1 i " VOL XIX NO. 71.: RIW BIRN, H. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 26, 490k - TWENTIITHJtill r ' . ' V"" . . J -- V....' - " r. r ! , 1 . r , - H 1 I I i i i I I ; ! l I 1 I 1 J '.. I J I . I i II I I T I I T I ' I :' t -".4 . i t t , Y t V f I I ty t 7A IS A Gorernor Should Catch r Vba1 'y& .0,0 o - o -v-o.fliomBa' Olilonat n4 Ziegler Oxtord.8, both high and spring heel, ranging in size from 1 to 7 J, these Oxfords r sold fof 12.00 and fi'2.50. We will sell for the dcxt few days or as long as tbey last at ' - ' - A ; vV. - " - ' Sit complete line of Sheets, Pillow and Bolster Cases. . 90 - l . O 3t908heets torn and hemmed, ready fof use, price from 65c to W " fA 70oT Pillow Cases 45x36 ranging in. price from 10c to 18c. y't ' & hemstitched or p'ain; Utica Mills sheeting 22c, for 2 days only. a: ' a ' ' POLLOCK STREET. $ HAGKBURN WHAT IT DOES. r , ATLANTIC & N. C. RAILROAD CO. New Bern, N. C, May 15, 1901. Vade Mecum Spring Co., '; "- Winston-Salem, N. C. Gentlemen: : . - - ". v For the past two years up to within . the last month I had been a great sufferer trom a case ot chronic nervous indigestion, finding no relief untiL through the advise of a personal mend I Degantne use oi vade : xiecum Water nnd its. effect on : me within the short time ot one month has . been won deriul, having been relieved r entirely of my trouDie Dy us use. i laice great pleasure in giving you this testimony of -its merits ' and efficacy for stomach and liver troubles. Since I -began tne use ot this water I have ' gained 23 pounds and have nearly reached my standard weight. -: Yours truly, B. A. NEWLAND, V'::.;..' Master Transportation. '. For Sale at F. 5. DUFFY'5 DRUO STORE, Hearlag la Stewart Brts: Case, Il licit Distillery Seizures. - Cot- " Ma Mill Starts np. ' Col- . ael Carr's -v ; ,t'Tlewv ..;;.; .-. y:: Ralrioh, June 25. Governor Ayoock today "recelyed a very pitiful appeil from Mayor Tamer of . BakertTiUe fqr aid for the flood sufferers tbere. '. Ho says the aitaatlon li awful and. that the people of the State do not appreciate It. There le much suffering and. great need ot the neoessaries of life. Governor Ay cook request your correspondent to say that he aaks the people o! the State to contribute to the stricken town and sec tion. . :-V,v":Jf:-'--v''i-' The hearing of the State's evidence In Its case against' Stewart Bros, of Wins ton-Salem, who In 1895-8 were the pub lio printers, and who it fs charged drew tlO.OOO more than was doe, was resumed today and will consume at least a fort night more. Mrs Rrllton, formerly of Wilson, now of South Dakota, sues Mr. Brlttoo now of Raleigh for divorce. He .some time since obtained a divorce from her. Her attorney is H. 8. Connor of Wilson. The revenue officials no longer make public news of the seizure of Illicit dis tilleries. It Is said that the reason for this Is that recently they have had bad luck and made many water-hauls. The Koyall Cotton Mill at Wake For est started np to day, with 100 opera tives. The upper floors of the Supreme Court and and State Library Building, have given way somewhat and - steel girders are to be put in. - The great weight of books on the third floor is the ause. The office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction will be remodeled. News comes from New York that Col, S. Car: Is greatly gratified that liis views on North Carolina politics have been so well received In thla State. The New York Times has again Inter viewed him. New Bern, N. C Fresh Corned Mullets '.C'.- JUST. RECEIVED. ,t ." . :?,--,.--";? 'O;-:. ... ; Also a fine lot 8untU I'lg Harm, Tic Nio Haras and Kmall ' Breaktast Striiw.-r j' ; v j. 4 to Hifcr BuUflf 80c lU, Cookfoir HntUr 2Sc IU ' , Olre it call lor anything In the jrrwwy line and I will ; ; .:; ;' . Youra for bualneaa,",1 ; '-v WMmU a4 Raiall Oracwr, a-- ; Peninsular Stoves anil -Ranges Just Received. ; I ull l.M- Uhimk y IMifilit Motm, iMnglct Oil 0'HiimT fU'Vrt 1 dwiil. (Vn IKian nd l'wk ot't thrm Joftll (ft tint Jnti v ami J.riM fi,;tit Pur t I t .n (rti jl. U f Tt Uu a? thmrt r.d 'li w !Tt,' V kfp a full Ult of " w P.iLtlSH. RecclTtt-Pitiful From Bakersville. Appeal , MPTJTIES DRIVEN AWAY. Offlcen Many Shots fired by Strikers. Had to Run, -Z. yC-HONnsaTOH,- W. Ya June 24-To- day a posse of United Slates deputy mar shals, led by A. 0. Hotford, of Bluefield, were fired on, by the strikers" and forced to flee from the coal Selds at Mattawaa, Yesterday afternoon the. marshals,' set out from Bluefield to reachlhe scene of the miners' ilots Within SO miles" or Thacket-they found that they oould pra oeed no further by rati on account of the flood.:? They struck out 'across the mountains encountering almost uusur mountable difficulties and late Sunday afternoon reached the end of their Jour ney Proceeding toworkj they began-L serving notices of the injunction watch had been issued by Judge Jackson. r' -A mob of strikers followed; armed to the teeth with firearms. On all eiden could be heard the cry,' "dowh with, the government ,; by .Injunction i'V- Men threatened them ; with ;; their weapons, women called down the vengoaaoe of heaven upon them and children ' hurled stones. ' When nightfall came notice had been . served on the strikers- of all the coal companies', but one and that was to be served at Lick Fork Coal and Coke Company, st Thacker. Fearing an am bush they waited until morning and early today set out for Thacker. Some time before noon they attempted to serve the injunction papers at the above named colliery.' A mob folio wed; enraged to desperation at the sweeping character of the Injunction,' One reckles fellow Bred the first shot and quick " as lightning the mountain sides re-echoed with re sounding reports that followed the crack of 20 or 80 rifles. The deputies were forced to take refuge in flight and then barely escaped with their lives. Danger, disease and death follow neg lect of the bowels. Use De Witt's Little Early Risers to regulate them and you will add years to your, life and life to your years. Kaey to take, never gripe. F. 8. Duffy & Co. A torglcal operation is not -necessary to cure piles. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve saves all that expense and never falls. Beware of counterfeits. F. S. Duffy 4 Co. THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. B. Latham Co, Now Bern N. O. ' Naw YoRJt, June 25. Ope. High. Low. Clotc ... 8.53 8.89 8.7S ... 7.97 8.11 808 ... 7.67 7.80 7.08 7.08 .. 7.7 7.71 7.87 Chicago, Jane U. , Open. High. Low. Close .. 80 oof Open. High. Low. CloM Open. High. Low. Close .. 8.10 8.10 . b.; : . : eao New York, June 85 Open. Olgh. Low. Close OoTToa; July Aug .Oct January... WaaiTi July Sept. . . Ooaa: ' July... . Sept Bibai Jaly Sept..... Sroctss So-ffyPfd Ooot...... So Ky - Mo.r...V. D. a L... ....... Mt ao....v,;:;48i Ssgaf. ,;. 1441 T.C.O........ ' r Be LtTsareva' 4, ' St P 178) Tes.- Pao...--; . si o. , . 144 110 IN ',484 148 71 188 174J a 'Spots! ISsUefOO balws. . " rataree, Jety-g. 14I,0rt-Mo, 117, :j KW Iter O SlaHw, CoUoa Isi ras Mew Hr nrkt soMs4TA0U8.0. I . . . Last work H.0O0 ' Tlix (rt." iki. umo tins, llV'rt Tm lto. VM. . Than.' f t'X. mmt aaturfx ;,Sae week V- . . . i,soo J. ire n Dii! : :::; ..alenal. ! V:,r "1 f , (;: l r .. i . l. Ail ih (;, Cv TT0 if a - rw is i ;-. SIXTY DROWNED,- Latest Estimate of the west Virginia Dis-' ' ! Vaster iwduces alLof the Losses, --ix BoasokvVs . June 24 ?-U s aow re- yorted that not over 80 people . are tnisf tng in fhaooal feldr as a-resalt of Sat urday's flood.. ..(; , The town of KeystdheV while much damaged, is not wipod out, as was re- orted.. Nq estimate- of property .' loss has been made either by coil operators or by the railroad officials. The loss, nowever, is far up in lae. thousands.. No definite news has been received from the coal fields', a all wtre arestlU down and there is ho means of communica tion. Sr-';' - The' Norfolk and Western Railroad Company's loss will reach $500,000. Men and "material are being hurried to the si fields from all over the line of the Norfolk and Western. ' - ' A telegram this afternoon dated En- nl; W. V.; from Oeneral Manager Jphdson, 'Jpt the Norfolk and Western Railway, Says: !The best information is that about 60 people were drowned in the North Fork of the Elkhorn. Property loss about 33(r,Q00. The Norfolk and Western Railroad suffered severe damage to Its tracks and trestles, Expect to be open fj traffic some, time Wednesday if we have oi more storms.'' ' WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. Temperature Averaged Below Normal. Cotton Slow Growth. Raleigh, June 25. The weekly crop bulletin for the week ending Monday, June 24, was as follows: Frequent showers with cloudy, cool weather prevailed during the week just pasted. Rates occurred at some place or other in the State on every day of ' the week, and were quite heavy on .the J 1st and night of the 24th, causing. freshets n the smaller streams; but generally the rains were local In character, and. over many counties there were favorable Op. portunlties for farm work. Tbe tempera )ure averaged 5 below tbe dally normal but was not sufficiently low to be lo jurious or to check growth. Maximum temperatures exceeding 00 occurred oe Sunday and Monday with Increased snp shine and really summer-like weather. Tbe condition of crops has become very diversified; generally In the northeastern section and along tbe northern border ol the State where leas rain fell, cultivation ha progressed rapidly and crops have made fairly good growth, though; tbey are still very backward; In tbe . south omira! end west portion rata has beta continuous, cultivation almost- Impossi ble, and all erops era la very bad eondl lion in eooseqieaoe of grass snd. weed Wheat harvest b Searing completion la the oentral-east section, bat has been delayed by wet weather in the west; lack of well Ailed beads Indicate a SborUt yield than espeetoa,, Utonga the erop will be a good one) there la etaob coca plalat of atoldiog la ' shock, and even ae iproettag of ripe grain la the fields. Cora when wall cultivated, es pecially fa aplsads, Is the aaty erop that looks well, la the . Seat good progress la bulla has beet jasda, - and tool farssers ksve begsa to lay by early com elsewhere growth has been slow, saost fields art still graatyt - Iewls4da -asaally pleated W eora have aot been flowed sad will be abaadoaed. - Cotton U a ik ing very slow growth, hot looks fairly wail la ealiivsted aside; grate eoetlanes lo be troablesoait la seme eosetlae lies have appeared os notion. Borne early piloted, eoiuth II bvglsolif so fam sqwres, Tobeoco is 4olng well kft clear, sad gesersJIy, has good ,sus4, maaf corraapandasu Bow reynrt ene' dllloe ef lobaoro also poov.- Ptl loot faJrly well. pr1 oii are ' 8oeaad hantlg ba te eixlerwa; fevbee are g,ll,l ripe, at irtey sr rottlni. apiit ttn era nS.clt, torn U!fil 4b fro It f-nfiUnor to ftl) MatI" are rt'r fin ad S or of bty will fc'iel. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise In the open air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If bee system needs the cleansing action of, a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. only.' - -. ..- BELL AIR. Jund 25. Our section wai visited yes terday morning 1.30 with a storm or cyclone that mule havoc with our or chards and woods twisting off shade treia, fruit trees and some of our sturdy old hiokdrys, it lasted only a few min utes but scared Borne of our citizens as It'waa the most severe wind we have had for 80 years In this Immedtate section. Corn is verf much blown down, cot ton where It was high enough also blown down. We don't miss any grass. It seems to have held Its own very well. Tbe rain lu not very severe, and work could go on as soon as things could be cleared away. L. Eczema, nail rheum, tetter, chafing, Ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are quickly cured by DeWltt'a Witch Hazel 8lve. The certain pile Are. 8. Dotty is Co. Dobbin & Fen-all, At Tucker's Store, , , 123-125 Fayettevllle St, Raleigh, N. C. Want A - Carpet , AT Wc A VARJX wearo now clpintmr out on shrins aeawmV v.t , accuinnuuui oi aur pirvw sum odd ndKRue,Oarjtai , -; CarwU irorUi-1.00, 11.25 and 81.50 yard-V. Come and a Uirra or aeJid.tu yonr : measnrwi, . No , charge' (or making throe carped luto, iqaarns, eartjct ot rogi.-r ; ,'-",'. s. 'V DOBBIN XfmVU&Xj ; alr'ra Tak't Sc(inJ Cirae. f 'e (I- Umi'kI n.1ay, v-t 1 , 'k!,l '1, At T1"a M Nn" Ai- t-ks of ' fc t!til s f1 tk a lK'lr tmil.m, rtmri ! A'w'. bnt tti" w;0fi4t a' t-mtmn A H -1 th. bU1 tf. I i'ikU t.. t. V -1 R III f t t'T r nf4 7 tt A ' :SHALFPIG HAMS, Breakfast KtrjpN, California Hams and a FreNh lot Fancy lilgin and Clover Hill Print Bntler Just B?ccived at J. JU McDanirs, 71 Broad St. A new bbl. Fulton Market Corned Beef just received. Kresh lot Small Sugar Cured Hams, Pic Nin Hania and Eng lish Cured Shoulders. Fresh Grits, Oatflakes and Kice. A few Nice North Carolina Peeled and Sliced Dried Peaches only 5c pound. Dunham's Schredded Cocoanut Nice and Fresh. Heinz's Pickles bolh Four and Sweet. Partlet Pcare, Standard Quality 10c, 3 lb. can or 3 for '5c Yours to please, 3j Give-me a call. T W II Kl MM stara 5 . , Ml! AN K . g g I 'Phone 91. 71 Broad St. Wholesale & Retail Grocer, 8 JUST RECEIVED o :0 A Fresh lot Clover Hill Buttor, Fresh Cheese, Fancy Cakes O and Crackers, and a Nice Stock of Keleet Canned OixhIs. We also have a lot of P. 1. darner's liiick for sulc. o L. M. Satterthwaite & Bro. S Phone 169 t 61 Broad Street g Try Our Best Patent Flour ! 6 Flour Unit can i in I v U iiiinlc in a iiiimIiiii mill friuii I lie innsl laiifullv Ht'lecU-tl wheal. are selling the same at astonishingly low piii i-s. Armour's ( 'an iimsihI Meat eonut:iiillv on IliihI 4 'offer offer Kllll llol.l-, glMKl. Vrl'y I'l"-r( llllllv. 2? eu J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer Phone 137. 5 iMLL PUS Highest Artistic Standard. USED IN 100,000 HOMES INCL.1JIINJ United States BEST MUSICIANS The President AND TIlIv In Karope A Anierlrit, For -Factory Prlcei and Liberal Terms. Address s. W. F. BLOTJNT, "; I '' . a . State Representative, : ' : , . : Raleigh, N. o Ycj Cm Get HoU of, A C !F':-;-!c ' ! MM lilkBook Store J Nffto York Prices t ; for Letter Files. . , ;Serv!ceable ; Hammocks. G. H. EnnctC S r. n4 i i I. ri f ,r -i I'ior ...' .'. 1 1 ' . I ; I '-. '.'- im xiw ranM smwis eKiisr M.( a ill 4 r 'nmH OiM fNM tt tii i ii .i . .r t i 1 1 mM im M rw-.i tw ., J-m i.a f.Nl.T M aw r m. " '" '' I'll Tua wm os nuirr.aAri ' , itmi a w y a i i i I, t m aM a im 4 .i.i- fc-1.,.4 kM. tu r . av'wataasi 0 asjaaaBHs fssjavs'ysasy fass f 'VA'Ssa V.l. T. lit fata, i m r ).'.. t" J'. si e P - 1 1 i r -.. r. u a-. f a. t . !' -A z