: fit I 'aO.Ww . .... -y;. ,1'. 'i; f rivs 4i m - ' - - - -J ' , : .j . , i , i t - ' - - ' 1 ,,1 ' t ' ' . I 1 . i .f ' L 11 1 ' ... . - i l-riIW' iBm; H. C.,' THURSDAY M0RIII6, JULY--25,; l9Ht. 3Sn if--if: t'.4 " TWEST1KTH YEAR IAA. . r HBB ISFC3 1 That is if you cftoe. me o o o o ill Efforts to AtoI Barrowlnf Money "For, IfeBti',: that it takes money to cary on business euccessfully. You do me an injury, whether inten tionally or not; ' in delaying settling your account. So I ask you to please make an early settlement. HACKBURW 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. Vade Mecum Spring, . STOKES COUNTY Iff. C .Aft'wrding mora than 20,000 gallons per (lay. ANALYSIS GRAINS PER U. S. GALLON: ' Potassium Sulphate .1423 Sulphuric Anhydride (803) 47.8940 : Sodium Chliirido 1.4087 Lime (CaO( 315.423 Magiwsiiim riulplmte 13.!W3S Magiu-sia (Mg() 4.5318 Calcium Chloride, 0 5490 Iron(Fe) 8902 Caieiura Snlphato 84.5fi21 Potash (K20) 8982 Calcium Hi-carbniiato 1 1.5 85 Soda Na20) 7708 Iron Bi carbonate 1.2' 95 Chlorine (CI) 8.969 Lithium Sulphate Traces Lithla (Li20) Traces Silira 5589 Bilica (8i02) 5539 Organic Matter and Volatile In- Carbonic Anhydride (C02) 0.9373 organic Matter 5.8720 Organic and VolatiloJInorganic matter o.ovao ToUl-Orains, 105 9454 Above analysis made by me shows freedom from surface water and quite Total-Grains, 106.0448 Prom the Analysis of Dr. Jas. M.Whit- targe amounts of Sulphate Carbonate of flel,i the forflgng flgur)8re deducted, Calcium and riulphnte of Magnesium J An. M. vyHl'irtKLP, Analvtical Chemist. Bichmond, Va.. B!p. 4, 1WK). THOa CLAKKB, A. M. Ph. D. Bond University, Germany. Nov. 27. 1900. Winston, N, October 10, 1900, After quite an extended experience of prescribing tnA noting, re sult of various niiuern waters, I unhesitatingly think this water the best renovator and "builder up" of them all. For Scrofula, Catarrh and Blood Diseases generally it is almost a Specific. Too much, in ray opin ion, cannot be said of the curative properties of Vade Monnm Water. p. N. DALTON, M. D. : For sale by F. S. DUFFY, Druggist, If EW BERN, JT, C. JR:;flm . A Prevh lot Small Pig Hams, Break fast. Btripa, Plo-Kio Hams and EngliHb Cnwd 8houldo. " ' ' ; T- y wa .2 .11 I 1 t 1 1 n 1 . ii you wani aomeuung nice try onr rmoaou rofi cau- lagea, iacked in oil, 12c lb, they are all right We also hate ' a full linn of Canned Meat, Vegetable, Soups, eto. 'J If yrtu want good brertd, try our 2o and 8c Floor they ; oan't be beat anywhere. . fc . '; :Sj- r. We are alio headquarters for Fine Butter and Coffee, One ' Horning Glory Brand of Coffee Nob. 1, 2, S and 4, at' 20o,'25c,!; 80c and SAc Der nound U a trade winner. - V '-' ' ----- - - - --j. t 4 ' - 4 Give nt a trial and wa will guarantee to please row . ' - - r Toura for buHlneaa, S WbolMl md RUU Orectr,' - ? PBOK K G9. . Cor. II road A Hancock Hik Z mm nr:n i, Vcathcrprool. A good paint for warohouacs barns, itablfii and all out bulldlngi. Elaatlo Carbon Xalnt for your roof. iosi V OackJU Hardware Co BlUIEH;; feeeai Beirimeat laCap.LTreble AteatfJettiaff letigeit lisaae ; l;yikibVrareri JuiU-. V, ,. tates,vCetUa Averatt. - L' Asfessiieat et Rail- -j-" BUUajaV July ;.34w floptrlalendeiU Uaoaof the pealtentUry. tayi be and the aireetori -are making' ttreaaoM ef fort! to get' through the 'year without borrowing any money, fie aya' be-ei- pecta to beglo gust 1 to rebuild the great dyke at the fCaledonli" urin ,9P the Roanoke whjeh. toe Maj freshet par tially destroyed. There ate numerous breaka, the JonreaVlN feet ia teBEthA ThetwebhA teglmetrt hbw ' fh eanfp at Camfl Aycock, WrlghterUle, makes; gooa anew in point ot attenaanae, nT log584?offloer jndv own "present far dtotyjf X J ..I JM. -I -J. r There is to be a rigid Inquiry as -te why aome iadlgent Insane have been de-. ileoVadmlsiion to the insane asylums, hlte pay patients hare been received. The "matter comes .to a head by the de? nial of admission to an indigent Insane woman while an inebriate pay patient was received. There are gcave com plaints of difficulty In getting Indigents admitted. The plain declaration Is made that preferences must be given indigent! insane. ' The commissioner of agriculture has arranged fot a series of farmers insti tutes during August, covering 13 pied mont and mountain counties. He ei pects to.be present at most of these, and to be sided by Prof. TJurkett, 'the newly elected professor of agriculture , of the agricultural and mechanical college, Prof. W. F. Massey, and State Chemist EUgore. The State Crop report says the per centage of condition ot cotton in this county as compared with an average Is This very closely agrees with the statements made by farmers. " The farmeie are ereatlv pleased bv the hot and dry weather. If it continue the crop report next week will ba more favorable. Cotton's condition fell off 7 per cent in the State during the 80 days ended July 20. The corporation commission sends to the State treasurer Its assessment of the property of railways and other common carrterav-tnls kelnff asYolliTWS!' Hallways, $43,375,670; telephone 1350,807; steam boat. $197,705: canal. $74,100: street rail wav S7MJ)aQ:xaa and eleetrla ,llnhL. i 1 1,000; wief npo rail ma a car $98J72: ekprets, $189,572; water and sewWj, lMai ' total itSfSO; the taxes to Be paid ttlrectly te tha State at 20 oents on the $100 aggregating $112.- 935. The Increase in valuation over last year la $1,700,000. It Is easier to keep well than get cured. DeWltfs Little Early Risers taken now and then, will always" keep your bowel in perfect order. They never gripe but promote'' an easy gentle actios, r. 8. Duffy A Co i Free Trade With Porto Rico. WlsnrseTOK, July tttFree trade be tweee the United Bute and Porto Rico will be proclaimed Thursday. Two proc lamations will be issued, the first de claring the establishment oielxtl Gov ernment la Porto Rico, and the second the estsbllshmeat of free trade betweeo the Vailed State sad the Island. Al though elrll government ha existed for any mpnths If Potto Rico, Governor aim, ap 10 uie time n wtui to vanion oe Beeday, pewpoaety withheld 'low -for mal eetlfloatloB of that feel inn the President la evdev' that the moale col leeled under tb Foreker tot might not beplaeed at tbe disposal of the Porto Rlcaa legislature, bet eoald eoatlane to be eswlVor Ue leneflt ef IbaUlaad pa Ut the ilreetloa oftLaPreeldeat i . - 'j. "A bad.eomiilexlom, tawsaUrsaenlu fresa laactive liver and bowsls. In all ft ' fcW, 'DeWtUV Little Kerlyl Riser produoe g ratlfy1t$ resell. r, '.ire ' i i i " CaTolla eajrqpame v ; Hpedsl fo.Jenraal. ; . ".. ,-Caaauirra, July at-Tfir. was at- uadaiieeef lw tboasand at la day' gasae which wee, woa by ihe .visitors Ra!!glitsa0e 4 reaa Is first inalsg CharlouelraatUBlxla,b anker reae belBf sssde,-' ; , ? Wttatketoa, Jaty 4 W'lmleitoe sad Ttrhore played a elos game, rasult- lag la t lis, to 8. , Ota oallwt slalh laelag, a playvr bad to eetek trala. ' . ' ' Those famonl little eljls, DaWiU UtUe Karly Klame eoapal.tonr liver s4 Uwtle to do tbair duly, U gHln ysa pare, rlr.h blood te recapvrate your edy. Areeay te (ska Nter gripe t. K Defy Co. h' v ' Femhroke laiactkrliig C.;., At a meeting of the Directors f The Pembroke Mfg. Co., the following reso lutions, which were ordered to be pub lished, were unanimously adopted. Whsbeas, Since the organisation of this Company there has been a (mail per cent of the subscribers to its stock that have become In arrears, and . Wbsbjias, Resolution has been adopt ed Jy the Board of Directors instructing It Treasurer to close up this delinquent list, and - Whs-bias, There ia a feeling among the stock holder of this Company wish ing some positive information ss to the time when sotlre operations will be be gun upon the work and establishment of s cotton mill, and Whereas, The Board of Directors be lieve that it is Impracticable to attempt the building of k mill until at least 80 per cent of the capital stock shall have bsen paid in. Now, Therefore be It, Resolved, That the Board of Directors pledge itself to commence by the 15tb, ofHarob, 1903 actively la the work of constructing, equipping and erecting a otton mill in accordance with the plsn of organization of this Company, and that upon the failure to do so they will recommend to tbe stockholders that said Company be liquidated. Resolved Further, That all delin quents who will pay np their - subscrip tion in full to date be allowed 30 days from this date to do so. and those who hare settled with the Treasurer by sur rendering their Interest In the Company may be allowed to pay up their arrear ages upon the execution of note to b care balance due. Resolved Farther, That those who do not pay up in full within 30 days from this date or make some satisfactory set tlement of their arrearages that the Treasurer will proceed to sell their in terest In Company In accordance with the terms of their contract with Company." At the same meeting I was requested to make a short statement to the stock holders through the columns of your paper. At the annual meeting ueiu in March, the stockholders by resolution directed tbe Board of lrectors to olose up the delinquent list after a period, of sixty days. Every meana have been re sorted to that were fair and equitable to get the delinquent subscribers to pay up their dues and to maintain the stock of the Company at Its original amount. In this we have failed. Since this stock holders meeting there has been many questions asked by some of the stock holders, the most tmportaut of which was when we expected to begin the building of a mill. At the meeting this morning this matter was thoroughly tone over by the Directors and the above Resolutions given to the stock holders th information they have io diligently sought tor. It must be-recognlzed by every stock holder that a cotton mill cannot be built without money. That money for build- ing a mill cannot be had unless tbe sub sertber to the stock pay in their one per cent per month, and one per cent month U en exceedingly slow way to accumulate money, baUt the; will be as persistent In paring jn as some of theia are a knowing Jlhe Intentions 'of "the Board of Directors were in no question about the fact that the cotton mill will be built. -- Sometime la the 70's there .was a. mill here that failed. About S3, years hare elapsed since that calamity befell New Bern. Wow If the stockholders la tbe Pembroke Mfg. Co., shouldi by , their lack Ot faith or for any other reason tali to pay np their subscription In accord ance with their contract sad the Pea, broke Mfg. Co: goes ont of existence, I afraid there Is not b child bora la Mew Bern young enough to live to see s cotten mill In the near vicinity of tbe City of Nw Bern, a calamity which I hardly oellev any thinking man, oa'e who has a spark of Interest la the prbg rese and wslfsre of tbe city In which be live can wish for or dode wish for. We can assure yon of oar good faith, sad we esa alto estate yon that' your money '. Ibal" I being Judiciously Js vetted, and that wbea the time oosies that s mill will bt belli and placed upon a substantial bests, to that It will sot be wrecked because of being belli epoa paper alone. ' Therefore, , cast your bread opda the waters, sad ' yoe shall Bad It after many day. Respectfully. , ... - " . P. H. Pst-LITis. ;. THE MARKETS. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. B. Latham 4 Co, New Barn. N.O. . ..V Oorroii-iJ,S July.,. Aug Xct...r January..... ( NxW Toftx July 84; Open. High. Low. Close 750 , 7.41 7.44 .. 7.50 7.97 7.48 7.49 78 7.78 7.40 744 7.60 7.80 '7.45 7.44 7.60 Wheat: Sept.... Coaa: Sept.... Ribs:- Sept Open. .. 731 73 Open. High. ..57i J7i Open. High. .797$ 802, Chicago, July 24. High. Low. Close - 71 Low. 50J Low. 797, 72i Close mi Close 80i Stocks; Sugar... So. R'y Pfd 82 R.-L 140J P. 8.1, '.. 12 St. P 158 Tex. Pac 41 r Am. C. P New York, July 24. Open. High. Low. Clone 142 143 142 142 140 121 158J 41 139 12 1501 39 82 139 121 1501 39f 29j Liverpool Spots 4 19 32. Sales 7,000 bales. Futures, Jnly-Aog. 4.28, Oct-Nov. 4 15. PORT RECEIPTS. Same week List week last year. 40,000 40,000 Thisweek. Sat. 3000 0,200 Mon. 7000 3,200 Tuos. 5000 4,200 Wed. 8000 5,700 Thurs. 2,000 FrL 0,100 7,400 The piles that annoy you so will be quickly and permanently healed If you ase DeWlll's Witch Unzol Salve. Be ware of worthless counterfeits. F. P. Duffy & Oo. REPORT OF THE CONDITION . or THE NATIONAL BANK, Of New Kerne, N. C. nt New Bern In the State of North Carolina, at the close of HiixIncHS, Ji ll Hth i0i. Be io6hce8. Loans trtd discounts $ 309,000 7(1 Overdrafts, secured and on- secured 8,786 18 U. S.'Bonds to secure circu lation, 25,000 00 Stocks, securities, etc 70,052 09 Banking-house, furniture, and fixtures 11,000 00 Other real estate owned ... . 13,1109 70 uue from National Uanks- (not Reserve Agents) 12,802 6:1 Due from State Banks and Bankers 13,409 10 Uue from approved reserve agents 29,067-4? Internal Revenue Stamps... . 700 00 Checks and other cash- Items 8,490 16 Notes of other Nstlonal Banks 2, h 35 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 939 OA Lawful money Reserve In Bank, viz: specie hs.hku oo Local tender notes 10,000 SO 43.680 SO Redemption fund with U. S. Treaa'r (Ojt of circulation). 1,260 00 wasa yoe weal a mooera, np-w-aste physl try Cfcsmberlela'e Stomach Sad liver TabUt. They are easy to take aad pleasant lo effect Prion, M orate. Samples free at T. 8. Daffy A Co , ding tore, . , .'. CASTOR I A for l;.'iit end t...: n. r--t t x" f - r.:.'i-.ur tf U v. , . 4 . i ; Suie Quieri. Bpacls) to JoursaL " - . HUios, Jolf $4 The Btale ehartere to day tbe Bistort, Uoreheed City sad Oenoose SUamboet Copny, capital $S,n0O. with breve , te taeraeae lo Also the Enterprise Packing Corn- piny of Beaufort, capital $4,000, lo pack (Uh, eraba, Oystert, fruit Sad fg' ttablr. ... . . ACtnLO EfiJOTJ. . ; i - Tbe pleeaanl flavor. (n tie actkia, nd toothing (flct of fyrnp of Flf. h la oed of t lai nlva, and It lb ftbT or moihrr be eolv or bilious, the trimi r'.ir;p fMultS follow tit to lt)l It U tli bt family rvm1r knowa t 1 vsry fm!!y tboM kT t bnli!. tta rrtnrl 17 h t.;:ornla I rj";i Total LIABILITIES. $.', S4 1 41 Capital stock paid in.-. .'. . .'. . $100,000 00 Surplus fund..... 70,000 00 Undivided profit, lots ex Dense and uxet paid 8.913 96 Rational Bank note out standing Dae to elker, National Bank 18,700 00 li.set as Dae to State Bank and Banker, .v. 1.77190 Dividend unpaid.. 8,140 00 mtnvMUMdepotlt sabtoct to check tlS All 71 Time oertlflcalee of deposit 117.888 S3 Certified Check. . II 80 Cashier's checks' ODUtaadiat .t nn su.bi.) 67 - . Total $548,4J 41 State of Rertb Carolina, i r.nnntv At Graven. I . I. U.U. itoiiart. stabler oi I lie almva- earned bank, do toltmnlr swear that lb : ... - .. . a toovt tiaiemeni w ire to tae Dctt pi my inowienge ano ueiiti. i . H. HUUBK1H, Luuier. - Bubecrilied and eweva to before VUlt n uy oi jyir. iwi. . . y- t . , . THOMAS J.MITCULL, S. P,k . LoaaarrrAttt, vTv i V.jltMse A.BntaJluJ, 4 . X. a. r)reaopc - . - - .. ..... -Director. , T Foreclose Mortgs.' C BTATK OF FORTH CAROLINA I .. i CKAVKN COUNTY. I . . . . - Poptilor Cosrt. ' . U B. Cutlsr, , . .... , Deary W, Xelslif ead wtf Jtsel M ; -v ., noTicii.i The deftsdasU shave J4 eotkw that aa tclloa aalltted hu ba tvienmaxl I the lp(lor Coart of Cr tonnty te torerlott 1h hont atMl by tba to U I'lala tlff epos tbe hkod dWrltwd lo aaid oi"r'rf. and that the td 1.fdoU wtil fnrUitr ! SMIr that tJ ar r- IE inTsPnR'PSMnirpii AJU 1 Ull 1 UiUU um .: ' .... Corned JUST RECEIVED. I Fancy Cakes and Crackers. Canned and Potted Meats of all kinds Fresh Clover Hill Print Bptter. Fancy Cream Cheese. Imsorted Ginger Ale on Ice, 3 bottles for 25c Big Hams to cut, and Numerous other good things to eat, nice and fresh. Give nie a call. Yours to please, Wholesale .ft Iletail roeier, ? If nilffflf I J. k MCUM&l, 1 1 'Phone 9J. 71 BrGad HU Very Stimulating, ' 5g In warm weather good cof- " fee is tonic ' and stimulant, gentle, effective and necesBa- try. Our coffees are very appetizing-, and repay the buyer in bis expectations of. a delightful drink every time; We are still offeiing lloyal Blue every fifth pound free. We are still holding the fort; J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St Grocer, Phone 137 Thausday, Aug. if OPENING DAY At the Planters Warehouse. We will have plenty of buyers, with the orders tor your tobacco, and you can do as well on this market as any in the State. Build up your home market by bringing your tobacco here, it you do not get as much for it as any other market, we do not expect your patronage. Come down to the opening and keep a coming. Sales every week day at 11 o'clock. J. M. HOWARD, Manager. S. B. CUREIN, Auctioneer. To Catch Fbh iwlll LkV v a hoT. " me kind f errwrttu it ItHMln't be ekbnrate ot laewatve but It shoold be good. Ho likely jt know that anrh aa tivtfU xti.b otHala- 4 here. - Dna't aaaad aaytM rtght on lonn, tno ttat we nave me Baat llae of ' FtshJna tck!e la the r!y. W ry ka b locate Un el uate Pan ana rporttnf Wnmt, -. wjt.;t.iui.iv,V,' ttlM la Bmcim, frattaara, aVotrvuee ot, rnoaooaarwa, io Patmisa,. RraFa lTr I a at paaaea,W . ti-) ft Hit bESJl, .' c NOTICE. A.y of keldUj tl' nttlr4 to .rir tt th. am urw of th iltfl Ut c'lty'ef l?w r, eossttUhf utlof I oort M Mid ( aaiy to be . . ' h.ido, ttetad.Woad.r afi. h frt (of Wd, ant-, JHtot or ewexbtr. MusJh In fWrerr,'r, It l!nf Ik. Ifiik fl.y cif ri'l" .;cr, 1'I, at r t'n.'t ll.rtiM of M'inW In ,S llra, N. ('.. nt mvmf rtr ff.rtiir irtfh. a''it H7 In !4 ati'-a .r tbe . trp'y I" "'!'t ti th 9 r d m . - I In ' ! " " ; ''- l li.it the i.h .'.r ' l 1 t. "l . W.Vt V A T C. g (,' iMttd print te Kty trt, IT0, art bervby Sotinfl W prMal tK al 0M4 te Ua CTy Trktnrf, Ti"it ft! J, fol pV m.fit. InUfMI na tk'e cUlmt anu. fr. th! lj Ji'j r.s, Jw-i , ( : y C ImporlaDt Notice! E, C. D.& 0. D. LINE. a tt BttarMW Hhm the will b. Wrapora- rtty wllltdrawafroea tenke oa Bator day )al tstb aaUlforUwr aotiee. ' Durtng bee abs re tbe I Wait Rav. bevwe wta salt a tJ Vlnek, aor, aa TiteaJafi e4 Frtdayt, oak lag stops st OvMris4, sWaale labwi ad Kat Ud botb ways. ; s ' . " ' ' OtO. BRKDKtWOIt, irate, tttw ftt,' jr.t, iery it, tn. ' For rutvl A Casio U4 to Syatv bawinf a l bat.Jr4 di.llata wr eata, taa bey,.', ttt alacwt d'mble tSM samoj ka tigbl. m-mi , tfcla 1 Will M-ns ee aw mW pMtnot aaturktnry U y wilt f'ir Mllinf. Qhrtywet . s4 t-i r. o. p-s ; HI 71 lftm.t.g tT vzw una, w. cj Co.

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