ii An Excellent Combination. -' The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, ctraur or FmB, manufactured by the. lAUruiuua. Mt Diovr ui,, nnaxran the valueof obtaining tlio lttjuid lut tire principles of plaiita known to be medicinally laxative and presenting' then! in the form most ref rwjiiutf to the taste andaooeptnble to tho system. It is tUe ono perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing tin system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers oently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently,' Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys,' liter and bowels, without weakening or irritating thorn, make it the Ideal laxative, - In the process of manufacturing flga' are used, as tboy are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the.' remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic, plants, by a method known to the Oaufobbia Fm Srmur Co. only. ' In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ixHnaviLiJt, xx. . v srawTomt, sr. r. .. tor sale by all Druggiata-Prloo Wo. per battle, the journal: flew Bern. N. C July 21, 1W1. Index to New Advertisements. . Dissolution notice. For Fate schooner. J. J. Tolson -Notice. Mrs. Olarke Sewing. Miss Howerton's School. Wm. T. Hill-To catch fish. Andliam Soda water, etc. Planter's Warehouse opening. B. W. Smallwood An idea. H P. Holland -Undertaking. Caskill Hardware Co -Lythite. Simmons ft Holloweli Oo Special. Business Locals. MMK. ELRiDO yPALMlST. Reads character, disposition. Past, present and future. Price SO cents, Here a few days only, 64 Broad St CA.8HIEh) WANTED. Must write good hand and prefer one with knowledge of typewriting and stenography. 'Written application required. Box MOftty. FREBH lot of Chocolates received last night by express. Also Chocolate Al monds. James B. Dawson, 103 Middle treat. JACOBS' Raleigh Rye Whiskey Is the best. Mlddl street. OF INTEREST TO MOTHERS. If yon bare a poorly, weak child, aad want to make Its cheeks rosy aad ha eyes bright, give it a dose of Laxative Tasteless Cblll Tonic three limes a day, and If be does not gel fat and strong we will refund your money. 0. D. Bredham, Druggist. Wetlera Beef at the Oaks Market to day. Western Pork Lolas ot the Oak Mar ket today. Failinr Vision Inevitable. . ".trance to say while all parte of the body Is growing the eyes are going lack, this begins at the 10th year bet does ant become manifest natll aalddle life; at the age of lea the eye passiitt near polat ot (8) three laches,. (SO) tweaty four laches, at (80) thirty, ty i arses, at (40) forty, laches. ' v" At this period the near ef close polat has receded beyond a comfortable dis tance, beoaeee of a Batten lag ef the eye. iIa a hardealag of the leas aad a weakJ ealag ot the mescle governing II, Ihere- fert as the power of nsaklag the lea moat eoavea I removed tad as the eye' hiinmai taller, Joe mail set that trou ble sow steams and aid meat ha bed from some enoree. u - U m, . Betes as aad art bat bestowed M Whk that aid la (lasers which adds too vesky U the tyt aad reeuat the aeer polat to aeomfofUUedletaere. J - m Yoa tea get them l-ie toriomly by ' . .J.O,sUTa,Jr, i , ,i OradtaitOptldaa. , .'4 . jnly Cktrance Sale'.:- 1 tvery thing tamasery mast go, prlre . WIU do U, as left overs with aa. All White geoda, alike, ribbons, embroider ' lea etc at from one-third to t half of regakr Btkee, BABrOfM, ' ' Jaly OcxriBCt Sale. ' . Temorrow, Meo4ay, varte eer wg- , kr Jaly CWase fele, evefythlag fa stork tee UM Hi mmmrf Is tew're- daeed for a.lck sslliag. BARF' KITS Ncrtwjs and Fremont Explains Koa-Ajpeartace. Whs , , It H ll&mt r Rt Odts, Taesday. - Hlc sfthe 6am. " - - ' No rain dampens tke bate ball Interest la New Bern. Yesterday Manager Clark was busy on the grounds, getting them is good order, and last . might the busy Manage bad bundle of letters : from ostalds placet, all asking for dates with New Bern. -1 . : And' among "this mall ' was a' moat friendly letter from the Manager of Ua Fremoat club, which told of the receipt of the tickets Friday at 5:80 p. a., which were teat, or so reported, from here on Thursday, bt Wire. Some one le to blame for this delay, n4 It la not tie New Bern dab maaaga- Mount Oliva will be here Tuesday, game at l;80 p. m., aad as lit. Ollvr de feated the Parks clan on last Friday by score of J to. 1, tha , club u jubilant and looks upon New Bern as '." fruit." . Aad la this conaectlon, - Manager Clark, requests that all ball players be eat for ,, -toatorresf - afternoon at o'clock, U uniform, prepared for active practice work. - Just what dab wlH play here on Fri day, to noidennliely deiermiaed. Taete will be a game, weather permuting. . Klntton will play two games here the following weeky Tuesday and Wedaee day, July 80th aad Slat, and an Immense crowd may be expected to be outte Witness both game. ; . Ktnttoa defeated Halifax on Friday, by a score of 7 to 0. and to playing great ball, 7 . " Durham want to come here (or two games, and will probably lie accommo dated early la August. - Tht Roauoka Times, of Weldon, N.C. publishes the following which Is'jnst our size, and correspondence Is solici ted.' "If there Is a base ball eluh In the State, laboring under the Impression that weidoa is a soil snap, let tnem name ana give us a trial. ' -The maaager Informs ua tnai ne wm accept a cnaiienge from any dob la Virginia or North Carolina. If there are others la Bonis Carolina, Who remember the famous remark of our great governor on a certain occasion wneu ne met toe enter executive tor our slater stale, why, we are ready to meet them, loo. In fact, we will, meet any dub, anywhere and at-aay time." . The Pish editor of the JopaNai, tea- den sincere apologies to the Parks Base Ball dub, which played here last Wed nesday fa calling that dub from Ooldsboro." The Parka dab plays ball, while the Goldsboro club plays 'quits." It to easier to keep wdl (ban get cured. DeWHt's Little Early Risers taken now and then; wilt always keep your bowels la perfect order. ' They never gripe but promote an easy gentle action. F. a Daffy Oo. To Bt Added To Rain Score. After passing Thursday without any r .la, the weather clerk made op for It, by seadlng heavy showers from Friday a m. to early Saturday a. m. the total preclpllatloa here amounting to l.TS inches. ' . UaderUxiBr; and Embalming. Atteotloa to oslled to tot advertist- meal of II. B. Ballsed, who ooeesds to the business of the lata George Bishop, Mr. Hotiaad premiers to give prompt reliable aad thorough attention to all orders seat him. Abed eomplextaa gem rally reaulla from Inactive over aad bowels. Ia all h eases,1 DeWiU'a Llitlo Farly Risers produce gratifying, results. F. B. Duffy A On, . '; t;1et T "iimn" ' ' y , , Declared a BaaaTapL ' . At aseetlag of the creditors of Mr. . B. LoMu, of linsloo'. held here be- fom Mr, L. I. Moore, vofeiet It beak rapiey, yasterasy eftemooa, Mr. Lofllt wee deelared a baa k rapt, and was gives lea days to lie a schedule of kit assets. -.'" ' Water Eterywierei : .The JovaaaL't repreeeatatlvt ret read list; evening from three days trip through portions of Pamlico, - ,' A H4 foaad tha far mem every whore jg; oatty dtotreased by the eieearfv rains la creaks wart vuealag over, and low leads oovsred wkh waiev.- Crepe are aaistiag very nock from the rieeesfvt ralafaU. . witoatiol Rr. 0delL ' Word was ee1ed here yesterday, of the oestk of Br. W. tV Oddl, fether of Mm, D. F, J arris of lets oily.' ; Mr. Odelfs death ores r red at Qalacy, 111, o Ike ItXh Istt. ; ' . - SELECT SCBOOC . Mies Bowertno will receive a email aaaher ef ehlulrao at her scfool Ht II lage street. X(arMia for tat nest scheni year shoukl be made enw, . , cutem sswinc, Do has mads for yoeag chthtrsa, tad alt kinds of rhtldraalaswliig d,ie. Ap ply to Mrs. W. I CtarhS No. It ( ksai St ; At Use Ju'y Ocarance laic. At Mt sclMiif prlre, gtll( tAj for Fsll It, hbf rape J.' laities kin ti or4f sad U sew I3, nc IltnUtg &f. )i"t. Btnmora. Areyoj Ucjl'cdii'i. TTJ'.r It o Ir; f I yj l(;:,r". It 1 xi' i i j v i-isit. ; : i ' r - i ','s 1 : , ( r ! I i v-c:cs op ins feople. . Tt Capuotwty karat. . . Ed. Joubnal: After reading la your paper the other day the article headed "Otway Burns Not a Pirate;" tht reader woadered if any Intelligent person could be persuaded; Into believing that any dvllixed Bute or Government, had -ever licensed, or sanctioned piracy, : To make the statement that pirates In fested our coast as late as the year 1814 to simply ridiculous, jet It te still more preposterous to assert that the people of North Carolina hoaored and elevated to Important official positions, for a period of thirty years; a well known ex-plrate when these very North Caroliulaaa- had Oae hundred years before that I line, da dared their eternal hatred for piracy by eondcinnlng a Governor of llni BUie. Who was supposed to be on IntimMt irma with the pirate Teach. -Buch statemenU fa regard lo -Captale Otway Burns, Commandsr of tha United States Private Armed rjflbooner Snap- Dragoa, art without fouadattoa In good Judgment or truth, and In view of the aUreprosentaUoas referred'; to, ..the grandchildren of .,' Captain Buret' are doing the proper thing by the State as well at to themselves, la stating the true services of Captain Burns. ' Privateering la expressly recognised la the. Uoltid Statet ConsUlutioa which , authorised Congress to grant '-Letters of Marque and Reprisal" and to the defrnse of a weaker nation against an overwhelming Sea-Power. ? We need It freely la bo I hour wars with Great : Britatn aad the Southern Confederacy relied on tt In the late war. Tha prejudice against It comes from the wealthy commercial element in seaports, who think that wan should be fought out at the risk of the lives and limbs of those least Interested poor soldiers and sailors bat that property tsjoo sacred to bt tver put la jeopardy. JNoihlng creates a Peace sentiment In the breasts of that class so' quickly, as the Prlva- ttr who makes I htm feel; something of the honors of war, through the loss of their property.. Barns' was not a pirate, hul a gallant,, brave man, serving his country under authority conferred un der the brout teal of the government of these United States. - .'Tbs remarkable exploits of the Snap Dragon have been told through Eastern North Carolina for three-quarters of a century. The daring of her brave crew aad courageous commander," as written down day by day, without flourish or or namentation la the plain and timple language of sailor folk labor logbook, have attracted the attenttoa and kindled the admiration ot soma of the best mea of North Carolina. In commemoration of hit services to his country wt will an veil, a monument erected to the memory of Otway Burnt and a distinguished jurist and hlstorlsa will set forth In de tail tome of hit wonderful deeds. The unveiling exercises take place at Beaufort, N. 0 July Mtb. - OABTOniA, iMtMYNjriwUwmnawjf ef TMf7r. KUCAHt Services Today. Bervlcea at Ceatenary Methodist Church today at 11 a m. aad 8 p. m. Preachtnc br Rev. Homadav. of Bo fort. 8uaday Hchool at S p, m. Strangers tro cordially Invited to attend these ser vices. Christ Cbirca 7ih Baaday after Trtalty. Berrtees at II a, tt. aad It p; m. Baaday School 8 p. m. All cordially Invited to attend. - ( f-Reignlar errvleea at 'the Taheraacle Baptist Ghareh today. Preaohlag morn lag aad treeing by the pastor. A. B Hsraly. Baa lay School at I-.80 a. m. The pnbilo cor) tally tavfnd. - 1 . . Chrlstlaa Charon, M. B. Bpear pastor, Preaching today el It a. as, and I p. aa, eond acted by the pastor. Haaday Behool at 4 p. m. All art eordially Invited to attend these tar rites. -, . . ; - rrtaoytoriaa Dhoreh.-Pr aahlsg at U o'clock a. nu ami 6 a. av, by the pas tor, lUr. U. 8. Bradshaw. Babbath School atSp.m. Straagere Visitors sad art eordially larked. Servt iat today at the First Baptist Chareh as" eaeel. Pleaching asomlng aad evealai by the stor. Rev. Ulgsl U Moore. Baaday School all p. ax, aoo dotedbyC.U llark, Jr, Krerybody w si oo are at ell aarriees. ', . ChrUtlaa Beieaee Chareh Services 1 Baaday 1&4 S. m. fllste Leasoa IWr bmo today BubjeetiHTreth" Psalm H9i I Teetlmoay atrvlot Wrdteday t SO p. as. Reedlag mom rpea dally. All art tor dltlly lavlled to attend. Kotlce of DlsMTiiUoa of Cenrtatr. The eopsrtamklp heretofore silatlag WtwtM ramie Oasklll sad Wm ft niadnt laiW the asise and atyle of Tn alsOaaklllACo, It lets Uy diMolrad by aatilaal tMl, Wm. It. itlult ku Sold hit lalrit la Stlii eoptrlBt,l,'p n rral (iMklil and tt! I rtrU htt tMsmpd sH the itctiit and )U! of the stkl enpanarikip. All tht 4eA in tht fit at to he pUl to ftrale Uu till. Tills lae tOth, a.y ef Jx'y 15 )1. Wa. ft. Pl-AP! -t. . . . I i 1 If 1 1 - :;.' t PERSONAL FAKACSAFltS.- Col. W. D. Pollock of Klaston, wet la tht dly-yesterdsy.' - . ;'., ;w- vrr -.; , Mr. Clarence MUler ot Rocky Mount, to yUiting la the dty.-. y J., Mr. Chu 8. Hoillster . returned " from Black Mountala last night, i , '- Mr.4)tis Griffin of Klnston, Is spend ing Runday In the ertyr Rev "B. W. Bpllman, FteM Seereury of Bonday Schools, Sbulhern Baptist Convention, of Naabville, Tenn., vu In the. city,--yesterday greeting Uitt friends, e " - . Mr?, T. J. Turner and cbililren, . went to KipMon yexterday to visit rela- llv-a, . - ; - . - , - Vllw. B H (iulon and Children, and Mrs. John Wslker left yesterday morn log, to spend the summer at Saluda, Asheville and other points In - Western North Carolina. Mrs. J. J. Baxter and oblldrettr and Hiss Hue Howard left yesterday, to spend some time at Connelly Springs, N.C. -" Western Lamb at the Oaks Msrket to day. Healthful in Summer, Our Pods to a beneflclal hot weather drink, beoanse tt Is composed mainly of three healthful things Fruit, Cream and FroMD Water. Everybody knows that fresh fruit to good for you In summer. It Is nature's way of caring for a man under primitive conditions. Why shouldn't It be health full. Crushed Fruit,-Fruit Juices, Fruit Flavors. Cream is a delightful means of taking nourishment which, in childhood, all have lived oh." Ice Cream, Cream, Eggs and Chocolate. Ice Is a necessity nowadays Ours Is iie purest tht market can supply at with. We give you a plenty, ton. Skillfully Intermixed, these three main Ingredients of oar healthful soda keep you from drinking loo much water, quench thirst as water will not; .en courage an appetite by their gentle aus tenance; and in one form or another are helpful to new us, worn-out people In summer time. Bradiiau'b Fountain. NOTICE. Any person or persons holding claims against the city of New Bern, consisting of bonds, notes, judgments or vouchers issued prior to May 1st, 18W, are hereby notified to present tbem at once to the City Treasurer; Thomas Daniels, for pay ment. Interest on these claims orates from this day, July 20th, 1001. J. J. Tolsoh, City Clerk. m . New and attractive offeringa in Jadlea Shirt WaiaU. Eight in the height of the Shirt Waist Season, when ao many women arc preparing to leave town on their summer outing. Wa present tome beautifully madr, ; extremelj stylish and well.fltting 8hirt WaisU at prices , tha are bound to excite your admiration. These are . all of tht "Griffon Brand" which Is a guarantee lhat the art properly eoattraoted and made to fit. ". .' These prices are extremtly Vow and the gamenU ' are adapted to your needs, and are perfeol products of' the bent akilled labor. . - ' A boautiful line of Percale Wtltlt la hsaay ooatbi ' nationa of colors, foil Use of sites that hart been lead-:' eri at 60o: Tuesday Special Price will be - . v 42c. . ' ' The line of 76o values ular styles In fancy waists ; Our I IM styles consist of the beautiful Persian, striped Lawn, Gingham,, CrHMnbray aad Perealea, all beautifully tucked and atitohed and all M -oi-by ttjUa raada to St. For this salt only v- . a, In the higher ffredea wt hart too nanny pxioss and ttyles to quote eocn sparaUly, but prices will b re (luri to intcreating flgureo. One stxvial lot of IJiO VsIsl in very fins ahwr ftfforrd Bwisn, Is blue, belirt, and jiink, art wotth selal nienlkm, fir U Is without ilnolit the rift tutiul hhlrt Wait tver tltowa is New Jlorn at tt.e fpe 1st Trlt of $1.49. A few very P.no White f at Hf (rf.-r4 si tUs Salt, h, i ' t"X f'f I'l'ia i;ane Vet of a Vrry han'lwwie ijiial.lT 111 th l;l!.(l;a L'.Uwd at I Ho af h. i t S f t l1. 1!"" la an tj iHatnnHy k n. k i; tt ymir ! " f a tsry sjvmI lnr. Tke Royal Arcannm. ;"v- J la a Widows tad Orphans Benefit At- todatlon, organised' Jaae Sard, 1877 with 0 membera.- . ,- y " r ... 7 The first assessment called real-' t : " - The membership July 1st, 1001; V tr about ".A-----:fm,'n9 Benefit eertlaeatas Jaly 1st, i01 W " about '.-'Z 1300,000,000 Receipts fiom a sessmi at since "'i orgaalsatloa about -ti -h 63,000,000 Paid Widows and Orphans since ; O'ganlxatloa shout - Xfi ' $03100,000 Receipts from stseaaments dur- . ; ' ' ing;ioooi,:-.:t;-f.:,r4ii,8M.6a 00 Paid to widows aad orphans dar " '" lug 1000 " ' $6jm,t8 01 Uarenaw in Emergency fund. nesriy , 81,600,000 Net eipense since orgtniaatloa about $1,48300 Just think, a quarter of a million of members, and mora than half billion of protection at the small expense of n frac tion over two per cent. : North Carolina has a'' membership of over S.000, Ndw Bern Council a membership of 160, aad applications being pretested at every meeting. Fine Oranges, 80c. aad SOo. dozen atC J. McSorley'a. Kite Oranges, 80c and 60c. dozen at C J. McSorley'a. ' if. n. noiLiANB, Successor to Geo. Bishop. Funeral Director aoA Malir, Office: 22 Craven Street. Fo Sale ! A schooner rigged sharpie, nearly new in excellent condition, carries over 400 bushels of oysters. Will sell cheap. Am quitingthe water business, will trade lor anytnlng desirable, address, Sharpie, Journal, New Hern, n. r. lAtjhBook store:: I TheN. C. Booklet : : No. 3; subject, The i Stamp Act on the : : i Cape Fear, by Col A. M. WaddelL . 6. H. Ennctt. t ooosUUag of the very pop. art reduced for this tele to 50c. 02c. In and Pwits WaiiU, f.w Zrt A $ &l mm aeema to prevail among most persona that the walls and ceilings of their home' rami be papered; or if a new dwelling, unfinished until the plaster drift. V. Plain walls never harmonize with paper does not but the fourteen, b' autif ul tints in which Fvni s 1&aBtAera yuu is manufactured, permit of each room being finished in different com binations to harmonize with tw furnishings and may be altered from time to time at less expense tlun paper. Muresco is economical for the plain cottage and artistic fur a DURABLE. Before decorating obtain our tint bool E W. SMALLWOOD, Hardware, Paints and Oils, NEW BERN, N. C. 1U1S70H All RnmmaT- nroor ia HW ATrTT'P.'n WAV r t aw situa v wa " m 9 v m v aw I &M0 uifjb on ail suits, t rNDEKWEAH AT COVr. Srriveu's l';itmt Klastic Seam Drawers at cont. Only a few Negligee Shirts left, your tfc choice of the 1 .01) and $1.25 values 75c. . X The early cuiiicr gets the pick, so don't de'ay. 1.6. MEN'S .1! 57 IPollocDs Street PROPOBAUI.-U. 8. DEPAIITMKNT I of Acrlculture, OfBce of tha Hecrclary. Wathlaffton, D.C.. Julyll.lOOl. realeil 1 propotalt will be received by the ftecre lanr of Africoltnre until boob, Saturday July tt. 1001, for the arectlan nf a two slory and crllar frama and bilrk ln 1 1,1- Ing lor llxi weewer nurotu, 1,. nn ptrlment of Agriculture, tt lUiirrax. N. I iX, la aositrdsnce with plans ! n.t.r I-' cations whlrh may be obtained ai ibn Ufllca 01 toe uniei or me rtnn.tr uu- rata. WatblnKinn, D. 0. and at the Weather llurvao ollloe at Hatierat, N. C. BMa mutt be sealed and tmlorm) on tavalope "Pmpoasl for Wrathcr Bureau bnlHImt, uailora. It.U.. tmi a lilmtam to lbs rJncietary of Agrlcallure, A'atb lag ton, D. 0. The Department reserves tht right 10 rrWrt say or all bids. . JAUk3 WlLrtOM.rVrrttry t Celery Headache Powders. " Thtrt la ant any better remrdy for headache than there powders Tliey eever fail lo relieve. Made aad told ooly at Davis Pieeerlptlon Phamiary. ; 3 DDirHPii rnnpiTTntf iiiAUiiutuj auuua-.iUii In trUullurw, Knglrtwlng. kle rbanir Arts and Cuttna Mannfai-t- ! arlnr t enaiblnaUun of llmiry aad ; pmctire.nf atndy and manual traln ra. Tnltlon a yer. T' lal eapanas. Including clothing and board, am, Thirty trtM-nnrs, f ttudmU.' Kail aeaaioa bglne ; lUteibor 4th. ' for eatakn addrtet Oso. T. Wlastiie, rrtdit . . . H. C. COLLKUI lirlcillif 1 4 Michile Aril lAttlQl, M. G Second Hand; Buggioani Log Carls; Three H6r9, One liule, will noil Cheap lorcasb, orontlmo. Apply o ; ' . J. V7. OTEWAIIT. - m UUI VOll HAIsX'-'- Ajr'y to J. i. iiauthku), Kw , v. . the furnishings, and very often 0 mansion. SANITARY. - , literature and prices. oooo mm i atMtMjaisvr w w aji a mmrw aF T uoats ana Trousers. WEAR, Excursion to Washington And Baltimore. Mr. H. E. I'lpsln, of OdliUlMr.., I. advi-rtlilng hit big nirurtliin Anj;.it (lib In Itlrhmnml, Wt.lilnKlon anil llalti miro TIih fare Iroin (Inlilthnrn lo ltlrlin'inil anil return It $'i ?ft; from 0ld"U)rt in Wahhlnlon ami rol ill n Is $..?."'; fruai (i.l Ulxr to ItHllfinore trul return It I7.t'i. In onler to glre the peoplo kIudr the A. t N C. H. II. an opporlunitjr in k" on llil ecurtnn Mr. I'lpkln will run an exlra train from iew Hern, letrlng Mat Item on Tnetday mnrnlDK, Ancu-i t al R o'clock. The fare from Now Horn to Gnliltborn and return It $1 Ml, rarllet gnlog on llilt rmnrtlon a III btrs ample time tn rltli all public liulli! Ingt, ptrki and plwrt nf Intnretl In Itlclimnnd, Washington and Haiti orr Theetcunloo will rearh Waalilngton Taoulay alghl and leave, relurolng Kfl day ssorning at S o clock. for fnrlhrr partlculari tec tlr. A E I'lllman at (latklnt t'jrlt rinmpany't A Good Tonic. It no eeed s lonlr. try our llef, troa and Wins. It U a conllnail..n partlcoUrly Ttlotble in tho trealmtnl ( dablllly attcndril wllb Iropovailtlirocnl of the blood. It pmimtiet illrtlloa Ita proves (he appclle and gtrea energr totst taurt trtiiant. uaria rrearrip los Pharmacy Bingham School, ' r pRiNtlK OOUKTY. For HandwMttflr lituatraird .catskigiis sent free, address, - , - ptaaroa UtrS Usav, P. L , -. ' rrrtiwlrot, v; Jf kf ebene, K. ('. ' Pollock & Credlo Uvtvy, Ft4,alo an4 Cschanre NX I 1 I 1 I I & CO.. i O 8 5 mm Tho CIlTA,rEQT Turnouta In tho city. I.T0. 70 r-v,U!i rrcr.t flTtT A, 'foLp et all rr ;;::t:..

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