. .ir:!::i!:.:V--f Y - -Vlf fT V?: 'Vi'" tr 'VOLMIX-IO. 88, ;,-::M,.h ! - - miw buv. r c.; widnksdai MORSise, jult ut. i8i,i- TWIKTIITH TliR ' REPORTS DNFAVOIUBLB THE PARDON MILL. 1 .ft V. .1' ; I 1 ISM That is if youlofoe me. v O O O ; O fc 111 13 - -i that it takes money to cary on business successfully. You do me an injury, whether inten tionally or not; in delaying settling your account. So I ask yon to please make an early settlement. HACKBURN 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. Vade. Mecitm Spring; KTOKl.H COIUfTV, 5T. CL Affording more than 20,000 gallon! per day. ANALYSIS ORAINSPIR U. S. GALLONS Potassium Sulphate .5423 Sulphuric Anhydride (808) 47.9940 Sodium ()lilorle 1.4837 Lima (raO( 85.4338 Magnesium rlv.lphnt HLftDSS Magnesia (MgO) 4.5312 IJaicinmOhloriilo 0 6490 Iron(Pe) 8902 Calcium Snlphat 04.5B31 Potash (K20) 2982 Calcium Bi-carbniint 11.5 85 Soda Na80) -.7768 Iron Bi-carbcnato 1.3?95 Chlorine (CI) 8.Wja Lithium Sulphate Traora Lithia Li2( Traces Silica 5539 Silica (8i02), .5589 Organic Hatter aud Volatile In- ' Carbonic Anhydride (UUJ). 0.US7Z organic Matter 5.8720 Organic and Vototilepnorganlc matter 8.8728 Total-Grains, 105.9454 Above analysis made by me shows freedom from surface water and quite large amounts of Sulphate Carbonate of Calcium aud Sulphate of Magnesium. J AH. M. 'WHITFIELD, Analytical Chemist.' Richmond, Va.. Sep. 4, 19(10. Total-Orains, 10S.0448 From the Analysis of Dr. Jas. M.Whit field the foregoing figures are deducted. THOS. OLARKB, A. M. Ph. D. Nov. 27. 1900. Cind University, Germany. Winston, N. October iO, 1900. -After quite an extended experience of. prescribing and Jteting re sult of Tinrious mineral waters, I unhesitatingly think this water trie best renovator and "builder up of them alL For Scrofula, Catarrh and Blood Diseases generally it is almost a Specific. Too mo.ch,in my opto loo, cannot be, said of the curative properties of Vade Mocam Water, - D. H. PAlTON, M. D For sate, by F. S. DUFFY, Druggist; Juio -lid F?fT'F?ilFi7?iin', - A Frfh lot Small ftg lUms, Breakfttrips, Pie Ko' Ham ' and English .Cored Blwulders. 7 ? ) ' Av. ; . If you want something ttlc try' our $ moked Pork Pau- sag packed In oil, 12o lb,nhey ore all right We also U a full line of Canned MeaU, Vegetahlfle, Soups, etc,-. ''.r,; ' If you want good bread, try oar Sre, and 8c Floor they can't be Wl any where. " r-T 7. We are also headquarter for Fine Batter wd Coffoe,iOur Morning Glory Brand of Coffee fo. I, 2, $ sod. 4, at 20c, Xxi 9W luu ew yri jnjuuu ia ki wto iiiunr . t : . V t. Give ei a trial and we will guarantee to please you Youra for buslnem, ; " V;-., WholeaaU .OsWI Retell Omar, ' 'y riioil C3. ;. Cor. Rroad St, Ifanrk Htia, n i I n o 1 1 I i i ri ft' e5 low Crop ; iTerages For The v 4'd: Ss4 Private Beaks State SaylBge Aske to, Beport Sckerne 1 'for Kext F freea'i Tomf. j ; Basest, Ieiprovestest 1 Bo4 Issse, nRiiroH. Jqjy 8,-The Jnly crop re port for North Carolina, baaed on re- tarai from 1800 1 coreipondeate, '.was iiiaed byoommiBsloner of agrlcnllure Patterson today. . In reply to ioq ulrle ae to the condition of various erupt as oompared with that in average- yean, cotton la gfVen at 70 per cent, corn 74 tobacco 73. '.These sre very low flgores. They tell the stbry of the damage dose by the torrential and frequent . reiue. The report givet the condition of apples as 67,. IrUh potatoes 7S, sweet potatoes 88. eardeni 85. meadows 98. The corporation ' commission calif for sreportpf tb.ft,oondltlo of tsssv- lngs.and.prifste -banks up to tne close of busineM July 15, v K. 8. Finch, who claims ,to have, the option pn the Btate's swamp lands, Came here toaaa, accompanied by jus at torney, W. O. Maxwell, to go before the State Board i of Education, which doss no appear u5 be disposed to recog nise bis so ealled option, Governor Aycock arrived to day from Morehead pity snd wlll be here the re mainder o the Week. He says he ei peots to go io 'Camp Aycock" at WrlghUvllle, July 29, to see the Second Regiment. ' " j Special efforts are to be made to In dace the State Firemen's Association to hold lt next annual meeting, and tour nament here, Raleigh; not 'participating In the tournament, and having Virgin laatss' the Judges.- - .The people here sre soon to vole on the issue of " more street improvement bonds. There Is aa effort by anti-bond people to defeat the plan. At the first eetlngothO anti-beOd. people only thirteen were present, and. at the last one, seventeen. This handful' called oa the aldermen to know - w b at atreeta they proposed to Improve, etc. A bad, complexion , generally results from Inactive liver and bowels. Id sty such esses, DeWltt't Little Karly Risers produce iratlfylna results. F. ft Duffy A-Cc'vtiii" '. V '' Gold W &M 1 fe Delay by Strikers. ft t-i WxsifraiToirJtiy K.-fThe Newport News BbrpbsndiifSj Obmpany hu gltefi of the receirtjtrile amiet ll; machln- of time oa the warships now building there will be made, based on the time lapsing between the 'outbreak of (he strike and the time of in discontinuance several days ago. , . ,. . The Department has repeived so no tice thus far as delays .ceased by the strike at tome of the large ateel concerns although It It anticipated that tie con tractor having warships-, In their yard will anffer torn delay la scouring struct aral vteeU'Thla 'adlreot -delay- oauted by iirlkeS,' ss'well u'thaj ecently re sulting from itrlket In yards of ooatrso tors, m laksa Into, eonsideratloa by the Navy Department la grarfllbg exlessloa of time on-warships.'" -V-y .Those famous litU pills, OeWUt'i Little Karljr Riser compel yoer liver sad bowels td do Ibelr duty, that glvlag 700 pure, rich blood to recuperate yoer dy. . Are easy to. lake. Nsrsr sdpe f. K Dfaffy ft CcT J Vv 1 . . STATE SWAXT IANM. t iM-, , . .... State Beard EdYcsfloa Ceoxtlerinf Tne . .SutrklcktsteTnca. . ' fULsiea, July Ik The State Board of ldoator-aT l(alrbe proj- osltloa atsde by X. V. rTvtKrwkcelalms to bold; aa eploe pa aHibe. Blate swamp land, 10 terrendsr the option, If the board tlgae deeds for ' twenty-.thousaad acres. , " : . .. ' ifie has bargain! te eeO blew the IsOae to htm Cf, ad M CarVwst ,'onaty, bleb he ttyt sgirvg ale oe boodred Ihottaaad acre. . lie Claims thai oa tea tbossaad 'acres sre la Umber. ' The Board eaaalssoaily ' dfelded to tasks So M for (be prenl, ' The board I hating te .iaTwtlgatlos made by UWII Knflaaar Jompb MoKaa. The OotamoT tr if ' the Ditrd finds epoo sort y the tlenlng of the r!el eotlnjailoss lo btus't IslarMU, aa4 M Is d rtach. It wlil mtk dl foe the two mW for whlrb b u els .... . , . , 1 I ! )" , b i 1 1 ' V , Weatherproof. A good paint for tzarehou: barns, etablra and all out building. ' . Elastic Carbou I'aint for your roof. C3, 4 Oirlpiie pttcati Falcltn, f r'l t JooreaJ. . .... v"nilTTa, July IS Tb tom ! w. ... todsy.la (' Im'nn core Ci''i! 11, l'!l"ljk a t , .. For Crops - Durior Past Week; MI as 'Prevent Cnltlvatlon pt Fields, j JUtxiaH, July "21 The remarks of crop correspondents for the week just put are ' generally ' quite unfavorable, and Indicate considerable injury to crops by excetslre moisture and only tllghtlmprovement In favored localities. The chief objectionable feature was the Urge amount of -jaln, occurring about the 15th and 18th, though at many points showers fell on every day of the week. Parmeit hardly had any opportunity to cultivate crops, which have again be come very foul: and 1 betides the Wash ing of the soil by heavy rains, bottom lands have been flooded again, necessi tating the general abandonment of low land crops throughout many counties The temperature averaged near the nor mal or slightly below, snd there were no extremes; the amount of sunshine was deficient. . General Injury hat resulted ' from th abundant rainfall, which entirely pre vented plowing and obliged many far mers to. lay by crops while Very grassy. On uplands and on stiff, impervious clay soils somewhat better, conditions pre vail, and where cultivated such crops look well and promise fair yields. The advantages of small farms, which are more easily kept clear, appear - nnder such adverse conditiona as have pre vailed during the present season. In few northeastern counties (Hertford, Gates) and generally In the valleys west of the Blue Ridge Mountains the condi tions hare been favorable, though rain Is needed In Swain, Cherokee and adjoin Ing counties. '' The general condition of cotton is not promising any where in the State and the abandonment of grassy nelds con tinues; however, where properly cult! rated cotton it doing fairly well, though generally making too much weed, and not fruiting rapidly; cotton it shedding forms badly In many localities; in some counties on the eastern slope of the Blue Ridge the crop Seems to be blooming and formlnit fruit more freely, but for the Stale at large the concensus of opln Ion la that the crop Is very inferior. Much corn on bottom lands was de al royed by freshets; on uplands the crop looks fairly well, though aome turning yellow; the weather has been too wet to finish laying by in good or der. Cutting and curing tobacco Is progressing slowly, with many good cures reported; It is large enough to cut n central counties, which will be done as soon at the rains cease; tome tobacco U poor and hat ttarted . second growth, Wheat snd spring oats in shock have been injured by rains, and much of the crop which was housed while damp bat moulded considerably. Sweet potatoes. peeuats, Held peas and rice are doing well, though the growth of grata and weeds sre threatening. 'Melons and encumbers are rotting; aome water' melons are ripe. Fruit it alto decaying, especially grapes,- Bay-making has been Interrupted snd many meadows need cutting.' Transplanting strawber ries It under way. Pjloaoii Reptiles snd Insect Sllngi aqd bite cured quickly and surely by the prompt use of Fnaar Davit' Pain. Ku.Mta.If you have note bottle in your home dn not lose a moment In pro curing one, as yoqareapt at anytime to be stung by polaoaout Insects, snakes.. or bitten by centipedes, Oe by direc tions on wrapper around bottle, .Avoid substitute, there Is but oe Paln-KIller, ferry Da la'. Price SOc end 60c, . .. . THB MARXETSV The following quotation ware receiv ed by 1. S. Latham A Co, New ' Bern. Cotrotcr v Opes, High, Unrs Close Js1iki..i 'M'i "V " T8S Aug T.M . 1 -. ; 7.41 Janean..,A Tee (,. i .,'; , ;ri , -'w .! . t:.i:a Wnsajn- , Opea. Qlgb, Low. Close CoasW Sept... hlber- . Set. Btocsa; , , So. R y Pfd. U.8.L. R. 1. . St. P ..... Tst. rac .. Ass. o. r.. Open. High. Low. Close .'. vH'v ,' m Open. ingh. Low. Close .. TO' I .t-e 1.79T ,Kw fork, Jaly M. .Opes. UtgbLow. Close Reason for Pardon. Why There are Bore Criminals. Secretary Pearsall i; Explains. Governor's Position. Ritsmn, July 23.-5jow Walker at the f sbroary -term, 1899 ot Iredell Superior Court - was convicted of , larceny of twenty-eight dollars worth of goods aud sentenced to the County roada for four years.""" He Was "pardoned by the Gov ernor today. The. new pardon rules do pot apply In this case as the application has been on file since July 10th,. The rules' only apply to applications made from and after July 20th. The reasons for the pardon of this man are sent out In the following letter; 'This Is to say that Joe Walker, ool- ored, has tuberculosis (consumption) and is now in the county jail, brought there eick from the county chain gang. His disease Is contagious, and he Is, there fore, a menace to the health of the other prisoners. Very respectfully, , Hehby F. Long, M D , Superintendant of Health Iredell Co." The Board of County Commissioners petitioned to the Governor for the par don of this man. A letter was- also re ceived from Messrs. Armfleld and Tur ner urging the pardon of this person. In their letter they state truthfully that It would not be humane to keep a con sumptive confined In jail this hot weather. Mr. P. M. Pearsall, the Private Secre tary of the Governor, discussed at some length the matter of pardons. "He said the fact Is that the records show that there are quite twice as many persons In durance vile, that Is In the peniten tiaries, county chain gangs and jaile, now as tne re were, aay ten years ago. This does not show by any means that crime has doubled in the Slate. It is ex plained by the fact that In ton years our population has Increased a great deal, the number of criminals therefore In creased without the per cent necessarily increasing. Another reason explaining the In crease In number is the lact mat ten years ago there were very few Counties wjtloh had the system of working con vlcts on the county roads. By this sys tern many are tent to the county roads ho were heretofore fined and In some cases iafprlsoned, In others with per mission lo the County Commissioners to hire out. Now all of these and, Indeed, I expect more, aro sent to the roads, Thus, as heretofore the said number of persons subject to the pardoning power of the Governor has very largely In creased. The records of this office show that there are more applications on tile for pardons of persons sent to the county roads than from the penitentiary Sixty-two and one-half per cent of those pardoned by the Governor since he hu been In office were either In Jail or on the county roads, and tblrty-sevsn aud one-half per cent to the penitentiary It very often happens as, say In the case of Joe Walker, that the convict develops consumption, or some other contagious or Incurable disease, and the Governor moved by t spirit of simple humanity pardons the unfortunate. Upon a mo men It reflection you can readily see that th pardoning power of the Governor Is the equity side of th criminal law lknown to all student of history that the hardships Incident to the ioflstlble spplUatloa rule of law developed great many year ago the equity system which I now part of our clU Juris prudence no such system exist with rforac to th criminal law. A too as lb eoart adjourns th jurisdiction of th Judge oyer any person tried on. the criminal side cf the docket cats, sad, but for th pardowlog power of the dor eraot the atac of th court "would bsvs to be carried oat to it letter Judge ''are human, ' snd therefore Habit to maka mistakes, as Is often Ibe thlele, admitted by them. Thes too, facte develop after the trial that are aot knows lo lbs ooeit at -the time Of the aralaaea.. V i i '- ) What eosld be mere awful than for U tp be eeubUtbstl tbeeoewreoa I lane cent after being eeotewcsd to death with ao perdrmtfcg, eommutlag or ' respltlsg power la lb hand of any dlof cf the . AIL I tsk h vrill admit Teat Ul powet aught te lodge somewhere.' think oar ecwsthstlM bat mad the bt prevteloe for this power by glvlag U to tbe Oovtrwet i twt toe ae It exist Hs U krr, r Isdaed with aay Mroa. ar ffnoai the aam wlU i4, 1 . K.9 41 t .121 Itl IM'l . 41 18 J NICE LOT niODl Owned Mullets JUST RECEIVED. Fancy Cakes and Crackers. Canned and Potted Meats of all kinds Fresh Clover Hill Print Bptter. Fancy Cream Cheese. Imsorted Ginger Ale on Ice, 3 bottles for 25c IJig Hams to cut, and Numerous other good tilings to eat, nice and fresh. (Jive nie a call. Yours to please, J.L mm. Wholesale eft Retail Jg eji Hi timVtJti.l.tltJi wnH:cr 'Phone 91. 71 Bread HU A Very Stimulating. 2g In warm weather good cof- iJJ fee is tonic and stimulant, 4 gentle, effective and necessa- ry. Our coffees are very appetizing, and repay the e buyer iu his rxpecUtioim of a delightful drink every time. S We are slill otlViing Royal e lilue. every fifth jxund free. We are still holding the fort" J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer. Phone t37 Thursday, hug. 9 OPENING DAY At the Planters Warehouse.. We will have plenty of buyers, with the Orders ior your tobacco, and you can do as well on this market as any in the State. Build up your home market by bringing your tobacco here, ii you do not get as much for it as anyjrther market, we do not expect your pairootsge. Come down to the opening and keep a coming. Sales every week day at 1 1 o'clock. J. M. HOWARD, Manager. S. B. CTJRBIN, Auctioneer. To Cafcfi'FtsT Mr" rpos 4 ai t.OfiO UW. . ' rstrM,iuly-Ag ..,Oct-Ho.4,Uw roar HM'girra. Psm w Qr.cUWl Hnrcltvnrc Co. C I T'jr r I ! Y i i r.Mt trtrk but rr. Tt.'. B.l. P. ,l ' 1 f n : I ? -1 r . . ' o ' 4 ' ". !, ",' ") 1 !. ... 3.-"'0 liable M crttlcUmor UiflreeU,' I kaow all abrtut eaeb ewe lb si ba bwa - W or lb Onrersor, and SM tar tbtt k hu so an fclsule, noe-ba b tiarclted th power ton fwelr. . I beli" thl will h adn.lul bv afoe who af bav ta lrd to eriti U lbj wet ls prasMslua oflbeftnUM be to. . I am not mtklsg this slslsmmt la Jro of tbt ()ci(or, b Sdt bod, b knt nllilng shoot What J MT. I Stn Jo i firing oi ! th i't e f tirt.f b4 iBTMtlfSllo tlo.l ksr Wa la th or.r. It I p0" tint tan ut ll.lt nor ny olhw Dor. ms r (I'.IrH Of title., bol M Inr.g as OiiTtrncr Aycwk Is !tUxl with, h n-t'.r tU r'.rtlitil-. be l'4 etrc.-Ie It at i.'s J ,-!f.nt ed bl '. luxe n.tf t'. fi-m It: Wuf I'm, 1 a it' . . . I I . ..- 1 , ftn. kimi rrt aa uoUt is ry, 2?Mi,ln't b lJ,rl or ipntT Itiit H slwniUI Ik, (mI. hfnat llkrly Jum ko that tiirh an mi 1(1 1 mn b 'UIO 4 Ivm. 1 mind say1"! Vtfit Mit lona, kt that ha Bie Was Unb f f Fishing 'Tachfei In th clr. W rart t lip VMUt Us nl Has Hall n1 Bpvrttt UonCt. ' Iwtsv In ftKvntJia. rraaaawa, SNrviwi iiomm. Iwoonurwa, Joa futrviK, RraN PVaara, BtAt Pkaataa, Vs i-sj Bijiii it w tair, . t :.()TICT- 5 EV t lU'tl-.J r.f?5w Rt, fV.BiUUn, J r I bnft-U, sol'. f"J '! Of. V(-)i 1 tti. .r..f In -t lt, I?, r hr.bj I M'r.l Ii rrit tt 6 to th .; t ( 'f T"i rr, "p. ' lil"', f" t" ) 4 t. Nil".' H Iko-S f's U ; . t-m v,: J'r -- Mi r i ' ' i - , E, C. D. & 0. D. LINE. Da eecodht of th annttal reptirs to the fvet !, the wilt be hta'peta. rlly wltMiWww I ratal eenrlM w 8eai day July l3lh anUt fartbfr snUee,' -' flsinn faw abtsee tb gitaarat Kw bwne win esfi st II s'sbx-e, oa, n Tartars sJ frVbiTS, snaktef stops a Ortewtat, Ba !ibui4 a4 Wap Bboihwsy,' -h ' OtO. KM DEW 05, wa . Ww n;d, itttf ib"iioi. For Hale! A Vnslrw tbat In anyone beia f.w Kndrl 4l'rs aty oaaw, eaa buy, ' trvt atm'ot d"Wl thalr r1 la rlfh k,r,ih wm, U,i I will rT, et aw hI y""t Miufi'Viry to y win h-o c t llinf . Otra yef mibA, tmd a.'-t-H r. o. v H7. Tl V ; fr f r v I t'J