: r - - . ' - :1 'ff- VOL m-NO. 77. ,48IW BIBN.H. C, 8ATUROAI M0E5IHe,-JUKC ?9, 1901.:; TWKNT1BTK YKAK, AS TO THE DTOEflimT.; FIRE ON A TRANSPORT. ' . . . " &999999'999 K i V . r. m i raw ' A- 5iot( Cafci o o Thomas G. Blount and Ziegler Oxfords, both high and spring-heel, ranging in size from 1 to 7, these Oxfords sold Jor't'2.00 and 12.50. We will sell for the dext few days or ag W long as they last at , i jSf O and $1.50 AS Also complete line of Sheets. ft jf90 Sheets torn and hemmed, rn lOe. Pillow Cases 45x36 ranging in price from 10c to 18c, W (JS hemstitched or plain. TJtica Mills sheeting 22c, for 2 days only. j HaGKBURN t 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. WHAT IT DOES. . ; ATLANTIC & N. C. RAILROAD CO. New Bern, N. C May 15, 1901. Vade Mecum Spring Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. - Gentlemen: -,- For the past two years up to within the last month I had been a great sufferer ' irom a case ot chronic nervous indigestion, finding no relief until a. personal iriena I began ihe use ot Vade ; Mecum water and its "the short time ol one derful, having been relieved entirely of my trouDie oy us use. i taKe great pleasure in giving you this testimony of its merits and efficacy for stomach and liver troubles. Jince I began the use oi this water I have gained 23 pounds and . my standard weight. U; Yours X " For Sale at P. .5. DUFFY'S DRUd ..r i New Bern, N. C. - A Froth lot Small Pig Ham, and KnglUh Cared Shoulder. .' If vou want aomeUl ina iiIm ingea, packed in oil, 12c lb, the; are all right We alao bave a full line of Canned MeaU, Vegetable, Soupa, etc. V l If jrou want (food bread, try our 2Jc and 8c Floor the j can't bo beat anywlitre. We are Uo beadquarttirt for Fine Hatter and Coffee, Our Morning Glory Brand of Coffee No. 1, 2, 8 and 4, at 20c, 26c, ; 80o and 3fa per pound it a trade winner. t ' Give tit a trial and we will guaranto to phmne jou . i ' r. ;. .' Youra for Inwineaa, T. 23. -AESEZB,' Jr.;; WboMU aa4 ReUII Qroctr, 1 PI10U 63. r. I! rout A JIdnetU 8m. ' ; . Peninsular Stoves and : . Ranges, Just Received. , . . Ttill line KetilikVy Delilit Plore, IHnjW Oil Cofklnf KtoYe and Oven. Cvme Ioh and Irttik licr, and itwv right. " Our stork "Window rkftmr. We kif a nil Wk of Ilardvare & Building Material. 1 Viita, OiU nd Varnish, Old and ( ' r in Varnlb Cnc rr.' W r1 lif-r the fKl trtd j Your Eye. o o . Pillow and Bolster Oases. 90- 9, W ready for use, priee from 55c to Wj through the advise of effect on me within month has been won have nearly reached truly, B. A. NEWLAND. Master Transportation. STORE, tyyiwv) f . ; . t; Breakfaat Strip, Tic Nio Hams v "7 ' ; trv our mnkfil Pi irk -Pan. ' ever them jotiU t wlml yea 'want la bvw enmb-u In (Janet Inpm arxl riltr 1' HBltlfcl. .AH llul fjtill!l! iff !!i j r ur tradr. Strlklnf Seaboard Machinists Have ... Idle Time. Ce tracts For Book rnblUhert. B. M. Bake Efer For North - Coroliia. AU Ooiflcts Pot Ob Railroad Work. RALEion, June 88 Attorney General Gilmer irrlyed today from WaynosvIHe, having come at the request of the State text book commission, to prepare the contracts which the publishers whose books are accepted will sign. The State uperintendnt of public in- ftructlon loft for Chapel BUI today in order (o be present at the meeting to morrow of the Btate board of public school oxamlners. W. J. FerrelJ-ot that board having declined to serve, u. Wright of WUkea county was today named as a member. B. L. Sheep, of Elizabeth City, who is another member, arrived today and "went on to Chapel Hill. The striking S. A. L. machinists here spend most of the daytime in the Capitol Square. Time hangs heavily on their huntta and thev see no prospect of a settlement. The tents and camp equipage for the use of the troops are being prepared for shipment to Wrlghtsvllle. Work on the textile school building at the Agricultural and Mechanical college here is to begin In ten days and be finish edbv the middle of September. The price at which the contract was given M. A. Moaer. tl8.850. Is regarded as satisfactory. B. X. Duke, who has done so much for the Oxford Asylum said to your corres pondent: "I will make my home In New York, but my heart will, be In North Carolina and I will not forget the asylum and other worthy charities. am deeply grateful that what I have done Is so greatly appreciated." Onlv one jatlcnt now remains In the smallpox hospital here and there is only one suspect In the detention camp. Every available convict Is Is to be put on railway work by the penitentiary au thorities. The plan is to have 400 on contract work along this line. Work In making brick and mattresses will be con tinued, but by July 10, the making of shirts will cease. The price paid by the contractor was 50 cents per dozen It la found thst this does not pay. Mr. James Brown of Portsmouth, Va., over 90 years of age suffered for years with a bad sore on bis face. Physicians could not help him. DeWltt's Wltcb Hazel Salve cured Mm permanently. F g. Duffy & Co. OWED THE BANK. Henry Karquand k Co., Suspend. Heavy Creditor Seventh national. Special to Journal. Nw Toua, June 28.-Henry Mar qoaod A Oo., brokers, made an asiln- sMnt today. It was largely due to Marquand & Lo that the Beventa National Bank, which failed yesterday, we forced to suspend, the Arm owing the bank $1,500,000. , Last Volunteer Home. 8a Faaacisoo, June 87. The Forty third Volunteer Reclment, tbe last of volflnuers to leave the Philippines, ar rivet here to-day o tbe IreaspdYt Kl) Patrick, SI days from Manila. , The Forty-third was la the Philippines 18 Months, aeelac mach service. The rvriaMat was recruited at Camp Meade, Pa. It was divided in tbe Philippines, the first two battalions being stationed oa the Island of Mindanao, while an other battalion did guard duty oa the Island of Leyte. - Tbe Forti-eeeond Infantry wee mat tered oet of tbe service to day, Deeier, disease and deatk follow nag. leot of Ue kowela. Is DeWltt't Llul Kerly Riser to regulate them aad yot 111 add tear to yoar life and ofe to year yean. Kat to lake, never gripe, F.fc Dafft On. TV - V.,. i in ' rj; . Comal' Candidacy. Bainisoaa, Mo, Jane t7.Tee one- dldace of former Senator ArUor foe Gorman fee re elect Ion t the Defied Sute rVaale, by the Legislature which to te be ehoeaa this fall, was Informally tateeeeed to day at a dinner glrea till honor at Ike eoeatry home f Jo seph FrMMwald, oe of Mr. Gorman meet ardent admirer. - , Hon a Carolina. VIttIbIi Ltifiie. apeaial te JoernaL Wiuiiaovoa, Jane 8S. rVr In to day' gsate Wllmlngtee It, Tar bote I. Cntaurrra, Jen M Ittlrlgh I, Chsr loti I. Utr BKnuri, 5"fi!H. Jee W nifbnxH! c: i w s s 1 ( r , t i I t I r Foreign Alnlsters Hot Tet Agreed Cpon The Details. Peeik, June 87. The foreign Minis ters at today's meeting discussed only minor points of the Indemnity ques tion. The BrttiBb Minister, Sir Erneet 6a- tow, refuses to agree to a 10 per cent Increase In the tariff In the event that China finds herself unable to meet her payments. The Russian Minister, M. de Glers, has not yet agreed that the Interest on the indemnity Is to be 4 per cent." The United States special representa tive, Mr. Rockhlll, thinks there should be little further delay. When ' these points are settled the work of the Ministers will be practically completed. Rev. Arthur Smith, the missionary and author, preaching at Tientsin on the anniversary of the relief of that city (June 24), said he thoroughly agreed with Sir Robert Hart in the statement that unless there was a complete regen eration of China In a few years the coun try would be menaced by 80,000,000 Boxers. The Chinese wonld never for get that the Boxer movement was fully approved by the Court. Frny-BBlBi Stop, the Tickling, and qulcklj allays Inflammation In the throat. FRANCHISES IN MEXICO. American Syndicate to put Lines on 200 Streets. City ov Mexico, June 27. The city government has granted a concession for another street car company, to be called the Belt Railway. It was organ ized about a year ago, with' $000,000 capital, and had built some short lines outside tbe city. It la reported that Arthur Stillwell and other American capitalists associated with him have offered to put fresh capital In the con cern. The concession authorizes tbe new company to occupy 200 streets. Oil Fire Still Spreads. Decatok, III., June 27. Tho Are which started at' Preble Tuesday nlgbt by lightning striking a tank of tbe standard Oil Company, containing 50,- 000 barrels of oil, is still burning. Three hundred men are fighting the flames and making efforts to save Ave other tanks that contain over 800,000, barrels of oil. Joseph Klutz and V. 1). Lewlun, of Lima, Ohio, wore loading a cannon to shoot the burning tank when it explod ed and they were fatally burned. Many of tbe inhabitants have been badlv burned. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise In tbe open air. Her form glows with health and ber face bloom with It beauty. If her ayatem needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, aha use the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Fig, made by the California Fig Bjrrup Co. only. Wae Increase Offered. Kradimo, Pa., June 27. The propo sition of Fiank C. Smirk, vlce-presl dent of lb Reading Iron Company, of fering an Increase of wage to tbe t,0O0 striking Iron workers, tbe poddlers to receive i a ton, will be rejected. Th wage schedule for other classes of labor has not been prepared. When the puddlers quit tbew were te celvlng i 96, bat the company baa since announced a IVeent raise. Tb leader aay they will not accept tb offer of Mr. Smlnk unless It Include the recognition of lb anion, tod tbe itrlke will likely go on. Th men bv been locked out for aboet six week. News From Vanceboro. June M. Tbe children's day txerd wertglv Sunday at 4 p. m. It was enjoyed by all. , ' ' Mr. B. J, Laa aad Mr. Job a Wil liam war la yoor dty Monday. , MIM Ullle Baahh wbo has beea flatt ing at Been fort aad Rw Bern relnrtjtd home Thursday. . We aad lot of drnmmer In oor town y(fdsy. . " ' Mr. Pea tin Bowdea aad M let Nellie Bowdea of Rev Bera aad Ml Lillle Tingle et Weep wet lb gee Is of Mr-! Peart D. Laaeaeter, last week. : We kv terrible bed fever la oar town now called tb bell fere. Mr. Hat Laaeeeier aad Mr. Tboe. Smith, snail a pleeeaat -""doll te Wasp last Beadey. Rosa of oar yon ladle were trying their tortae leot Katatday tbe Mod. 1 wooder why tlrgle ladamar always trying tbetr forteee and so aaslootto kanw If ky are going te be married. Clneae they are afraid they will gHea tbe old maid bach-lhst U a patty sill ' Mm Lut White, Warned from Hw Bern Mt Thrdy- Mre. Ly Tott of PcfUBlfg Mik Camllaa la tltllle rr-UtlvM (Hit rViat of the farwxr are kni rnggp iblr k"1s !. Wrist hu lwir: of tliS 'I Up Imup Wiwld Ilk Vry mn'k t f Ih'HIO !t nn!.r f "'"'1 'St .an i s a." A j-;'' ' ( ftr.i . !" ; i t OfOcert Hang By Cables to Fight The '.. ' FJames. Naw ORLEASsjune J7. The British mule transport Monterey, from Cape Town, has arrived In port after a terrible experience with fire at sea. Twelve days out from St. Vincent flames were discovered la 'the afterhold and gained such headway that the heat prerenfedjhe usual means of extinguish ing fire on shipboard. Flames and clouds of smoke poured out from the hold, and when the officers and crew were about to abandon the ship First Officer Reid and Fourth Officer Harrison volunteered a daring plan. They proposed to tie wire cables around their bodies and havo their companions lower them down the side of the hlp until they were abreast the port opening into the burning, sec tion. It was a desperate expedient but after a short consultation was adopted. As the the was near the water line, Reld and Harrison were lowered until they were submerged in the sea nesrly up to their waists. Hanging thus, half burled In the waves, with tbe ship under headway, the men battered in the port holes. A hose was then lowered to them, and for several hours they hung swinging outward and ' Inward, pouring a stream into the blazing hold. In this way they finally checked the flames. The vessel was badly damaged. Eczema, salt rheum, tetter, chafing, Ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are quickly cured by DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve. The certain pile cure. F. 8, Duffy & Co. Fired by Blackmailers. Topkka, Kan., June 27. Blackmailers who demanded $5,000 from W. C. Oar- son, a wealthy Cowley county farmer, and were Ignored fired the Carson homestead while Carson was en route to Oxford for his mail, The house was destroyed and Mrs. Carson was fatally burned. Carson received an anonymous letter several weeks ago demanding that he deposit (5,000 at a certain point. He ignored the missive Later another let ter was received stating that should he not comply with the demand his house would be burned and his life taken. TIiIb also was Ignored. While he was absent flames suddenly broko out In tho houBe. Mrs. Carson escaped, but returned to the house for s highly prized violin. While Mrs. Carson searched for the Instrument tbe flames spread rapidly and when she again reached the open air she was enveloped In flames. Neighbors rushed to her as sistance, but alio died after several hours of suffering. Bad Drinking Water Every one suffers greatly from the different kinds of water he is compelled to drink, and nothing is so likely to bring on an at tack of diarrhoea. Pkrhy Davis' Pair Killrh Is the only safe, quick and sure care for !t, cramps and cholera morbus Avoid substitutes, there Is but one Pain Killer. Perrv Davis'. Price 25e. and 50c. Southern 3l?jailway. Announres tliat, Effwtive June 3rd, I InanguraU'd New Train Service AND- BETWEEN . GolMom anl Greenstoni Wbkn m evaneetloa with th Atatntk end HnrUi Carolina Rnllntd gtve Bplradld Bevvlre to aad J rum Rew Bera. WEST BOUSD THAIR8. t I T-iMUr-a. it. Lv. Nw Bern r. Ulh. l.v, flnkUbara r. Prima, lUlrlgh, Ihirham, ' giwMtabMW a 00 a.m. 7m. Il.oa , - t.M : .a 10.M J" t 4 lana.1. KArBOLirTTiiir'.;H ,,. t-rwnris, a L. Oflffto Imthtir Ilaknlgh h fUm Ar, MotiUfHW Ar. hw Ur 11 !.. ItiSft., a 47 . 44 " 0 " 4A 1.49 41 " tan 74 " 140 iB'ir.Tn rna-le at 0"lKrr M ail .' a.ith Wnt. fnllti r. ii U- Trm It'. 11 aixl II rrtl 1 i" n ln Sri Schedule MOW for full M ' . .4 ," I 1 II I, !!. i tKtrM SMALL PIG HAMS, Rreaklaiat Wtpipn, Caliroritia Hams ami a Fr?hh lot Fany E!g!q autl CSovcr Jim i-rinr iiiuir jul JCH?ivHl at .1. JLi. McDanirH, 71 ICroadKf. a ....... l.i.i v. nj-..-i...i. 1 1 ! i. . ii ue" uui. r ujuHi ixittiKut uinwi jxiei just received. 95 Fresh lot Small Siurur Tiirpd 1 lams. Pin M in Ttnino .,,il T7 lish Cured Shouldera. Fresh Grits, Oatflakes and Uice. A few Nice North Carolina 1'eeled and Sliced Dried Peaches only 5c pound. Dunham's Schredded Cocoanut Nice and Fresh. Heinz's Pickles both Sour aud Sweet. Hartlet Pears, Standard Quality 10c, il Hi. can or :i for 25c Give nie a call Yours to please, 3 f f Iff fMHfflf 3 . . Mm AN K . S U. ti. ...Uy...l.UU, roeert g 'Phone 91. 71 KroH Ht. OCCOOedddoOOOO 8 JUST RECEIVED o O A Fresh lot Clover Hill Butter, Fresh Cheese, Fancy Cakes O and Crackers, and a Nice Stock of Select Canned G Is. We also have a lot of P. P. Garner's lirick for sale. S L. M. Satterthwaite & Bro. S 8 Phone 169, 6 1 Broad Street. 2 CCC0444444444dde00000 3 Try Our Best J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. MMLL PIUS Highest Artistic Standard. USED IN 100,000 HOMES INCIeUDINC. The President AND nrOT MIIOIOI AMP In Knrope THE UlaVI niuuiuiniiu v T m 'mm. For Factory Prices and Liberal Terms. Address: W.F.BLOUNT, Book Store Neto York Prices for Letter Files': 'Serviceable I Hammocks. - G. H. Ennett S'o rofivln frin fann d.ii'y Finr vclrf end Wirrti!tiTt lilk lrre; alo fin sale I'ure l'.!r k Wry Wine, flrfi yar old, t"T Uoiil ii.ms :..tp j-f i-.'i',, tl ii ft .r fl. s-: Wholesale V Retail (Jrowr, Patent Flour ! Flour lli.il ran only lie at 1 1 Ui I in a 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 1 mill friini Hie inosl : 1 1 1 1 1 M v seleel.il wheat. aJV We arc selling the name at astonishingly low piiees. Armour's ( 'anvasM'il Meat eoiiHtantly on lianil. eJV r'..rr.... ..r ; 1 1 1...1.1 j ,IH l- urn 1 hlill IHi'l IJimhI. Very resn'ctfully, a Phone 137. United States m . mm m mm m America, State Representative, Raleigh, N. O aV n . v vi 3 tm mw rMiaae snurw aanmna s inr m a ' TUB. aiwarrw on rrsnwtmaAm tm.'m t mmmmm "W tM 4mm I to m. ftm ntm Iwo H i ii i I ! hM vw m.. mmmme eewmmektf tJm) A 1 mm' ,. IW pm: I i aw kM fekM r-i sm ii km P'm nil imi v tm L 1V7T. T. HILI , . . ' i ' ihmbf tm Prer', frees BM, fmmitQ ! rnnuns. in fa'tTiWK Rr PTtmr att r. W t I in- :rn ew lTe, f. c .r r. a. r. a . i r Gn:';il! II- : 11 ': Ft A) in.