4 V :''L: V " , It- V V . - S1W MEN, JL C,' WEDNESDAY M0RNIN8, JUNI 19, 1901. vol xix-'-no. en. .1 I : ) 4 riLEISH. i i ( t f t t IS IX A : A ftta Pair ZleglerjOxfords, ranging in aizd t.QQ and $2.50. vWewillcloee A A" A A A : " - Mi from 1 to 7.; Jit rtv 10c aese W Report of Penitentiary Next ; v 8f!d staj and stylo that were t2.Q( rv -i -i' r iBest Percale in the honse 10c yard. Best .Ginghams A T-ird. I Jiwt thethinir for ; Shirts and Shirt Waists. ; T (X g ods sold for l"21o and 15d--and ALL NEW, Dbsemv 'ST -. r e v ' r 47-49. POLLOCK, STREET. iFresh sCorned t-Sullets .VI JUST RECEIVED. it m ' iv " Also a fine lot Small Pig-Hamft, Pic Nic Hams and Small ' BfealifaBt Sjrips. . Fox Kfver Butter 30c lb., Cooking Butter 25c lb. x Give me a call for anything in the grocery line and I will " -' - Yhnrs' for htmiiiKKR. . If Wholesale and Retail Clrocer, ; PHONE 69. ;,Cor. Itroad A Hancock St. fi WHAT IT DOES. . ; ATLANTIC & N. C. RAILROAD CO. ff WA. -New Bern, N. a, May 16. 1901. Vado Mecum Spring Co., ', - - r Wlnston-Salem, N. C. Gentlemen: - . i. ' For, the past two years up to within the last month I had been a great sufferer iro a a case ot chronic nervous indigestion. fine ingrno relief until iHrouRh the advise of a p irsonai mena l oeican ine use oi vaae lie urn Water and its effect on 'me. within the short time ot one month has been won deiiul, having been relieved entirely of my troable by its use. I take trreat pleasure in giving you this , testimony of its merits U protpMt twmt iMrdat good m 'anct emcacy for stomach and liver troubles. w-jprwiiH-4yMpe4. u wiiiniu. R1tta T hp-TT thft ii n a Af thtu trrftfni I- hava -tdwra kT,M4 pal led 123 pounds and have nearly- reached ajSSS mti atonrforrf Tirol erty f '.'.. I ... "... ".. 'Y "ji ' -t j- . iooioiuo oi km crop, oont!ia poar , ; . , ;-1 ours iruiyr . B. A. NEWLAND. Zlaster Transportation. i or : ai u r. a. uurrv9 ukuu siuku. , Meal - CaseT Crop CoadHloas la Waka Wont Slaee 1867,. Text ,5 Books: Strlkla Haehlalitf jfe ' Case. Weeklf Crop " m Balletla. . Ralcioh. Jane IB It It quit, proU. ble that the tepert of the, penlUntlary, which the boot keeper end Mereury to the new directorate are preparing will appetr la JalyMt will ihow the actaal eoadltloa of fflr The lMt report made by the futlonUU, 4hal Is up to the end of 1900, vat woriehaa ttlaeleit; It wu misleading." j - In the. Federal Court here today, lit Chamber the1 hearing of the oe of R. 8. Neat vt George L, Brlggi of Norfolk was flnlihed. J It lnTolvet the. owner ship of the large Neal tawmlll at Cro llna City and of timber land. Brlggt elalmt'that Neal owei him $9000, while Neal tayt Brlggt owes him $8600 Tomorrow the Index to the new public laws wll be completed and the printers iay they will lisue the tolame In a few crop eondUloat are the worst since 1007, and perhaps a hard as they were that year. Fanners are rery Respondent. There Is now no sort of donbt that Lewis Council will be hsnged at Fayette Till Jane 94 Tae State board of edacailon decides to adopt a Jext book, Hyde's lessons In English (9 books) at 99 and 40 cents, the second one 'as a supplementary book, Webster's dictionaries; Hoses' first read' er (It the price! Is . made . 10 cents) and Ullnes' standard and elementary Jrooks. Attorney general Gilmer' is notified to draft the contracts at once and to come here and see that they are properly signed. Before a magistrate here one of the new. men of the bea board Air Line ma chinist foree sned for wages, which the eompsny said would not be due until July 15. The ntagtstrate gare adgmen l against the company, which appeals the case and gare bond. Qorernor Aycock leaves for Wilkes- bord tomorrow to make 'an educational address snd will return here Friday evening. He goes to Charlotte Saturday His speech there will be along Industrial snd educational lines. The report of the legislative committee SDDolnled to investigate the steaHnss ot ex-olerk Martin of the Bute treasury Lea never been made. It will probably be made In s few days. The weekly crop bulletin to day for the week ending Monday, says; "Farm-1 ers received some eaoouragemenl by the ooalinuaaoe of warm, dry, suany weath er during the early part ef the week Just passed, during which the cultivation of crops proceeded rapidly; and . some evi dences of more rapid growth were visi ble. Rains began .on the 18th ' which ere quite beneficial at Brst, especially en aplaads, bat the . Urge amounts on the letk, and the generally cloudy, damp weather during the last portion of lbs week were very unfavorable. Farm werk was completely Interrupted, aad oeaaot be resanaea rot soate time, as tae groene has become very wet, n A good dsel of grass wu killed the I rst of the week. but complaints of grassy Aelds are stUl aomeroua, Bad the uensoesiary rales will stake suiters worn. f I Tae wheat harvest wee aodcrwev gi sratly In the south portion of the State early la tae week, but kae ceased for (be present. Hock wheat Is reedy to out; some ass been beaten down by rain, aba Of property at Carolina City.- Special Master's Report Case Llverman , ; Confirmed. Special to journal. s u ' Baxbios, June, 18. Judge Purnell to day confirmed the tale of the R. 8, Neal orooertv at Carolina City; but has - not yet passed on special master's report. the stealings of W.H. Martin, former ...... . . ' Judee PnrneU alsa confirmed the re- reuury ciera u nnuaea. n snows ue oort of the sneclsl master In the case of 1 miW ioj f io.owj, . ui trns i reasuret Wergmaa against Xlvermsn and others, giving damages on the Injunction bond I in litigation , over some timber binds ap northeastern Carolina. -' . NEAL SALE CONFIRMED ; f 16,500 - Clerk The Amount of Former Treasury ' ' narttn's Stealings. t. s r Special to Journal. . , - ' t BaLSioa, Jane 18. The report of the special legislative - committee, composed of Senator Arrington, and representa tives 8. Shaanonhouse and Winston, on orth At liable for all save $979 for I Which Treasurer L6y Is-liable.. f,200Men Laid Oft Niwpobt Naws, Vx., June 17- Netroes ClTtni: TrouWe. JacKsoayiLUt. Fls.. . Jane 17. At - a I negro political meeting In the sixth I ward tonight a .mobof a hundred orj more aegic eS swore- vengeance agslnat I Twelve hundred men from -the' various department were laid off at the plant of I the whiles, declaring it is said, that they the Newport News Shipbuilding . and I would kill any. white man who came in Dry Oook Company, to day, and as many the district.,., They seised two. street cars i mere will be laid oft to morrow If the 1 that were passing ana jerxea , tae striking machinists , do ? not .return to ImoloVmen snd conduot5rs from , their I work. ...r.; . . . icars. . The management . will retain , only I The mob was dispersed oa the arrival enough men to handle repair work, I of the police In force. In the melee pre-1 notably on the! North German: Lloyd I ceding the arrival of ' the police, Willie I liner Maln.-whloh is being rebuilt. The I Cook, a young negro, was seriously I wounded by s pistol ball. i Danger, disease ana aeatnioiiow neg lect of the bowels; Use iDeWitfs Uttlel Early ' Risers to "regulate themi and yon I WlJ. addTyesrs ;to your life and life to 1 your years. Ksay-to take, never gripe. F. B. Duffy ft Co, machinists show no disposition to re turn to work, only two or three re sponding this morning when the yard opened,? The departments chiefly effect' od to day are those of the boiler makers- blacksmiths, carpenters and Joiners and ship fitters, i, Fire Chicago Firms Yield. flitTnAifv Jnna 17AAttlAtriAnu with striking machinists were effected to day Mine-Hour Demand on Plant System st live local plants' msklng a total of I Bsvsnhab, Ga., June 17. A commit- over 70 plants here In which the strikers tee of anion maohinlsts waited on Super have won the fight begun three weeks! Intended of Motive Power Bymonds, of ago. . , - :4 the Plant System, st noon today , snd notified him last they hsd been lnstrue The Greatest Evidence of thfl dangers 1 ted by the uulpa to-demand anide-bour of eholera morbus, diarrhoea,' andy dys-1 day with psy as for ten hours, under the enters is the increase (a the. sdeatV rate present schsduie. There are about 100 during the summer mouths. Toir can-1 men empioyea in ine nam oysiem snop here, rue men are now woraing nine bonrs and getting nine hours' pay. They give the road until noon tomorrow to make an answer to the demand. If the answer Is not sstlsfactory all union men to.. the shops will go out. not be too careful, and particular atten tion should be paid to the diet A supply ef-Pam-Kiixxa should '-always be at hand for It can be relied on at all times as safe, sure and speedy.- A teaspoonfu) will cure any ordinary case. Avoid sub stitutes, there is but one Paln-Ktller, Perry Deris'. Price 89c. and 80c. New Bens, N. C Car I Peninsular Stoves and Rangos Just Received. ; OoUoa bee not all bsea ohopped, and ssaay flelde are being abaadoaed (A plowed ep for aera or teld peea. AU tbe sobaooo has Sow beam Iraaaplaated, and this crop seems to be doing fairly well, taoegb - worms are giving ssech treeble. The Md ef Utah potatoes Is a site large. Oardaas are meek fan proved. Peeeaes aad ehetriee will be nil eropai spplee very shot! sad la fart ot. , Mlaot eroiie, rioe, peeeeta, aad especially assi sts, are doleg well ' ; V BatefaQ for Ike west trees selected stations (la laches): Ooldsboro 1 40, Oraeaabnre 1 9a, Leabertea eg, New DarstM, Waldoa 0 M. Balal(k' 9 Marina I ftl. AsberaSed. Wllnlnrio 00,ttarlMtM,fcUKluvUle9 ), 1st teraoe 1 SO. l ull line Kentnrty Th Vall Hlm, DangliT Oil J Omit Come lMn arl hxik ovr tlicm ynoll gH whet you rtA if, mill rrifx- riglit. Our sUk k la row comf-Si In Gausa Idiots and ii -l'-.w rrf,!i. V kt--p a full slo- V f.f 1 t...lll,. arc u Oi:i!J::in Material. Oatof Ltqnor Eoilnctt. WaaeienToe, Jsss 17 The rWrsUfy of War dltacts Ibe psblleatloa of tl C'kit'(f F 1'ivre '",wlsl tot l)e lefoneailot ef 'Si mail, vlnost or splilloei ItqSfWS will be parcl.ad by ths f4nliUu ('Ttiartm.nl for any frrxs. Pt);- tWw f nfwM la n-n l or fc , !;) f w.! for .e la tl.S dlt of il.Ht lxi k In m the aintf roi'ns !'! b4 A surgleal operation Is not necessary I to care piles. DeWltt's Witch Uasell Salve ssves all that expenae and never I falls. Beware ot counterfeit!. F. S. Duffy ft Co. Supplies For The British. Norfolk, Vs., June 17. The British I steamer Hackney, Captain Storm, la ex-1 pected to sail from Lambert's Point to-1 morrow for East London, South Africa,! with a great cargo of stores for the I British srmy. Bhe haa s manifest al most as long as a man's arm, deacrlpttve Colonels Queverra (Gulvere f) I of these which were taken on at New I All W1U Surrender Next Week Manila, June 17. Genersl' Sumner has returned here from Santa Cms pro vince, where he hsd been negotiating for the surrender of General Callles. He confirms the dispatch of the Associated Press of yesterday, announcing that the preliminaries ot the surrender of the In surgent leader -have been erranged Callles Is collecting hie scattered tsoops. Ot these, 117 will surrender Wednesday and the rest will give themselves up next Monday. and Infante,, the representative of Callles, assured General Sumner ' that Calllee waa acting la good faith. Intents was previonsly sn irreconcilable, and though he was the last to advise surren der, told General Bumner of bis determl natioa to bring la every gun There have been several sharp skir mishes la Bohol since Jhe departure of the Fourth Regiment. The conditions la Oeba are still backward. It Is offi cially reported thet lasurgont bands, with American deserters, are going to Mlndono. . Ketema, aaltrheunv tetter, r chafing, vy poisoning aad all skin terturse are qolckly cured by DeWltt's Witch Hexel Salve. The. certain pile cure. F, S. Dully ft Co. Merchant Killed by Robber, WuwaoToa, Jobs 17. Gastoa Price a walla man about U yeers of age, was ease oiled aad robbed tome tins yester day la his store at Navassa, oa the west side of the Cape Fear river, about four mile above WUmtngiea. He wet feead lying oa the floor of the More early ate storting la a pool of Wood with his skell crashed aad ale face battered aad braised. A phystclea waa tfamtsoaed, who after esssalaaliOa, had the la lured Eta resseved to Ue lty hosplial la Wnsslnghva, where be died la Ike after Boon, never btvtag regained ooeeoloae- aees. . Bobbery U eappeeed to here beea the stotlve. ' ' -. A ebeet la which Mr.. Frioe wss ksowa to keep kU ssooey wss foes brokee epea end the empty moBay bos lring oa the Boor beside a Moony ass eade broom handle. Mr. Price sold e pUr of property la Ibis ettye few weeks sgsler which he reedved ItOO, bat wbatbtr Ule money was foead by his aaaallaaU I But keews There Is ae Sine. Tork.The list Includes all soru ot food products, elgarettes, and other neoeeea-l riea of life, 9,800 sacks of flour and 1,000 1 reels of barbed wire. Nobody seems to I know whether the wire Is to make I Blockades to pat the Boere in, to keep I the Boers off Tommy Atkins, or corrslsl In which to keep horses and eetsie. Mr. James Browa of Portsmouth, Yt over 90 yeers of age suffered for years with a bad sore on his face. Phyalcii ooold aot help him.. DeWltt'a Witch Basel Salve on red Mm permanently. F.l g. Duffy ft Co. . WAT CLEAR FOR CHILE. pfff ! !H J lit ir i ; 'l'Tr,t I t i: Ail t'. ii'.u' 1HB 1 ETA IT 1 l . Strike la Cinxla. KontiH, Jibs 17. OfTleJal ef ths Traokm.n't fnloe annnnnc tht ba Iihi 9.009 and I.V'fl ol U Cannllae rarla Railway Copey-S tfackwe tunc t"' for aa l rui In wr Ti. kir.m iwIts aa s li.rvi s 1, sr.d want as ofi f r-m U In tw.n'y riu t CT, ' lr ( tl W;!'y. Don't Yon Jfeted a NIsjc Bras Bound With a XJoTer to iit ? If so yon can get one at J.X. McDanlei'Nj 71 II road St. A new bbl. Fulton Market Corned Boef just received. Fresh lot 8mall Sugar Cured Hams, Pic Nio Hams and Eng Iih Chired Shoulders. .', Fresh Grita, Oatflakes and Rice. iv-r A few Nine North Carnlmft VctAvA an1 Slii-prl raA Peaches only 5c pound. ' ' ' Dunham's Schredded Cocoanut Nice and Fresh. Heinz's Pickles both Sour and Sweet. ' Bartlei Pears, Standard Quality 10c, 3 lb. can or 3 for 25c - Give me a call. Yours to please, Wholesale A Betail G rosier, 'Phone 91. 71 Broad Hi. of 1. 1 Old- r I May Press CUlm for ,5,o0e,oOO Against - ThU Coaatry. ' 't Washirotow, June 17. By tae de- eUlod of the Ualted States aad Cblleaa Claims Ooesmiseloa today latbe I tela ease the way has beea cleared for ths preeeatailoa of claims against the (Tat ted States by Chile which will probably eggregete 18,000,000. y . , The Iteta,s tteaouhlp loaded w lib areas and ammualtloa for the United Chilean Insurgents, was, seised by. the hV authorities at Mas Dlega, OaL, ess May 9,1691. Sheeeoeped aad waa el dowa the Soelk Aaseriosa eoeet to Val paraiso by the Called Slates erelset Ckarlesloa. At Talparalae the was ear readered Id the Veiled Stales Bevel authorities eed detalBed Belli Oetober. The former Chlleaa Claims Oocsmle- sloa reedered I deeletoe la this oees the Celled Sutee Was liable la damage. Ths ease before the preeeel eoenateetoB la bresghi by the owntrt of Ike vessel le recover t80,000 eaaaf ee, bet In ths meaallae lbs Cbllwa Oererameat kes psld Iks eeaere SO, 000 for deteatloa aad repairs to the vaeaeL . The dadiloa raedared to day holds thai ths Cbllaaa GoversBMBt has reeog ntMd Its liability to ths owsers, aad that the claim -of the owaera, the Soelk Americas B.fatli!p Compaay, tfaleat the L'nllwl Htaie Biutl 'be dlaml This Ie?ae Ilia Chlleaa Oovarammt as the only c!lmnt agatmt Ujs Cnlti !'!", un-tor the diiloe of the former that the Valud liate la llatj'a ft '!4i,i f, the dttitlou ef tit ftl. n of C'l-1 !H le i' h t rtwn4 if Uie f - " j .y r- l t'f er.ef t: o 1 ; 'i . ' -.- 1 1 t O JUST RECEIVED g W A Fresh lot Clover Hill Rntter. Freh f!hi. Vno.v (!bMi O and Crackers, and a Nice Stock of Select Canned Goods. We also have a lot of P. P. Garner's lirick for sale. J L. Ttl. Satterthwaite & Bro. Phone 169, 61 Broad Street S Try Our Best Patent Flour! Flour that can only be made hi a iiuxk-ni mill from the most carefully selected wheat.. We are selling tTtn: same at UHtonishinfrly low iriees. Ariuour's Canva.ssed Meat coiiHtantly on hand. Coffee offer ntill holds giHMl. Very reiqiectfully, J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer, Phone 137, PALL PIMOS Highest Artistic Standard, USED IN 100,000 HOMES INCLUDING The President THE United States xn" BEST MUSICIANS i-aiSK v For Faetory Prices and Liberal Terms, Address : W. F. BLOUNT, ; ' State Representative, . Raleigh, N. a JIM V'' rdW IMe the game Itoely, Rt.nl full thnmch SV dfct Ml the llaM lull PnppU"- thir ewMta ere ear Wiif wkw, and rn Ue very roap 1 ..ill lrm Sn in fl W eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee At the store i Neto York Prices ; for Letter Fdes . Serviceable . ' HarwhochiU - 6. H. Ennette! re " .1 i: t t .f i In too IM ... i , J-., " 1 fl) t toe " 1 60 1 ' l,., ,,!.., IrVr. T'A ISolla, V-. V . f . tt Hf. f Hilling UVU r.r : 1 In t t (? fniintinl -.1 rl. ..- . I i.a ai.d f;i:iing fl t h t - - - r "--. t RcttrtFiSti: Now rfodvlni trom farat dally Fin Trchr and Urge ctilUrlc4 I'-Hrk U rrUe; alo on sale Pure UUc k Wry Wine, Art ypare old, for farnilj tjai, , 3 o tr loule, sUO frt 6. . I !. lie .'. ft- ' f