1 VOL I1I-K0. 61. JEW BIRR, R. C, THURSDAY MORSIHS, MAT 30, 1901. TWENTIETH YSAR VI Nense Hirer Breaks Previous Rec ords by Six Feet ?J At the; prices imi be Cmvinc!. W Jmm! for S Iy. 3 OJfLY ! AS : i. ti . i n',.i i t .. i T)..ii f men iiu;ii.;iil.u J HUie j.iucii, uenuiuui i itiLcrua. Itaguliu- price 1.60, - - nw 1.10. $1.(10 and 1 1(1 grades, . - now 80c S5c. HOer and K5e grade?, - - now COc a 65c. A few short lcnythH. - 25c 50c. Napkins and Towels a complete line, at same reduction in prices. Our entire linn of Foulard Mlks absolutely AT COS I". i A beautiful Riirhl. BELTS. assortment of Helta, newest designs, Prices 'AS IV t 1 V -r-'--Ci'C'.-'.-r: .URN 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. BRICK I K K K ue agents for Abbott X .lours ISriek, for this market, ad lots. Don't 1"; i i h to sr.; us br- w Special prices nude on ear fmv placing your orders. We are also Headquarters for Line. Yours for business, nytliinn in (be (Iroeery Tr. PIIO-NK li!). Wholesale and Retail Orocer, Utr. IS road A Hancock 8n. L ME AT RETAIL Pk Th bat t Inn nf OrvAn rnnntv At Maryum Democrats loFfrht, Witt Him su, river, nei. . change In Its pree- Gauze Doora anil Windows. New Stock. Wire Cloth lor fitting up old ones, Wire Paint to make old new, Furniture Varnish, O. Var nish Stains for house and kitchen furniture Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Dangles Oil Stove, Agateware, Tinware and a lull line Cooking Stoves. Our stock of Paints, Oils and Enamels are complete, A selected stock of Hardware and Building material. Our prices afe ihe lowest. Goods sold as represented. ' Oaskill Hardware Co. I 11(1 M 147. M tlinm.a Ht, NEW 1IKHN. N. C; RACES! NEW BERN, CommeaeemeBt Exercise. Crop Rit- ttatloa Grew More Critical. North Carolina Pros Say Little About Bot crnor'i New fork Address. ' ' Raleigh, May 89. The gauge shows that Mease river at Mllburnte, six miles from here, rose 82 feet. This breaks its record at that point by. 6 feet. The flood in that stream has now reached Golds boro and is in one foot of the railway bridge near there. The commencement exercises at the Agricultural and Mechanical college were held today, at the Academy of Mu sic. As nearly all the cadets had been allowed to go home last week, only a handful were here todsy at the exercises. The speakers today were, F. W. Barn- hardt, (Hret honor), of Stanly county; W. D. Fanatte, of Halllax county, (seo. ond honor); Martin Kellogg, of Davie; J. J. Liles, of Anson; F. W. Bonitz, of New Hanover. There were 28 graduates, It is found that the United States war department was in error in believing that Congress had passed the bill allowing the exchange of the rifles now in the hands of the National Ouard for new ones, Krags if desired. The bill failed to puss. The military authorities here are greatly disappointed. There is no change In the status of the strike nf all the Seaboard Air bine's ma chinists here. They are still out. The Htale board of agriculture had brief sosalon this morning an 1 gave a hearing to Oen. William P. Cox, who urged an appropriation of $1,300 in aid of sneolnl farm premiums at the State fair. The board then attendod the coin moueemont exercises of the A. & M. college. Yesterday afternoon there was a very hard rain. More rain fell last night and the weather is even cooler than before The commissioner or agriculture says the situation as to crops grows dally more critical. Some far ins are like beds of mud. It will bo days before thoy'can be worked. The grass is taking the life out of the crops. It Is said by farmers that they never saw so much irrasa. It may be said tbst no farm work Is being done In Contral North Carolina. The cold weather Is another great draw back. The crops are stunted It is so cool that overcoats were worn hero today. insurance commissioner, J. II. Ynune went to the eastern part of (he State In tho trail of somo men who have been representing unlicensed Insurance com panics, the old Wayne life, and a New York company. At Wake Forest College tho aluinnl banquet was belt this evening, Dr. Hubert A. Royaler of Kalolgh being toestmaaler. The commencement exer ciser were held today Rev. Thomas Dlion dollvered the literary address Tomorrow I he graduates will speak There are 81 of these. Among tboae who went from here to Wake Kornal today were Congrefs man K. W. I'ou , ei-judge James K tihepherd. and Oen. W. F. Toon. The alumni attended In unusually large numbers The Oiford camp of Confederate Veierani li at Memphis 00 strong. It Is a matter of comment that the North Carolina papers am having leas to aay than the Northern papers shout Gov Aycock'a admirable address before lha North Carolina society of New York. All secret societies at the Agricultural and Mechanical college hero are abol ished by order of the trustees. Mr. W J Itnier of North Brook. N. C ayi be suffered with piles for Aflaca years. lie tried many irmedirs with so rvsulis until be asrd !Wtit's Witch Haul Salve and that qalcaJjrJeored him ' K Duffy A Co VIRGINIA-CAROLINA LEAGUE. Third bay of Una Wlaalnr Cuba. Ht Cter la Staadlaf of CI aba, Rpecl.il lo Joaraa). Richmond, Ve, May Wllloitoa aaada It three rtrelfhla today. Hcor. Wllsslr gloa . Ilicetaoad 1 oot for,gorma!n. A Man Route That's Needed. as the Issue. Senatorial Tofa th( stake. Baltimore, Md.May 29 The Dudley brother of the Eastern Shore, will play an Important part la the Gormsn campaign. Hiram 0. Dudley, a business man of Baltimore, la likely to. take the place of I. Freeman Basin as tho active chief of the Gorman forces of this city, Hundreds of Democrats in this city who In 1803 were against Gorman are now with him, bnt many are not so friendly to Rasin. They want a new leader In the city, and Dudley appears li be ac ceptable. ' Because Qorman wishes to win is his reason tor the proposed changed in leadership. Mayor Hayes is opposed to Rasin domination, but Gormau Intonds to bring the Mayor into line, as the letter's support is needed for the City Hall contribution to the campaign fund. The city administration failed to con tribute to the Democratic Committee either last fall or this spring, and the $40,000 or 50,0()0 to be derived from the assessment of municipal officials is needed. Dudley has several strings to his political bow. In addition to his prom inence in city politics, he has two brothers, one, W. C. Dudley, in Talbot, and the other, E. L. Dudley, In Queen Anno's County, of the Eistern Shore. who will be candidates for the Legisla ture, the first named for Senator. Thus tho Dudleys will wield an unusual political power In the selection of the next United States Senator should 111,) two bo successful lu their candidacy for the Legislature, and their brother Hiram will wield control over the city delegation. Gorman has not yet made any public statement of his candidacy for Senator, hut tho public tukes It for granted. He will control the State conventions and, with few exceptions, tho county conven tions. At a conference of Gornvio, Chair man Vaodlver, Hiram Dudley, Freeman Rasin and other leaders last week, the candidates for the Legislature were die cussed. Gorman scrutinized tho lists and herever there were contests intimated his choice of the candidate. A Slate leader says the plan of the State Eiecutlve Committee is lo have the convention unanimously pledgo tho members to bo elected to the General As. sembly to vole for Gorman for United States Senator. This will make Gorman the issue of tho campaign This course was followed in 1801, and the Gonoral Assembly chosen that year, on that Issue, was overwhelmingly Deru ocratlc. Democrats from the county de clare that tho precedent of 1891 should be adopted this year; that Gorman should bo nominated as then, by a resolution of tho Slate Convention, and the fight for the General Assembly should be made on that line ent mail route, which now comes by way of Beaufort, Carteret Co. The citizens in the vicinity of South river have started a petition asking that the mail be sent from Oriental, which is on the opposite side of the Neuae river, a distance of ten miles. By having the mall come via Oriental the South river people will save more than a day In the receipt of their mail, a most Important matter to the business interests at South river. Tee change from the, present mute via Beaufort, to a route via Oriental, works no hardship any where, while it ill proye of groat benefit to the busi ness interests at South river. It is to bo hoped the change can soon effected. 5 WHEN NATURE Needs assistance it may be best to ronder it promptly, but one should remember to use even tbe most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most sim ple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. JUNK, 1901 Governing the Orient on Western Principles Prof. Paul 8. Itelnsch. The Work of tho Cuban Convention Albert G. Robinson. Russian Nihilism of Todsy Abraham Cahan. Tho Place of the Senutc In Our Govern nenl H. L. West. Tho Kaiser's Speeches and German History Karl lillnd. Religion of a College Student Prof. rancis 0. l'eabody. The Housekeeper's Stone Alden W Qulmhy. Tho Manila Censorship Harold Mar- n. An American View nf tho British In- ustrial Situation John P. Young. Tho Secrets of Tammany's Succi ustavus Myers. Poe Fifty Years After Prof. Edwin W. Bowen. All AND JUNE 1st, 1901. Including Grand Stand; f "Our little girl was unconscious fi strangulation during a sudden and ter rlbie attack of croup. 1 quickly secured a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, glv Ing her three doses. The croup ' mastered and oar Utile darling speedily recovered." So writes A. L. Hpaffon! Chrslor, Mich. F 8 Duffy A Co. THE MARKETS. The followlug quotations were receiv 1 by J. K. Latham A Co, New Bern N. O. Naw Yoac, May 20 Oorro: Open. High. Low. Close June )3 July 7.70 Aog , 7.4H Oct 98 Janukry 7.00 7.(8 71 7.1 7.1 708 Chicago, May WaaAT- Open. High. Low. Cloae May 74, 7 74 July 744 74 7it4 Una: Opea. High. Low. Uloes May 4 48 July 444 44 Kibe. Opea High. Low. Cloee July 10 70 New fork. May Norfolk. May N.-Taa eoatlaaad Ha wlaalag streak, lday, again defeatlaf Raleigh, Bonro Norfolk I, Raleigh I Htwpotl News, May fJ Aeura la to days gawM, New fort News 9, Ton awmtb . Hrorae. Open. High Low Cloae Ho. R yl'td Ml Hi IM Coat lit 110 So Ky ti Mo. V CK.L li 14 U.H.A. 444 4 O.AO. 4A4 4 4) age ... ... I4&4 14t T. C. C li I IM U 1(44 am of tn (UN - Wow Lost Wfisslagtna ... M 14 Newport Newt.. It It Raleigh M 17 Mnvfolb..., ... 1 lH t rofYwavjaik.,. IT Rkksa4...... ' W sou AIMS BeleaejWtaeJea. 'alar, May-las 4.U, Aeg-jtept. 4 II M nark ota, Thareiky, May Wtk. rvRT nenm, la4 M.K0 ' A GOOD' It AND rACIt DAY, IN ATTKNDJNCKi CASTOR I A Far lafaata aai CMrta. tti Vd Yea K:tiA:.:;i ::;-! Fgnatwr erf wCiV. Pofwaal I " lj Tale weak, ea, Mm. P Tee tlO Wad. MM Tkera. rn I taaa area la eek A' rU Moo V mm ft vm mm tm njmt : The Forum. RD1TKD BT TUB NKW YOKK: FORUM PUBLISIHNO 111 FiFTn Ate. CO. G. MORRIS BOND, Solicitor. 210 North Calvert St., Baltimore, Mil. TRUSTEE'S SALE Of Side wheel Steamer "Bertie E. Tull, Schooner "William L Simpson," Schooner "Battle White" and 2 Covered Scows. Ry virtue of an order of the Unitei SUUts District I isirt for the District of Maryland, Hitting in bankruptcy, tased May 7, 1901, in the matUtr nf the estate f William Honpa, a banknipt, formerly trailing aa Wm. lloppa A Lo., tne under- Ignod, Trusts, will Hell by public, auct ion, at Henderson's Wharf, foot of rell street, in the city f Baltimore, Md., ON THURSDAY, THE Olh DAY O Jl'NB 19(11. at U o'clock, noon, the 1., Mowing Gadene Engine, Hide-wheel Ftcamcr Bertie E. Toll,' built hi 1KW, 103 ton gmaa, 85 Urns net. with all her Appur tenancwa. BcliiKiner "William I. Himi.non," iU Urns gross, no tons net. length 09 0, bnwdtli tA.h, depth (1.2, with lier Tn klc. Apiarel, rnrnltiirr. etc. Scho-mor "Hattle Whlt," Urns gniaa, ti Umt net. length W.H, bmdth 18. , doi.Ui a. a, with her Ta ktn. AprL rurnilure, etc, etc. Covered Rcow No. 3. length 73.3, bmulth 11.8, Heplh 6. Covered Brow No. 4. lengtli M. Iireadth II, depth a, Terms of Pale: Oath. A dnomlt (l MNt will be required nf the piirrhawr if the Hlramer, ami II0O Um each tli other veaerla at trie time of aale Th veaaeU will be at Hendcrxei' Wharf 4i and af tor Monday, June ant wn. for enmlnatket. JAMKS J COH NCR, Tru.tr. PATT1BON OAIIAN. A net U mrwra. I'alUasnre, Md Dobbin A Frrall, A Taxktr'a tor, 4X1-121 P.yetlevlllo St., MaUlgw, N. C. It cut ams Summer Sale of Ladies Muslin And a nice lot Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams I1TKT RECEIVED. Also Niou lot Funcy Cukes iiml Crnckors FRESH STRAWBERklES itciix.l from W. hurst's fiinn cvi'iy tuoniiiio. 1 icsin'i tfully solicit. ronage. Yours to I'leasp, II. Whito your )at- Wholef4ale Jk Retail Gro43a?r, J. L MtDIIEL, Phone Ol. 71 ItroH Ht. Nice 4t of Pig IlaniN, Rrenkf list Rneon and Big llama to Slice on hnnd. II cinz Mustard Dressing, Prepared Mustard, Horse Radish, linked Beans with or without tomato sauce, Pickles sweet and sour, Preserved Ginger, I.ca & I'errins Aiucc, I'lue Label Keli hup, and many other nice things too numerous to mention in such a small space. DON'T FOUGHT OUR CIIICKKNS. o L. M. Satterthwaite & Bro. o g Phone 169, 61 Broad Street m yv e u urmy 1 ncm. Wlii'ii you st'liTt an order lit'ii' your jiaft of it ends. We sciiil tlic Uioci'iii's to your home Promptly anil carefully. Wo not only furnish tin; I'.KST GHOCKK1KS, lint make it most ciiliVi-nii'lit to ileal lii-le. Tile (Icliiasics anil necessities 'v in aliumlance nlways. J. J. TO L SON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. Phone 137. 5? A the Wnnk Store HAMMOCKS HKC DMMENDKl) for Solid Comfort, and ail new ih' lgnii of ihli gear's manu facture. (a. N. Ennett. A Liberal Reward will be paid tor a Yale Cushion Frame Bicy cle, Model 88, shop No. 41738, that was hired by one Arthur Rice on Monday, May 13th, it returned to i. n. khukuton, I 1 mer Poll", k and Craven Htrwlv NKW HKItN. N C l"roM'rly For Nnlc. I have several dcilratde Realdenre for sale, almaled In the hct renldenc part of the City AUo a numler of gool IwlldinK lol. In rood liK'allllrs J. 1. WOI.KKNDKN Th prkw of oar OJoUilng. Hh.. n Dry Onnda war ao fewiarkably l It ftiIOCKF.n HIM as H struck by tlfht- t TJm. nc. ad w are ill I! elaachurlng -! unuerwedr. arf. phc. Mn's fMiiU rmas t.l to til"" rente " M " 4 ". - Hau - aa t no. " tMwwis .ta " . S.'aM4a " . ion. rto " M M t on. - Hhoa .75 - i ao. 44 rwwji4 in!!!!. 4 te 7. 44 BW4mI - " " lOo, T bkHtg rmw 4 lo tOo, rwai.l'ilirr.ia. mrks ue 4w4 tnm tt i KV. IV A rail wit) wnni pm Uw4 w are tbmfm vm U sit - - - - Arauart CW'w Lntaa 04 9t4r4 Hiss at tM Di Ma'iH. Tbooa rm)U am mad In clean, well TontilaUd work room, twtiecU Aim m4 cleat U ; mariftT, mU of brwt foali-riala. atyllah, jrat r; low in rrU. , Corsets. - Hlralght f rrmt, Kroci "f urm, a4 rfrj W itjU of CrHa In vry Jwadinf ajsakf. rjrOor Mall OMr IVparV Ihftil will am foil ftntDftly, POr.niM IT.BRALL, j . ralVh,f4,C For Rftat. aonief Mf bta weld W, mpm auawia, w fUacoaa ail awwty MOT4 4 fl,"d. rat4 a4 OWI wet aa let aed t4 (wsva. A?l Oaw, Braw, of I AH READY at any Umm to upt ly 0 Tall llwala. My Rn la -rsrtiolf emnM 1h nfiM)H( n( tb ia snnaM And I my now im gt iasiiir vita "HN" rd Ibiaga. pn oibef stnr sell at Inwef ftw. Oiww ks aod soak ymst alwitnwa tmssi asy Wt t lue Ball ill Bpillig Cwi xn. T. IIILT, Iweyslea, Oeaa, AasaMalUaa, Ora' ' wtboea, iob lr1aUs. Raabaf fl4asia fl AM KidOo X, Few few, X. 0 Itodol Dytpeptla Core . BlgeMU Wis I faj Mt

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