'-' j r I AYcrefaUePiwparauonforAs ' Sim luting feeFoodantlRcSula ' u SSeSiuimtthsattilicwKisof Promotes DigestionCheerfur ness and Rcst.Conlains neither Opium.Morplune nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. ; ' AeadW-'.. I I J 1 II niMI ; I ' A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stotnhch.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions.Feverislv ness and Loss or Sleep. - i- Facsimile Signature of ,-.. ' NEW YDHK.' - W ."EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, . THE Si V 'a 1 ?' there b no uk talking a baby In husband and wile together. Nothing rThe prattling and cooing at the Utile v- nrcuinml worries' and trtih ot Ufa aw. '., ... dersngement somewhere In the genital organs, caused by one or more of ' . A...A- fun, I. tuhu" . Uliu nl rirt4.il ". is the remedy, n '. condition, uttlrtr ; During the period ' Js built ud to wil 1 mh :t ArA U ! kttiv mil - 'strong, weB-Ctttd to grow torn- ' i turtty In periect tiealUi. ' ( The f .mother., too. oasses throurh the '. - trial with fettle pabi and no dread, -S iutsnedicsbtfar woeattv " - Lane Bottles tor ... 1 V.Good ione ' StRVTCK IS A HD81NKM "VHECK88ITT, V k " HOaH ' . 7 COSVENIXNCaV A CX)M BIKCD . . : . .11- Convenience, v 4 ;iv"i.r-IuxMrjr I rder Ycmr Pbooa at Ooca I ' lidministrato'r'B Bale. Mort0rnlti:' JHaperior' ' .' Crave CoboIv. - ,Coart. namm t McCartby Admlnlrtralor Of . -Oliver I pock deceawd, r f r - - - - ' V. .".,' MrgUIs Elluheth Ipock sod others, Sale of tnad to nwke aeeeu to v. .'. . . . , pa aVMS. t ; . - ' ranraant to Ike derrae of sals fa lb .hove Mtiiled prnnredinf peadlag la l b hnixrioe Coitrt ot Craven coeal to -.all land to aaaa aMt in pay the dchtt 4 lha iltcvawli 1 will oHr for aale and rrH (. L A Hit IA lb lilrMat bidder on M'Mttlay tt It Ik day of Jlf kl lb Katir ul II i.'ckw-k m, tt I'uUilo Aectlua nl lh ('.Hirt Home door of Ciavaa .f.i.ir. ml Jrt I" lua lvf aftd l('r.b Onvvr. ot ll Wljo, Virginia I'.IIut Wik Ipock. aM lha folloarlsf dwrltud IfK-t or tarM "f land Ir1 1 Nlng alinaiari la l County of Lrava. rXaia .( hotih ani!na, fallf draarthtd In kwt anailry iU dalv rnf(la4 fa tb flvna f the IU It of kMl of CrafrB :fomr. ar1 l-ating lha ilain raai-e'' lively aa fulioae- l'l r I(ork Bad mif l Dllt li-k, 1ua1 Joa r.'h. 1- ! tm.rdnl la IVf'X tn I'O, ftfr XI V l.l .nri.'.f p-k.tn (iilni k, Jiy rtwl i(m I'llH,!" ', rnrc!wj In k tin. Hi'f'la a I liiirtfi l(Ho o wt Trnrk bf rtl 't. . n-l rrlf'-l la J. ,. a fo Jf3, f-i e I'l. Ain (jfc,i;lna 1-1 i(uf ( k l.-l tUir.J'. fr 1 t b). I ) a ir 'a 3 -l In i' 1 It ( 0 mi i . N.i 1 -'. I' 1 ' t'l r,f ;.! h .( 1 a U ft l for A. M. h l r.. I "' '. III 1 . t. a. . A) W kt Vy Jk mmA hi Tb 1(ir.i Ycj l!";a; Bears the Signature. Vof In Use For Oyer thirty; Years Mt UfrMUM OOMMRff. WSW TON OfTT. ' LINK THAT BINDS. IViM-JlV j :. i: 4 Jaexsoa, Taair , Nov. St. ' Iwaaanbjeet to alaratrrla tor three yean; aad aafleTedooaiUntly with backache. I wrote : to you rot adrlce, tad after utnf thra bottles ' oWlnfOrdal,ocordlnt toyoordlreotioBi, , I am Mronf sod wll, sad tke mother ot a Im Irlbsbr ' ;V m. e. it. jowams. the houst to the Rnk tint Mods to sadder than fruitless wedlock. ones offset s thousand time the When a wlU Is faarrra. tbeie is a K '-, -.r-r- lM -k ''v SK.'-', fl . . Ml $1.00 at Dnrffjstv'. IM Have ' You Seen the Living Pictures : . On Fren Kxhlbitiot. at Henry sPh&rrnacy; ',; 'Wmdle'Strcet. This it lh eeaaoa for koass rg, lb slots , to prepare' for .. the iur Deaik" of bags, sat, roaches, aad Is scts. Bow f UUal Us Borsi, stars productloa of Ik srtb, so' Im parity Mler lalo Its original aleaieaU ot tsaaaraotara' - W kav aeJUter tlm or apses to glv tb aasaaroas detailed Bc for which Doras any b ed. We eaa only ( geat baadllDaa, lt. For Toi let; tad, As a MedlolsOi tro, la tb Lanadrjn 4th, Tor tbe Boasebot'; oik, A a Preservative;' Jin. for Aats; ttk Ktsostlsaeeas. W-bav It la poosd packages, and Ueeboets g'vas f4 dlf- fiml OSes for which It may bt pat rU ll ToOet Arttcles) as4 frfuai. ere, . i rkyslclaa's Yearrrptfcne J earefaDj eoeapooadeo ". . , .- f. A. Onm, Praa, Sj. W. SSaoSawa. T. Pra) SI. M. Otvraa,- ..- .or switBa, jbt.c. Doing General Banking Du. loess Marlk 1, 11, (Jorplua sad 'l'a4rV - 44 fronu, 118,00(1.00, x I'rnmra ni1 rat.rnl HanliVa glra I ba" ririii'r'1 m ea. Aceoun rafr. TtuJ HQ fanca!iia U'fTn. ittmf m trpWa. fafl-- '!.. S. , aiMrva, -. ' f.a. Itn.'r.ir. " I. . a f a. k t'. a r r!"ti" ; pun me organs generation in a nron nu ocaiuiy . - aji the wife for the sacred duty of reproducing her kind, y hfl ot gestation the entire system ol the expectant mother ' 3J ihstand the ordeal of labor, and when the. BUI one -; WA usnr asvaeaT nruiaiir. . i .;, b-m C.tV ? f"f f TV ' Uaee "w ul Flaerra. - TTWlo the emigration from Ireland tbcrcasea from year to year a curious phenomenon is jobBerved la the. United Kingdom. The number of marriages is Increasing, and tbe camber ot Itlnhn decreasing.- There never -were to man; 'marriage- la England aa there were in the year 1800. But the record of the birth rate run down to Hie tow. est figure. . England that was so proud of her Increase In population from 12,- TW0.000. to 40,000,000 since the com: mencement of the French, revolution, while daring tbe same period the pop ulation of France Increased only from 25,000,000 to 88,000,000. .now finds her population " diminishing. - : But tbe strange thing about tt la that the same phenomenon la observed In Australia, In Mow Zealand and In all the conn- tries Inhabited exclusively by Anglo- Saxon.: The London Dally Telegraph gives ft cause ' for the -phenomenon which mar perhar be the true one and this cause is none other than tbe rebellion, often- noticed by close-observers.7 of - the Anglo-Saxon , women against maternity, a rebellion 'which 1s, tbe 'consequence 'of their passion for independence and their constantly In creasing desire to become equal If not superior to men In intellectual occupa tions and .in physical exercise. In saying this we refer particularly to American women.;.: For the ladles ot the law and the medical and Journalis tic ladles maternity 18 a nuisance, Just as It is for those, whose greatest de lights arc bicycle riding, tennis, golf and hockey .Independence Beige; . , tavtrmtloji eta loBaoai. It baa been often sold that every man Is an Inventor if -he hod only tbe oppor tunity ot exercising his talents. In any case, it see uis clear that the faculty oX Invention is not'so much of a bofn gift as is generally supposed. Why should not the tcehnjcapuplla be encouraged to attempt at least to invent by the ex- erclBe of some very simple means of ed ucation? Surely It .would not bo dim- cult to prepare a series of mechanical models more or less imperfect id opera tion and call upon tbe pupils to employ their wits In devising Improvements In them. . . .. ' The Intellectual training entailed by such a course of Instruction would' in Itself be moat valuable aud the results peculiarly interesting. It would teach pupils to "thluk" and Induce a habit of mind In the examination and criticism of mecbaniBuis that should prove of tho Rreotest use to them In .their subse quent careers. London Express. TJaele Sant'a Freak Datterlea Only a few years ago a battery of pneumatic dynamite guns wss erected at Sandy -Hook at tbe expeuae.of tbe United States government and a Simi lar battery at Son Francisco. .. Some of tbrtn are of 13 Inch caliber, throwing a shell carrying a maxlmmb chnrgo of pltrogelotin of 000 pounds about a mite and a bait. These are tbe same type of pneumatic guns wbtcn were mounted on the Vesuvius and .which popped away at (he bluffs of Santiago .without 'i, AHM UmM '. INuh. Mnma n..t tw. placed In thevcategory of? freaks In view of tb fact, that long before their construction tt was. well known titat there were-a number of high explo sives as powerful as dynamite which could be safely thrown with gunpow- der and at much higher velocities and to moch greater ranges by means of guns and projectiles of far greater slm- puayy uoow aiagaiirje. ' Lkttla Kaowa Akoat slaroeeo. Nobody knows what the population of Morocco Is. Estimates place tt all tba way from JJBOOfiOO to OvtOOOOO. says a corrsspondc'nt of tho New tork rreaa. A large part of tbs country totally unexplorwl. Tb French lately have aooo In behind Morocco and -tended tb boundaries of Algter to aa to take In tbe Toot region, a chain of fcrtlkt oaaes throngb which run the caravan routes, . Tbe aahaa baa ex- postnlated aad la still expoarulatttiR. bat with no effect so far as can be seen... Morocco -Is sometluva called the" "sick man of tho west," but thoo best tnformwl boUev that it Is a pretty llvoly slot man., : .: ...tV' r ,v .- T "I ' , '-' Aa CM OsawpattM That Fart. The enjtrtartoa of cocoa ta Trinidad Is on of the few Industriea (hat tan (ft relied aposi to make a hatxlaom. re turn for the time and capital Invested. I would advie any young man who possrssea a good (oosdratiatt, fw bandred dollars and a rapacity far bard work to Investlgata tb poasfbltt tl of tb Uland ra rocard V) thi coco tod aa try. Already tber ara aniott 0 core of young Americans who own cooo plantations, aad I bav yet tonm of aa mstanca In which ooo baa failed to makt moooyz-E. Kelooa Dado In locoes. .;,.-.. , ,;. . ... . N '. . . a . ', ,' The following towns tn rennaylvsota r Matnrrared la tb tw-Hfva cvnsns Jarasy fthore, Oral tVick. Klnpenma, lictnro Rock, Wott Ctierrytwe, Cora planter. Dcrab Ovnsa, VMirf, "TwV IJeht, raroaaou; Fra1nn, tifur Prw do, raradljo. Bd IA-A Moon, rUlp. prry tfnrk. Delay Joa, rWls Itp4, Know tHrno, IVitnriH), Urkrnc i-aUU, Cbaat. rac IWM RisrV, (Kl Oraa, Wood cork, Boah, Aivly, Fair CIota fTsrfWirs- Mnrtt. Wampntn, iadda. blrtabrnny sod TVirrVie Una A tti Ttan m -m bwa- f i rJ I'.rl'ato l-va ftt and roaond lUa a-iHb of brf ptx4iVJ. ' It a war wtia twa arrjll rMia r1 -a (t ro flnanrlal atralta, ha a. -ft pf flciua r(ll aha rot irlwa alx la tkr In a'mrra lh fimtia . aa trm fc! l'h l.' ...a atxl J'iir! If tn Ir r t ! frtf al !'m-l n aw o .1tbi,i 1 t-. T-wwa ; - A dura llari.VM.Ud S":n Tcr la r-J. '.v::i , r.f v it I Ornaaca'a Pet. little boy was sitting on bis grand father's knee, talking about various things, wli en grandpapa pulled out bU watch. - "-- ' ' "Grandpapa,' tliea job die will you leave 'that .watch jt me said the boy. . -vn " .; ... - ... ' Well, I don't know yea, I guess I will," retorted tbe old gentleman,--: 1 Well, grandpapa, bow soon are you going to die T" Columbus Dispatch. ? " iA A ToBgher Rati, ' v . "Excuse me," salMhe cltlxen of the plains, "but didn't we ride yon ont of this town on a rail some ten jrears ago?" t ." ; - - .. . 'Believe:' yon did," responded too fearless barnstormer. V - " "Well, look qtit this time.". - .' . .y. : ' "Oh, I am need to traveling by rail.? CTbst may be, stranger, but we only. have barb wire fences out here now.". Philadelphia Becord, , - " Bik Soa. -"' To make aa excellent soap out ot the scraps and .broken pieces that come from the soap dishes n. bedrooms and kitchens, drop them Into an old -tin ean. and when It is. full dissolve three ounces .of powdered borax - m two quarts of warm water, -and stir till tbe soap Is mdtedA When cold. It will form a jelly. This borax soap is ex cellent for cleaning and does not fads articles washed la It- . ( : irioaalBa; of Cheaa Paper. Good literary work will UTe In suc cessive editions in spite of bad paper. Bat we And great comfort "to tb thought that 00 per cent of the books now pouring out of tbe printing bouse wiU be. resolved to dust lief ore this year's babies grow up. Cheap paper Is In mora than one way a blessing to mankind. wasWngton Tost "We hare three "children. Before the birth of the last one my wife used four bot tles of MOTHER'S FklEBb. If yon bad the pictures of our children, you could see at a fiance that the last one Is healthiest, prettiest and finest-looking of tbttn all. My wife thinks mothers Friend is the greatest and rraadest remedy - in the world for ezpect ant mothers."'-- Written byslen-rackyAttornej-at Law. - - .i' prevents nine-tenths of tbe stifferlnr indaeat to child birth. Tba coming mother! disposition and temper remain ttnrafQed througboat the ordeal, becaase this reba' inc. penetrating' Unhnent relieves fbs tuual distress. A good-natured mofbet Is pretty sore to nave a food-natured child, The pafient is kept la a strong fseslthy condltlon, which (he child also Inherits, stotbeVi Friend takes a wife thmgn Hm crisis quickly and almost painlessly. assists In her rapid recovery, and wardi off tho dangers that so often follow de livery. . . .-. . .. AaM by Sragglaw Sir S I s botfla. THE BRADFIELD RECTJLATOR CO ATLANTA, OA. Sand lor tar (rea Olaatratad book WTSM praaaly tor aapaouot asouera. EINTjEBN CABOLIHi ? - DISPATCH - fRtlOHT PASSU flliU For All Folntii Kortha The Steamer NEX7SE will leare oo flohdajs, WadDoadaTs, and rridayi at o p. . Sharp, atak lb( Unditrgs at Oriental, and Boan oka islsod. . . - v i: , Hio Str. Nowberno Commsaaiag Juty Ut, Ul.U-ar at II o'clock Boon oa Tuesdays aad Fridays, taking taadinga, M Oriental, Iloeaok lalsnd aad Mag Dead. ' . - nf" Freight reoolvsd hot la let khan on boor prsvlou to sal I or For (artbsr inforsnallon apply to , GEO. flKNJJEUSON, Agt. M. K, KU4, Oen. Mgr., lLC.Hi;i)oiy,0n.yrt.A rue.Aj;t ; Y, "Norfolk, Va. - B. Ia. IVAXtD, , .Attorney at Law, 74 So. front IU . 0. HiOalOhatUaka, - SfW I1KK.V, It. C, Crat'-a dninly Attr-v-y, OtrOufU Cra, J , Oibh, CrV arU l'airlM, Hfwna. l'ilr, SMI l)i Ouprvaia arid FeH' '! C'-'irv - XMI. IVlIrtlrr, ATT0UMT AT U ff, - ,A4IS Itrant. I.arrs SrUTi I) f-a- M'0 (n f. I "''j fVf ( f r. e. a. r. n i A V. I ' IlHEB'S FfllEND MB, r f 't . ' l . i-.S ' . . f ly r!iTf pnnn CHLLS' fevers a., a J U k a-.e. I liWIll MIGHT fiWEA TASTE- C;::llTc:::: I Peninyar Stoves and - Ranges JuReceived Full line Kentucky Delight Stoves, Dangler Oil Cooking Stoves and Ovens. - Come Down and look here, and price right. Our stock Window Screens. We keep a full Hardware & Building Material. Paints, Oils and Varnish, Gold and Colors in Varnish 20c can. ' ' .""We deliver the goods and appreciate yourtrade, PHONE 147. Post Office Service. The attention of the public Is re spectfully called to the change In the schedule of the malls published today. The change necessitates s hew schedule for the carrier, vis:. Collection 7.00 a. m. to 8.00 s. m. Delivery 0.00 " 11.00 " Delivery 11.00 ' 8.00 p. m Collection 8.00 p. m." 4.00 " Collection In bustness district only 4,80 p. m. to 8.00 p. m. Boating Mall 8.00 p. m. to 8.80 p. m. At the Post Office the mails for the 9.00 a. m. train closes st 8.15 s. m. For tbs 4.50 p. m. train at 4.00 p. m. For lbs train going East to Morehesd City st 5.00 p. m. There la one collection only on Bun- day, from 7.Q0 a. m. to 8.00 a. m. The Sunday and afternoon train going West carry no mall for interme diate points between hers and Golds- boro. Carrier' delivery window open from 9.30 a. m. to 10-30 a. m. Sunday. Gen. era! Delivery window open for half an nour alter acn man on rjunaay. Adnilnliitrator'iiNotlec Baring this day qualified a Adminis trator with tb will annexed, of tk last will aad lestameat ot Miss Bsrrtett Laae, deossssd, - All persons sr berebynotl8sd to prs sent all claims bald br them tgalnat aald estat to bas only sotbaaUesbaiL oa .,v a.. t aa. a r icvui wiuiv taa v.h uar v. nmj am twvmt vi Ufa Nolle will be pleaded ta Bar of Bs- eovaryw Aad au persons laoeotea tc said ssiata srs replies led to Bisks Irnsa nisi settMawnt. 1 This May 4th, A. D. 1001. D. B. DAVIS. AaBloUtrstor a T. A.- osiaM ot Bar leM Laaa, :vxecutHx NoUetV Bavfag ihfs day emallfled as Executrix ol Ui but Will and Testamaat of Jaa Graham llughea, late of htw Bern, do- ensaert, this Is to auttfy all parsons nav Ing ektlras sgaioet th aatate of say tes tatrix to present tb san, property SuliHmUraterL so sna, or So aay Attorney oa or be tor Lbe into day of Juott, iwa, or this aoUos wlU be pleaded la Ue of their recovery, A 11 perauo laaiebbsd to MM sslsM will anak pmanpt rairraeot. ... J as a DAVta iiUiiuxa. a- - , Kaeeutrta.' Gaaaaa DavM: Atty, f Jtew Derm, M. C iuaS 10, l0tf outhernV ; aRaiiway.; .". ' - r . TVs Buutdaid Ban way l lb BOLTL Tbs Dtrsrs tb st fl polsta, cMiaiionrjiA; rjaO::iDA- ci n v ATiU t i'.f Fiot' F-, T" f r-,mf fl ls-rJ T '-; im f : .; i ti ail ; rrvnt.t si; I lnia ru r t'.t t ... .. 1 f- arc ta a t .;-.! .1 Hi. 1 a ' r t 7s NIGHT. SWEATS Grippe land all other, forms of maladies whea you The" world does not contain a better remsdyT'lrlanx wonderful cures. made by tt. at centa a bottle. Money refunded if it fails to do tbs work. T Delight ful to take. , ' Local . Druggists, , : over them you'll get what you want is now complete in Gauze Doors and stock, of Silver Enamel. All the Graining Qaskill Hardware Co. 73 Middle Bt, NEW BERN. N. Ol The Farmers & Merchants Capital, Surplus and Fronts $88,850.00 APRIL 30th, 1901. A Bank is not only a safe dnp for your money, but it Im ith a record of your transactions which prevents the pniaibrlity oi orrore. 8ettle all account by check and there Is no chance for disputes between you c red i ton and yourself. We wonder how o many men are try ing to get along without a.bank account. Russell House Wb!l la Boaafort be sore sad stop st lbs RnsalU Hosts. First - laaa Board. A bono for travsltag people. Flab Ing sad aaaung aaxoUa. Traas 1J day or to. 00 per weak w A.KUBiu rrop FOR RENT! ' A most deslrahl vfn mora residence la no of th beat kursUont m tb elty AU btudera eoavealeraore, "Posseaaloa gtvew sbout th middle ol July. Also X havs twn'iletirable residistces lor ai. X. ft, BABTXB. THE L. & M. PAU1T via a.BUrKIUOlt Ilcady-Mlxexl ralnt. j If you doubt Uiis mi take a look at thd rmhjrferiari 'Church oa Kcuae strtwt, which, w ara told Painted with ; L & Paint 22 Years Ago. This CcteVirsUyi Paint U aoW by J. C. Vliilty to shero ' "L'oahU" 111 Hot CJto. . Ilassmockg fo l:-;.r!jr.!,Po-.t Omcc notice. H vary ire; -nrtant tkal a.l pw f k ' to !'- '- h-ita aot ,r,m I'l.'iKf V '-a r im 1 IUt at ' t t al na' Tbe lr are a Tkr are ih . f 1 ) - t mut TABU kraw) Tor Tsks Effect Har,. UIM icj, jwvas ujoi S.b T. Ooingte t 8caTOrt f Gobi We Ho, t --i Pasaeager Train Me, 4 ' Jt-U DAILY. . . iilt 109... 18 range.. ..10 89 ..10 u .. 8 00 -.8 87 .. 7 87 883.., 7 40... 7 80... 815... ... . . . Klnston ,..Ar. Mew Bern, Lv.. ,..Lt. Ar... Ar. Itoiwaead city Lv., No. 5. No. 8, Passeng r Train. Paaaenger STaTlOBe: arain. DAILY. Ar. Ai st. Lv.r, ail .... 5S .... 883 ... 823 ...... 13 .... 03 .... 0 ' 43 7 0 7 .'0 748.... 8 08.... 811 ... Goldsboro. . . . Best's LaQraoge.... Falling Oreek.. Klnston Use well Dover Core Creek... Tusoarora.... 8 S3... 8 tfc.... 8 46 ... 8 85.... 807.... 881.... 8 25.... 840.... Clarke 7 .3 New Barn 7 0 n.r. Morehesd City Lv ... I, ; 0 11 15. at. No. 1. I No. Mx't Ft, i Pass, Ar.i Mx'd Ft. and staTions: Pam.Tn. Lv. am 5 00 Goldsboro. 5 88 Beat's , g 8 15 LaGrange ' 8 , 8 29 Falling oreek J 715 .....Kins ton , & 7 28 oaswell. 38 7 67 Ar. Dover. Lv i d 8 20 core ore r i .0 8 65 Tusoarora H: ig 9 30 dark's lv 0 9 80 Ar. New Bern, Lv 12 i0 No. 9. f No. 10. 1 30 Lv. Ar It. 17 2 13 Blverdale" r 5 8 20 oroatan 8 06 Havelock 8 84.... Newport, Lv:... 3 47 Wildwood 8 53 Atlantio 4 08 Ar. Morehead olty, Lv. . 4 28....Ar. M. city Depot, Lv.. .Hi '0 . . bud . r47 . H88 . 20 .. 750 a . st. 'Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 8. L. DILL, Superintend en A. AN. (J. RAILROAD COMPANY, Passenger Department, New Bern, N. C. May 81st, 1901. To all agents, A. & N, C. R. K. -Season 1901 Tbe following rates of Paaaenger fire to Morehead City and rtu(a-la etlcct June lit, 1901. Goldiboro, 4 00 1 1 50 J I 23 Beat'i, 8 75 1 40 i 19 LaGrange, 3 50 1 30 . 0 Falling Creek, 3 2.1 1 30 u0 Klnaton, 3 00 1 10 O C'aanell, 3 00 1 00 4 Dover, 2 75 90 5 Core (J reek, 2 70 W 0 Tuacarora, 1 to w tjj New Bern, 2 00 75 tO Klverdale, 1 75 70 S Oroatan, 1 70 8.1 O Havelock, l 00 SO i New poll, 00 S5 J Wildwood, 40 16 it Beaton ticket good to retarn ua.il Oeu 8UI, 1901. tSatnrday until Tueaday. (Handay eicoralon, good for Bunday oaly, by 7 sad 8 trains. Bnatraer Kxeurslon Ticket (Seoa 1901) from A. A N. 0. Bullosa, Round Trip for Bvn Springa, N. 0. Hereafter ticket will he old fro at Btatless named below to LaUraaga to parties flailing th above Springs si Oi following rales of far for tbe Round Trip. Ooldsboro, f TO New Bera. i.78 Beat', JO Klverdale, .n FtUiag Creek, J3 CroaUa, a. 4 Klasloa, .80 Havelock, s4 OatwsU, JB0 Newport, a tf Dovar, L00 WOdwood, . OoraOrosk, 1J0 Maty, L9 Issearora, 1.7S TlcksU oa salo Jan 1st, Ua Coa trscttkasts Sad HaUt tkeea. Goou to rotara Oot, list 1801. AU ticket at tostAraodV -. : COCPON STATIONS. ' Taroaga rases f far. Booad iria tlckael Ire Ooasaei fttailoa kelew u sotak) saaaed Wsotsra liana b r Da RaOroad (saasoa tBOt.) Ttaksi aal as 1st, 1 801 to aVt. 100, ivt. laslaafra. woed lef retara or Mr OH, 8 lot, I SOI. s m- - Frssap " e n t& il To City Bars) ton Oraaga mkry,I ; nuo lino mio fisv Vorgsas, tlat IS M . UJ8 ILJs) OldFert V.IBM I4J8 UJS a4 DWksit. II at tAad iisj ujs) AeberQt . lJ, I8J9 148 ItJt Blpttag 18.H ITJ8 UJS U.8B Bala to all oike raaorts ta WeSVar 5onb CaroUaa of tlrglat SMy k tasv liM aroa arllrettoa. CkiMrsaasdaa lv years ot f a fras. CblWra aaasST t'rs (It) year (., Half lb l rl i , . B-la Mtt,! , ,.;: ; 'j.r.sV :. t .1