An Excellent Combination. " The pleasant method and beneficial ' -effects of the well known remedy,- '.- BTRur ofFroe, manufactured -by the Calhohhm Fio Sykup Co., illustrate " the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxatiTO and prosentinff ' them in the form most refreshing to tho taste and acceptable to tliq) system. It : is the one .perfect strengtaomnir laxa tive, cleansimr the system effectually. dispelling colds, headaches and furors gently yotpromptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation por manently. . Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and aub- stance, and its acting on the kidneys. liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make It the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing fig are usea, as iney are picasnnv 10 wis taste, but tho medicinal qnalitiesof tin remedy arc obtained froimsenna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California ia Stbop Co. only. - In ordor to get itsbencflciul effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on tho iront ol every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAJJ FRAJTOISCO, CAXi. ' ixjuisrmxB, et. raw tors, it. t. , For sale by all Druggists. PricooOo. per bottle THE JOURNAL. New Bern, N. C, May H. 1901. Index to New Advertisements. Broad Street Fruit Store rolls. James B. Dawson. Oranges'., Umbrella picked up. ''-., H. C. Whltehurst. Sale. -J. H. Parker Jr. Coffee eta, . . J. J. Tolson Jr. Notice. 8immoqs and Hollowell Co, LaWns. Business Locals. APPLES, Oranges, Bananas and Pine Apples, today at Broad Street Fruit Store. Phone 88. . PICKED UP Umbrella In Post tfflce last night. Owner can get it by ' proving property and paying costs. ) r , I. ' ORANGES and Bananu today at James B.Dawson's, 103 Middle street Also Ice Cresm. PARIS GREEN and Sprayers: For killing Potato Bugs snd . Tobacco Worms' For 'sale .at J. C. Whltty & Co's. . ..-' A FRESH lot of Cream Chocstes received at McSorlcy's. Just JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey la toe Best. Middle street. !. - ll Good Soda Comes from good maUrlel com bined with knowledge, and skill, We use the very beat of everything. ; If It is poHftlhlo to improve anytliinWS do It. The cost diM'tn't worry u kill as much at the quality. Deftness in imllng and serving it an art in Itself. It oay seem iivlevs perliaps fctoltah, to voi. as yoy waU'h Uw little quirks and (uimy bull- nou gone through with by our' attend' ant In drawing the various ilnaks, but they all add to the Itavor. It - jntt Ulnae little "kinks', that make ltiadham's 8odaJ"Chlc." A. child's yet ara subject 14 deftcta mors so than adults, especial if school children, because of their Uc leocy to yield aad become Improperly shaped, statistic show that la law tllse the per eeat of defects ara greatly taj eieeea of those of smaller towns, on fcoaat of lb limited field of vision, itM trouble exist la school chlldres. they b come accattoeaed to stadylag s$ a short dUiaaea aad grow ap this way. ht) eye gradually becoming (near slcatsd) or myopic, or reMltlag la some ilspo d defect which sboald be oormated by sellable (faetea. 1 It k awell kaowa faot saoag k that ataay a bopeUsa blind a'a ye could have Watt la good eoedliba had lb aUue Ot defec bes rregaiaed aad aotreotejl by ttasass at It vom, of tbetroable. I, M;opU U tot oaty a dsfect t at a g twelve dlssesi wkka eaa geaerally ba cervd et Its prngreea suyed if lb fwerwf teas, staUttlea show lb tlbretet. f s)orM ef aalverslUM lo b i wblr goe to show how ike atlad la ttilvtt4 al theeipeasaaf laery. Ma ,r hlkiseyvepf hsvleg lka ttswlurd t J.O. taxiet Jr.' I ACoibaTMlC j If tew e4 a loek, iry ocf JW, Xrwa aid Wis. Ill a panlca'srlf ttV la lb trtVni f eVMltlf aMewdad wttk Iwpvvwb' Clb hJoM. It aroawita d!i'-tl..B. ' Issprwvra 1 beam l t aad glvea trr ba lb aattra eytu. Devi hMrrip. law rbanawry CURB YOUR HEADACHE and UORIPPC i With CAPUDlfai! OFFICERS ELECTED. The at Official Ekclc4 For Hcit Two -.'..Tear Some OrtUfe.''-.' The Board of Aldermen met bat night al the City Hall aad canvassed the vote of the electlea held, last Tuesday. The following were declared elected AMer- aaea of the city of New Bern. W. D. Barrlogton, Feral Gaaklll, John R Ives, John C. Scales, C, TV Watson, 8. H. Una, W. a, Phillips,- B. B Ten part, T. f. McCarthy, Nathan Cohb, w; H. Johnson and J. T. York,, " .-; .' The new-Board of Aldermen then or ganised and elected for. Mayor lor two years Prank T. Patterson, the choice for the position at the late Democratic ptl- Owe? H. Guion was elected CHy AV- tornfy. t V - Tboi Daniels was elected City Treas urer, . , , . Dr. Chat Duffy was elected City Phy sician. - J. B. B. (Jarraway, H.Jb". Groves and Ralph OaTeapcrt were elected Auditing Committee.' - ' J. H. Hargett was elected Chief of Pallet; J. J. Tolson, City Clerk; H. H. Tooker, Pnmp Inspector; It. P. Wil liams, Superintendent of Fire alarm sys tem, .These each received the full 18 votes. Superintendents Gasklns of Ce dar Grove Cemetery, and Brooks of Greenwood Cemetery were re-elected. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs. L. M. Hendren and Mrs. D. M. Jones went to Wilson yesterday, tost' tend the annual meeting of the Womans Foreign Missionary Society of the M E. Church, South. Mr.W.M. Webb, Chief 8holl Fi.h Commissioner, ws in New Bern y ester day.. . - Plctires of Truck Scenes. Secretary T. K.; Brnner of tho Slate Agricultural Department who has been here taking ."living picture" of the truck farms In this vicinity, left yester- Mr. Wm Dunn took If r. Bruner about, Visiting the. different farms, Dunn's, Hackbarn & Wtlletts, Toumsn, Bray's I and Crockett's. Some .forty view were taken by Secretary Bruner. Atlantic Hotel to Open, The Atlantic Hotel at Morehead City, Is again to be nnder the management of Scovllle Bros, of Atlanta, Ga , who will open this well known seaside hotel June 15th. A Closing Honrs for Store. The local retail stores should unite and have a fixed hour for closing each night, 7.80 p. m, would be a reasonable time. Of course this need dot apply to Saturday.... i. J. Tolson J., the Brood street groci r bis determined to 'dose at the aboro hoar, beginning the nest Monday night Are others to do likewise. Trinity College Commencement. The Journal' acknowledges the 0 artesy or the Senior Class or Trln.ty Oollege, In the Invitation to atieid lbs xerclses of Commencement Work at Durham. June tnd to Bin. Mew Fair Association Meeting, A meeting of the subscribers lo the stock of the proposed New Fair Auncla- tioa will bo held at City Hall oa Wed aesday, May MUi, at 9:90 o'clock p. for the purpose of bearing the reports of oomalttaes appointed al last meeting and Ike eoaslderaUoa of other matters looking lo aa organlsallo of the said Aasoclatloa. It Is raraeslly desired that every sub- aciiber be piaseal By order of las Ohatmaa. Oao. Casta, Secretary.. OAflTOniA. ith, - lailsa li m vm tsarM Tnck Kffvemut laaaies The saorsia of track from keta ye. Urday waa ohl laterfarred with by U rata, bet Iba aklpsaeat by atraaset waa large, tb K eaa not bMag abla to carry all that waa offered. , Frlcea fet eatbags aad peaa la Honk- era atatkeu eoatlaea aklta aatleftutory lo eblpper pf track. - ... ' Tbgids Storm Wltk kala. tVciealsf shertif afiar II as. y swr day, rsla b;ea falling by, tad ana llrnd srltb l ralevialeeiaw wall l-.te Ih algal. Tb ralefsfl was walla by Sad t!rp Uiwhr n4 ngblalag prv vslUJ al lavwvsls. lrafU froas along the A. U Ua, saU rats aad ball fell la IWM fHnli iKie'l foll M Oil Mark Of . I. tlr4 ntrnrd. fnv ladl b-4nr Nflxf kfiw. sad ra will bar Ibrea. J.J. Ittr. " a'l Tsfff V'trj't livl.y Hello, OU Pumpkin! t,. t -t,A,t V( ay )'! r- a E" ! I rd'-"'a d ft t b" "I hit Imi.i if Aa I iif I i wd Uaa lla) a r H l! !lim and fr rl 1 ' if ; "I'"" I'-' . e r..t - . ' I II '.I t nti. .1 t4 H- I f4 tf, -.If MM an.t ) o 1 i t . It a i .i I- ' "St - t imm f ' ' - 1 1 KEXCRIA.L DAT. rrogram Carried out as Fully as Weather -';'. ; Permitted. - .-'-..Z The heavy rains that prevailed yester day afternoon Interfered seriously with the arrangements for Memorial Day. It has been a good many years since . there hss been each bad weather en this Anniversary, and it was in marked con trast with last year when tbedy -was perfect snd the crowd immense, - j As the hour for meeting at the Acad emy Green approached it was teen . that the program would have to be changed. This was done by having the address de livered in the Opera House which was made by Bon. B. F. Grady." Capt. Matt Manly Introduced -the speaker and Jhe utugniers oi , ids .vonieaeracy woro seated pa the stage and sang, Nearer My God to Thee," and "We ara gather ing Homeward from every Laad.n In the latter the solo part was taken by Mr. Arthur Benton,: The Veterans sal in the front rows of seats and camo forward during the presentation of the Crosses of Honor which wrre pinned upon their coats by Miss Mary Jones on behalf of the Daughters of the Confederacy. . While the exercises were going on in doors the Naval Reserves and others were assembling without and upon the conclusion the line of march' wa taken up for Cedar Grove Cemetery while the rain commenced to coma uowa last. . Intolteot the dampness there Was singing at the Confederate Monument. Here there was a beautiful Confederate flag la flowers. The graves ware strewn with flowers by the children and wreaths and floral emblems were, placed above the dead, " A special mark of respect was paid by the Daughtors of tho Con federacv at the graves of Mrs. John Hughes and Miss Harriet Lane Who have passed away during the past year. The customary salute was nred oy tne Naval Heserves above the graves of their dead comrades. Considering the weather the program was carried out very faithfully add many momorles were evoked of days that are gone. Have you seen the latest in collars for ladles and men; they are beauties, get one "and vou' will be In lt." For sale by. J. J. Baxter, Veterans' Meeting. The OamD New Born, Confederate Veterans, met at the Court House yes- terdav afternoon. The ususl business of the Camp was transacted. . Miss Nannie Street was elected Spon nr. The selection of delegates to the Memnhls Reunion was left to the com mender, E. R. Jones. Fell From Scaffold, John C. Hill, while at work at the mill of the Blades Lumber Co. al Club foot Creek, yesterday morning, fell from a scaffold and broke his leg between tut ankle and knee. The Injured man was brought to b e home here on Hancock street, lasi even- tnff and was attended bv Dr. N. H. .-, Street. Rad Drlnkln Water.-Every oo suffers greatly from the dlfftrvnt klads of water be is compelled to drink, .end nothing Is to likely to bring on aa, at tack of diarrhoea. rBur,DAVi' Paia KtLi-ta Is tb only sale, quick o.i sate cor for !t, cramps and cholera morlia. Avoid snlMlllut, there Is but one Palo Klllrr. Prr Davis'. Price Sic sml Wc. 3. i. Baxter bat Just received a Sae line of the Mount ree Roller Tray trunks from S t IS dollsr. B4TB0R0. Taau Town EtecUotv Mr PMaw Cro Ita Blecdoa Coatett. lastrtcUoa '...-. U$lagtat. -U ; Bsyboro, May 10. To ralaa of peat few dsyt wet highly appreciaiad by the track aad potato farmers. Tbey hav do asacb good. Oar lllll towa baa bewa fall of coav tMrcial loariat, lasoraac rnea aad sport lag gvatlessea dartag Iba week. Vfefior br. this aumaMr will b M loketp eool root IM aaesbef of ereasa aad lamtaede ataadt last ar Imod. There ar alrvadr tart aad ether la eealempUiloa. . ' , Tb ' I w ba t Wwa laat Tad y wee lb atost taaaa aad qolrt of ay Ibal we bat beard of, w bad b The Hg,M arft Iowa aad wtal lo year ally, aad o far aa bar ImiA aae offered Ut tot. Tb ooeatltg ot ibis lis wsa aot add, aad alt ai Im The aleaaaer 0 M gnet oa law Ma ria Rail way la yowr rlti li.miriw. in b MMinMliit pl la llttl4 to baadl IM larg lrtb ptlo ep. kUk SI prearat hid fair I b Urg end ry ens. Tb ct toe teniae " btlaffw iA ! h sr tcaroa, twrybndy It btr aiitadi; to their ew lxti4 Tt pl.ta'IHa la lh tivilai kar Mit tx-l.M not t bHn lb telva fnt lb .ffl, bl pl'k k 4 tint t4 Iry a!n ha Po XW ftv, sir Tayt"', Tk W .rt-ff HapiUt attal.taa, kaa n,-rr4 a f1lnf f y 'r'rt.t.y ,'. al 1 eV.nrt I lt. fUrUM rkeffc. f t- larfln n4 p . I sow! H' Int h was ' a n'pui ( apiif.r i'r, ti'SMi a-a i-t fcatv-'af -a Y' . , i k.iaa-r 1 1 I .i..i IS fl'aa i ' r t t v;jn::; T.r. r ; nf ; try r. ' I) : : ii ; Sis Late linston News. Free Press, 10th. . . - " About 10 bales of cotton were sold la Klnston lodsy at 4 to 7.16. A . Mr. Harry Woolen has accepted a po sition at the A. A N. C. depot, to work during the truck season. yv)v The bikk work has been commenced on three stores and an office for .Mr- W. A. LaRoque on North street, back of his store fronting Queen street r' The Christian Sunday school will tun an excursion to Morehead Oity next Fri day, May 17th, The train leaves Kins ton at 7 a.. ., and returning, leaves Morehead at 8:80 faa.&,3 Mr. 0. H. Jones, of the firm of Verser & Jones, State agents for the Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Co., paid today in full to the estate of the late Sheriff J. O Wootea, a 13,000 policy held by him la that companygji;-,:;!; The 4:33 ;A. 4 N. Q. passenger train was delayed 30 minutes In Klnatoa yes terday afternoen, on account of a brake on the rear car having dropped down. A bolt from the "brake had been lost, which caused the trouble. Mr. E. B. Lewi left this morning for Columbus, O., to attend a meeting of the grand lodge-of the Woodmen of the World. Mr. Lewis represents five States: Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Vir tola and North Carolina. He will be gone aboBt ten days. Work will probably soon be com menced extending the water pipes on Queen attest about roar blocks in north rly direction. . These pipH can be used when water, works are Installed and It is a good thing thing to protect all the property possible until a com plete system of water works Can "be In stalled. -' ; The very best wishes of The Free Press, from the editor to the "devil," follow the 1 retiring foremen, Mr. L. J. Mewborne, was elected city clerk lsst night and entered -upon his duties this morning. Mr. Mewborne had been with The Free Press about 10 years, and mads a capital foremen. Ha Is . a bright and painstaking man, ho better selection as oily clerk could have been, made. Mess. Clay Andrews and Fred Button killed a loon down the river yester lay This waa probably the mate to the one recently killed at the bridge, as they are the only ones ever seen here. They are great divers, and when frlghtenel swim along distances under the water. , Griftpn. Grifton, May 7. Mr. Jim Howard of your city passed through our town on his way to Greenville, N. O. Hr- Fella Plltmsn and Hebet Oasklns -spent 8unday In Klnston, guess the boys had a aloe time. Mr, Harry Marks passed through town Monday on his way to Scotland Neck, N. C. Mr, J. L. Keen, Sr., went to Klnston today to attend court. We had quite a nice Utile rain today. A good rain It needed very badly Just now. The collections la the M. S. Church 4anday, for missions, was twelve dol lars. Il It very good for oa, ai we only have a very small towa, bat we have lares Sunday Schools. W Would like to tee alt the facet It oar towa at Ban- day Schnnt, moralng aad evening. Mia. Bottle OtvU of LllUefleld I vltll lag Mr. W. J. Utt ree, ber sl-Ur. Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Keea, Jr., want to I Klbiloa today. Mr. Jaaaea U. Brookt want to Oreea- vllla yeeUrday baslaeta. There is ola( lo bt a picnic oa IStk of this asoath al Gem Swamp. A Mg lima la oa docket. I wry body It vttedtogo, r .. . , O. H. Oaskla b gwUlag la a lovsly Una of atw wbaslt. If yea ar la ' of a bik yo wlQ tav dollar aad otatt to ta bla for hVMktett WMtm aaat.aj. lvbapa you ar aa eltrpttoo tb rale, bat If row art act yoa have prob ably on many crttooa, Jutt After look- tog at roar watch, ba forcWi to to- koowMUra to a frVod woo taxed yt th ttm thai yea did not know what It waa, cf o vBdoabtedly look root tlmrptFC otit of yoar pocket, looked al ha face and carrfuil tomom M bt four pockH, bowing a knglral qnenca of Ihoneht aad a wvtl dtAn) byr. wbkb did not. bower, revolt la Ixav Ing a aurftetenlty dMlort la prwMlon oo your tnled ta ttttlafy year I frlrnd'a corloalty aa to tb bear Of tb day. Tb cnetWta waa aot aa havaluav tary ao, Ilk thai lb boy who ca not to aftr admtr bat tbronoet- rtt-r, nor yrt babttnai, for few persnw ar wwrviy la tb UUt ef taking 1 ibHr watcbea. On doe a oaly far a rparlflf porpottv .- Kow, bi'w mar Ibia twaatinf reetra- dlrtloa be amteofrd fart rrtepa tb I raeana I (bat aot aavw sa ta tlnv rVvw a maa lnn at bts watrfe av what lb a1ul Itm la. bat rahf h trwrai wbnhar b till! baa tlttt t s modla)i tnnt rmriiaa. Is may want ta kvf aa spttntni al a wrtaie lima ar le t tar t re tola a boat at imta.. W tw b lakc otit at wttrh. Ibwfin, b Inatlnriivety a fr kt-la la (hv r-.ltv ralVrd fnr t f that iirilrwtar anMrtil. ar4 whro fca rrti ll at l!-y r txA y r-' t4 lhl r.tnl b rrtncTi (( Wtt't) lo ft fa'lrj lr. kit ar.lrnl nlUH f f-lata ri iit at all lo M li r-1 ao t..fl l a l a la a : i 1 , f t:m hi, la r..t-; tt r- '.' I.-- a- '-. - " : : a i . r a ' - i f.t rl t-. III f It al l' - . A 7 ' I ba.a t ( - 'it r r r.M a I l r-f' tin i V, f- 1 1 t Be Bi ska ButsMS,"" "There are tricks eren .In our trade, aald the old life Insurance map. "About ten years ago a couple of respectable old parties, man and wife, camo to town with $100,000 or so that they wanted to put into. an annuity. Tbey had neither chick nor child, kith nor kin,, and they wanted- to finish their lives in as much ease and luxury as could be bought 8o they made the rounds of the life insurance companies, getting their annuity figures and had all the actnariee in town making cal culations in the casev""' '- The - bead mathematician of the Blank Dash company was a little bet tor than a mere flgurer. ; He happened to bear what town the bid parties came from, and he suddenly remembered that hr bad an old friend, a doctor, 'who lived there,, whom he hadn't seed for years, t He invited ' the medicine man down at Once, took, him out and ahowed him -a real good, decent time. Then he edged around to the annuity hunters, and, lo and behold, the doctor was their family physician! Without appearing to pump him, the actuary learned enough about the old couple to enable, blm to make a moat glittering tnducement to ; the pair,' and they bought , their- annuity of hla concern. They were both dead inside of two years. I forgot Just how much the company netted. I' think It bad paid out about one-tenth of what the old folks bad paid In. The company was a gainer,, and; there Were no losers ex cept the other companies aa a result of the actuary's shrewd move." New York Bun. . Sale For Partition. By virtue of a Judgment and order in a certain special proceeding before Wm. H. Watson, Clerk In the Superior Court of Craven county made and rendered May 10th, 1001 in a certain matter where in W. F. Hill and H. V. HID, bis wire are plaintiffs, and Samuel Sutton, John Button and Emily, his wife, CharleyAnn Sutton and others, ana the heirs of uenj uentley and J no a. Bentley are defend ants I will expose for sale at public out cry at the Court house In New Hern at 19 o'clock m, for cash to the highest bid der, the following land, situated in the County of Craven and State of North Carolina on the north side of Neuse River and' Taylor's creek about fifteen miles above New Bern in the fork of Neuse River and Taylor's creek, begin ning at the mouth of said creek snd runs up the creek to the- line of the land of the heirs of Win G. Bryso, then with the Bryan line to said river and then down the river to the beginning, containing 200 acres more or leas Also 30 acres on Chinquapin Ridge adjoining the land of renner Nelaon, formerly the land of Benjamin' Bentley, deceased. U. U. WrJlUfiriuKST, Commissioner May 10th, 1001. I NEW CENTURY I i ta t)ie blu(est pIaoe n t)W1) C()n IT prices are from 1U to Sift nor cent lower are cawninfr on w mat most surprising tact. We alwavs carrv a Full Assortment GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, and all kinds of Household Uom1s. Our fi & IU cent counters are a temptation to Pargaln Seekera. Novelties and Spociai tle arriving dairy. Our Penny Pencils and Penny Tablet am the best. ; , ISEW CENTURY 5c & 10c STORE, 60 Proad Street, Next to Swert's Ilecf Stall, OiiHsite Junes' Htahlcs. j.liaJWHMRW.u.jWffii Jujfim.a.vwa 'CJdl I LINEN ! -. GOIMD Special is' called to tho New Batisto in tho Linen Efleai with the' col ored" dot, Some thing' Very Eiylish and at a priro that ia in rnch of all. Havn the Orecn, I, Purplo a u d Up Hotropo dot fit ' t-P !1 0 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. It artlflclall v digests the food and aids Nature la strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It lathe latest dlsoovereddigestp ant ana tonic ' no other preparation can approach 16 In efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, 8our Stomach, -Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgla.Crampsand an otner resuiw oi imperiect aieesuon. Price 50c. andtU LargestsaeontatesfK times smaUslsa. Book all abotttdyspspslamallert free Prepared tybC OeWITT CO. Cbteage. ' : F. 8. DUFFY 4 CO. Special Notice I Ordered by the County Sanitary Com mlttee that It shall be unlawful for any person or persons oo and after the 10th day of May 1901 to dump or deposit any of the refuse animal or vegetable matter of the Oity on any lot or in any of the docks around the City of New Bern. Any person or persons violating this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined not exceeding $50 or Imprisoned not exceeding 80 days. Celery Headache Powders. There Is not any better remedy for headache than these powders. They never fail to relieve. Made and sold only t Davis' Piescriptioa Pharmacy. Remember those famous Star flams at J. J. ToUon's Jr., 77 Broad street. You hal?e them ? Do you have headaches ? The Sunday morning kind 1 Tho sick or nervous kind 1 Do you want to get well.' Cola Hoadache Powders will relieve you, if notlymir money back. Many tunes headaches conic from a disordered stum ach. There are ingredients in Coin uendache Powders that will stimulate arid increase the secretions of the stom ach and that old headache will pass off. Only ten cents at llradhnm's Prescription Pharmacy. 5c and Wc STORE I (UsHkn n mi my than thoirs. but because the neonle of LAMPS. AGATE. ANn ttnwarp. a ! n i i- 1 Attention " Espial lot Hasdkercliiefs ON SALE THIS MORNING. THE APRONS come in about fifteen different design trimmed with embroidery, lace, tne' s, etc., aid made , f lltwns, some worth up to 40c wit h, bi.t nil go at one ju iir. THE HANDKERCHIEFS are some of our ln- and consisting of White Hemsiilched, Lace Edge, Embroid.-ivd and Borders, wlfich lire very good for the children, T rice 5c each. G. cA. VARFOOT, 43 Pollock Street OY ;'" Wis have taken SjH-tial goods us c-ouM not. fnil to jilrnsi A fill line of Kuiis, Kxlr.-i 'J't-om Wiifh uit-s in all aces from :i li anil Collins. Mliore vour Hoy cull lie lilted pleiisuve in tlio ing yon our BIQ BARGAINS. Q O 57 ZFollccik: Street. Spring and u anr nn ann r JIIT A it II I V V ji;t a k it iv m i in Nl. I'M thin i i y. Wi- v., nlil )0 111 ll W .V, l!ll . I - LI PPM AN il'.i' Si , t-i I t.i -t 11 i i VH AUK S E E 1,1. Sl&ughietmg Prices At iii ma i.tii:ui( w sto( k o. t'r7The CUBA TEST IIACK in North :r liim lii Inn Clothing, lry (mJk, Shoen, Unto, f J.-ni n Knn.i, hiiix, Ai A full and complete line Spmii; l-rena ;.h.., ( ,1 hi n- Woratnht, luiwrm, IVrcalea ami Caliooca nl :it t r. ii t i r j-r ii i-a. ISfen'a bhixti 0o ai il up, IkIh-k' Hh.m . l mnl up. 17 1'argalna in WaU h a grxrf Wateh for Use. g o o o s o o o () o m ts AMERICAN 69-6f Middle St., J.Clil)ift. Price -: il.00 ' V1 "Uwanta. v Hotld fVunfaart f ir n llfll fnOnrj-. Trr c nul ni t i : : . beautifully oil ijiialily c i :ich. Mnality, 'lllull'll ee0o tfa l';iiiis tins si-asi-n In !i 1 i)n ! i.i-i - oi Hi, li a Shnc-:, Slrrl V:ii Ihi veins. Cji ', Slu IIM- limn ln-il l,, lines. Wf: ol. Wi'uiil l:il e HAW. 5LVEIAI. Summer Goods. mmp.r ll 5c VOPPli: s ,V l ew s, m ! r ; v! STOCK CO., Neto Bern, N. C. g o o 8 2 - 1 H Wl afUf v?rt Wbrt4 . t M 9n. fiw P by T t Canry M tTV rWwtary, t I !