vTWINTIITH TEAR VOL XIX.NO. 72. -7 " 55D-V FEAR PEART IS LOST. NIW BIEN, H. Cl SU8DAT. MORHIKGf JUNE '23f, 1901.; i (, t. (X to ft AN a VA AS . MX B;EbOW: Meeting . of Rural mlttee. ... LttraryCom- Winter In Hortk Greenland wu the . v Coldest Ever Knowa. . v'. Phtladklfhia, Jane 20. The 11 ret hews of the sesson from -the far North WMbroaghtto ihli pert yesterday by the Greenland bark Fluorine, from in IT IS A PITY $0 FEW WOMEN: w ; ' - j Are ; Entirely Free Fronr! PeMc Catarrh- Should Catch : Your Eye. o o o o rVrk f ggtablUnlnV Befool LI bra-g tut. The vessel left Greenland on Hay E3inROIIEttY NAtE-For 2 days Only Moaay and Tuesday. All the profits taken off. NOTE PRICES: 8c Quality ; '7c 80 " I'1 10c ft 12$c" 15c & 18c " 8c yard. flc " 8e' " 18jc " 18c &. 80c Quality, now 15c yard. 85c & 80c " " 18c " 35c & 40c " ' " 87c "' 60c & 65c " "40c " 1 Also complete line of Sheets, Pillow and Bolster Oases. 90- jl x90 Sheets torn and hemmed, ready for use, prioe from SSo to 70c. Pillow Cases 45x86 ranging in price from 10c to 18c. hemstitched or plain. Utica Mills sheeting 22c, for 2 days only. I HACICBURN ties la Each Ceanty . V8eaboard Battling bamage MJlalnuv ,- North Carolina Orators at Nashrille.' Tex tile Baildlar. - Balmoh, N. C, June 88. The special I committee to select a list of books for I the raral school libraries eat here at ten I o'clock this morning. ' The educators In vited by General Toon, the Superintend : WHAT IT DOES. 21 for Philadelphia, and since that tin has been buffeted by severe weather tb is nsrially experienced at this time of the year. ' There were fears among the natives when the Fluorine left tbat Peary and bis-party of explorers had perished 4he winter In North Greenland had been one of the severest ever known. For three months the mercury stood twenty degrees below zero, and hundreds ent of Public Tortrnction. to eLt In 01 equimau uau puu ..u uBv. - i I I J. n..i.U 11:akla lha msitar KbvU KUIUT l V111U ' aouiv, t r oi u -m i v I OI IDs f iUUriUQs rvpuria UOIr wueu t p p m t t left rtlgtot the whaler Helene wm rewly h" V wWs.DWw, , 1ID ,ha allf' ftf M . y li t. w ir 1 ti I 1 ILU itJKVfS Willi DUUUIIVB 1VI uu a vaav roium uoiasooroi j.K.esier, mieignj . - - ,.;:.. .,h a, n n u...... nn.k.n. una mki I me moamor niuuwoiu, u.yu Grnsboro, The nommltt of the "to M.ry and her daughter in ai.ui.ii. iti..ii . i. isearonomernusoanu. hiimw Hon I. comnosed Of President ! Walter tn PP'v on the Windward has If Mley rfonW ban been dead bf ' I . A .uA nrn a KAlmr I .11. .1 . J m . r . ruUDUUlh, BUiiliw uoiouo " w8 I IDfS UOW Ma f IUi UVCU H. I II IWM' hurriedly leaded. She was to have left I Ing so well now. I bave not taken any for Drisco the same day that the Fluorine I medicine tot lour or Hye months. sailed for Philadelphia. The last heard I can cheerfully recommend Peruna to from the Windward was in August last I my Mends. " when she was at ancnor in jneivnie uay, i Everywhere the people, especially the several hundred miles north of Julians-1 womon, are praising Peruna as a remedy haab. I for all forms of oatarrhal difficulties, When the Fluorine was off the New! Boxa Tyler, Vice President of the IU1- .Tatbav iut iMt TiiBBrtnv Thomas An- " w oman-s Aiiianco, writes irom iu ,.nrt h..mH la and c.mmlUed Et BUtloth street, Chicago, 111., the ........... k Th. following other veBsols of the fleet are on their homeward runs and are expected dally. Hiu Anna Caraten, Clayton, 111, Miss Anna Carsten,Clayton,IUnsaysi "Your Peruna did me so much good. I Clark; 0. J. Peele, Dr. George T. Win- Iston, Miss Eliza Pool, Dr. J. 8. Bassett, Dr. W. L. Poteat, Prof. D. H; BUI, OoL Fred A. Olds, A. J. Field and John WU l oer jerkins. Most or those were pres- I ent this morning. It will take some I time to complete the list. Measures for securing the establlsh- Iment of these libraries In every county were disoussed. Htrange to 'say, In many counties not a single school baa applied for the amount appropriated by I the State to the establishment of those I libraries, while In others several times I the number allowed have maae applica tion. Gen. Toon hopes tbat some en I terprlslng and public spirited man in leach community will take up the matter, The Visible Cotton Supply. New OuleaNs, June 21. Secretary neuter's statement of the world's visible raise the ten dollars necessary, - and se-1 upply 0f cotton shows the total visible oure the establishment of these libraries. I m be 2.948.096 bales, aeatnst 2.013.128 ki. n r.v.ii It Is suggested that a library mass. meet- a8t ,ear. of this the total of American log be held in each school district to cotton is 1,165,090 agalust 1,890,128 last which all the people of the neighbor- yaai, and of all other kindsincluding hood be Invited, Some speaker to be Egypt Brazil, India, etc., 1,088,000 selected to present the advantages of a I against 622,000 last year. Of the world's ATLANTIC & N. C. RAILROAD CO. New Bern, N. C, May 15. 1901. VttUO JXLOvUlU Dpililg Winston-Salem, N. C. n i.i ,. unuticiuDu. . JJ'or Hie PaSt tWO yearS UP tO WltJlin ooal,Drr'- Ana 11 11 MWMI1 ""Ivlslble supply there Is now afloat and the last month I had been a great SUfferePphom''""'I'ofcou 'lbe raised at neld In Great Britain and continental tinm o Aosa nt ohmniA nanvnnn Inrtl o-oof-lnn I "" nuropo i,n,vuv ui, .B.u.. .,..v,wv flntln. a Allsf until IWiioh .a nrlnloK . . -,..,.,.- ,v. - , uuuui.( uu ivAw - uuMi aui vuru wAAw imvug vt At UDarioiie tne uovernor ana partj jooo lastTyear; In India 616,000 -against it uoiouuai u icuuia uckau wo uoo ui auoi1" "'"l "umraj mraui. 1 u" 1 107.000 last vear and in the united . Mecum Water und Its effect on me within mornlnthe prtT WM dt1yen t0 the states 271,000 against 838,ooo last year. V.a 4fvA a nnn mAnth has hami tai. I country club, where they were served 1 1 V, U. a . loncheon. This evening from ore to V uoa-iu, uavius uoou reupveu ouwioiy ui any mM 0.0iock there wu a reception for , irOUDie Dy HB USe. X lane- great. piBaSUre I the ladles at the Manufacturers' Club, V' In D-1TT1T1B" VOU thla , tARtimnnV nf It.n m nrlt.Hl tonliht a trollev bart v and theatrical ed jrand fifflcaCV for StOmaCh and liver troubles. I tartalnment were given them, while to- v ni-.T i it.. .... .a s.t.4. t lolirht a baonuet Isserved on the roof . WW WVKWH WAW wwv w .y W WVWWW M .11.1 w "During the past year I gradually lost flesh and strength nntll I was unable to perform my work properly. I tried dif ferent remedies, and Anally Peruna was suggested to me. It gave me new life andatrongth. I oannot speak too highly of it. The extreme sensitiveness of the mu cous lining of every organ of a woman's This explains why, in part at least, so few women are entirely free from oatarrh, Peruna cures catarrh wherever It Is located. Send for free catarrh book. Address Dr. Hartmah, Columbus, Ohio. THE MARKETS. A surgical operation Is not necessary to oure piles. DeWItt's Witch Uatcl Balva saves all that expanse and never falls. "Beware "of cbu"nlerTrltl. T. "8. Duffy & Co. iJo'Tljr j I. I- i "r:.ardenoflueclub, at which Governor gaiueu p pouuus aim uave ueany reacueu .ycock is the principal speaker my standard weight. - Yours truly, B. A. NEWLAND, v Master Transportation. For Sale at F. 5. DUFFY'S DRUO STORE, New Bern. N. C. Aycock In seaboard authorities are com promising most of the claims for dama ges on account of the recent wreck near Rockingham. Mr. L. F, Korach, of A Big Cotton Seed Trust. Philadelphia, June 21 The North American tp morrow will publish a story to the affect that a syndicate of capitalists is planning a combination The following quotations were recelv edbvJ. E.Latham & Co, New Bern n. o. Naw Vohk, June 22. CoTTORi Open. High. Low, Close July.. 8.85 8.43 Aug , 7.80 7.8 Oct 7.42 . 7.48 January. 7.42 7.62 Chicago, June 22. Wheat: Open. High. Low. Close July A6 .3 Sept... Co mn- July .. Bept .. Rtbs:- July... Sept... V 'Fresh Corned Mullets JUST RECEIVED. Also a fine lot Small Pig Hatuft, Pic Nic llama and Small Breakfnat Strip. - Foi River Butter 80c lb., Oooklnff ItatUr 26c lb. ,., : Giv luc a cntl for auy thing In .the grocery line and I will , SAVK YOU MONKT. . 1 . " . " Youra for bualnrwa,. v -.1 Wboleaalo cad Retail arocM-. 1 A PHOSt 69... Cor. Hroad & XTanrxxk Hi. ? Chicago, who wu one of those most se-l with $100,000,000 capital to control the rionsly Injured In the wreck, has been I entire production and sale within the here for several days, and Is getting LUnlted Stales of the vsrlous products along very well. Ills Injuries will not I and by-products of cotton seed, be permanent. I Thera are 490 cotton oil plinls In be At FayattevlUe there seems to be tome I waited Stales, . of which the American dUpoalUoa to repeal the prohibition law Oottoa Oil Company, with a capital of soma contending that the prohibition 1 130,000,000, own 4S, and the Southern act did not repeal the dispensary act, Cotton OI Company, With bead offices I Stocis;- bnt Bepresenlatlre McKetaaa, who la-1 la this city, own 10. The others are I So, Ryfld. Itroduoed the Mil, sayitbslaw la clear,! operated largely by cot toe planters. Cool. aad any evasion will be prosecuted. I Tha North America ssys the syndicate I go Ry It la proposed to erect a aaadsomella aow negotiating to purchase lbs Mo'.P ateatorial arch to the lata Stanhope I stock of the Southern Oottoa OU Com-1 U. & L Pnlleo, at lha so trance of PaDea Park Ipaay. , . o. St O I Mr. CM. Barrett, tha architect, offers to I 1 Sugar I donate lbs design for tha area. The I Mr. Jaates Brown of Portsmouth, Va., v. C. C park has beea greatly Improved la the over M years of are snffeYwl for . years I R. 1. I aM year, end Is aow 6se of the prwt- with a bad sore oa his fee, rhysiclans si. tiest of lu slat to be found. loon Id not help Maw DaWlu's Witch Tea. Poo Governor Ayeock, , Jade e Winston, 1 Hasal Salve cared Mm psrtmaaentl. F. Am. 0. F Secret ai y Psarsall and a number of If. Daffy Co. others frees here, will StUad the Ml 6( Close 44 Close 8.07 817 Open. High. Low. -. 42 . 48 Open. High. Low. .. 8.05 . 8.12 New York, June 22. Open. High. Low. Close ....88 87 519 88 1S2 11 491 14l 66 178 47 ss, 144 169 179 W llag of tha BUle Bar I WrtghtavllU. B ash villa, Teaa la plaaolog a big I Foarth of July eslsbratloa. Ba-Baaior Malt W.aUaaoai aad 0a. W. R.-Cos I are to be lh orators. The aaalvaraar n Peninsular Stoves and Ranges Just Received. n rnll Jina hn.lrKly IMivht Pt'ivra, PangV Oil CfX'liiiB Flovps SnJ Ovyta. Coma IVjwn ami Jik ovrr Uwm Jon!! fTt wtiat yon wstil 1,Tf and tiriifa rini'l. ur U It t now pnmnlH in (uw Doom arrl Vlrnlow S r.h. W't kf-p a full tUk nf u. 1 U Association at J tujq TELL0W FEVER Of HAT AHA Ha acca Almost Biunnlaattd. Rot a ; rrolCaialaTwtllooiac. Bavsaa, June IL-Owlaa to Jhs ab- wlll be sso re taarally oslebraud la UUI sane of yellow fever la Ihle ally Major Stele than asaaL . , .... ; I Olcaaoa, of Ue Maria Uosplial Corps, TaaCaraWtah PbospBau Mill la Lg I has recotnsModad thai the e.saraaUa be rant a ksadsoess offloa batldlaf at (heir I raised oa pasetnf era (roes Cube destined works aeer las diy. , - U) polsil aonk of th aeataara bona There are forty I v stadeaia at Insider of Marjlaad. Wak Forest few school. ' I Titer baa not beea a fresh eaeaof . .. .. . .. i. i .. . . . Tooay tM nMS foe la (aiUM nalldlngi yellow lever la nsTassror aeariy iwe at the A. A M. College war aeensd. I ssoatha, aad la oases which bars eo- Taar are tea blddsse. , Tha UlldJss I rnrrsd this mar bav bee HgM. Msltaer will be two stories with baisreiat by I are laav aayeaaea of yellow." fevet la 63 feet Work will Wfiaialy let, aad I oalier parU of tb Uiaad. The stresgast H wlU b la aharg of Prof. H. . Wn l.bjectloa agalast adaitlllog aia-l eoa f la Uatll oWpartaseak - ' I bob free Cnbaswowt f to tks boards n -. I of health of lb rWber iata. These boards tvaa object n Ue ewiraerwof XHagef, dleease aad dVath follow at-1 sock persons at New York, fearlsf thai Wce4 Uebowsi. Vs IleWltt'a LliUt tktee twnien will gosoalk Mm lb Early flteert W rvgDlsW tle and yon I lpa af It days. Msjof UlMaoa Is la III ail yers la year Ufa aad life I If aver of acbaogHn the ptMat etrtri yonr yoank-Kaay touts, aavr grij. I osarantln rctils aalaM CH; r. & iff to. - Daw Harm MUt KM Cotton In tha Mew Bera market wu old at 7,00 to B OO. Bpots lll-l. SsUs 7,000 ha. fataree, Jaly-4u. U4,Ort-rtov. 4.10. , roarr nwcurrw. '- . ": " Baae weak ladtwks ' ," last jraar. 1,000. ,30 v Thla week,-- Moa..---'i t-f . .,' -aw, Than. , --v TOO Tti. ' ., " , I.XJ0 4 .; wjmo f "Slloatloa It rtewport Htwl,. k . (1 b r In s :. 1 1 Cf - i a a ... ; t.oilwl t.. I AHtlbieTomsJo la fcrlika. Oe, Jnn llfp-l.'s fr. f? r, Rph, tn r.f s frifiafni ifii.:o t''.t Jn.t f tr.rf Im 1 l ? I: . I KriimataWf Iort?ifn pons l'altd Hiatus U1 bscpas Lbore Is 4 ytllow ! ki. le lb All t!. fira'-n; i r IIjp 1,000 We QaH Woik. t(KMa, T' Jpn t -'W I'.il fk st ! t"-f '' I' j P"rg JH . - f It 4' SMALL PIOMS, ISreakfafit Ntripj, California Ilanis and a Freh let FaiicfTEIcln and rinvpt. II1I1 rrlnt Butter Jut RtMelvsl at Ji ;P Ii. MtDanleFH, 7lKroadNl. A new bbl. i ullon Market Cwrned Beef just received. Fresh lot Small Sugar. Cured llams, Pic Nio Hams and Eng lish Cured Shoulders. Fresh Grits, Oatflakes and Rice. A few Nice North Carolina Peeled and Sliced Dried Peaches only 5c pound. Dunham's Schredded Cocoanut Nice and Fresh. Heiiiz's Pickles both Four and Sweet. Hartlet Pears, Standard Quality 10c, 3 lb. can or 3 for '25c Give me a call. Yours to please, J. 1. McMIEL 1 Wholesale A Retail Grocer, 'Phone 91. 71 rcl Hi. o 8 JUST RECEIVED o Cakes O L. M. Satterthwaite & Bro. d o 8 O A Fresh lot Clover Hill Butter, Fresli Cheese, Fancy and Crackers, and a Nice Stock of Select Canned Goods. We also have a lot of P. P. Garner's lirick for sale. Phone 169, 6f Broad Street occcooooo o 5 Iry Our Best Patent Hour! Flour that can only lie made in a ' modern mill from the most eaiefully 'selected wheat. We are selling the same at astonishingly low juices. Armour's Canvassed .Meat constantly on hand. Coffee offer Mill Molds good. Very respectfully, J. J. TOLSON, Jr., I Broad St. Grocer. Phone 137. HILL PUIS Highest Artistic Standard. USED IN 100,000 HOMES The President United States AND TIIK BEST MUSICIANS In EurojH V America, For Factory Prices and Liberal Terms, Address : W. F. BLOUNT, State Representative, Raleigh, N. 0- oori I'M! t I .1 Wswroat Kiws, Va, Joostl - The tltiks aliaallo WsBftnfrt. No ma al lo wntk Vday aad as amer U 1 off i The eirlkMi kd a Wfit eatcrla! m'm.y ! Tttf hv " I f f s l ' . l r ' Sh!n ks ' tH. him Vi.k4 and t!atrH JUST TIRES nei't prk a hlry.U a fnnd tm. Tb lim ar imirtMil, 4 '"r. bwt UWf' lliltn ImmWat ln - . i K ll tt PKr b bad; eaa't nt , ! fntii f fir" s !4 aH my t'.t M m t l5LBook Store : NeTtx York Prices for Letter Fifes. J Serviceable Hammocks. " 6. H. Ennctt;! if t- lb f ' I 'I t : lr!ls f IR V f ' nl rf '1 I' y I .k. S- ,1. Jir rally w(i, it t ' s4 a w it V"::ip inr T: T W Krwrrn.h r a fntw farm dflily Una 1WU and lai(fnilUvUl I'Lvk ?iie, ! ( Pura It Jar kr-aryt V" f y.'t : I, f if fsDjily r?t 1- ';!a, I U 3 I . . 1 1 v 1 'It . C

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