.1 4 Th Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been ? t in us lor over so years, has -wv- Allow no ""All Counterfeits, Imitations and J ast-as-good " are but t Experiments that trifle -with and endanger the health otyl ; Infants and Children Experience against Experiment,".; - P What Jo CASTOR IA; Gastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- gorlo, Drops and Soothing Syrups.;!: It is Pleasant.; "It contains neither Opium Monhme nor ether Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. - It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness." It cures Diarrhoea and Wind s v r Colic. It relieve Teething Troubles,' cures Constipations and Flatulency. . It assimilates the Food, regulates the v fr Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep ;, The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. " - ' o ., GENUINE-CASTORI A "ALWAYS floor tha Riornotiirn nt " - ' - -..j TVW. yw ymMH.m. W.b - ,v . r. ..MHMamvHv The Kind You Ha?e Always Bonght rln Use; For Over 30 Years.' J - twt wwwttw ewtwHv, Wimw imin, wrw iroim erYt. 1; H WOMEN WHO WORK: ' ' St. loeui Mo. sag. tt.,.-. Tkonirii only It rearm eld, I tt lterd from fua na Rciti irousiei two fu. iprlngr I Rot m bd I had to quit work..- I had v to .apport myself, mnd could not afford s high- -.; priced doctor. I got na bottl of Wlna of J Oardul and that mad in f ot Ur, Ht - now ad aerral bottle and urn well Wy mother imed th Wlo to Chaac ol Ufa aud. - I a graaUy rUevd. j " - . MISS kflBOABET m Many frh-li and women find ft necftsary to earn their own thrlnria various kinds of employment . Their work b often so hard and confm ing that the health breaks down. Their delicate constitutions are unfitted tor tiresome tasks.- Weakness nearly always makes Hs appearance in the peculiarly rdehcaU "womanly organs. Constant standing on the ft -and coming and going; at the beck of i superintendent or foreman, in-, duces falling of the womb, leucorrhaa, headache and backache. The pay ' of women workers is ottcn so notoriously wmll that when sickness comes they have no money to encage skillful physicians. To them Wine - .. Cirdul to tour a btestar..' It- usiir MvitMf MrMTiinn !l1rirtlmkL tkrlilrrrm. srlwltir nritiirtiittieV 1 Udk.' aihrj Vl. TWfilATtalllltMriA 1 VaaAJ ItiM Ml I'tn II all mill Tnial bruogists eeH Largo Have You Lost Your-Sbie? ;i mCsII osj 5. A. CDWARD5. MulHie fi. Www'liriitWri and PcoU's slnblea, v 7- H Will Supply rteti With s Pair For : 40 Cents. Udlrs 3O CmIs. HcelUif IS OnU. NEW-ICE! At llwj Old WaUtm'A DanMV Ice HouatN ,1 v v i ; y " . I'olitf sad rtfltnit AUehli n. IceiDelivefed at yoir boot " , W3I, I KM N IH. it ifcs oi4i im m.s-. aiddi at. Russell House; Wbtts In IVwifart r " "4 "p M lbs Uiw.ll llrxo. FV 1"S IWar4. 'AbAaM ff rvitl"f rT. Flahlnf aythostlM awoIV4. Tenawl tAa IIV. HlXIltiO 1 . J)ItMrTllltoH rafll'"! 4 ( 1 1 !r-v I fl borne the slgnatni of : and has been made under his pet .a : sonal supervision since its infancy " aha tnrdnrtelvA von in thus. :' - WALSH." -, cures (hem of their ills a a small . cost, and they caa act as their own physicians. No doctor can da as much for "ferrule troubles" as r Wine of CarduL.. Bottles lor $1.00. Have' You Seen tfie Living Pictures " Vh Free Exblbitkm st Henry s Pharmacy, t 127 Middle Stket. "This lube seawosT fot Iwnjm clesVag, ik tlsM to prepare for ,lht J-xirs iHati" " tmita, aat,' rnsebes, aad Is aeets,. tlnwT Lines I In flam, l aatorsl ptodtMSln llreltrtfc, o lev par lit tera Into IU wlgloal slmesU nr sasaarseursv W ksv sellW Ua M smtst us fits Iks' ssmttoa detailed at fat whlck Oorai msy be al. , W ess only tagr baalllMa. 1st, ret Tot tt tai. As HfcllclB-, Ird, Is U Uaiwirt: 4ih, For ike tlasskil'i Sib, As lrs-rvtlri St. For Asx Tib, Mlwllaaeooa We bsvs k la poosd pmrVkgr, asd tbeeiicsW gives S4 dlf. fereal usr for sihicb It twsy be pat . Full Usw Toll Arvkka sad Favfaw enspnoaxM- t ," - - .' r. . o. rm. mt, m. Sm1wavt.rW , It. M. Sfma,ttlH, :iTizr.Hvn4iK, DnlnK Oenevsl I'jinVInf fiaiflrtess frh I, lirn, H-irp''" t'4.vi- - tirrr.U,H.Wi. fewrH d rsiWal MlatllloS il t 'I t -m -niBiw.) wt sa. Arrventa rWivau fg lrjT' ) i .a ml U iMsA-artV ay, , : i r r --p J. $' 0 . r If lioiy. i g .v--1;'.' ' ' .. -.. rop V ia.ive,.4awa.J AJ'liJle most of lliu seed stores sell sniclnJ.Inwn trass uilsturvs which perhaps contain half dozen or more varieties of crass seed, we doubt if any pf them trill give better results than to mis one bushel of Kentucky blue erwi, a half bushel of chain retltop or a buuh- to the chaff, one peck of sweet rr- doI and one pound of white clover, the above being amount for one acre. The blue gratia Is earlier than the redtop. and the redtop resists- Euniraer heat better; whllo the fragrant, sweet vernnl is good both early aud Into: . Havo the ground thoroughly pulverised- And made rich with about 000 pounds lawn dressing per acre, which has more ni trogen and potash .than the usual so pterphosphfltos,;and Sow In- spring, as early as the ground can be well wonted or sow -In August'; We prefer the "arti ficial fertiliser, to the barnyard manure for lawn as being Iree from weed seed. :The above .mixture. Is also m good one for permanent pasture.?;.!-): KilllBB Bruk, We.see'much said in our western ex. changes about the value of the Angora goat to destroy brushy says American l Cultivator. If that is their strong point, wo do not want them. It used to bo the fashion to advocate keeping sheep to kill weeds and briers, s They will Burely do that If kept on thorn, but we. never knew any etw (r start with sheep With that as his -main Incentive l who did not come to the conclusion .that there was no profit In sheep. 'If we want good wool and mutton, the sheep must have -something besides briers to feed upon, and tf they choose i .to take a few briers or weeds ns a sort of 'condiment with the other food well and good. So we think if Angora goats are kept to kill brush entirely they will I furnish but- Utile mohair and poor flesh. Give us the old plan for killing brush, 'mow In July., .burn In August and' then let' sheep pick S few of .the tendef sprouts If they want them the next spring. Bans r Maehta Labor. There are many kinds of work upon the farm which If performed by hand I -labor require much strength and which can be done equally well when the ma-. chlnea are drivea by other power. Ihe grinding of grain- iwa passed out of bond labor long ago, but the cutting or fodder,- sawing wood, . pumping water and running of churn and separator : are yet dona op many ;f arms by main strength of band labor. Thi' trnm en gine, fun by gasollnp or other fuel, the windmill and .the tread powerore all In use for doing sUcb work, aud each has its advocates. Can any one decide which will do the most work at the least cost or the amount that II will be profitable-to employ either for or must . we wait until electricity becomes a cheaper motive power than either? Brat DreeS Coma. Which Is the best breed? That's easy, says O. ..A. Beaton in waiuta Farmer. Some one lias already nn s we red that and said. "The breed you like best Is best for you." .But If you wish my opinion I would say the Jer sey for main, the Ilolstein for' milk. the Hereford to rustle for beef and th Khorthorna for all three milk, butter and beef. A. cow with straight back and lower Hue, a fall neck and smooth bin ought to fatten readily, and one with a evrs neck, cat hams, rough trip boonv large '' odder and big dlnuer liasktt will give In or six tlmra bvr wolirht In milk ir s year and makt eoe-thlrtl bvr wolclil In butter It properly fed and baudktL - ' Praata Trmt Tiaaa. . Uarcb and April are often favorable months for pruning fruit trees, espe cially such ss bare bees so well cared for (bat tbsse are noly Some superflu ous branches ef last year's growth Is to lakes sir where tbry crowd or are growing across on Soothe. Hut lbs rxperinient stntioa in utnrornui vsuces aiMetlier Me la regard lo fpvlug pmnlog. Tbef aay that of four pi-sr trrvs, two of wblrb were winter prun ed aud thra the fruit thinned, and lbs other Iwo that were spring pruned art- ef tut frail bad art. the latter tore the peaches, and ttarf trerS. very modi larger. If tbls la irtx-, we do' not ktvnw why the same principle may not bold good will other fruHs.- - ."i r-aeabx rt. flow May famert know that the rdloary atnall fura wbh-b wr rsll 40 BW tnglaml Ittt psslt)r brake' makes bs gnod hay aa cMf lf Mt quite that marb batter than (be ewalc arsaa antong wblrb It growsl It Is a fact, or lit rows show poor Jorlgment. Irt tUcro M le a lot It or pt It dowa as ImMtnir, sad Ibry will plcii Out grwdtly. .- CVe on sdvbw any oo lo grav ferns for estllo IWd- tng. btrl do oet MVadenta lrel bay bo- eaes It baa a lot of I beta la It. at they hro (bo brt of tlx bay. fjhevstaare tslrvotely fnnd of Ibis bind of bay. and SU kind ef stork teesB to unites K. a on c. . It la as CngHab tradltloo that aom. Ibtng like s pprilBrt aro farmrf aav4 lb rrsaa from S Itnamt or SarH otl SitU tu cwnore S Arid and it"- tsnwd sb K Ma twn awklle statu aid. to to4 thst trw alxp bad 1 t-l tka graas atxt ltf SMtnarv aa . II and bad tr'V S tMirv nili lhaa Irtvaa. In crfrr SHda. 7 hi t aatO lists tiWl tl htf'hBlr.S pt fe1ing tttv arvd rakatoiKexp -r.!Wr It S Irvw, fi aV.mS ef if tntmt trn S- tail rharw rrl tat b,l iei) l js s srrV dMeUl f pPl'.'.Oi:l S WK C .111. !. It bSa lata il 4ef,.r alrlaj tll (vr.4 . n ir e-Minirr may t aTa'W TV j er-'.'fit la? e-fal .!na- t-it ty a- s' ff 'lui. 4 t.ik l Itna t e k( "- V.i li l V. Ail Vr - rl 9r , a-' e HINTS , A friend of mine, the minister of west end chapel In London, tells how. in his last visit to America; be preach ed in 'one of the larger Jalla and after the service visited pome of the prison ers in their cells. ' One case Interested him espcclnliy, a gian of good educa- j tlon and address and seemingly of abilities fitted t command success in the world. My friend gave vont to bis sincere distress at finding such a man in such a, position aud was going on to "improve the occoslou" when the pris oner cut nt with the remark that he believed In England we Were fond of fos huntli.fT.. ' ' - -i - My" frieiHl; regniJIn) it as broad bint to change the subject, aasohted. "And may f ask," said bis vompao- lon.rwiien a man gotn a fall, does be give up hunting!" 'And on getting the only possible answer to, such n qncs- ilon he added, "I have bad s lod fall. and io mistake, put 1 count on better luck another tline,M X : Thls case la thoroughly typical,: The true professional Is not ft-weak- crea ture who yields to uncontrollable iro pulsa Loving a life of adventure and having n soul above wot'kiug for bis living he pursues n life of i-rlme with a "f ull - appreciation of . its risks. Change those risks to ivrtnlntlee. and you nt once supply n motive rtdequnto to Influence bis coursuLv If etory fox hunter ended by breaking his ueck, fox hunting TTouid be BhumieU. save-by a ev desiierntc men, and the . same would be .true, of professional t-rlino of tbls- character If It nlwnys ended In disaster. Nineteenth Century, . . ..- -. : moaieALiitTimaiT . - In pood condition she la sweet and lovable, and s.ngs l.:o's song on ft Joyful harmonious string; Out Of order or unstrung, there It discordance and unhapplnsss. Just as there; Is one keynote to all music so mere 13 one Key note to health. ' A woman might as well tr) to fly without wings as to feel well and took well while the organs mat mane ner a woman are Weak or diseased. She must ba healthy Inside- or she can't be healthy outside. . There are mouaanosoi women suiienngu.nnuy an over the country, Mistaken modesty urges their silence. - While there Is nothing more admirable than a modest woman, health la . of the first Importance. Every other con si deration should give way before It. ' Brad field's Female Regulator Is a medicine for women s ills. It is Ihesalestanddulck estway Woureleu- oorrhea. falling 01 Ihe womb, nervous-; l headache, j. backache tad gen-" eral weakness. You will be astoniabed at the result, es pecially If yea have beep experiment- ' Ing with- other so-, called remedies. We are not asking Soutotryanuncer-'.' ilnty. Brsejflekl'a -tlsgu lator has made Happy tnousonasoi , women. -What 11 has done for others ': tt can do for yoa. Sold In drag stores ' for$l a bottle. ; ' A ha MrrataS Souk w UMa.nl Mali wkaarluu , . ncasAorua K6UAT0RC0. Atlawta.Cv . . ka a . .j. ,VVP m4 J""L! I 'urtsiwn ; - 1 1 Thadc Masws DISMNS -, Coevsteprs Ac aT mrtnt a aaxia. mmt sa.an.lliw mm MtHilf a. "tana cmr oar rr ..! aa bvnuoei M fei.blf runl4M. Owaaaie , tin arltlTmalaH.l 1 1 aaXaont rm fllinll , fraa, o4M aaiwuf I a t. flail mtut mmtUm, Mlho! Wi ka He .Scientific Jln::rlcan haavsalaMibaer IW"asawtf ta4 arfa MM - aru.a MHlaav. AaVt l fl r-w aMiiM,tU. KM Df mm Kewlott w" I X mm aaaa. at A - s oiithcrn i. I: ail ways A " TVs Riaoditd Ball, jt tbo 80UTb Tba Dlnw Llo K all Fotnta, - CAIsIFOIlXIA ihi;to xut'o. Utrtrtlf fir-Cla ltilrwftl rm all Tbm Of lanrad Tralna; I'ullmas I'aJ , pe-ptnl Urn J1 lt!gM Trif; I'mM 'id f;! if l.e-lnina. . Tel by tV;fnt and yo srava. nraJ a Un,f.t).l S4 FTwli t;. t. Jtray. . An ' Tb Arp( f' Tims Ta tU, a.nt IUrral nUwvt lt tr- n I. vr !.'"?. r. r a v. a. i r t . A ' ' . n f ( r a. . it ft A FrtaainL . m 1 r a . r ! IT v w i FROr.l 1 Grippe and ; T.' I UU4 C'" i T'" IsMf LaboriSaving Busv'Men aiid Women, in The Outlook r $3.00 a far A cat a day A Weekly Newspaper and aa IHustrated of wofM-aappeaiags evejy-ireek ia kief, s tie Editor-ia-caief, tad Hamilton JACOB A . R I I S ' TtMwithororHHcv give in Thi Ovtuxmc m iattntMly bumaa ktt vtotd eooufrt of hb xpcritneet. u tt chUd in Denmark, n Immtgnnt to Aftmica, workman, traveller, -a. reportef , and finally a itudent of teneratnt houat roblema, andanefTKlntaidtoThtMdoraRooacvrlt n rtorgsvnbing the New York police. Mr. Rlia writes with sixnpUdtx, hwnor and vigor. Ly m a ri : abbo t t wilt-oontltnit a atrlnof important papenm fund., menial political principle. applied 10 twentieth cmtary proMcaia. It will b ullea " Th. Riotm ..op Maw, and will deSM industrid, edocatkmal and rctigkwa, a well aa political, righu and duUe. Administrator's Sale. '? North Carolina," ' Superior v,l Craven County. J ' Court. Thomas F. McCarthy Administrator of Oliver Ipock deceased, ' .' : - s. . . Virginia Elisabeth Ipock, and others. Bale of land to make assets to . x , pay debts. Pursuant to the decree of sale in the above entitled proceedings pending in the Superior Court of Craven county to sell laud to make assets to pay the debts of the deceased, 1 will offer for sale and roll for CASH to tbe highest bidder on Monday the 3d day of June next at tbe hour of 18 o'clock m. at f Ubllc Auction at the Court House door of Craven county, subject to the Dower and Right .of Dower, of the Widow, Virginia Ellsa . beth Ipock, all the following described 1 tract or parcel ot land 'lying and being I situated In the County of Craven, State of North Carolina, fully described In those sundry deeds duly recorded la tbe nttloe of the Register of Deeds of Craven County, and bearing Ibeaatea respec tively so follows: Bploer Ipock sod wife) to Oliver Ipock, dated Jnne 1Mb 1889, recorded Jn Book No. 100, page 829. ' . Wllloaghby Ipnok to Oliver Ipock, by deed dated Jnne 1Mb, 1889, recorded In book No. 100, paw 88. Stepbea and Barton Ipock to Oliver Ipock by deed dated November 22nd 1858, recorded la Book No. n, page ST. Allen uasktna to Oliver Ipock Deed dated Nov. llHh, 1868 recorded book No. 93, page 08. Sav- Id aad oxosntlns M acres conveyed by Ruffla SImDklnS hv deed record! in said Oliver I Dock to Records Book No. 180, tMira834. to all of which said Iteeords refereDco Is mad for a full description of said land, which la now embraced In One I'aroel, containing by saiimatioa so seres more or less. Tbe boundaries ermtaioed la the several Deeds covering tbseatjis tract described. - , ,v - THOd. F. CCAifTaT, . .v Administrator. April Hth, 1901. v. : E ASTERN-" :aniv milGBT 4 r ass me in For All Polot N-rlh. The Steamer NEUSE 111 livst0 MoBdaji, Wedaeaxlays, and rridsyi si p. m sharp, mak ing landings tl OrtepUl, tp) Iioao ohs lalaod ; . . . - 'aBM.HpaaaBVaaB " . ' " - n agh hi: ad. ;! .The Str. Newborn OmtMOslog Jly M (A avo at It s'cloch a ooa m Tlays aad FrMaya, wkiac lendlOf M OrbmuL R ok UUad a4 Kg OesA. - ; t .T Frr'rVt fsooiTsl Bot Ulsr than ons boar prrTiool to Sailing. For further Infurmstlon sppl lo ' OE0. I1KNJIKUSO.V, AtU " M. K. Kisi, 0n. Mgr., , 1 ILC IK rvoiss.Oon.FrV )WAgt ' Norfolk, Vs. ' . A 'I f.f.r. r...f r'n'r i ii r I !- ; i : I'.'u ' . - f r l t T. r - 1 ft It . ir r.t A - , 1 . ' ( , ,, !, t.f ,f ! Inal Ih. 1Doiiii()iew CHILLS.' FEVERS ' NIGHT SWEATS all other forms of maladies when you . - can be cured by ;. ; Roberts' Chill ;Tpnici . The world does hot contain, a better temedy.-i Many wonderful cures made by it-' $ cents a bottle Money refunded if It fails to do the wory Delicht ful to take. "- - - f-v,? - ,r Local Druggists y for saat6M y a r Magaziot ia one. Tells the story clear-cot paragraphs. Lyman Abbott W, Mabie' tie Assocute Editor. RALPH CONNOR Under thla psudotiTm were wrttteti two of Ihe moat atrikinR of recent novcia, " Black Rock ' and "The Sky Vilot." A aew novel of Canadian and Western Ufa by thi author will appear in The Outlook during the year. In fptrit, liiimor, pathoi and atrong character-drawing It li even auperior to tta prtdecetaora, 1 SPECIAL OFFER To introduce T h e Outlook to new read ers we will send it for two months' trial for 35 cents pro vided this paper is mentioned.' Address tHk OUTLOOK, NEW YORK Notice to Creditors. Having Qualified as administrator of the estste of the late Cspl. M. F. Mor ton, deceased, notice Is hereby elven to all creditors to- present their claims to tbe undoralgaed lor payment on or be fore the 10th day of April 1902, or this claim, will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. Ail , persons indented in situ opiate are notified to make Immediate pay ment. Jr. A.MORTON, Administrator. D. L. WARD. Attorney. April, w, lsui. P. II. Pelletler, ATTORNEY AT I Idle Street, Lawyers Brick Bnlldlag. Will nraettao In the Cotnttiee ot Craven arteret, Jonea, Onaiow ana Pamlico. U. B r-urt at New Karne and Huprvrm Court 0 F. W. Simmons. A.D.Ward 5IMnONS A WARD, 4TT0RNETS aa1 COUNKKLORPl at LAW. SV MKKSK, H. f). Ulflco 08 Bo, Front Htreet, newly oppo- sito Hotel Uhattawks. (Offlos also at Ralelirb.) Practice In the conatiaa of Graven, Duplin, Joaes, Onslow, Osrterrt. I'amll co snd Wake, In tbe Buprome and Fed oral Ooorte. and wherever services are desired. For Rent My store on Booth Front Street Is now for rent, H Is M x 81 feet, t aUirywhlch Is dealreabls stand lor must any bualnes ami good location lor the country trade acroas the Trsat river bridge or city trade. With my stables and shingle yard, brick aad huha, and mill business all on tha saaM lot in the rear of my store snyrme can do a nico business ol any kmd la my store, bee Big UUI lor sertous motives. Ws have bow rat down prices on all kinds of ttovs Wood, as tha spring la moat bars and we want to get our old stock of wood oft bettor warm weather takes rbarge. This advaatags o knotk dowa priuaa is for oar roaUrmerv BIG HILL, -Ttc Mf lie Mai tm4hT,m fm Jr Twn m liwwf rA Pin .-.i.... H4 mt. iki4A,M frw trmm MR 1 '!-' M mArr, t::itimimzvu?jm2z 2-g.a.c::3vgco. WasMinaTON.D.O. rTrr-"iTiii Csr t AsrampurHsi mmy tmpesilvs ill t 4 atl aar a.wM,a. rl 1 . .w. . . nh,iM4 tm a h. a ewe m rat.nta e.e enat hrmm . paaiefcarfa, m I mm r.ev. B K . tnM,t4 4 lev ei.M 1 1 aat a,ai.i Hi aiaiiaf--i til t -a. a.4 U aa.pwBf raaS, A III a Ktt'TnO J. BV"S t CO. " l.m lati'iit . waSMiaisToa, I A ! nisi rrtfor'nTi'otlcss lla.ir.f d.f t,i',"'ni as Ad"laU- irauif i la I hm aaiit ff h -.1 a ! !i-b ef H .i. Ilarrlrlla - r" tir- f a t-i. A , t . . I ' hf!l il pr. . 1 a i e a I i. 1 I . li - -u . a n. I l - t .-. a n i . ' . a 1, a a ftf , t . 1 t t ' ' A ii i - , ?- j 1-4 ' ! In I e - f Ji. - A-t a 1 t I- a , 1 , i a .-. ' i f i t i f. at. 1 ar ir Tc!jj JMreetory; HKW liKWN COMCtA VE49nmproved ""'r. ilii.irpli, meets.lnd sndfth ri.uiwt n!g bM, at 8 o'clock at Houn trw 1UH. K A. WIUIv Archon; J. ToltKi, Jr, Financier, Z V. Murphy, Sec ea'y.;if;. , - -. eL'KEKX" LODOB' NO; T, L O. O. F. OlBcrs:..W. F, Urockett; M, Q ; James B Pawsoa V. O ; Oeo. Green, Secty; W. H. llcrvey, Flnanclnl eecrttary; A. E. Pitt-n-.an, Tnao. - ncRolar meetings every Monday bight at 7 80 o'clock; CALUMET BNUAMPMENT, No. 4, L O. (. F. Officers: i. i. Baxter, C. P . J I i Dawson. H PTl) Carraway.B. W A. T, Und J. W.;Geo. Green. 8cribe?E Gcrock. Tieuurer, Regular Encamp ment, it, 3rd, aud IHh (if any) Thursday Bights in each month at 7 30 o'clock. NEW BERN LCDOE No l.F.H.&C .?. C Pcales, PTti J. H. r mlt h, Record ing Hec'y; H. K. Hill, Financial Sec'y. Meets la the Knights of Harmony Hall ever; 1st and 3rd Monday nights in each month.- CRAVEN TOnflE NO. 1 KNIGHTS OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights in each month in Rountree's Hall, Pollock street, at 7.30 o'clock. 8. li. Ball, President; R. J. Dlsosway, Sec'y; R. R, Hill, Financial Secretary. NORTH CAROLINA, 1 In the (raven County. ) rtuperior Court. John A. Cully, Plaintilt, vs. Annie Cully, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court nfCraven eountyto obtain a divorce upon the ground o( abandonnient, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the next term of the upcrior Court of said county to be held on the 12th Mon day after the 1st Monday in March, 1001, at the court house of said county in New Hern, l, v.. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. W. M. WATSON, Clork Superior Court. This lflth day of April, ItiOl. RECEIVERS SALE Of Valuable Saw mil, Dry Kiln, and Tim bers, Steam Tugs, And Other Property. Pursuant to the decree of the Circuit Court of Ihe United States for the K.asl em District of North Carolina, New Bern Division, in that certain action therein pending entitled K. 8. Nesl all 1 1 others vb. Ucoree b. Hrliics snd Oom- pany, entered at New Bern, at the Ani term of said Court A. 1). 1901 , by which the undersigned receivers appointed by said Court, were directed and instructed lo sell the herein described property at Carolina City Carteret county uficr 'AO days advertisement, and report their eaid sales to the Court on ten days notice aa In said decree directed, there fore, ss receivers appointed in the above entitled action and under said decree we will Oder for sale on the premises at Carolina City Carteret county North Carolina, on Monday Ihe 3d day of June A. D. 1901 beginning at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of that dav. all and sineu-1 lar the following described real estate anc; personal property to wit: Tne certain tract of land situated In Carteret county North Carolina in New port township containing U00 acres more or lesi fully described in the patent and grant No. 13B01 dated June 12th A. 1). 1890, and recorded In the ofllce of regis tor of deeds In ssld Carteret county In book V. V. page 13 to which reference Is mods for full description: Also sll that certain tract of land slluau d In said Car teret county and In Newport township containing 114 seres more or less, fully described In the patent and grant No. 18(460 dated June 12th 1899, and recorded In the office of said register of deeds Id book V. V. page 11: Also all those tracts of land situated In aald Carteret ooonty and known as th "Thomas Land" described lo a deed of James M. Holmes and wife lo William A. Thomas which Is registered In the ofllce of said register of Deeds la book F. F. pun 07 lo St, eoaatstlog of three tracts, in sll SIM acraa mors or lea, being tbs aao.c land conveyed to sold R. H. Nesl by deod registered In the ofllce of said register of (Wis la hook N. N. page flog: Also all the limber of evary kind bleb was con re icd to asld It 3. Neal by Edward H. Hill sad wife by deed rvclsiend la said ofllce la book . V page 49 with sll rights conveyed by sold deed: Also the timber of all kinds snd sll rights snd privileges cosvsysd lo asld K. H. Meal by Msttls K. Gould ZavoMash Uarnsr sad wlfs by a deed realstersd la ssld oflloe la book V. V. dui no. iatd lanaa latir oescnoeo is s cereals saortarsgs Oesd siecauM oy rt. Haat to r. o. wos os mm t-via.oay oi July 1W, sad rsgtsured la lb offlas of said lOfrUter of deed la book v. v Bases 4H8 400 sad 491. Alao tbe fol low log tract of Isad situated la Onslow one if Monk Csrollss on Uoa creek sod saows sa live nswooia tana ana boasdsd aad described aa follow.: II rlaalris as tba laadlac oa said Qoeea araak sad oa ssld Kewbold load wblrb Is esst of lbs twos Ik of Mraops brooch sod teas losses sonk M and SO miss. laMttwa ll.to-ioo ckalss tb see sostb Mrnst llsO-lbO tkslao, tbeaves sortb H'rot IS 4O-100 ekaisa, le s plao, aaarkrd o aok o Us mayd kadlag to Hwaaabaro, Ibeoeo oottfe M east U rkalaa, tWsos sorts 4 east 10SO-100 ckslss tbeoro son It4 sad W mlastaw HO 4.00 100 ekaisa to s rlao Is rWvaaU WaaM-b, tbss SOOlk IT Mt 11 JO-100 ebtvlM In t at rw, , isaora soma ir aat 14 to 100 ebslas. tbeaxw onstb It WSMWUS IbQebslst. lkMIS SMtk 4 M IS raalaa. tSMCO aoatb St n.SS-O0ealsa.tbeeaj satb W tQ St mt IS VI t OO attain, lei a atrad Has ft sat, tbss snailh SO sat 1IJO 1 rkals to Umm erak, Uaoew sloag the saM . erk lbs bawlsslsg tbe said l.adlari Ocntslslsg M4 acraa Seaa ) r. Fsllf rtwartload Is S mnft e.arird ta lbs Xslloesl tUsk of Mr r aa tMtnrdMj rr the ofbso Of tbs ar lata r,f eVeaa.) ea (ptl ,W tOOStf IS lnr,k K 71 fM Ol Aian lb folinarlag ifwaw l Issl lylsg la il. toaalt el Lat-i Hiai tvllHeilag iIm I.ikIs ot R A ltasl aad I T r.ir, a1fl aa fnlr.i OS anr-i, It Ik. A A I. O- M R. oa IM M.I bT IK last nf H " ?""!, OS lb rl ,T ra !..! r4 i T I !", S4 t fiaal' r 1 le "-i'k"e e--.ftf Ot W ' i la-,i .! in I'.tUI U-1 I P.. s SI Mib watrf sorosmoro or lota. : Also s tract begin ning at a stake en the sooth side of the a. . v. It it and west of tbe colored grave rant snd s culvert in the a .t n 0. K. H. running westwardly with tba hub oi asia raiiroaa i notes ana 10 feet to another -stake "Tor second corner, thence southwardly to the high wster msrk to Bogue Sound Ibeuce esstwsrdly to tbe high water msrk of ssld sound 19 poles and 10- Jeet to a stake, thence northwardly to tbe beginning contain ing 8 acres S roods and 17 rruia mn ret nr less, being the same fully described in a " certain mortgage deed from It 8 Neal to v n. webb recorded In the office of the register of deeds of Carteret county In book V. V. page 421. Also all the certain tracts of land and the timber rights thereon, situated in Carteret County, North Carolina, fully described in the mortgage deed executed Lo the Citizens Bank of New Bern, which said mortgage deod is duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Ca'teret county In book V. V. pages 227 et ct to which reference Is made for a oil description. Also the tract or parcel of lacd lying in the county of Jones, 8tate aforesaid, fully described in a deed from George W. Hay snd others, to R 8 Neal by deed recorded In the office of the register of deeds of Jones county in book 43, pages 470,-472, lying on the nortb slile of Hunter's creek, adioinlna- the lands of Edward 8 Jones, deceased, and John Yeatcs, formerly the landB of Thomas Hay and George Hay deceased. Also all tne pine, oak and ash and cypress timber now standing or growing or which Shall grow during the term of ten years from July 17th 1809, of the size of li inches, upon the certain land n Uartcret count; in New Port town ship, lying and being on the head of dew rort river and in the northwest fork of the same, containing 50 acres except such ss has been heretofore sold, being fifteen acres, as conveyed to R a Neal by Stephen Uarner on July 17th 1899, by deed recorded In the records of said county in .book V. V. page .17. All the timber of the size of 12 inches at tiio stamp when cut now lying or growing or which shall during the term of fifteen years from the 9th day of March 1900, be lying or standing thereon, upon tho certain tract of land lying In Carteret county N, C, In New Port township, be ing in the head of Deep Creek swamp, containing 31 acres, and conveyed to the said 11 M neal by 1 hnmas t M.inn and wile uy deed dated marcn inn r.iuo, tet;ls tcrcd In book V. V. of said records pngo 9. Also the timber In fee simple, m the following tracts of land. One lying and being in what is know as Jumping nun and Deep- Urcck swamps, on the cast side of North river.- lo wit:- 5 7 of the tract known as the "Simpson tract." Also one tract known as the V. I!. Walter patent containing 210 acres, more fully described in booh 11, K. page SI of the ollice of the Register of Deeds of Carteret county. Also the tract com mencing at tho north west corner of tlie V. B. Halter 210 acre tract running soul li 100 poles, thenco west 100 poles, then north 2o0 poleB then cast i)00 poles, then south 100 poles to said patent, then west with said 210 acre patent to the Beginning. Being Iho same conveyed to It. 8. Neal by V. It. Salter by deed dated August 14lh 1809 recorded In said records book V. V. page 158. Also all the merchantable timlier of nnd abovo the sly.e of 12 Inches now standing anil growing or which may be during the term of two years, from the lutdayof January 1000, staudlng lying nr growing on the trsct of land lying in t'ailerel county Beaufort Township. On t lie wcel side of North river, and South west of llaaecll s creek on west prong f north river containing 4(J acres more or leBs;- conveyed lo. K M. Neal by George W . Slmpsou by deed latcd January 1st 1U00 and recorded in the Register of Deeds ollice of said county ia book V. V, page 21 1. All t lie mcciiaulablu umocr oi rj nches at tbe base or which may lie lying standing or growing during the lerm of i years from January 1st ltHKl nn tract of land In said county In Beau fort Township, on North rivor and ad orning and tunning wlln Uio line oi tlchord Whtlehurst, containing 140 acres, sad conveyed lo K. 8. Nesl by Ueorgo W. Blmpson on the 1st day of January 1WUV and recorded iu llie said Register's office book V. V. pago212 Also all tbe stsndlng timber of the size of 12 Inches or which may grow to sold sire during tbe term of 15 years. un the tract OI land in Larterci couniy White Oak township, on the cast lido of White Oak river beginning at tho mouth itamons Out or Creek, and fully described lo tho deed from Daniel H. WerkstoR. 8, Noal dated Heptem oer SHib lrlUO from which aald dale the tern) of 13 ycara begins lo run. aald deed roorded In the office of the ulllco of tbs Register of Deed of t arlercl county IS book V. V. pago 191 Also ibat certain twenty year ioiiae- hold In Israel, coupled with the rllit of parcbsao, Wllb all rents fully paid for ibe ottrs term of ssld lease, of all Hist certain tract of land lu Cartem county at Csrollas City, on the south able of lbs A. It. l It. n , adjoining tbe land ooeveynd 10 it. 8 Neal by W. M Webb, and fully described abov, snd adjoining lbs lac 'is ol us A.m n u u. !. psaf, sod tbsekaoncl of Rogue sound. ad the lands J)f Martin Rom Willi, and J. T. aloS. Opop Which la located Iho Ills sod dry kilns of sstd k. n. ."icti. Also ikkt osrtals saw mill locato.1 on tbslaslS)astsbovsdsserlbd, sold mill being BtenS Nambsr t Circular, ts pscliy of a boat 40,030 feet per day. with olleogiaoay Dollars, psiiiag, snsiiing, MlUts and all other tools, Bitum and sppllasesa. Sad also tko bilck dry klla. bawwai oajt-Mimings, aaa laroemrai booses, sad all stiver Vslldlors loeatsd os ssld laad. Alao all lombar,' soaaU lies, aad b, located os said laad or Is lbs poad, sad all veftlpg. pat, wagoss. sod all other Urals aad Implcaaeota, aad tppllsaiOa. Abo S serials eteaua tag bnst arissmoalf laows as U "Wllllon ft. Moors," aad dm other sissm teg boat lh4 ' N.llls". SOW Is BofS sooad at ssld sslO. Aad also sll timbaw its blA llatr soo. trams, ot eouiss eo latds la tbs oosaty of tavrtavrM of slaswhere, la wbkb tbs ssld K H Kl H sslssd of aay latores legal or ooHisoU, asd wbkb msy ba Wlf rromciad la lbs fscorda of Cartwet (naatf ST sleba o sock aa "aay ba nreamrrM. aad wklcb My sot bsOov rd try tbs deaorlpUoa of tko laad. Ilav w sad llishav ngbis soto-is-sannrs dwcHhwd. OflsHag si said saltan lbs rlf hi, lilk a4 lilamt of tho saM IL B. Kr4 la any ad su oiiMrumosr, tiamor r1(kta, ef Isa4. ef ObsLSo-srsr solars ntklsd. Or wbawevsr Ineavud sad OIU aia4. la a-t-mtos to tst alroady ktrs U,.etora) mm. foelS. Tm taat and Vm4 kMa, Ollt k S4 0000 Mtterrtad l" th 9M fsr naftstatleaa. , ftol a ! I0 ef tbo psreW frfcos ta bs t- -a ld SStll roS(Sllow tt aa. Oak will be bat Ma days art to. 1 pa'l W ba trdll4 saffO-i (raxatleai rMitM If sot sooAnoOd, . Tbll A; .ii JaA, . . , . t , . trm Ores, j w r. U I . v M-l fcw 1 ' i imff-iK J- ' tWItFa tNWaMH t' f j. ! i 1 r 1 rrt I" 5 ! ' rr - ' t ' ' ? ' H a r - I ar :-S I !' A r I' .!i 1 1 ' -r. fl. t raising -1 V mt M po eo la f l.ei'l. tefe O. II. Mtrtow, JUrsitvwrs, , i 1 a tH aat.A ' -t. Ifc.Tir Day CAlal Owes). ' . ... . 1 -4 ,aea mmm f aa

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