eui:c2 or Tnz csts. VSJTAJJ CAMPS. thai heaah baaeh. r e,h WVtM 1 11 II I al Aaaaa m aw4 1 V"L". -xil J Vn; if 1 vj nil ;i Afl CtmmUtMU, prfsnrt What Jo CASTORIA Cadra. fc mtaim met iMt to rcrcrtMMMb sua BMrck, cter rm uuidnri CEWUIflB. CASTORIA ALWAYS Eeax the zlgaitaxe of ' The KM Ton Have In Use For Over SEDICI21E. Hbsob, Ti , Dm. M. I kav hMS Mgering from temle wesk aea for feor fwi, siwl hsv tks muaf mIIHnae. but Win of Cr1l B:ck lrttf ht liars don mora for aae than soy tkluf 1. MM. CAROLMB EVAHI. It li i mistake to tilt my and every kind of mtdldne when you tit llfk. There U dinger In It. Motto! the to-called cures (or 'ferrule wcikness" dn nothing mure than deaden the pain temporarily, and when. Hie dlrct wran away the patient if weaker and lie Iter than before. It is never wise to lake chances. Yoa nave only one Hfe, and that is dear and precious. If yru tuve any pain, tdht, disorder or weakness in the femi nine orirans, nothing will help you like Wine of CarduL It helps do away with morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy, and m li!ies the pains of childbirth i recovery is rapid and future health Is auurni. me Wine n purely va riable, hetni maile Of herbs whose medicinal properties act directly urn tlie nrtfans ol womanhood. It Is a Vnt tried remedy, and has many yean nl success behind It It is sura. Why 1.0. a chance medlftnt Drunaista sell Larae A Good Telephone HK.UVICK IH A llllHI N KHH NKlKMMrTY, A HuMK CON VKNIKNCK. A COM UN Kit IVtMtirtlly, f'Oiiveiileurr, .Luxury I rder Voar t'tiuiM at One I Notice tt Crtdiurv il- Ui.lrl. t fimrt"fUil)sllHlKUai, l..r ili.' Kalra DiaUI-t of Nurlli I uri'llnia, l hew hm. In i umllar nf . W. ArmOrtiatt. r.itkmi. TIm c-tUioa xl K. W. AraulnM( ol N. I Vm, Cmwa (Stukty, Niieth sn-l.,-v It a full di Kanr- Is I aakrit47, lulu hrwa twal in ustd wart, it la nr iliml by ili nii thai a hiriii ha Im4 .1, lw Snl iUy i. Jaan, 'Ml, Mun I. j Mr. Kilanaat N.w lra. M. l I' Jl viliat v M.. ad that all ... u i n-dlt wl iHhae eevaaa ta l. V.I.-I my afar at wait liaa ssat aaad ajaow ha4 . at Say ii. I ka ah the 4ayr r4 tat4 a.U imm aWM a4 ha giaati. T).k Wtwt ast May. IMI. IL U UR1MT, Clrrt k la llaaaa, I rf- rlkhlraa(fta)tt, Wth IWnWaa I laaattaM t va tMty I Cwr JWa M .haW. Um L Mar saaaV. M T MwOalL fas l.iia. Maeahaa, aaal a t KUTICS. Thaawlaaaaaaaaaaaa4aal take eaaaae that as arihaa aaxha as aha al twawta. ra ha a a la faaa caay aa4 aWNaawaa aUI tweiaaa aka i Iba ha to aajN4 ta Se f b iMa aha rtoh at ta aian a aw at . tlasaa ihaaaev. at tka m ba iho t , b an ha aha any at IWa bax kw V aa ! It aM a. aw., aa a Ma wf J" 1 twayaaai hhiiwBsmh - r"-' toa ka oaaa anaav a ah .a-' ' a il aaasaaaJL sasil hseag kaawHJ ae Mateaf he Hah aaal Irhwt ll A MeMaail aad A HawhaaX Aahaa) ka tav a aha aV- ! tHMmg Brrmm. Blllliiiiit It Always Bought 30 Years. Utltr AtVltttl It'AITMtBf. Tor advUa III reM rwiulrlnf pal Irwrllona. an.lraaa. alTlitu niitnina. I..,' IliWf Itoy't, TaaCHlttAaOOOl UHClie IV. UauuntKK, Tann. when you can get a sure medicine? Bottles for $1.00. Have You Seen the Living Pictures On Fru Kxhitiitiuii at Henry's Pharmacy, 127 Middle Street. Tblt It las aeasoa foe hoaaa elosn'og. iba tlrna to prspara for Ux "-ura laMlk" of baaa, sals, roaches, sad la aeetta. II ire F UaUa I Ua Borai, a satortl ptodaOloa of ihsiarlh, ao I parity atart talo Its original sl.aaen U oe maaafarlaia Ws kirs aallhar lima or apace ta fix the aaateroas detailed aasa fivr which Horai may ha ased. Ws raa aary tapat haadltaaa. IM, foe Toi led lad. At a Wadtdae; trd, la the lasdrr;4lh. For Ike BnsaaaoU; (ih, At a rraaeetallTf-, hta. Foe Aate; Tth, Mlarallsaseaa. Ws hara It la poaad aachacaa. aad the dicaJar aires U dlf- faraal aaa lor akkt It easy h sal rail lias Teltet Artkelra aad larfaaa. ary. rhyaaelaa's ruiennwaas ; eareraily CrmZCltH IIAXKa '.ar.O. ItaajLi! taavH- (- iaala ri.k- aaa,1 m'y 1 1 a aahs tl I M area L tbarabaa aaa MlSaat,IMLM. faamat tad atsafal al aaa I has gaaaa ba all a tauaaa a aa. Aseaaata "aaa4aaaiaaar " aafpJaNBala" TaafaWja (P- flrc ta4MHapajajaa t. . S.aiaa, CaaM aWa..4r. aa in a I W I, Bj, Pi . aWtaawaaaV ya. a ii, . a.m ""' a. w.aUJiTi'a aTa Sj-e4"," ' "" DksaaWM.' '. v rtawa. r w I iu law Hi at 1 aa. aaMlIf aaaa faaaa aaail.a aaaa I B I tra ti'maa aanaa' Pb m rnttj hs aiiJHjal dbajtoj afWaaahJpaaa JaVant JhklVlVHaMat d hK3C M last ws tec at hat arlarkjKiakrtai1i taw?1 taae1etiIMi "JCa. air; I wwwad M overt ta la H fwmHj I sub able he hay feraMi aodot taM te hcs." Tone nas." oM Sir. at fall wwtrh. -I rather rstu Tea raa have ber- Good -Mernlsg. nr.i-tUaBj Trflnme. It is nid that a roomr atVrer at the front leuetitly wrrhs to Ua fafbrrt "Dear Fatber-Klmfly eead aw CO at once Lost another lee ta a stiff ra nd am In hospital wtthnal The answer was: "My Dear Boa i As this 1s the foarth ta; ywa have last according to jnuar letters, yoa ought to tie accBstomed to it by this time. Try and era Wile alone on any others too may hare left" Tit-Bits. She ajrrved With Blr-. Hoahand But yon most admit that my tsXe to better than yours. Wlfe-Tcs, of conrse It Is. IIaiband I'm surprised to hear yoa say so. Wife Ob, there's nothing remarka ble shout It! The mere fact that yon Bmrrkxl me and I innrrled yoa proves It Chicago News. Not I'Hl to It. 'Delia," said Mrs. Wsnterby. who bad same "nice people" to dinner, "It ik-ciiih Jo me the coffee looks a trifle wink." it ain't the coffee's fault, ma'am," replied Delia. " 'TIs too much era me ye put In it. Ye ain't, used to crauie, ma'am." Philadelphia Tress. Non.enae. !) km tboot Raundle 0tkff lla'l wraild hla falttwr'l Urtka llr Ml tnc a blk. (hi th. up o' a 'pike, Aa be wlnaa l wall fur wrckal Tim. Saver. BoblmYou know Noblis made a vow nlwnys to count ten before he a wore? llolilis-Yes. ItolibA Well. I fuiw blm baying a lightning rnlrulollng machine this inoriiliiE.-- Italtltnorc American. Taklaia No Chaaori. Incxperlenred Itlder What! Too wIkIi nic to y In advance? Are yon nfnilil I shan't couie back with the home? Iroirletor of Livery Btsblo-Abeml It Is Just imaolble the horso may come back without yoa. -Tit-lilts. HIi Lltila aka. "Look out below there, my ralo dearP called Jnplter I'lovlos to foxy April aa bo pulled down the shower valve. And area the sewrra laughed so bard that they all choked op. CWveiaud I hilB Dealer. ataila.av" "liiaua,1 Towoe 8obtnba trlbj ana ha baa Qoera Aaa rottaga to Algnborat Brawae-Oh, that's Iba way ba It bow. eh I whatl Prowaa QaiaWaa. rbBadrlphta aa ru at; Haw Barh la that eawpioyat short T baqalred the erxamrrrtaJ aeqaalatsaea. "Bhartr eetxwd tba baa "W"ra tba aara wba are abaft, tit Is away ah sad af hglaa Ftar. wkai ato yoa ay b Mc bat ra that peaayT far gtr- Taws-ay-rVaaa. K I R rat attbtv-lbla Stab Sma Tan ta Best ntoaa. at rwaaa, af TWy kaarw aba had I aad W "r . "Tawa baa-a af ja IhamaaaKlat aakai "Wa la taaaa) aaaalAa 1 V( Ihim tat I Ira cm -it. 3n I ifl to r Ufr tenia 1 1 to a an naifAi h at wnwhh fez fan If I afaoaW be tairw v TJrv - aMMM . "Tbsft aaa gwa aata yet said tba aaw ta Iba avaa wba ratbar haanty "thaw. That-a baat tha r fm tarto"-rhrtatitaa Ttoaaa. - A "tffco BMa aRalaaMBlatb a B laTaa - a. . a a, . ..a. aM aw abL- wjaaaarw aiariaipai aa warri laf avwag Iba B-ja at baw gr Twaa lhBgt ftas abaf "Taa; ahara gatawj sa ba aisritid ta Vuli assay be aajaBii h easaa. tjfiat aaewr aaal Shalt a, tar the aae af viach aa chazge wfil br saafti ft vrM he m ewsia-y tar rhaMaai aecaa tnaona aa fasaiih aetr aara Uaahrts and aaahesoeacBL Then' arfll be aa aKvaaaawAattoa far cjacaUas ta this rsaa. tat (he vtdlars arffl aa atoebt be able a snaiae satiifae- tbecivaadsat iaia rates. It as esaereed that oreaa!aana tak ta; adraatasr of tbiae caaap iwlTttesva wO. at each rtose aa aaay tar agreed npaa befarebaad. tre antHtary exhatt tlaaa rSlxni chaise ta the Stadinai. Baadc ta adfana aiO be adaaKied ta the eneoads tYee. Onnatautrost cs3ik this camp win pay oar twaeral admis stoa per eaaa when tbey eeler the CrocBds and w be poreraed t tie rah-a and eKitalIom said down tvr tbe Exposiriaa Comrcany. On arcocnt of the large Bomber oX erganbations now appiyiBi; for ram faculties at the ExposKloa tbe ase of this camp win be Kitted to a period aot exreedtne six day far any aae or- ganuation. Largr bodies of troops ranting the Bxposirmn must be quartered outahto the gronsds. where a large camp for this parposr has been estabUsbed. Usjor Charles J. Wolr hi In charge f the Mllrtarr Rorean, and be Is kept rery busy tbesc days fumtshln.c Infor mation to organizations Intending to rtoit the Exposition The little bee to very bnsy at the ran-Ameriran Exposition, gathering and storing honey in glass hives In full view of rtsttors. A searchllrht on the Electric Tower of the Pan-Anierlenn Exposition casta rays for a distance of GO miles. 8 TC TIawMaa 1 a rr uiiiar i w&r.u to put out a fire aha doaia't heap-on oil and wood. She throws on water. know ng thai waierquenchas fire. When a woman wants to get well from diseases peculiar lo her sex. aha should not add fuel to the fire already burning her life away. She should not take worthless drup and potions composed of harmful narcot ics and opiates. 1 hey do not check the disease - Ihey do not cure it they simply add fuel to the fire. ttradlteld'a Female Regulator should be taken by every woman or girl who has the slightest suspicion of any of tne ail ments which af fliot woman. 1 hoy will almnly ba wnatlns time until tony lakt It. The Rrxulator ia a pa r If y tax , at ran s t h a a I n a . tonic, which gats at th.ruotaol to. diaMs. and cores theeanae. II does aot drag tha pain, It eradicates it. It atop falling of the womb, leacorrhaa, liinamntMioa mna pt serlodlc) affwTini'. Ir- reHUltr, cttnty or painful menstruation; aDd by doiny All thift drives iwiy th bandrtd untl on achat and naln which drain health Lcnd baauly, happiftaaa and fiawti icuiiiri iiwiu asiaasi j aa womia'i llfa. II la tha oaa remedy above all other which every woman tbould know about and uee. IM pmr bottla ay arvf aitwa IUe-1 lew or free Ulaitrmied tuoh. The Brdflttd Hfgalttor Co. AtUnU, 6a. CAEOLIKA DISPATCH LIKE, fRIlflHT k PAS8HCH. Far All PelfltM Xertb. The Steamer NEUSE trill Vsara m Maftdart, Wadnaaiart, tad rrway at f a, m. thara, Mag In C lavradinn tt OriraUl, MtJ Boaav oka lUad. IfAGM nElD. The Str. Hewberne IfH lfa al U rrtdaya, at Orlsarlat, 1 If" Frwjgkt raaalra4 aad Uaa bm) kaar waatuaj ta Bailiir. WW tot talarwjaiiaaj tflj to . 0X0. BODE&S0X. Aft K K. Kiwat, Oaat. He-, !Xanraain,Caa.rrt.AraaavAct ITarlaa. Tav r.n.PcIIrtIeTf ' . ATTwtHI AT LAW. ' jdha trwX. Lararyvaya IrVt eaOdIac4 aw c davswaaa, AUP.Vaw aTTXJIT1a1 fSCSSIUS HW. aW fmi ', swear I JT I Old DomlQion Steamship Co ' naatkath a i n in I aaa taaWr thnfcrtia at eniataana. TtaaaaraIBjir isaawan i lanaa a.iiai mil aaparcav In I in ibb aaa ratajy tssaa aa aiaalatLty fae btaat aaay&r aaA rvvwyt aad aNia I -fevtona aad ha are ggycd awwaiiiwateeaa. a MiL aaai Caavar. SaeaMla. rMrtam.TtR- as aaat taaajarity at fcaaaaM aBaaeatt aw. owaacd cy aiarira- nwtaacatbaiayiai S4aaisiiiaarircT Tb9 a- aad iae benas af cokw aad strrajth to yoaKhfal tvVw. m mil V I bb , vbjaeuBc aaoen aapacahHy aaaas aaSr siuaa taaa i in li an aisaa I isimnniaain la nirnn tiiiii ri inr uma; wwat pevm w- aay esaaasl uaataaiat cam case. Uteascs that tnt ta the NrVkl, wlwtber tbrr saiaiti il lam' I as aarera, tsSM& bvkrirj. wjrKiv artMtdr v Ke pnxv nyL.u. a wac aad tCVmd pann snac s S & . wiiKh elT ann.Me asl awwerahset bkne4 kwwww ami hwjworv .t rv-!- h?5! txttis t.eik- pooped tac that ao other biva ambniae ea. R c.v Aoa-a to tv rr fnnMia Wt . th dawase ml cfiJarestrs rVra tke ia rwrr- fttfttJ p"ahff tiurr Ji-v3",a! cJiwiyivT or tiv arxB awt claca the evvt:Hercn. tt NaM wy and twirwrtu CBrd srhJi arw rich Mood, tire (reaend health becroa to tanraxiee, masdea amaagei- aad aorta aad twiaon ot etarr hind diaarriear. & & S. cttheeaJr eaaranteed rarctv and ajot axUaMeia all blood disease, tt has been twt ra thoosos f w darnw the pxst fiftT vers d k unore rnraUr tvUy rn ewt will be to end yoa oar b(k free, aad if hi weed ot RKvikwl ntKiw rnte txw pKvevin all aboet yxoar case; this tnforaaation will cot yon nrvthin and tonus from wpTl eared aad cdacated doebwa. Alt twewioadewce is cdocted m atikteat TKB SWIFT 6PtFK OOMHAJSY, ATVANIA, OA, Administrator's Sale. North Carolina, I Superior tavwa County. J OnaH Ttrneaaaf McCarthy Admlatstrator of Oliver lpeck neceaaatt, v Virginia KlitabeU Iporh, and ethers. zale ol land to aiaae aoseta to pay drbta. Panaaat to the decree of sale In Ihv above entitled prooeedlnpa peadtog la the Suiierinr Court of Craven county to sell land to make assets to pay the. debts of the deceased, I will offer for aale and aell for CASH to the highest bidder on Monday the 8d day of June neat at the hour of 18 o'clock m. at Public Auction the Court Honae door of Craven county, subject to the Dower and Klght of Dower, of the Widow, Virginia Kllaa- beth Ipock. all the following described tract or parcel ot land lying and beint attualed In the County of Craven, tMalr f North t arolina, fully tioscrlheil In those sundry deeds duly recorded In the office of the Reelater of Deeils ot Craven County, and hearing; Hie dates respec tively as follows: 8plcvr Ipock ami wife to Uilver Ipock, italen June lntli 1830. recorded In Book No. 100, page S21i. Wlllonrhiiv inocn to Oliver ipock, hy deeil dalud June l.lili, 1SXQ, rocordml In book No. 100, paca 33. Blephen ami tlurlcu Ipock to Oliver Ipock hy deeil daieii November Kiud lHo-I, roconled In Book No. U3, pato 97. Alton Uaaktns to Oliver Ipock Deed dated Nov. lMh, lws recorded book Ko.m, page vo. sav log and excepting 84 acres conveyed by RufHn Slturklna by deed raeordod In aald Oliver loot to Hook No. 140. pago 84U. to all of which aald Iteoorda reference ia made for a ful1 description of aald land, which la now embraced In One Paicol, containing hy est Inial Ion M acres more or leaa The boundarlcaconlalnnd In the several Deeds ooverlng the ontlm tract Described. Tiioa. r. McCarthy. Admlnlstrslor April lftth, 1001. Nale For 1'nrtHlon. Hy virtue of a Judgment and order In t certain special proceeding before Wm. M. WaUon, Clerk In the Puperlor Court of Craven county mads and rendered May lOtb, 1901 In a certain mailer whr In VY. F. Hill and II. V. Hill, his wir are plaintiffs, and Hsmoel Mutton, John Button and Emily, bis wlfa, Charley Ant notion and otbera, and lbs bslrt of Ileo Benllsy and J no A. Beollsy art dfsnd sate I will as pose for aale si public nut' cry st tbs Court bouse In New Iters ai is o'clock, m, on Monday, J una 17th, 1W1. for cash to the highest bid dor, the following land, situated In Iba County of Craves tnd rUate of Nona Carolina oa tba north aids of Neus Ulvsr tnd Taylor's ersek a boat Of test miles above Mew Bert la tba fork of Nause River tod Taylor! eraak, beg la olng at tba month of aald eraak and rent so lbs eraak to tba Has of tba lead of tbs hairs of Wm 0. Bryan, lata with the Hryaa Una to taM rivwr tad that dow I the river to tha baglttlag, eoatalola f0 acres eaora at lass Also M aerss at ChlaqaaBta Wdga tdkrlalag Iba latd of raaaar fisisoa, foraarfly tha land of Baa Jam la IteatWy, riaewaal. m. u. wniTBiivHivr, Coasasiatioaaf May.lOlh, IMI. - Truta talm. Br vlrlas of tha aawar tsatad la at b iWasrtala Daadsf Traat, dated tha tetk. day af Jaa lt(W aad s sera tad by lbs Iba Kaat CaraHaa rtab, OntaW, Gaaw sad ladastrtal Atasatstled, 1 wlU tsaoae ta sale at Iba Coen Mate dawf htMaw b-set at the boar af It 'Van as., aa Moaday tba ttb day of Seas, 101 u tha blgbawt Mddag all that aaw- Ja ataea. taewat a traet Of M at bsad lyVsg aad hatag m iba wee aww af Uars ttrast, Mtlani aa Iba rsav aval Mmtiatiit lUaad la iha r a al kaaayjr 4. wa) lbs anaaasara lata- e'aWe'Je'aej eBa4el vVwa)e5 flw4 4eJelBla MfeJaffaL raaaiag tba sea aarthwawtly alaag aaM araataliaag frtae Majat si Uaa at 11m aad bara thaw as tmt W aha at tartar M tawat, tsgsabsa arhb all tha baOdtaga. faasetaf aad . Hag Oat hue-1 laawaad lhaaaaa) a salt by 9m sad Ca4 fsesbaa. ftab tyraw. OaaM aad ladaatrtal AawaHaltaa. ea aad rwad ka aasaal ftaawa as saa faar AaM aawa I awaAa aaa yaws af f pa wa aa. ...... fb, aaaaM a swat SMI jaawiwl aaaSx. at tha Uaff- daia. rva f TaaalhafSavt - X.. lant t. T ess " . 7 rwata. rr. T7. r:: l- aaawa aa4 taa aa ll ai ma aa aaa-wta aaiaw St-la la days lanMiaflar,. aVaM rwaaatt aaraai aar saeea aa tw) n an nd aan.l Sol a. lawas I r r. . a U i nei, VbnaaAOeaKa ttat Wacbt e Mac KaS. ra tla iayh tbe bwt Baaajaa llBYCaaeaa fcsuiuA8av awa wamtat tVMr afcJMeakaCtbM the baiy asat acwrrsh- aad brasca. lb, a a5ialaaia'i I awsaet-n. IvItowMbsss. CaSanK aacaaa. Ef903 fS thC LtWaaaaairiaiasaKeeaa. T JUl SlrGXSia U iwnaa. whose bvwi the bet. l tiaered tvrrae Wu rt $t55w (-oavicsMR? .l eJ iw aew Hieavth d vftatity tn the U twwnti rtx bhwd. and acfera the aiteries and xtns are ey mKtablr Wood rwnfVv. and the rret Atlntin UtrntorV Xtlr flavins thla dav onaltnrd an Admlnlw. trator with the will annexed or the last will aad teatajnent of Miss Harriet!' Uane, deceased. All persona are herehtlnotlneil ii nre sent all claims held br them against said oatate to me duly an theat tested, on or before the 4th day ot May A. I lia or this notice will r pleaded In liar of Re covery. Aad all person Indebted to aid astute are requested lo make tmmo Hate settlement. Tblt May 4th, A. D IttOI. D. R. DAVIS, Anmlntatrator C T. A. eMale ot liar rletie Ine, deceased RECEIVKRS SALE Ot Valuable Saw Kill, Pry Kiln, and llm bm. Steam Turs, And Other Property. Pursuant In I lie decree of Ibe ClriMib Court of llio I n I led HUt in fur Ibe KitM em Dlalrlel ol North Carolina, Nea Uern Division, In that certain action therein pending entitled It. tV Neal ami other vs. Ueorge H. lltlaas ami t oin pany, entered al New Hern, al the Apill term ol said Court A. II twit, liy willed the uuilerkleiioii receiver appnlnted b salil .leurl, wore illreeleil anil Inslnieleil lo sell the In' mo ileai rllnl nmiierly al Carollua t IIY tarteret eounly aflnr Mil days aitverlisement, and report tbelt aid sale to I bo Court mi ten daya notice as In aald decree illreeleil, their fore, aa receive is ariinlule'l In the almvr enlllled aellon ami under aald dei ree wo will offer lor aalu on the iiremlari a Carolina City Carteret roiiiily Nun Carolina, on Mnndny I lie 'M ilar ol .1 m in binir nf in A I). IIMU iHyiniilug al tbu o'clmk ul lliftl liny, all nml inti wing ileaerllieil real ealali lar Ibe foil. ami pnraonsl tiroperty In wit; Ibe rnrlain Iraet of land allnal'il In Carlorot onutity Norlb Carolina In New port township colilalnlng IWI0 ai iea mnri or lesa fully ili acrlbad In tbu pali nl anil (rant No. MWnl riateil Inne 1 Utti A II lmw, and reonMod In the onto of irula tar nf deeds In said ( arlsrat iinly In hook V. V. t Ill to which referents b mads for full dnaorlpllnle Also all thai certain trsol of land illiialed In said 1 ar tarst eounly and In Newport loanable coDlalnlna 1 14 aciea mora or leaa, fully described In Ihe patent and grait No I8NW dated June Itlb I WD, anil ridirdav In the office nf said raslatar of ilseda In bonk V. V pais Id Also all Ihoei tracts of land situated In aald Uartsrei county and known as Hie Thorn. Land described In s deed of James M Holmes asd wife lo William A Thornf which la feglstered In th office of ssbl register of Deads It book t Y pa tf to W, corwlailng of thrse traa ta, In all IIM acraa mors or leaa, belnf tha san, laid onnrsrsd lo aald It " hy dead registered la Iha office nf asld rsglaier ol daeda la book M. M. page tM- Alsasll tba llaslar ot every kind bleb was eotvatad lo asld R Neal by Kdwtrd II. Hill sad wits by dead fsilstarad la said tries la book v V age tt wllb til rights ooavsyed by aald dead: Also Iba timber of all kltda tad all tight tad Bflvllagas eoavsysd to said H. n. Maal by MstlU K. Ooulo Zaaisik (faraaf aad wlft by t dead ragkMarsd la taM offle I book V V tag Id. Held Uadt tally daserlbsd In t ewrtala ssortgsg a dead tested br H R real ia r. a. ui ta tvia ear at ialf Vttbi sad rafisaawsd fa lbs ofllat at asai aagietaf af dead It boot Y V Ket m m tad tl. A lea law fnl lag traet af lead sflaatsd la Oaslow anastf Monk Oeollaa aa (lease eraak aad taawa as Ike MrwaoM isad i tatadad aad aaaarfbed a Ml- Ha glaelag al Iba laadlaf aa said tjw MMM aaay akteft It aaal at the BMVIft a Pmrurrpm brsaeb ad raat iiiawi aaeta aer awd as aa taw saet II aa-AW rhaiae Ikawre soelk tWaasst IttaVia rhaSM, ibsasw aarU IT east M ab-tea absbaa, ia s la bwssitn, Ikian awwlb M east It ebalaa. lhaaaa aaat Maa-a II asd m aiaasat 14 m eaawaa ta t atad to W aaaa, tkawaas aastb IT await II at. saw shatastatat t4. Ibaaaa aaatb M aaat ttb-tat abstas, lkaa ah if t kawstitsa, thaws si Id aaetaay avaaag aaaib tabVtat ehalaa, Uaa as awatb ta wat m JaVfds) aialas taWd Ha 0 fhaaaw aatwb M sw4 II IB Ml hahaa l tftni twast, I aaa as ilia) a wU a.a a Oa Wl.aa Ik aaat bawdia-' Oaasasalag ata tvear aware af bwa. r.rtf n Brit, t la t Swart gwaa dead Sa rba bitaa( ftaa st Ba hara as aja.aial la Sa adkaa at tt ataaawwat Oaalvw saaaif b) b II W A" ' ..'' eaag at taaa) tyd I a raaa.ia.iy a 1 aiaeas mm evv( iwUsf R Ha T ay I -a ta t tnB.iaw (aa W f aaei 9 a-s s u asr.aa , aaa a (a aaa as m w ral a fa. aaat ky la iaa4 M talis, ewf fmae-ag Iw waS at fie,t Iaa4 a-.i,t M I-lf g t rb m ,- fat st a ,b a a r aa., I ataaia a i, I' -."' aat SS aw aa va g a ( 6. f 1 Ua t km I" a , . -a r a. 1 f , ' - r a-a a f w i i - ' wa-. a--i - a s rJV"' a atv A A S IeaMaarWeM paa, j aatber mto e m4 ewwev. eVrlanr nwhwww'Jv m aaa, e m .-venM tbnN, vwmwwmTi ''iViWaawaetelaalsiaatrt reawvd M m i . Mat- ?-JAe bewtaabag eeaMwI. ,weeesseeaMi;reai saewe e 6?br-a-ewdeed ia a S ', "V fwa K S New) j w reotvtcd . tbeedtsweif la. I ert-v r ee Cwrtrre, eeawtv la Atw w ilf vr-;j irw- et awd wd the it-she rcbi fceew aKawvyt .a ' w;vy. Nrtrth taTewx fal:y J e. by Cftirewa rSatiV New Hera, whi, h Vtv Vrti 1 x tweiteit ta JtVe ,v? t-fvet ( 3lXl,yN! WT ' KvV V T 5 et w ertenenxx fc. wiim. !o i f; .'esx-nptt Alw the ie,t r tNr t ; 3rd ;ytrti Ibe ewaeu ef Jewev a-newaM. r;lj ,ie-wbe,t t a rfe.,t nviwi teynce Hait a?,', citherw. Ki KS K y -W vMrvJot e tby- vv l the rnrHivT ,M ,m J,e eewiMA in ali e ot Hnrf ereA. lViiiiwt the lands ef tMwaed ! Jwie. ,"hAvs.M, d J.ha Yeat,, rrvaeriv Ibe land of rkom Day arid tWrve II ay itisvaoe,! Aso sM 1 lie plae, at. and b ! cypres ttvaK-r now Mandtr,$ ,ii-w(t; r wbh-b hil trvw during the lerta d tea rear from July tb !". ,Nf ibe Se f l? Inehe, e ibe eetialn Ud ia trlerel cority tn New tVn tow n hlp. lying and being oa Ibe head of .-tew ivrt nver an.t ia ihe noi-tbweai fork of Ihe same, rtMilalalne ,W sore except eb a ha been heretofore ,v,t. beirii flrteMi acre, a watered to R t eal by Mephen trarwer on ,llr t'th llW. bv deed rewle.t In the reivnl of atd county In Iwk V paae All the llmW t'of Ihe ire of M 1nche at Ibe timp when em now lyint ov Rivlne, or which shall during the lerm ol lirieen rear Irom Ihe lh day of March Ua l lying or siandlntt iberenn. noon ihe i"ertain It-act of land King In Carleivl eonntv N. t" In New iVrl lownahlp, be Ing In Ihe head ot IVeo Creek wn eonlalnlng Si acres, and conveyed lo Ihe said R S Neal hy Thomas F Msnn and wife by deed dated March lb Ilka, ivwla lereil In Iniok V V of ald twonl pane AIo Ibe llmbet In fee simile, on Ihe following tivl of land. One hiim and being tn what 1 know a .I'miplim Uun anil Peep t'rin'k Sivina on thi earn side ot North i!ct 10 U 1 ; or ihe Irael known aa Ihe ' Hlnipson I reel " Alto one liart Know 11 ibe Y. II Waller pmeni i-ioilnlnlng I'lil ni-iea, moie Inlly deaetlla'd In book K. K pane HI ot ibe ollU e of the Ili pMei ol Heeila of I'aileret nmnli Also (lie traet com meiu'lnu al Ibe north neat eornei of Hie V II Waller VIII aerwttael 1 11 11 lit hu -mil li IISI pole. Ibenre west Ilk) pnlea, iben Mortb tfili polea iben eaal HlHI polen. then ninth 100 pnlra lo anbl patent, Iben weal Willi aald Jill m'le palenl lo Hie UeiHnnlnir ltelnu lb" ainne rotiMivid lo It 8 Neal by V. II. Halter by d I ilaled A uurn-l I lib I Mini 1 mlml In aald ei'iuda bool V V iae l.'iH A la, nil ibe merchantable thnlier oT and above the lr of IV Inehea now bUihIIiik and aroalii( or wlileb may la iluttn Ibe lenn of two yeai f mm Hie lai day of lamiary HMHi, ilanillim lylhn or uhiwImk on tbu Hail of I nil I l)ini( In t'aileii'l t'oiinlv Iteanfoit Tow iiphln ln the I wet aide of N'lilb livei, mid Louili Weal of ItliaReD'a rleeh oil II. --I piollK f norlb ilvei conialnlnu Ml noca inure or leu. iimyi-yeil lo l( M 1 n I by Hi. nun W Hlinpaon I 1 dicil lated Jainiaiy Ul IIMMI and rw m dud In be Kiiiilalcr of lined a 0III1 f aald unty In I k V V. iii' til I All the 11111 H it I I nehes al the base or which may be ylnii alamlliig or glowing il.illni; the mini ol year from .lamiary lai IIHSI n tract of land In aald eounly In Mean fort In w 11 all 1 11, on North river and ad nliilng anil f iinnlnar wllli Hi line of llebard Wbltehural, cnhlaliiliie I in acres, nnd cunveyed tn li H. Neal by leorgn W Hlmpaou on Hi lai day of annary IWSI and recorded In the aald llrxlslei's oMIne book V V iage l K Alan sll Hie atanillns tlmlier of Hie aire nf 19 Inches or wlil.l hiay r lo .alii air during the lerm of I 1 yeaia. in 111 trai l of land In i'arterai coiiniy While lak lowniblp, on Hie eaai aide of While Oak river Uulnnliie al Hi moil ih liainom Out or I'm! and fully ili rlliai In Ihe deeil from I an lei I Wet Sa 10 II It, Neal ilaled Mepleni l Htli IWtl from which aald .lai. Iha lerm nf II yeera Iwalria In run. aald deed rroordMl In Ibe ofllee of Ihe oftlc of the llealalar of Hnail "f I'arlMrl miontf Is (HXik V V, pa lll Also that oartsls twenty year bold lntrl, ermiilail with lh rlihl of parohaas, with all rent fully paid for Ik entire irm of asld let, of til thai neritln trarl of land In Carter! etniniy al Carollsa City, rm ih aonlh .rf Ibe A A ft. (' R H . adliHalni ih land evrstayad In II a Nl by W af WaMi, ad Inlly daemiiMi hnva, and an Jot ni in ik Isad nf 1 be A.AM (II II. Cis asnf , sad th channel of ling n on. tad lb leads of Xarlla Mom Willie and T Kaana. -" akMb I Ineated In fib) aad dry ilia M tab! H. Nsl Akwi Ikat ftrtal as mill Inetiad na lb leMS'U JiH ev Aaserlkad, eM mill barlaf Meara utataaf 1 1 irewisr, r iraellf of sbwel 0,I1 ft ft day, wlik II eagle, hnflar, balllse, ahafllngs, tailarya sad all Mkr Varl. Iiiarasswd spallsaeaa, sad aio ta toleti dry kiln, bar. wn refidiait, sa a.rel aajl All MkM Salaaaa. In .1 .J aaW lead Ahw aM raayla, e. Hag. wad in, loesad na rsM lead of ht iba fm4, aad aA rafllaf. gaef, aagaae. weaj ee)tT Mr tbjejpaawf ( avwtf fl1lsaii Ahsa aanata la ia lag baat asajaawsit isrsi as laa - wnsa fc, llrasa," aad Mhae Mas ff beast um nnur. a saaad at aa4 grffW AeM eaW Wf fleJaJW-wT1 n(trvb), fWf tVV' ef Cw'rwl v ewW wWai fw W v f Im H m. at It tstsat at tf Meast rflf eeieX lewbl w i. la fafaaaeJaBva BafaaJaBBfaate Aaaf t eabwT lWaTFawawv lW vatmj Baarar"vyag VmyrBm Mej1y 0 &90w&i eW eaaaafd't. aad aktah I 4eWeJ ek ftff wlTT0f fce ttj w tawA Wtaa flaWaejay va' By1WaeTaa" weVMrV frgay s4 SWad aatft a aK tM aad bail at la aa4 M. . ftaet to aas a4 tN ashai rtrhe. a laad, what - a atadtaaValtLataA etataSaat awfaawakBaaae afaam, wa""a"t, PaW e""rvv"" ww ee"aw ajpaWawjy nraB' Hmmvm aa mvw eWtaayaejaJ faW r"eW ( aeabjt fPtfbflmtfQt t- laws taa sa at W la lar fna aa bay 4 a 'Wat tl aaVaan'B at aaa, 1 be baa a ea da ekaVfabft f avyatataj WV daftinvV4twya 4 aa taasta a wrawt ST Sa galdfaiat, 1tAWAav lBt . - fv, ' 7" giaaana. W aaaaa oar.r I Va. 7 laaiaa, - . a., fciv-..' awl I i a a r a i m f i a C i Hra:aaa .g . fW-. Ta t - - - af ( - f -a - j I i - - i I . - - - 4- I ha aaXI f" f wr awat I m asir'. tla 'e"-,e ir. nIA4af at ' l t AM IIct? E : rr. "5 lei C. .. s - rm y es I . ; 1 fit fit, ,