nr. AVtgetablePrepaMlionfof As similating ttieFoodandRcgula Ung theStouKKte andliowds of Promotes DigcsliortCimfup ness and KesLContains neither Opium,Morpiuiui nor Mineral, ot Narcotic. ... Itpmimt -. .... mmymmrftmi Apofecl Remedy forConslipa Hon, Sour $tomach,Diarrtoea Worms .Convulsions.fevensh ness and Loss OF SlEEp. - Fac Simile Signature of :: '.. "s. NEW YORK? EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Woman's " S ' -4- Crowning Virtue; .i . '. Bbmos, Mo., July ft. - . . . iMryearalturrerodtoirlMeaalnaavery S month nd njr dncWr told me I eonld not " fee eared wvpt by an operation, I full I v. eoald not auhintt to thai Mid m ao "-, ponoent i naafrireiiupeti npoianfe. .v Card ul and at la-t thank Oo& I did try It. Utl nxnth I did not h .to a pain, and did -all my work, which 1 had not dona la ven hi 14 ;.. " -" " . , " '''"'"'" - : Modwtv fj thecrowatnirThiuif of Anrfrican women.. H Istht tratt that all mtuikina admire. A modest woman b the most ptoslnj of afr -. -created tuirn.1- Became of thte-beeominK virtu thousands of women , pref,r to suffer untold, miseries rather than confide their troubles to ., , physidan, and to even Uiink of wbmittlnif to an xaminatl Swoltt , Ing. 'They tan't Ret their own nsn to an operation. ,Wme Of Cardui . permits sensitive women to retain tlieirmodety. ' -With tt they ran cure i lemal trouNes" in th quirt of their own rooms, v tt fecial trestincot It required they tan write to the Advisory Department of the Ounv., nooea Medicine Co.', and their letters will be promptly answered by . , 'women. trained in the curd of - , utitr uuai auAirativ dtrrwUsrw. (Mlilma, 1tIm rniionifc Mice, (.miuiwww. Tm. . A LARCI BOTTLE OF nm mi no if Have You ; .;. Lost YburSole? ,11 so Call Dti 5C X. CDVVARD3. Mi'tdlf- ft. Imtw.-Mi MlUtirv T' and 8ctt'i atalla,V- ( v tU Will iupply Pair Tor '40 Ccnfa Cents. ' . I; Ladies jO NEW ICE! Ai tho.Oia Wttt-on 4' )ailci rollte ami rionirt n.", , IceDeliyered : t JfOtif lMtyt '' ' ' , ' . ' -win. wKflNicv;' AI (ai OU If Uv, II44U rL : Russell House" While I" ftraatort I - 1nl t4 Itx HnoUl ritK 'I lioont 4 banll HinlM, f twr l '4 t ji. HI 51 1 ArchIlccl fifccrblcrtat flH Itrnnd f:irert t 1 tkUl t 111 ! It .lltlff 1 I kd Wsaiotal Tori- fwU arid Children. " Th3 Kind You Have ".toys Bough!? 1 A - V, Bears the Signature In Use Forever Thirty Years WI OCIVTAIMI OeRNtff. M TtttUt OfTT Gil ' worruarv weaknesses and breRw-.; 1. hrities. There should be no ril.V . tiorutDtbyed treatment means a; '.. chronic -condition.- The kmger - 'postponed the turicf to cure. WISJB OF CAHUUI VUW rtDUO ST AD IT JT pKVfTffn .IIt?... "'Yy m -' S'-Jt 1 ' ' 'c Living Pictures , ' r- '.',0n FrCc Kxhibitbrft ) Henry slFiafhia0 rJmi(idie:ctrcet. Till It lb aeajob for kitui cleaaf, tbi'lliM to pwpara forib9 f-t Death" Of bnaa, mu,' roacbea.- and t arct. Hnwf UtieaJ . L' horai. natural prod oo( loa f Ike Uitb, tro lat porily eolart lata lis ort(?tDa) tkmcuM or ttanufaclare' We bre Otlthtr line of tpae la give lb "aqmeruftl detailed a tot tor bb-.b nota may be. oti. .- wa caa ealy eenipiet bearlBna. tat, For Tol. lelj. Ind, A a MeniH; Ird, la the Uandrp-ka, For tba llotecb-iti 61b, Aa a rrrecTTaUte) (lib. For Aau-, Tik, Mlawllaneou. We iavt H la aodnd paeitca, lad the clienlar flrre 41 Jlf ferast aaea foi a hit It aaay be rml. f Fullllne TotUi Ar-tr're ead i'etfuia. r (Man a , leorp-iowe j nwnrral i. A. t. r fa. H. . ,-a. T. hW M. af, MrMt fatitrT. . C'ITir.i:S' IIAM, Le MrwnaitM.C.' . Dnlnf Oeneral IlanWInr ttualivria M.r.ll S, lt, t-iluae4 t'abl- . -. , - 4,4 r.M, ;.u,.' I'lAmpI and r'f'ti' t.ri'k a t all Kna'-Ma nlfn'1 In m. A-X"iH ItaMl a4 la ifta , it. I r I .. a 4a w ialU MM IIS IVILAVAU CHARGES. tH5 ASSAULTS AT GETTYSBURG AND -.'-. KENESAW MOUNTAIN.7 Veteraa'a Opinion of the Twa Bril liant aa Dnrtnc Daahea A llea tenaat'a Revert m Tired . Malea tVltk RaTeaoaa Appetitea." i ' "Bhortly nftor tbo battlo of; Chieks- -Bitnga,? said Captain Fitch, "I was .ap pointed dhl-f quartermaster of the alg anl corps of thcC detutrtment. of the rimbcrlnnd, stationed at Chattanooga. Dp. taking necoont of the.qiinrtcrBHt, icf stotca I found tliat I Was fit need jf some light wagons to be used lu the j tnountainoua country, and ' the only way Jo get Uiera 'Tvag-to, go ta Fnsu rllle and bare Uicm made, ao I went (o NnshvlUe and had -five light wagona made by (Jie quartennaster's depart ncrit. ' When I got back to ChatUinoo- 1 -with the wagonsr-l juat a, oltlscn Icamstcr In charge of the -yvaona aqd (nulcSv ' .- ' - - - " :Tie. teamster, being a green-band, lid hot know that' Jnules would eat anything,' within thefr reach and Inno- vntlj tied tbcu to the wheels or tho wagons,.' Not long after that I got an order to bo ready to march, and on going- out to inspect my outfit ,t foruid that the mules had eaten the spokes of the wheels nearly off, so that tho wng-. ans were, ready to fall down Of their jwa accord. -As I could not use them. had no recourse bat to drop them from my returns, and, being obliged to assign a reason for ao dropping thorn I ;a vo" the; 'Eaten by mules,' . , . ' " Shortly afterward' 1 got a letter from the quartermaster general sarcaS" tit-ally Inquiring If -Lieutenant b'ltcb hnd" observed whether the . mules had aten the tires or not. I replied that I presumed they bad, aa they seemed tQ ua thorougmy tired the noit day.-. -ine jiiartermastcr general wrote , naca. Any further trifling "with this depart- nirnt on the port-of Lieutenant Fitch will probably result In his being retired to private life.' Thereupon 1 dropiied lhe' Sqljcct,;:uut -my nrst report waa i-orrect." "At Chlcbamauga," said the major, Longstreet'a men ran over our bead- iiuarters teams. : Every mule (n one of the teams went down, and. the wagon stood an obstruction In the road,;.' Five minutes Inter every mulo waa on Its feet, and. a wounded teamster yelled at Iheui to pull out, Tbey started without mora ado; swept along the road after Dur broken regiments. and,-turning at lust-the right point, came Into our now lines and stopped where the biwlqunr- tcra flag bnd been stuck In the ground. iThe driver reported Inter and drove In to Chattanooga.;-: t , ..J'Ono of these mules the night herore had pulled the blnukei off our division' commander, had run over tbo lines of Midlers sleeping In -close battle-order, hod raided tbo Confederate pickets and had returned to our bivouac nnder' a furlons Ore.' The men of tbo brigade took a solemn rvotr to shoot the. mis chievous .mule at daylight, but - when daylight came tbey bnd other things to iboot at, and tho mulo was forgotten until he cumo In at tho head of the team ..'attached to tbo headquarters wagon." Then tbo boys who bad wit- aessed the charge and the escape of tbo trlverlcas team counted tbo mule's dev iltry aa nothing." " t - v ; -""That charge Of Ebogstreet,"iy- tha way," said the colonel, "was one of the great charges of the -war. and It was aa Tuccesaful aa any as a breaker of Uuoa. Of court we think of Pickett's charge at Gettysburg to a class to Itself, but I haro often wondered whether., the Union assault on toe Confederate post' tlon at Keoaaaw mooutaln Juno ZT, IBM. should not bo pot In the tut wltlK the Coofedorate cbarffe at Oerrysborc, rtckott'a cbarge. waa of conn tbt inoro apcctacular, and too saaaDlttni force was mors compact, bat wbjlt It broke tbo unloo line at one point araa drlren back In dlaastroos retreat' "The direct aaaaolt oo the fortiOcd Into oa Kenceaw. was mad by tbrre brlgadeav no better troops than rick. ctt'a Virginians, but It moat be rrmen bered Ibal while they railed to pim (be Coofederale Ha Ibey bold tbelr po sition tad did Dot retreat Tbetr bias eras eorreavoodingly aa beary aa Pick tftfs at Orttaburg, Bhrrmo's WV-a wm to thaw bla own army aa wtt as the CoofeoVfrile army that be coold make frontal snack. If tbe assault bad bees made and tbe saaaultlog col a ma bad retired, aa did Pickett's culomn at Gettysburg, the effect oa tbe army too Id not bars been as H Waa war the refttmmiatbal led tbeaeaaalt fluti Id tbelr position not more tbao 80 psces from tbe Confcdcrari parapvta. ' "Tbe attack failed except Is thai waa as illuatrtttn of lb aplrlt of tbe Union troops la assault L'a parpoae St UelfyalHirg waa ondoabtrdly drive PVrM trxouO mm Ilk s wdire Ibroogb lb Calos tine. Tb fallnr of the sttampt b-d to lb rdrral of lb wbote Cunfr. Urate aruiy. Hherm porpoM at KeeMUW was to raptors lb CrnM. m! fonirV-alVxia, Th at- lark M 10 Ihe ratrwt Sot of f t faalB arniy. tol ef the Cif4m1a ai anil tisrr stwnys iVM that the ftwtrnd over wlilcb lt liniViO rUr-pta llrilt ilaf r-xi-pt forward Otis tit l b af irprlooa lo I ho arn of llrro'a. Us koV and MMrlirtrs brigaclrs as kt tbo r. round al O.-ttralwrg lo I ho w Plrtrtra brif ailt Chknao tkran. . ". tl t-arot aa, CS Of Of yin V-1ifl' r-r1 o t!ta tO f 1r,fl ! tllO'T'Kl 1 t-f fr1ol, llio hcn lfl 'A Allwtnurle arofvtcr If my Yrr1 Ttrf!-!1 lii'.a rv a clad In ir. aa I am ta H fmlrrl"1 tn U ktlrrt . V, "r I!. A. 9 lr 1 'I oyf til).'j tin if-;l rrkry rrr. p ("' r ; ! i Wr.r i-r. ( M aa i 1 - S'. ' i ' - p?r -A ULV -,i"ii vtC-:, - , - ' 111' - ""41 t'-'Y H cancer Cured by x ray.- Saraeoa aad ralloni Until Made Wall by Haeatiioa Method. v' . The remcdlnl power of the X ray has lieeh ileuroimd-med In Oflkliiud In the case of- Joseph; fnri Slmison -of Son Francisco. ,' Surgeons bad pronoumvtl blm to Iki "sufTertug from mucer. and he had vainly applied many remedies before stihtulttlfig himself lo the X my. After tln-ee iiioiuIih of dally ti'epliuent B couqilele cure Is nmieuuced. " ' .. Dr. J M. Kelfrl(lRt tho attending surgeon', r.wni t.lqiaelf f tired by the same uieans a short time ago, saya the Philadelphia ,: ivhb. Dlscualng. Ihe mutter, be an til: "I have bad'rqual sue- s with ft nouilier of puilenta. My theory la tliat ihe X ray kill the mole cules which constitute tlie primal rella Where lift! actually ImIiis. Tbe dete rioration orderay of iImkp mohH-nlva. I Judge, may raoRe ennoyr The X ray has Ibo effei-t of drylug up tliew aiom and ultimately kills the dlwnse-: I am positive the X ray can ipuro't-ruii-e.'' " -v ' - r i Kaaaas Clly Pallve lo Woar Sblrt ... - Walota. i, - The chief of polce of Rnnaaa City kas roooraraended that tbe pollee of lbs city wear- ahlrt waists this summer, aad It la very probable that his recoin tuendatloii will be favorably ailiil up on, Tbe plan Is to have the shirk waists of dark blue material, corresponding as nearry a -possible to the rrgtnar blue coat, saya Ibe Htr l-oul rtepirlille. What tho poUccman irlH do. Willi his bugev revolver a question rrhat la puasllog tbeadrocstraof Ibeofwdres for coppers and rvmala lo aolvjKl by aoros cvnlo of dress reTonrt. !.. MM.!' !' . iw-.'i.iaiiiaa Women arc Like Flowers. 'ysssr-. and lWxyn. Sickly. Ihay wrtww ar4 aia. Every woman ouftilta look wall an4 loal watt M ahorfUM snd duty, but she bi(M as wall try lo MI oat a l.ra wtth al as lo be baaliriy and at tradhre wtik d'aaoa eonodf the arfaaa that make bar a nma. Vts tWt.r ttail-k r)-p.l h lual'V.' II lh Is Intlammailoa or alaaii( rains or suHartof at Iha'tngnihly period, enand to S at one. . tt I olay. Yts re ena nop imaroi the itas sorry day yts put S ail, Womta cas a pt dl. k'il itiry aaanot Mve hwr a 4!mt eVaefmf at l avenl ducats and Uai arn l twir borly. on m.y rn"1 oorolvfd la V rii1 fifv I -id l. H t mm' h oh.,. e-il tK tw T mrm t b r y inlv tw r.K. l'l I' ' a m' b rt N- H j ' iwt i 4-, I li, i j- T -, i. Her rar aa.rr i a For Rent. 6 " " . 5v USlIf It 5 The best Washing Ponder 1 Administrator's Sale. v North Carolina, ' Superior , v.-. Craven County.- t Court. Thomas K. McCarthy Admlnlslralor of Oliver I pock deceased, v. N Virginia Ellr.aliclb Iporjt, snd others. sale ot land to make assets to ' Py debts. Pursuant to lbs decree of sale In the above entitled proceedings pending In tbe Superior Court of Craven county lo tell land to make assets to pay thndobta Of the deceased. 1 will offer for ssle ami tell for CASH in the highest bidder on Monday the 3d day of June neat at- the hour of IS o clock m. al ruDllc Auction at the Oourt Jloaie door -of Craven county, subject lo the Dower and Right of Dower, of the Widow, Virginia Eliza beth Ipock. all the lolloping described tract or parcel of land lying and being dusted In the County of Craven, Btate of North Carolina, fully dercrllied id those sundry deeds duly recorded In the office .of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, and bearing tbe dates respec tively as follows! nptcer ipock ami wife lo Oliver -Ipock, dated June 1Mb 1889, recorded in Book No. 100, page m. WlliouRhby Ioook to Oliver lnock. bv deed dated June lSth,-188, recorded In hook No., 100, pag80, Stephen and Burteo Ipock to Oliver Ipock by deed dated. November 82nd IBM, recorded la Book Mo. 9i.' para VI. Allen Uaakiot to Oliver Ipock Deed dated Nov. 10th, 1851 rooorded book NO.IKL page C Hav ing and excepting 14 scros convoyed by Hum a Htrapktaa by seed recordon lo saHl Oliver Ioook to Records Book No. ISO. page 884, to all of which raid Reoords reference Is made for a full description of said land, .which la now embracer In One Parcel, coolalolng by estlmatloa M aorta mors or leas. - The boondariescostained In the several Deeds coverlsg tbsentbe Vract Qaacrl v -. TUOS. F. MCCARTHY, Administrator April Iii,OI. ; CAEQLlSAi DKPATCH'LlRI, Old Dominion Stxamsliipto. fRtlflBT t'flSSMfiltt- For All I'olatM North The Stoamer NETJSE wilt losvt oo Uondays, Wsdnflarlars, and Kriilsja at p. m. sharp, Snak inr. lan-lirire l UriooUl, and Doaa oks lalaad..' ' -- ' v.. '.- , '. The Str. Newberno Omm.arinr July M, lIlJIrSTS at 11 prork aoua oa Tuoadajs and Fridays, aiaklng las'tlnn t Oflrnlai Tt aaril UUnd and Naft lload. , j I rr Ffoifinl roafad Wit Utl than sna boor prevWss M sailing, , For fsrthar InformatioO af plj U) til-O. nf.SI'Kli.SON", Ayw M, K, Ki, fin. M;r ' II.C JTtnits,Cen.rl.4 P. Ajl Krfol', V. ' A'l r r, Saves time labor andmon . Notice to Creditors. . Having qualified as administrator of I he estate of Ihe. lale Capt. M. F. Mor ton, deceased, notice la hercl y glwn to all creditors to present their claims lo ihe undorftfined .for payment on or be fore tho lOih day of April I Dili o- thla claim will bo pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to siid estate are notified to make Immediate pay ment. J. A. MORTON, Administrator. D. L. WARD, Attorney. April, 10, 1001. P. II. Pelletler, ATTORNEY AT LAW, i Idle Street, "Lawyers Brick Building. "Till practice In the Coontloa at Cm vet arterrt, lon frnnlow anil l-arnllcrt. U. I yinrlm Xi.w Horn and Boprm I'onrt e ho J. Slaaaioaa. Ward SIMHONS Sc. WARD, mOBNBTAaal COUNSELORS at LAW. , KStBK, M. C Utfloe (18 Ro, Front Btreet, nearly oppo- - site uoaet unaiiawaa, (Office also at Ratdeh.) Practice la (lie connllea ut (; raven, Daplla, Juaes, Onalow, Carierrt. Pamli co and Wake, lo tbe Hnpremu and Fed eral Oonrts, and wherever anrvlccs sre deal red. Notice of KummoiiN ! NORTH CAROLINA, I Buprrlor Craven County. court. Petition to sell atmls for partition. Notice l fumrunna, H. V. Bill aad W. r. UI1L her hnsband, vs. Harrmnt Button; John Button and Emily his wife) A lonta UIU and Charlie Ann . -etiiOua rnbuit, by bet gnamaui K. . Mxoni aeo,A7 Boatleyi Lbule Booiloy Carll Maotlev: L.r.Bentlev.arid othi rs: - nnkmiwa hairs of Bcnl. rieoUcy, doe'd: lloretice pnalols and her hnaband, 1 ten tela, sod the heirs of J"hn A. Potitley. - ' The above namsd Alonao 11 til. Deo, A Sootlry,LbudeHanlUy,Ccir4rtitJi7,L.F. Pentlcv and bolrs ui Bcnbvmln Dontloy, dmrMBaod, aad Jrrertra Daniels and her hiiaLand - Daniel, and lbs bolrs of John A; Brvtlry, tMpndaats, In the sbovs acUno.lll take nntloMbat ft anm atnaw has boaa tattled frooi this court tn the abovs snttttad artaun orataylal pro rood Ing, roqnlring thctn to appear bolurs the nnnoriov Cnurt 4 Craven Cmraty on UK loth day of May. 1001, sad Mavrar the vmpktuit Bla4 heroin, the aatd com. Uaint bolng poUtWia In sell cortaln and in ( rarrn t'miatv. MiMtli Oallu. l. r rartttufl. Thawtd d-toadaAia will tuttlxf take fftico, that If tber tall t anawor the attd anmpktJait cm arb (or May IWJi, lW'l. Uiat th frayor of tlie poUUitM wtllM grantod and Jclgmwl l b nmilorod agavlmrt Umoh acoorrUag Vi astd praw. - i , W. V. WATSON, i 1 ,. r - Ck-rk iapartr Cosri 4 lVotIrI ' ' Tk pnMk It horrt-y nMlfWH ll.l I am niA at will aot toripoil. fnr say M'! whaiavtr mofa'Vd sllooal y rliiaa sRlhorliy. . , ' ftcflM . - . . BltACitl, Ar;H I'""!.' - ', A i! 1 1 1 n 1 it rn I o r IV o 1 1 f (!- tT i f t A 1"-'ptr- , ,.H fl ll, ... t f ht" . i.'-l tr T - r Met t lAV-W.-t-lr&i' aw , m RECEIVERS SALE Of Valuable Saw Mill, Dry Kiln, and Tim bers, Steam Tugs, And Other Property. Pursuant to the decree of the Circuit Court of the United Btntes for tho East ern District of North Carolina, New Item Division, In that certain action therein pending entitled H. 8. Ncal and others vb. Ueorge H. Hriggs and Com pauy, entered ai New Bein, ut the Apiil term of said Court A. 1) t Dill , by which the undersigned receivers appointed by said Court, were directed and Instructed Id sell the herein described property at Carolina City Carlercl county after ISO days advertisement, and report their (aid sales to the Court on ten days notice ss in said decree directed, there fore, as receivers appointed In the above entitled action and under said decree we will offer for tale on the premises ai Carolina Clly Cartercl county North Cxrolina, on Monday the 3d day of Junr A. I). 11)01 beginning at the hour nf 111 o'clock a. m ofihat day, all ami singu lar the following described real estate and personal property to wit: I ne certain tract or land situated in Carteret county North Carolina In New port township containing 800 acres more or leu fully described in the patent anil frant No. 13H01 dated June 12lti A. 1). 81)0, and recorded In the olllca of regis ter of deeds la said Carteret county In hook V. V. page 13 to which reference Is made for lull description: Also all that certain tract of land situated In said Car teret county and la Newport township oontslnlog lit seres more or Ices, fully described in the patent and grant No. 18860 dated June 18th 18bt, and recorded tn the office of said register of deeds in book V. V. page II: Also all those tracts of land situated In said Carteret county and known ss tha "Tbomai Land" described In a deed of James M Holmes and wife lo William A. Thorn a which la resiatered In tbe nfllre of said register of. Deeds la book f. F. psges 87 to W, consisting of three Irarta, In all 1188 acres mora or leas, being Ihe same land conveyed lo said It. M. Nasi by deed registered In Ibe office nf said -register ol deeds la book N. N. page M8: Also all lbs Umber ol every klad which was convei ed to said H 8. Neal by Edward II. II 111 and wife by deed registered la said ornce la book V. V. page 48 with all lights conveyed by said deed: Also lbs limber of all kladf and all rights aad privileges enoveyed V aald It. H. Neal by Mat Us B. Gould Zesaeaeli Career sod wife by a dead registered In said offlcs In book V. V. page 50. Hsld lands folly described lo a certain mortgage dord ctecnled by R. B Neal to I. H. Cos on the nib day ol Jnlv lWW.-aad reelaterrd la lbs offlcs ol said regiatev of deeds Is book V. Y pates ) its no and est. Abo lbs foi (owing tract of laad si last ad Is Onalow eesnty North Caroline oa (jseea creek aad knows aa the newborn laad and booarlsd aad described as follows: Be. gtaataf st tbs.laedlag as saM Qaaoo ertoh aad on aald NewooM laad ante Is east of theaaoeib of Bareoas breach aad re an ! bonce sorvk Vf snd 10 sslaa loaeaot II fO-100 rhalss tlxiece sortk Su east It KMOQ Cbslas, theses sorU Is rest 18 40-100 tbtlos, to a pins, marked oos aotob Us road teadlsa to waaeboro, tbeaes ltk te aaot It ebsias, Isaac sortk M aaot -10 SO-100 raalea, thoars sortk II Sad 10 eriseloa aat S4 0O-100 coal at 10 a piss la DaraaU be ear,! sear kosth "' east llJO-lOc ekalas as Cat I'osd, ' laosce one l IS eoat (4 90-100 skalas, tkssss Sosth tl ae.lM.14 loOtaaias, lassie soauk 49 wrot 10 rkalaa, laaaoS sosth W was" 'lo-IMcbalaa,tbesoaaalk oS'SOSV ei 49. IMS 100 akaips to sdood rtae eor st, tooacs Sosth SO wsot lltO-lOV eaalrx to Jra rak, laaats) slosg the said tr o the bfttaln at te aald ldlnf Coaulslng SOSi aarat aiore or looa. Fslty doarttM Is S svnri doni lo tU Na Inaal Hank of NrW Bore aa romrrtod Is the etta of Ike rra-laiot o dooiiaof Oait rsy Sasaty la ar-'k No II r4rT. ' . - A',t,t)iafnl..aIaitror1Slad lyttig la ik rooaiy of Caiorat Hit to aforaaaid " -,'r ibo U4aaf . B lYesJ a4 J f i-.w a kxaaHod t foltoat, Oa tbe B..H t,r tho A, A r C. H ll. H la .I hf i. tr,d f ft A ha 1, oa the . i' ).t,-1 ,f 1 T It'', sad be- j , . - tl ; ... 'h ot rf - V Of S , .. ,i i t I ! tmid 1' 1 ay lot t -r ii al t tti wawi ri'k J : -1. t - i r-.Fil. acres more or leas, - Also a tract begin sing at a stake oa the sooth side of the A. 4 N. C. R. R. and west nf tho cnlnrl grave yard and a culvert in the A. fc N. C. U. R. running westward)? with thr. lias of said railroad 10 poles snd 10 feet to -another stake or - second corner. thence southwardly to the high water msskto Bogne Sound thence eastwardiy lo the high water mark of said sound 19 poles and 10 feet to a stake, thencn northwardly to the beginning contain ing 8 acres 8 roods and 17 rods more or less, being the same fully described in a certain mortgage deed from R H Neal lo yv . webb recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Cartercl county in book V.V. page 421. Also all the certain tracts of land and the timber rights thereon, situated in Carteret county, North Carolina, fully described in the morteatre deed eseeiiieH i o the Citizens Bank of New Hern, which said mortgage deed is duly recorded in thasoffioeof the register of deeds of Carteret county in book V. V. pages 227 et qt. to which reference is made for a full description. Also the tract or parcel of laed lying in the county of Jones, Slate aforesaid, fully described in a deed from George W. Hay and others, to R 8 Noel by deed recorded in the office of the register of deeds of .Tones county in book 48, pages 470,-472, lying on the north side of Hunter's creek, adjoining the lands of Edward S Jones, deceased, and John Yeates, formerly the lands of Thomas Hay and George Hay deceased. Also all the pine, oak and ash and cypress timber now standing or growing or which shall grow during the term of tcrj years from July 17lh 1899, of the si of 12 .inches, upon the certain land in Carteret county in New Port town ship, lying and being on the head of New Port river and In the northwest fork Of the same, containing 50 acres exeept .such as has been heretofore sold, being fifteen acres, as conveyed to R 8 Neal by Stephen Garner on July 17th 1809, by deed recoided In the records of said county in hook V. V. page 57. All the timber of the size of 12 inches at the stump when cut now lying or growing or Which shall during the term of tlftcen years from the 9th day of March 1900, be lying or standing thereon, upon the certain tract of land lying in Carteret county N. C. in New Port township, l;e ln in the head of Deep Creek swamp, containing 31 acres, and conveved to the said R S Neal by Thomas F M:i n n and wife by deed dated March 9th 1900, iegis tored In book V. V. of said records page 370. Also the timber lu fee simple, on the following tracts of land. One lying and being in what is know as Jumping Unn and Deep Creek Swamps, on the east side of North river:- to wit:- 5-7 of the tract known as the "Simpson tract." Also ope tract known as the V. I!. Sailer patent containing 210 aens, more fully described In book K, K. page 81 of the office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret county. Also the tract com mencing at the north west corner of tho V. B. Salter 216 acre tract running south 100 poles, thenco west 100 polex, then north 200 poles then cast ;!00 poles, then south 100 poles to said patent, then west wiih said 218 acre patent to the Beginning. Being the same conveyed lo It. 8. Ncal by V. II. Salter by deed dated August 14th 1899 recorded in said records book V. V. page 158. Also all the merchantable timber of anil above the size of 12 inches now standing anil growing or which may he during the term of two years, from the 1st day of January 1900, Btamllng lying or growing ml the tract of laud lying in Carteret county Beaufort Township i)n the weft Bide of North river, anil South west of Russell's creek on west prong i north river containing in acres more. Or less;- conveyed lo. I! S. ieai oy ueorge i . nimpson ny necil lated January 1st 1900 and recorded in the Register of Deed office of said c innty In book V. V. page 211. All tbe mechantanlc ilmocr uf 1J ncbes al tbe base or which may bo lying standing or growing during the rm of 8 years irom January 1st 190O 9 tract of land in said county In Beau fort Township, on North river nnd ad- dnlng and tunning with the lino of Ichard Whllehurst, containing 140 teres, and conveyed to R. S. Neal by (leorge W. Simpson on the 1st day of lanoary iww ana recoruou in too sain lieglsler'a office book V.V. page 212 Also all the Handing timber of the slzo of IS Inches or which may grow to aid site during tbe term of 15 years. n VM tract ol land In Cartercl county White Oak lownshlp, on the east tldo nf While ak river beginning at tho month lUmons Out or Crock, and fidly described In tho deed from Daniel H. Weeks lo R. S, Ncal dated Hrptem cet 281b. IBM from which tald dale Ihstermofll yean Ix-glni lo run, sahl id recorded In the oltloc or the oltlco of the Ren liter nf Deed of Carteret coonlyln book V. V, page 191 Also that certain twenty year lease hold Interest, coupled with tha right of pSTobaae, wllh all rents fully paid for lbs satlrs term of said leaac, of all thai ertaia tract of land In Cartercl county ttCarollna Clly. on lbs annlb tide of Ut A. AN, C.U. R. adjoining the land oe raved to 11. 8. Neal by W. M Webb. tad (ally described above, and adjoining las leads of Ibe A. N C. It It. Osi paay, tad lbs channel of I logos sound. 4 lbs leads ol si an In Hose Willis and T. Katoa. urx.s which la located ibe mills aad dry kilns of said R. H. Neal. Also tbat oertata saw mill locator on list leads Joel above described, aald alii Mag BStru Number I Circular, ra l acJiy of about 40,000 fret par day, with tltssglssa, boilers, belling, shattlngi, palleya aad all other tools, linorca and appliaacss, and also lbs Wick dry kiln. waarvaa, ool-bslldlags, and U-nament l Quaes, aad all other buildings loratrd said laad. Also all leather, acaau Msg. aad bfS. locator) o aaJd laad or In tea poad, aad all railing, gear, wagoas td all elaer loots aad fanploaasala, sad Spllearoa. Also a srruia sioam leg tel aoeuaasly kaowa as Us "William K: Moore," aad arts other eta tag boat wed lbs -NalUo", mow la Docne .aaad st said stllL Aad alas all t saber rtrbla, timber ona- t far te, or ee trios as leads Is Us coast y f C. rural ns sisswser. la wkarb las Id K. 8, Neal Is art sad of ear latere. laralov nolteMe. aad wfetck star bs dale resotdal Is US rseorde of Carteret SiBiy a eleswbors, st ssebas may bs nerornrdorL aeo oce bmiv im aa sav ored by tbe eroarlptloS st Us Issd. list. her and tlstaae rights ssrs-ls before dav-r'.lod. (IrTorlag at eald sale all US Haht, tills Sad Istoreat of lbs said R. P. Ni la say aad all other Umber, ti other ishta, ar laari, s waai ao-erer eaters or kinase waorwror Imsier sad sta. tl la arlditiita t4 tbat already ere la -fT a torts, h ho tool aa4 root Uda, wftl bs at Mo r;rtd t ia tvan for eSMi(rsaUMs. V t 1 this 1X af Us pwroasas ptlrw is i- ferilte4 sail! anatraiaiWie) af aa. Mr, V Wat OS us sty of i tro l to oo erorllvad as Mill- ' or rotaraod If Sat eoelrSaod, ;i .- Ar-ii"b. tool. J Jon Pt-aw. I I n f ' Mii .ri v It i ; oli, H,.. t. .1 I. - V f. a . r - ' - '1 ' C.) f,n. I i 1 ; ..,. , , . - 1 M li .. M ' ' " - . i. ( t," 't oa t t I- i r t n - s, r . . 1: I H 1 ' ' I T t t t " a tr ttll SI i- o It-. 1. it too t - i is . i . t I . , la, SS . "I'm., , . porsSrota. , IS I" . . -.. Ha. I a l'l h Ti a rno Ray Cel4 OtsrSo ; ..... w , '(.'rl IS "t-o