; : I - vs- -.J. - .V Pub. '.. Hood: . -J . ' Gneycar, 1 One year, r ' ' " i Monthly , 1 . : Advorusn, .i. ntion. .. " j?vNAL. y In tbe year, except - street, :: No a. , v . STEVENS, . l'KOPRISTOB. ; i." HON RATES. -.. ...i. ....I. $4.0.0 advauoe.. ....i.S.OO ' r In the clly..ki4 .50 es turuishedoa- ppli Entered at t Post OrcW Bern, W..C, utir lass matter. " J omciai Fx "0 C0ty. rv'vV.W. .New Borr- . C Mij H,. 1801 - 'TRUSTS ? . it . , lont -or tin pton of Bou QUESTIONABLE LNEFIT- Ust - iutentloned 'clsm rn" Intereste;-Industrial And conimerci, !, give It as their belief that Trusts aro helpful to Southern to terests, " j C,- J Of coarse tli c main , Argument is. that by joining the Trust,, the small cotton mill, the nonrlv rirvelooed coal mine and Illy equipped r .ilrond will WpelvegJoB financial aaslsi ; nee a to - place each ot them OB 1 sol i last's, , V -1 , V Thta reason i mnotjie denied, and yet tba question r y be asked, a the Trust , the consolidat n of interests under one control, tin) true plan by hlch Southern Interest are to be beet advanced t : -The plea la tiuhei a specious one, that of the absolute ntifed of giving financial aid by way of ti.e Trust system.,; The fact le t t the modicom of troth la the plea for Trusts to help Southern lntereslSjls mo t dangerous to giTe all attention to, to the ' avoidance of .tba itudy of other t les ot Sou '.hern lodui- tries and their a vaucement. - No doubt t opporton'ty of gtlog into some eon nation. It often a wel come resort to men whose bostneas Is hard pressed In competitive way. The.qUestlor Is pot of the personal benefit of Trust . bu, their bearing npon the general Inl t-sia ,of, the South and its people. - . " From the sp r A llailre. point of view, to form consolidations tba aid Of moo In ibe Bouth b ' ill",.of great poesiblll- The- galherli up of any particular class of manuf ture does away with competition; foi ihere la too little money Inmost Sontbi i acctlont to be able to eater the field !nst. any Trust which may hare posse; !onl; ' i Tbls being (ho caao a Trust means monopoly, 'pa re nd simple, It can reg. nlaU the price of labor, and for that matter largely aermW the Taloe of the raw product it may use. Toe oottoa m . may maaofaclure bot ter gWds, the c 1 mine gel a Urge out put, and the ral ad get first class equip meoi, all locally toneaelal Jn their way, bat are local int vsla aa wall erradby this Inflow of o ld capital and man. agament, absolu i In tu power, as would the. Interests 1 , If local eatsrprlss and aathtalaam shor : 1 path Ineee tndostrlas -Of coarse ttli ruy,w ipeak It die. ooeragament of i in local spirit of wora, but ao far m ti ' nee4 of fiaaacial as sist may be mauded thase eaaae Bontbera latr 1 can gt IhU kln'd ol aid, end without i aaooaalty. of going Into aay Trot, aim (he rVi' kind. witb . nt. tt ladnatry of any t a ad . koaasty,. tad unt- eanbe ioaoi ibletnpM lb basil money In nay a: pes)! aWd. of good soaixl r Trwai It it. nmerclal meow,' end .BrattofOa'in. r f Tovtoo, retkiKH j ! FaUS J.Cn. be iseank r" Caasst sV Co., ' ..Cly efTobxl '., said, as4 tht 'aaaa . of 0a 1 ' . aacb'sad at f waaaot U carr " CafsntwC', -,-: - -j i ' ' Swett to ra my pit" bat, V 1.1" ar makaf oatb Ik I r ot tbe km of r. I, lolsg ssMlaese la 04 inty sad Btate afore 1 firm win ay tb orwao Douune fot of Cavaaas tkat the tjea of flan's - ' ' . xit j. aiE!tr. rr and etcftt4 . tik day of Dcia- T I'CXtO, ' U Ialt f 0 tai bll ' f tU 7ni. I IfsD'e Ct t ally,aa4 m ead sew Hand laf ti 'v r.i.(- r . RoMWv f" - ' " Oairr'i . T-'nity K.ia. - ) tni mi il t ecn 1 4 dtai trt-n ' TV trr-,' i dk. TM ' doIHr, . I t ears V tiff ' tvTilf t ni UmA r !-- a ' k. y t t f''a mm V. '.,fc r A L -n " fiab! Wttn a TetracoM. . . Continued observation vltb the tiltv ecope of the Yerkee observatory re vealed the unpleasant existence of a number of curious streaka of light run ning horizontally, whose appearance had certainly never been noticed be fore and irnve' rise to redoubled nn eaalneaa. And yet everything seemed right with the glasi viewed externally end the most searching" Investigation could discover no-cause. . " ' At last In desperatton the eyepiece end , was unscrewed, and , Professor Ellerman, the Bllmmest of the party, wa bidden to crawl, aa be well could do, along In the tube Itself, and see If he could discover ought amiss.. He crept along well enough, so wide IB the tube till he got beyond the. center, when tb telescope begun to turn over with bla weight, and would have slid dowq on the top of the glnmi had not the other end been promptly seised and held fast Then he continued, bis journey, and -in another moment bad discovered the unsuspected author tf the mischief, an-overlnduatrloas spider and her equally hardworking progeny. who bad succeeded In Mllng up the entire end of the tube with a mass ot cobwebs In the hope of catching- what must have been wholly Imaginary flies. The webs and their spiders were care fully removed.' nd from that day te thlB tbe bebarlor f the Yerkes 40 Incb glass has been all that heart could de sire. Cood Words. 'William. AI. Evarts wa n nmrveVof Intellectual "vitality to au advanced age, and be used to explain jt by say ing that be slept late In the mornlug and never took nny exercise, Thero 1st no feffahtngc Ju getting up early In the jmornlng K jou need the sleep. both ends by getting up at 'au . early' bou (Imply liecause bis housekeeping Is adjusted to that, programme," As to nhyslcnl exercise, Mr.-Evarts bud dl. coxftpFM himself what our- physiolo gists are now beginning to ' teach namely, that If n man consumes tissue In bard Intellectual work the way to repair the loss la by resting und not by cousuirflng hiore tissue In pbyslcnl exercise. To the majority of brain workers sxygeulsatlon of the blood Is far more Important than physical exer cise, and there are two very good ways to secure that:' Bleep with your. bed' room window wide open In summer nud winter, and. If you can afford It keen a horse and drive In tbe open nlr. Boston Watchman. t, . -.. A WltUI Starr., . .;. ', , When Lord Tbnnet Was Imprisoned In tbe Tower of London for the O'Con nor riot three of bis friends, tbe Duke of Bedford, the Duke of- Laval nod Captain Builtlvwere adullttvd to play whist with blm and remain, till the lock on hour of II. Knrly In the alt ting Captain $urttb felt back lu a Ot ot apoplexy, and one of the -party rose to cnll for UelV "Rtopr cried another. W shall be turned out If, you mnke a noise, Let our friend alone until 11. We can piny dummy, and he'll be none tbe worse, for 1 can read death In bis fsce." . - 'r i ; - :-'..m Baar Matter.' ,," Tbe reason tome men don t get along happily." aald Mr. lleeklon. -Ir that tbey don't know bow to manage a Wife" : ..' .--, '-.. - "Yon know IhlsT was tbe SVepllcnl query., ,. ' ."Certainly. It Is the simplest Ibtng In the worL. AM you bare to do U to say yes' whenever she- wania -any thing and always let ber have tier owu tray." Washlrjoo Star. '.. Old SolUefg Experience. M M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, lad;, writs ,"kfy wife Was sick a long lime In spile of good 9 lora traatmeat, hot was woolly fared by Dr. King's Hew Life Plus, which worked wonder fot bar bealtb." Tbey always do Try than. - Only 5c at U D, Bradham'e drug store. ; - Ttaaa Tera0 Ovavv ; Hew Tork. May .-Delaware' Lack a" waaas, aai WssUra eegfae drawing e ooaaaMatlon train filled with pasaeegera tornsd a soaseraenll aoar Draage, M. t, today. , The firemaa waa aaortslly la Jnroi - at aay of tbe paseeeg a wsr brnleed.. '" ' . ', -- j ,' - ' ., - ' " " : :p . If people only knew what we kaow aboal Kodo) Dyspepsia Oare.lt would be ued la Bsarty (very kesaehoU. as there are few people wbo do not soBer from 1 feellag of rallasMaflar oallag, bekk lag, flatulence, socr eeoatack or water break, oaaaed by tadlgaelloo or dyspep sia. A preparation, sar-k as Codo) Dys p oala lura, wklck, wlik io eld from tbeaaoa a,-wlll d1(eot yor fjod, ear taislycuUksljt Vn toys good., f Duffy Co. '' .' ttiiSwurvax WimIl '-' .Wuktagtoe, Hay 1 -The Kary Do prtsvt hs r eelved word Urosgh tbe oOarvs of V mercbsat sif nal of Tssaa that spars aod ooasidara. wrerk age were ebaarrsd e9 Corrttock oo, lao coast of Forth Csrvliaa. OnWt ksve Won seat 10 lbs ooeinMadanl of I e Hat folk Ksvy-I afd US aaake aa tsMtiv lioa aad dnttmy the wreck If It a be locaud. P, A. Daafoflk, oXlOia(. On, fftrtj fof et( stotiihs with a fri(bifa) roaalBi sors da hi leg; hn nu ikaj Jxk'.n'l !! Kalvs Ok-.l'.y ntt4 H (a tvs fit l"'ts, W!), rih, It's lb lMt a (be worul. (nf forrntNV. !y :ic rVjid by D. lina.Ui.rs, df '. ' 'OTttA. .is. n r p i i r f rr W l a i ,.J I i 4 - iii:ai '.(;::: r i c:;,;; r ' ; r. i t I a, J - ki V ' ta w ki The Lldst Important Period f in a V- Woman s -Exist ence.--Mr s. John ..son Tells How; She Was Helped . Over; the Trying Time. - : - , ; C ? ; " Owing to modern "methodd fif livinlr.inot one woman tn thousand eo."- proaches this perfectly natural change ouy iug ama Bomeumes paiDTUL sympioma. - f s v Those dreadful hot flashes; sendlna- the blood snnrina to the heart until it seems ready to burst, and the faint feeling that follows, sometime with ehills. : aa If the heart were going to stop for- good, are only a few of the eymptoms of a dangerous nervous trouble.. The nerves are crying out for assistance, The cry should be heeded In time Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound was,. preparBa i bmi iae neeas 01 woman s system ai mis trying penoa oi ner me, . - The three following letters are guaranteed to bo genuine and true, and till further prove what a great medicine Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is for women. , ... .- a, , " Dkab Mbs; PIHKBA.M i I have been sick wlta II wding. AU my trouble seemed to be in the womb.-. I ache all the time at the lower jiart of tho womb, -The doctor says the womb la covered with ulcers. . I suffer, with a pain on the'left aide of my back over the kidney. I am fifty eare old and passing through the change of life. Please advise me what to do to get relief. ' WoulA like to hear from you as aoon as possible." -' ';'v.-.i..-V :v't;'v"''--s ---. '. Jan. t, 1898. -" I have been takinr tout remedlea. and think ther havlialiied ma a at deal. I ha. been In bed for ten weeks when I began taking your Vegetable Compound, but after using it for a short time I was able to be uO around the nouse. , x ne acmng in tne iower pari ol womb Has ten me." 'X'no moat that troubles tne now is the flowing. .That la not so bad, but atlll there la a little every day, " I am not discouraged yet, and shall oontlnue with your medicine, for I believe it will curs me," JIbs. Chasxottx JoBKsoa, Monclcrva.Ohlo. ' - ..:;-';.' '' t-vv;.'-'.' -v - ,....": V.'-tj AprU IS, 1900." ' I aend-vou this letter to Tjnbllsn for tha benefltaf othera. I waa dolt for about nlno yeaVa ao that I oould not do my work. - For three mantks 1 could not sit up long enough to have my bed made. I had flvo different doctors, and ' all said there was no help for me. -My trouble waa change of life. -1 suffered wits ulceration ot the womb, pain In aides, kidney and stomach trouble, pack -aohe, headache, and dizziness. ' I am well and strong, and feel like. a new ' person.' My reoovery is a perfect snrprise to everybody that knew me. - 1 owe all to Lydia K.. Pinkham's Vegetable- Compound; , I would not do without your medicine for anything.' There la no need of women suffering so much If they would take your remedies, for they are A euro oure." Mb. CsasXOTtb JpHHSon, Honclova, Ohio. : . ' ';- - 'U.'?-..'-. -' When one stops to think about the good Mn Johnson derived from Mrs. . Pinkham's advloe and medicine. It seems almost beyond belief ; yet It Is all krue as stated In her three letters published above at her own leqoest ', . As s matter' of positive - fact lira. Plnkhsu has on file thousands of . . letters from women who have been safely carried through that danger pnd ".Change of l-lfe. - Mrs. Johnson's cure Is not aa unusual one far Mrs. flnk " ham's medj. 'n to accomplish. : . - ' : , - , ' -' site KKWAKn.-WatimikXMlkidtth Um Nattoul-Oltr Baa or Lna, anono, vlitchlhll to MM tour nennnwkoaui Sod UuUUiaahoMaMUmaaLil urrm mr not taaauw, or war taaUjhaS tofor oaalnln tin wfltm. nxirtal pais ' ' . ties at Bos onkta .-Msy . -Firs all tbe ornlog lu thf double grsolu KstldlDf oa WasbtDgtoa Street of which only small passage Way separate ll from Bos ton Theatre.'. Only the abseace Of wlni prevented the famous plane from fallloj prey to the Osmss. Tbe "lose" will amoeot lo one boaiirsd t bout and dol lars: "... -.'- .-:v-"'''..V'v .' -M0:i Ullls girl was naoooaoloas fiooi strsegubitlos) durtng a tuddee and ter rible attack of croop.-' I quickly sees red a bottlsM One Minute Cough Core, giv ing bar' three does. . The eroup was asesisftd and our little darting tpeedll) reoovsred." Mo writes A. I Spafford, Xnietur, Mich. FBDnffydtl o, , . ' . Welai4 lfce rtveva. , W -. . IToward Paul told an amusing si on Of but Drst Itallaa tour, a lice a part) Of 90 Were piloted about by Thmnaj Cook, tt founder of the famovia Arm: "We eacrrtaliir4 that be nod ar ranged at Plaa for a number of epee rarrlajrM to tali cs from the railway aiAtloe to lbs leaning foWer-ebout lbs only objert of lutrrrat time waa to eee In thut archaic plan. I teWrapb ed to tbe mayor of I'laa that Cook's cirene from Knclarwl would pass tbratitb tbe town and tbat I dndrad blm te annoence H by Initletto oe lb Malrie and any potots wbr the pub lie would ere the notice, that thy night mn4 te the troepe a kntrly Weteutna. ' "Not aofctlnt , the mayor Ild as I eneiMitMl, anil whii ar rived, entered tl cnartuwi an1 dmn la prooxsrtoB tlirmich tt tows th Strts wers (lrCMl with apc1lofs, WKo flow er1 (!, an, I op flo!rt.; ia rhr an1 at,.u!cf 'rtvaa' In denton Otratlia faahl... Mr C,t (t r..la In bia mlfi. cl l,,ni.,!1 .1 i;,. etithH.ia.in f.f V o tn' !tM'n!. ai,.1 n pnat'ct In kn.. Ik t" T an--, r . r"cl.a t'-liricH rt fi.,. .1 J., bail - ' v f - 'i . -'- '! t w ' '., ' ,i iih t!..n ft, -.'.- r .- r.i.i . fr.,.. ei.. vn 1 ' ' a. I Cpf - I , I :-' . I - t A. 1 " 1 " La- i wUbQnt.ejrperieneinjf a -train of very '" - Mar. IS, 1807. sick for a lono time. : I waa taken - . jama a. riajuum aauiuuis - In Ryracuae Is a enve said to liave been constructed- by Ibe tyrant Dteuy slot, prohflbly used as prison. . It Is made la the shape of aa Immense bu man ear. and lis arooette properties art most remarkable. . kl at well fiomim vllle, tbe author of "Bands of Rahara." rlsltrd It and bad Ho properrw rihtb Med le aim by the -guide sisrtooed Ibrre. ' . , ... . . ' Tbe men look a ebret of letter pffprr and. kisndinff wllbla the portal of the eer.-errock tbe edge of the paper, wtib tbe foreflnger of 'bis right bead onre. twlos thrice. - Eara Hgtil ftp wssee pesled Ihrougb tbe deep orl flees of ibsl sioae ear as If II had been a Mow with heavy sledge hammer, oa the roof of aa Iron boas. - He then rattled Ibt pa per eltghtty. and that feeble Sou ad was segmented a mlllloefold. reverberallog throngs ibe vaults above ami beyond tike ibe erasb and roll of tbemVt lie wb 1st led. tpoks end railed. Thousands of atrainrlas roarre ' repealed twi sound. Turning to my eompaolo. I tatd.; ; . , y , . "We moat net longer tarry. tt oe rmbsrt. ' Kow we sUa II go to Ksbylle, ee eor way le tbe desert of Bahsra." Myriad lungs bf sione esugtil cp Ibe Vast word Of verb ph aloud, "Terry-aery em k;lla bylia-flabara hera era e-e.' r" 1. . k-A Mill Urns of lint, glands bia cnnnort 0) blnnd srilh tba akin, sad tbmtifjh ' Uira anuiU diatn j tjwa trriiii faun mrt, Mrrrtog with tl tk tmmirwettt ars Ikrrm-n r:l f l ll. Umii.l Hi. fnm the akin be mtirrfy tln"d fre erw a briil ii n ttw aiul t', jn-nnm inatlr f-ind hxk into the nrriil if, in.irt rtih 1 tw'l la fci lHt.! te tne rmt gUnita, tbe akin Is t-,r! t!h frrla'rt rrfrf. ! - h r-rt r t It an i1y a-iiinc. krrfHe.e fieaa in J an 1 't or I f'-' '' J. H lnn ft nI n.. The blnml ml akin a-eso.l'a-ly el.u-l t Uw o i ima artkMuty Intrtfi-ne srlth the fune- .-lanf lh'' 'r ! i " if t, H, I-..I I n!f. drodaep perfect hafiBany,' r l t - I - i r , n . . n. I 1.. -.I I- !- I ' Tkc Palaiaatr at tba Co. - -The lawyT who evlilently considers life one huge, continuous joke enlrcd (he clerk's ollut' or iw i-hr ball wltii an eipn-aslon of extreme radlnuce over stuvadln liU countenance. ThM clrrku and others bavins hinducm In 4 be offlif 01 the time Vrased tlieir several pur J Kiilla, Kxperleur. . hail taught- them (hat the Rfori'snlil ld?er,n)(ild auy aonictliln i if ali I'Dii'HnlnliiK: -j).irnc. rr. -." :.' , : ....,- --, "' ,Ontler 'rnnnd.:. tMiy" he iwW, ; f have a (Umdy for you tbls moral ug - Tbe RlM l;cr "linitwit 'iTbe hiIkti. ! tenils -attel for wIim( wam-auiltw "-x .... "Now tlen -earef nlly," -h kiiiihM the lawyer; -anL note (lie- lii-nilty of ihe -vonait'tlon ln'twwd e three w.-tlmw of IIiIr little conundrum . lliTe li ht: 'If l!ie postmaster uliunltl vinlt Y.i siut anil vtiilli' theri' Im eaten liy-ilin- wflo Mulinnhv.whnt- o'clock would it Ih'T " - Then; jtviw; another-. im;tni-. I'lnullr lue clerk In charge of the iloeketn von turned tbflnttTr,-"li would be all day with the powt master."-.: - . -. -. VWroii.- rntlrely vrroog." fotnment ed' (lu) tavvyer. .."1 didn't nsk wbni riuu. I askeii u-iiiit p'oiiwk' u-etitii tt in.-. - A thlril paumk. '1 hen by general con sent the aimwer was reiiuestcd The lawyer coyly announced. "Ate p m.". Before the .gathering bad recovered (h lawyer bad nitutl from the room and waa -bended for tbe' court of ap peals to try the postmaster zoo Wild an imals conundrum on the higher tribu nal, Wosblngion Star. ' -": -:: "Hot e Ooed l.lar. " Mrs. Newbrlde-.l dldii l see you nt my wedding. , Mr. Stlngec (who snvod (be price of a glft)-Wby, I didn't get any invitation. Mrs, Newbrldc- I'm sure one was sent to your bouse on Sixteenth stn-et. '.Mr. Stlngee No. It nimn't. It was sent to die unine tuinilier on l-'irteentli stree(, aml-er thai Is J di'elnre there rot's my rsr (fOodbyKVCatbollc Stand rl TiiDea. '' :. ' . ''I have been sufferfng from Dyspepsia er the pest twenty yekrs and bave been unable after trying all preparations and physicians lo get any relief, Afler tak ing one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I found relief and am now In better health than I have. been for twenty years I can not praise Kodol-Dyapepsla Cute too highly." thus writes Mrs. C W Roberts, North Creek, Ark. F 9 Duffy & Co. " In Buj a Bsllroacl. HexlooClty, May 9.-Wllllam Asior Chandler and Wllmer, of New York, are In this city to purchase, it Is said, the Hydolgo and Northeaste-n Railroad. It Is said tbat they may bave made a de posit Of 100.000. The price of the road Is $6,000,000. ; Fought For His Life. My father and alster both died of Consumption," wriles J. T. We-itberwax of Wyandotte, Mich., "and I was saved from tbo same frightful fate only by Or, King a New Discovery. Ao attack of Pneumonia left an obstinate cough and very' severe tnng trouble, which an eicellent doctor could not help, but a f jw months' Use of Ibis wonderful medi cine made me - as well at ever and 1 gained much la weight." Infallible for Coughs, Colds and sll Throat and Lung trouble.: Guaranteed bottles. TOo and I'.COat (V D. Bradham's drug store, Trial bottle free. IIAoatrallaa Partlam.nl. Melbourne, Aus. May 0,-Ths first Federal Parliament of New Sooth Wales was opened bare today la the presence of a eery distinguished gathering which Included Admiral Rrmey and the full staff of the American Consulate. r . .- v I.,- ' ' AS vaccination prevents amallpni, and quinine ebllls sad fever, so Tsrrmsa preVMU and pnoetereeta tbe effeota ol tbe eemmer' -beat, "much dreaded by mothers with small children, TtlTUtxa relieves tbe many troubles Incident lo teething aod tbe bnt summers, tad an other le eioosaUe for ant giving It, for It coats only K xeors at drsgglste) or sutin eeatt 10 0 1. MofMt, M. D., W. LoehbMo. .; '. . . ' f M SaaaOy SMMaal Hlaa. . Salt Lake, May t -Tbe will of Oeo.tJ Cansos was filed for probate today. It dtsposse ol aa eat ale proslmallag a mil- Hoe dollars, sad two (sadred Iheasaad It gUt edged securities female ja (rut eotll George Q. Csanoa, ibe yoaogest rkUd aow aleer'beeemes of sgs. Tbr Ulny-tbrre Csaaoe ehllJrss wei gives two tbeaeaad la sores from tbe Ceoaer fr-m . r...na nrnvtb. tttr I V.a - . . lalaaace of bU four wives lo ; wblrb bt i polygamy was reeof Bleed, fn'"n MINDEX TO .J THE CICCD'. - ' I1 . Internet and f v n ortf i-t' In ! 1 I -t I - i U H -T I .. . . . ! - - - r This jQihcg- aSmllest ig" stzA. tC'i H. M. Pollock, Llveiy, Feed, Sole and Fxchange The CHEAP E ST Turnouts in the city. No. 70 South Fron. Street opposite Hotel Chattawka lxtH'iitrix Notice! Having this day qualified as Executrix of tbe last will and testament of Joseph L. Khtftu, deceaseil, all H)rsiis indebted to said Joseph L. Khem, deceased, are requested to make immediate settlement And all persons holding cluimangaiiiHt said deceased are untitled to present the same for iynvunt on or before March Vth, 1, or Uiis notice will be pleaded in lar of recovery. Ibis March trail, 1901. KATE K. BPENfT.n, Executrix NORTH CAROLINA, I In the (raven County. (Miperior Comt. John A. Cully, Plaintiff, vs. Anuia Oully, Defendant Tbe defendant above named will take notice tliat an action entitled aa above has been commenced in the Superior court of Craven county tn obhi In a d ivoree upon the ground of abandonment, and the Mild lefentant will furtlier take notice that ahc la required tn aniear at the next term ol the nperinr Court n( aalil county to Do lieifl On tne inn Mon day after the lat Monday In March, 1001, at the court house ot said connty in New Item, N, On and answer or deinnr to the complaint la aald action, or the plaintiff will apply to ttie court for the relief de manded tn aald complaint. t W. M. WATBON, ' Clerk Puperlor Court. . 4hllfthdayof April, 1W1. ;r. Tniif with,' aaafactarvr of ",' V - k 1.-1 ; Baggies, WagsaA Carta, Ae, . . :Jlepsliisg Peat at Hkert Ketlee. ' Soggtav Wagons, CarU aad Dvayt kept oa baud for sale. - - . - " ' . . 1 ava-ee srair, - .' - 1 ? v ... . DIAMONDS! ' Kot foulh Afrlran, rtul' Moei IVjmliir Vtjlo f llMttognijiUa, sticb m yoe juv ttrvrr HUd 1cj Uttui I. fiO per !. gUU fimiAl I HICK 4!T jvrdt.n.r vTAJEOTQ'COIPnV - M (Ml riU p.M I rfa d ; i 1 D i ' - i i mm Blue Flamc Iiodgv Direct or NEW BEUNCONCLAVE486,lmproved Order Heptasophs, meets 2nd and 4th Thursday nights, at 8 o'clock at Konn- rec iihii. f. a. wtiiis. ftrcnon; .1 ,i Tolsnn, Jr, Financier; Z V. Murphy, Hec- rolary. - EUHEKA LODGE NO. 7. I. O O. F. OlUcerf: W. P. Urnrketl. N. 0 i .lames H Dawson V. (1 ; Geo. Green, tieuty; W. II llervey. FinaiielHl Hecri tary;.A. K. fltt man, I lean, (tegular meelinga everv Monday night at 7 HO o'clock. CAM MET ENCAMWNT, No. A I. O. O. K. Olncern: .1. J, Itnxter CP J Kawson, 11 P.; T I) Carraway, . W A. T. Land J. W.Gco. Green. Scrtlie; E Gerock. Treasurer. Ib'irular K.ncamp- ment, 1st, Krd, and Sth (If an))Thursda) nights In each month at 7 30 o'clock. NEW BE UN LODGE No 1, K. H. & C C..r'cale, Prett; J. II. Fmllh, Krcord log Scc'y; It. II. Hill, KlnancUI Sec'j Meets In the KnlrhlH ot Harmony llali every 1st aod Srd Monday uightsin each month. OKA V EN I.OPOK NO 1 K n IllIITb OP HAUMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wedunsdav nliihta In each month In Rountree'a Hall, Pollock street, at 7.8 o'clock. 8. R. Ball. President; 11. J niowsy. Hco'y;- It It. Hill, Financial Secretary. Fly and "Skeeter" time ro yon goiii ti mt In screen doors and wir.dows this auminer ? We have a lnrpo lot of tbein in ktoi k to fit any door or window und at (iriies wit'iin the reach of all.' Do not Iomi your religion lighting tiles this summer but come or phone us fur prices and wo will make you happy. Will have a fcrjr lot ol Refrigerator In a few il.iy. dou't boy until yon see us. TO THE LADIES espei ially-l or the Next SO Iay we ill sell Ho 1 11 pled I inner iifU nt cost, innuif; Umin M'vi rnl acts llavllaiuls Kinesl Cliina We nls, offer you nny I'liina or Hbs.H".in' In oiu store at llio aamo iudr.cunotit. ( oim before It l loo I.1U' ' m il nn i'ixirtu nity lo till ip your liiim ilet niaj never occuf aRain. L H.COTLEB HWFCO It II WtaUWIttn kjkjkj, i ' niADQOArlTKnS TOH HARDWARE . . And sll Kmds of EDHDI85 BATrBjlL HeaUnf and Cooking Stovre anr lUfifes, ; Lime, Omont, fleeter. PalnU, Oil., Varnish, Tulty," S-eh, Doors, Ullndt, follcry and 1) llir utaful artlclre os-jsJIy (oaml In at-Df-tomato U iHeare gu-re, - v '-lifrvvfeti iVIerft. - tr4e Hotel CbattawkA, Koilce o( flrtt lcetlo( of Creditor. It U Dlalibt Conn ef tbe Called H'Stea, fnflk KaU. ra IXatitrt nl x.c. . . . Is Iks minet of flees f. Jailrnf (taaU rrry, riaakrupt. Is Bafck'l flpU y . - J TotbCf ! in i, t'aiirte,. oka fca.J laa a'j i llinl a ll.aroii. - j Tataeal.t li mmnt f d'- InraeHIt M;l a llrf i n. CII..J., y.oia, p. f, t. In N P.i". C I' , ai , Il,nstb I'i'h ! tifV.y l 1. t 1,1 lrl II, ft .H'r.. n,f Hl.t-!,' ft, ib IK. I f r it'll, a; r-'.-'ftt t?.,i',t 'I il 1r,lj for t ar 4 Int ivl tn. V, .li, I .'i.'.. ir J tr'i ') t t- f-.rt ' . ir.iir( I ' r i ' I ' . rr N r-- ' ,r I The Farmers & Mcrciiaiils Capital, Surplus and l'n tns $8K.hmi.imi APRIL 30th, 1901 Have something Mliil i NnLhinK likr a I'mik Ait Vftu ftM-1 at rase with iIm ' have lint (pl'Ilt'd uiic yet In time like thr pri'M'iit. ct'pt an arrdiml as sm:ill : (iur bust oiulcavors sh:tl! l. relntiiiis with you nimu and itrnltlHblt'. I ;. I. i M f M 1 I'ublicalioii ill MiimiiHMs North Carolina 1 :. I,, t 'raven ( 'uuiity, ( I . 1 1 lul!a AUr.linll, Ni-IIU I. V , shall, II T M:ir.l,n I. , Lesliu MiirKliiill, nmi Marshall. Iliu a-1 I. nnmeil Ix-lni; Inl.-mi- , tearlii l-y 1 li.-i r i i v Irl.-nil II A Mirl,; : ! h A Murlinll. A p a i n f I Guy K. Mm- 1. .i: No I K I Tho defcnilani uliovi- n-m , ' . i notice that an ai l Ion in ,i i i has Itccn i:omnicnci il in 1 1 ,i t'outl of Craven CiiiiiH, 1,1, Clerk, to , ill n rcriKin im , iluale In Cran n ''iinni v. l t , ind the salll defendinl niH li.nl , notice that be In uquliri! t, n 'ore tbe Clerk of t !- Si,. ,.., i t!raven County, at lil-i llli i- in o , Hons" In ihe i lly of Ni-w M. m II o.1,m:I( a ni., on iIm- 'iiI, ,im " UK) I, and an a wit or ili-mur i tlon In aald action,, or ih.- l !i i ! apply to the Cotnt for Hi. i manded In aald pedilon. W. M W .U i. I. rk Kiii-i i t i This MnJ day of April. r i Nic e Residence On Jii)in-tin ftrivt fm -.iL fljCUr-. I A Ml ll:i i; mi 1 . i 100 flrsUcliuui f.iic, xwi-, ii,,i lathx tlmt will U .11,-,, cltr-ei. K. K. II i; I 'i i. l'huie ija. List your Taxes. Notice Is beroby tlvan. Um taker for lbs 8th lownahlp I - ty, will all at tbe Ci.iiii II. dly of Naw tlrra June .i i I dual's, and from Kdli to '."'. at flkeasS aUtluk nn i,r i' ii. oa the IIM aod tlitil nr Jin i WklckUasesedplare.. all i.x tabl lowsshlp, ais teaiir,l . thell't laker, for Ina'li.n l..f tt ft. All t he real eataie i froeeily of every aa(arv, i.i i. t of "i(ls ' I aWr ike -.ii,. .i lle bapo's I bylaw. - Yikr s'testloe bi r - . i.n tee r.eesta av. " '.' ' . W S I '. ! .' .f. .-: i.i.i',-, Ttta 1U Cttiliy Irorcr v lor -. - :SAie. A tree a' btJ tying ka .1 ' T2oriey ijsiVfer 1y dlrwMly oa the e.bl rnl kllnt from syavinsto teaesvo Br m i frofatke lter ftse ae4 rn1i.i.ii ad.o'ala Wbtle'Uk I Ivef Maw Hull. rev!nlg Sbcet Ml OCrSS of whUt. sbnwl - seres Is eleete leed le a fi tut of enlltf aUneke fawMladet aansaH U la tlnVr of varWne klade. A Uf ''"'''! dealllsg, CaUeej gls, aa r.u,. Hrtttf Impnrwskewtt ee ta .l. : la r,J rm,iia tnv eee I fmii, hm, lad Imss S Owws . ,m ,..!.. a, sea le ke foaed ra i.,... , - ., , a tu swWte tmA --1r.nl r't.f It u vary Sl II ma Ms r i - i, a ar pife le live 'if aa4 ewtees le i r .4 aeeftae r. is tbe eesty,T, " '- r I. ii'i-e apply to, r It luanre.

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