THE JOURNAL. Furbished every daj la the year, eieefit Mender, at 4 Ml.Wlt rtwrt. v' - :' ' '.. " i'nn No. :v -,i CH n .fcS L. STEVENS. KDcnm w ritorine-ro. : SUSSCRIPriOH RATES. Oin- , :t Btlvsnce yl..';"i. . One yir. nol in advance. ..... Monthly, ly carrier in the city.. ;.i A Iverilain Kttc furuUhed on .$. . .50 eppli Eiitre.l at the Pot Office, Hew Bern, N. 0., as second class matter. ' v Official Paper et New Ben Craves Ceaaty. . . : Aa AleWWaml. Bait Sobm. time ago a follower of one of thr city aldermen cast covetous flsnee npoo a desirable newsstand wider tke elevated railroad stairs. . Straight ha went to hie friend,, tba alderman, and made known kia wishes, which were that the newt dealer should be evicted frera the locality. - .' ,. - -All rtgntr me boy; tear tt to me." aald the city father and began to pull arlree. Finally be got an order direct, lug tbe aewadealer to abow cause why he aboDld not get oat bat that obsti nate Individual atin remained.. Then be drew tip a formal complaint,' which was duly laid before one of the Judges. Tbe complaint, after telling bow tbe tiewidealer bad been ordered to leave nd had not done so, concludes: - ' ' "And now we have to complain, your honor, that not only la tbia aame I stand still there, bat tbe defendant baa replaced It by a bigger one." New York Commercial Advertiser. New Bern. N.C., Mat SO, t0t. PHILADELPHIA'S SOUTHERN IN DUSTRIAL CONVENTION. Governor Aycock's apfioiiitmont of a delegate to attend tlio Southern Indus, tcial Convention, which in to lie bold al Philadelphia. tMlnning Jane 1Kb, prove that North Carolina la Interested In this movement, which haa for its pur pose, belter commercial relations be tween the aontb and north. In this convention, and what It pro poses to do. Eastern Carolina is deeply interested, especially so far as Its busi ness relations with Philadelphia are con cerned. Tbe Journal has already shown that any commercial dealings between this section and Philadelphia are practically prohibitory, as the rate by rail is exces sively high, while by wrter and rail, shipments have boon subjected to delays, beyond tbe endurance of those who wanted to do business within a specified time. There Is plenty of field for new busi ness for Philadelphia In Eastern Caroli na, and othor Southern sections, and Its success In securing this trade will be by ODenlnu ud communications, water or rati, or a combination of both, at rates which are competitive with other North ern cities, and with a delivery of goods within a time equally competitive with other commercial points in the North Tills Industrial convention can work wonders for Philadelphia, commercially, and what is more Important it can de velop commercial lines of trade with the South which will prove of vast benefit.- both present and future, for this Boulb land. Htatb or Onio, Citt or Tolbdo, Lrjcat Couarr, Frank J. Cuihmsy makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J Cnaaav 4 Co., doing business in tbe City of Toledo, County and Slave afore said, and that said .firm will pay tho sum of Ore IlmnnEn Dollars for eack'and every case of Catabbh that cannot be cored ip tbe nse of U all's Catabbh Cubs. PRANK J. CHENEY Hwnm to before me and eabeeribetl In my presence, this 6th day of Decern her, A. D. 1BS. A. W. OLKABOIf, Hi i. ( Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cora Is taken Inter aallv. and acts dlroctly on too blood sad saocoos earfarea of the system Scad for testimonials, free. r. I. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O Hold by Dragglsis, 78c U elfaFeaillv Pills are the beat. .Faaa tbe Boas. Tbe late Sir Frederick Gore-Ouseley, professor of music at Oxford, was once BoImr to call on a friend in London and asked a fellow musician tbe number in which he lived In a certain atreet 1 don't know his number," answered Ik oilier, "but tbe note or bis door mm pit Ib C sharp." Sir Frederick went off, contentedly kicking I lie door scrapers ail down tbe strict until he came to the right one, when be tuig the bell and went In. London Standard. L w-s LjL- J Dyspepsia Cure ' Diaests what yoa eat This preparation contains ell of tba digestanU and digest all kinds of food. It gives instant roiiei ana nevei falls to cure. It allows you to eat si the food yoa want. The mostsensitlve stomachs can take it. By Its use many thousands of dvsDentlca have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving ail distress after eating. Dietlngunnecessary. Pleasant to take. H can't help i t: but (Jo M 009M Prepared only by E.O. DsWRTOo..OhiraaS tine L bottle contains SM tlmss tJu Mo. size. . F. 8. DUFFY 4 CO. ' Snow falls on IB days In the year at Dublin. 71 at Moscow and 48 hi Ice-laud. Life and coat bnttona often bang by slender threads. OASTOHXAi Boars Dn A i w on iw always iwiigin A CarfcHifl Sateliie. Blnghampton, N Y., May 28. Albert Max killed himself here today because be had lost his false teeth and lacked money to get another set. Fought For His Life. "My father and; sister both died of Consumption," writes J. T. Weatberwax of Wyandotte, Mich., "and I was saved from the same frightful fate only by Dr. King's New Discovery. An attack of Pneumonia left an obstinate congb and very severe lunc trouble., which an excellent doctor could not help, but' a few months' use of this wonderful medi cine made me as well as ever and gained much In weight." Infallible for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung trouble Ouaranteed bottles fiOc and $1.00 at C. D. Bradham's drug store. Trial bottle free. Compulsory Vaeolnatloa. Wllkesbarre, Pa., May 28. Owing to a smallpox scare tbe city council has ordered every person In this city vacei nated today. All persons not complying Ith tbe order In five dsys will be ar rested. Skin affections will readily disappear- by using DeWitt'a Witch Hazel feve Look out for counterfeits. If yon vait D Witt's you will get good results. l: Vt tho quick and positive cure for piles. . 8 Duffy 4 Co. CAME IN TO BE HANGED. A Storr Told of Abel Eraaaaaa, the Iloer. ass Lord Wolseler, A good story ts told of the old Boer, Abel Erasmus, and Lord Wolseley, then Sir Garnet Wolseley, In connec tion with the part Erasmus took In Wolseley's campaign In 1870 against Seknkunl, the chief of the Bapcdls, on tbe borders of Swaziland. After the capture of Seknkunl he was Immedi ately brought before 8lr Garnet Wolse ley, who asked htm how be, a misera ble Kaffir, living In a cave, dared to defy the great queen of England. The chief replied that he had been Insti gated to do so by Abel Erasmus. Sir Garnet In describing the scene at a public dinner given to htm at Preto ria on bis return from the campaign said that he wished there and then to let Abel Erasmus know that If ever be found that Erasmus bad been Inciting any chief to levy war against England and he was able to lay bands on him Abel Erasmus would hang as high as llama n. ' A few days after tbe dinner Sir Hen ry Braekeubury, Sir Garnet's military secretary, was sitting in his ofUce wbeu a tall, bearded Boer entered and asked permission to speak with blra. "1 am Abel Erasmus," he said, "and 1 have very Important business to do here." lie explained that he had come to see Sir Garnet Wolseley, for he had heard that Sir Garnet bad said tbat If be could lay bold of him be would hang him, and bo be bad come to be hanged. Sir Garnet was lu tbe next room, and Sir Henry Brnckenbury thought It would be advisable to consult him on the subject Sir Garnet, however, hap pened to be too busy at tbe moment to see anybody, and Sir Henry after re flection persuaded bis angry visitor to take his IcavTMInd allow the banging to stand over for tbe time. Tha Shaiaroeka. Glasgow. May 28. Sir Thomas Llpton will send Bhsmrock First to America with the Challenger Id order that tboy may continue tbs trial races right up to tho dale of the cop race. Captain Wring will command Shamrock First. TaorraoMaat a Cooactt BlaB, lows, May M.-Prwal deal McKlaWy sad party rsaobsd Oaaaba this asoralBf. Tb crowd assesablsd at the station eaasred the Prssidaat, who esasa oat oa Ike rear plaifera of the ear. A Urge boaqast of roses, the fift Osaka scbool calklree to Mrs. MoKlalsf was (tree tbe Preside t, who shook head whh several haadrada. Mrs. Mo- Elate bed a eoarorUble eight showed dteUaet faia la streeftk. Before Uavlag Omaaa ike PreaMeal taeaked Ueeagieear aed IreJe ueer for Ike 1 t raa over the Veto PeetA. 014 SeMla. Exrtrlcacc. M. M. Aeetia, sjlvfl wef veraa,of Wlecfcaaeev, tad, writes. "My Wife was aek toe? trass la eetteef g-4 eW ere treilenay tel vae wholly ewrsd VrDr, Else's Hw Ufa rme,'hlo4 worked weeds he to beaMtv. Tbey lr Try Umsl' Ob if V ua D. tlrelthisVs tng Mere. . . ' 1 have been snfferlng from Dyspepsia r tbe past twealy years and bars been a liable after trying all preparations sod physldsos to get any relief. After tak ing one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I found relief spd am now la better heal lb taaa I have basa for twenty years I can sot praise Kodol Dyspepsia Care loo highly." tbas writes Mrs. C W Roberta, North Creek, Ark. T 8 Duffy Co. ' A TerrtMe fUt plimmi .DaaassBsra, M. Y., Msy H. A plot was dleeorered today Involving a whole- sale delivery of lasaae Soar lets la Dee Beaters Stale Hospital fnr, erlaioal saaaae. The atardef .of two er taora tttndaats aad other deede of vlo areet were beeeaeary to eoeseaMMlsl the plea. Mef W MsBisirS of the e Yevl Qeeeito et Oesjietee wfB vWM WiawWf Castle ea Jsae let. te be 1 y the Ilsf. A eoefereaae be te atMbars of the Hew Tori Cfceeaber ef 0iaMre aed Ute Loedee Clkseabst to toe orveated far Jaee M Pl-Mtal Jeaaa ef the KeW Yeth CkeaV swtwtHsal4a . U tMpU e!f kaew WBet feeear eaM Eadat Drprets 0r. It woeld be sad Id sar1y ftery heeesknll se tWie are fW porta he de set eaffat frees fee ef fsUsaM kHet eat 1st, twtta e, to aUeeoer evsete b m siv brath. aaM f htalf" ef ;t-- ee A MpSfsitee, ear as Eadi4 tys tMltlvN, etWa, kk ao eM fr the etaeeb, eHl if ye I'M. - !.' reel UU to fee t-d ' DeWKI'i Little Early lUeere aearek the tssiuiitf pans ef Ute bowels eed re- sieve the larnerlllsa Speedily wltk ae dlaoneatorL They ere fassoas for their aSeaey. Easy te take, a ever gripe, t B Daffy Co. . . Mai WtoSaVaaa Mew Tavk,May.-Waa Uta iraee sert ftsdgwie et Ddffi today Matthew 0. OaApbeU, of I be aaw Btoeoreeef the ana, aseastd froej OnwasBBiBBl eed yasiBed eeerboerd. til bad bate tadet treeteseel fat leeaaUy tBoe Ike traefport taft Uavsaa Friday A boat eret prsaaptly sewered aed Oaaf bed It SdTt4 BltLet. . r. A. Deafertav ef UUraare. Oa, as fend for ell BMtallts hb MgklfBj raasleg sore ee bs Wc to wrttas thai Itolaa's dratse fValee wbaUr eared H la Ire days. Fee tHewra, Waeads, rilea, b'l tee beat teJve la the world. Cere year raa tatd. Oalf Be. tod 1 O. D. Iwedkeev drartet. . .. CAPUDINE HEADACHE 4 LA GBIPPE. lia, r-a, a4 to MtK fet sale by C. t, B'saa aad; a Barrett. TB BTew Preaehla's. Has tbe Christian pulpit ceased to preach the gospel? Are tbe clergy men of the vurlous denominations la boring u'ider the delusion tbnt they must get away from the teachings of the lowly Nasarcne in their pulpit dis courses In order to hold their congrega tions! lxok over tbe subjects of tbe various Chicago sermons as reported in the other day's Chicago Ileruld-Ilec-ord. Here tbey are: ''Professor Uer ron's Teachings," "Mrs. Humphry Ward's 'Eleanor,' " "The Almighty Dollar," "Tragedy of Human Great ness," "Doctrine of Spiritualism," "The Card Playing nablt" "The Religious Bltuntlon," "Tbe Churches and Big otry," "Three-fourths or Four-fourths of a linn," "Uerlewof tbe Trial of Dr. TbomiiR For Heresy." "The Southern Negro." Ret A aalaaa. You lisre quite a number of tbe poets," suld Good by, wbo was Inspect ing Wood by "s library. "Ah, there's Browulng. Do yon understsnd blmT No; t don't." said Woodby. Ab." aald Qoodby, eontlnulng bla examination, "have yoa PraedT" "Certainly not What's tbe use of nraylngt 1 ain't anxious to under stand. hlro.r-rbUattrbbla. Record. Flobircb, a 0.. Nov. tt, 100. I was first advised by oar family pby alclaa la Ckariestoa to ese TKETH1NA with our baby when she was bet a very yoaag lafeat, as a preventive of eollc sad to ware) aad sweatee the stomach Later It was eeefol la teething troubles, aad lu i fleet baa basa foead to be so eery baaeoeial aad so free froea lbs dangers that are ooaaeqoeal apoa the ese of drags aad soothing tyro pa, that we have oosae to regard It, after ese wltk three ehlldrsa, es ee of the aeceesltles wbsa there It aew baby la the hoses aad aatU the teeth) ag iroablea are ever aed we lake pssaeare la teeosaeaesdlsg M U ear f riesde la stead ef tbe aorrld staff thai so ssaay people ase to keep their babies qalot. Haaewau. M. Avaa, (Mgr. Dally Tlatas aad Weekly Hates MsBSQBgOT.) -. rU 0t0c Service. The atualioo ef the - aaUVe Is re spec taily ealled te the ebeage la the schedela ef the autOe peblkhed today. TVe ekaage aeoaeeftaue a aew aeeedato rot the earrter, tbB . - Oolleotloa 1M a, a le .( a. sa. Ovllrevy 4VM " "H , Delivery 11 " 1 00 e, sa .." OolleeUoel" 4J0 -'' IMIeetloa la beefases dletrtot OeJy 4J0 p. a, te l eO . at. BoeUs Malt 00 . at, l . a. av ' - '. . ' , Al tits Poet OSes tba stalls for the I M a. as. trala etoses al 1 11 e. as. . . For tat ISO p. at. traia si it a. as. Ff Ibe trala gola teat te terebead CTiyatlOAe. av . . ' There Is sets eo)tectba nely oe flee day. frees t.eo s. m. te 0a a. as. Tba aasday sad afteraooa Iralse gntag eat carry a avail for ialsvw dwe folau aetwete aei aad GoWa Wwe. rarfleit dllr wladnw r-ei frost tJSassVe19We.t. Ma4.ra. 0a. e al Illy wl4 ete f'w haifaa Wer tfiat efVi a eiisv. 7 TROUBLE IN GERMANY.- Taa laiaelal Crtels Jtad Wlal II The daring of tbe Pruaslajn diet the ether sight and the retirement fit three members of tbe ministry mark a aert eos eriats for the kingdom and possibly for tbe whole German empire, for a re cent special cable dispatch from Berlin- la the New York. Herald refers to tbe kaiser's action aa a declaration of war upon the agrarian, party. . It la suggestive that a rousing -cbecr on the boerse greeted the news of the downfall of Dr. von Mlquet the Prue- eteo minister of finance, and tbe poi soned Parthiarj arrow shot at the Impe rial chancellor. Count von Bulow, will doubtless fall short of Its mark. Tbe Sltuatioo perhaps marks the final lining up of forces for tbe battle between the old land holding classes snd'-Jhe new Industrial and commercial forces In Germany. Germany has developed almost at a bound from an agricultural Into an In d us trial and exporting nation. The suddenness with which the economic change has occurred makes tbe clash more fierce, and it Is Intensified by tbe even greater political change, stimulat ed by the kaiser's restless ambition for a big navy for colonizing schemes and for forcing an erstwhile quiescent und in a political sense Isolated people into the vortex of world politics. The kaiser's absurdly autocratic do mestic policy no less tbnn bis schemes of foreign expansion made it inevitable that he would at last come to open hos tility with the agrarians. His posing as a medlmval despot In a modern con Btltutlonal state and his leze majesty Imprisonments for offenses similar to those at which bis ancestor, Frederick the Great, used to merely laugh have excited the resentment of a vast num ber of the Intelligent German people, and the manner In vvhlcb the rctctistug last ' summer held up his nam! pro gramme was a gnlllng demonstration tbat his "thus I will, thus I command" B88Umut1oo was not accepted. Tbe very play of one party against another and the final winning over the Center were a demonstration of the growing authority of the people's representa tives. An alliance of the Centrists with the conservatives In the Prussian diet has now blocked his majesty's ea nal programme and sbown that In his own kingdom no more than In tbe em plre Is bis will accepted as lnw. Recent stirring events luipnrt a spe cial Interest to the important special cable dlnimtcb from Berlin to the above mentioned paper, an Interview with one of tbe highest stutesnicn In tbe empire, whose Identity was but Xhluly veiled, although the use of his name was necessarily withheld lu view of the frankness with which, through on American Journal, he discussed the views and intentions' of his govern ment His excellency disavowed any ambition of obtaining a port In the Philippines, asserted tho slncerest friendship for the United States nud attributed the trouble over tho ndinls slou of our meats solely to tbe agra rians. The underlying cause of the struggle In which the kaiser U now engaged Is the belief of this purtj that the canals he desires would fa cilitate the Importation and distribu tion of foreign foodstuffs In competl tlon with those produced on their own binds. Hut the men of the forge mid tbe loom, who are buck of Germany's i-ouiuicrelnl expansion, must have cheap food, mid the growing power of tbe capitalists, trading and manufac turing cbuaes Insures their ultimate victory. H. M. Pollock, Uvery, Feed, Sale and Exchange STABLES .rVL A tt J The CHEAPEST Turnouts in the city. No. 70 South Front Street, opposite Hotel Ohattawka Fly and "Skeeter" time. - - v.--;' J ' THE DISCOVERER OF Mia E. Pinkham's Vegetable The Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills. I A. &N. C. R. R. naa tapi s . l'.i T" TuVr Klinl 'nli," ' Ke. 1!HK Hi 12-141 i. V , K S I fHrty fJfl fM I'KKI I K . . Kw:;.,..- Inii . f... v j. m rfTATH" : Ar iii VI i; .bMil , I tr.t Ijttin. . .. . -i i '.U Kiim i j fi III Ar.N,- I- i.. i0 n sn i, .,. 7 J In At. MiwlMKit mi) l, i. N. 1 J'. hj.hi; l ' ... - l.v. a ii.. r'.un1'." i y- n 7 40 (loldnborip. . (in r Wi .l.nOmi.i., ; 8: 0 K n i. i. . 17 Bl linrci . . . . ? P 50 .New Ii- rn . . . 1 o.' 1115. MoioIk ad ily I.. 1 11 Ho. 5, I Passenger htai 10 -Train. I I ailv Exokpt SrNi r. a. m. 7 St 1 Unhlnooro. . . 7 48 Host's 7 58 UiUruugH. . . 8 l0 falling tWk. M S8 1' iusUm 8 GhmwoII.... 8 lio'Hr 9 06 Core Creek.. . 0 30 TuBcarora.. 0 Clarke.... 9i2 New Bern.. I'llM Ti II li 41; ti -'I 1. ( :i ' I 11 : 1:1 . -'in srATioNB: Nil MVl. K l':.SH. A No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or such hosts of grateful friends. Do not be ix:rsuadcd that any other medicine is just as good. Any dealer who asks you to buy something else when you go into his store purposely to buy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, has no interest in your case. He is merely trying to sell you some thing on which he can make a larger profit. He does not care whether you get well or not, so long as he can make a little more money out of your sickness. If he wjshed you well he would without hesitation hand you the medicine you ask for, and which he knows is the best woman's medicine in the world. follow the record of this medicine, and remember these thousands of cures of women whose letters are constantly printed in this paper were not brought about by " something else," but by lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Tho Or Bat Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills. Those women who refuse to accept anything else arc rewarded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want a cure. Moral Stick to the medicine that you know is liest. When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health more than a million women, you cannot well say without trying It, 1 do not hefieve it will help me." If you are III, do not hesitate to get a bot tle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once," and write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for special advice. It is free and helpful. No. 1, f ttx'd Ft. and PsmTn. Lv. a m 5 00 Ooldflboro 5 83 Heat's tt 15 LaOrano 6 29 Falling crcok 7 15 Kinston 7 23 Caswell 7 57 Ar. llovor Lv 8 20 core oro . 8 55 TuBcarora 0 12 Clark's 9 43 Ar. Now lk-rn, l.v... . 130 Lv. Ar.... 2 12 Kivurilnlo; 2 20 crostan 8 05 Uavclock 8 81 Ni-wport, Lv J! 47 Wildwood 3 52 Atlantic 4 08 . . .Ar. Mon-hnail oily, Lv. . 4 2J) Ar. M. city I lepot, l.v... '. a. Mondiiy. Wodmwlny :wii Kri'la I'I'iioihIhj . TliurudH) 'Old Satimlii S. I.. I! !., Ml(n'ritil' I. n:i Tn. PROSPEROUS HEN OF THE WORLD wouldn't think i.l wrerlng a Pwdjr inaih' suit l clothing Unr lh luiiirlns "( llli- is t liavr voiir i h. tMn? In tit writ, luiiilf well. I'-.k aril ami I.l your Imll vldiialltr ! tally in aarni mllM'r . tt p n ill masc j ",i p in 11 1, 1 Honing 1. i.i svrgi. at rlv that III glvt jwi this lu 111 17 al a lair rUv. V. 91. hMdwlk. Lodge Dlrrrtorj. ire foe going to pet la i n slnors eKt ehWiows In la laauM 7 e have a kirge tut t4 Uieai ta stuck In Bt any drr of UmIiiw and at pHs a-rlMa the rrerel t4 alL Dn at knee foe? s4tf toa BghUnc IDes this eaauase atrt enate c fhntm aa (or prtnee and era iU emke ta tvapry. Will Nave a iBrge Kirfrleteraante at lew da ja, stea't aiy aatU na e as. TO TBI UDIZ8 eirtellT-r,"v the Ileal N laars we will sell Ce 1 pte Dleeet ret at cet, aeg Uieea seveval seta UsvlataHe fleeat China. We alee ofer ft aay Chiaa nr J Brae ware la oer eenee al the as me tsKtuowntiC ' Coat Wtnre N Is re Ma. eh aa Tt" alty o aU op jroar talaa vVH asf aevet usrar ackta. . L H. CQTIER H'Dirf CO ELiCKSIIITE ft WHEELBIGET, Rasarertarer ef srtlaa. Wsf asa Carta, ae, Bsaalrlaf Ptt sa ker Pell. B'rr1 Wafas, Cru aed frtejl tlt ea kaaj fof Si h V I III U4 pm lfc'', NEW bRllNCONCLAVKeW,lBinvl Older lleptaaophs, tneeU 1ml and Ith TkarMfav alfbis, al S o'clock si llnae treelNrVl' . Willi.. ArrhnB; i. J. Talane, It. flnsBcler; Z V. "arphf. Heo-reierjr. KL'UEKA X)T0 NO. 7. I. O O. T Omeersi W. f. Urackett. M. O i Jeaxe R Dawsoa t. U ; Oeo. Oreea, Hertjri W. II. Uerver, flaaacial Heerelary; A. S. rtit asaa. Treee. Hegeler aaeetiafs eary Moeds; a l hi at f 10 e'dock. C1LDMET KKUAMmiMT. He 1 I. (. O. r. VnVere: J. I. Batler. O. P . i Deeeoe.U P4 T U farrawsf . H. W A. T. Land J. W j Oen. Oreea. P-crtbe- g Oertark. Tieeeeret. iWeler -Kaeaaa- saeau 1st, lr. aad tk f if aar)Tkart4at slfbts la eeca steel at l.W e'clook. Fof Rent. My stf re mi milli v'r"iit Strrrt is in-w f.r rent, it in v0 x M l t, st..ry.'whirl is I'lcsinnMc M.n ! fr imt nn Itiisinrs Allll 1.hI lotfltM'tl ft'f till' ii Uv li:il ncriiss tin Tn-iit rn r liri'l'i' r ii tni'l W ith in y nUiM-s a ml vl, inj;l yard hrn k nnil tallis, und mil Imimho all mi tho huiim' )( m tlti- n-nr ni tn fcUn" unyi'itc i-an tin ;t nit r Imim'm'ss "f Rtiy kind in my rime, fw Iti liill fur M'rinu.s nuilivt1-. Wi have inw tut il'inn iri ni nil kinds of Woo.,. n tin-'nK mitst hurt und i vyriiI lo gi t ma old slot k of won! off tM'fon warm wi-ntlur takm i luiinr. 1 1nn ailvantiit mi ki down pritw i for otir I'ltmuciau BIG HILL, Tbe Sbhile Man List your Taxes. NiHlce la hmbj tlvea, that the list taker lor the Hih tosrashlp Cravro rood ly, will sll at the Court House la tbe city of New lUrn June 1st to 14th Id rloslte, end (mm 21th to Mill Incloalve at Rbeea'e station on 'hs IStk, at Ilel'str oa Ibe Slat aad Und oi June ln. At wklrhllme and place, all tat payers nl a lowasklp, are rrqulrcd lo rctaia In the list laker, for latailoo, luv the yeer lOI. All Ike real relate aad pereneal properly ef evere natara, and lo (Ire la their polls. CaoVr tbe pales eed peas! ties Inpoeed hj law. Toer atlestlne Is eepr dally called lo the reveaee art. W. K. reen. List laket. If B W ttMl LODOK He. 1. 1, B. A 0- i, C. Peelee. rmt i. U. fHeHa. Keret ln( Wri R ft Hill, rleeeehJrWf Meets U the ITairku of llaaoey llall every 1st aad M Moedef alfktala seek evoelB. ... rmvn tonoi no, i KKinnTu OF HARMUMT. Meets Hd aed lib Wedaeeday alrkts 1 earh BWelk la Helr's Hall, PnTlnrk eree, at fan rfeVnak. t. R fall. loesi't H J. IHnt.y.rWri IIR. Ulll, naaedal Alter ty at Law. U 9t Pt M , Ojt. U'ri OhaUtawka. HI pERlf, K. C. , (si ttmHf AlVaf. C'tf tt t'nt.n J w OmWw. Cart. rv. I'.w.Cn iii mi.. Ientr, aed tbe if-.,,.. rd V "t f !i C;:ro - BIHlNt'AHTItIW I OR HARDWARE ' Aad aU K lade eiW ' llealini and Uook!a BUfsa and Rangee, Ume, Cement, riaater, Pslnla, Oilr, VsrnUh, hiUy, fWh fVrs, Pliad't, CatUrf end all the eeefet aflkW anally foead la aa fJe-tAWtste Ilardware Khjre, ; 1 Brt CJooJsj IsOvTfs.1 Vrltt. t'ndef final ChrttewVe, - Tt izw i.ri, rr. c . 4 .II ; .mi i. v an si'llinj' I a n i i f Uowinj' fxtici.n l 1. w i t 12 inch l,i!itiiiii; t'i; ,; J II 1 1 C.d'.iinl...i ni ,' T.d Ml. r y. i. r.;i. ...i l.v . dm h ilii'M i i nn ;i t 1 mm i ; i v :il IK1!- 7 . :i d f I 'in ;., i . i " wiiida k .if!' .in Uinc like ' I - r ;i kf We inil.' tli'' . I !. ! 'I Aininf our jTii'i '-ii r.i, t 1 i " ninj; raeiT. I ':i f -r ' u!l r I' i I o, Ar. Yi'iir-, Irnh J. C. Whitty ;v The Fanners & h B-alSTIZ. CsplUI, Sarplut anJ I'n riis tnn,- .. APRIL JOlh, tvoi I 11 "M IsOOI) rriiiNr.s 1 TO ON Have snmeUtin( solid to tn V ' Knihltm likes Tank Am. nni i n feel at eeae Willi tlir a.. rlil 1 have eat oeeoMl one yet lc"' '' time baa the prnnl erpl sa arroaat aa small a " war heet eedrsivars shell I' t" M...I reUa Ith yoa snotnallj U -Bed ptnBtahaa. - Nice Residence On Johnston. tirrH for aal nt n I flftirr. 1 a're hare my li.n l 100BrUUafrnceprietA,nd n Utba that will tke dbroM! of mi tlin. .K. H. HAHrKH riv IM,V'.VV Russell House l Vrmton M ears aad einp st Ve lt II Horn riret41eae IWd A m fryf trav.llxf pavrnsa, PVtaf M",'rp"t':,l. TerassllJBe 1y et I.'aj tt u A. KL-tKtlX tree tsfftOe, -1 ye eat.