mm An Excellent Combination. , The pleasant method end ttenflcial effoeta of the well known remedy, Btbup or Fies, roanafactnred by the liAuromriA rra oybuf illustrate tha valuesf obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles -of plant known to be Mr. Baa P. Telfair, M U the thy yesterday, OB i btutneu itl. Mr. and Mr. C. K. Toy and Xlt Agnes G. Toy, left for Baltimore yester day morning. . " .,- -'; Mr: Daniel Une of Bellalr, . went to LaGrange yesterday to tttand the Dis trict Conference, v Miss Lulle Ivee, leave here today for a tlx weeki trip, visiting at Chapel H1U, Graham and 8elma,r- Ifr.Bayner Jones, at present with the Jacksonville Lnmbet Company, wai here yttterday on a short visit. Messrs. D. L.' Ward and B. A. Knnn, are sttendlni the North Carolina Bar Association at Wrlghtsvllle. Rev. R. f. Bump, and Messrs T. A. medicinally Uwatlve and preaentins; 1 ' "u Ti. ! . themuthefonanaetrefraehingrtothe I Greenland B. Gv. Cradle went to La. taste and acceptable to the system. It , is the one' perfect etrengthenino; laxa tive, eleansinif the system effectually, disDelUnc'eolda. headaehoa and fevers , gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual oooatipationper raanently. - Jts Mtmi&el freedom from every objecttonable qnalrty and sab- stance, and ita acting on the kidneys, liver and "bowels, without weakening or irritating them,' make it the ideal laxative. . : ... : In the process of manufacturing figa are nsea, as tney are pleasant to in taste, bat the med ideal qn&Ulieaof the remedy are oDwunfto rmni si am sml other 'aromatic olaata. bv a method known to the CALiroaaiA Fis 8 roup Co, only. In order to get ita beneficial euecia uuu 10 btoui imiuivionR, pieaw remember tlio full name of the Company . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ' TBAirOISCO, CAX. rsi --v- It looiavnxa, kt. mw yobk. m. T. Itorsalahyall Drngglsta Price We. parbpttls. Orange yesterday to attend the new Bern District Conference. ,,. , Dmplre Dawson. Mr. James B. Dawson may not be generally known as being an . umpire, bnt he Is, having umpired, the two games ! at Kinston, Tnesday and Wednesday of this week. ' -.- ;" f he Free Press of 87th hss the follow- Ing on Mr. Dawson. . - . "Umpire Dawson did good work . and gave general satisfaction, and we hereby extend a general Invitation to htm to be with as sgstn and let us- see his manly form behind the pitcher with his big straw hat on and his fingers plainly In dicating at all times jast how the batter stands as to balls and strikes. Long lire Dawson t May his shadow never grow lessr x r THE JOURNAL. New Bent, Mi C, June 88, 1801. Index to New Advertisements flow Strayed. Forecloseure sale. Hlllrights wanted. J. L. Hartsfleld -Laths. University of North Carolina. Oaks Market Western beef, etc. J. B. Parker, Jr. Just received. J. O. Dunn ft Co Slaughtering prices 8imnions & HollowellCo- Goo Goo. Business Locals. GOOD Millwrights Wanted-,2 78 to $3.60 per day according to skill. To go to Knoivllle, Tenn. For further par tlcnlars address this office. STRAYED From Premises On Wed nesday, Medium sized red cow, buffalo bead, no horns. Reward for Informa tion leading to recovery of cow Joseph L. Hahn. ' TRY "Grape-Kola. A new and popular drink at Dawson's, 108 Middle St. WANT to contract with loggers to cot and deliver to mill the lumber on 900 acres land. Address, W. C, cate Joon- HAL. YOUB TIME AND MONEY SAVED Why come to Philadelphia to do your shopping f I can do it for yon as well, maybe better than yon can. It Is my business to visit the department stores, dally, and search for bargains. - I will sell yon at the exact price they would charge yon. Write and let me know what yon need. I will furnish prions and give reference. Miss L. B. Maloy lWB.ho.llth St., Philadelphia, Pa. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey Is the best. Middle at met. Celery Beadacne Powders. There is not any better remedy for headache than these powders. They never tall lo relieve. Made and told only at Davis Peacriptlnei Pharmacy. ' Late Kinston News. Almost 650 barrels of Irish potatoes were shipped from Kinston today. Snow Hill will rote on July 2nd on the question of Issuing $10,00(1 In bonds to tske stock in the Great Eastern Rail road. Mrs. M. J. Grlflln. of New Bern, snd Mrs. E. P. Mangum, of Wilson, , came this morning from Nee) Bern to visit at Mr. A. 8. Psdrlck'a. Prof. W. H. Rhodes Is here working in the interest of the proposed military business and high school. He is meeting with substantial encouragement, and we hope the plan will be carried forward to suoess. Pitcher Mills,. who was bit on tbe head by a thrown ball yesterday, is some bet ter today. He is now considered almost beyond poesible danger. He Is stopping at the home of his uncle, Dr. R. H Lewis, and If no unfavorable symptom develop he will leave tomorrow. . AUcrofcyLiSirltasee. In his sketch of the Second North Carolina Infantry, recently publishes' in the first volume of the "Hlsloiies of the Regiments from North Carolina la the Great War of 1861-oV Captalr ' Malt Manly relates an Interesting and char acteristic adventure of hit comrade, Lieut. James M. Hofason, the father of Richmond P. Hobson Whose daring lo the sinking of the Merrimae In the har bor, of Santiago, Cuba, Is ; so well known., y ;s " SK-V , Lieut. James M. Hobson was a Lieu tenant of Company E, recruited princi- eipally In Guilford County, In the lad Regiment, and the Incident: related oc curred at one of the battles at BpntUyt- vanla Court House tn May, 180A. It seems that the son UlcbmonfJ P. UolMon come very honestly J)y hb gallantry, and It to rather remarkable that the dash and bravery of father and eon resulted In tbe capture of both.. . ' Captain Manly writes: , "James M. Hobson was captured at Bpottsylvania after a race for a stand of colore, One of the color-bearers of tha enemy, somewhat bolder than- hi com rades, planted his staff well tn front and stood by It to meet oar attack, Jim Hob son, with an eye, possibly, to the 4 Well done; old fallow1, from his companion, or the hope of getting a mention In gen era! orders, if the eye of the General should happily be upon him, the equiv alents with us of tbe Victoria Cross, dashed forward to capture the coloi- bearer, Hobson bad no 6 rearm, and could only secure the colors by outrun ning his man. The race wa a fast one 'nip and fuck'- with Hobson gaining, but the course was too short, and' both disappeared within the lines of tbe ene my, . Hobson caught hi man but it wa too late. He caught alio the butt of a mutket on hi pate, snd kept on to Fort Delaware, where he saw more than enough of the Stars and Stripes. His son, Richmond P. Hobson, comes airly by hi gallant spirit." Richmond P. Hobson, though now resident of Alabama, 1 of North Caro lina descent snd parentage. KoncB to mariners.1 Changes Ordered by llgut House Board '- - Jane 3$UV " Keuse River Beaooa Lights. Notice is hereby given that, on or about July 8, 101, tha following-named lights will be established in Nenas River. - - A fixed white post-lantern light, IS feet above the ' water, on a black . three pile structure .recently erected In abont feet of . water, oa the westerly end of Great Island Shoals, easterly side of the entrance to Clubfoot Creek and on the southerly vide of Neuss River. The approximate geographical posi tion of the light, Vn taken from Chart No. 144 of the United Stales Coast and Geodetic Survey, will be: Latitude, North, 84s 65 (18); Longi tude, West, W 45' (80"). Wilkinson Fopl Shoal Beacon Light, N W. N., Si miles. - , A fixed white post-lantern light, 18 feet above tbe water, on a red three-pile structure recently erected in about; feet of water off Turn StekePoinl the north erly iide of Reuse river, about 9 miles northerly of New Bern. A fixed white post-lantern liebt 12 feet above the water 6a a black three pile structure recently erected In about 4 feet of water on Green Shoal, south eriylde of Neuse river, about hslf mile above Turn Stake Beacon Light. Bearings are magnetic and given ap proximately; miles are nautical miles; heights are referred to mean high wa ter, depths to mean low wster. : Speclal(Satttrday Flyer. From Goldsboro and la-ersiadtate stations o Mnrebead- City. In effect Saturday, June !9th, 19 U, Botil other- wise ordered.'.. ' -'s -r . - -' . Leave Goldsboro : ' . 8 40 P. M. V. . LaGrange " 4 08 . " ,: Kinston1 4 88 " Dover.. ' 4 5S f. i New Bern s 600 " ' Arrive Morehead City ! .7.35 All "Week End" and Batnrday night tickets will be honored on this1raln . The above train to be run on ' Satur day only. ' 8. L. Dill. Gen'ISupt. DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY of North Carolina. n, ' : .-. 7 ' . ;. . Public Building, School. Theatre or Dwell ing may be artistically decorated or finished plain with.. ft Faculty of Nine. 83 8tuden,s. Well Equipped Laboratories. Thorough Work. TUITION $40. OTHER EXPENSES LOW. Fall term begins September 0th, 1901. Address, v F. f. VENABLE, President, Cbapei BUI, N. C. LATHS Attention Veterans. Headquarters Camp New Bern United Confederate Veterans. New Bern, June 7th 1901. Comrades:- On Thursday the 4ih day of July Is the annual meeting of our camp. fCF.' Each and every member of the camp Is earnestly requested to attend Ibis ittog, which will he at 10 o'clock a. m at tbe City Hall In New Bern, N. 0. Come, oome, pay your dues, and after tbe business of the camp Is attended to, ws will give yon a good tlms. Every member Is expected to march In ranks in tbe paradd. By order of K. R. Jonas Commander. J. F. Clssk. Adjt. Didn't Like "Water Pressure, Greensboro Telegram, 36ih. A report' was current oh the street yesterday to the effect that a special agent representing a Urge insurance company was In the city on Saturday last and attended the Are near the depot. feeing the streams from some nf the hy drants, he Immediately came up street, and going to the agency representing his firm in this city, cancelled all tbe policies owned by his company tn the city. The facts In the case are as follows: The special agent was In the city, and he came here for the purpose of establish ing an agency In this city. He attended tbe fire on Batnrday evening, and upon seeing the poor water pressure. Im mediately cancelled the steps already taken for the establishment here of an agency of his company. He gave as his reason tbst he thought his company could not afford to do business whero there was such s water supply. Graded School Picture. In Simmons & Hollowell Company's store window may be seen the drawing nf the Kinston Graded School, designed by Mr. H. W. Simpson, which was ac cepted by tbe Kinston school trustee Judging from the drawing. Kinston Will have a very handsome school build ing. University School of Pharmacy. It is a pleasure Tto note the growth of the School of Pharmacy at the Univer sity. There are now nine Instructors In this department and the laboratory fac ilities are very good. The thorough ness of tbe work done Is shown by the fact that the University had eight smoog tbe Kit applicants before the Board at Winston and that none of these 8 failed. The highest grades in these examinations were roade by University students and this was in competition with grsduates of Northern schools. It Is no longer necessary for North Caroli nians to go beyond tbe border nf the State tn secure Instruction tn this Impor tant profession. FOR HAJjE. Apply to J. L. HARTSFIELD, New Bern, N. C. Bsanth, I IM M" lwayg BOUgM iffoatut af Kind Vos HmUwart Second Hand Buggies and Log Carts; ruree Horses, une Mule, will sen Cheap for cash, or on time. Apply io J. W. STEWART. IjlcenNe Tax Notice ! All Attorneys, Physician, Dentists, Auctioneer, Real Kstate and Rent Col lectlng Agents, Dealers in Freeh MuaU, Wood and Coal Dealers, Photographers, Lumber Dealer, Undertakers, Junk Dealers, Horse Dealers, Bicycle Dealers Hotel Keepers, etc , etc., are required by law to pay a license tax on 1st day of June of each and every year. Please call at the Sheriff's office at once and pay tbe tax and get your llcene. J. V. BIDDLE, Sheriff. June ID. 1901. an economical, durable and sanitary interior finish lor walls and ceilings, whether plaster,. metal, smooth or rough finished. or WO, BRUSH MARKS, CRACKING or RUBBINQ- OFF. Simple to prepare. Easy o apply. Fourteen beautilul tints and white. Obtain our tint book, literature and prices. E. W. SMALLWOOI), Hardware, Paints and Oils, NEW BERN, N C. Still Hissior Probably Dead. LaGrange Sentinel. U. o. Jonas, tbe negro who was thought to have been lynched last week, is still misting. It was reported a few day ago that he was alive and had been i, but there seems to be little founds lion for these reports. The people generally believe that tbe negro Is dead. Base Ball for July 4th. Manager Kafer of the Nsw Bern dub, is la corraspondenee with outside club end expect It) arrange a game to be played at tbs Fair Grounds, next Thurs day, July 4th. Moonlictt SalLv ' Tbs Aid Society of the Tabernacle Baptist church., will given saoonflght sail oa the stoamer Guide, Monday tvts- l"g. Jl7 let. Lomberdt's arebettra will famish saasle for the oooasioa. Western Beef at tha Oaks' Market to- i i - QUdreai Slipper at BaU. We ste cJoatBg mi all ear children! Oxford i and slipper at ftboat half price. . - BARroOT Tt rjMf W.rtflia . Oss Uos hlsch and oa pleo white Imported Orgaadyt worth The m at tOe yard. " ' ' : , ' -.. BARJvOTH, ewawaasssHswsssyBsjsjsiBiBwaasMw 1 Aioller Cut U Mmoli. , Svavy ehthl, is Isms aad ladies Parasol fdaed sgalt to bmi , aaitlsg. . BABroorn. Rorti CarvUsULVlrtiBla Larue. Bpeetsl ti Jotrnal. WUmlngton, Jane n.-Wllmlngloa teok Bret game today, ftoeve Wllmlng. toal, Tsrboro 1. eawaawaaasam Charlotte, Jane IT. The eoeae' team Woke Balelb ' wleolsg streak today. Score Charlotte I. RUeigk I.. v CiBelittrt liiBiBitloi. A. rptlli exsailasliow will he aasMUldrtM school balldlaf P ITadaWar Jl I'M hlaalBg at IP yetnth tof the parpoea of tlmlU( taecvtn t til the vaesacU now lUt- lai la la tra4 aad fowrth grade. The siaolasUoa will embf the fef- low lag StdK epelllag. raadlsc wrltlsg, rttbsMtle, crapky, graas War, hW7. lU gvaial, pkystnt a, aad itWl of leaking. Tbk H- Ftv, mpi CURE YOUR IIEADACHO end LaORlPPfi With CAPUDINE F UA " t' ' '' ' f -. r a4 r,vi. F' I t T si i yv r '-' j. PropwU Eicmnk;U Kaldrk. The Itlsalte 8. t. Caglae Cempaay It wotllsg. ap aa eiearaloa tot July tla, teRaletgh, vstri there It lobe twt garnet of ball played betwea the Wll- mlsgtoa aad RaWgb elaba. ' ' . - The txearatoei will rettra the aasat day. 'ft It pankmlar will be given whet) pleas are m-Ured.- ' ' ': Pair tidomri MeeUof.. Ihert will he a saestlsf si the Cltlaaai Bsaketl Taeaday alght, at ane'tlerk lf the tjditrs of the fair Aeaedeliea. Atleettoa It aalled to lib meetleg. Pell atleadawet aWlred ' Wattt) Uh at the 0U Market l Wextra Prtk Lolas ot the Uaba lr- ket . THB MAUETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. B. Latham A Oo, .New Barn. M.O. New Voax, Jane VI. Oorron, Open. High. Lew. Clost Jaly IJ7 S.UI Aag 7.88 TM 7 78 7.81 1 Oct 7.4c 1M T.40 January 7.44 7.40 fU Cblea&a, Jnne 17. Wauti Open. High. Low. J Jaly 91 -071 Bept... ... ; ' . . 7 Coaat Ope. Illgh. tow. Close July 4 ifti Sept 44 - l BIbac - Opto. niga. Lew. CIom Jaly........ T , ' .,' v . B.W 99Am.e 0.18 ' '. 111 . . JUw fork, June rf, ftrortai ' Open. Sign. Lav. Close fo.1TPU..... i , M, Oeat 'r , IIS Mo. r... mt .- not C.ft. L,......., IS , , lH ap ;.,. . , agar llo , , . 144 Y.O.C.. ...... . ! b. l...... ... in , ; it. r na J; . mi Tea. Pae .... ei ft A, ar.... . - , ; i t notice. The efgsalaaUoe of Ike ew Fstr AaaortstloBksvtsg hare l . oVa4, at pr wan bar pV4 i nat we the etork nWrt1l t;l laras, will have the Mtl sf pliuitne to sm. HKu tvts. rwu lo.oo uwt Feteres, Jaty.t. 41. O.t-Jfuf. I It kr Wa T4ke !., Cttoe la the K fWf wtakHs was nidtt?MtalMt 99 A Cool lfyoa a try m nd !, I I. ' r!l"-.'-'; f '-" Il' f ' ' T (" t H I til I! ! U t Lwt sm! 1 ri'ri Tt'- t . II i V I T.- If-" v. . 1 . n r. : i rout in sirra. lt Have you seen tbe NEW FAD? The LATEST C. oot is ttc ' '. "- ' . - . ' . , v. t ; , Geo. Geo Eye's o o o o 8 WHOLESALE : SLiDGffill if PHIS! On SATURDAY, June 29, VV'e will OFFEK KVEKY $!fl(, ! 0", x.r,(i, T.f.(t iiiul 7,mi w - t EVKKV SUIT GUAKANTKKD. Alnv(-om-r only good on Saturday 2(.Hh. No suits bi1(I i'c( it for t'itsli, ami nonr on NOW IS A C1IANCK lor cv, ALL WOOL SUIT for LESS THAN NEW sent out v to );ct an 1 lioi YOKE COST. MEN'S WEAK, 57 IFolloclr Street- g AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiA AAAAAAA AA AAaaa A A AAAAAAA V Delicious Drinks. riu-i'ii'h noiiiiiiK iwi- than our Sixlu I i-i 1 1 k t abnoluUly U'ttci. Tluy ii rp pcrfiTtly di'lirimm. Tluy arc n fn-hini Th y art" real iiouriHlmii'iit ;iml in a form relinliol by ew ryonc yound and old IIKAt X t lit vminc liwlv would ! I inioi if flu- Mijr- gtntwl (hat you roini' hrrr, alllioul) xlir may it f,-r wry ir.u;h to coiiip licif with you for tlio Hod i Diin h I'uhw' Iht 1m ntt'iiwljr Ly lilinjrinK Imr lii-nv Thin is Nv ! flrn'n H-it SikIii. Bradham's Prescription Pharmacy, 4a Headache Powders 10c NEW I1EHN, N, C. oxnnxi - r h-J .WWII ICE CKEA51 ! ICE CUEAmt A ay flavor, trkl In rant, dlivrMt tv any frt el the rity at I oar Ire fVem Parlor ymi ran b Ifw4 with Ire CHam a4 all kinds of ertatra-Onra Cola. ln linwra rlaa, hrfta, ! and Orange fh .lu, etc. WlMkph full line nf raitdlae, Fruiu. PawkmVArU-hl etc. HaedwIrlMe, Paadwtrwa, . AT MrSCIlLEVM. a as a s is foiiocK fit ureaio l Uvery, Peed, Mia Escha 'ge STABLES i ; . ic n -7 r ! . 1 . i . J. t 1st jj i , y y . " ' J I U tVPt lr r t t ' I t I j I ' - ; " 1 The CHEAPEST Turnouts In the city. 1N6. 70 South- Front Street, opposite Hotel Chattawluu. flew Store 1 tlcw Goods r: PAvmotrr a 0 ,t t'c'r rM rtri'irnrri fc ' nii( ti rtl tt r ;i

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