4 , V'- 1" T iiialTir'" " 1 ' " "... - :-L AVfcgetable Prepalionrof As similating thcFoodandBegula bng the Stoiooxhs andDcwels of Promoles DigestioaChjerfuf neas andHestContalns neither Srium.Morpliine norliivexai ot 'Narcotic. A perfect Remedy for Cons tipa flon, Sour StomactuDiarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. FacSinute Signalurt of ' NEW YD UK. ISls ; EXACT copy OF WRAPPER? yk, ' 1st twd thtnimai W other Wemee and tell fLOO bettkt ef Wm ef CerduL loeOhioeeo Tonr Wtno of Oerdbl he done s 1 worl Doaueaoi ui wim tad oh 1 I bin oUiiad to hm It I wtU ut bm etatortn Toledo, who did not meaetrmat at the oneht. veenof tM and Bothlitf tuo kelMd !: Mlbre I ated roar etodlehioe, bu I feel like a new woman tad do til mi not do before I took Win of Oerdnl. ID of Oudnl. rltallenabi fT. WOBMI i eod UU bar now I euflarad baton I awl WlM of OudnL for KtrlM tnt mWM. xMtm, (Mn mnptonw. Tkt MMf Li tlennaiei," Tlx tiee nnont MMteln Oaatear, tlleinniinse A Good Telephone 8KRV1CE 18 A BUSINESS RECES8ITT, A BOMB CONVENTiNCE. A COM BINED . . . . . , . . ' a - CVnTeuIenS Order Your Phone at One) 1 Sfrvlce of PibKcitloB- NORTU CAROLINA. ) NOTIt't! .id Craves Coasty. f SaperlorCoart. David Wlltoe aad Pidly Aaa Wlkwu), his wife, vs. . Jolia D. Pbeppard, t aL ' notice i : The drfeadaat above aatsed will take oilo that aa actios eatliM a above hae beta enmaxecxi ia the rKperlor IViHtt of teei euaaty to perfw4 tb tills to two rotitla lote of Itod situate la the Hit of Mew Jlera, N. C, and fo tt( OS (lewaiM aad Joa strtwls, and to reseat stent In derd to seld property naproperiy task to mm Orfeiint the tnul defradssl will fartbee toke olie that be I rsqnlrerl ia appear si the Brit trm of th rlnpetlnr irt (if seJd snealy to be held na lb third Mo day I ptr-ti silev, )901, at th enen hoaee ef nM emteiy to New Hem, N. U ad aatwer of detnar lotbe mmrltlnt , ta tetd eriloe, or the ftalntlR will tp- f ty 10 ia L-rwn ror tlx reilel OraieArtwl la e4 raiUlal. . ThUflttrhtvof iene. IfMi. W.M. Wvwr.. ' . nDMiiimmix xotici. .. tls-isf Ihle def aaallfiod aa ewliwlalav rtil of IM reteteof J. B. McIVtalel. Am atari. All faMte It4rhnl to Mill Male tr oralrd to tMk ImatrdtM paiatMt. And ail persons hnltln( - elaltM Wlt !'! Mel tr Sotlflrtl o prtaval th tmr for teeki na of b i for th 1M day f Jmf, IrTl or (hit antic UI I i !.) 4 la W of rov- tf. ' - TVt Jnif , lt. . . JKK31EC. iUnANlKL, " A?nlBltatiti. IT. XX. MM " I P For Isf-ints 8Bd Children.-, , Th3 Ki:.d Ycu Have: r Always CcL'sht Bears the Signature AO. ( ilv In rvijA Use For Over Thirty Years tV -rfi, , . - ' 5 i "'k '.J,. ..Seek Relief ! gnat prrtliB el ween who tufftr . ro auks a Mrioos effort to benefit them t stlvts, i Th mast ef them g a paying no at. ttatJoa t their little ttemtroal oWdcn, be. " Ikviag they wM tveataalty wear eH. . They grow wans sad wont every eey. At the period el ineaitraatlo s worn It peculiarly ewctptlsls to eM and er external Influence and K b alt the meeHavorablt time ler the ' development f hiddta dittan gtrmi which any be lurking Hi the lyritm. Any phytlclM kaowt that diiorderea attiarustkM, kiting af the womb end lekxsrrhati trt blijhtieg lives is almost every home. No wecna should atg lect herself a moment trier the atet htdicttlea f featile dbeaett, Almoet Imttnt relief ess be teenrei by th , ' ' WINB$iCAnBl)l ' U will redeye yew right hi year ewa htest. wiHveaauani the euthnoav el Mn. Beleier reeUy teek relief tooty? All drsgiWte . FortWt' Fort WTI, Ind., Mereh n, lKlt. lot good forms, I ban vied St A tdford't Blask-Drsasht. Asdetse Wf at U ia ibo hoae. it lulpee my J laA, Menhir, ISM. rid wltlumt Bat wne attteen hr. leulitTin r baa ttate myaelf toud relief ia thrae Sua. Aad now f hpneework and WMbins, whtob I oonld I would be Terr stnd to write ut poor t, u. r. 0iauiaai WP" Have You Seen the Living Pictures On Free Exhibition at - Henry's Pharmacy, 127 Middle Street. This la lit sessoa for hoot clear' a f. th tine to-prepare for the ""re Daath" f hurt, aula, rnachee, sad la- secta. How? Littea I Ut Borax, aletal prod art loa of th tarth, no laV purlty Mtort Into lu nriglaal laeaui or ajteafertur- W hav aeltber Usm of tpao toglvtlh nememat delnd ate for which Borax nvty b (tad, W eaa only beggeat teedltDe. Itt For Toi let) tod, A a Medici, Ird, la Laaadry, 1th, For lb IJoserhoWj SO, Aa k Prwevvatlvi Otb, For Abto) 7th, Mltcellaaeoet. W bar It la poaad rtacWrt, aad taeetiMlar give U dlf. ferret for wblob It may b pat Fall II Tollrl ArtkU aad Perfai. ty. ' .. - ' ; rhrttciaa'l Prtwcrtpttorki earafuDy ecMpoaailetl ' ' ' r :' - .A.fa.Praa, BU BUM wlitT ,. , at. W. Oiea, Caiblar. . :iTIZKNKV JIANVL or axarwr airrmav.av. C3. , tXJng Oeneral Hanking Dutlnet Mtrrh I, mi, Parplo tad fhifitW And Profit, fl,n.'J, rroaipt aad raj-fl aUeaUoa aivea to alt baeiMa entrntd to . Aneoenu rvneivad n fTnral4 Ut ma. nr4tM4 DnM I. 1. MX'tn.a, B. n. b)awa. J. a. Itrw. M, . Ira. w. (orkaai. Mark Ditr. 1UJLU OK HOIK t KE ( jm" -ttrSt'JaV , jrv. ft rp, r v--n, lr !' rn ftI fr f! . i 'if ( I tit t f r rn irr . ptr"H r. h . ;r Id fl' n rrr-avj (J n :y (ur 1 rtift-J , a, r r, i a - r r ' r - 1 7 rn 1 ? r A ' ... WOMAN AND FASHION Oatlas Hat. The question of outing hats t on that concerns women to a considerable i extent Just now. The sailor hot la scarcely seen" this season, and all the ontlng or street. hats are prettily trim med.' Praped silk In soft folds and a quill constitute, this trimming almost Inevitably. The Jaunty bat shown here with Is of soft straw,, ecru inshade, the brim turning 'np' at the sides and front aa one may wish. The soft silk scarf to of red, with white dots, and the quill is ecru, to match the straw. A white straw tflamed. In fW style, with aWttfad evhRe Boarf wiuld be very chic also, the scarf white with red dots, and a scarf, of gayly figured oriental silk would make a striking trimming .for a bat in this shape of-l ecrti or cream straw. New Tork Mail and Express. r ..f - i"fJ r - .-( -,! This year the low cut trencn necK,- has become a feature of the, summer : outdoor gowns. It salt: the tong'slt-n-, der American neck for less well than the smooth, plump tliroat.of the. typical Frenchwomen, . BeBldes. ,hny ycBow- Is Ing of the throat through exposure, will be far more obyjpusv These .consid erations (loiilrtless netotiut for the cool Welcome afforded a certnluly comforta ble style, 'But this year tbd lo-.v'-celf- fure makes the near lug ;of a high col lar well nlghs inipdsslbleV rrlilentie are dressing Jliolr bnlr Ip Jodps and curls right' dktti,(ln the aapc of th tieck. If tbey wear a collar at all, it is. a mere band of QlmBy ucnistltclied rasar htwn uuslln pt Sue1, bntlste. They' will be'" welcomed by He many fho find the high ttlff bond of lluen a veritable Instrument or torturo in hot weather and who object to the sub stitution of a lace tie as not sufficiently protecting '4hv-dct!cateV ttktii" of ft the throat from the un'a rays. H : ' Raadkorehlefe In Pari. f Among the mauy fancies In handker chief aqine. charming and new de- hlgna areshewn which are out of date, hiir -r.nlwltliififlrne,li(e r dimlrtd because ff k'sortiaf-ifeudalllflf that what was used so long ago must savor aomewhnt of a coat of arms. 1 J TH ere are two Irlnde of haodfcercblefe caDed In French -mlxte." "Mlte Means a ' handkerchief between th very dressy ens and th everyday pock et handkerchief. Take a piece of whit batiste, also s piece of colored betleto, either pink. mauve or blue, first of all draw some graceful line anon the colored batiste t work opon. and' place It upon some very thick paper or upon oilcloth (oil cloth I preferable), then work oo three Cede line a small siltch with twist urn. . . . a A Blat frees PaH. : Th smgitprcseDted" n made of col Vt pattern In panUH colored cloth. It rrlticeai tunic aad th bolero til '3 t J aUJrrjtmra trsxxia ta hat frowr o plain rlntb. Tb lewaf part of lb tKlrt I tl0 tf plsl etotb. with a band of rut out cloth dew 'l ltd. , (. Th f . Every frtrtef wn flrtte'7 wflttisi tfW txm of ptU fray oatrVh fath- ate th bcltny dar. but almost pret'f tj1 eftft o4 trir l'"iTti!nl Id pt.r. rv wrarvr t IV bn cf mar wh'e ftlll. txfrt"r1 r. a rtx-tili.f of lit'- t:t ln 4 atmrt'lt of ri and Jt felling la frsl la n .f ' j Utllcwork. , Mm l? "i t t- b'e'ih (t-.r - r r ' 1 i i iiiii rf! '.' t! .1 f f ) ' I ' - I ' t e ( i s it 1 1 ' 1 .. a fc . in mm y- Peamtel Mluiom for Ceeaea Balls. The authorities at one tf the British navel arsenals trere rather surprised recently Jay an Inquiry aa to- whether they bad any old cannon balls for sale, 14 and 28 pounders, auob as Nelson used at Trafalgar. It turned out that they were required by the ' owner of a Welsh slate quarry.- When large alub of stone has to be detached, a bums opened Dcnina it ana small can non balls dropped ln. ! The .workmen then "'Jotble" the partly loosened block to and fro with-their crowbars, and at every movement the cannon balls drop deeper.:' Very soon larger tolls can be Inserted, and then the whole block falls forward completely severed. -Cardiff. Western Mall, , i V i i , m can's me is hard enough as It is. It is to her that we ' owe our world. and everything' should be made as easy as possible for her at the time of .childbirth. This ' is tust whatT HOTHER'S Friend will do. It will mak e babv'a cominer easy and painless, and that without tak ing dangerous arugs into tne ays tern. It is simply to be applied to the muscles of the abdomen. It penetrates through the skin carry ing strength .and elasticity with it. Jt strengthens the whole system and prevents all of the discomforts of pregnancy. The mother of a plumb babe in Panama, Mo., Rays: " I have used Mother's Friend and can praise it highly." , Get Mother's friend at the Drug Store. $1 per bottle. The Brad field Regulator Co., ATLANTA. GA. Write for our free illustrated book, " Before Baby i Born," 1. Li. WARD, Attorney at Law, 74 Bo, Front 8t , Opp. Hotel Ohattswks, NEW BERN, N. 0. Cravetv Cimnty Attorney. Circuit, Craven, Jones, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico, Greene, Lenoir, and the Supreme and Federal Courts. P. U. Pel I el I or, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Midair Street, , Lawjrrt , Brlel .... ..BmUilag. j&; rtU' praettee tn the Coantlet of Orisvan arteret. Jone. Oimlow and Famlloo. O. U vourt at Now Barn and Hopreae Voent ' f, M. Slamoas, , A. D. Ward ' j'aMMriONS' A' WARD,- ITTOBNEi aa1 COCMSELOBlb at - LAW, Ottlce 88 So. Front Street, nearly oppo site Hotel unaitawaa, H r (Offlo alto at BalelKh.) "i j Practice 1n the counties of 0 raven. Dunlin. Jones, Ontlow. Carteret. Pamli co and Wake, la th Supreme and Fed eral Oonrtf, aad wherever service ar detlred. Notice First Meeting of Creditors. Ia th District Court of tb Caltod 81 ties, for tb Eat tern District .of North Carol Ins C- la lb matter of M. L. DAVIS of Ways oenty, It, C, Baokropt. 4 To Tnt CxintTOM or tri PsTiriomw, who hat beea tdjadtcated A Baak rupti Tak Notice ! i That aiaetleg of th creditors will b bld at th oRlo of L J. Moore, tVeree, la Nw Bora, N. 0., at A, p. a., tb sTth dty of July. 1901, at which Urn lb erdlurt uiy attoad, prora tbtlr elalati, appoint a trot lea, tiamia the babkrapt aad traaaact tack other batlnott a taay properly ooes bWott lb matting, V . m ........ . 7P Hefere la Baakrttptcf.1 ta. aw at n'J.ta ta orm v. '. notice Pint Heetloc of Creditor, la th Dlitrkl Coort of th Raited Ilalea, for the EaiUra Dlttrlet of : K. O. Ialhatltr of Hear 01 raa. 'M Wsyaa eoaaiy, fiaokript In . tlaak - - i To th Creditor of Petllloaer, Wo lit brea adjailteated A UtakrepUi Tak Both tbol a tBawtlng of credl tor will to bald at tb efflc of V. 1 Moor. lUfnea, la New JWrn. H. C , at ISMeatWtTihdtyof ily IjI, t bleb tin lb rtedltor owy ."attend, prat their claim, tppoltl a tiutir, ttalae the haakrtipt tn4 trtnrvt rh othef btiilntti at y pfpt''y n fore tb awetlBf. L J, Mirnni, flafttte ta nBertjrr Nw Br, , C, J!y lib. I I. Xl.t.pulor'1 TotUv. llevli t "f ql!fid M I' ' " f kY lut W lil tfl.l 7Ml.es.nl r.f r r i t, I'attti her, itad. !' It If t.l t ' '' ' : ' NUi, t t v i r i ' r In t ? ' ; i i en !!, li d 'Ut i,I I'l't ) i 1 , ' i la ti , r A S w !f ! f' v e i ' f' t f " -r : A le '-.,4 VfUillty, VATvone trv Wenitnt I 'enirf-e a1 mfcFORC - At-1 . : aii'AwHia. r b-rmiiuarka. nil 11 a mi lii -..'', -'For Bale by F SjDUFFy,' CO, 'T : State Normal iam " UTERARV ' Annual expenses $HW to $140 for notvresidenU ;of ! ' CLASSICAL' " Ptate tl6"- faculty of 80 members. , Practice and J :L 'observation fchortl of about Sr5u pupils.' To secure , . m ipJI-i r hoard rn the dormitories all free-tuition applications COMMERCIAL should be made before July 15th. Session opens 8ep- 1NDUSTRIAL temberl9th. i PEDAQOQICAL' Correspondence musical - .rrr"r:rTx;t7: ,. . , k . . t f ur .t)Uivttrj uuu t'vucr mil it iiutviuii uuuirjM ; , ., . r ... - President CHARLES D. HcIVEE, Greensboro, If. C. MODERATE- POP- BBAUTIFUI, CATAIOOUK C AOOtB5S " JA & M H HOLT. OakRidgIvNC Homer Military School. OXFORD, N. . Elegant buildings, heated by the Buffalo fan system, securing perfect ventila tion, t'ixteen new rooms for two boys each to be added for the fall term. En gagements should be made early. Annual attendance up to the full capacity and many turned away each session for lack of room. Best athletic field, with quarter mile track, in the South. , Faculty of specialists witli special work. Currliculum preparatory to the best college or university education. Aa atmosphere of liigl Ideals surrounds the school, as students excluded. Fall term begins September 8. Atlantic tytttutt lane. Wilmington & New Berne R. II TIMB TABLE NO. 5 nKlfect Wednesday, Aug. 7, 1898, Doily Except Sunday, doing South HOIIRDULE: Ooing North No, 51, Passenger Trains No. 50, l.v. a m, stations: 11 00 New Borne . 9 86 Pollocksville OKI Mnytvillo.. 10 03 Jacksonville. Ar, p tn . . . 5 40 .. 8 04 . ... 4 49 .... 4 11 1215 ...Ar. Wilmington: Lv. ... 2 46 r at r " No. 8, Pabsimock ft FHjnoiiT, No. 1 Leave Wilmiiurtori Monday, Wednes day and" Friday. Leave Now Berne Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Lv, a m ' Ar. P 7 80 Lv, Wilmington, Ar 8 40... Bcott't llill 9 80,. ....... Woodside . . . 1 46 ...19 56 ...1916 .1140 1000. HoUyrldge ... 10 51. Dixon ...10 61 11 90 '.. Verona. ...., 18 05 .Jacksonville. .. . ...10 90 ... 9;46 IS 80.... Northeast 50 91 65. .r.'. W htteoak 8 80 1 80 Mayavllle 8 OS 9 15 PoUookavill 7 SO 955 .... Dehruhl't fl 85 8 40 Ar. New Borne, Lv 00 Daily Except Huiday. J. R, EENLT, Oeneral Manarer Xxecqtrtx Notice. Having thla dayanatiBed as Executrix of the laa Will ana Testament of Jane (Jraham HnghetJateU New Bern, dn eeaaed, thi U to notify all Jroos hav- ir claim aealmt the tate of my wa tt tHx tu preaent the tame, properly autbentiated. to ma, or to my Attorney, on or befnr th 10th day of June. 1VW, or this notrc will be pleaded he bar of their recovery. A II paraoat bulabtad to said atate will make prompt taymenu JAN DAVES hUUUKX, XxeeuUlx. QaaNakt Davm; Atty. , New Bern, W. C-tfune 10, 1901. . . , v. ' Foreckftore Sale.'-.. . Parental to a Jnrfcmmt of tb Bo parlor t)ort of Crtvoa eounly January urm 1900 la aa aetloa, Mtllied Cerar Beetoa d wtf galrt th A. N. 0. railroad enatptay, lb eadertlraed, St clerk of Mid Coart, wt othorlxd aad directed to forenlu a eerul bmw tgte dead seroled by David Beat and .wll Mllly. la llrtt of I'roeecrtloa Bond, of tald plalstia Ooatar Beetoa sad wife la (aid tail Now ibarvfov,-la obedW ne l.t tald Jodgment 1 will offer for tal at tb e art bea door la New bVra, at 19 I'tWk, Monday Agot4 6th. 1WU, (or nub all th right, till nd In trrt of th t.ld David IW-I and wlf I ami In t rerul piare or parcel of land tllnaled la trtrea manly, to wit Bclnf porikm nf tb 0 aci (rant of lb Ni of Nnflh ( arnllna to W, K. CUika, tnd bj Mid (late nd wlf K.a T't tn M!lly IWt. bf deed deled April fl, Ie7. ted mv.rde.1 1 the oWc of la Hrruiv of Dwite of fava toeaty. Iltfinnlrif at Onllte't ' r the (up, tuaklnf tbanr , l(in(i tVi Item rnt . .went tJnVet to Jim Wuhlnr tnn'f nU, throna, l rlr hi tncVra with hi, llr.elo ile la lnver breaak IKrnra "Mb, tt ilghl nr!a 10 n lka, tl.,nre wllh th Hr.e e l end llto In tb irrm rd rf lllri'e llrnthert. Ihnra wllh lima Ire fd to lb frd bmiaa, IttaVK tat, alokf Ui ewamp to lh fi etailok, '.') to r.nnuln 8''r arrra, (rrolbrt llb !! lrr,;ir,mftiH WAT" I i'.f (. rmrt. Jnn "'h, t'l. II ft, i t ixmst . tA n'l.ll.,ir.troL..fr Ji Bull wb' Wrinea - .tasliltVUikBtliraiBiaiisuiii uttiuiili iiumut tu i.ie 2fib1IH-r, lnickjuit.,fWtrf iuwurr. lei wtB ;m r4Mt frnw itat-if Ar later 7T r MtMHMMUMfilMMMMMMMIMMt invited trom those desiring compe- not preparing for higher education are Sale For Partition. In obedience to a judgment and order In tho cause in a. certain proceeding wherein C. F. Simpson, and Henrietta J. Simpson, his wife ate plaintiffs, and Oottic B. Foy and Itufus Foy, minors, de fending uy tnetr guaraian aa mem, it. u. INlxon are defendants, tne undersigned Commissioner will sell at public outcry for cash at the Court Uoose in flow Bern, on Monday, July (23d) twenty second, at 13 o'clock, M, the land describ ed in the complaint; the same being situ ated In tJraven county aforesaid, on the north side of Neuse river, and bounded on the north by the land of Noab Ful chor, on the west by the Pettlpher land, and on tne southward anfl eastward by the lfttul of N. B. tlasklns, being known n the Alex Foy land, and is the same which descended tn his heir. - 11. C. WHITEHURHT, Commissioner. June 19th, 1901. Notice ! Notice It hereby given thst at the next meeting of the Board of (Jountv Com missioners for Craven county N. C, to be held on the first Monday of August 1901, J. R. M. A B. R. Warren will make application for license to tell liquor under section seventy of the Revenae Act of North Carolina, . passed by the General Alterably of 1901; nd tfatl said applicant propose to carry on tald basi net In tb llrtt township Crave coun ty, near th town of Vanoeboro, across the bridge from said tewo. J. R. M. A B. R. WAhaai. Applicant. Thi 4th day of July, 1901. Adminl-ta-ator'N Notice Iltvtag tblldty tgaallfledat adminis trator of lb (title of Oeorr Bishop de ceated. AU ptraont UdeWed to aald stato ar rqoetd to mtks laiatodlato payment, Aad all pertoa boldlag olalau sgalast aald auu are aotlOed to prsaent lb tarn for ptyttent oa or be for th 19th.day of Jon 1909 or I a I aotlot will b pleaded la bar of reoor- rT'bliJuaUth, 1901. K. K. fenaop, ' AdattalMrator. - niAOgCARTEBJ TOR ') HARDWARE; - , , Aa4 an Ctnos of- ' V ''' raMIStt.BHERliiS; . lleatlnf and Conking Store tod !unga, Limb, 1 Cs'rrieot,' riaaUr, I'llnts, Oil, Varntab, lUj, fWh; Doort, lllinda, Cutlrr and ail tb eenfal articli naay found la a Up-tO-1ale llardtif Store, - , . Bit JtHlj. v ; Under ftotel ChatUwkaV ' TillTJ Kl-irX, NrC, QUICK 'OTICEl I h 't1 JJ'.iimVi fur Ileal -ri-1 (w V ii'.' f i rot f , .4 A f. w 1: t JI art Ii'mi Ii4' 1 ,!nr1; J-rlrlt tnl lA(h', iJoa't ; r,-i t our ("!; ; ; ; ' o fine Worl t I V..-.1. " ' f f ? J . . -' ; a.&N;c;r. r. l "'' ,& '''- ' t ' 70 Take. Kffsci Wednesdar, Jujy 10th, im atlUiOI A.M., Kb I. Going Katt f Sobiduu, Ooiag Wert mo. a rsjaenger Train Ho. 4 t DAILY. tr.pBK, nAnoni Ar. a aa i0.. ..'....J. Qoedaboro 11 m oW.'U. ...... IQrange.. ....... .10 la 6J..,... , .Eiiiton.,.........lOla 7 40..,...Ar. New Ben, Lv...... 00 7 GO... ..!. ... . Ar. ail 815... Ar. Morehead oitv Lv 7 97 No. 5. No. , Passenger Tralu. Passenger tTATlOtt: Train. D MLV. Af..M. Lv.P. Ml 7 60 Ooldsboro 817 8 06.'. Beat's T44. 818 LaQraoge 7 84 8 83 Falling Greek 7 24 8 EG Ktnston. 7 14 8 49 ...Caswell 7 09 8 66 Dover ; 6 55 9 07 Core Creek 40 921 TuscaroTB 80 9 95 Clark 8 23 940 New Bern 6 10 11 15. . . . a.r M orehead Oity Lv . . . 4 SO P.M. No. 1. No. 9, Mx't Ft. and Pass. Tn. ktx'd Ft. and STaTloM: PaavTn. DAILY. Lv. a m Ar. p m 6 00 Goldtboro ( 83 6 38 Best's 4 68 616..... LaOrange 4 28 6 29. . :. . . . .Falling creek 8 68 716... Kinston 8 88 7 23... oat well 9 98 7 57 Ar. Dover, Lv 9 10 8 20 core ore .r 1 10 8 65 Tascarora 12 48 9 80 dark' .....13 40 9 60 Ar. New Bern, Lv 12 10 No. 9. f No. 10. 1 SO Lv. ' Ar 10 47 212 Riverdale 10 15 S2I oroatan 10 00 8 05 Havelock 9 40 3 84 Newport, Lv 9 00 8 47 Wildwood 8 47 3 53 Atlantic 8 88 418.. .Ar. Morehead olty, Lv. . . 8 90 4 28.... Ar. M. oity Depot, Lv 750 I P. A.M. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. fTnesday, Thursday and Saturday, 8. L. DILL, Superinteatdea Special Saturday A Wednesday Filer. From Uoidsboro and Intermediate stations to Morehead City. In effect Saturday, Juno 29lh, 1901, until other wise ordered. Leave Uoidsboro 8 40 P. M. LaOrange 4.09 " Kinston 4 83 " Dover 4.55 " " New Bern 6.00 ' Arrive Morehead City 7.25 " All "Week End" tnd Saturday night tlckelt will be honored on this trtln. The above train to be run on Satur day only. B. L. Dill. Oen'l Bupt. A. A N. C. RAILROAD COMPANY, Passenger Department, New Bern, N. U, May Slit, 1901. To all agents, A. A N, C. R. R. Beaton 1901 The following rate of Pastenger fare to Morehead City and return In effect Jane lit, 1901. Goldtboro, 4 00 1 1 50 196 Bett't, S 75 1 40 1 10 L Orange, 8 50 1 SO 1 00 Falling Creek, 8 95 1 90 90 Kinston, 8 00 1 10 80 Catwell, 3 00 1 00 60 Dover, 2 76 90 78 Core Greek, 9 70 85 70 Tnacarora, I AO 80 AS Ntw Bern, 9 00 75 00 Rlverdsle, 1 76 70 M Croaua, 1 70 8.1 60 Havelock, 1 00 80 40 Npeit, 60 86 80 Wildwood, 40 15 IS deaoa ticket good to retara aatU Oct. AUt, 1901. 1 Jatarday aatll Ttdty. fieaday xoaraloa, good for Baaday only, by I aad A train. Xxoarsloa Ticket 1901) from A. AN. a Buttoae, Roead Trip far Strata Springs, N. 0. ' UereafW Uckrt wUl h told from Bulla a aead below to LaOraag to perties vtshtog the above Bprlap at lb fallowing rate of fare for the Hoaad Trip, . j Goldtboro, $ .70 Nw Bars, ItTS Batl't, JO RivwrdaW, r.TS rtillag Creak, Jt Oroatoh, 140 K tattoo, ,A0 Baralock, 114 CMwaU, JO ftewport, I.4A Dover, . t.08 Wild wood, I AS OartOrnk, MO M City, 1.90 r tear or, 1.7 . ' Tlrku ee tt iae lt TJ Ooe Utat itkt aad limit taeea. o4 to ratara Oct. Hit, Itvt. Ah) leckau a !). ... . ; . - COUPOlf BTATIONl . Throa(b rata ef fare, AViasd trip tlrkau froea Ceapoa lutloat hetew ka nolau nemad aa Wettara North Oar ' in Itaiireed (aaaaoa 1901.) TwAaa . aieJeeI,IWil to Hapt. AOth, I POL, : larlnalr. Oond for rater pat age eti r tofnr Or, Alai, I90L . Frnai!""' ' -v !-. f " ' t.:w'?laa,'''U.V To Trf ; toe Oraage nkhory lltst glliO IlLtl lABe) Montsatoe, 14-W 1AIJ 11.99 1LM Old Fort 1V8 14 UtA ITJA ItlakMk HtO U.W 11 1190 Atbrrlll HAS ll 14.44 114 hA Pprtng la a VJJV - It At Tula ta 1 etbar raanrl la Wttlara ' t'err.i'nt n Vlrf'n'e wf I rr Um. nn t i lt all.., t ' Uea aaa f ? r.f ajre fr. ( . n niV t-- t (11) y' nf ea, I f ti.a t'V r''t ' It, I lit, o. r.A. I