. . Tbo Kind You Have Always Bought, and which bas beea'-v : to 'use for over SO yean, has borne tho ninatnre of v and has Mjfo,'' nal Bapervision since Its infancy.. -.r- All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are buft - Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ; Jbtliwts and Children Experience aralnst Experiment, v ' : What is CASTORIA . Oastoria is a harmless substitute for 'Castor Oil, Pare gorta, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It .i-t contains jicither Opium, ' Morphine nor other Narcotip 5 ; subfltauce. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness.. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind , Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles,- cures Constipation . and Flatulency. !. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy-and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the Signature of The KM Ypii HaYe Always Bought . Ir Use For Over 30 Years. wi cmwm wwww, w .ww mT. rnw win wit-' ' - Woman's Crowning Virtue. DauroK, Mo., Jnljr tl. .. . For yean I uflenHl terrible palm nrtry Month and mv doctor told me I could not be cared i-xoupt by an operation. licit I could not etibmlt to that and mo 6m- noeM I had ftir.n up all bope or a Dure, r huaband lu.litcd on mjr trying; Wlueof Oardnl and at la r thank God I did try it. Lant month I did not hv a pain, and did all my work, which I had not done la saves MRS. MINNIH LTTTL1 :'Wl1t't't;'r'Ii'af. MnMli i that an iranklnd admires. "A mockst woman a the mosijueasmgi au created things. Became at till becominr virtm lbxHisands of women prefer to suffer untold miseries rather than confide their troubles to s physician, and to even think of submittinR to an exammstion isrtvoH uig. They can't get tbeir own consent to an operatm. : Wlnetf Cardul permlu sensitive women to retain their modesty. Willi K they can cure " l mule troupta" In tbe quiet of their own rooms, .if special treatment b required they can -write to tbe Advisory Department of the Chant nooga Medicine Co., and their letters will be promptly answered by , women trained in the cure of . uiur mvisni ttcaiTitaT. -or ad Ttev m imm alruia iiMHal ifliviuiu. atUn-M. rtvliw nuitnoiM, UW ,4.U.r tWrHlTTlNINMU aaMruawV. CtaUnnunm. Tmav A LARGE BOTTLI COSTS $1.00 AT Have You Lost Your Sole? ;if no Call on 5. A. EDWARDS. MlnMlo Ft. hflwern Miultdl's tud PwiH's stalikia, . He Will Ssippljr He- With Pair For 40 Cents Lad Us 30 Cents. Heclinf II Cents. NEVMCE! At Ui OIJ VaUon 4 Iiilor rolitn ml l'nitiiit AUrnli. n. Ice Delivered': at yojr houe - . ... ' - ,jJ Al the 0t4 lea flea-, H4le M. Russell llouso WhlW la rWrirt nrm ad Hrp al law IUalt llmii. fir -fla-a M rj. A amwa f.i tfrl)r.f fnW. Thlof aa4 hwilat wimIWJ. t'rm 1 M a au nr sULud r mmk . U A. rl Ki l. fro If. IV. NI5IPNO., , IsH IXron.l ttirrrl -IHwmiIiiIIo" r"ilcrJ 11 aal l"- a i' ' ' I T1. Hi. ' " aal t f. If I fwlir tflUt v lM"lin" :l ' tf 0r 14 I ; mUm t' o .1 1 i' ' lIaMMk- . If'- ". an ly.-U .' ' t y-".l I ' ' wh ai rii VNVV VVVVVVa. "1 D 4 n been made under his per ,ij -j mu 'i fStM -J 1 0 1 TM - aaallfnff -- sK-' womanly weaknesse and Irreru- bjttiiS. . There should be no heJita- , tkm. Delayed treatmpit means t Chronlt condition. Hie longer ' postponed the harler to Cure. . ., Or WINI O CARDUI TMI PU0 STORK. . Have Y ou Seen the Uvtng Pictures On.Frte Kxhiuitloit at Henrys Pharmacy, ' J27 Middle Street. This s Um mob tot hrmsa cJea'ng. Iba I'm to nrepara for . the re Death" M boga, ants,' roacbea, asd la- eeel. Ilowt UataaJ : lie Horei, a aalnral nroditrJlon of lfc.ath, a tm noi Iw eaters lalo Its original eleeienU tr msaufartnTf We kTa ui.ltr.ee (lata nr space ir give the anawroos d4alle4 asaa fat which Ilorai ay lt ased,. WS 1 oely so t (ret heailllaee. In, Foe Tol- Isli tad. At a Wodlclnee Ird, la the Undri;4lo, for tbe lloenshol; Rib, As a rreatrvallvai Via. rot Antaj 7tb Mbellaaaoaa. W sve U.ln puad aarVagraiMl thacftealar glvaa M dlf' t,$ s for thick It taf ha pal. ; sTaall lla Toil'i Artlclra aad Ptrfon. ITiyairiaa' JTrwanriptlMat latmfult) nwtpngtwW ?. 4. Or. -.frM, K,M.aMAta t.rrw- i ; M. Sj, oaa. C.HH. - VlTtZHTiH' IMXIC, -oaf twrvr tmpj,m.tX Doing Cenaral Hanking Uusloetl Mfh I, I'l, rVirplm and I'adM- tr4 rofit, r,mrO. Traa-rd and carfsl l'tta ttf i a;iVtinMi aalmttMln a. Atmnll If. m.mK ' . . . . . . mi a . i. 4. 1 j - 9 m p 1 i.h P i 1 . ... - 11 r..-. c r-T w. r i.rH rlMaaar, r i f()R nnir. lt m .1 1 ( i 0 . r" 1 11 KCXOHIAL ALLRESS. ..-008iTlH ED raOM SEOONO r-AOLV ' I strength i the Northern Slates, par-, llcularly . Massachueelta, - . - constant stream of abase hail been poured out on ibe South; .. lbs slave-bolders,rliad been held np to" the Ignorant a inhuman monsters; th animosities of Ibe: ni-' formed hail "been Inflamed against tbe Southern while man; Uncle Tom' Cabin 400 000 copies of which wore sold soon after tt'wss Virirted, added fuel to the flame, and aroused millions In the North particularly la New England, to the sup posed duty Of ' rescuing lhev alave from. tbe tortures of his barberooa master, tbe expectation being perbaps universal with these wmfde that tbe slaves, were ready to embrace- the first opportonky which promised success tu nnlte .wltli these fanatics In massacring the' white people of the .South, and conquering there own freedom. ' flochvwas toe nope -of Joshua R, biddings, the famous Ohio statesman,' Who declared he would, bait It aa "b dawn of a political mlllenlunr when the elave should- "assert his free dom and wage a war of extermination against bis master." Buck, was the bope of leading UepubllCftU newspaper., in New Hampshire (quoted by Dr. Gurry In his "Civil History of tbe Government of the Confederate: States" wwen ap proved the remedy for: slavery which bad been prescribed by' James Uedpalb, tbe author of a life of Jobn. Brown which was "that the fanatics must foment insurrection among tbe slaves," And it was the expectation of John Drawn, who came Into Virginia- with a anad'of 23 soldiers, armed and equip ped at the expense 01 nia new angioma sympathiser. This was in 1869. f Thus stood matters for nearly two years 'men rremont iiwueu -a h matlon In which he undertook to lltieraie the slaves of those peraons In Missouri whom be denominated ''rebels." ,Thle was not an Invitation to offer violence to there mastors, but It was Incidentally 10 mere uittiiiui,.uuk ii. ibo "j threat against the peace of the Stale, nd Mr. Joseph Hold, of Kentucky, who became a leader in the councils of the North, appealed to Mr. Lincoln (Sept, It, 1861) In behalf of the border , btates. reminding htm of the "fears OX any at' tempt on the part of the government of tbe United States to liberate suddenly in their midst a population unprepared for freedom, and whose presence could not fall to prove a painful apprehension,, if not a terror, to the homer and families ofall.'f This danger, be It remembered, was suDDOsed to threaten States wherein Mr. Lincoln's troops had usurped alt the funntlnna 'of eovernment, - and were ready to assist in suppressing any up risings of, the slaves. Mr. Llnooln dis approved Fremont's proclamatpin. About six months after this (April i, 1663), an emancipation proclamation wasiBsued in the 'Southern Depart ment" by Oen. Hunter,, a man wno nrovert himself durlna the war to be a willing tool of despotism. Thereupon Jobn A. Andrew, the fanatical Governor of Massachuaettt, began' a movement 10 Ore an lie public sentiment In . the North In favor of Lincoln's approving Ranter order. Letters were written lo Mr. Lin coln, embassies were sent to him, and even threats, were made to abandon .his oanae; and on the very day (May 19) wben he revoked Hunter's order, Oo v. Insisting that "he atlog In-sonmlsuk- able: language that New Kngland .felt little) Interest In - merely preserving the Union, hot assuring him that "the roadt will swarm, if need ha, with the mailt. lodes whom New England wouM pour out 10 obey your (hl) call,"- if ha wonld sustain Huator, . . Nearly tbraa months after this (July 1J), Mr. Lincoln tola the members of Congress front the . border, Stales that hla course had given "dissatisfaction, If not otfenaa, to many whose support the eoaatryeonU noteoord to loaa," and that the prawnra was still opoa hla and wss Increaalng; and oa Beptamtar lata a delegation of people who called them selves Christians was aent from Chicago to demand that Mr. Llncota aaaonaced emancipation as his hlt object la proeeeuUnglbe war,Itlee day -after- wants tb ptellmlaerf prodasaUoa Issoed.;- .- Mow, my frteada, we cimaot aoppoes that. Mr. Uocola was tlapliTanoagh to bailey that this plena of paper wood free eslngte'slavo-ia any Soother locality which his military forces had ant snh- liralnj. What then esott the real parpoee hav keen f Was Mr. Lieeota as aawllllni sgeat of Moodthlrety faaatlrs U Utile tbe alavsaof lha CoafxUfary to enter apna war of laonndlartani anrl hatcherr. to dre a rmx .la4 la the blond of fha old aa, Iba women lha tklhlrvat t shell not attempt W aatwer the qonatWm, - Wht the nhjt was, lha fo satire waredlMt'potntod. The alavws remalaH loyal lo Iba faatlilea of I heir master rarrifd a tb farm work a Uf had atoritlaka, aod pat to sbsm ih rVinlb lfa4rr. In the Hot iba Hul. 'InUad, Ihea, of shooting the pf!s of Ml. UnfV.a for "llWrallag Ins attlHoSSof kaavaa belnft hy one stmt of Mi pea" it St poastbly t a-lvlnl fuf tie admlfSTi to ee(prf this ehar-t la Lis lift. n4 tink th alare fnt eavleg htm from v"!1""'1 VA'J as Id fc.TS H Ida tttftX limln ettms l the rntiii! NnW, ar frfer. ll. ( I f t-e J ia.V 1,-" j ' r (l . " f'.-in !; ' fcr. r I ' j-'' ' - 1 In trf mt-'-t, i !'' f;-t th. f -.: -i ' t' - !''. .'if W - j tSi-iol . 'r. a .,--. -. I i-r t s . ' - T rt ! all, If il brought as on useful lesson. VY hat la that Irsmw f It is that Ignorance the fountain from which spring many the evils which a whim our live. And here multitude of if occur to mi If, for eramplBj onr -torefalbers lad been bio to read the characters,-- to peroelva tbe dispnssitioq, and to realise the pur. poses of the lobabllants of son of the States, which assisted In forming lbs Union, the wrong of the first neventy years might have been avoided. tt the peoplc-of the ' -orlliern State. Or a milnrlfv -.of : tboe ; people, .-had been sulMelentlr mllghten'1 trtndortand the- oidij!onv n--wWph the. Ptnle. onlted,. Ib Jn fraction of .thoa Ciindl- tlnns, and the far reaching conwjnurfcei of quartering -certain Internals of the North on the . m'b, seoesi.o - would bare been 4ft ! linpoasililllty. j If the maaee of the people In the Sotithrrn Statri - had; been alilo fn undersMnd the luecessive agression na tbtf' rlnhlfi the method - ol ci acting tribute f rom thenvatiil tbe weight of tlie. portent, the problem . of sectional supremacy might hava receive 1 -en i earlier, and a more peaceful eol'itlnn. : If the fanatic, the demagogue, and . the- JegUlatlva. liene- Boiary in the North Oonlit bav been silence I in 1801, and the true grounds of doulbem-discontent explained 1 1 and uuderstood by the masse of the pj-iplo, there could have - been no opportunity for any - m id ta stultify himself by cbaraeterulng secession as -"rebellion,'.' DO you doubt the truth of these pro- potitlonsf Do- you doubt that men's opinions are founded on tbt'lr knowl lgef .Do yon doubt that - prejudices and aupemitulions yield to the advanc ing llde of. intelligence f ? that : our ..r j . .1 -. ... l. . I acqnaimaiieii with tho trials and suf I' feriogs ' of mankind becomes more 1 In Mutate 1 and that the charily wbirh sufleroih long and h kind", is closely allied to that rare Intelligence which oan look through nature np to .nature's God andjreongalze Ulm as the Father of all? No: wecsnaol doubti tbe uniform eslimony of history confirms the yearn ings of our . hearts, and aids-; na bope that somewhere In the dreary dpsert of ilalence tb human - race shall reach an oasis wherein : justice and- fraternity shall be among the fruits of universal enlightenment. ; ' - -' " -. Such i the lesion brought to us by the part, and each ! the -lesson wblob our own little sran of troubled existence - s has prepared ue to accept. - It lays down a law of our being; it telle 1 that the econnmlo, direction of tbe activities of life must be founded on knowledge, and - that . the development of onr moral natures on the Illumina tion of our : Intellectual faculties. It does more; It tells as that respect fo. the memory of onr martyred dead and loving regard for their-character will depend on the. enlightenment of tbelr descendants - and ' Incidentally it Im presses on us tbe duty we owe to all the children of onr beloved Southland. To the surviving Confederate veterans this la a matter-of prime Importance; but especially would I arge that the United Daughters of tbe Confederacy formally annonc purpose to co-operate with 'l other agonclet In having . th doors ol the tempi ot knowledge opened to si! the sob 1 dsuehlers of the booth. . Wash ington emphasised the.tmportaooe of popular, tnllghtajent oa hnnxirod and four year sgtv , And lha penalty which cam a pen bis 00s n try me, for this nea-leet '-was far more disss irons tbaa his worsUear could hava anllolpated.- Lt nt profit by this eiperUnon let It b remembered that w are living la a aew world where tb demand for Intel ligent solution of political, aoclal. In dustrial, and commercial nrob'eme 1 treanodonaly more - preaslnf than H was la Washlagtoa'i day;- and that onr oblliatto '1m -' correepoadlngiy -more weighty.-. 'tt.-j Aad whalT Deagbtera of th' Con federacy, oonld - more worthily crowe roar - life-work tha .to aoalp tbeae Children for Victory ih battles of Ufa, for th attain ate nt of a bright and bapplet Jot than aay that aver U ibair faUiera aad mothers t . Il wonld be th ' flttant atoaaaent ' to tho host Impel of your head and hearts, and yonraafeel provision for perpetuating th fanx of the men' who. died for lb tm . orlndDtes of , Ooaelltatloaal LUC Is fc4 aoowKh tl K It U to hr oww our wnc end very t bit (hou'.d La Ut! may as r"$t'le hrr at t'i tins cfciidMrth. This la Jtiel w hat Fr::::3 ,nt y r .':, tf rf n.i f -sifil -w, ll.ftt f,r ('"rrr ' l. 1 1 :n ; r--f I Itl'r) ( li . v r t- ft; - ,r 1 ' m . rv -.m i r f ? - f- ' a !; " j .' r n -r "rt ' 1 of IV f " f ; " J - I 0 O uv w : v for G::irch - Children ore constantly exposed to" all Smtn of Sis The air they breathe is filled with uennfi, newer pas and dust from the. filthy t recta nrc inhaled into tin? lungs and taken into tlte blood. ; At the crowded sencot rooms and other pnbhc places thcy'-come in conttct almost daily with others recovering from or in the first stages , of contagious diseases. .You can't quaraniiaa e;atnst the balance of the world, and the best you can' do is to Ttccp their blood in food; condition, .and thus -prevent wf- at least mitigate the! disease."'You. liavt peTltitpa, learned, from .observation -or experience' that -healthy,, robust .children- (and -thisv means,' of -course," children whose blood is pure) are not nearly so liable to .contract diseases peculiar to them, and when they do it is generally in a mild form. "On the other hand, weak, emaciated and sickly ones Beetu to catch every disease tliat comes along, t This is because their blood is lack-" lug in all the elementa "necessary to sustain and build -np the body poisons of every description accumulate in the system,- because the.pollutcd and sluggish blood is unable to perform its proper functions. -. -- :: . Such, children need a blood pan fief nnd tonic to give strength and vital ity to their blood, and a S. S. , beinp a purely vegetable remedy, makes it the safest and best tor the delicate constitutions of children. S. S. S. is not only a perfert bood medicine, but is pre-eminently the tonic for children ; it increases their appetites and strengthens the digestion and assimilation of food; If your child Teri have nny hereditary or acquired taint in their blood, give thom 6. .9. S. and write to-our physicians for any information or advice wanted ; this will cost yon noth' ing, aod wilt start the little weaklings on the road to feepway. Book on JBlood and Skin Diseases free ' v TUB SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OX. i nnnincHESTEro) "NewRivat,"" Leader," and "Repeater Instit apoa luring Uko, talu no othua aad yon will get the ben dielU that money can bar. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM. 'WW'''le'e'W'WiW''le'i'wiw'W'W'W'W''e'ev'eeel'sl'w'Te Administrator's Sale. ' North Oaroiina, - I Superior Craven County. - f ..Court. Thomas F. McCarthy Administrator of - Oliver Ipock deceased, . " .. VS. - Virginia Elizabeth Ipock, and others, dale of land to make assets to pay debts.-. . Pursuant to the decree 'of sale In the above entitled proceedings pending In tbe 8uperlor Court of Craven county to sell land lo make assets to pay the debts of the deceased. I will offer for sale and se t for CASH to the highest bidder on Monday the Kl day of June next at tne hour of 18 o'clock m. at Public Auction at the Court House door of Craven county, subject to tbe Dower and Right of Dower, of the Widow, Virginia Eliza. betb Ipock. an tbe following aescnoeu tract or parcel of land Wing and being situated In the County of Craven, State of North -Carolina, fully described Id those sundry deeds duly recorded In the office of lha Reitiiter of Deeds of Craven County, and bearing tbe dates respec tively as rouowst opicar imxm anu wife to Oliver Ipock, dated June lStb 1880, recorded in Book No. 100, page 8i0. Wlllouebby ipock 10 unver ipoca, ny deed dated June ISth, T889, recorded In book No. 100, page 83, Hlepben and Burten Inock to Oliver Ipock by deed dated November 22ad 1833, recorded In Book No. Ki, page 97. Allen Ussklns in Oliver Ipock Deed dated Nov. 15th. 1808 recorded book No. 83, page OS. 8av. Ing and excepting U acres conveyed by Ruffln Blmnklns by deed recorded In said Oliver loock to Record Book No. 130, page 3i, to all of which said Racords reference Is made for a full description of said land, which It aow embraced la One PareoL aonlainlnt by estimation a acre mora or less. The bouadarlesooataloed la th several Deeds covering ih eniiie tract deeonheo. , TU08. F. MCCARTHY. Administrator April 161b, IBOI. EASTERN ; C1R0IM DISPATCHvLlNEa . -1 F.r All relntM Ifrth. Thd Steamer NEUSE lit laT 00 Mondats, WcdnMdaya, o(l Kndnysat C p. m. abarp, mak ing landings at OrWnUl, and Roan. ka I1anil. '.. . v W .-' - NAG'H IIIUXI. Tho Btr. Ncwberno Ommeee log July let tll Jrv at II clork nova o T4y aid TrWaya, snsklnc taadlnm at OrlewUl. R-janak I .land aad riraA, . . ' tT Freight ro1 oot Utet tliao on hnnr rrtrione to aatliag. For further InformsUon rP'J U0. DEN'DKliSON, AgC K, K. KiU't, Oen. XJgr.,', . lLO.I!ll'nit,f!n.l'rt. TaM.Agt - . Norfolk, V. raieal IS 1 f-iii.ii I a I- Id DoffiMon Stcamsliip Ck). sV( , , V' M riaai ' t" ' ,y -' f RII6BT Pi88Kl0ir;' km laiaiaiaiaiai Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as adminlHtrator of the estate of the late Capt. M. F. Mor ton, deceased, notice la hereby vlven to all creditors to presonl their claims to the undcralpned for payment on or be fore the 10th day of April 19(14. or this claim will lie pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to sild estate are notified 10 make Immediate pay ment. J. A. MORTON. Administrator. D. L. WARD, Attorney. April, 10, 1901. P. H. Pelletier, ATTORNEY AT LAW, : Idle Street, Lawyer Brick Balldlag. Will practice tn the Cotmtlea of Craven arteret. Jones, Onulnw sua ruilleo. U. H 'nurtst New Rm-ne snit Hupreme Conrt 0 he F. st. llmmnns. A. I). Waid SIMHONS St WARD, . 4TTltRNKfAaa1 COUNSELORS at LAW. lev Rr.stMBt, aj. i. lrttlo68 Ho. Front Htroet, nearly oppo- mw auvei uuwawii, fOfflce also at Raloleb ) I'rar.tlea In tbe conn lie nf flraven Duplin, Jones, Onalow.Carierrt. Pamli co and Wake, In the Hupreme and Fed eral Una ft, and wherever services are desired. For Rent. My stoiw on South Front Street is now for rent, it la tO x ftS text, aUirv.'wbith U dmlreable stand for moat any Vnatnea and good location for Diet Country trade acrea tha- Twnt river brtdgs nt city trade. Willi my stables and shingle yard, brick ami lalha, and mill bolne all na iba eani bit ta tli rear of my atom anyone oaa do a ntea budnaws of any kind ra my stora. ttw Big Hill fer eerious anutivee. W have aow cut down prices on all kinds ol Ftva Wol, as Um spring K moss her and we want to get our j-ld stork nf wood off brfcrt warm wnatlier takwa ehanr, This advantag on knocjt down prion Is lot onr euatomers. BIG ELL, IXSlMe Ku anrtMrt "m Its warn aj rav rovwe) fclr (ltl ll'i4ll, tf-f tiK.M!eW W UM PaH kClK,aJ Keewi aaod tkctaVhaM fW tSea) TTn.Mlal ftrt V vVa CllIiTIT.!L!lii!S VWWtsV Irll I Rlsil If fsjaittV rmmt ur WaaMiaiavon, O.C (a,, fee t1.t H Ut. MWntrtj ItMra -riiliaej frf -l -0 praswiT a tmm I sVeayw4 (Mr f" l" . . . . . . '4l,i a mm. H t...., mt ' ini4 U, M .- -- mif. i.-. fiirowfww.a a , ,.,Mt 4 vi.iv f-- l4 I mm4 a.rflxir'itr'11!- -i WICTOa . C-sV r.t lii-f. aHiilT'), p. I r ... Ht- I.. m hi m. a ,!mlultrntoraif.'ftlro 1! th. i!y t(n"f '4 a A lill m -h 11. a , I an-i't-wl ri Ik nl ' Mjat t ktl IlanUut I t."t. A .1 - ' 11 I. . ' 1 ' I -'l tA t f , 1 - - ! It 1 . ta r I V T A I ' I t 1 I IV-' ti I Xodgc Directory. NEW BE UN CONCLAVE 486, Improved Order Uepiaaophs, meets Ind and 4th Thursday nights, at 8. o'clock at Bonn tree HlLP. A. VYIllla. Arcbon; J. J. Tolson, it, Financier, Z V. Murphy, Bec rclary, ; , - . EUREKA LODGE MO. 7, I. O. O F OIHcers: W, f, Crockett, N. Q i James B Dawson-V. O; Geo. Green, Becty; W. H. Hervcy. Financial Secretary; A. E. Pltt man, Treas. Regular meetings every Monday night at 7 80 o'clock. J-CALUMET ENCAMPMENT. No 4 Ii-O. O. F. Officers: J. i. Baxter, C. P. i ll Dawson, II P.; T 1) Carraway, 8. W A, T. Land J. W.; Geo. Green. Bcribe; E Gerock, Treasurer. Reeular Encamp ment, Ut, Srd, and 5th (If any) Thursday nights In each month at 7 30 o'clock. NEW BE11N LODGE No. 1,F. II. & C J.. O. Scales. Treat; J. II: Pniltli, Record ing 'Setfy; H. R. IUII, Financial Sec'y. Meets. In the ICnlghts of Harmony Hall every 1st and Srd Monday nights In each month. CRAVFN LODGE NO. 1 K SIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights in each month In Rountree's Hall, Pollock street, at 7.30 o'clock. 8. R. Ball, President; R. J. Dlsosway. Sec'y: It. R. Hill, Financial Secretary. Noli 00 ! NORTH CAROLINA, I In the raven County. ( Superior Court. John A. Cully, Plaintiff, vs. Annio Cully, Defendant. I.ho defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been rinnnienceil in the Superior court ofCravcn couniyto obtain a divorce upon the ground of abandonment, and tlio said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appeal--at. the next term of the uperior Court of said countv to be held ou the 12th Mon day after the 1st Monday in March. 11101. at the court house of said countv in New Bern, N, C. and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or Ihc plainliit ill apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. W. M. WATSON, ( lork Superior Court. This lfith (lay of April, 1901. RECEIVERS SALE Of Valuable Saw Hill, Dry Kiln, and Tim bers, Steam Tugs, And Other Property. Pursuant to the decree of the Circuit Court of the United mates for the East ern District of North Carolina. New Bern Division, in that certain action therein pending entitled R. 8. Neal and others vs. (J corse B. Biigirs and Com pany, eniereu at new Hem, at the April term of said Court A. D. 1901, by wblcb the undersigned receivers appointed by said Court, were directed and instructed to eell tbe herein described property at Carolina City Carteret county after 80 days advertisement, and report their rem sales 10 me ioun on icn aay notice as In said decree directed, there fore, as receivers appointed in tbe above entitled action and under said decree we will offer for sle on tho premises at Carolina City Carteret county North Carolina, ou Monday the Kd ilav of June A. D. 1001 beginning at the hour of 10) o'clock a m. of that day, all and singu- ' Isr the following described real estate am: personal property to wit; Ine certain tract 01 land mtuated in Carlerct county Norlh Carolina In New port township containing 300 acres more nr I cat fully described In the patent and grant No. 1UK01 dated June 12th A. 1). 1899, and recorded In the oflire of regis ter of deeds In said Carteret county In liook V. V. page 13 to wblcb reference Is made for full description: Also all ibat certain tract of land situated In said Car teret county and In Newport township containing 114 acres more or less, folly described in lbs patent snd glint No. 18860 dated June 13th 189, and recorded la the office nf said register of deeds In book V. V. paga 11: Also all those tracts of land ilmaied In said Uarterct county and known as ibe "Thomaa Land-' described In a deed of James hi Holme snd wife to William A Thomas which Is registered In tha office of said register of bead la book T f. page 07 lo 90, consisting of tbrs tracts, Is all tliU acre mnr or lees, being lha san.e land conveyed to said It. r. Neal by deed registered In tbe efnoe nf said reglslar ol deads la hook N, N psn rV . Also all the timber of every kind which weseoovoied lo said It 8. Neal by Edward U. Hill and wife by deed rrclrand In said eflloe la book V. V paga 48 with all right conveyed by aaid dwd: Also the limber of all kinds and alt rigbia aad privilegea conveyed lo said tL 9. Neal by Malth) X. OoaW Zr sea eh Uaraer aad wll by a dead ragtstaveel la aald offle la book V. V. paga M. Kald leads tally OWrlhad la a canata aaartgage O4M0 aiacated by K. B Meal 10 P. B. Cot oat th a day of Jul I69Q, aad refteterad la the offlo of said reeiiur of daawls I hook V. V Ma4rj44 490aa4 4l)L. AIM tbe fol low In ( trast al land altaatad la Ottalow aoaati North Cerolls Qta creel aad in owe as ta nawaoMi avaa an bonkoed aad efcecrirw a followsr ' B llaalngM tb immUng oa sUt (jaws rw and a eald Iwholi Uad whir Is east f lb asnalh bl ftaraOM braaoh aad re as ikeee aorih M and W aale tea ra l II: 0-C rJialss tbsae orth WtsM 1 1 l1W haJaa, thaao oorth rtas I&40 lew taalas, lo nlaex Kaerked e aokrk oa tha road hradla to jwaextmre, I fee" arwth M U risloa, these ovth ht ast ID to-IM chains. Ihetisa Sot Ik II' aad S eslaatea rM IS.ao-tOCcbaiaeiAaplHia HaraoU kianck, itnoe mih if ram ll-M00 rhalealnf st r), these toatfe MMI avMtilaL lasaea eoejlh tt M o.l loacweJaa. Iheata ita 4 eel t ekela. Uioexa enaih t a A l ahataa, theeo. a-eia to M BV wl OW ltd rieiwe to a 4ad r tee or- ev, tbesra anejib SW w4 il JO 10 (V) ta QwT creek, tbeae alnef tl, sail roeA t tke swtnlac Ibe W! I.Mtiwfi wtalla fi cr m .it y o;;t wiii4 1 a awwi f r d"t t tt falkal pan! of ! va rwfted la t WP) M ''' "I trt ' (Hjw ra m-.:k II t UJ. AH Ik Inlinelef ! f lend lytat la im ("erilf f i art. ta fotaalt ai-w. m la1i ol B B nl a4 T ) X'-a, I .e4 a f..ii f Ov a.-ttli It IH I N (' B II. tl tke t-v I ' " l ,.1 v, is. J T r.i-, sad tm . r. 1 ' r at I tt w.,-. ft 1 1- I t t I'. ) i t , i ; . f.-. w,-t 1 -. ores more or hsts. " Also a tract begin ning at a (.take en tbe sooth side of the A. & N. C. R R. and west of the colored ?' yard and a culvert la the A. As N. C. B. R. running westwardly with tbe iiuo 01 sam railroad 19 poles ana 10 feet to another stake or- second-corner, thence southwardly to the high water mark to Ooguc-Sound thence eaatwardly to the bleb water mark.n anlri annnil 1u poles and 16 feat, to a stake, thence northwardly tot tbe beginning contain ing 8 acres roods and 17 roda more or less, being; the same fully described in a certain mortgage deed from R 8 Neal lo rr ni vveDD recorded in the office of the register of deeds' of Carteret county in book V. V. page:8I. -Also all the certain tracts nf land nnd tbe timber rlchls! thereon, altnated in Carteret county, North 1 Carolina, fully described in the mortgage deed executed o the Citizens Bank of New Bern, which said mortgage deeAl duly recorded In vucuiuceoc me; register or deeds of Carteret county Ih book V. V. nuires 227 et ct to which reference is made for a full description, Also the tract or parcel of lacd lying in the county of Jones, ointe aioreaaiu, ruuy described in a deed from George W. Hay and others, to It H Noal by deed recorded In the office of the register of deeds.of Jones county in book 43, pages 470473, lying on the north side of Hunter's creek, adjoining, the lands of Edward S JoncB, deceased, and John Yeates, formerly the lands of Thomas Hay and George 'Hay deceased. -Also all the nine.' oak and ash and cypress timber now standing or growing or which shall tfrow during the term of ton years from July 17th 1809, of the size of 13 Inches, upon the certain land in iarierei county in JNew fort town ship, lying and being on the head of New Port river and In the northwest fork of the same, containing 50 acres except such as has been heretofore sold, oeing ntteen acres, as conveyed to R 8 Neal by Stephen Garner on July 17th lo9, by deed recorded In the records of said county In hook V. V. page r7. All the timber of I lie size of 12 inches at the stump when cut now lying or growing or which shall during tho term of fifteen years trom tne uth day of March 1900, be lying or stamlinir thereon, upon the certain tract of land lying in Carteret county N. C. In New Port township, be ing in the head of Deep Creek swamp, containing III acres, and conveyed lo the said K o rleal by Thomas F Mann anil wife by deed (luted March 9th 1900. reels tered In book V. V. of said records pa 9. Also the timber In feo simple, on the following tracts of land. One lying and being in what is know as Jumping Kun and Deep fjreek swamps, on the east sldo of North river- to wit:- 5-7 of the tract known as tbe "Simpson tract." ; -Also one iraat" known as the V. I!. Salter patent 1 ontalnlng 21G acres, more (uily described In book K, K. page 81 of the otllce of he Register of Deeds of Carteret county. Also tho tract com mencing at the north west corner of the V. It. baiter 21'. acre tract running south 100 poles, thence west 100 poles, then uorth 300 poln then east 800 polea. theu wuth 100 pohs lo said patent, then west with sai l 210 aero patent lo the Beginning, lining tbe samo conveyul lo It. S. Neal lif V. B. Baiter by deed dated August -Hh 1U9V recorded In said records book V. Y. page 158. Also all the merchants' ile limber of and above tbe sir.e of 12 l ichee now standing and growing or which may be during the terra of two y are. from the 1st day of lanuary 1900, .landing lying or growing on the tract 0! land lying in Cnrtcrcl county Beaufort Township (in the wc(rt o( natKii crcck on' went f norlh rivSf oontalniiinr 10 wen sldo ot riorln river, ami South- prong acres more or lees, conveyed to. S Neal by Qcor; U. Simpson by di ed latcd January 1st 1900 and recorded In tho lica-lster of Deed's otllce nf said county In boot V. V. page 21 1. All Ibe BlccuanUDiu umner 01 iz nehes at tb base or which may lio ylng standtn: or growing during the term of 3 yean from January lit IWio -in tract of laol In said county In Beau fort Township On North river and ad orning and unning witn the lino or lilchard Whl ehurst, containing 140 acres, and corveyed to It. 8. Neal by Ucorgo W. 6 lapeon on the 1st day of January 1000 tod. recorded lo the said lieglslcr's ono Cook V. V. pagezl Also all the stindlng timber of the site of 13 Inobes r wblcb may grow to aid slsadurtig tbe term of 15 year a, on tbe tract ol land In Carteret county While Oak tovnshlp, on the eaat aide of While )a,( Ttver beginning at tho moulb Ksnuos Out ot Creek, ami tully deacrtbei la the deed from Daniel 4. Week to II 8, Neal datH Keplcm- 3Hlh 1H9V trom wlili h aald dale lha term ef II fear begins Ui run. aaid deed recorded fe the office of ihc otliro of 'lh Uaglat r of Deed of ( artint oonnty In boot V. page 191 Also taatas vain twenty rear ic.-ow aold Intareal, roapled with the rlgbi of porchaaa, with alt real fully paid lor tbe tattr tent, of said lease, of all thai wrtaln tract of land la Carteret county it Caroline Ol f", ea tha south side - I the A. A N. C R. B , adjoining the land conveyed to rt I. Neal fay W. at. Webb. end lully fleas lt4 aoove, and aa joining ha leads of U A.N C. It II. Coai- psay, aad the "baaoei of Uogtx sound. sad IMiaadSotfisnta itnes nuns soa I. T. Ealoa, )) Vbrcnls lortd iba 111 aad dry kiln of said 11. tj. Neal. Ala ikelse tsJa saw mill located oa wk Usds at ov deecrlkcd, aald mill rasleg DWsraS Samher t Circular, re- vediy of atoei v,v-ai re per aay, wun .11 - - 1, Iks .katflnB pulley ana al' OtHar loot, 0 star and appMaoca. a -Uleola bikk dry alls, harvaa. ffat-Wiidina. aad traetni too, aad a) otnor belldlnir lorattd a aald laad. Ala stl luaaner, arant Ha, aad Insr. Wated M said land ov la Oaa pnwd, aad sB rafting, gsr, wag 00a ail otawr iwi saa isapKenaia, sen aBBllaamav AMn a ruia sum lee bnaJonaaaaoalvkaawaa lha "Wllllaja L Mnot. eel rn rht eteeal lag boat saesod lh 'Mi-. now la Bocoo sows st said ml!L Aad a)o all tlmt-e nt ata, uattsrt eoa- Irarta eaut 00 lasxl la th aowaty ICet1re w"-law, la Wklc law aid R A. h t of ear latavws pal or j-it d hch sasy be 4i.lf reotiU4 la !- (orri f Carvarwt soMty ov eta l ' . at eexh a b rf 11. a1 a.yrw wteov- 4 by Ik U" : of 1 hers ad. ftas. Vy an 4 lm wni if r'-i-rit MnlsMrnn) E at eJ4 a) al) Um t Ih u! A, I. ' . Uathev, ifsatasr nt mTf attar t Wi4 4 Wa- ttrht, n i v ,id k Hi.al la say 8 ' HfMa. Of lan4 4' at k n4 or wfc ld. In aJ. 'Iiii If tf.r 1 f. IM lt a-4 t taat Jmat !. (l Wall ! f emsBnaMtn). . f-a k.ae pvtsx rirallne) f i law 4y h. t U- U he- 4. , a .-. ; - 1., A 1 r 't f a naed, Jr. fl- , -' I i- .-tar a.