Jk Htm ' THE JOURNAL. - PabiUhed every d ay la the lr, tiotpt I, koaday, al Mtddla itreel. : CHARLES L. STEVENS. imtoi Mb t aofBirron, v ' SUBSCRIPT10M RATES. : :? One fear, 1a adveoe ... ,.....t4.4) v Ova jaar.vnot ta advance!..-..... S.M ' Monthly, by carrier ta the thf..U.M - Advertising Kia furnished oa appli . Entered at the Post Ofllee, New Bern, If. CL aa aaoond class matter. Ofielal Paper if aw Benr m4 ifr l" Crnvan Onnty. New Bars. J. C Jnnr 38, 1901. THE FAIR PASSES AWAY. : The warning ' sounded hi lhase col- amaa last NoTember, on the powlblr dltcoBttnaanca of the Si-w Bern Fair, nnlesi certalR local conditions h.nlii chaage, waa verified. lant Frlilay aad ycalerday. when the Pair director first decided that o forther Kalf ealUliltlona would be held under their ampieeev aa by the aale of the property, in order to llqntdate the alTalra of the organUa. Mod. " - '''- .' '" ; .. The dlaeontlnaanee nf tbla Pair Aao elation does nni. algnlfy iUl thoae who have kept tbe oigantzatloa alive, and aa- atated each year In giving an exhibition, have leaa local pride or public 1 fplrlt In promoting the welfare of New Tern and Ita beat Intereita.v , For aome fourteen years there haa been a certain number af clticeat who have given the financial and material backing to the Fair Association. To name these citizens Is unnecessary, for each year their names have appeared in connection with the annual exhibit, both when tba money was needed and work was to be done. After the last Fair, held In November, these supporters of the Fair felt moat keenly the fact that there was a lack of local support, there belag a financial ' loaa from the November Fair, which waa not warranted by local conditions. To test tba sincerity of taw, people f this city, U waa proposed that Instead of tba few, an opportunity , be given tbe many to come in aod become stock holders and promoters of tba Fair; Apparently the olthons accepted, stock waa subscribed, bat later waea I he asaeaemeats became due, then sub scribers failed in pay. It waa again left to tbe old original crowd to go Into the work. But this they refused to do, aad Justly, not tbat they war not believers- la tbe Fair aa a benefit for Hew Barn and tbia eectloa, but for tba reaaoa tbat aa la Justice would be dons ibem, la) forctag a few to aaaams a horde that belonged to each and every cllUen ef this place. Tba Maw fiersPelr haa worked great good to this city anj section. Paring Its Ufa tin ft surpassed rvrry Fair held la tbla Bute, aad reeerved high praise from people of other States f Those .who suds the Fair, a success can fall amply repaid for the devotion they gara lo their work, abd that they kave enriched aad greatly braeflUed their dty aad seel toe will at least oe sole, If It dcee not repay them, few thetr edorvs given, aad messy aeaet, In at half of tba Wsw brf Fair. . -. saameM"Mw CalarrijCaiawl txGut4 wha LOCAL APPUCATIOXi, aa the faunae, teach, the seat af I he dliiasn, Oe terrh Is a blnarf o eoestliNtVatal dbv . esse, and fn rrder ta ear K yon moat i take lalrraat reeaedwa.- BaH't eurrb ' Cat Is, ta4e lreelly, amq aota (Hieea- )y aa tl blood aad saaenae sari see Call's CaUrrb Care H aot auark avrd). A alee. , It waa prtwirlbrd by ewe of Ike Wot phyakiane la this anaatry fnf year aad k a regular preeorlpiieek. it Is mm ' noted of tba tet ; latea known, ana -- Weed arltk the beat blood pniaera, act. - tag directly oa the aaeowa awrfaaaa, . TWe perfect aombiaattoa of the lee In giedtts as what pendaeta sat a ' . eVfal eetaiU la Carter Catarrk. fteed foe teaUmoatala ffra. ' ; XV. CllWtt Os Toledo, Ow oMHrPragjtata.Taa, , ' r , , DairsPamnrPtQaaratHtMst. , . Waaktaftoft, D. Jtaa n Ooasala toaat af lalamal tlevaaao Taikea baa rUd ikt baake m wstlowevi aaanet - asaha atalma lev tbe risswpitoo of daeev . ' ajMsatary aUaipa bVoatlsg la oaalnaMrt Sw aUsra. bat swy y srf tm sah aUatpe k , na4 asaka Ul la tVrir ti aaawa. .t: Strut v froa testa. Oaf Utile dsf.t had aa ilw -t fa tal attark tt aawt lef rtxi a4 tUl,- sHtM Mrm. W. X. list il - . anawt. J T, "t, ha t'.l ' twesefMae f.'Ve." n4 h't I!'. '. If. hlf" flt'V, f' ' vW t i la i ' et4 .A K 4 I ' t ; w ae't ttif U f-t'li-'f !" f4rttU tt 1.4 H. - j ' lf t. 'f'S'S T' I !"'TI'' r e"f - i...ilti 1 ' f,( ' 4 1 ' ! U l I '. i erne 4. af fltr 14 lutbifia'l Loea, alahiiger Iiaulod but eufferc-4 ft to- ere loss la the death of his brother, James flanlon. at FUcbburg, Mass. The Cm-Ased Waa aa elder brother of tbe ramoua manager. Ilaolon u;i that before bla fattier died of old axe abort time ago there bad sot been a death is hla fantl! la 30 years. : The billons, tired, nervous mag cannot ereafnlly -compete.! with fala health rival. ;DWhf Little Earl Risers the famous pills fnr (nmtlpatton - will re move the cause of yeur troubles." F. S. Duffy A C. J ' r One of the. moat deatnietlve' earth quake la tbe world's history waa that which occurred la Tokyo In the year KXfSv when IWjOOO people were killed. ; Diiat Marry For-Honey. ; tba Boston man, who lately- married sickly rich young woman, In happy now, for hi got Dr. King's New LMr Pins' wMch restored her to pirfect ftesltk Moralllble for 4annllre,,Billona ncss. Malaria Fever and Aane ad aO Liver and St mach trnnblps. v Gentle bot effective. Only VTt O. lirnribmY (rngator. - - v. Washlnaton, ; D, C 4tne Onnl 'lei eral Quepltier, at Fmnk'ort, Oat- many, report rh existence In tropica) Afrtea nf an We-fnoiI nf '.Aha bean fam ily. It Is the only fruit found In s nat- tiral s'aie that shows all the chemical properties of a perfect nutriment. Two pouaris rtnpry tbe dully requirements of be kiiman avatent. t'oM.niiL'g Ms... Aug 34, 187i Dr. t J. MnPKBTT Pwr Doctor: We gave your TEETH IS t (Teething Fow lers) In our little grandchild with the happiest results. Tbe effects were 1- moi magical, and certainly more satlr- faclory thsn from anything we ever Used.' i Tours very trosy, ' . JOSEPHS, KEY. Pastor of St. Paul Church (Now Bishop Southern Methodist Church ) -Carnegie Olvc Only Spare caeege, ', 3lssgow, June 83 Andrew Cardegie waa recently complimented for hit gen eroslty In giving 10,00,006 to Scotch uniyrrsnies.- tie saia: "remaps you overrate my personal sacrifice - My gift to the Scotch universities merely repre sents my. surplus Income for 1900." - OABTOltXA. ttatf 1! W"m Km Mwm Batsjhl agis-.o ef Stwt to DmIi Altar KlUIug IS M. Taoaon, Aria,, June S3, Tom Burns, notorious as a gun fighter, was killed by a eoaboy named Wallace on the ranch of Tom Willie. A number of cowbojs danoed upon tbe coffla, Be had a record of having killed thirteen men. "The rectors told me my cough wss Incurable One Minute Cough Cure made ate a wall man." Morris Silver, North Stratford, N. H. Because you've not found relief from a stabborn onogh, nWrdespltr. One Minute Cough Cure bas cared thousands aad It will cure yoe Safe aad sura. F. B, Puffy eV Co. reHgChiaeM Are swl auk. Water lowa. It. T., Jane tft-Forty Chinese passed through this city 'from tbeCeatoa jell fa their ' way to San Fraaeiseo for deportatloa. A" A.FtslWiJcle Rider. Will oflea receive palaf a leu ta, sprains OT kenlaaa- ' fraaa , aocidenla. Buck laaav Aratoagalva, wlttklU aba pain and neal iba Injury. It's tba eycllsl's friend Cares CbaflewV' Chapped Hands, Bore Lips, Damn, Ufoesa aad Piles. 'Cara naraateed.' Oely Inc. Try It. Hold by a D. Bradbam, Druggist.- ; llavaaa, Jane tX. Two Urge oil paint mtt reresatla historical aosaes of Aaaerlean Coloalutloa, tbd burning cf O flea's eblpe atTera.Crag, aad the laavtUc of tba pllgrtsaa. now baaglag In a chamber of tba Ayaatamleate) of He vaa bvebaa svMta the PaaAoserV 4M KipodUoa at BaSalo." , - -, -Pysfapllaa esaaei be long lived be aaaaa to Ilea ariialrsa aoiihmrit. Food la not aoarUblag antD N H dlgeesed. 4 dtanrdeaad etomach ca dlgw-f(M, It mast hsra aetUuaoe, Kadol Dyapep. sia Oars digest all kUds f food with out aid front Iba stomeca. allowing It to Mat and regain Ha naiaral fanetloost lu alrmaets ae raaotly lb earn as lb naiaral dlgeetlv lalda aad It simply eaat help bat do yoa good. F. H. Duffy ACa'.' '. -.' . tl'im tsailllwt' Viae as, J see 11A oVyatation from tba Tlaaaa CkamHav of Oowavar bva reqaesul Iba pressiw li prohibit tba cpealag of AakarVis saoe etarat la VI aaaa, Ts (aid tbat AeteWea aboet were previa a erioa lavasloa oa tba Helajres of AM la ar. . . 1 - "A few axtas f, IXk1 a kirk 1 t for besakrasl weald aM rraaal n my Moaxarb for half a emr.' I bard tas baatle af yoai Sodol IrrJl Car 4 ( w eat lay lraakftt sad mht bm1s with a h'lth si4 mf f l U tbraaby d'M, ?tnlVilng a,jil E iV4 l't 1T' Car tt linmtrh IrnaKlas, U. I Ut, Ailrrtna, Ti. Kadal 1 'r - ( f( r A u whM yrt, F A If ( I k - r f t h i f LlXL 111 ILAi X ' - NIW YORK REAL ESTATE AGENT CH - THEIR CHARACTERISTICS reemlier f4aae Waiek. Amm4Iu to Ht KViserteawa, reete ( Dlleraal aalloaaIltle Take - ta raaalae Treable te the (hmnv l(, -Tbe first question put by tbe renting agent waa, "What nationality, please?" and tbe woman In the blue hat replied by asking, "Why do yoq want to knowr "t meant no effeuar," eald tbe-agnnt I only uought that flndlog out your natlooality r could refer yoa at once to certain bulkllDga on njy ifst which would be apt to please yon." The woman In the blue bat bad naif a .notion to get angry., v- -. r- I don't see wliat triy ttatlonalliriiae to do with finding a suitable flat," ahe aaht ' . . - , , . It has a good deal to do AVIth It." aid the? agent. "Now.' I can aea straight off tbat yon are an American, bom and bred. . This la a deUeata qnea- tlouHhat you bare plongcd me luto but alnce I am In It I mean to flounder around" a little While tourer and tell ylfu a few facta pertaining to the merits and demerits of different nationalities nattered In .the tight of 'flntbouae -."Ktreti of all. I want to speah from tm?tnndptmt of prompt payment. It my aucceaa In bushicss depended upon each tenant lwytng hla rent exactly when It was due. I would try to fill all my , liouaea, with Scotchmen. , Never have I loet a penny, on a Scot, and eel dom bava I hnd to trait. ' '. I am Dot making the rash assertion that It la Impossible for it Scotchman to be dishonest while everybody else la trying his best to cheat me out of my very cyetootli. The "point I wish " to make la tliat personally I have never Suffered loss at tbe hands ef a Scot But they give trouble In other ways. They are fearfully quarrelsome and raise so many rows with the other ten ants through the dumb waiter shaft that It keeps tbe Janitor busy straight', euing out domestic snarls. In nil uty buildings where Scotchmen reside- I select a Janitor with a view to his even disposition and diplomatic gifts. It doesn't matter bo much about bis abil ity for scrubbing and keeping, the fur nace going. Utllitnrinn accomplish ments are a secondary consideration so long as he hi endowed wlfjh tbe blessed qualities of a peacemaker. "Taken all In All, tbe most' peaceable people 1 get In my houses ball from Sweden. You never bear a peep out 6t a Swede. He doesn't bother hlsj neighbors' and be doesn't bother me unless tbe provocation is extreme. As t rule, he la good pay too. The '. only fault 1 have to find with him is bis fondness for moving. A lease Is n dead letter In bis eye, and be has no more' compunction nlraut moving with out a day's notice, than be haa about going ra bed when be is sleepy. '.The woman In tbe blue bat naked! what were tbe chief characteristics of Americana aa tenants. , "Their supreme eel ash n ess." aald tba agent "They hove not A apark of consideration for a landlord. Tbcy wnnt tbe earth. They never get tbrongh asking for Imprevementa, Tbcy are not content lo get tba walla tinted aud the woodwork painted and the plumbing fixed once or twice a year. They waut new decora tiooe every mouth, and alt tbe trimmings must be first class too, American tenanta pay big prices for their data, but there lan't really so much. profit In catering' to tbent aa to other uatlonalltlea. for tbe simple reason that 1 nave to pay out nearly afl uy Income In trying to keep ap tbe building In the atyle they de mand. On tbo other hand, tbe people who ask for tbe least are tba Itallana and Jbe French. Tbcy take maet any Id thing 1 feel tike giving tbem, tba Freach meekly providing tbelr , own decora tloaa and the, Itallana going without ; 1 tike Oertnaa tenant pretty wall, too. oat tbey art terribly bard on (lata. I never could understand now, tbey manage to Inflict so aiarb damage on walls and ftoorev Judging by tbe lookn f aa "apartment "Just vacated by large Orrmon -family, oye would tbink that tbelr star piece of furniture waa battering ram. : "Tbe csar'a former eabject also bava aa abnormally developed botnp ef da- atructlreoeaa, although tbey ran to glass Instead of plastering. I hav one' house dewa town that a occupied by Ian Ruaatsa famlllea, aad If ther wars not eorauWled to repair their ewa dans. Sffca H would keep aw poor petting In new ' window aod baying new gaa "1 also rent to colored aoopta. 1 bava three kaaw full of these at priasnt, taJ f nMsst aay tbat I have never had better teaaata. .Bat when yea oan doww to ravta, all any tenanta are alee peolaV. aajly I thought K might not ba mla ah lis am tba subject of nation ality aieolto a few of tbo gajcwllart tka of eah."-Ns lork fiun. SjaiPwaO ateai ! I auaay parts of Icala tbo atov la as maU free aa empty etrohraaa oil ran liy eurtms beta ear lb bottocN aa owe of tbe autre to max draft, the raa Msg lined wltk f j pro in to tue plraaorw of lb eoe atronvr, glrtftg Hi' Ire ic aror4- bigly. To slot thus osd. arimtttva as M I ta lis aiwaranra, w effective fat port"" and eeata tbe eirnlvaieot of bat few troll af our money. ' K. . Peterboro, ha f?rw fTamrwblr, ea tabllibed tb firat fre pn,ll- library la In t'nlted Fi.tt In It .X aod SS early as IMS a general l aatuortilng tma- Coa f"f Umrj purp.Ma rd. and OLD PEOPLE M Bad Cirtmlftriori Is fhe nn nf Trutt cj advancing yeiira there is a decline of strength and vigor tie machinery of the body moves with lesa soeedr and accuracy. .Because of the weak and irregular action of tic heart the blood moves awe ot lis lue-euseunuig properties, and muscles, trasnesand nervca literalir starve lor - lack of DouHshmcst' A elugirish and collated docuhttjoa is followed-by a long v train of bodily ailments. -Cold feet, chilly seasations Trp and cwn tl spme, poor appet: and digestion, soreness of the muscles, rheumatic pains, hard and fissured skin, face sores, chronic running ulcers on the lower limbs and other parts of the body -these and many other disease peculiar to old people are due to a lack of healthy Wood and imperfect circulation. Restoration to health must come through. - .1 l ! , J : , : r . . i . , i . i , i il. l . a uk uuuuiaif ftp aau punwaHW ox we oiooa, uqb auumg auvngui .nu am w , the vital organs'and quick, healthy action to the circulation. . ; - r ' ; ' S. 8. 8. being strictly a veiretable blood rcmedv and the best tonic makes It tbe Most-valuable and efficaciooaof all medicine for old people.-. It is free from all mineral incjedients, and xaild and pleasant in its action.- It cures blood diseases -of every character, even those Inherited or Contracted in early life. As the system. gets under the influence or . b. S. there Is a marked Improvement in tne general health, and as richer and ourer blood beeina to circulate through the boar the appetite improves, and there la a softness nave not noticeo. lor years ; sores begin to beat, pains in muscles ana Joints grad ually cease, and you find that it is possible to be happy and healthy even in old age. Our medical department la in charge of physicians who make a study of blood and akin diseases. If Ton would like to have their opinion and advice in your -cose, write them all about it and you shall you want . 1 nis win cost yoa nothing. . Utners nave found our medical depart ment of great benefit to them their enreabeing; much more rapid aa the result of w special uirecuona received xrom-ouv - Don't be your own doctor when yoa Blood and Skin Diseases mailed to all whodesjreit . intj SWIFT SFKUf J Post Office Service. .'Th attention nf, the " public Is re spectfully." chIIm! tiittie change in tbe twlii-dnle of the mnlls published today. The change .necessitates a new schedule lor the carrier, viz: Collection 7.h0 a m to 8 00 a. m. IVJiyery tl.OU " 11.00 ' Delivery 11 M " 8.00 p. m Collection 5.00 p. m." 0 00 " Routing Mail 1.00 p. m. to 6.80 p. in. At the Post Office the malls "for the 0.00 a. m. train close st 8.15 a. m. For tbe 7 00 p. m. train at 6 80 p. m. -For the train going East to Moruhoad City at 7.00 p. m. There is one collection only on Sun day, from 7.00 a. m. to 8.00 a. m. The Sunday and afternoon trains going West carry no mail for Interme diate points between here and tiolds- boro. Carrier's delivery window open from 9.,K) a. m. to 10-30 a. m. Sundays. Gen eral Delivery winnow open for bait an hnnr after each mall on Sunday. TRIM COLLEGE sTar ty-flve graduate and undergraduate eoilrsea ot studv. Twnnt.v-t.hraA tjMkrliMr- in academic courses. Eight laboratories equippeu wan nuxiern apparatus. Large I'umij laviiiuva. uea. gymnasium ana ainteuc appointment in state. BctMlarahlBa aad Loan Fnnda. Attendance nearly doubled within the rl ut UVM. .M Rviuuieu, i. I . . ... Tlie best college is the one that offer a siuuent tne oast anvantnges. fnnn fur catalogue. PRESIDENT KILO", Durham, N. 0 Mm PARK HIGH SCHOOL, - T-iTT-p-cr a --r 27, J. Next term opens Pentenilier 11. 1801 One nf the best'sshools in the South At lantic Ntates; faculty of six trained teach era; unsurpassed library and gymnasium facilities; excellent athletic advantages. The purpose aimed at . is to give the oest cultivating Influence and to nur ture and develop strength of character at tne same time. Terms low. For Il lustrated catalogue and album, address, J. r. UlVKNtV Bead Master, Dcrbsm, N. C. it . ii ' Itis not too late 4 to pot la Window bVreacu aad )oirs, come seed your carpenter to select slam from our fomplete at-wk, we liav them arxf tbey must go. '" ; Prices wltlila Hi raaWi a' all. . few imom '. . erators '.V White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers W farnUh everything t make ymf lioa ciaif"rtahU, Lfl.CUTLlR U'DVi'FCQ comuix's a. nunn; Attorn at Lw, SIW itF.HM, "JCORIII CAR'iLIHA r.ff' H.siih Pn et lt. lpp.H II. .li I ( ).lUk. I a nr., f .iit a r t r"" "1 sis Refrin taJ thr lit enma writi old ape. With' slowly, becomes impure and loses much and elasticity about the akin that yon receive such information and advice aa pnvsicxans. can get medical advice free. Book oa lli VUmrANY, AllANTA, UA. A Summer Outing will be more enjoyable if you take slung a handsome Herge Hnit, made aud linisliea in an artistic manner, and a jiair of trousers of high grade material in worsteds, cassimerex or cheviot, that we will make for you In the perfection of lit and fliiish. and in a sti in that, nnlv an artist can give, (hir style is jierfect. our la Dries exclusive and our lit and finish exquisite. F. M. ChadwIcL, JLNlg Slrfctory. NEW BEKN CONCLAVE 486, Improved Order Hcptasophs, meets 2nd and 4th l nursdsy ntgnts, at e o clock at Koun tree Hall. Dr. K. P. Early, Archon; .1. J. Tolson, Jr. Flnsncier; Geo. D. Uordner, secretary. EUREKA LODGE NO. 7. L O. O. F. Officers: W. F. Crockett, N. 0 ; James B Dawson V. U : Geo. Green, Beoty: W. H. llervey, Flnsnclal Becretary; A. E. Pitt- man, 't ress. Kegular meetings every Monday night at 7.w o'clock. CALUMET ENCAMPMENT. No. 4 I. O. O. F. Officers: J. 1. Bsxter, O. P w . l.w.fu.u vBilRnaj, D. i ' r o li. II I, . T i, u ur A. 1 . Land J. W.; Geo. Green. Scribe; K Gerock, Tieasurer. Regular Encamp ment, 1st, 8rd, and Sth (if any) Thursday nignts in each month at 7 so o clock. NEW BERN LODGE No. l.F. B.4C- J. J. Wolfenden, Prest; J. H. Pmllh, Re cording ec'Klt. R. HID. Financial Bec'v Meets in tne ftuignts ot usrmoay Hail every 1st and 8rd Monday nights In each month. OHAVEN LODGE NO. 1 KRIGBT8 OF HARMONY. Meets Snd and 4th Wedneedav airlift la each month In Rooutree's Hall. Pollock street, at 7 0 o'clock, s. K Ball. President; H. J, Dlsoswsy. Boo'y; 11 R. Bill, Financial secretary. 8tlr .of Vilotble Tlmbfr Yot Partition. By vlrine nf aa order made in tbe pe eiav-procaediags ealltled, Mrs, tara V Gaekia aad Aonht W. Uasklna, Mellle It. Oaskins aad lolaiL Out Ins. the last three aamed,. betas Isles ts, ppeariag by tbelr gsoeral goardlaa, Mrs. Lsnra V. Gaaklua.vs. Beraard H. tiasklaa, Hill- lard Ueulagtoa aad Addl Darrlagtoo, kl. it- U.M a llLI.. k.ln I, "'.- . . V. . M , WIU, V W, M. Wsisoa, Clerk of tb Superior woan or craven tamely, mad oa tba UtA day of Jaaa, 1901, the aademlgaod comnxlaaioMrs will offer for aale aad self at pablle soctloa at tbo Coart lion door of Craven County, on Monday, ta lamaer of jaiv. iwi, at li o-utnen boon, to Ike klabeat aadde for aaah, tba limber of tba aTseof twelve lacbas at U base, two lt fromtbegrouad, or which skail grow lo thai six daring the period of tea years from dale of sale, oa all iba f allowing escribed laads, lowllt (I A tract of land lying ea taaaonb sldaof rfa aad tpr side of Cyprt breach containing futty-toer aeraa, di-Ktlaad in a derd from Rancfe (IkHrtnll, tl tiaa. kleadaiid H"v. t. ! ( Ta lawto dearaadnl id Brysa II. Uaakla from tela father, lsld (lasklas ss rlrred lo la iba drrd of rr from krira of D. -tlasloB.JI. Haaklns. dated, Msrek . reeoriM la ark 7a, peg Ida) (I ) Oa laeworik tWe of Vwa rlrer aad aaalsliteof UlU rlfl creek, snd oW rrtned la a4d from Tkaa, fl. Gaaklaa to Alfrrd autla. aad JaS A. Oa.Ha reonrdwl la book l' page (4) Abas a trad oa lb north atilf of Urns rtt fully ilramlbnt I Ibna Mrtala daKit from Maty I.. Mrlatoah aad otkr, ai1 fvo 8, xro, aad isa la, INHS, book ta, par a"; im ln tmU irwt I 17. toTlio K.flMklas by tb Hat of Nona ( arollaa. The InUj ailif of ariK la stvi alae knadr aad lnlyn. Tlx uml llmlr deed wtll b fnn 10 Ik ffhiaf, lbl lb IH r I"'l. k t. ii. cunt. IIMMILI H A. M'ftJf," towmlf1ifvera. ' f Atlanllff Coat TJntv WiLnnsHT.nf & New rRx R- h aKtfeci Wndneaday, Aug. T, 1WA, Dab v Kxnept Sunday, -r Motng Hmith antignvMl: ( Gotbg Hortl Hat l. rawwngMT Trairw Na IW, y ,v, a in, ttkhs: Ar, p m, 00, ,Ne heme,- .,.' hV 8o ...rPtrflorksvim- . t.-So 6t-.Vi..iv.!ilysv-!k..i 1 10 (n ii . Jackson vil lei;. I -. WOmingtm. I J Union lpnt i liOH. itili ...Ar.' WitmingtMi: bf.'-.'.rstk A .. i r aj- - .' . '".'. ' .' "r No. 8, I'AHHKaoRK k r urnoiiT ' No. 4 Leave Wilnringion MondM, Wedue lay and Friday. Imisi New Borne Tne. lay, Thursday and Katurdny. - 7 30.....Lv. Wilmington, Ar..... I 46 8 40.... Hcott'sliill 12nfi 80 WooilsMe...... .. 18 1005 ....Hollyridge . .. .1140 1051 ....Dixon I6I 1190 Verona 10 20 1308. ...A. .JaekRonvilln. .4f. 13 30 Wortheatn. 8 oB 3155 Whitorak H 80 1B0 MayavUle 8 06 815. Po'locfesville 7 80 8 55 DphruM's 86 B40.,..r.Ar. New Iferne, Lv Ot' Daily Exoopt Sunday. J. R. KENLY, ' 4eneral Manaihr FOR RENT ! A most desirable seven room residence in one of the best locations in the city. All moUern conveniences. I ossessiou given about the middle of July. Also 1 nave two desirable residences for sale. E. K. HARPER. Service of Publication- -NOTU'K ! RTU CAROLINA, I la ike Craven County. ( diiierlor Court David Wilson and Polly Ann Wilson, his wire, vs. John 1). Hhuppard, el al. NOTICE I The defendant above nsincd will take notice that an action entitled as aliove bas hern commenced in the Superior Court of I raven county I o perfect the title lo two certain lots or land situate in the city of New Hern, N. C, and fac ing on German and Jones street?, snd to cancel a certain deed to said properly improperly make lo said defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that he Is required lo appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said eounty to be held on the third Mon day 1 n Pcpli ml er, 1001, st Ihe court house of said county In New Bern, N ( '. snd answer or demur to the complaint In said artion, or the plaintiffs will ap ply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 21st day of June. 1001. W. M. Watson. C. S. C. Notice Sale, of Land for Partition. NORTH OAROLINA, CniM nOounty. In the Superior Court, before the t li rk. Julia Marshall, Ntdlie I . Marshall, H. T. Marshall, Oora Leslie Mar shall s,pd Marshall, the hut four named being Infants m. inur ing by their next friend II A. Marshall, and II. A. Marshall, V8. Guy K. Marshall. Pursuant to a diin-euf the rM,;.iir Omirlof I raven tjounty in the almvi' entil ed proi-eedlng fur sale nf land fur partition rendered by the Clerk of in Id Superior Court on the Alh ilay of June, 1801. 1 he undersigned as iMiinuiissiim or will offer for wile at puhlle mil lion fur cash to the highest lilddrr. at the ( niirt rouse door nf (.'raven t ounty on Monday, the Htli day of .Inly, 100', at the hour of 12 o'elnik. noon, all the fol lowing den rilnil real estate, tnwll Ly ing In Craven County, North Carolina, situate and being on the south side of Nans sever, west side Sloeuiub's rrvek. and south of the A. ft N C. I It., be ginning at Jamas Keeth'a pstent eomer In tlie head of Dogwood a lightwond stump on the aoiith side of Dogwood branch, also the corner of a grunt to Rleharii Speight for 430 aires, dated 17(0 running tlicwce with said enciglil't line south UX. west 11 poles to his cor ner thetfee with another nf his line south lO. J-eat 100 pole to a pine, thenif south 0.westl'i9 pilB to Ahsnlmn Isy lor's 100 air itent line, tlienoe with said patent line north 40, west M and nsas-half poles to said Taylor's beginning corner In tlie mirtli end of Jim's Ham mock thenio wltli said Taylor's tint line Kiln 4U, west IW pules, thence north IP, eaat 00 hU's to tlie corner of k. t). Hpekght'a OTO arrs gmnU daUd rTUt, tbmw with hla line north 40, east 4V0 poh t Jam Kaath rou-nl line them with Ills line smith 141 pnlns In .1-1 . I ! I . I 1 . 1 I'sy Beginning, naixaming luer iinno n ,i arrva, amir or lesa. -.This th day of Jna, 19A1. .' ItOMULUsJ A. Wimif. ', ' ' w. OMnastsslnnrr. 'f. Truuittl' Hmlt. By vtrtaa of lb pnwrr veated la a by iksl aatlala lad of Trust dated iba fat, day of Jan 1tW aad xcaid by the lb Kaat Carollaa MsA. Oyate Uaaaraad ladastrtal Association, 1 wlli espoa to aaloal iba Coart Hiaedoae la Vw Hm at tbo boar of If clock sa.oa Monday tba Kih day of Jaaa, tlol to la fa l boat bMdor-afl that ew lata plvre. parcel. Of tract a lot of lead Irlag aad Uaag oa tb wast aktaaf Gaorr trat, aw kanwa aa tbe Fed. al kfacadeastaad Ko4 I tba. ally of Itw Hra and beglaalng M s point e aid road al lee norawextm Jalr sactlna of said r4 aad IMar atreat, taaalng tbeaoa anrthasdlf atnag eald MaoadaavlsMt read to fine trt, laawea waataloeg ita tr4 to tbt inlrna lloa nf I la sa4 kw cttivta. theaea aoalk along iiara eiravt lo Cailar S'r tbr' yjiil ' tblle M leUtn. I Iks aald M ra.lRiid rn4 nf Omrr atm. t.ib.r wltA sl lb tnIMirs. lil.l;li.a hall. atl.M aad frar-rhlua (alrg aad airrtlng Ha tnls-m -k"l fcsraiait thr ) nsd bv 0 s.il ( I amtiaa, I uh O, lf llane sad lniltiirUl A to.lstla, la aad aria hlibSf nri'lB'tB4 i sr,s fi r4 'n - v S s. ' I i i irwt) S ! n i 'I'll lo a Aral rni'r f-.f f '. ' ' ;.- , i ...I l 1 1 rs' f.f ; . ' i ; , s - t I tit " I . S -1 ' W ' 5 . . , , . . AlIaBlii iCwsf Li Eailroai Co , ' randraaed fWbrdale. TRAIN8 G4lJN(4 KUVu w a H o i 1. Jan, UlUim ! ;lv.c (Cp'rt.1)i r.C A.M IP M.IP.M A.M I Lv. WehW Vr. R. Ml II Ml 1 IS) w .vjl Lv. TarlmrJ))! tit fl Ml Lv. It Ml. '.tsl ID it ;r, 7 in Lv. WiUl. 1 Mt id 4"' ii H 18 Mil f .v,; 4i. L. Helioa. , Lv Fav'vllli 8 .V "4 !K' 'J Wi Ar.Floreiict-j 2 4o P. M AM r'. tli.l'tf. Lv, Goldh. 7 V, (I 4:, li 2i M Lv; V n Mli, AiWIIm'ton! mi M V. M TRAINN (li)lN(i NOIt'llt. 21 o'5 c x AC A ! M Ly.Floretioe l.v.Fuy'villc Lv.Bulnia. . Ar. Wilson. 6-60 7' 8M II .li 11 :!.r VI l:i 18 1 1 50 2 :vi A.M. P. M !A. V. 7 Olij .l X, LvWilm'ton Lv. Mag'lia Will L.V. uotoa 4 50 nil. P., VI A.M. P. M.I P. M 10 4.',! 1 1M Lv. WiiMon 5 8.1' 12 I a Ar. It. Mt. . Ar. Tarborii Lv, Tarlinrii Lv. It. Mt. . o a. fi 10 12 4 11 -J.S 1 !hl 4i 8 31 8 ;ioi 12 4 1 :i A. Ill Ar. Wi lilon 4 M P.M.i Viiilkin DivlBion Alum Line Traill leaves Wilmington 00 n m, ar rives rayelteville 12 05 p in, leaves Kny eiUville 13 25 p m. arrivca Nitnfnid 1 4 1 p m. Keturniii)! leave Sauford .! O i p in. arrive Payt tteviye 4 20 p in, leave Kay utieville 4 30 p m, arrives Wiliniiinl'.ii 9 85 p m. llcnnutteyille llrnncli Train leaves RonnelUvillu K (r n ni, Al union 0 t.'. h in, Red hprings 0 51 a in, Hope Mill., ID .',, a in, arrive Fayi tteville II 10. Kelnin leaves Fayeltcvillo 4 4.ri pin, llnpn Mills r, IH) put, lied Springs .'ill . m, MiixUm 6 111 p 111, arrives Henin ll. villi: M5 p in. t'mineotioiis at Faye'.tevfHo with traiu No. 7H, at Mux ton Willi the Darnlina iJi'ntnil Railroad, ut Rei Springs wilh the Red Mprius aud liowuioro railroad, it Sauford witti tbo HckIio ird Air Line mil Southern Itailway, at Oulf with tne Durham and CliHrinlte Knilroml. Tiuin on the Scotland. Neck 111 Kuril ttoad leaves Wuldnn 8 rS p m, Halifax I 17 p in, arrives Scnilniul Neck al b OS p in, Umenville U til p m, Kinstnn 7 66 p m. Returning leaves Kiuston 7 50 a m Omeiiviile 8 62 a m, arriving IJalifax at II 18 a n.'. Weldon 11 Ha a m, dailj ex ocpl Sunithj . Trains on Washington Uram-b leaye WnHhinioii 8 It) a in and 2 110 p in ttr rive 1 arniele U 10 a in, and 4 00 p m. rf turniug leave Parmeie V Kft a in and 6 80 p m arrive Waahinglou 11 00 a ni aud 7 UO p m, daily except Sunitay. Train leaves Tarboro, N t', daily rxi:pl Sunday p m, Sunday, 4 16 p in, a e rivua 1 lyui.iuil. 7 40 p in. lu y in, K. llirnu., irnvea l ljni,.ull. daily in e t Sunday, 7 a m, ni.d .xiuday I) Ot) a in, arrive Tailio 10 10 a m, 1 1 in a n, Train on fl Hand; N C- Hn.i.,b leave Doldrlmru Uaily, except Mummy, 6 00 a. m, arriving pmiihtlelil tl lo a . Iieturn tng leavpM stiulihtiuld 7 00 a in. mr.i-- at tloidslMiii) M 26 a m. Traiiin on Nnsbvillu Itrancli leiivea kocky Slounl all) 80 a in, :t:40 p ui,arri ve Nashville 10 20 a m, 4 0.1 1. ni, ; 1 1 i . g Hope 1 1 IX) a ni, 4 26 p in. Ib lui mug have Sluing lto. II 'JO a in, 4 .Vi p m. all rtile II 4.1 a in, 6 26 p ni, ion... al It ky Mount 12 10 i m, H 00 p iu. iIjo) i s. . pt Sunday. Train hi t IiiiUiu llianrh leave War saw fui Llinloll daily, except Honda), It 40 a m ami 4 86 p tn, Reluming loaves Clinton at A 4.1 a ni and 2 6u p m. Train Mo 71 niakra cloac counei lion at Wuldon fni all poinu North daily all rati via lllobroooil. B at KMh.KnON, Uen'l Paaa Ager.t. I B KkNLV, Oea'l WaiiHer. r M KM KltHDN, TiaUle rl.i..-r-r Tlie Farmers Hercbli Capital, tarplat and rYoflta ll,aM. APRIL 0tr, IHI. A coon 1. lit XI .1 I ra will! '-': . 1 - wCi ' ' WsmiIiI BrrtxasM ymt niclnf a,'-" Pank Aosvasnt wllbwai Imwevar aialC tltae waa ttevac avww opportann, t y-m eerrauily ltrtA to take a 'at Ihaa Oiea anrnm end tit roai avilawca aT bemg ahk t ttaaasrt yont flaanbtl at. -fair at a i)ttan ts susely worth a graaA -, " Vat . '(.'' . , .,-', !' Importaitwtl OClce Untke. . . , Ills ry' laiporlaal that all rmsara knMlog kvU 1'iaH eClna att aw r'a-l hj iImh mnmur t Wss tt llils oT r st nsi la kr anr at ail ti the Ociimt,.oI 7 Sy aralke pioiiiy nf h I nifd fiiei, Tbe bnirt .a t ha fhi. to mtT partite , and It ts "t dMlral.l to aava aoas ell f r h"IU s k'f lo !hlr . ' If ro I i.'-nld U s li, (,oi nf ih, n i a w ' i t m,, Hl a 1 m . " r I..-. !Ui "h k' f If i.ta ..i'f Is a.-t i.IH t-b a-i i - k .. -. t4 I sSs'l t t--m-' l !-. ' . a U nn.a c ( t . 'CklSll)- .IM'TllH : t ''IT If t , " ' f

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