mm 1 vuva- An Excellent Combination. i - The pleasant method and tcnoflclal effects of the . wall trnowa rctuedv, ' Btbop or Flos, manufactured by the CAuromriA Fia Stbup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be ' medicinally laxative sod presenting' .: themin the form most refreshing' to the taste and acceptable to the system. . It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing' the system effectually, dispelling colas, headaches and fevers Sntly yet promptly and enabling one vorcome habitual constipation per manently -fits perfect freedom from : every objectionable - quality and aub atanoe, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and' bowels, without weakening or Irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. ' -.- la tlie process of manufocinring figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fro Sybop Co, only. In order to get He beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of theCompany printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAV VKAjrOISOO, CAI. totnevnxa, it. nw tobjt, jr. T. PoraalabvsU Druggists.-PrioeMs. par bouts. THE JOURNAL. New Bei-B. N. (X, Jaae 25, 1901. Index to New Adrertlsements.' J. Q. Punn A Co Bovg. J. 0. Baxter, Jr Guitars, etc. Simmons & Hollowoll Co Special. . Business Locals. TRY "Grape-Kola.. A new and popular drink at Dawson's, lOTMiddle st. LOST, on Craven st. between New and Sotflh Front, one pair gold' rim eye glasses. Suitable reward or return of same to this office. WAlifT to contract with loggers to cut and deliver to mllli the lumber on 500 acres land. Address, W. 0., cate Jour. HAL. OFFICE FOR RENT, Next to mine. Pleasant and desirable. Apply tome. L. J. Moore. TOUR TIME AND MONEY 8AVED Wby oome to Philadelphia to do your shopping f I can do It for you as well, maybe better than you can.. It Is my basinets to visit the department stores, daily, and search for bargains. I will sell you si the eisct price, tbey would charge jou. Write end lei ne know what yon need. I will furnish prices and give reference. Miss L. R. Msloy 1909, No. Uth St., Phllsdelpbls. Pa. JACOB' Raleigh Rye Wblikey Is .the best. Middle street. Children Slippers at Hall. We ire elnt'ni out nil nnr children Oxford sort ulippen st shout half price. HA It FOOTS. A Good Tonic. If you seed a tonlo, try our Ueef, Iron sad Wlae. It tt s eonlilostUn particularly valuable lo the treatment of debility attended with IntpoverUbmaal of the blood. It promotes digestion Improves the appelte and gives energy tot ha entire ayitleav Davis Preserfp loa Pharmacy Celery Headache Powders, There la not aay better raaedv for headache thea these powders. They a ever fail t r ell era. Mute and sold only at Davis Prescript Ins pharmacy. 1 i i Two Great Bargain. Owe (lees black sod one Blase, walla la ported Orgsady, worth TSa soar at Me yard. BARfOOTH, Piss lot of ffrl VbtVtva at the Oaks Market lo day. . . Westers Pork Lolas at the Hk Meat Merkeuodiy. Hetb, Old Pumpkin! Bow's yoar Jaaadira f llij tWl pm go to BradhaaTs sad gHt am of hta antvPUtoas Uvt PIIU aad taka them accord kg an dlrwiine ad g wed f TWy will IwproMi jnut apfUN vara fwt Jeuadtr and. alU-ilm pUk act as wU as rsUi end are jr , frt)f heistlMa, a Merrary Bflylhlef n aallvat. . Taka Uwat aad pn tH gt araB. jm aJ ts and raa f thsai tnv M I but. t Aaoit a Cat ta rartMk1 ' ' Xvary ahlkls. awM 4 ledta Psrasql radaail agala la ska Miliig . BARroOTl. CURE YOUR HEADACHE find LaGRIPPE With CAPUDINI3 Tobactt iParthoasts rrtpitint tor G066 (cast' Builnat Here. . Ike tobacco warehouse hers are aW ready preparing for the opestDf teaton, Which will begla Angnst 1st. ' , ; A aanbsrof borers are praattsed to be ob hud, so that 'farmers mtf look f r active competition for tobaoco, . Tha outlook for ' tobaoco U very good ta this aeatlon, ths acreage 1 largely lu cre awd and the crop prospects are ei eollent. . ' f ' j -Before The Referee. ' -Arguments were made la the Daniels; Fowler case before Referee H.G..Oon Bor, yesterday..- The tentltnony was was taken In this rase about two yeara Ice Cream Supper, Kitt Swamp. The Ladles Aid .Society will give; so icecream supper at Kltt - Bwamp the night of Jane 29ili, every body is ri- spectfully Invited to attend. - Mrs. K. E. Rtirv. : ... Pres. The Big- Annnal Picnic. Will be on July VAh 1001 st' Alum Spring, Onajow county N. Cv Come one and all and en of the day. ' - . , . J. O. MDRnn.L add R. L. Cox. , - An Attractive Program. The program of the Onldahoro Min strels, to be rendered at the Opera house tomorrow ulght, Is an attractive one, and lovers of Minstrelsy are prom ised an evening of fun. ; Mr A, N. Hummel, the advance agent was here yesterday, ami aucceaaiully billed the towij. There will no doubt be a large crowd out to see this show. Change of Sunday School Hour. 8t. Mary's Free Will Baptist Sunday School bas changed its hour of service from half past two to Ave o'clock p. m. . T. HoLinwRM. .Sec't Cleared the Side Walk. . A dray with anlmsl altaohment, caused a sensation yesterday afternoon for a short time on South Front between the railroad and Middle street. Tbe runaway started from the spur on the railroad, and Instead of taking the middle of the road, took the south sHe walk, clearing the walk of all movables, from the Italian's banana stand to a number of boxes at Lucas snd Lewis', but catching a wheel In a post, the run away was seized snd prevented going farther. Sale of Fair Property. At the court house door yesterday noon, Mr. P. II. Pelletier, Trustee, sold the Fair property st public auction. At a price equivalent to $9,500, It wss purchased by Messrs. T. A. Green, E. H. Meadows, Wm. Dunn, snd E. K Bishop as trustees. -PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. O Msrks It visiting In New York. Vr. R 0. lirsgaw of Wssnlngtoa, N. C, Is In the city. Miss Fsltn Brck left on lbs .learner Isst night, returning to New York. Mist Grace iu.1,1 ,if Macon, Ha, Is vis iting her sister, Mrs Jo W. Dug uld. Mr. Alfred OsnMns relumed Sondsy ulgbt, from s trip lo Burlington and Durham. Mr. E:ard Hughes of AMlens, Tet- , is In ike city visiting his brother, Dr. t. W. Hughes. Miss Jsanle Beirut left .yesterdsy af- teraooa for Fairfield, IJyde eoaaty to vllt relatives. . - Dr. 8. D. Barr went to Morenead yet- Urdsy to si lead the meeting of the Den tal Atsoclstloa. . w Ei-Jodge Usury O. Coenot of Wlltoo, Karersa la the Daalele-Powler on d lest. hagaratof laaOkauawka. . Messrs. Chsrles H. Fowler, J f Oow.ll aad W. i. Iwsa of Btoaawarj, aad W. T. Cako of Uayboro, are la the dty. , Dr. J. K. Mstiaews of Wllalagtoa, passed throagk the city, oa hls.wty to Moiahaad, to sUssd the ass sal meatiag of lha Btata DraUl Aaaocl atloa. ' Mr. snd Mrs. UU. Cailsr retaraed last eight from Athavllla. where Mr, Caller baa baea aileadlag la aaaaal BMatlag of la North Oarnllaa Bsakan Aseasistlna. - Mrs. J. O. WstkUs aad soa. Cutler, aeooeiptsWi tbaai torn m atislu ' - ; Ladies Borne Jtaraai, July. Seldom baa a aattsr chance for"siay. at-kosaa travtllsf beea o Bared tbsa la The' adla.' Home Joeraa) for July Frost Wast Polat, asplctarsdby Oeorge 01 ts afl the cover, readers may ga with W. U Tay lof to as 'A Bety Baoa Mrast at Hlgt-Raea'' aval try "OaiW FWbla' whh Jo Jcffersoa" la FWmMi lW Ireval oat West wl k Xrssvt na Thoaipsoa to aa "Tbt Motbst Teal sad Overland Koala"; aett ie aloeg the Atlsatle Ci to lad bat hew the elacea Wfcf Otr Cosalry lUfka" kk today; thea eek Rerlkna Kir hi f ta U ht rTbe Harf ef a Mape Tree, by Wllllssi Drarm i'wn; east se fMt.ra p.iise s-IHr't offlta sail eJn lbs ftod tniwttl f!). Urf f .-Tk ( .i f.. -,!!u, ay E4wsfd I.r'f ..t "Tas t'osafj i.l t i . i , like enet-Lyt Tk're ft rtf o artlrire iil lntft on vr ,.. . ,i, J-ta tf 1! (!" rt,.(.!r ( ,.,o fff. f'Hi.'fk's On rl ';'!'. Is rei. t " ; r CCriCLCN PLANT SOLD-" Bhlct Ltuober Company Pirchucl It'll Proprtyan4 Timber Laads. The most Important property sale In years la this section has just been eon aaamated, It being the sale of the Ooag don Mill property la this city, together with the timber land belonging to tbe Congdon property, . ; & The mill property Ib this elty cnnslsU of saw mill, planing mill and dry kilos. c ' , . -, " , The limber lands consist of nine thons and acres ia Jones -and Pamlico, onus- . Mr. David. Coagdon, the seller,, ha been actively engaged here In business for about thirty two year,- while the Blades Lumber Company, l wellknown throughout E4stera Carolina,' having already large milling Interest here and at Elizabeth City, Uildes owning large tracts of timber lands In this section of the State..: .; ' The Blades Compun - ha slroi dy taken oostestlon, of the mill here, and will bt their regular course of basinets. . ' - -. Sunday Night's Storm. y There wore three separate and distinct storms here Sunday night snd , early Monday morning, each with a violent wind, great deal of lightning, and Home rain. The first was about 8:30 p. m , the second st 3 a. m., and tha third atiout 5 a. ni. The only dsintge reported was the blowing down of the smoke stack of the Ice Factory. Sunday and Monday were high days for temperature, 93 degrees Sunday and 91 Monday. Ways of the Blind. . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson of this city, will give an Informal entertainment at the Court House, tonight. This couple are often seen on the streets here, and seem to have perfect control in going to places, as welt a though they could see, lustoml of being bllud. They will present a number of feilurei of how the blind can do things, that would seem could only be done by thoae hsvlng good eye sight. Marriage at Balrds Creak. Wednesdsy mornlug, June 10th, a se lect number of friends and relatives met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. 0. Brtn son of Balrds creek to enjoy the bounti ful luxuries of their well-furnished din ner table and to see the leave-taking of their lut daughter, Grace.' By 8.80 o'clock the bridal party had driven to New Bethlehem . Free Wfil Baptist church, where a large number of friends were gathered to wltnese the sealing of the nuptial vow. There were several from Thurman, Olympls, lteelsboro, Ursntsboro, Edward, Bayboro, Stone- walliand Arapaho. Tbe church was beautifully decorated. Over either aisle were floral arches, In tbe centre, near tbe altar, bung an ex quisite marriage bell. Behind, and above tbe alter, were the words In cedar, and evergreen, "Two Hearts That Beat at One." Beneath which were two large hearts touching each other, with the lnltlal "B" oa tbe lett aad "C oa tbe light. Taea whh Mr. J. J. Brlnson and Mrs. Rurle" Edwards, as managers. came Mr. W. I'-Conner and Miss Lsura Keel, keeping step to tbe wedding march, rendered by Mlsa Lonla Hoi ton, of Olympla. Following these were Mr. J. U. McOowtn aad Miss Lsurs Conner, Then cams lower "glrla, Mamie and Love Edwards, sweetly dressed, scattering most fragrant aad baaatlfuf flowers ahead of str.jU. A.Coaaer, the groom, on tha arm of hi brother, B. II Conoer, while ap lb opposite stale, suppiag oa cape jasmlaa. came Mitt Grace Brlsaoa, the lovely bride, oa the am of Mis Fsaale Keel- After cross aurcklng tbey took thtr places," the bride aad groom halllBg under tha ball, while the twain restless kesrU war asada oae by ib pirghllag of ta atarrUg vows, the cer- stony bale delivered la a aoleaa forci ble it y If, by tb Be. J. IL M. Ollee, of lha M. AVCharcV Ta party tbea marched from the charch followed by taaay frieads, who eoagratalsied laea ssthry aid Ibsei good-bye. for their saw home. . -,, ; . i Wbea they arrived at Mr. Qsorga'D. Ooasst's, fataor of tha (rones, Uey war greeted by a ery large kuaibar of rata tlrea aad welooatad to a magalflotal f eeptloa. Frost I to 11, Ua rfohsaofa auaptaoai Uble ware ea Joyed by all. Frost baglralag to aad, with tba bsesU felly atilrvd party, all aat "taarry aa a marriage tell " - MbtBrjaena araa oae of Pamlteo't atoat acaossplt.bad, earptla, ehrtoUs beartedyoaag woasra The wlaasvof aer ksad tartly la l baeoagralaletsd. Mr.Coaaav Is aaa of .Tharsasa's eater. prl.ln, SBergvtla aterekaau aad a wof 'hrlyoBsg aua. . . . May a Ufa of bspplaeea aad assfal- a Iks fata of tklt poUI( eoople. , , - Aa Kva Wrters, A"-t stooBlIttit SilL ''The Aid rWMy af the TWrasrte fUfWM efcarrh.' will (Irs a ssonaMgtit II oa iW i'.mf flsMr, evra- Ir-r. Ju!f III. Ixur,V(tl's mrlwtra will em.ic Im tbe iwrtfe. Koik'e, Tfct (..e of lk ffr,vnl f .If Kr. t.. ' 1. .11 'vm ?, I..'. ; ' I ... --tsr,...', r. ' ' j I h m. m i . ,4. -i , ' ; r n r m In rr e ' : pollocssville. : ? i - Jane St. -Miss Eatle May WlllUms of Wsrasw Is suiting ber sunt,'-Mrs, H. C. Foscue.' ' A.-V"'fv-L' Mr. Charlie McDtnte!.- Manager of Blades mill near here will begin sawing this week. .L- v Prof. Alex 13. White who has been sick foi a long time, we are glad lo see oat and able to attend to business We learn that,' the mall route from Ibis place- lo Trenton will be discontin ued after the first of August and only from Trenton to Oliver: when the rural delivery system wil lc ettsbllsbed from Trenton to Oliver, adUtanoeof only 6 miles. : : ' Hra. J. 11. Bell is very sick at her home in this place and has beeu for about nue week. 1 have aen quite a lot of the Jones county farms In the last week and never before have 1 seen such little corn snd cotton at this season of the year. Our town and vicinity was visited last night by a severe wind storm and some rain, but little damage wan done, some fences were blown down and some corn. Mr. William K. White leaves here to day for New York'anif Philadelphia on business connected with 'a pateul that he has invented and Just got a patent on, for several week loltert-have been coming thick and fast from Northern parties negotiating the purchase of bis patent The nut Ih arranged with a caioii which fastens th'j nut So as It is Impossible to get It oil by back action of the wheel. It Is reported that he ha a bid of ten thousand dollars from a New York firm. We hope he will not lose this opportunity to sell out. Moonlight Sail, Tonight. Tonight, on the steamer Howard. there will be a moonlight sail, given under the aUBpiceaof tbe Sunday School class of Miss Eslelle Parker, for the benefit of the .Methodist 'Orphanage, at Knlelgh. . The steamer will leave the dock, foot of Craven street, at 8. 30 o'clock. Faro 25 cents. Music and refreshments on board. Good Soda Conies from good material cmn- bined with knowledge and skill, We use the very best of everything. If it is possible to improve anything we do it. The cost doesn't worry us hall as much as the quality. Deftness in mixing and serving is an art in itself. It may seem useless, perhaps foolish, to you, as you watch the little quirks and funny busi ness gone through with by our attend' ant in drawing the various drinks, bu. they all add to the flavor. It's just those little "kinks', that make Bradham's Soda "Chic." Special Offerings for Tuesday's Sale. White Linen Latfn, (n)(7?)j ; 36 Mes 'wide, . (OjC. - ' " w . - - --'' . ' '." '-: .',- - - . -. . .. - . Four, StyUs ' Percales, cri 36 Inches Iwtde Fasti '7 G - . " ' . . .' '. i ' . . x '. - - Two Styles of fine 23x f Paper, . in Vlain and TV ' ' Ruled, Oenuino . Bar- v. j U. gain - - VJ " j O . . w m a f r , r ( it; -The fragrant Mem ory;;r ?. When you've danced in aeotlllioe. With a captivating Miss - ' -r t ' And enjoyed tbe fl ing moments , i. Of lafaleatlug bliss H ; " . . Wbea he's gone away aad left you ' There h something arema ta stay- It la then you aole the fragrance ' Of the girl who' gone away. When year wife ha gone to visit . To ber mamma's tor awhile, Aad you're home alone, and amoklng 'The long hours to beguile. Through the fumes of your Havana Something sweater teems to-stray And you know It Is the fragrance Of the girl who's gone away. Whan a change comes In tbe season. And the dresses are brought forth Which were packed 'away so safely From the ever-busy moth. Then the odor of the moth-ball Round your nostrils seems to piny, And you note the clinging fragrance Of the girl who came your way. When your cook has gone and left you Gone and quit this earthly scene, Just because the wood burned quicker When touched up with kerosene; When you go Into the kitchen. And the smell of all is gay. It is then you note Ike fragrance Of the girl who's gene to stsy. Yonkers Statesmen. OASTORIA. Bssn tu jf Tl" Hints You Haw Always Bought spVto Kind You Han Always SigautA ef You h&e them ? Do you have headaches '! The Sunday morning kind 1 The sick or nervous kind ? Do you want to get well? Cola Heartache Powders will relieve you, if .not.yoHr money back. Many times neudaches oomefroma disordered stom aeh.- There are ingredients in Cola Headache Towders that will stimulate and increase the seeretions of the stom ach and that old headache will pass oft. Only ten cents at Bradham's Prescription Pharmacy. XaiceiiHe Tax Notice ! All Attorneys, - Physicians, Dentists, Auctioneers, Real Estate snd Rent Col lectlng Agents, Dealers In Fresh Meats, Wood and Coal Dealers, Photographers, Lumber Dealers, Undertakers, Junk Dealers, Horse Dealers, Bicycle Dealers Hotel Keepers, etc , etc., are required by law to pay s license tax on 1st day of June Of each and every year. Please call at the Bherid's office at once and pay tbe tax and gel your license. .1. W. BIDDLE, Sheriff June HI, 1901. 1 J L ;" " '.', ."--V V --J. , rHrMiferS Public Buildinsr, School ing may be artistipaliy plain with an economical, durable and sanitary interior , finish for walls and ceilings, whether plaster or metal, smooth or BRUSH MARKS, CRACKING or RUBBING OFF. Simple to prepare. Easy to apply. - Fourteen beautilul tints and white. Obtain our tint book, literature and prices. n W. SMALLWOOD, Hardware, Painls and Oils, NEW BERN, N. C. BOYS WusliJSnits in blouses, with A x j lees mi:, n uu aim Prices 75c, 1 00 and l.fiO for large bojss. Straw 1 hits. All kinds and New Styles just in. Shirt Waist?, :i to : ye:iis, in IIhihIshiiio ( n'ois, Imice ;'lle. X IJoys Shii ls, soft liiwiins, eufi's iletiii'lieil ,",0i', si . I J to 14, a innke just the sanm as our men's si i it s. We always look out for insiieelioii ol our wusn Mills J HE rRKlJI ! ! Any tUv.'r. jm krtl in t-any i i n ! to any part ( the rity ;it :itc lVr tnitrf. Ill iir let (Vim in t';niir V"" :in 1 wnt'il Midi lv- ( n-ani ami all riunK i.f drinkri (' ft (Ntla. J ln';itn ; fthcHMTty IjCihuii an! Orange I !i--s-ItliRlrti, rtr Wi' nisi. U l a lull lir:i' .. ( aiulirs. Friillf. MimkiTK' Artuli-N. rir. Harniwii hen. K'tml wii lii'H. AT JII6IU.EY-N. Dobbin & Fen-all, At Tucker's Store, IU-125 Payettevllle St., Raleich, N. C. Want A Carpet? AT 75 A YARD an- now cb-anlnx out oar (printf hmhiiIi'ii ccumulittioiiH of pnrt pim-s aid odd rolU Kinu CnrK-t. f. Curwto worth 11.00, mid LfiOayard. . Coma and avc tin m or wnd tu yottr ntfaauivn. No chaixe for tnakiD; Uirar carpet into qnar, crpu orruga. ,f ' J DOBBIN a FCRRALL. ' :y ; piigh,N.c j i In i I I ? t - f tiAVK a !' r:i t r i l... 1.. I I. I'l . I, f I , T , I. '....' , . . .;S r r T' g -r c - t 'I i' ' ' 4 ' n i . . i . . t i . mm iw-r Theatre or Dwell decorated or finished X rough finished. NQ large wiilor collnrs, in sizes ;! to 'J, vviuiu imick nuns, ill in in, shajies in 'aps at -Jfie and fiiic. the little folks miiI uv invite ynur aiid Waists l rices riglil. i V You Can Get Hold of A Good Bicycle ftr mighty litllr tn-'in v ami n m.Khly KAHV TKKM. .Iii .t think wv nfTrr ln yt Irs now at U $-0 that am miiwrn-r hi ovnry wny t that v.. hi f.-r $(Mi a tvm y.nn. ni;". Now ihcy r' a rhtfi in llwy tun Ih- iiindr if lin y in1 inadi riliL 1 nine tn and liarn ah'-tit thin. ItKI'AlKINO rr..n,.lly nnd N.-atly Kxct ntM. i.. n. i:iji:iiT, I rtirr I'nlliM'k snd t'rsvrn Hrwls, NKW I1KKN. !h ('. H. M. Pollock, Uvary, P4, le 4 Cacha tft ; - The (THEA PEST Turnouts in the city. No. 70 Buth Front. Btroet, opposite Hotel Chattawka. - . NcvrStore'I i.evuooQS.' - . . DuU & CO.. I mm i:. r. '' Ji'ur.NfOHT foS i ia .. (,!,! ,r e I rr4timer arnl a'l i r Tin ti i!l st lliiir Kt w r t ' T! !!r fit.. He bd art tTr 1H V- aM t v. y r. ly J $mtj a4 tmW I u;, Wii I f t e r I - v Mm v,.