1 i . ; VOL X1X-N0. 67. IIW BiaH, M. C, THURSDAY M0RIIS8, JUKI 6, 1901. TWINTISTH YIAtt, IMPORTS PREQ6DS STONES. PENSION ROLL GROWS. JL mi See New '9? 8000 yards Dimities in 76 different patterns, good values Jf? at lOu, our price only 5c yard. New Pi's Heavy Cord, JJ regular pi ice afn; and 30c, special price this week 20c. Ji Beautiful Sheer White Lawns, 40 inches wide, that usually Bell at 30o and 35c, now only '20c and 25c. jfi . Wo have a few short lengths in China Silks, 32 inches wide, that sold at 50c to 85c, we will close out at 25c & 35c. flS Don't forget to ask to be shown the French Nainsook Or 4Jjk gaudies, lace fctripes nnd dotted Swiss- t HACKBURN AS (Us 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. I Fresh Corned 5 Mullets 5 JUST RECEIVED. 3 Also a fine lot Small Pig Hums, Pic Nic Hams and Small Breakfast Strips. Fox lfiver Putter 30e lit., Cooking Butter 25c lb. m Give me a call for unytliing in the grocery line and I will SAVE YOU MONEY. Yours for business, J. 12- JPjT&ZZB Jr., Wholesale and Retail Orocer, PHONE OH. Cor. Kroiul afc Ilnncock Him. LIME RETAIL 20c Pk Gauze Doors ami Windows, New Stock, Wirr Cloth lor fitting up old ones, Wire Faint to make old now. Furniture Varnish, O. Var nish Stains for house and kitchen lurniture. Ice Cream Freezers, Witter Coolers, Dangles Oil Stove, Agateware, Tinware and a full line Cooking Stoves. Our stock of Faints, Oils and Enamels are complete. A selected stock oi Hardware and Building material. Our prices are the lowest Ooods sold as represented. I'HONK 147. to Minoui ftr, MORRIS Hmt, U'IMlor. VIH North i l,.-rt -iL. IUIIiiii. r.-. H.f TWUSTI;l:S 5AI.R Of SI4c wbctl Skimcr "cruc t.. Till' Scliwatr "WiUIjm L SIbmii," Stbeoacr "Msttl WklU" in4 2 Onatt Vni. I y Ttrtn il an order th I 'ailarl ta Ii.tr4 I ,mrt l,.r th. UiMri.4 Ml Z i lnm , I.T-k.,T. I atfaMl. tm !, hi ii bj fnihlw tart Um. at IU.-I. . tltl. I .4 .4 tall ,tr-lll .Hy. ,H.-.W. M.I..XN UltmfKV. mi fck ii.vrJt'ir. 1-.. .. . ..v ..i. it i.,it..wi.r . mm. -Lb- Nif iu-n t- niL- l,n i. r. las i... ffM .m Kt Mb all hrt Afir rlMMtrr "l'liia u. w 7Zm. ' farta, bfiSlh MA 4 fAk . tkmrnrt "llattia W b4.- S tr. ta Imm SMHt, toain A, Iwa4tli .. Ui va. ul, f 1 (, a k a nanii , fantltwra, me, rt. ivb4 a, lftii tmmtm .a, nrftm a. Cri ew ha t, . fta IN44llL . Imss 4 fate rat A 47 svattilkHMlKi 4 Um fulam ml t Iwaasa. aaw flow asaa Ml 4 hm otlwf Is at tlx Urn M sat im was win t aa ii4ni i swiNiMim Mkay, Jaa art, IMi.WsawkaU. " ' tXlHjtfl, Trs, A falWa-v, H4. ' Goods! I o o o o I f Qasklll Hardware Co. NEW BKKR, If. O, DobWa Parrall, At Tartar's Star, I2J-I2S PayatUvlIU St Riltifk, N. C STRAW MATTINGS Japans Contribution. " . 'arvw wmUUsWi Tii JaAnoNs at aTutt4i 1x.' rl.na. rtarvlb.n Hurt lonrk U ' . . rnwsiiiuns,, i wr mav- uo ? ao dainUlf m4 airily oolowd ThdrBioUUt-nl ' r"". 1 DttritqalalM DMtttJ, U alt 4 MuLsrt IkfJ ffiv, the if darabllitr andtWr womWfai la. to . . . l. iw 1 1..! 'wiwHenfj iakt) tlvn lmiaU tUj f, (dsaaiar rnosMt. 40 Jarda ermaa ia tall, tut VI will ent as qiunUlT. , 10 v.rrla entau ta a full tail m a qiuntitj. Frio an XSc, Uc, Mr, 664, mm! "5c, l yaL D0IUN at FCRALU Far IXmL. 1 w( J? J ' tWiails4 f-a'aud, Nm1 waf 1st as4 S4 tasra. Aaely W Oa. insmr, s K C. Btaao Penitentiary Still eating Subject of Goslsp. This Iaititattoi Reported at Batted Supreme Coart may Continue Uatll Satarfay. Close Ia gpectlo Had of Char itable lastltatloas. Raxbioh, Jane 5 The State Board of Education li called to meet to elect a State board of public tchool examiners. The latter will hare charge of the negro normal tohools and will alto elect teachers for them. The present ; board offezamlnera Is composed of M. G. S. Noble, Rev. A. N. Campbell and L. L. Bobbs. George Gurganus of Greene county, an Inmate of the soldiers' home here, Is at the point of death. Secretary Deason of the Bute board of public charities says this year's In spection of the penal and charitable In stltntlons Is a very close one. The Trustees of the State Normal and Industrial College at Greensboro meet there tomorrow. The meeting was to hare been held during commencement, bit there was not a quorum. The State text-book commission adopts the history of the negro race by E. A. Johnson, colored, of Raleigh aa a test-book for negro schools. It was expected that the Supreme Court would adjourn today for the term, but this was found to be impossi ble and next Saturday Is now thought to be the day. The penitentiary Is In straights. As A. Brown, one of the directors, ssys It la "busted." He says he opposes, and understands that the other directors op poso planting anything more on tbu lowlands of the State farm on Roanoke river, that the leason taught by that treacherous stream this year ought to be a lasting one. He favors replanting tho uplands and devoting attention to them It is not probable that the farm dyke, 1500 feet of which was swept away, will be rebuilt until autumn. It la probable that 150 convicts -v ill be put on contract work this month There are now 240 employed on such work. Of them 40 are on the Aberdeen & Ilocknsh rail way, 60 at Asbeboro, 40 at Weldon, re building a canal; 80 making streets at Franklinlon and 00 at work on a rail way near Tarboro. There is a desire for an investigation of tbo penitentiary. It may not be made, ai the last legislature did not give authority to send for per sons and papers. The books are not yet written up. Until this great task It done nothing can be figured on. Ectema, saltrheum, tetter, chafing Ivy poisoning snd all skin tortures arc quickly curod by DeWlll's Witch Ilnzel alvc. The certain pile cure. F. 8. Duffy A Co. Constitution Badly Crippled. NiwroitT, K. I , June 4 -While da Ing along in a good whole-sail breeze off Hren ton's Iteef lightship this afternoon, with three lower sslli set the big hollo steel mast on tha Belmopt syndicate cup defsader Constitution collapsed like blow pipe through the sodden breaking of the windward spreader. The Constitution will be taken to Bristol tomorrow morning, where an other steel mast Is nearly finished. The yacht will In Immediately refitted, bat It will be nearly ten days or two weeks before she will be la shape to sail again. Bl Steamer la Hot Race. C'LavaXAXD, Jaaa 4. The 100-mlls race from CUvslaad to Erie today be. twaaa the Cwvalaad pasesagsr fteamar Oily of KrU, w4 by the Clevalaad aad Baffalo Traastt Oosapaay, aad la Tasastoo, Dsasotl't arack psasasgsr boat wad by la Whit Bur Com pea y, was la sassy rw pacts lbs bmmi noteworthy ran vf sailed oa freak watar. Tk Krl covered tktt dlataae la boars II alaalat aad sasoada, paeaiag ta stake boat at Brl atoood ahead f ika Taikauu. AaMa frnaa wlaals lkeM4 aeaptoa.klo of lb OrM ia apewa aaaapwavaip m ta unas I laksa, la Kri woa aaowl $100,000 lot lawaoMiuomaao waica iarao sky aad lb as aa alawwl a aalsi a a BtlHaoad. Tkaat rna4lti HI BMTS asMalUIUlb TakaMrt. a aba Is a - a.. - V ,"JV. JLi la V.. 7 "f aa, klM la Brta aa ! travel fM Sn all tllla. Tk antra was flaadlfma sun 1 tabh with i- Mratoa WiaU nt all klU aad Ika 1 ttaTwI racrowiM abb smu um,!u B,.ta atl aa .tu. a. 1. - - ' B salt aa boar aar. It was akw1 trm laa sul. pM.t ig nA aarMt ralrperl wltftw 14 tVW f- f Ibasa sssmtha bl4 aar rival tnm 9 slrsmrt I Asatahato a saada M a. pUMtala,atlaally kk4 f a4 rival CASTOR I A TftV fafaaLa aai fr.'.'.j'relL T.I lA Til t::;M -t. For May 1901 Largest on Record. Over Three Million Dollars in Value Nw York, June 4 Gen. George W. Mtndll, special jewelry examiner at Ibis port, has submitted bjs monthly report of precious stones passed during May. The diamonds and precious stones, cut, passed were valued at $1,944,875.87, while the uncut diamonds and precious stones aggregated $1,835.877 78. The total Importations for the month reached the high valuation of $3,837,798.34. Gen. Hlndll, In a leport to Appraiser Wukemau relative to the Importations, says: "Wnen in July, 1890, the Impor tations tiTrough this room reached the figures of $2,518,688 21, in the best year on record, we never expected to see them equaled in any one month for many years to come. We wore sur prised last month, then, when they were surpassed by over $25,000. And now, during the mouth ending Friday, about $600,000 has been added to the record thus made. "If June shall furnish the average re sults of the last eleven months It will be our pleasure to report at the end of the fiscal year Importations of precious stones equal to tho entire four years' Importations under the second adminis tration of President Cleveland, when the Wilson tariff was In force." A large number of wholesale diamond dealers of till ami otlmr American cities have visited London, Antwerp and Am aterdam the past few months and have made large purclia.es of stones. The buying on llie other side has by no means slackened, as' many rcpreaen tatlvo Nhw. York Importers are now In the diamond markets. The unprecedented Importations of precious stones so far this year Is taken to reflect the general prospeiity of tl.e country, which permits the people to in vest in such luxuries. Danger, disease and death follow ncg lect of the bowels. Use DeWltt's Little Early Risers to regulate tliem anil you will add years to your life and life 10 your years. Kasy to laxo, never gripe F. 8. Duffy & Co. Circulation Per Capita. $28.13. WashinoTon, June 4. The general stock of money ot all kinds In the United states on -June 1 was $2,479 ,962,908 being a decrease of $3,501,652 In May The amount In circulation is $2,184,576,. 890, or an increase of $119,889,019 com pared with that of the same period last year, Based on an estimated population of 77,047,000 the circulation per capita Is $28.18. Won English Derby. Special to Jeuroal. London, June 5. At tho Epson raring carnival, the Derby, with stakes A.flOO sovereigns, was won today by W. C. Whitney's, Volodyovskl, in a field of twcnty-Ave entries Electric Power House Wrecked. Special to Journal. K1100KI.TN, June 5. The great part of the Immcnw electric power lioune, of the Brooklyn Klcctric railway, waa wrtckid today by nu eiplo.loo. Virflnta-Carollna Leafne. dpeclal to Journal. IUlrioii, June 5 Kalelgh H, Nor folk 7. Wilmington, June 3 Wilmington 8, Newport News t. Supreme Court Opinion. Hpaclai to Joaraal. RaLaioa Jans S. Tb Soprsros Coart A lad ta (ollowlsg opinions today: VanderMIt ra. Brown, afflnaad. Parry vs. W. N. 0. Railroad, asw trial. Urlakley vs. BrlakUy. error. Catur va. Lambsw Co., fross Wasa latioa, amnad. Huwart va Boataara Hallway Do , at SrsMd. DtUih k ntaatswMM. o!1ntvoct BrlsTbt takaa ate. bctabUj fulufsd chart to 0 ta i ,Ucl tspssassiU tmwmt aa nsJaralt aaawtasl araaa I KytB at jn m aaantk, whil i, ala a bnit of BlaxbaaT to a land aoothe city dark b4ow kr I bonk a littJ SMaofany dt kt $3"0 swoiilh, ' . Mr. JVtM objU that ta chart rn0"rrt tor ttrmr1- wh(, rauf 4 b mawlnf by' SMS- .... ... ' lla Si' wklla IS Alktmvr rut Was t m VfU a mooth Mt or bis 1 40 for boanl IraWlna and t far. Ala ll btln mm wkVk are leokln for brtaM rMW ) fcw book at 17a) a saoMk Crfal) kfw tk4r ma V? J "1 aanall "ad." enieam at ta siavapapvca. . tk4 aaly 4-w ot i rbart t tkat M a asrktd t "asaka awpll latofe." Tbla as iraa. tt 4 asaka taaaa lalak that tk iatbols whlrk I' AlTiar IM ebart bar oswtHla tk M(t with IbHr lnl4Uriaala. It a ratWw 44 tkat taarb arry la ATot s saakln; papll tklak " WKm( vary bkriy A amall part at It ' Mry dtrwMt t tba AMtrabl atxt f snakIM 1 mfinmXm fhtnl M bsrt m9 bt rnlLM."kl' vaa ha 1 Is t ) f ! aaU This Tear's Record Promises to Break- That Of 1900. Washington, June 4. Horn names 111 be added to the pension roll the present final yoar, which end June 80, than were added the krt yeir, when 45,844 new names were entered. For the first 11 months of the present year the additions number 43,81)9. Ily the end of the month last yeai's figures will donbtless be passed. There were 48,334 nme9 dropped from the roll by reason of dett bs and other causes last year, and the net Increase was 2,010. This year's net incroisj will b about the same. Of the nuiniM added this year 460 are on account of service prior to the OlvU War, 36.308 are on ac count of tho Civil War, 3, 525 are on ac count of the Spanish-American War, and the remainder, 4,100, are resio'ations In addition to this great army 619 pen sions have been granted Involving the payment of $927,314 40, an average of $1,514.24 in each case.. These oases are known as "old minors," and for the most part appear on the roll for only one pay ment. The total number of claims filed thus rar on account 01 service In the war with Spain In 43,874. Under tho act of March 3 1001, providing for the repen atoning of widows wh.) married and again became widows, 1,9.0 claim, have been filed. Thore arc now alnut 150.- )31je nMoners who, under the ;t of 1893, rec elve the maximum rate of $12 a month. In addition to 43,399 now pen sions thus far garntod 5i),GS0 ccrtlllcates for increases, ro-ratlng and accrued pen sions have been Issued, making the grand aggrogate of certificates for all classes written during the 11 months 94 .079. Want to Raise $100,000. Wilmington Dispatch, 4ih. Messrs .1 A Arrlnyilnle, .1. Allen Taylor and I,. H. Saeser, 11 committee representing the business men who ire Ink tented in starling a new lino of steamers from Wilmington to New York made a canvass anions llie merchants to day lo get the dcnireil amount of slock subscribed. We have been In formed that the new company wantu $100,000 subscribed before putting the line Into operation and that one-half of that amouul has already been taken THE MODERN BEAUTY Thriven mi uoixl food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise In the open air. Her form glows with health anil her face blooms with Its beauty. If her system needs tbu cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant Hyrnp of Figs, made hy the Callfornls Fig rlyrup Co. only. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure DlgMta what yov aat. Satisfied Anglers are tlioae who tmrehaa tnpplira wr nave lit. vonds to please everyone from Bambfxi PnUn at 1&V u ISr, Hplll IWmrXK. Pnlm at $',W to $5.00. Lrnr line ot KmIs an the bmiL Have you nn ihm Hhakiira lbn- liittim Halt r It Is bottnr Uian Uv bait A $15 00 Ral oflarad to th mnuia who catches the lanreat baas with ihm of them. W rmrrv HiM,k In all alsaa, f 'lot, BoUj ia fari ersrythtng you want to catrb nan witn. IV T. 111X1 Meyelaa, Oaaa, Aataiatltloa, Orapa opaoaaa. Job rrtatlag, Rabb Buaip. ItaMMhtdlafk., KswfWa,M. O For Pleasure, .-. Business, Or Sport. Tba riATUtlwfl.;" at tb wbaol tt la tr awnifw fit tba au, tift wonftt f ttia ati awa, aw) mm It ay awta. I-. Tt. x:n(a:i:T05 1 rr.wjx ix. n;. IRltT II to cu And a nice lot Small ; Sugar Cured Pig Hams! allJNT RECEIVED. . Also Nice hit l-itiicy Cakus uiul Crackers FRESH STRAWBEKklES received from VV. H. White- hurst's farm every moniiiifr. I lvspcetfully solicit your pat- JJ ronage. Yours to Plea J.L 'Phone 91. MIL allBttLL Highest Artistic Standard. DSED IN 100,000 "HOMES The Prseident THE United States BEST MUSICIANS iBaSE For Fat-tory Prices and Liberal Terras, Address : W. F. BLOUNT, a I WelUBring Them. f2 When you select .111 1 1 I i as heir yotll 1 ; It of it i lull. We M ini the (inn 1 l ie.-. I.. , .-in hniiie Prompt 1 v :unl 1 .11 1 I nl i We ii"l only fin in-h t In- 1 Y 'Y (ilidCKKIKS. Ion m i k - 0 - UK Ht (' III I'll ll'll t In llr.ll heir The (leliclisirs .mil n. i h -1 1 li s III uhiiiiihtiire uhi ,iy 3 J. J, 1 OLaSON. Jr.. Broad St. Grocer. x Nice lot of IMg Haniw, IlrrnkfftMt Ilnran X aad Bl( Hams ta Ullr-o aa baai Holm lluiunl Dremlnc l'n rtl " Muttanl. llor lUdlth. Hakisl llrann -with nr itlo ut I . uimco. I'UkU nrt anil Knir, l'reen-wl lilniter, I-a A I'i rrinfc Aaore. I'lue 4 Labl Ketchup, anil many oilier ndr llilnf im. nume r-'in t mention 4 In inch a .mall ipa. DON'T K0IU1KT (Jt'fl C.IIC'KKNS. t L. M. Satterthwaite & Bro. S Phone 169, CCC344444444OGOOl ' Tb Wtowart M(l"U)tnc I btw, aa4 fVy Uikt wn w firhabry M ti KIKK-Rrl) HIM M stfweb by Ktbt- atac, a4 aas Mill stoat; Mart; gmm amTfWtfoa, Rau twtw Mw i lnaa l.a In fll - tmU ,M " ton. i w " .at t oa, - aiwa - . (xt'tNHs "". 100. ' , rHi-f j .w ' ' .ta ao. j ' (4 tabab4Wi, I . 4 4 ttMffeMl - I 19b. TWiatlrMW tatba. ' rU I 1-4)1 r.tft 1 llk A " l4 tmm ft Ar. IT vail H " jm tba t. xr. joM'-T, T7 riMJle titrtt. Harrrsi Wholetaale S & Retail 1 71 Kiwi HU State Representative, Raleigh, N. C. ' $ lt V Jf 3: Phone 137. z- 61 Broad Street. L!iLliok Store f II M Ml H K I1KC OMwKNUMi f . Moll. I rmf"d. an.l all If a nf tbla jrar'a mvaa fanar. 6. N. EnnetU Good Soda Ciiiiiaa frnaa (nn4 sniartal ns- l4 wrtb lawwtMff as4 ablU, W tba awry bwt at rrwjUilr. ' If M b) was lb la baptwaa aaftbli w 4o R Tbis cawl 4-waat ry aa baH a xb aa tb aUty. IMmm ks atltln( a4 stli k aa art b) Itaatt. tt ajssy aaaas Mlm, tfbapt tanllsK, ta yn, M yaw waarti tM tHU tpilrbt t4 taaaf bl M4 nM ttlfwacb WiUt f w UW'l s m wrawwi nmii vrwia n, tty 10 a44 In tba fso. Hi but tbaa it Hi aibt', tt aa Brwdraua'a Ml "Ota."

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