THE JOURNAL. fubdshed every day UTtM; liotpt Monday, at H Middle trU - fhtolta No. & - CHARLES U 5TEVENS.. s'i'f; wtq a wioraiaToaV ; suBSCBirnei tiTiiv Ooyr, la advaac.. .. On veart aot la advaaoa I.i...." S.M .$0 Monthly, by carrier la lb city.. . . ; Advertising flttea' fareleUed bit. tppa atioa. ,,' V-. i-1 ' Enter at the Port Office, Saw Bam, N. O., second clai matter. , OflUlak tfaMJr Haw Bar AAA Haw Bern, N. C.Jaly HI. 1MI. tHE OUNCE OP PREVEHriON . . COUNTS. . Few rranns realize the Importeac of -patting into practical aia ater day, "the ounce of prevention." Tba looking after tba tmall affair la bitaety'tnd'J tba 1 trlfltog' matter' 'of health, aeam Inconsequential and p aapt 'annoying, when bnslneti tt good, eadih bealtb la natnipilrad. But when bustae reverses come,'' health falls, tbd Will It bn remembered that the original Brit can leading Bp to the final diiaiter, could have been easily averted by a slight use of caution, and a little tareful attention to detail. At'no aattaiithe year"! ih5 fetf lect of tbla ounce of prevention so eerlouily felt aa during tba Summer and Fall montbil S;i :- . . Ti .'. '; ' '" - It b tbe neglect of a community which f alia UtpfiMt ItaatHtgahrW dhu . tsa medlay-afr11WWiWe,4haIaTH( the pbysleti let'pW-bf n fleeted" ta the teilhetanei'twhicw moat Affef itMbto' la 'cnrgtiW4r hraithKK -';- It Is the lilt aot of flevlee aboWlh i ItinlTi' ' t I'lliriiil Tin i lill T take rfcrfrrol'6f the menrtairrfcf taal household. ' ,, ;'! Tbe .efuse 'prje' Is onry 4 mlltrat: but h oareea "gefhtt "M 'deatbiTii'n unhaed rain water barrel or eblera may appear unimportant during thef cevl weather, and are left to themaelre. eat 1 with tbe tamperatnre ranging at ninety degree or above, tney btcome recep tacle! from' W,h1ch go forth lasect life, carrying germ of death to bnatHHiKy, - It may take time aad some ezpease i ..... for tbe householder In I he coatury to provide good wwleV; fof btt fsmny,'by boring a well hel'cfw all danger of tor face coatamlnatloa. And1 thnta ftvlag la tbe city may continue to "a4 wall' water, when the city provides a water absolutely healthful . . . - But let etckavef Ware td tea family through aslag water whlph-l af . ttoaable purity, and lha doctor's bill tor a slagls Bkember of the family will far exceed tbe coat of providing thd good water. Thwkaowledge oflblap SMfllkof ao yalaa, aaleea pat la to wtaal praetlea, aadltllbaoaaeaf prareaUoe pat la to dally affaire which coast against moat trouble aad dlatr. . i -if, Ilow't Tall. W offer Oh Jlaadred- DoUais B werd for aay rait rirrAairB that tsta ottwrwted by iirtlrra Card.' ; F. i. ( IlrNKT A C04 Pprpa, " ToledOvO.' - V AaVkdh aBaBSBBaABMBtsaa. lMsaaBamAsaBV. V A WW Wt WvavW WWBRTVWsBBBjnj savTVnsyaarlB7Br W V Cbeny for the) leal 15 tear, aad beiieee him par feet ly keaoiaWe la all haila . lraetftnt 4 laaartally aMete r r? oaf aay aUtMloes 'and V the arm,- - . i. . . Wavr A Tarai, Waoiaa Dragiins, Toted. 0. Waimao, Kiaaaa A Mat- VM Wholesale Ifcegtarte, Toledo, O. UalT lalarrb Car I taken fateraatly acting dtrretly Ipoa the Wood 4 ma- par hellta.- rWM by all Draggleta. TU- . aaoalale free y, ' - : .. s ' HiraJra.Hv Pin are the best. ' ? fittsteo, 'a y II. The operator 4 eollUry alghl, a reaalag aaa aaefetiy with Import! aoa-ealea aaeo. The , aal operalav of thaoallra 4Mrtr4 are Jabdeot aad ahklm that the heokheae of the I rem l tlrlk U i retloalV broken. Thef i pert a girl reaamptloa ate- day. M Mt tirh llaiel salt ahoU he Broerptry apf lad U tea, baral U aeald. II a4 ,Wf ttmh the tat ml part. Ther are eronaln r.fiDerTrAC". v hrJ Tot pArtri trrire4 her t day. i D mc i..-.. .. .. r il t 'v 1 1 'u , 'ottta bt Lit Cilbert 1. :i;-. 'I I ' ' tiereJy raided is tului cr i yo proptr.i1, Write Arthur I... y U lb Overland hlontt'y, the citrUiiGi.l ai knot la easily tied and Just as ena.'.j untlud. If a man faociea girl, he aeUaa her by the hair of the head, wherever ahe may be, despite her pro testations, and drags her away to his honte Her resistance la not often aert ont, the pretense of refusal being due to the roqnettiehneae Inherent In the set.' Whan the couple reach the bouse f the grooov a wedding feast 1a fur nlahed forthwith, to which ail the im mediate friend of the bride and bride groom 'art united. But an acceptance of the InrltatlOD impllea tba contribu tion of aoma vtande to the entertalo ment ' Matrimony la attended by 'no further ri'ivmony than thla. When a bueheud growa weary of his wife, he almpry ordere her to laara him, and It aha (tee not ha torna her oat of doors. . ' Notlcf 1 Wheelmen." T , " There' poetWely bo need to en 'ore dieoonfor by 'reason of chafing, ann bnrai Insfcr Ulng sora and peraplring feel or accidental bruise Yoo forget these trouble in ailng Bucklea's Arnica 8ale. Iafalllbla for Plntple,- B'o'che. Skin truptlon and Piles: fiold by 0. D Bra'dtttas, s ceat.' ' - ' . The nUafclalaW Strtk. Heading,' July 1 -1 he tmportalloa of tkirry-iwe anio replace some of the ttrlklag machinist! earned n knadred and HTenty-flre other' In tba Pblladel pbla and Reading' ahop to quit - today,' The quarters of tba non-unionists are atroaglF'armaa with Wlaeheaterv . - . YmM Maka. ' , - Mew York, July 19.-Flre person war drowned and two resetted almett dneoaaoloM from ; the linking yacht Venltila, owned by millionaire Colburn, he Philadelphia aplc meaafactaier, fsja Long I aland Sound, to laat night' thunder ' itornt. - The surTlVor were taken to New Haven harbor today, by the tug Gertrude. "I am IndatitMl la One Vinul Pnnt i'ara for my preeeat i ood health aad my .aaU!' i wa treaiaa la vaio oy ooeior Flmf "Tfbrlana trouble following lurHno ie-t" . ... . " nook One Minute Cough Core sad re covered air heattb." Mr. K. H. Wise. Madfsoa, Oa.' rF. 8. Daffy A Co. VaB4rMKtboa.oldlM. New York, July lB.-Cornelros Vta derbllt haa decided to Join the twelfth refricMnt, nation! guard. He will be elect.! a lieutenant within a few day. - Peaem Ammue Pwr. ' Pekla, July Oomealtoner Rock hill hai poatponad hi departure In con- aeiraaat.'a 1 uf a"deadhjtili' between the Hlnlatera. t There Is no sign of Great Britain' yielding. the qaeetlon ofln- araaatfif etwtoma tarfbV The Germsa are boftolBg attawklva brick barrack ( Tlea Tla : AThawtA, Oa Nov. II, 1900, Wa have head led Dr. MoffeU's TBCTHINA (Taathlaf. Powder) aver laea k I rat rhTrodiethm to the public aad trade at a proprietary atadldae.and oar trade la U ha steadily laartaeed from year to year sal II oar ordere now aaaoaatta twa or three haadred great ahr ytar, whfchat a vary ' ttraei avl deaca of lu bmtU aad the aalisf actloa II It giving to the akothart of the eoaa try, fat thef aay that bathing ao tffect- aally aeoaiaraeu the affeeta of the tarn theft hot aaa or avereome ao aalokly 4m 4tMsVkayM t4awMrt taV ,tyH gnAfi TBI LI Hit A tUNCIll OH WO CO., WhoUaaU Dral4a. V CHr Kislayn kiliaarii .Ctevalaad, 4uty 11 Mayor Joaaaoa aaV a - hataW ' of 1 frabHe ' employ as qwattldaed regardlag laelr poll ileal a. t. They admlttad two par aaal it had Ihetr ' Wke were' pto- daeed.' The Mayor' ordered alt eollee- ttoat retaraad Immediately. He tialed that iiafpaaja.mrmii ta MUded Id taeha Aalla , T, , i ; UWrVtlUtTita-fwrii. TrfHra3rf rlnehaOKareoav asaalerrbaea dtitHsel thdtprawfilaaat reraraauaT'of TWwMlVa aadaruftr tea oettraMlatj af lkt'T An rartt," The UhvtraakMrf Vat oilt-tir'Trtprr o wefpt 9 a eaIHrtf tajal prnWI Ua warkmaanHifK.! t lb tadkt meV a Mt 6.aaMTaNtMsi f-iMew. it taaraitravafe bManwa a p 4 swarUt lva II ah. A aej haa re ha tnvea, hat a a? a aaa la be a-a. awy The aaiesMile b(I baoy keete 1 bea," aarwuird a qt4 IttMe chap fcire aa ai CWvelaad. "II rtgaaa hartrVt-pt.BaA.lpaia l'n Y4 ' am"r iippii hj A!tt.' lm ftr kodr t paty of I'Hid fna4 ptrmiif d'(-l. riutf y i si v am m rt'i'ii h gt-AJ f are Wlil. Jl malsl I'l of Ikevktaitl a , . tta! xr aurut 4'lcs rcy ! at fiv4 4 so pre. f e h Ua4 '' ra cm u ta H'crliL li lWWx!ye4 rt4arUg iw aM4 '. Ifcas I fc.Xca'ak, rlr-1' s ",;;V,a, f.a aad gfvod W;ily apt!!'. . . A t. r: at ... - . , ' This preparation eontaina an of tba .).- ,.t j A 1 1 i j . a food. ltglYfii lniUnt relief (tud netef falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you Want. Tbe mostsensitiva stomachs can take It. By Its use many tliousande- of dyspeptic bare been tire vent formation ofgixmHie e'tritrH 4 lJluUiigunDeBaryrtleaaBBtto Ukarl ' til dofywasHt frrmloeryb7.l.-0. BaWinOa.(JUIr 'ikr M. twitw conHlsa H umaUw Mat Skim- -,F. rJ. DUFFY ca-,' ri" mi t i "Ji 1 1" mi ii i eaapart at Pbjidtirhaaao" ' K,4tl KtluMnn W luki'VThlliatj fiaifiBS peraoua to fo&IC to for blesup port. fw t to rjw Ih tfce'-proporttoo, ae-: eordlngtbt latest governmentaPaW tlHrtc Cnltforula afauoVat tbe bottot r tondependtDa; oa iae viewof t ne- llst. fur there there-are" nly W actual and prriRtMrtrr patient for each it. D tc wbinrtrt iitlatm pcratrn have to depend on or take chance with one aoctorv NtJw'Torlr la nearthe average, wltt orW oer(thforch Miysldan to Veflm'f J-i an IVftrWylvaota- coniva peaiTha!'aviif-tha"aiiy' 'ether ItateS wlth ' '00 'tytngt pa marly ib tvrec 'ihce rrht''etic,'COtea''fteW Jersey, where the number of meeUeal praotlihwere falls wff antH oue hat to fare for 851 persona. ; a riuHrtrf Ut'ay an Infant child Kf our neighbor wh ah ffertng Tfont cholera fpfanlum. The doelnn had given up all Unpej of recovery?! I took a boltlt of Chamberlain' Ootle, Cboltri and Drr- rnoea Bemedy to tbe honie, telling them ( felt cure It would do good If used according to dtreettont. Id two day time the child bad fully recovered. The chllil la now " vlgo'rou and heathly. :'l have recommended tblt remedy frequent ly and havt never; known It to fall.' Was. Cnarit hakcb, Bookwalter, Ohio. ld by F. 8. Duffy A Co. Of Two Bella the Leaser. Papa-Dldn't I tell you. Willie, If I caught foo playing with Tommy Jink again 1 would whip you? ; Willie-Tea, air. j Papa-Then why were yoo playing with hlmT Willie Well. I got loneaomer than I thought a tlekln would hurt, ao 1 Jnat went over and played with hint than why.-Detrolt Free Pre. Tbe father of the game of whfst, BoV mood Hoy la, lived to be 7 year old. Hla treatise on cords ha been pub- liahed In all language, and probably no Work except tba Bible baa . pa sard through more edition. Tbe original Work appeared 10 London In 1742: Trouble of t Minister. To benefit other Rev. J. T. W. Ver non, of Hartwell. Ga., writes: "For-a long 'ttme'l had a running tore oa my leg. I tried many remedle without benefli, until I nted a bottle of Electric Bitters and a hot of Bocklen' Arnica dalv, Which cured ma sound and Wall rW Crept Ion, Bolbj, Icscma, Trtter, Hall Rheum show Imparo blood. Thou sands have foaad la Kleetrto Blttera a grand blood ' purifier thai ahaolataly eta ret these troablea, Battafaottoa It ffearaateed or moaay refaaded by 0. D. Bradhem.' Large bottle only SOc, r . eVar teft the aad.V i Aa old negro hi a' neighborhood to Wo treae fa prayer - meeting aad said Brvd(lrrln aud ateterln, I been I ailabty mean nigger la my time, . 1 bad a heap ar npa aad" downs, epadafly' ddwna. alnce I fined at rhdfrB. I atotc ehlrhena and watrrmllllna, I rasa I got druuk. I shot crape. I ataahed od 4rr eoooa wld my raaor, aad I dona ar tight ar mldrr thing; btU. rank the good lawd. breddWln end ateterln, ever yet luei my rellgloar - Bine kidga (ia. rMt . . , p . ." ; Retrtban. 1 Waea I he qaaatlty of fond lW too Urgt or lha qaallty loo rich heart- bhra la likely to follow, aad especially aa If lha digestion haa base weakeea.1 by eoastlpalloa. Cat llovly aad not too freely of eatlly'dlgeMod lood. Maetlcat lha food thoraagkly. Let ati hoar etep hrtwasa aaeals aad what yoa) feel a falla aad wtlgat la the regtoa - of lha etoasach after atleg.ledicelleg thai ywaaavaaaiaa loo mack, take one of Chamherlala'a Momach aad Uvar Tak let aad the Waa rt bar sty be avotda I. Far sale by F. ft. Daffy A Co. TV etc' fla). A Vary eocec neant betoar aa the pea family and ta reltsd the "merlng pkaaf aa smnit ef tba maar la Wblee. tt learea tnra arootkd of Ifcetr awn armed er go by yerka, all boot b Ing trxirbed or la tny way fllcterbed. a.itnrtlmm oaly eae or twe !" ea a r,lbl !M b affrrt) t (W llaxo twy will ail prfia Jnmp and grra tun slrciullabeotMly. It t cItt4 ti it tt BKucn.col r nnt rrfi bra IK tlttmiomrter B.ark itnat 80 "grace. It tJirrlct tlsc VatM. Ka !lrry .'. . It M T ri'JMM"" rif tW sk!'it as at Kt ra .st ty Tr t'.r.g I e I. !!! fi Ife' ; ' , ' s t f I -r j ' , I r ; i I 't t I 1 . ! ' I ' 'I I t 1 t t ! ! ' f ' ( , I i tOW! SURE H 13 ELIJAH. All Dcakta Settled r Tate at tkc aiaaOM'a f-sUaircr.-According to tbe latesV hnne of Lcavee of Heallug. John Atoaander Dowle'a pabllcatlon," be was not aura ha waa Elijah when be announced that fact from tor platform of the Audito rium. In Chicago, a few daya ago. So a called a meeting of tbeedera, over- aeera. deaconeaae and deacoua reeeut ly, - HI atory cf toe eonfereac aaya SS4 erere preeent and tfat he talked to them, four and a half hour. Then he took ballot to ace whether he' era Elijah -or not and found out be vat ly a vote of Mft to ft. anya the New Yurlt Timex. , Tbror Bve rentaetl to make thar vote una uliuoua, nud two-of thenH-Klvt1 dera Inoaje and Krtano. wlioin I kwle bad Oxtil upon aa the .bends of his sevtv lu Japan, their native country are ex pelled. Tbe others are on probation. powle emphaalzea that now that he haa been elected Elijah by his follow ers he no longer apeak by pertnlmlon of God. but by the full authority of a completed dl vine commission. . He say be vOI lire until Jesus Christ returns to earth to restore all things. . ' . . .. Ladlr and waiting maids among the ancient Ckt and' Roman wore plain hoop of sold or aUver in their tars. and ar time 'progressed these became more- elaborate, preck .em being aetlothem. 1 "I whh to truthfully Mate to yoa and the reader oft bete few line that yonr Kodol OjspeiiJare U wtthmki quaa-4 trOBi thbet an only' cure for dyspep sia that 1 hvtfevetrme In contact with and I have ated many otbe prepara tion. John Peam, West Mlddleeex, Pa. No preparation equals Ko lol Dyspepalt Cure a. It contain all the natural d! geitants. It will digest all llndiof food aad can't help but do yoa good. F. 8. Daffy A Co. tut Masrtlaaasea aat HIt Or. ' Aa Kngllshman at a Chicago hotel ordered ft trap. He ordered it of an tn- tattlgent looking key clerk behind the desL Then he went Op stair to hla inom to prepare himself for the drive. Ha Waited half air hour for the an nouncement that tbe vehicle wat be low. He began to wonder If tblt wat example of the American hustle Whose reputation bad crossed the At lantic. Presently came a knock on the door. "Come in," bade the Englishman. Entered a mechanical looking man In his shirt sleeves. "Where's the hole J" waa bis question. "Holer queried the Englishman. "I wanted a trap." "Here It la," aaid the toiler, "and lfll catch that mouse enre." Tbe Englishman month opened In astonishment. "Moueel What do you meant Who are yon, anyhow r . "I'm the hotel carpenter, sir, and I've brought np the trap yon ordered r The Kngllshman glared. Then It pen etrated hla Saxon wlte, and be roared. Ha gave the carpenter. half a dollar and twore the Joke for once waa on America.'1 The Best Remedy for Stomacti and Bowel Troubles. !l have been In the drag business for twenty year and have sold moat all of lha proprietary medlclae of aay note. Aatoag tba entire Hat I have never foaad anythlag to eqnl Chsmbertala't Colic, Cholera aad. Diarrhoea Remedy for alt lomech and . howeg trouble, Lteye O. W. Wakefield, of Colombo. Oa. "Thla remedy eared two severe cam of eholer ssorbae la my family aad t have raooaameaded aad told hundreds t' bot tle of it to my customer to their entire tatbfaotloa. It afford a quick aad tart tare la a pleassat form." For aale by F. B. Daffy A Co. Kotlee of tiisol.lloi of Co-Part j - ... lenklp... i 1 ha OO-p arise rsblp heretofore eiltttag k Iweaa K. W. Armatrong aad R. L. Slaspklas, aadar the aaag aad style of Araaatroagaad tUmpklaa, I -1 ate day dleeolvad by mntaal eoaseal, ', Mr.llmpklBhaaoldkl Utanat la aid eo-partaarahlp 10 said I. W. Arm It roe , aad add R. W. Anaatroag has acaamed all tba debt aad liabilities of aid eo-partarklp. All Ua dent due the Bras to be paid to Mr. Arammag. 1 This the loth day of July, 1801. ' 1 -'' ; . W. ARHttTRONO. i . v J" - B.UBtMPIINa. ' The b1i boratofo doaa aadar tbe Irm name ai Armtroa aad Blmp- klaa, will la fatare be ooadaetad by sse, aad I ask tba eoatlsord patrooago af the frleadt of lha above firm, a wells all rw palroait, promts! f to glv ay heat ttlaatloa to th at faJlleg at my atora, Bo. tl Middle rreat. New Brv , Raspeolfally. X. W. ABMSTfiOBO, f Jaly ;faa, ICOI. ' TICiiT CCLLEGK SSVKtvr ty fr fntdnat ad iMlerffraduat r"a rc fit aturly. Twenty-three toarlWe la nilmlr miuwi tiglil tatxirmtiKles luipfd with mlera iinihia. Laree la.rcrr tat llHlra. Kcm (Tinnettiini t attilctic atlomcnu rn ttalo. aaljai aaa l raaae. AlUtanr near) i1ibl1 within l yet ea yar. Ko eery h"W 1 t beet ..! r t "a blfcrs a Stertc rtt the ,-t -I S!,c'- hefwt rif eatefct-ua. 1', M !. f MUh, I)( an. a, H. (J. DEPARTrHIIT rrr pi r ""try l ,i J ki 1 . J. 1' T ' f i - p ' I - n s. V . ; ."" ;.! a' f t. V' "" c - r2 Eerofula is aa nawrlnana letmTr. bat '-;7 ; fbet children '(xblooeY yMtsosuiki irfaraotage rnuev accept,1 with all Its humiliating coiaVqicacte. It is aa inaentance tnat maaaa one poorer; mat nrtngs wretchedness aad disease fn stead of health and ricaee, for the hild whaae aaiartcal Heed I tnlaled with Scrofula or the loath nm virus of Coatagiou Blood Folsoaila aanttad for tba arduous daUes of life ao loniraaaiiv ei the irananitled tioWc temain la ita eeine,. Bcjciiiaaaeauaata ateaU ia a-aait Uaroae, catiijih e the has1,-wak eoa wfenarea sore and abscesses ar femtliaT.aymptoma, aatenaea aenauy wiu loss of atxetmUf poor-dlgaswaa mad pale or-bloodless complexion. The ekla ia sometimes moU dreadfully aSected, emptkmstieaklng out on all parts of the body. O t.. I- A . L .. J m L . . . . ( ,1 . ktm , fVrnfiili liiilinia lumc a iiaaa laaml flaah: Wke erfncascai Taaiw4d, aneVakaat after the ttrtaof my ant Skiid, the alaa4e oa the left (Ida af my nock, beataa to await Voar at tae paaaaa-waaa laweaaaia aeeaawa apaa aaiae: ziataa-a aasae asular anw left ana. Slul,,Me ammrtklWI Vke - m - 'mm had tharonl aaaa of aicroraia tiles' eeea'-'l took; iadiaa-af aetaaetaat, 4at the other druee- ieaa ioa-tbia dtaeaae arauaht reUeC When the physicians advised ma to have tbe ahaBda-eemea-ad, t deetded to try tt. fhar boUUa eared torn eompletalrl u th teriaBfcwdiaeeawaraJaft. Uka. IUQKAB.D wajsBoa, - - . Qoldaa OoraarSrOklo. w parity to tt rejofbtmclly poisoned blood, and the richj staong btoooUhat Ja carried to the swotcaa and diicssid aland absorb aad destroys the tuberculous deposit, and the painful, disfiguring seres an&pthar evidence of Scrofula disappear. 8. S. &. should be begun hnmediately upon the appearance of the first symp. tome, or where there i a hiown predisposition. to Scrofula. Our medical depart ment will h faamd of gnat help' to' those who are struggling with this wasting diaeaeevot aeseaity e any ouia btood trooble, ana we invite you to write us. ShoulaV yon or any member of your faanlly need advice, our physicians will cheer fully give the information you desire, for which we make no charee. Book on Blood and LkJa Diseases free. - Tltff SWIFT APEOFI6 COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. Harris Lithia Slfoogest Natural Lithia Water on tbe Market. A Perfect Prescription from Nature for all Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Bladder and Blood. . Especially recommended and Prescribed by rroniinent I'liysii ians Everywhere for Hrrht's Disuse, AlbimlaBr, Cj.tltls and Gravel. 2 'Harris Lithia Water" the most effectivo remudy. Testimuniala from physicians and patients tliat climiriate all questions of doubt sent to any address. At a laoie naur name a Ml-1.1- Ul . i tl it l rLKaa, pvkk, coluki.kss a.i si ichti v acih. Still: Carboys sod Dsmijolins, Cases of It , gL bottles. flptrkling: PinU aaa Quart. MAX L. JACOBS, Local l : lumuximinifflnxiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii is a -''- ' Hlflh: Vfhflfsl? nillll OLIIaJUIa . Splendid Loeatiea. modkHis Buildings. Large aad Com Drinking Water Excellent. . First-clas work In all deykriments.v , Board and tuition rata very Vom. For farther snfersaatiaai address, K. A. BIMPKIMft) rrlnoipal. ' Brvaa Brents, N. C, MfcffcOTMM. awt WMHUi, itVwlKfiBsawatV tfW lYaM tyitVMtnaaaraai, tuaal gf1 wVnav EixHAiuiiaiiijruz: raasat taayecs, WfAOMIMOrOM, D.C. Properly Fr Iktvt for tale, tltaated art of the balldtag lata Thi Farmers tS CaplUl, .arprat tad PrettC ftMieXM Ana. lath, mtv What VY Mart Da, D- a4 -. WUICUBiMUOt J This Baah eeadaeu las baaiaasa apoo "ai 4o-aow" stdkeda. It I oar raipoea ta deal Justly aad liberally all alt i I Waearefally aatrfeard th lalerasul af ear raioant, Mareover, we fr. I queollf do K solaowa t lbee ot portaailk ortaa ooeaa in ia eeeaoea ttal way, and yoa rcasrHerer appeeiat aaeh eoatiiWnukm. - We are a tUpoacd ta Overlook Ik fact Ih si the 11 areeu of the Heak earf tb'e nf Ik paopl r clnecty hoaad it gel bar, sail caaaat by ay acaa fc Mpriad. llil Hk a repoadery fm W i: taw 4 se'ely koep t.m nil Us rorer llfee of surreMir, Will alcn e.4 M ruio.l! ft x.eT af erers t't all at I earioa. lo rha're (of IW mmfYi-. - j v. s t teiur af Crillt foe 1e t- ' tii . lo be f roBlft, prrfeelT cr I'-'kl I It IT t! to, rf e-'-.r .-': Iti. O, 'i I . x t "' t f r : 'ot i l.'n .if. mm l Mlllt if i n rvaral desliaUe Reeidenee .vv 111 I lata heat reeWawea - 1 lit' l 1 1 Clt. AUetaa.herof good V ii fil l UgoodloraUth . , U: ."2cv' -a" - w l.j.wBLninra. i rcae' one whiesi various ioms; awollea eland about the . eyrg, hip boaiacae, white ewalling , an mart af the human evatem escartea ema wear wuaWTiiy, DeBuznuBiK wwvu Parents whese Wood is pois oned by tiuir own misdeeds,' orha themBelve may be suffering for the sins of tome remote ancestor, must re- stuuuibi aad the uM T had. ever thla nor nuiiw WWCWAi lwk k- tore their own blood to ita; normal purity and strength,' or they . cannot expect healthy, robust" children, 8. 8. 8. cures Scrofula, like other 'diaeasea of a dcep eeated, conatitotional charac 4eE he.rastofiiiir Ufa-and B, eV. A altraa of . a -a a el a will tl,l -'l 1 1 tall- f. IT-.. .11 1 aW liiuib is Duexcriini, m MOYIt It V a ar w aaw a ar AlilJ l9MmM.MjK.iV,. M lHlrlliator. : IjotJge Directory. NEW DRKN CONCLAVEtRO.Iuinrovixl Order Heptasophs, meals lud and 4th Thursday M o'clock at Koun tree II ill. Dr. K. F. Esrly. Archon: J. J Tolsoa. Jr. Flnaaclar.tioo. D. Qnrdner Secretary. KW PKIIN L.OIMJK No l,F. II (' 1. U Sralea, I 'rest; J. II. H:'i, Ito eordlng Het'y.K. H. IIIII, yin... i.,l . Meets In the Knlgbl of Qsrm.,n Hal every 11 and 8rd Monday nlli li rrl snoot h. OKAVEN U)DOK NO. I KNK1IIT8 Of UAHMONY. ' sleets Sad and 4th. WedeeiUy nlghla In oerh month In Knaaliea'a Hall. Pollock airert, at ". o'clock. J. J.WoWeadca, fresideati It. J. D!sowy. Bec'y; B.K. BUI. rinaoela) ftaereiarv It's time to put up . Preserves, X vi ;; Maana's Trnlt Jars. Iitra itubbera. Pirelala lined Maalia IVaaanlag Kt Ub. Everything a Qraalle looking litenalk. - W hava a law Ravllaad DMsaerrlettwhtah wa will aall at oit this waah, naw la yoarehaao in get oaa, , A It I getting lale hi the taasnsj mr ntlrt rtoraeo Door. . Wlndnw rVreena. Helrlgvratnra aad lea Cream f tea ears, rhea par Utaa ever. Come get prtrea, LB.CUTUR BDTFCO i lv H hi9 i (i ll TW f f I rwa7?f a-w lt.r.f t4 ! t Iplitrtltif , It II t ik, K.i A (m,!.. tUiwf re, Ala Ktr Ih'tl f t wT AIM, hf ftr f.M tt ilr r H , v rt in Ail lrtn Water I outhern ailway. Announces khat, ESeetiye June 2frd. it - Inaugurated New Train Service tf. .. -ASt- Am aiiu Greeosiiiiro Which in connection with the Atlantic aud North Carolina Railroad gives Splendid Service to and from New Pern. WEST BOUND TRAINS. iniproved Schedule No. ?l)ail)'--No. 11. Lv. New Pern 9.110 a. in. 7.00 p. in. Ar. tJoldsboro 1 1.0.1 " 8..11 " Lv. Uoldsboro 2.06 " U.40 " Ar. Helnia. 2.50 " 1P.8S " " Haleigh, 8.4 " 11.45 " " Durham, 4. " 2.8Ha. m. " Greensboro 0.S5 " 5.15 " EAST BOUND TRAIN". No. ltj -Ilallv -No. 3U. Lv. Greensboro " Dnrliani ItaleigU " felma Ar. Uoldsboro 1 v. Uoldsboro Ar. New Bern 12.45 p. in. 3.85 5.-8 2.47 K.40 4.46 5.30 5.40 7.40 f,41 7.80 7 45 P.40 ( lose eonnections made at Oi-Hensboio for all points North, Houth or West. I'lillnian (rjorvire Train Nos. 11 and 19, carry t ullinan Bleeping! ars between Uohi.(:horo mid (jruensboro. 'or full information npply to ticket agtnt nt ew Item, or I". ' . VmiNos, T. I', A., Charlotte, N. ('. H. I'. ll AliiinicK, O. P. A , Washington, l. ( Kweniy, M.nUSHALLHKKQ, N l'. A College Preparatory School for young men and tfromen. Uniltir the Ans'i. ,, ol tli Metl,.,il,,t Fpibeotal (luircli. A (Uirlhtioll lloliHl lornltMl in one ol llic h(lthinnt kectioiik of ih,: Sim.. A full eorps of eompi ti nt li a, lo r, IttiildlngH newly reialnd ami f . i r ninhed. 1 he ncirhhorhiHHl aliMoltitely fn-u from the onllimry i llt of town life. In addition to the regular eiinrse. a llniiiiesi Iti'inrtinent li Imwii adili'd, which Ihrluilii TolegrepliT. Typewrit ing, Ktenogrnphy and Uinik kii'i'inx. Kali Term beglm - epi. ?inl. Fur further ' Brtlculam aiilr".v UUV. . M. Lfc mTEf. Trest, MtaaHaiLaaiio. N. UNIVERSITY of North Curolina TNK HEAU Of the Rlale's Ediealleael KiiUa Acedamic Deparlmrnt, Ua, Mcdk Irv, I'harmacy. Elgkly-lve arhnUraklp. Fie lultlna 10 laacaere aad aslaMn soa. Loans for lha aeedy. - WlkadeaU, 41 laitmrtors. t Hew Deeeslterlra, Wier Works, I o traj t'aailag (ysleaa. ' Hn,tO0pllalaipreretaeBUl IMW aadtPOU . Fallleiai haft heeteetbe I, IMl. Ad Jraaa, . , - - ' r ; P. P. VENABLR, PrwaUettf, " CiwpIHlll,N.C A Summer Outing ' Graham i si,if e ' 'i,0 f SHAla ad SnluM hi a ftr'itl Ckeeeee. mn4 a e r . mn 4 I. id e't fnaleeiat iC W",l"lt flfrt t "f rtvel.t. fl.e et a it fe S i:e fetfi.4i id pi t4 r o.,K ,i i s it. u . ,t " "-c t t i w t rtf C ..-. (i.i'.' i...a l i- f dt X'e e t ! n I ' . y 5 llf f'l ' f" - .-. ' c i n ) ti- i !' - , r I if , U j