r I'v.. '1' THE BLEEDTNq'CUBE. A RELIC OTsIHECMEPaJmEIHOM .4'"- -'' - " i)iV-s!.'i. Tk - Rulnma '. Paaette at - "Can las" SaBerlaa; riaaaaalt SMUT Has Its . Adhareata V Tkw. eaeratleav ' --vj 1 The Kind Toil IIav Always Bought, and which has been - V la .use for over 80 year, has borne the signature of-' , , , " 1 1 1 nd has been made under his per . U&t652 onal opervWon sinee its infancy. - ' j ,0VKC7. AnownoonetodeeeiTeyontothte. . . ' AU Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jost-as-good" are bat . , Experiments that trine with and endanger the health of -1 lulants and Children Experiencer against Experiment - " What io CASTORIA : . Castork. Is a harmless substitute tot Castor Oil, Part " . gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups, ; It is Pleasant. - It -contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo ,; unbstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. i It eures Diarrhoea and "Wind -Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Fkvtnlency.rvlt assimilates the Food, regulates the, Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ' CENUIM E jCAStO R I A ALWAYS fioars the Signature of i Tto M Bought In Use; For,.pver 30; Years. th ernnaa 6MNM, t nun, km vaaa env. 15 1 .-v. IS n tol felolUII A Si HEALTHY OLD AGEi " Laaus, Bsaroa Co. Ami., Aaf. 4. r. 'i lull yaare bid and kave seen autfertna with Change at Life. I bad flooding- apella to bad that ;: Bona thought t otmld Uve. Mr hmbaad Rot zne 1 Win of Uardui and it evd my lilt. I am Uka eaotkar peraea araee taking- It.-... - ' . , v MBS. . B. TOWNSEND. . y years io our cxbuiws uoid can ve upi away a inny healthy old age wlH b the lot at the- woman who promptly ilmerrts which afflict bar sex. fai youth. Wine of Cardui aIll k child safely over the dividing line between flrlbood and - '- h to the devout wish of nearly aU people to Uve tot ripe old ife. None of w want to die young:. This universal desire can be realized If 'care be taken of the health in early and middle life. A little precaution then . win aaa many years to our exisiencct - ueatn can Dc kept away a long tune, nappy, neanny . corrects the ailments - take the female womanhood. As a wife she needs it to help her through the trials of - pregnancy aria childbirth with as little discomfort as possible. At the : ' Change of Life K will help her over the dangerous place that appears In -' her pathway between 40 and 50. Then will come many years of truly ' v blissful existence. She will grow old slowly and gracefully. To the last : ' ' she will preserve that charm and beauty which art always characteristic . ...i ..i i. ' - of Derfectty heattbr Krandmothers. -t. f uuu' anisati KMiriiuir.w aaafnaca, ClmM.aon,TMi It B for women alone to decide : - whether they wiO be healthy or " sick, . The remedy for their tlck nets Is doM at hind. - LARQUOTTLtt OF WINI OP CAtDUl ; - SOLD FOR SI.OO BY DRUQOItTS. - W hi hone - BERY1CJ IB A BUBlHEflS NKCKlTYt-V- A BOM- OOSVKHIKMCS., A -OOrf. V ' t y Uonvrnlence, Oder Your Phone st One I ' Have Yoa Seen the Living Pictures r On Free Exhibition st Henrs Pharmacy, J:l27imctleJStrxt. - Admiiiistrator'a Bale. ) KnHb f '.miiaa . j i Knmtriar 1 : '. t ..... IVn.l I - ; lmr4 i v , . Olivet Ipork dcewaaaii, .' , '. '- - . a. . . . " '" " - - Sal of land U iak uhwU t t . - . payekbu. . . . V. atmvfl ouill prnr.llna paailla In ' aril Unit to mat uwtl Io pay IM flolxa -i tha iImuxI, will offnr (or aa) and ' aril fur CAMI hlirhrat Wdita cm Miw.Uy Ih IH Ik day l Jnlf IMit ! taa ' ' at lh l oart IliiuM ilor of t'ravaw ewxinly, ,ul.)art In lh lk.f aaJK'fbl - J lini nf lha tl uln. V rain a Kllja- . . . i. .11 I. M . i H . 1 1 ... I , lt. i nr tw I m una it'hr a'i nninj , ali'it'nt la th -fiiy of trarf n, Hiaia r. otlh t ariillna, fnlly W-rl1l In p(Tr nf ih l!Afllr of Wwla of Clravae , , C'ttirity, aad lnlnf lha itaiaa trpt- tWc-lf a fnllnaiu fplrvr Ipore an . V ! .ii.nr 1,1 y Ior to oiitn , hy '" t'l fli- Jim KiU), 1 J, r.it.i1 la I'a- k Nf. 1'". Kutl' aad ' This is the aeaaon for hnaaa eloaV , lb tin to-. Prepare for lbs "-Mirs Delk of baca, u, roaebe, Md h) aacta, . Uowf Ualee! UM Borax, s aaiaral prodntlo of las artta, no lav parity as lore loit Its orl glial ttemanU or manufacture- We bav nallbar UaM nrepsM tortvstbs nnmaroua deUllad sect fot which Dora J Bay be taed. We raa anty aocraat ksutllme. let, For Tol lai) lad,. At s Madlclnn Ird, Is lb Uandryi iik. For lbs DonatboM) tlb, Aa s rreaervatlva; M, Tot AU; fib, KlarwlUsaoat. W bate U In poaad packafaa, a4 lb oliealat fires M dlf fareal aaa for which H y be pai. ' M Full Ih TolW ArtlrWa sai farfaaa. ary.' - , rbyaWtbwi- rWwiptlooa ; oarafaDy omewkat Delicate Oaa. . One hundred year ngo the sovereign baltn, for every tl from falntlnp to far ter, was blocdliij;.y TUo wonder is that s bunun race waa -left 4a admit the folly of the practice. It wna the cor rect method of the day, recommended and employed by tbe'bost physicians of the time. The surseen who attended George VashlURtou In file last lUuetHt first act about blaodlnffttlB august pa tient The story la that ho took several cup of blood from the vigorous nrut of Washington nod then (Uagnused tho case. Waslilnptou died. Some say that If he had not been bled be prpbdtily would nave lived, r v :, , 'r j : The cry coincs, But that was a cen tury flgol In sharp contrast stand the wonderful, advances mode; by modem surgery. Thankfully, It may be salfl that iuctf ii the truth. But sometimes customs die Tinrd, and today the doc trine of-'.-'kiupplnB" has, devotees as faithful as -thorn who gave, op their life Biistnlnlng fluid In Waohlugton'er time. This Is a startling" statement. The writer" would have been skeptical If be Bad not learned Its truth hlmsclt In the aevcnteentl) And elghtcdnth centuries this grewsomc- form of treat ment was the wort of the barber. That guild has maintained Its prerogative In to the twentieth century. In a certnm little aide street In New York, crushed between fwo towering brick buildings, stands a timid story and a hnlr frame house. The suggestive striped pole which emblnzons the art of tucdwollor within Juts ovef the walk. In the whr dow bangs a Sign bearing the word "Cupping." if today were set back to 1700, the pole alone would tell the sto ry. Times, they say, have changed, and so the sign. The barber Is a German. lie was much surprised at the question asked. Everybody knew that cupping was a necessity, especially In the sprlug. he said. Sometimes, be added, he was so busy that little time remained for Ills shaving and hair cutting of customers. Ach, yes," said the barber, "It kee9 me a busy man. How strange you say that you thought It no longer was practiced. People come here mornlnu, noon and night every dny. lint mostly do they come here In the spring and fall. It Is then that the blood needs drawing off. If you have a pnln In your bend, you coaie to inc. 1 take my little cup, burn the nlr in It nut, uisn down my little knives' Jnst behind your ear ou the neck, and when Hie cup la full 1 tnke It away. If your beudnche Is not better yet. I tnke another ip, bo bo It that the bleeding stop not, upon tbe other side. May lie your bnck pains; 1 Cut yon a little on Uie aide. Your arm pains; I draw the blood from your Wrist" The barber bnred bis arm. Tbe skin was crossed with tiny, pale nicks, like those one sees on tlie wrist of a mor phine victim. Twelve Is the numher or cups I draw ot one sitting," the barber said. "It la a bad pnln that will not he gone then. If yoo coiuo again the neit day with tbe pal. I draw off more until the ache bns disappeared completely." TbS cups look like sherry glnses with tbe arerua removed. Tbc,kiiiru, or lancet,, Is arranged like a name stamp, rrensuro on spring plunger drives tbe little blades, which are ar ranged In pairs or .triplet, luto the skis. It la here that the skill or the operator comes Into play. When the Incisions are made In th neck too tie lent, a tap on the plunger might mean the severing or wounding of an Artery, rrcsaurt too light would pot let tlis blood flow fast enough. The barber must bare a trained touch. Upon tbe condition of tbe cup much depends. Tbe air la exbaastad by means of s tiny aleobol Same. . this makes S racoum. . TBaenp li pressed on lightly, hot firmly. -.The Wood rwah as under tbe skin beneath Its rtmulim. Ilk S flash, the little knives are puabrd down, and tie blooding- begins. The operator never take mora than 12 rnpa at sea sitting. . That would mean per haps a half plot of blood. - This system of bleeding for hms ailments barks back . to the ranieat times.' All through the-tnkMla le 11 waa the beating balm for the eiifrarlmrs of mankind. 'Tbs snrtents Irmly be lieved that tbs loan of blood Is tbla maoW drew from tbelr aysteais lbs "notion bnmon" which afflicted tbctn. TVs advent of the avodera. school of saedlctno sod swrgery did sway WHS tbe process at S snlvefaal tberaneBU mrasurs. It was not until the Bine- teaatb oratory was nearly half com oirted. boarerer, that pbysktans aban doned It ss s practice. NrW York TrM .' , - -a Ska Believe. ' - nester I hope you don't believe trbst Pred Sannders says. He has been In love with every glr Jb town, first And last K t ' ' i ;-."- .-Wi'-'fc ' & Bertha-Tbaf's why I value bis Judg ment, yon know. - A man of his experi ence may be trusted to know a good thing wben be aces It Boston Jran-; script jt " r 1 - He was obviously anxious, end sbo Seemed almost willing. - , V t 1 shall refer roa to Dane." said she. wltii a becoming blush, "before giving yoo s final answer, s-" ? Out I am perfectly' wilting to take yon without any reference.", said be magnanlmdusly.-blndlanapolu News.- V . ' Ho ftaaalhlllty. "Are you 'uever afraid. Uncle Bas- tus," psked one of tbe scoflers, "of fau-Ing-from grace?" i. "CudhoL" replied Uncle Kastns, "now kin a pusson fall f m de bedrock r Chicago Tribune. T woman's Lile . i haVfl enough as it is. , It is.tp her that we: owe otjr world, and evervthinor should be made -as easy as possible for her at the time childbirth. This is just what MOTHER'S Friend will do. It will make babv's comine easy and painless, and that without tak ing dangerous drugs into the sys tem. , It is- im ply to be applied to the muscles of tbe abdomen. It penetrates through tho skin ing strength and elasticity with It, strengthens the whole system and prevents all of the discomforts of pregnancy. The mother of a plumb babe In Panama, Mo., says: " I have used Mother's Friend and can praise it highly." WHY SUFFER FRO JTAn Ck:llTcn:s CHILLS, FEVERS; vul NIGHT SWEATS -.- . ' -. . Grippe and all other .forms of maladies when yon sn be cured by-'-'v$.:'1 :R$er& Chill tonic The world does pot contain a better remedy. Many -wonderful curej made by it. s cents a bottle. 'Money refunded if it fails to do the work. Delight ful to take. , . : y. ' iJocal Druggists. Get Mother's Triend at the Drug Store, $1 per bottle. it, wi fi'Vf : ft. wit ? 'I tO. ' n i,lr k I 11 f. ! ;-l I.- l'i I ' t" Tff I tir 1 In t. a. enta fm. It. tt, KMmhT, , Si. M, BwwraiM. , f Doinf Oeneral r.anklng Buslnesl I . I. N.rrh l,Il, rVirploasod fadivl- itf-l Troflta, fn.pno.no. 'rmt an. I ran fol atlwitioa ft to ,;i hu,.n ntrti,it m aa, Aneminla t j ltr:, Ytnl ra f ,,ar tM if rm i, I a.S m !wtn, (, " A TrM ka .A trsvallng Jnaa who bad bees ab- rnt OS S VS IHp uat Moraed, and kla 4 year-old daoaMar weald sot SI Brat earn sear hi in.- Evrry time be an- Broarbad fcer abe ran awsf. Tbt fa- tbr nnslly aat down on the floor and, Ktln op some toy dishes, naked U dauirtilae to corns and plat party with Biro, . . - Tbla bad U aWrvd etTast, sad lb rtiHd earn tod played with bar perawt. ke aakrd bar wby ne okls't eoroa is Ibi larfor -Oh. papt." rfiiwl ts yonngatar, Tsissl!y."-ritfl.nra i'rvaa. r i f' r i t. . . I,.plaa. A y"ing roas wtxi (j -I Jnat mt- tha all'W of iwtnlah Waarva. th grvat Kw llaant-lilra Irsal himltry, 10 a!4)i law ak"1 Mm rtt ha ahr;iii. twf lann, p- 'Mlti t lha lo.k n if hury ii,Hm, Sniwavad la Kitil'91!, "Arija Iwta," Seven Year la fcl '. TP, 'f In The Brad field Regulator Co., ATLANTA, GA. Write for our free illustrated book, " Before Baby is Born." THE WORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. LITERARY CLASSICAL Animal expenses f 10') ti $140; for non residents of tho tate tlfiO. Faculty 30 members. Practice and ' observation Kdinol if about VftO pupils. To secure , hftard in the dormitories all frce-tuilion applications should be made before July 15lh. Session opens Beji- tcmber 1 9th , Cc-rrospomlunce iuviUsd from tluise desiring compe- ' tent teachers and stenographers. ' For catalogue and other information address : President CHARLES D. MclVER, Greensboro, N. C. SCIENTIFIC COnMERClAL INDUSTRIAL PEDAGOGICAL MUSICAL a.n:'c:r.r. rv-i TlKHTaHLS ko. -JO , To Tnka Effeet i n -ay Jt.ue i h 1W1 at "12:11 A.s.thT. lioUg Htut f BCBIDDI K: I Hir W.r. No. 8 J-wwwer Traina D ilLV. Lv. p m STATIONS: 6 W ... Qoldsboro... 09 LaOrauge 32 Kinston: 7 40 Ajt. New Bern, Lv,... 7 60 Lv. Ar.... 8 15 Ar. Morehead oily Lv.. . No. 4 Ar. a m ...11 05 . . . ill ii 10 12 W 00 87 727 STATIONS is - Wc wantYou to know Us not only u maker ( the NEW ROCHESTER, THE STANDARD LAMP OF THE WORLD. tut also as headquarters tot all lamp Infnroatlon. Wa Will cheer fully supply It gratis, whetlwr pertaining to Rochester goods or not. Our mofJva Is not entirely philanthropic. We want you to think " ROCHESTER " whenever you think " LAMPS." But we don't want you to consider, as so many do, that any centre-draft lamp Is a Rochester. Th name is not that of a class but of a par ticular lamp. And tvery lamp that has not that name stamped on It Is not a real Rochester or NEW ROCHESTER. If the dealer sells or offers It as such he Is trying to defraud you. Beware of him. Whatever you want to know about lampi, Whenever you want to know H, ak- ' THE ROCHESTER LAMP CO., 38 Park Place and 33 Barclay St. New York. No. 5, Pa r-eniter Tiuln. DULY. Ar. A. M. 7 4") Goldaeoro 8 03 list's 8 11.... LaOrange 8 23 falling Creek !0 Kinston 9 46 Ooswell 8 55 Dover 07 Core Creek 9 21 Tuscarora 9 25.. t Clarke 9 40 New Bern 11 15 ar Morehead Oitv Lv . at. YEAR8 EXPERIENCE vb44. BO x iV tiMoi Marks rak af DCllONt 'rttf 1 CoPVRIOMTi AC Anyon sSHtftnfl a sktt and decrtptlon na nloklr aaosrtaln our opinion frea wbatbar an vontitm la prbamr patanUhim, -ominuniea- isj. iisnaDomoa rsnmu mlnklv tu rhvontitm la probably Unni NiTietlr annAdnt otaeat jutaocr ror oeunmr psum thnman anna St kaj. not otiarvs, in U ant f roSL Ihojtnta tsaksMi tteiol aoUea, without Scientific Jlmcricatu Iimai air Taraii, tl a a aaMdaMHIaWr nhNtifWUMl WwaklV. Mlattlikn af anf SarlasiUDfl ItriiniSU. VfMar t rmir mimiai, sa. suw wj sui ntwssemn. a. MS r St. WaaBUiaiua. 0. 0. JElAHTEltN i - - CAROLINA DISPATCH LIE, AND miGHT L PASStNGia, r For All roInU Worth. The Steamer NETJSE aill Issvs on Mondays, Wexloeedsys, aaU Krtdajs at o p. si. anarp, itiir inc landings at Oriental, snd Roso oksltlssd. J3SAC3P HEAD.; The Str. Kewberne ComMBSiac July 1st 1U Jeava al U ooloc ssos on Toeaoays aaa rrwuya. asablng Uadlsg al Ortsatai, Itoanoka Island and Rag Head, i I ClfcT FrolalLrsoolTsd not, Istsr than en boor srSvtoM to ssuini. For farther laforsiallon spptj t V 00. BCNDHIISOJ, it, M. K. Kuttf, Dsn. Vgr ' I . V U.0, HcMias.Oss'ri.a PssLAft Norfolk,' Vs. f THE L. & M. PAINT Ih a SUrEUIOU Heiidy-Mixcd Puint. If you doubt this just Uko a look at the Presbyterian Church on Neuso street, which, we are told was Painted with L. & M. Paint 22 Years Ago. This Celebrated Paint is sold by J. C. Whitty & where "Uwanta" Hammocks ro like Hot Cnken. Sale For Partition. In obedience to a judgment and order In tbe causo in a certain proceeding wherein (J. e . Simpson, and Henrietta J Simpson, his wife aie plaintiffs, and Cottle U. Foyand llufus Foy, minors, do fending by their guardian ad litem, K. 11. Nlioft are defendants. Hie nndorsiKned Commissioner will sell at public outcry lor cn.su al tho Court House In Mow Item, on Monday, July (22d) twenty- second, at 12 o'clock, M, tbe land describ ed In the complaint; the same being situ ted In craven county aloreeaiii, on tlie noun side ot Mouse river, and noumied on tbe north by the land of Noah Ful ctaur, on tho west by tho Pettlpber land and on the southward and eastward by the land ot N. It. Uasklns. being known as the Alox Foyland, and Is the name which descended to Ills heirs. II. C. W111TKHUK8T, Commissioner. July 10th, 1001. Ad in inintrator'N Notice Having this day qualified as Admlnli trator with tbe will anneied. of the last will and testament of Miss Harriotts Lane, deceased. All persons are berebyjnotlded to pre sent all claims beld by them against said estate to me doty aolbeatlcated, on or before tbe ttn day or Hay A. . llAtt, or tbla Notion will be pleaded la Bar of lte- oovory. And all persons Indebtod to said estate are requested to make Imme dlste settlement. . -, Tola May Jtb, A. t. 1901. ' D. B. DAVIS. Administrator C. T. A. aetata of Oar rlette Lane, deceased. Kxeeolrlx Notice. Having tills day umxlfilixl as Kxnriilrlx of tlw but Will and Trutamaut of Jane Graham lliiglioa, late of New Bern, da- ocMd. tbla l to notify all neraont hav Ir u rlaima against th estate of my toa taVix Ui n-atit the aama, properly authetiUralnl. to ma, nr tu my Attorney, an or bet ore Uie 10th day nf Joaa, nr Ibia notice trill be pleaded in bar l their refinery. All purauaia tdrbtM to said aat ate will make prompt paymsnt. jams navtn iiiniiiav!". , Kleciitrlx. Obasam Dare; Attr. : aw Bern. If. Q- una 10, 101. - t... No. 6, Paw t ogi r lraiu. Lv.p. F5 . 828 8 22 . 8tl2 . 1 10 . 7 42 . 7 ro . 7 20 . 7 12 . 7i0 . 6 20 P. H. No, 1. Mi'd Ft. and Pa8s.Tn. STATIONS : No. 2, Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn. AdminlHtratorN Notice Having this day qualified as admlnls trator of the estate of George Bishop do- ocaaed. All persons Indebted to said estate are reqnoated to make Immediate payment. And all person holding claims against said esute are notified to present tbe same for payment on or be fore tho lfltb day of Jane 1U02 or Ihls notice will he pleaded in bar of recov- DAILY. Lt. am Ar. n m 5 00 QoldBboro 6 83 6 83 1 test's 4 68 6 15 LaUrango 4 23 8 29 Falling creek 3 58 7 15 ......Kinston 3 33 7 23 caswcll 2 28 7 67 Ar. Dovor Lv 2 10 8 20 core ore l 10 8 55 TuHcarom 12 48 9 30 Clark's 12 40 9 60 Ar. Now Bern, Lv 12 10 No. . f No. 10. 1! Lv. ' Ar 10 47 2 12 Kiverdalp; 10 15 2 21) crouton 10 00 1 06 llavulock V 40 8 34. Newport, Lv 0(1 3 47 WildwotMl H47 3 52 Atlantic 8 38 4 08 Ar. Morehead oily, Lv.. . 8 20 4 23 . .. Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 7 50 P. A . M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. tTuesday, Tliuiwlay and .Saturday. H. L. DILL, HuporintoDdon A. & N. C. HA1LHOAI) COMPANY, Passenger Department, New Item, N. C. May Dim, 11MI1 To all ngunls, A. .t N. C l(. II. - Kvamiu HKII Thb following rates of PaHHoni-r fare to Muruheail City and return in elTuct June 1st, HUH his Juno 10th, 1901. K. K. Bishop, Administrator. E.W.Smallwoody UIMjUARTEIlfl FOH HARDWARE And all Kinds of E0I1 MATERIAL Goldsboro, 4 (K) '.1 .10 : 1 2,"i Best's, 3 75 1 40 1 10 La Grange. 3 50 I M) I IK) Falllog Creek, .1 25 I 20 ill) Klniton, ' 3 0(1 I 10 ho Caswell, 3 Oil 1 on no Dover, J 75 ill) 75 Core (;reek, J 70 M5 70 Tuararora, 'I 115 so ir. New Bern, 2 on 75 OH lUverdale, I 75 70 55 Croatau, I 711 IV, M Havolock, 1 00 HO 45 Neoii, (Ui :5 :i5 VYIIdwood, Hi 15 J5 Heaaon llckcl ""l uj rulurn uulll '. . Attorna t Law, j ' 74 to. Tmnt H, 0) B HaJ OUttaa ka, -"." hew hi; jc. c.; :U CraCnty Alt-nTf, . . 4 ' -, Clvr.lt, Craven. ioM, Onal'W, Cart. nr, I'amllm. Oraana. Lerfdr, and tbe fctiitKtiia an'l PrJ.ral l.nrt. XMI.IMIfllrr,, AT LAW. f itUUffal - - Wil .eW- f fVas fak ri of , - fvr ! I 1 lwir-i. I , H r. . ! tin A. v.'a: P. ar4 Oouthern .. Railway ;,' T , ItU rUaad4 Railw' jl lis BOUT b - TWa tHraot Lit lc all foUt. ; ' CJAIsIFORNIAi ri.oniiA, l:rwnA'Aw;-:.;C IMIIITO IX I CXI.' " Ftlrt!y riraH.laM sViv'r mt tm sj Thrrnigti o ti& Tralna; l'i',!im fal ar Bwi Inf :r as alt J'itM Tfalni, Fvt u4 Pafa ftfhcl .i!. T-. I I v l1 f" ...ilvfa a4 yvn mu m' r. l a ( frnf.iAiia a4 rpH '! I J . In.T, Healing and Cooking Stoves and Ranges',. Lima, Cement, Plaster, I'aloU, OiU, Varbiab, i'utlj, Bash, Doom, Minds, Cot Wry and all lb unafnl article nsoaJlyfoond in an Up-to-data Hardware Rlore. Bft GmmIm. . Iawrit PrIcA. " Usdaf tWul CbatUwkA, .Russell House, WalU la ttaeafori be wrs sad sine at lbs Huaall lloaaa. rim-Cbaat IWi A knmm tot trsvaltaf swnpks, flaklat sa4 baailac aaaatlla4, f araat flM a lay or m.w ft wa ' : , tt A. MUMU, Trof ' t bav avaral dasinbl llaaUaaaa tol sale, tl tasted la lbs bast ' resMajsm bart mt tbe City. Also a aatbat ot X4 tikua bns ta fooa atMiiuea. , ; - . j.j.woLrwiDEK, . ; ' - ' - . . . r ; 1 ( I t 1 ! : Fdr Rent. W t a mh frrwt Straat H nrr . ft, H ta tn t ni I aury -hLb l HtlrMtM ilatl ra Swat ar. t Wna . f. Trwt rl krVta ar Uy lnU V. ilk if l'.U tm4 ahlnfla t.-1. lri,k k t. a. a4 a.l ba, . tJ mtm 1. la I- rr lav rl ft .. ..iM4 . ! In n y t'.. ra. I J II II I It V. . k r. ft'-w f , . I f. .. , W A . I . ) r.t f . I.I,..J.1I.I . I . , V i ' -ft 1 ' . ' S ' . , tl f r ' ' ' ra n Oct. Hilt, 1001. tiHalurday until TueuUy friunday ei url(.rj, ihi.I fn only, by 5 and 8 tralim Mu n.lay Hummer Kiourluu Tlakrti ISratnn IttOOfrom A ft N. C. htallont. Hnun.l Trip for Sevan Mprlng., N C Hereafter tickets will lie a..M from Hlallent named below to Laiinurr to part let vlililng the above M.rlng at lha following rata of fare fur the Itnun.l Trip. Ooldihoro, I Beat's, railing Creak. Klneloo, Caawell, I 06 1 50 1 75 Dover, Cora Craak, Tstearora, TVkaU os aai tract Urkalt and retara Oct slat. bealfoed. .New Bern. Hlranlale, Croaian, H.-Iim k, Newport, WIIUw.hkI. M City. J.73 .7S M 00 Mi 3 4.5 3 M 911 a Jaoe lat. Car ('no limit tbeta (iood to IWI All llrk.l noil COUPON HTATIONH TbrOo;k ralaa of fare Rood. I trip tlckaU from Coopo Buikiai below to poiata aaaaad oa WaaJera North Caro ilaa Railroad (aaaaa 1M ) Tleketa oa sab) isae at, IWI Io Bast. KXa, IWI, lachatlva. Oood for ertara paaaare o ot bafot Oct. list, 1901. rteat- af. New Klee- La To City Beta toa Uraaga Ula4iN7, til.M IliM III 19 I0A0 Morirsjrtaas, IM Us) II H 11JI 014 fort ISIS 11(4 ILK II S B!a kU. Utt IM0 Ufa) ISM AtbevtUa ll 19 U 1111 HnjBprtsfS tin rtJJ UN U.M Ratas M ail otbor rwaorts la Wssfara KovU Csratta. M Vlrtlsla may Ufsr aiabad Spoo aUcaila. Ckfldrwi aoosf Its years f tf ffaV' OlHtasi a soar I we're (19) ywars of ag, tla't lb al ot rskaa, - . 9. U DIM, .. '' l . I ' a -a. f W i. j,tt a aa as, I 4lf aH4 9HI a. . t Si.wra tt a 4 a ra , illil, A a4rM 'U. T-, J. fV ft t i