f7 - i - VOL XIX-NO. 80. NIW BIRN, H. CM WEDNESDAY. UOSNISa, JULY 3, I901. TWENTIETH flAR J ' II I V r7 .J i. t !" mm 'J t. 'Yf V BE LOU Should' Catdi YqurEye. O O ;-0' O ' Thomas 0. Blount and Ziegler Oxfords, hoth " high "and Auditor Dixon's Letter en': Tax on Seaboard Air Una Strikers. ; Major ,W. Augustas Blonntv 8her- , ; Jff Settlemeats of License : Vr. AftMh HVWV VBLIVII" ?-J-i iX ton Sold. y? spring heel, ranging in size front 1 to 7, these Oiforda sold v long as they last at T 'v J," 2a' Y v, I. x90 Sheets torn and hemmed, ready for use, price from 55c to w 70c. Pillow Cases 45x36 rangine in price from "10c to 18o, W hemstitched tr plain. Utica Mills sheeting 22c, for 2 days onl $J.25 and $f;50 - t-,.-w.7i1 - Also complete line of Sheets, Pillow and Bolster Cases. 0- HAECBURST 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. '1 W66l r. mm mm mm mm mm mu, -.m m h ii miur iu it liu uj L'j WHAT IT DOES. - ATLANTIC & N. C. RAILROAD CO. . r New Bern, N. C, May 15..1901. Vade Medum Spring Co., ' ' . ' Winston-Salem, N. C. " Gentlemen : i --t .- S For the past two years up to within the last monthCl had been a great sufferer lrom a case ot chronic nervous indieestion. finding no relief until through, the advise of a personal irienaa oegan tne use oi vade Ifecum Water and its effect on me within the short time oi one month has been won derlul, having beeri relieved entirely of my trouble by its use I take great pleasure in giving you this testimony of its merits and efficacy for stomach and liver troubles. Since I began the useVbt this water I have gained 23 pounds and have , nearly reached my standard weight. . Yours trifiv. For Sale at F. 5. DUFFY'S DRUd STORE, New Bern, N. C. B. AWEWLAND. Master Transportation. ; ) JUST Mil X rTT7i7TK' - A Kreiu lot Small Vi Hams, Breakfast BLrifi, Vlo Wtc Tlamrf ' anil KngliHh Cured ShouUlurH. U you wnut Homcthing nic trj onr Smoked Pork Pan niK, iihcIiihI in oil, 1'Jic 11., they are all right -W ata bare - ii full liin'of Cttinii'J Mi rU, Voctalilojk, Sou, etc. If you watit good hrwul, trjr our lie and So Flour tbej; 1 ran l b' Im-hI anyuhprr. I We art' nlan hml(urtn for , latter and Coffee, Our , Mnriiing (.lory Hrmxl of Coffw os. 1, 2, S and 4, at 20c, 2fc, . I mid :i:o pt r pound it a trade winner. 4 . y .", (ivn ut ii trial and wc rll guarantee td j1m you im fbr Ymir buftincML WkoUaaU aad RKall Qrocar, PH0RE 69. fr. f I road 4c Jlmn'roeltHm. i. CaryVL Peninsular Stoves and Ranges Just Received. F.IUISH. Corporations. Balbich, .'July 8,Th: trial of the three Seaboard Air LlnelBttlkera charged with beating two young mn" named Holmes who were at work at machinist here, la deferred ' until next Monday The aeeaaed iay; they will - prove that they did not Come up until after the as sault was over. The assault bat. given rthe older strikers no little concern aa their detlre la to hare no disturbance. The men' accused, are natnd Horton, Bishop and Herrltb . ' w Mai. W. Auguatus Blount, who died yesterday at his home In Beaufort coun ty at the age of 77, wai the president of the iflrat : " et Confederate Attoclatlon organized In North Carolina. This was the Association of ex-Confederatea, of Beaufort county, organized' In 1883 and incorporated In, 188TvJ Maj, Blount lived In RalelgK many years. During the war he"wa.-oa the. staff j of Gen. Bryan Grimes. :i r - : : .. Manager Rivera of the Academy of Mutlc goe to New York next Friday to see some theatre builders, .who are capitalists la regard to the conversion of the Academy Into an auditorium. Peo pie here are not putting up the cash for the $75,000 of bonds needed to complete the deal, and, hence, reliance la only on the New Yorkers, who, Manager Rivers aaya, show much Interest In the matter, He aaya the prospects are bright. Under tbe new law sheriffs are re quired , to 'make settlements every 30 day i -of license (axes, "Sheriff Page to day made such . settlement, -paying in tl86,snd ls the .first sheriff to thus tettle,.s""rrW:i.''i'.". '( ' The list of hooks recently adopted for use In the public schoels.wtll not be off! daily published oath all the Contract! are aigaea by tbe publlsbersr . As soea as this It done the Goveraor will make proelamalloa and the Superintendent jDf Public Instruollon will issue a circular giving the names of - books, publlabert sad prices, sod such other Information at may be deemed neceaaary, - The Carrollten Hotel here; closed - for several months, wss "sold underv mort- gaga yesterday aad , was bought la by Mrs. Florence P. Tuckor. the holder of tlte mortgage, while other creditors took moat of the furnltore.'J,'-;, State Auditor Dlxoa has seat oat tbe following clroular letter, whkh has bad a most excellent eff eots' L4 ;ia accordance with Section t.of tbe Keren ue Aot,.lo6l, I enclose herewith a blank form for tbe appraisal of capital stock of your corporation.' The Uw re quires that this appraisement shall ' he mads by two of your ofHoert, ed be tween the 1st ted 13th days of July.- ei to the actual value in cash of your -oapt tal stock oa tbe first day of Jens, This is a novel law for oar people, aad yet do not think It wss the purpose of ; tbe Legislator to oppress tbe corporations by aa (Blast lax. . 1 ess sore II .Is aot the eorpoM of this Department to de aaythiog of that klad.. f i ' I would rsspswtfully saggest tba It- Mad of trying- to arrive at , the 'cash value of your 'capital stock from tbe asiouqls declared la dividends orearrled Into surplus, ot sinking fand.'.foe'any one year, that yoa eould J. mors , readily arrive st Its vae by estlaaatlac through year profit of lose for a of years.' - s . 1 1 want yoa geadetasa to- fladerstaad that It Is lbs desire of this Aepsrlsaaa to aooept Us appraisal, ahloh yoa Snake of y oar property for latatloa, at laai. la enabling yoa to fill blanks above eatloaed, 1 reapectfelly oail yoarv at- uouoa to the extract from tbe Bevaaee Act, prtated at boltosa of Uaak form. '- FORCES FACE TO FACE. ; Steeilnist and its Workmen Begin Stray 'X Ce. nl Strike Ordered. rPirrearjao, Pa., July fc As a - result of refusal of the representatives of "the American Steel Sheet Company and- the American Steel Hoop,. Company, subsi diary companies of" . the " great ? United States SteeL Corporation, sign ' the worker's new scale at Saturday's con ference, olrculars - were sent out from the national headnarters of vthe Amal gamated Association of Ironf Steel and Tin-Workers yesterday and today, de claring a strike at all the nlsnts - of the two combines. ' . " . ' v The great strike la-now on, but It will be seyeral days before Its actual extent Is known.- At the outset, however, over 33,000 men will be Involved. - . ' What the strike may eventually lesd to Is problematic Three months ago, when a strlko : occurred In the Wood plsnt of the American hheet Steel Com pany, at HcKeesport, becsuse the com pany refused to allow Its men to become members of the Amalgamated - Associa tion, President Shafer threatened tf the McEeesport strikers could not win with their own strength he would order s strike In every plsnt of the company. If the latter would not yield he -would then call out. the union men in every plant ot the United States Steel Con poratlon. Such a course would now end In the biggest ' strike tbe country has ever seen,' Involving several hundred thousalid men. " . It la Oasto to keep well thea got cared. ' IV Will's Unit F-sr!f BUat Ukaa sow sad thea, wtU always ktcp yoar bowel la perfect erdat. TS- aerer gripe bet prowoi aa easy gestl acttoau T, 8. Deffy A Co. ; WllmlDCtoa Win Testa taaiDf. Spll Uj JiiereaL Wl!nlnia, J'y I WPoiInftnii trnk tt)( H'll ( frotl iUlr'f u, n. J., wrnalni U lbs UslS. Iaelt, t S teare of t Ui I. ftwm the Morthsn Wood am tn Fyny-Balaass, tee sertaln can tot roughs. t " i ii iiia i 'in ' Fire Drop Dead in Chicago. . Cbicaoo, July l.-r Five persona drop ped dead oa the streets today . from ex eeulvs beat and fifteen others were so badly overcome that they'hsd to be re moved to hospltsls. r A number of the prostrsted are in a serious condition and may dla. At noon tbe temperature In the Weather Bureau ; in. the ' Auditorium tower was 98 and on the Streets over 10U. A severe thunderstorm at 1 o'clock brought relief and the mercury dropped 90 degrees. "'".'t What a Wonderful Discovery Is Pkr- bt Davis' Paur-Kn,utBl It not only cares the Ills ot the human family, but la also the sure remedy for horses and cat tle. - It hss never been' known to fall la a euii of the won) cases ot colic; and sprains, galls, eta. It sever falls try It onoe. ' Directions aooompany each brit tle.' Avoid substitutes, there Is hut oao Pala-KlUer. Perry.- DsvlsC Price 85c aad BOo. " ' R" - : - J -UteKcws BreTttles.- Tsa persons were Instantly killed by a bolt of lightning tajCblcago. ' It IS reported that J. P. Morgan planning to consolidate all -of the bit uminous coal properties east of ths Mississippi sod north of the Ohio snd Potomac rivers. United States Senator James H Kyle, ot Soot Dakota, Is dssd, aged 47 years. Tbe strike at the shops of ths Phlla- delpbls sad Heading Hallway has been settled, .- '' .' . ,. -3i'- ndrew Caraeglo will gfvel $750,000 toward the erection of a library la De troit, Hlchlgaa, '' Tbs troet has advsapsd the' price of Itaaeed oil from 48 cent to BwoeaU per .. .. .' . - - . gsnoa tiaoe uoa . .,-. a A writ of error has been taken out la the , cae Of , Tkom S, Barker, ssaUaeed to "five years for eataoUlag Rev, Joha Keller at -Arlington. Haw iSTtey. '." ' "'y. ' .'- T. ' Those fstaout Utile pfllt, DeWlU't Utile Early Risers etNDpel Tu' aad bowels to do their duty, thus gMag yea para, rich blood to rcceptraie year body. - An easy to take. Ketet gripe F. & Duffy A Co. ": ull Iim Krnttk!. VvVghl PIotm, iHngUf Oil 0Afrg tUixn and (htm. . OoroelVin sod hk oA Urn )o0U grt alml yoa wiil b"r, and prior right Oar ttn k la i,ow coxnflrUt in Go Ivr,rs an'! - Window Hcrrnt. : a kn-p a full at', k of Tti pi!" It.nt r a y yoe win Ix qatrt'ysnfl (m.nrr.t'j tf yos m Vt A IH Wlob I!-1 I'.!" Ji war it .-rii'. m f'iniaf foil, f H Ihtttf A n Hardvarc & Building I."".i:rir.!. ' I'alola, (Hi ad VernUh, (loM aad Rilvrt Kr.srnU. MUhn (ir .li i , Colon la VamWh too cr. ' , , ' fWi dallvpf the 0ls and er relate jronr UkI". ' it (Ta-'! ) K it kn f)it I .1 1 I If I J '' I s ' i n i 1 I v:U02atrhJla4elpnla. raiLaugirnrA, idly t-Phlladelphli aad vlelnlly - today -tiperVwosd blghaet tsaaperater . recorded la this elty, the over aaaenl tbarmotnstet oa lbs top of the poelofflos ballilleg, 170 f.t from ths treat, faglslerlng im dt- grM Srae. , At,Craia;'s slilpyatd the prostration ware so sememes that the 5,000 nn aailnynd lhra nr. ileH Irm In ttt duty at av. At P.aldwla's Vo aintlrt Wurks.''lbe !:il1e Plw Waits an4 aumoroifi oil T t el kf-tt SU !T( rrrt k.l tu '-llt. it ntn rrSB ' I tl"B OI ltl" W t!..l (.- I"': . f.lQ!9 4 Ir.'y t. la -mil j 'i' trd wm hr'ik ii iM In t.!iit t'i" It " ,i. t t. Vp I.) riMn!r't 14 doatlit r' r. ..)-! : ! ( - ' of J Of) p'f rs r' li 4i 1 t h l'r h MORE FAVORABLE.; Report Weekly Crop Bulletin,, Improve- - mcnt in Cettorw Wheat Hsrvestr ? . v lag Rearly xompIeted.v Bjjuok July 2. The '-weekly crop bulletin for week ending Monday-July I, as follows. ; The reports pf crop correspondents In dicate (bat the psst week' hss: generally been the most favorable so far this" sea son,-The week - was - cbSrscterizea by greater warmth, abundant sunshine and only local rains, although In'spme ' sec tions heavy amounts .occurred on .'one or two days with bail, resuliiog ln ' damage to crops over a few counties. : Over' be t entire eastern half of theState mecj lmr pi o Yemen in toe growiu ui ervpw was reported, and farmers have nearly ' sue- ceeded In subduing weeds amf grsssj. hat over a large portion of the central-western district the rains have been' too ; fre quent to permit work, and crops are still In a very bsd oondltlon. This . is true hlefly In Mecklenburg, McDowell, Rutherford, Olevelsnd, Surry, Cabarrus, and Anson counties. The local heavy rain on June 26th greatly damaged hill sides snd washed sway some wheat in Guilford, Randolph, Forsyth and Ala mance. The midday temperatures dur ing the week were generally above 90 but the dally mean only averaged about 2" above the normal. Showers would be beneficial In the mortheastorn portion of the State. Cotton made considerable Improve ment, Is small but vigorous, and Is be ginning to put ov squares more freely; the lateness of crop Ib Indicated by the fsct that gonerally at this season blooms are abundant, but so far have been re ported by only two correspondents, In Jones snd Anson counties.- Many fields of cotton are still extremely grassy, and some farmers are plowing up and plant log peas. Corn on uplands Is generally under good cultivation and growing nicely; laying by old corn is progressing rspldly;lt is coming Into silk and tassel, some rather low. Chinch bugs are do ing much damage to corn in several counties. Laying "by tobacco Is also underway; Where well cultivated tobacco Is growing nicely, but In grassy fields It hss made little progress. Harvesting wheat Is nearleg completion, some hss been housed, and threshing: hss begun; complaints of damage to whsat In shock are very numerous from central .and weetern counties. Cutting oatk con- tlnuea with prospects for a very fine yield. June peaches and applee are In markets, and appear Inferior In quality; dewberries and blackberries are quite abundant; grapes In somo localities are rotting, Melons are late. Clover snd meadow grass are very fine, and as soon as harvesting Is over farmer will prob ably be able to secure so excellent tup. ply of hay. - JIMMIE MICHAEL: The CHAMPION bicycle rider of the World knows a cood thine whaa he It. Jlmmla ha selected as his mount for the 101 season the . - Colnmbla IJIcyelV, He has sclocted this snake of wheal be cause It la tbe UKHT and 8AF KOT. . . J have the agnnry for smrty all ths high grade wheels. If you doa'S Ilka a Columbia I have what you do tike. too can find tbe beat line f FUhrng TBxfcts In the eUy at ray bwo. I make a specialty of B porting Goods taganefal .W3I. T. nilslta. Dvakt la Bicrotas, Fuutaasnt, flrosnso .Oouns, Paosooaarrra, Joa Panmxo, v Rraasa Pnsrrs, Baal Pstaasa) Ac t tl-t) Middle SI - - KEW atari, . C DobMn at Perrall, - At Tisckaf 'a Starr, 1U-I2I ryttUIaSU " Ralrlgfi.'K. C. A f : Want A Carpd ? i..i In ' 1, and AT 73c A i ; n i r rr out 'f ! 1. I In n' I ' f a I YAt'II we at i ir f j ii i a. a r.f Jut J :r" J i 1 1 ("', li Bresh lot Portsmouth poRNRD Mullets JUST RECEIVED. . Fancy Cakes and Crackers. , v Canned and Potted Meats of all kinds I; Fresh Clover Hill Prilit Bptter. Fancy Cream Cheese. ' Imsorted Ginger Ale on Ice; 8 bottles for 25c ' V Big Hams to cut, and Numerous other good things to eat, nice and fresh. Yours to please, l 1 ti ft Give me a call. WIaOl3Hale JRetaII Hi mm 3 'Phone 91. 71 Brtia! Ht. g O JUST RECEIVED " o o a A Fresh lot Clover Hill Butter. Fresh CIipcsr. Pihw.v CmIiph and Crackers, and a Nice Stock of Select Canned Goods. . , We also have a lot of P. P. Garner's Brick for Kale. I M Qn44nt4hifQ.Ta B. Di-n k. in. juilui imwaiiu x ui u. I Phone 169 6f Broad Street. V i Memorandum I (-ffynrrhiFAltl of you r needs in the line groceries; then bring it here anil the order filled promptly, deliv ered punctually, guaranteed to be latisfactory, and at the best prices for you. - We are receiving fresh goods daily, Among them are those famous star hams and Armour canned aud canvassed meats In great variety. Goods delivered Promptly. Very Respectfully. X i J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. Phone 137. t mi : mos Highest Artistic Standard. USEft: IN; 100,000 HOMES :. , k ' IXCXIJDIXG - . .. ' . TU D.IJl - OF THE. United States ANI Tin: BEST MUSICIANS In Enroix A Amerlrn, For Factory Prices and Liberal Terms, Address : W.P,' BLOUNT. , State Representative. liBook Store IfeTP ' York Prices for Letter4 Files. Serviceable; ' v Ifcmmdchs. ; '. l G. II. Enntt. eeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeo fife You Can Get Hold of A Good Bicycle i ' r I A I ' 3 M -i . ; t i'.i-t I ui mntwy aad V . aw 1 I 1 1 !'. a 'f JlMtly r id neit 147. ).! 71 V.mu r FEW I j. i-j f t ti i