , ' ' The Chocowlnty boy leave for home today. . They are a gentlemanly lot of young fellow and took the "chinning" of the "rooters" with good feeling. The following were the ' features of the game. Chocowlnlty, 8 1 0 1 1 1 015 New Bern, .0 6 8 8 1 4 1 3 x-25 Struck out, by Thomas 11, by Bra- gaw 7. . Base on balls, Thomas IS, Bragaw 0. Home run, Tucker. Three base bits, Bryan, Tolson, Jacocks. Two base hits Tucker, Hardisoh, Stevenson, 8, A. Pat terson, Bryan i, Jacocks. Umpire C. L. btevens, Scorer W. J McSorley. . LateKlnston Happenings. Kinston Free Pros 0th. - There were 45 Morehead City tlckeu sold'yesterday morning. Mr. 3. F. Parrott bad the first straw. berries of the season on sale Saturday. They ware raised on Mr. 3. W. Grain ger's farm. Judge Hoke bat rendered a decision In the Dover Injunction case restraining the holding of an election hire today. lie refused to grant the Injunction to restrain the election. Mr. A. D. Wsrd sppesred for the plaintiffs and Mr. II. E Shaw for defendants. . Mr. Hubert Bell, while assisting In losdlng a box on Messrs. French & Bagg' wagon at the A. 0. L. depot Sat urday, slipped and fell, striking bis head on the wheel, cutting a gseh about two Inches long. Dr. Rty Pollock was sum moned and rendered medical attention. A woods fire I raging within a few mile of Klmton. It started nearly n week age at Mr. Frank Hawkins' mill, even mile from here, and to near Cadet today. Part of the county fence ha been burned, aa baa elsoNthoaseads of rails and a lot of corded wood. A nam. her of bog bar disappeared. It It tap posed ibey were alto bnrned. Sheriff B. W. Edwards, of Greene county, returned to Klotton yesterday from New Bern,-where be bad teen to arrest W, 0. WUItamt, of Ontlow coun ty, who to wanted InQreene forembesite men l. The sheriff failed to find his man He, however, learned that be bad taken to the wood, and tent a party alter him, and It to hoped that he will yet be captured. Ton are mack more liable to disease when your liver and bowel do not set properly. DeWllt't Utile Early Riser remove lb cease of dittase. Fi Daffy A Co. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. J. S. Wall tot tad daughter, Mist Kilt Wtllaee, went to Baleigk Baaday to visit for few nay. Mr. J. U Kearney, of Perth Amboy, K. J who ha been tpendlag Mveral weak In tb dty, toft M lb Men last ntghl, rettratag boat. Mr. B. D. Moody left yesterday morning for a ttvtral wMtt trip, la lee Interest of O r. B. Daffy KtdMae On. , Qtj Election. T-Day. The eleoUo f AldartM for tb ally of If w Bern, tee plea ,te day. The oil will be open fro 7 -v,lo1 InOSoi Sale, TodJj. , Rett n bat lb anetlM tale at III PeW lerh ttreet, 4bt)tbol4 n4 klteben farnltnre, Wfltt Ulo avorilag at ton e cloak. . Xeaodai tar Qwlr. v Member of tb. eVnr for Memorial Dar eervlet, Mir lOtlu srt Maeestod to nttet this evealtg I 'cktk ettht rmbywrla Leeter feast. ' tm nrct Meedt aatttt taw It w-ay te betl to rJi n ptwaapuy, bet ewe atneld nanWf u W vv theausi ftlmtf rsttfclUe t1y att. The Wet a4 awwt iim p)e aad gtwit reawly It U rrp tf Flft, twia'trtiiH y the Cr,folt 'I lftr Cis. ilsv yoe tM ! to :: I of UAt ed , kf tr Vii, f - y em tl h " rotate f. i.t. Ptt. - T. H. fc!f'y Kf-::rf, Tie avrrnO 'y .- t4 iM fWmntl m f ' ha V. '. a t 1 1 m, fy T'h f :i a I : snt'lf U r-j V (1 T r.- a TCS GISSCN CASE. Officer Dixon Suspended far Alleged As sault on Prisoner. Council Wi l T. Decide Case. " About noon on Sunday John Gibson, a whit man, drunk and disorderly, was V arrested on South Front street by Officer J. B. Dixon and placed In Jail. He was severely clubbed on the head and a war rant was takon ent against Dixon charg ing him with assault.; Th matter came up in the Mayor' court yeaterdty morc ing and an extraordinary amount of in terest wu manifested In the case,'; the City Hall being filled with a large crowd to hear the l-iftjtS : . Mr. R. B. Kixon apptared for; Gibson and L.; I. Moore Esq: for officer; Dixon. The hrg; against Gibson of being drunk and disorderly wss first called and a plea pf guilty was put ln' Gibson looked much the worae for.' bis day's performance and bis faoe.' wa' badly braised under the left . eye. A number Of wlinetsrt were called to prove that the officer bad need unnecessary vio lence upon bit prisoner, "y:: ' Alf Bragg. J.. O. Baxter, P. Harrison. WiT.'HIll, J. T, Kendall of Goldsboro, Will Paris and Charlie I'aul, all testified substantially the same, that on the way from the place of arrest a( long whaif to the station Uu officer' (track Glbran three times, and that Gibson was making no effort to resist, only holding baok a a drnnken- man would, and that he was cursing, using profane language, Officer Dixon holding him by one arm and 0. H. Strickland by the other. Each of these witnesses testified to the placet on the street where the blow were given. On the cross examination, Bragg s.l- mitted that he was unfriendly to Dixon; and Harrison , that Offloer Dixon hid arrested him, but that it wat without ust cause. ; '. -Charlie Strickland testified thavDixon hid called htm to assist arrest Glbioa, that he came and took hold of one arm, that on the way Dixon struck tke prison er, that he remonstrated and that Dixon hit blm again.' He said that Gibson had a raior handle, that he would swear that Gibson held a raxor handle In hi hind. CtpL Gatlln tettlfied that ' he had asked officer Dixon tb take Gibson away as he was drunk misbehaving and curs ing, that ho had a knife In his pocket or up bis sleeve, that Gibson hsd followed blm np on the street, useing curse words. Officer J. B. Dixon said that he had been called to arrest Gibson, that Gibson tald therfwas no warrant istned and he could not arrest blm, that Gibson cursed blm loudly and struck him with bit list on th side 61 the head, that he thtn struck Gibson with bis club, pulled him to tht ground indjcalled Strickland to at lit, tbtt on th wiy to th' nation h had not ttruck th prisoner, only mid passe at blm to quiet htm, bid no ID feeling In the mailer, had been 10-yetrt en tb police fores, never convicted of useing undue violence. Mtyor Patterson then ssldie would impend Offloer Dixon until tonight and that th matter would b left-to the Board of Aldermta to decld upon. Th Mayor then took occasion to correct isyl Impression that might be entertained thtt ta oOcer did not btv a perfect right to elub' a prisoner If be resisted ar rest or showed fight. A Gibson hsd been already severely punished a smalt na and coat we placed tpoa blm and be wu released upon lb anrety of At torney Rlxou. OABI.'OnXA Batftda t A I Ufytlliwi'wm fcrM Remember tboee famou Star Hami St J. 3. Toltoe' Jr., 77 Broad Mrwtt. . . Hell U Criminal Cotrt The tklsvtt -who btv been Miking small It roads on evral Broad wreet s lo rat of late wr brought lo time yesterday, Taty were laid In Wall for Saturday night at Battanbwslt More, aehe wu beard and when Mr. Sailer. Ibwall I arad on n ilgbt, colored eat) tamed Mary Ward wu . die covered at the wash drawer, Bbe i arretted aad atld that n eolorad atte naaved Amos lietry Vvtag In Brtgg's ABty wu her acoomplle sad bad ! btv tnto tb More, ', The ease earn Ufor Mayor Patter tea ytttwdty meralig ltd wu poet rd eeedlag levetUgaUon. Orsett went te lb wocaatt boat ted fotad Mntbev f erUctae wklcb Mr. t. B. Wstton IdtatlBtd a btvtag been tttrn front bit place, - TbteteewM etiWd tla Uwla lb day. AaMttOtery tad Mary Ward wtw tack a 14 t Ue Crla-latl emit I 1 10 ball aad la eWsvll ef btt) ware tented ever to "ten If Buuie tad pltnd la l entity jll. A Very Small Fire. ' A lsn frmti bnt IA at II. S latt hl rtlltd not the flit fVrH.rlm.rii lo eiUdtltk a bernlng fenrt en Deft Mr Wluw rHort. Tr1Sig flft doee, aa roa if ptreet for la f - Uil Art I. J. PtiUf a J Jt rwvtvarl In. RMtftlx lloarnrw Iii!!f Try trnnks ffws I i It i ! tt''Ct ! 'r't f t i '. i laaw-rm ! rf r a - u, r r. tale .. i 1 1 .ior Y,v. x' 2:i r !. J net's r:.- : , try n ' POLLOCHSLLE. t kasaat Picnic of Trenton Folks. Chtafe J la Agents. Cotton Acreage. The Shirt Waist A Fine Home. " At lut w art hiving fin spring weather, and the farmers art rejoicing. A few gentle shower are badly needed. The dry cold weather combined has caused bad come npt of both corn and cotton. Btill there to hope for cotton yet. , . We bad quite a pleasant visit lut Frldsy from the Trenton Sunday School pIcknickerK- It - was one of the most orderly tad best behaved that hu ever visited our little town and w will all welcome them again. . . MIs Lottie White,- who hu been studying telegraphy here under Prof. Harvey H. . Jones, has completed her course and returned to bar borne at Vancebqro greatly lo the regret of some of us. M5w'.:W . v2?-?Mf- & Mr. H. H. Jonet and bit assistants, Mr. Edgar KIlpslHck agent of A. C. L. t this place, have been ' trtnsferred to Willaoe, N. 0., during the berry season there.; Mf.. J. Alxet Bafrn bu thl offlc now in ciarge.'J.'-Jf't; Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Heart df Bellalr spent several days latt week visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Bhepard of this pltmfjj-'vj.?? We learn that the acreage of cotton will be greatly increased In this county this season, " Wa hope the harvest will be an abundant one u big crops do a general good to both laborer, landlord and merchant, also the ginner comes In for his share. . . v We ball with great joy the approach of the shirt waist, on of man's great est summer blessings. We hope ttht come to stay, away . with" light waist coat And and hot coat. Mr. i. Q. Ball hu one of the prettiest county homes to be found In esstern Carolina, located on the northern bank f th Trent river just opposite the flourishing little town of Pollockt vllle, - ' He I putting, the ground In fin order, filling In the vallej and leveling the bill sides, sowing lawn grasses and building a pavilion, about 80 feel from th water dg on . a prominence of of about 80 feet above the river water which when completed will be quite an ornament to our neighborhood. THB MARKETS. Th following quotation were receiv ed by J. E. Latham A Co, New Bern K.O. . Nnw Tori, Mty 8. Csttosi Open. High. Low. Clot May 7.88 7.70 7.88 7.70 June 7.64 7.70 7.84 7.611 July 7.67 7.78 7.87 7.78 Aug 7.41 7.47 7.41 7.43 Oct 7.11 745 7.11 7.18 Chicago, Bay 6 Wheat: Open. High. Low. Close May 72 ?if 78 781 July 71 72 78 . 78. Coat: Open. High. Low. Close Mty (8 18 50 61 July... 46t 401 45J 4c Bib Opu. High. Low. Clot Mty...;.... 8.06 8.10 80S 8.07J July tmk 7.t 737 7.80 Nw Tork,My8.!- Brocitj- Open. High. Low. Clou Bagir 148 v 148 147 147 So. B'y Pfd 88 86) 8S 85 0ont.. 10H 108 1064 tOH So By S8 SS 88 ,88, Reek Is. ItH 186 164 164 Me. P... 114. 1I4 llSf 118) St. P ' 1881 188 . 184 1854 C.S.L. 16) 16,Yli ; I4 T. & II. 84 . , 84 U.B.B. , Ml 68 Ml alt a o eit -, si i sty 60, A. M.0.......M 188 lfc 128) It!) 0BAQ .... 198. 188 186 IMg ' BpouA. BeVt baton, - future, Mty-Jaa 4.18, Ang-ttopt. 41A reatr Kawnrra, TaU ot J" Beau week Tbl i week. .y. A f , t SL 11,000 : V.' . SJK Men.1608. . -"8,400 Tsts. ' ; 6.700 wd. . , t ; ,.'.- - 8.800 Thar. . SA00 fit S.460 v. 81,800 Advtce to . B. Latham A Coj tw Terk, May 8. The rtetet wtakaeet la Liverpool I 6t to UqtldtUoa by war large cnttea Uttrettt, Preatal laiprovtutl It aata rtl reaction. B Mooaa A Co. tTHTOM HOfHE. HIWMIBN. H r. On I trim's Orrrr-n, Aran., rk IW'l -1 TI'UKit fi)lt fct-VKNt VI.. r.UH -tiiun rairLa for rrV Iftf tblp txati.ry nilooa, ttrl rai m !! (( ( lalid Puttee II... an nitf rwtTtc. rgoirly iiln1, or Irmporarlly, at Nawtora. K. ( j4 l.r4 tm Worti tald vli"-. ftl It. mi. t - 'i, ( nr-4i ( h i i:' a'H t e r p. m, ct May 14. 1 I r . k t'.mt 4-1 I hT ' I t- ln,Kr' rf V : fi ;t, rv,t fs k.l fri r r. n U I -. rt ! T t r r r LlstofLtlers -' Bemainlng In the Pott Office at New - vuh, vnrca cuuniyi il. tiay t. ' v -k -: MIX'S LIST, A Rufn ' Armstrong, t. W. An- drwv .:,'-.' . i- B-Albert Brvan. J B Batter That. Braxton co tloop Iowa. -', C J A Crawford. Robt. L Cornlah en 8chr. Dorchester. .-: F-3H Flower, t Itt r -J' 0J F Goodton, ; t ' : , '- ? ; . H DtnX Hirrison 'faDt. lMark H Hlgman co Scbr. M A Besw'ck. , 1 o.lvy. . - ' .. . M-A A MIHir, H 8 potter.' f T StF. B. Smith, Tllmond 8herod. T Harry Tejlo;, WOMKH' HOT. B Mr Henry a Brvan. Mamie Blwa Llllle Bonnar, Mabel Bowler. . C Kitie P. Caronon. ! .: '.. J Sarah Jsmes, Josephine Jndd. M Sarah Maaoy, Bessie Morse. RPltle Roberts. ;.T-Mr.H, 8. Taylor. W Miss Llilla Wllll.m. . n m..o t 'William, tfary Wlllltms.;' Persons calling for th above letter will pieu aay advertised and give date of list.:,:-.. 4-:V- Th regulations now require that one (1 cent shall be collected on the delivery of each ad vertised letter. S. W. Hancock, P. M. Armour Choice Loins and Standard Ribs st the Oaks Market. List your Taxes. Notice I hereby given, that the list taker for the 8th township Craven coun ty, will sit at th Court House In the city of New Bern June 1st to 14ih In elusive, and from 84th to 29th inclusive, at Rhem'a station on the 15tb. at Bellalr on the 81st and 2?od of Juno 1901. At blch time and place, all tax pavers of said township, are required to return to we list taker, for taxation, for the year 1901. All the real estate and persoual property of every nature, and to elve in their polls. Under the pains snd nensK ties Imposed by law. . 1 our attention Is especially called to me revenue act. W. N. Puon. List taker. I NEW CENTURY it the busiest place In town. Competitor)! dislike us not only because our prices are from 15 to 26 per cent lower tlian theirs, hut because the people are catching on to that most surprising fact. n, .flni Fn Assortment of LAMPS, AGATE, AND TINWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, and all kinds of Household Our 5 & 10 cent counters are a temptation to Bargain Heeken. Novelties and Hecinl tles arriving daily. Our Penny Pencils and Penny Tablets are the best. NEW CENTURY 5c & 10c STORE, 69 Proad Street, Next to Bwert's Beof Stall, Opposite Jones' gtsibleft. m Of Interest' the .Men. . Anyv man that wears 1 Shirts, OollarBf Guffs or Sox cannot afford to miss Tuesday's Sale Stiff Bosorn Shirts in colored bodjea and bosoms, 76o quality 12jcWhlto Linen Collars, each :5c auallty Dobbin & Ferrnll, 'At Tucker Store. Raleigh, N. C P For School. Commencements . We Offer Lines of Sheer . White: Fabrics That , Cannot be Equalled by any other store ' We Import direct and buy in groat quantities and price tliem at very reason able price&r REAL SWISS MUoL", 33 in. wide, 26c, aric, 40c, 60c yard. FUENCH ORGANDIE?, two yards wide, aSc, 85c, 40c, 5Co, 65c, 75c & $1.00 yard. '' PER8IAN LAWNS, 48 inches wide, 80c, 25c, 85c & 60c yard. 1 BENCH LAWN?, 60 inches wide, 85c, 60c, 65c & 75c yard. Ribbons, f-andals, Gloves, Laces, Em broideries, Chiffons, &e. DOBBIN & FERRALL, Raleigh, N. C. Auction Sale ! f n Tnoo.lnu Man 7 of 10 a m 1 .. ill sell at Public"? ale at my residence ("o. 110 Pollock street.) my household and kitchen furniture. J. W. B1DDLI. A Good Tonic. If you need a tonic, try our P.ecf, Iron snd Wine. It I a conliinatkn particularly valuable in the treatment of debility attended with Impoverishment of the blood. It promote uigejtion, improves the nppelto nod gives energy to the entire systtem. Davis Prcscrlp- lon 1 lifirmiicy 5c and 10c STORE Fnst IJUck Cox, all Fruit of the Loom Bleaching Jo Ya To every lady buying a pair of our Clem ent and Ball's Fine Oxtoisd Ties at $2 00. The NEW FANS now open, prioes from 2c to $2.00 each. G. . cA. "BARFOOT, 43 Pollock Street We l:,l;ru Sn i;i1 I'jiins lliis r . :s. :i I :., , V frocds as could m.t I'iil lo ilc:isc the ihuiIh r-i.i' ll; n . Sr A fi:I! line of Sui:s, KnIim 'I'l'diis.-i-.--, li,,c..' ! .l-i . Wa.-ll "-nils, ill ::ocs fiimi :i lo Hi v.:ii . Ci,ji , ;-t!.-v H: ', :, ( llats. TIIK O'I.Y I'LK'K BST TlfU'W J 0 where your In.y c;in U- llllnl from .. !,,!. V will l.i1 ,. X e ple;isure in eliiiuin (iu ei:r lii.i ... VVI; 11 VI: 5l.VI"iAI. a BIG BARGAINS Y MKK'H Wil t EJ, ' 57 IPollccl: Street. g o bpnng and bummer Goes Jl'8T AUKIVBItthc s i,. i :, thinciy. U V'ulcl ., , ,,, , , ,, ,,, O anil ain rr n-:i Hut w r mi II , iilj.'.r;;; So Mort- in Sew Mini. All)- K r. i. ,.-i, ,1 . ,. ,.. ,. JO Y..iir l!c si . . II, As. : LIPPMAN & Y()R-II: o Mil! die M , next In I. Leas ) Lr,ii. V, , i:, in s i VJUUUUL2JLX JUUUUUUUL JLA XSLSUl. ) f a n t j mil. I Si&ttghtenng 8 Prices f At I he 11 Hi AJIIIHKAV KTIK It (O. Q J IVTIw CllKAI'KST I V Kt !! I 'H..HS fin, k A fi II biiI cni'U(p llnr Spring I ih- (;...;, ,, m n WonrteiU, Iana, IVrrnlis anil Celimn Ml : tii.i, . , CJ tTMciT Kh(t BKcaiil J ,yrrgli il. a i AMERICAN 59-6f Middle St., Ato Bern, N. nonooccnonoaououoiOGonocoD " . tAII APC WALLACE g V Havo Just Received O At Tft mo iniioi Li iri and Children Fancy o . I 1 , , IVrttBlfTeOHlJ.Ul f Vallaco n5 tn:; St., Wednesday Horsing. v -v- a rj v . n VI V! O 6 LACK in Nmiii ( ,,. ,V O l h llll , T l.lll . 4, i,p, f ..1 M , i .,, ,i ,,,,, Q rn Wt(!i I..,- !- STOCK CO., I SI OUnr rn a SHOE CO., - D O rt aw m ' ft i j ci Aaaies, Mliscs p . : o ti IV KCW IU0 Ihi tU O Shoe Store, . -' o New Bern, N. C.

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