- . ... THE JOURNAL. jf Published every day to the year, except MS'v Monday, at Middle street. f i:''.'t'::'Hii No. 1 Z:;V;.r CM L. STEVENS. CDtTUK AMD FBOrRITnR. " . SUBSCRIPTIOJI RATES. -'- - Oo fear, in advance '1 $4.00 3 Om year, aot fit advance .. -',. $.00 , '-' Monthly,' by rrlerliiHlii chy..iii?-SO ' ; AiWertlsloa Rates faruUhed on appll Entered at the Post Office, New Bern, N. O., u second olas natter,:,i?T OHclat : Paper of ; New;; Ben ' u New Bers. N. C Jeae 5f,..l0I,' ... NORTH CAROLINA'S JMMIGRA- The resignation :of John W. Thomr. soa, recently commlaslimer o Immlgr" , tlon of North Carolina, ' wm cumed no doubt through lack of liealnes, It was stated at toe time that HberaVjlnda(. Btenti by the ocean tteamshlp and wes tern railroad eompanlee made It Impop stble to aeoare immigrant for this Bum. .... , The fact Is that foreign Immigration to North Oarollna has never possessed sufficient attraction of merit, to warrant the people of this State In making any strenuous efforts In securing It; , There are settlements ' in different places in the State of more or loss of a colony character,' but the people haTe generally come from some, other State in this country.. To secure Immigrants, It is necessary that liberal grants of ; lands shall - be made, and foreign Immigration Is not of the klnij which brings money' to bay land, however thrifty It may prove after becoming settled under the citizenship of any State. An Investigation of those who have come Into this State daring the past ten or fifteen years will show -that these new settlers brought money' With ' them, In additional to the ability to do good and skilled work. The character of the Immigration coming here Is of the kind to preserve the Anglo-Saxon race, which it peculiar ly distinctive of North Carolina's citizen ship. The feeling here is not one to bring any or all kinds of immigration to simply All up the waste places of the State, but rather to offer to any Intelligent and skilled Immigration the opportunity to become citUene here by - right of put ebaee oer-aa equitable basis, with- fall chance to' et re'' competence front- the resources offered and' M be Tound at hand, which kooest labor caa develop. Catant Cannot be Cared with LOCAL APPLICATIONS; a they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood' or constitutional dis ease, and la order to core it you must take interna! renrtdlra.'-' Hells CaUrrh Care lanakea ltmally. and aeu direct ly on tl ; blood and 'meoms eorfaoes Hairs Catarrh CartM not a quack saedt eta. It was preaorlbed by ee of the bast phyeicUa la this eonatry for years, aad Is a regular preecjipUoa. . It la cote. . aeaad f the beet tonics ksowa, eora Meed with the beet blood partner, act. lag' dtrretlyoa the sseeeos aarfaoa ,The awrfaot eomblaatloa of the two la grad teats W what produce., seek woav derfal resells la earing Catarrh.' Bead fat leetltBoaials free.- ,- v': - . "j r. J. CHXNXT 4) Co., Toledo, 0. Bold by Druggist, no, Bairramllf Pills are the bast. ", . ; ; Mr. MeKtai tft htiMN,"..'' WathUUM, Jaae l -Ure.' - Mrtla lef passad quiet eight, Wf eoadlUoa bars apparently , laehaaged.' ' Prow saMelgat UU daylight she slept most of : ' Sires Tw From Dcatk. - "Oer Utile dsegbtsr bad aa alevoat fa tal attack of wbooplag eragh and broa eMU, write Mr. W. X. navilaod, of Araaoak. If. T., bit, wbea all ether reatedia failed,1 we saved bat life with Dr. K lag's KtW Dteeovery, Oer alone. Who had CoaaBsapUo) la aa advaaced leg ale aaad Ibis Woadsrfal saedldn - aad today she Is r rfer.il wIl." Dae pereU Ihroat ead lean dliwt yield U Dr King's Nsw IXscovory ae M as otae tawtldae oa earth, tsfalllbte for Coaffae aad Colda. loe aad It 00 Uxilaa gaaraa twl by a P, Brw)ksa. Trial boUles free. Thm VfHtt. RrtWka. Joas .-Tli Top 4 a falnU lag B( tblt aoal(, lr. I. ; .r.l. fly elHae t tka Tope stafe li.il !) t. B'N la hot lir porar, M lur-a li'l to ptryt'.U f at S'H r.- ', i items tmlu. , . f a -a to t-,n!ri n ' ' t ' t I -1 U ft a"f,','ii a:l Ml,' A Vt.'.-el !f'rr, i riFn 1 r' ' !. It v t a - ' e. !( itl ' , 't'lt ( ' i ' ' f I 1 trr.m 1 1 I ' 1 - 1 r' : -, i ! t - ' The ktank af Bee4ea Bera. Something happened In the city -of Boston on Feb, 5 last that reminds ua f the day over 100yenr ago when the boys' of .Boston inarched to the head, quarters of the BrltlHU and complained that 'their port on Boston Common was being Interfered, with by' the Brit ish soldiers. Itweems the Boston boy hotrodays are not very much unlike he Boston boy of 126 years ago.1. f VTi. On the dny'atated In February lost about 300 Boston bootblncka marched to the fltntehoiiBe to appeal to the legis lature In, favor of a law allowing the boys to shine shoe on Sunday. TheJ boys assembled t 0 o'clock In the morning and formed In 'line, the small est at tbe front and the big one In the war.. They were all neat and clean and tbelr- sweater looked fresh from the washtub. At the word "March" the line quickly took step, and with three ringing heers they marched up Boylston- street headed by three little lads hand In hand, each not over 7 or 8 year old. 'The enthusiasm of the boy oozed out at every pore. ' They danced, cake walked, "threw snowballs, shoved one another into drifts, Jollied the by stander and cheered all the time. Nine of the: boy had been chosen to make the spcecaesw .'Their name were Tony Leplto, Simon Levi, Aaron- Kedauekl, Doiulnlco Dlhoattcs, Antony Scottt, Bernard Boub4; Amos Wtxen, David Michael and Samnel Boaen, . - These boy appeared" before the conv mlttee and asked that It should be law ful for bootblacks to work on the Lord's day until 11 a. m. - Eighteen of the boya were conducted into the office of the gevernor asaj 'were kindly re ceived by him. The little fellow made good pleas, which appealed Very strong ly to the hearts of the committeemen. One of the boys said that his father and mother were both sick and that he had to support them and that Sun day wad his best day; that' on'fweek days he earned from 20 to 80 cents and on Sundays from 00 to TO cents. . An U-y ear-old said that he was; the eldest of six children, and It was necessary for him to work on Sunday. Another said that he was chief support of two brothers and a sister and that without his Sunday work they could not live, Another said that he was the second In family of ten and that he was attend ing night school and that It would be Impossible for him to do so unless he could shine boots and sell papers on Sunday morning, which was his beat time. . Certainly It would seem to tho aver age person that If -bakeries and drug stores are allowed to keep open all day Sunday these little fellows, who en dure so much hardship and earn their money at uch a great sacrifice of comfort, should be granted their ap peal. "A few months ago, food which 1 ate for breakfast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour. X used one bottle of your Eodol Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat my breakfast aad other meals with a rollah and my food Is Ihoronghly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubles. H. 8 Pitta, Arlington, Tex. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Cur digest what you eat. . V. 8. Duffy Co. Broker Commit lolwda. New York. Jan S. Charles J. Hatoh, sixty-one year of ag, formerly a proov laeot broker, committed suicide today. Ua was despondent as he lost bis for tune In the recent panic. fThe Doctors told an my cough was Incurable One Minat Cough Our mad m a well ataa," Karri Silver, North Btrstford, N. ff.-BeeeuM you've noi foand . relief front a stubborn cough, doa't despair.' On Minute Coogh Cur has eared thoaeead and It will ear you Safe aad sure. F. B. Duffy Co, ' .' . M Fire a rla. '; . ' ' j . Berlin, Jose . A great dr k re ported at Pakls. Aooordlag to the dis patch the Japaose aad Amsrloao troops ar preveallag all access to the quartet affected... . ':. -, . ' . ; i - a , ! '. The blllooa, tlrtd, aervoBi man oannot soeeesefulty eoapete wtth hbj healthy rival DeWttl t LhUe larly Blear the fsaoaa pill for eosstlpatlo will 'r ov the eaoa of yoar troubles. T, 8. Duffy A Co, - '. ' ' i , Kwn tW, s Blrsalaghast, Ala., J I .Rap tatlvee of la 0 olorado oe! aad feel eaapaay are her seeking asgro labor Tin re will b aa aUaspt at ad to earry sway two hssdred. "V . W4al Karry For Koaejr. The Beetoa Bias, who letely saarrled a alckly rich yoaag woaaaa. Is happy bow,- for be gal Dr. KIbM New Ufe lilt, which. reetoved her to partet baaltk.) IsfalllUe for Jaserftoe, lUllov a, MaiarU, Fever aad Ages aad all Liver aad BtASiKh trwahle. 0atWbt sffsotlf. - Osly ' at C. D. Dredhaej' drug etore. Urtlwr u al fMHla rM1 N J, Jaaa Thrae . drad ulkrt ana' tod the tmanUntnt al tke tllkwilla this saerBlni taailng a riot., Maaf war Injured Fir dctntrt awat boae dlipartad the aanb A fail T.yc'.e i iter. Wilt oflta r!t f '!.' n'.ia, i-r:ru P brataae t'r.m a! ' - 't. fin, a. ' Arair '. ;; i j i kl the Injur It's I!. ?':' f.-' - . ferae ('!.'; t, l!a , I Ll, HntTit, t ",rTt -,! ( , j f 9ir.l. I r. j ' Trj ( ' 1 1'f CX I I t'" - '-! 1 OyopQpaia CJura Disssts what yea cat. This preparation contains all of the dltceahinU and digests all kinds of food. ItglvoaliisUiit relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eal all the food you want. The moetaensiUve stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else fulled. It prevents formation of gason the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary.. Pleasant to take. It can't help ' but do you good Prepared only by K. O. IWnTOa, Oh trace Tur Si. oottta contains H timet Uw Sob. slia F.'B. DCFFT CO. CHOICt MISCELLANY ' FHtiiti, Oeurber Sfcope. : Filipino barber ' shops- should " be avoided. r A Weary Willie heard should be cultivated hn preference. -They have straight back chairs, with a cushion behind, to reach which With your head la)l necessary, to stretch your neck to fin alarming extent, . - Their razors are net er sharp, -as'the nattvea have, no beard .to speak of. 'They make a pre' ten.'M of sharpening tltem upon a piece of wood which Is as light as paper. Thf y have perfect confidence In them selves, these barbers,' aa they start the misery la a businesslike way. ' They" apparently do not notice the t tear wblett are forced to your eyes nor the anxious glances toward the artist from time id time. When the deed la done, ; the' Joy of relief Is too great, and you are liable to pay double price; so pleas ed are you that your life has been spar ed. The artist will accept any price provided tt be greater than his charge to his countrymen, There are a. number of first class Spanish tousorlalistg In Manila who do good work In a provoklngly slow man ner. : Time. Is no affair of their, and every customer Is expected to spare at least an hour before release.' Manila Is now provided with many American barbers with up to date phulrs. The sidewalks of their shops are generally crowded with natives wntchlng the Americans at their work. -Washington Star. VA ftat With. Bralae. While standing In a large wood shed, one end, of which he had partitioned off with narrow slats ss a fowlhonse, Mr. X,- heard a gnawing noise and, looking about him, saw a large brown rat darting away from a dog biscuit lying oo the floor of the shed. . He de cided to remain -quiet and watch If this thief of bis dog biscuit would re turn. Presently be did, and, slyly glandngat Mr. &, If tossy, "Now, you lot me alone, and I'll let you alone," bis ratsblp began dragging the biscuit over toward the slat partition, behind Which were the fowls elucklug and scrstcnlog. tie reached the laths snd tried to drag the biscuit through them after him. It would not pasa, being flat and broad. After some vain struggles with It, the rat vanished, to return with another of hi acquaint ance. The newcomer he stationed lo si do the fowlnous. He himself cam at and' setsed the biscuit by ooe cor ner. II then began tilting M dp on Its aide, and the adroit" friend pokod hi bead through tho alaU aud stead ied it with hlra. In a few seconds the htecnlt 'Was- bMd' between them "iit and down," 'and -between, rat Xo, l'i peabhig without and rat , Tt pulling fronr-within the barrier, tbs ImIbwwwV reeved tHajapbatitly tbrvogh " '.., '. , (- - t : ',!' .; V iaB'aaaaa m Mrwa,' VT advlao- every tittle grammarlaa Just Bntrrmg e7 Murray, Brown or any ot tb.1howd granrstar la uaw fa comnittte turuiory rBe -(oHowtog easy UieB,-tiwl the tbef Barer sjeed to aikt tak taut f speech; c' ..-.Vy, t TBnrf TtwarwerSt aa sftaa at ' An Atm-a, m urn . ,u . '..' A4lm Ml Mia Mat a, , WWW. itet w wfl af aianrtilt ai e, . t tm. mm, km,k, aw, wt ar raa. , k -' ' IWrtMw maaMtat armtaUll, ' aa awir, rwat, la m n.- , w' - ' - - t' CaahWnw Ha Uw mmm WMW, ' .;ta ft BrtHjMrlMi i a, 0. W SMitV M, Um aWal . : . W wtaa, m wllil alaa aww at Qua, Met mmmtt. Wrttaw. '. MSk " - -nrarly (Maaa) Tim, eat IWlWrwIm ' ' , f striwi trr mt 1 a m trt BaHB. Itofcokas, n. t J t -Three baa dr4 Mrk Urn sad laborari struck Ww day for dtKha( of afo-eali bms am pkr4 bf batlillog trat. r' - - i , i , TETtII.tA waa rrt a-4 Ky 1T t1.ar( J, .if HI, a t'vlaiK efjpfrr- I' '-H'l V.),e. I'blUlrJtiM la Ma lnira Sr.H ,n,fi t r at - tnl ! tV. la tlmrr'a tit tt. fprniiij 1U ttinMp S' i l . . - ill 1 ftn -trt HI, '1 1 ' rr I . - . . , i . , . t - ' i ' , - " v- is a .' f r ., ,. ,,. : 1 I ,., , i I u. Vm t t 1: i (rfi n li H t ., . t SPANISH IN NEW MEXICO. tUar et the Tm1trrB Pla Caju . Ml Vet 8ak Bmallab. . - It is a pity and an Injustice that the territorial government doe not print more documents in the 8panlh Ion. guage for distribution among the Span. Ish speaking cltiiena of New Mexico. It is a condition, not a' theory, that confronts - the... territory.,, There,, are many citlcens within Its borders who speak none but the Spanish language." This is not their fault, but the fault of the government,- that - hi neglected them for SO years. ; This condition el lata. It should be eased as much a possible, ' and as -many pmclftl docu ments la. the Spanish' language ae pos sible should be distributed in-order to enable them to understand the matters of territorial government and to give them a knowledge Of what is going on. , To be sure, newcomers to New Mexi co scout this Idea, but that' make no difference, v The- condition must : "be met, and it should be met In the most acceptable manner, and that I by-good public schools, by efficient higher ed catlonat institution and distribution of official documents concerning the government, of the territory among' the people who speak nothing but the Spanish language. . i The United States government now spends millions of dollars In Porto Blco and the Philippine Islands to enlighten thepeoplo of those possessions of ours. Why not spend a few thousand dollars In - New ' Mexico, - whose people have been treated' as stepchildren -by : the nation since 18401 Had this govern ment done one-twentieth of what It has done for the Filipinos or Porto nicone, commencing, say, W 1800, tot-' day tbs would be a prosperous, Strong and " Important ' common wealth thor osvhly Americanized. ' As It Is, while it Is truly American and loyal to the government, as the people of the territory have proved In numerous wars with Indians, the war between the .states and the Spanish American war, still there are many people who do not speak the English language. While it Is late, It is none too late to try to remedy this state of affairs, and this can be done in the manner above pointed out by The New Mexican. Santa Fe New Mexican. JTJS "STRENUOUS" NOW. Words That Catch the Vaney of Pah-.A- lie Wrlt.ru. "Public writers and speakers, who arc followed by the general public, catch oo to a certain word or phrase at certain periods as a boy catches the tneaalea," said a well known Wasblug tonlnn to a Star reporter. . "It IS "strenuous' now. For the past few years the prime favorite has been "passing. If a man died, a headline to his death notice was like this: . 'The panning of Hoodie Foodie.' . "The 'passing' of tho old century was an opportunity seised upon as a girl seize a peach lee cream on a warm day.. Epochs, periods. Ideas, modes of dress, customs, cowboys, frontier bad men, comic opera and pretty much ev erything else were 'passed.' "It's all right, proper and grammat ical,' and I call attention to the hnblt not for the purpose of criticism'. Hut a new child Is born. Everything and everybody Is 'strenuous now, from a man's vigorous temperament to a dog fight "At about Christmas time It is a "piece d roalstaate' for turkey. 'Strenuous hadn't been glorified last Chrlstmaa, so fancy the opportunity to ring It In in a description-of newsboys' Christmas dinner like this: . ' ".The youngsters, already filled to buratlng with culory, cranberry saoce, coffee and rakes, fell upon the piece de realstanc with strenuous ravenousness which brought tears to eyes of the charitable ladles who,' etc. "How's that We'll have a strenu ous administration, a strenuous presi dent a stiwonoo vice president a trennoo foreign policy, trenuoo campaign, a strenuous new congress, ant w will Irad strenuous Uvea. Out It doe not a'ter the frigid ract that some of 0 have atrtnuoos chase for the Btrruaous coppt'r cent, all right"- B Central Tours. : ; -; x z T amber sited Society Chrlsl- . laa I a Oarer, a4 the Pabllsi ew York to Cincinnati vie. But i fain (Paa-Amerfcan rxposltlon) .- ftarnln via. Niagara Fsila, i; Thousand tabn.de, Pi Lawrrmr ' , River, Mmtlneil. Quebec, the rhv v v ' anienavaBd UuiadlmBoack Motitv. Ulna, , .8 Jaw York In fan Fmnelaeo via. "t' ClBctnnaUtConvantlne), DaaV. ? Cokina Mountains, ttalt lake. ' Ia Angrlra, $tr.,..J. , 7100 IMnralKgvai r'l-rtlaad.Tacotna, aatt Amv (3 H With Bra snd a half days m - the TrlVrwatoaa..... ....... 1 183.00 MMnralng via tha t Lawranoe . Htvar roiiU, 1S. W U.I V- ' estr. , - ..,, Tt Iraibart Bsftlal fessg reesla's ' . I'alea, (sd Ik fsbllsf Kaw I rk to (hirai) via riRaki ian-amrlma '.j.ltlim), r. . bimlng v m Iht Omit I akna. M II- ' anki, M klrMn.lHlrt.lt.1 1th- j IftrMt. ilitf!t.l.. i,-T,nt ralKdown tltr Lfw-. )H iifitrn,!, t!. gtrt.n-lrk. , . , only. IJ9.04 rrrin, in. liMiiiig I'll huh ran li rt. Maria ., 69 Ts Hr Iat()ita,al tka f'akllf i T..rk.,ti!llll fill, f ' ,, i ,;...(-..,) . - .' , I M ' . . t 1 11 .1 '-.!... fct i u.. . ! i I' m fa-.i.- i ; r .... j f r - t r n I. , . r x. X "wtAwa buiummot, PAN m AMERICAN EXPOJITION. tm ' The National Grauge and New York State Committee of the Granger have arranged to entertain 800,000 Grangers during the Exposition. Tickets enti tling Grangers to the use of the Grange building and securing accommodations in tho city are being supplied to all Granges In the United States and Canada. VIGOE.M Fasfty. QiflcklY. r iT.JS,. SL"' vHal"r. Namrna Dabllltr. Imwmnla. Mllnv atomory. and ai: -6CPDPE - ATI tr - Wsirtlna Utaeam anS all Weaknsawa nwalMna fmm oarlr "r lalw nitaMM. $ pr fcsi.S hr $fl. Malli-i H aniaaarau on roewnt of pus Ska Uuat ilodUlaa Co. tlb Paul, ailun. For Sale by V 8. DIIFKT & 60. It is not too late t imt in Window ScnuMis and Doors, rjime r wmd your caq-uittcr to Sf ltict sizes from our coinplnto stock, we have them nm. tlmy must go. Prices within tho reach f a'l. A few more Refrigerators and White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers, We furnish HvurythinK lu nuike your li(-mo comfortable, i. K.tonta awFci: A Summer Outing .will be more rnijuyalil If ynn take along a handsome Hergc Hull, made aad nnlsned in sn artlatlv manner, and a pair of trousers of high grade material In woratflda, caaalwerra or chevlut, that we will make for ynn In the perfertion of fit and flnlan, and In a at la that only an artlit caa give. Oifr style la perfect, our fabrlea exclusive and our lit and finiah exquielt. ' F; M. Chadwlek, Iaodgc Directory. NEW BERN OONCLAVl4M,Iaiproved Order Ilcptaaopha, msew-lad and 4th Thuraday algkts, alt o'oloek at Rosa Ire Hall. P, A. Will la. Arc boa; J. J, Tolaoo, Jr, flaaneter, S V. Murphy, Bsc rotary ; . . - EUREKA LODGE NO. 7. I. O ar, Omosn; W. r. Umckru. It. ii iaana B Dawaon V. U Geo. Green, Beety: W, R. Ilervey, floaaclal Hecratary; A. S. I'll mas, Treee. : Hegalar aaaetlog every Mnedsf klght at f W o'clock. . CALtMKT KrTtiAMrMCMT.' Ma 4. I. O. O. r. OmHi J. J. baste. 0. P. i o IHwaoa.U P4TB t'arraway.R. W A.T.Uad J. W.tOeo. Oraea. rlorlhaiTS Gemck. Trrasarev. ' Ilrnlar Essaajip, BMBt, lat, Ird, aad Sth lr any) Thoranaj algbu la each sioalk at T.M o'clock. . NEW rJETUf tO IX) II No. I.F. H. tt 0 1. a rV.le, TrV. I II. "aslth, ttaeord Ing Sre'yi R. R. Hill, flaaBetaJ Bre'y. Maats Is Us Kalfkt of IlaraaoBf Hall avarylit and Ifd Mnsday atghta la sect ajtontk. , CKAVEtt .LOtKlI NO. I MIOHT8 OP II A KM U.N I. Mal Ind aad 4k Wadnaxlajp alfhia In eark Moalk Is Hrmalraa't Hall, I'nllrwk StraaV,alS0 nclork. 8. It IU1L l-raaloVali It J DlMMwaf.rtae'y; HE. lllll, flaaafiaj Bacratary, Fc? Rent. Mr tt. t ji H. iiS Pr-nl Htrri t nn I- r -t t, it u tii i n . t, t ,t..rT.' l ,.! ' '.! f- r f .-t arT Wtta a-i-l f ..-I i- . .Si.., t-.r t'.a , i.i.riur tn-lr ' r ( 1 r r.t i:i.f t.,f , r t t 'j (i VlS r-T I'whM ar"l !.-fi. i 1 - a--..! I a - -I i-. I I- , ! ' ,a I m t r I 1 a t t - -ra- !i a t ,''--, 'f a-, k I ... r- a r I .- I; ..I I f all MAGNETIC NERVINE Pansaiennff Rsstortl. fhiSLi HfAHQrAItTBRa l-Olt HARDWARE -And all Kinds of fiPILDIliS MATERIAL Heating and Cooking Slovea anil ltanges, Lime, Cem.i!t, I'lasler, Paints, OUp, Vnrnish, Putty, 8nsb, Doora, lilinila. Cutlery unil nil the useful .irticli-H usually found in an Up-to-dato Hardware Store, Best Womls. Liowi'Mt Price). Under Hotel Chattawka, NEW ItF.ItN, BT. V. QardenHose RUBBER HOSE For BprinklinK the Lawn, Waiting (iff the Huggy nml all other nirpoirK wlieri' KiibtMir lliiso i nscul We are offering a lilnitixl qiiantlty of w m--wrnpHHi Itunbrr Uw, size In. with ronpling In 8 and fill linit lengths, nt 12o per foot Rcfrigcralom, Ice i'nm Froe7.r, lee Sliavrra, loo ('ream l)iii-r. all (or sale nt low Down rrtccn. Onn't forget the I'waiiln l!amuiock, (inly $l.m. Solid Cuniloru Unr lawn Mowers have arrived. Yours truly. J. C. Vhitty eft Notice Ssln of Land fur Pariitior, NOUTIl OAROl.INA. mTealloMnay. -' IntheHnpnrlorCoiiruliefnnithet lerk. I olla Marahall. Nelllu I . Marshall.- - ' . II. T. Marvliall, iU.n I nlm alar. shall and Marahall, the but lour nanm) lu-lng InlnnU npjinmr Ing by their nrixt IrtenH 11 . ' MarahaU, and II. A. Marshall, V8. Guy K.MaraMI. -Purwiant to a ringrne of tpo iii-rkar Oonrtol Craven (bounty In Uin above cntlt'ed prorenllnga tor sale ol laad for trUtlnn rratdarad by UiS ( kirk wt mid rnierl'iv Court irfi the Atli flay of 'J unr, 1101 - 1 be itnderalgnrd aa rananmlaaioa or will oHi t for sale at pihlle aartion forcaahtn the hlghixt bitlder, at the Omrt Uousk dv of ( ravi tmnty oa Moaaay, the ttth day (a July, Itatl, at the bntirnl o'lfcxk. niano, all the lot lowing daacrlbad ml eatatav tnwlt: Ly ing in I'raTrn tVainty, North t amllna, alutateand letngna tlta bawUi aMU of Nenaa river? waa a Ida Plnrtimb's evrrk, aed aoitUi nl Oia A N ', K. I( a. fanning at Jainaa Knath's Mtent enrnar the larad of Dngttnnd a UrUtwnnd attiBin on lha scmUi able iA Urarood bratxh, stao the rornrr nt a , grant in Ifw-hard ttpalght .fiit a aocaw, dated l?M rnnalng thaotw wlta aatd r-rwlf hi s llae atwih f 1. waat IS anle v bie fxr. Beethtmee with mitm uf hta beat south 10. waa 1 100 .Wi to a lna thaiwe nat-a I0,au IV) polaw to Abaakua) Tay lor" a l'5 a'ra fmUt ,a, thaAaa With said pau-nt line krlh 40, waat M and Moa-halt u.U-a to aatd Taykra begtanlag aurnar B the iMirUi end 14 Jltn'a Ham. irwark Uwavw With aald Tayliar'a ftrat llae -araith ft. ant IAS) ( ., Uw-axw rt'irth fi aaat ftrt t'la i Ua rnmiv of R. I). Bpaht'a em axv graat. d(v- I7M, ahriMw with hi bna axth 4-', u a0 fK'laa kaata'a tel llian Umwwltll ht ltna,il 141 tola tm tt( bag lhaliif. containing f.n, JaqulrH acr- nfr "I aa. ' . TMa Sth Hay nl Jnnt, JOOt ' A M"?f. ' Cnui.-waf, ' Irt); rty ler Hnlc."- I ' ,) ii,!r!.i l!.'!.B fi t aala, (tlualr-l la(K t 1 n.l',t. r-a-t t.t ( A .n n -, r.f tn-. bal. iirit Kit la r I I-- - - .. J. J (!,: t i i n4 A. & N. C.R. R. ' i-T'-.TISlr TiHl l an. 19 To TakaMleut fatbita, Dtc. lat, . i -.llKBJ at 42:1 A. k) , T. loinK fcaal M'Hkiitiuc: (liiiit H i No. St Paaw.utci 1 rain No. t.'t sa ,- ura-noM! Ar . m 4441.... M.bi..ni nig '!' laOrau. 8 4 3 Kinat-i. u is 5 4U:-r..'i.r. Naw " f.w. t ViO 860..,. Iw. . -,i 714v... Ar. toitw..i om Lv. . 0 67 .f&ifi ':: : '- Nt. 7 ' PwHHfoger No. IJ Lv. a. B.7 Hun tuvH Only Ar p m. 7 40.,.. .OoJaabom 8 00 aGiauKf 7 31 H80. ...... KiBtii 717 R 65 IWtu a 47 60.... .New Aro . 6 02 11 10. ...ar. atorcucsd tiitj Lv .. 4 so No. 6, I Passenger I cTano Train. No. 8, PawiLgfr Train. Pajlv Kcokpt Sunday. Ar. A. at. Lv.p. it 7 80 Ooldsboro 7 14 7 48 ....Boat' 6 46 7 68 8 10 8 28 880........ 8 10 8 06 030 9 l Una A. M. No. 1, f Hx'd Ft. and l'awi.Tn. Lv. a m .1 00 5 88 6 in 6 29 7 IB 7 23 . . LaGrange Palling Greek . . . K lnatou ...Oaswell .... Dover . .Core Cruek ... . . .Tuscarora ....Clarks ..New Bern . 6 21 . 6 03 . 5fl . 6 43 . 5 82 . 6 19 6(6 . 15ii P. at. No. 2, Mi't. i t. and I'iibh. I n. Ar, p m .. r83 .... 4 58 ... 4 28 .... 358 .. .3 33 . . Qoldsboro. . . Best' .. LaOrange... Palling oreek.. . .. Kinflton. . . . .naiwe.ll ? a8 7R7... . .Ar. Dover Lv 210 . 1 10 12 48 12 40 12 10 .10 47 .10 10 .10 00 940 . 900 . 8 47 . 8 88 . 8 20 . 7 50 a . at. 8 20 core Ore 8 55 Tuscarora 0 li Clark's 9 43 Ar. New lirn, Lv... 130 Lv. " Ar... 212 Uiverdale;. . . . J 20 oroatan 8 05 Ilavolock 8 81 Newport, Lv 8 47 Wildwood 8 53 Atlantic 4 08 . . .Ar. Morehead city, Lv.. . .4 at. . . . Ar. M. city Dopot, Lv r. . i "Monday. Wednesday nml Friday. fTuoaday, Thurariay and Saturday. H. L. DILL, Huierinle ,dno Reduced Sunday Passenger Excur sion Rates! The A. A N. C. Ilallroad will m-11 tl k els after this dale al the foUimlng i curaiou ralee by Noa. 3 and 4 iralu nu .Sundays: Prom M. Clly to Uoldahoio leturn " Wlldw.KMl $1.2.1 1 15 1 00 !J .HO .75 .73 .70 .70 00 .60 50 40 60 Newport U avail k Oroalan New Hem Tuacarora Cora Creek Dover Caawell Klmtou Palling Cr'k Led range IWa The above tU kda are good oaly on Hundaya by Noa. .1 and 4 ualoa and oo dates stamped or written on ilcarti, and India will not be ei landed. Baptrsadra all former rates. ESaclira Oatober Nth. '- .- a L. Dill, 0 P. A. Atlantic (Watt I J nr. rTitiioTo & Niw I nm K R. ' ', Ttstl TAIL! MA, (, laKIaot Wedaajadmy, Aug. 7, lirM, Daily ' Bseept thiBday. (Wag Houlh Botianoua: Uoiag North 0,, Paamcgar Tralas No. 50, Lv. a aa, aritsoMi Ar. p m, 00., New Penae .... ......., .Pol locksvllW.. l.a..,.(...aysvllla.,,., 10 01, a, , ... .Jarkanaiville, , . . I I 640 604 4 41 4 II in Ul .Ar, Wttalsiaow, U. ... IK m ,' - . p m Wa. rat nuBONt No A Laevw Wttwdaaytoar Mnaiday. Wadawav lay sod Prklay. Laa a New betwe Twaa. Oay, Twurxley asul MaAwraWm. U.AB Ar. r B ... I 46 ...II an T M . . W.I.' W alWaUftraa, At . 4,S,...a..rtrniteluU Sad . - - . aa, i . II I II 4 till lM .4 M W 1 1 ... A. .Iloltyrtdgo rt ? .-.,....'. t ..... -a. Varuaa. ...... . '. ....... J-ranvUta.. KM ,.Norta, I . W klUrak ifl! . "Twill ..... a.......,.rrJuva,itu.M, ,,, W .... a... laaWnikrs, Ar. kararaa.tt . lUy KsaawANaJMHy. , ; i. n. Ktnvt, IN 11 7f I tm Irrprlant tol OfHcg Haflct. tt t r. tn-r-qnaat that all saaaaal r " f ' ' w f'- r.(,e bate et tt- I. I i , u.ta aafto.lr IMial til. . - A k.ra ar e ,.lifi'. i Twy f4k r : r ' ' I 'i.. Biaia 4 TW ' i i , , . y wka, aaatas ' ! ,s ' ' '' la a baa aawa ' ' a r 'a la-lr , I ' ( i t lat baS, .a r.t ae 1 ah, ( ! la-aa ii.IB 1

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