f IS1 ' y .THE 30UkNALt " Monday. t atkJdle strati. Pw Ko. 8, ,'" v& -CHARLES L. 5TEVENS.J ;. - JOBSCRlPIlOil RATES- Ooejear, ia adraac ..... ...... MM OoyM,,o4 la advaaea .. ,-..; '$M Moathly, by carrier In tba eltr-..., .50 Advertising R.twf.iraiad.aa;;H; . altoa. ' ' 'V ' ; ' J V ' '.t filtered at-the PoitOttfla, w Bar If. 6., as second clus nutter. (lineal fafar of Sew Bar M4 ,.' Crave tiaaetr ' " Saw rW. N V. Jily 25. ' NEW BERN AS A SUMMER RE SORT. Far Ibe put two weeks tbe newspaper reports record inixlmum temperature ranging from IM 10 108 degree; in lb' cities north, west and eoiith. And daring Akrl eajBrloAataaiiaaiN lmum temperature lii New Bern was 8V degrees, and tbU only no one dyv th average temperature being near 8J de gree. This exemption from mere hlght peratores, just bow, ia not an ordlaat). one' for New Bern, for tbere are few daye at an; time in the year- wherrlne heat ta unbearable and auch record at are now being madeanaaay point ere unknown here. Tbe proaluiily of numerous rivers and large bodies of water ia doubtleaa the cauae of our equable temperature and the long reveka of ptne forests have a modifyl Influence on the climate. Whatever lb veaaou may be, tbe result is satisfactory uvtns oliizeiis who may mat. this Ibetr home. - ' The nights are great iea'ai of New Bern life for thee W rarely on tbot'te uncomfortable! AaiHgtt cbngiu-- to night he temperature slowly- shaka until it reaches a eomfortabl poiat for si tea. Thosei eltisen. favored with aparameuls overlooking the- rlvere -aaf that thej ariuftr from heal at ftigbvf that -there Is always a breeze to be fell from the water, and: Ibe state cauae serve to modify the climate In all parts of lb town. The point here made for New Bern a summer resort Is one of temperature because that- U tbe engrossing theou these days In all parts of the country and people are trying ,ta sccotrat for sacheootds as MB deal ia Ik ahsda by telling of tbe spott on the sua and other phenomena. Thar are other points that might be made but lh ques-4 Hon of beat Is the telling one at present HawHaiii. . We offer One Hundred Dollars 1 Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Our. F. J. C HENEY CO.. Pprp., Toledo, U We, the undersigned, hsv knows F J Cheney for Ibe Itat IS years, and belle hla perfectly honorable to alb haisiaese transactions and notarially able to ear rv nut any nl.llpetloae made by rtiMr inn, WanT t Tai ti, Whnlrtale Druggists, Toledo. O. Wiioixu. Kis A M sa vin Wuole4J)tSlU, Tolh0. Hall's Catarrh Cur is taken laUraally acting directly upon lae Mood aad ai rbus surfaces of In ! Prlc 7IUI. pr bottle. Hl.l by all UreggUU. TiatK aaoalale free. Hall'eFsajlly IHIs are the beat ; The Ileal Ultar. Waahlagloa. Jely U-Tba waatbat berMa.lA df i4iktaa a ahalaaatai la t a hot wave-at lb aorth aar)liai stale aheses day ta teaaaaiak la ta hlgaaat la tbeTstoty of la ka reaa. Trtsbifj f XlaUter. To bel maef Rev; J. T. W.' Var. aoa, of Bartwed, U r1li. "fa loag ties I bad a raaalag aor a my Uf. I trted assay laMdM ttaM beai,(U I aaad a bottle of CtewtrW Bttlraa4 1 lot ; of BaakWal 'tAralca Balva aihlca aaiail M aaaad aa4 wall ' Bavaa, KrapHoa, Baiw, tttsaa. Trtiee, Mall Raaaaj show latpara htoaj. Ta aaad hav foaa4l Brattrlt-tttttefi graad Moml fartSaff that aao4aUiy ear- laaaaHroaalaa fatajraaaa a U gear lead Of aaoaaf rafaadaAbf a D. Bred ka , Urgt WUtet aaly We, . Pyrac, ia'y ft -The IWket clp. araUw loed4f Wae ta aathaaav- Uekata by aay etaev lhaa, teUwM ageatt of raibaad waa dnlea4 a a. aoaatltrtloaal by the VewllaU dfvletch of the aWatwaae l art at aftarajoaa. ' ' v "1 wlahte Iraiealty ataaa w aad , ta rW f I Wee few Vbm lhe yew ' Kodoi OraralafJara I Khl ae thra, la heat aa4 a are fof drpoe H tkal I hare rvav I rtart with aad 1 have ait ay ! twr" ttw iafca tVaa,eta1 kMloaet. 1. Re aeeaarattoa a M Pft'l Car ee R eiJN a!) the esrl 41 geetaata It will ' l ' ! t 4 tm-4 aad eaat half Vat a-) ld. f. A tHtf C . ttWfisltf'Mltlii Tti Ouv'nor (ta the cheek autr-l'T oftaa vraittwi t lenow who ran tbla houaa, the cook or I; but now I know. ; Servant Ctrl Now I ahall be told the ark of ihla beat dinner aor v Ice 1 I've beetr dying to know ever since 1 came! The Cieatlcman Running I've often wished ta know whether, tbla dog bltea, buttahail taeVout aoonl ' "I ank-indowtad to On Ulnal Cougt, Cur for my present food health and an life. I wuBBtfa rata by doctor for lung trouble following lagrlppe. I took On .HIbom Cough Cure and re covered ray haalth." Mr. E. H. Wise, Madison, Qa. F. 8. Duffy A Co. Tba.Mastnal Manka. Washington, July 88 - The Comp troller of lb currency to day called for treport-of the-ooadttioa of all National baukt on July 15th. Notice to wfiWaen. There'a postlvely no need to endure J-discoatfort by reason of chafing, sun- barn, Insect sllugs, aor and perspiring feet or aoeidaotal brutaet. You forget lees troubles In nslng Bucklen's Arnica 8alv. Infallible for Pimples, Blotches. 8kia KruptloaaaBd Piles. Sold by C. D Bradoaaa, 84 oeate. y (Jo.aruor rr Porto Biro. Wubington, July2S-The Presldei t decides to appoint William II. Hunt, at praseat Secretary of Porto Rico, to succeed Mr. Allen as Qovernor, upon tbe retirement of tbe latter. DeWlll'e Witch Haul Salve should be promptly applied to cuts, boms and rM. It south- and quickly healn I he Injarod part Tbere are worthless counterfeit, !) sure to get De Will's . 8. Duffy A Co. WliaThten Atraia of Caw. It will prubablx not anrprla oar readers ta ba4hat moat Spanish bull fifhtiar abilact ( fighting cows. Tbe real re ion may, however, astonish tbni. A partmaniike bjectloa to paraecntlBf a fessale aoimal ha aotV Ing whatever to do with It The fact la that tbe average toreador 1 etncerely afraid of a cow. And he ha good reason. The cow of th hair wild vraadjiaed tor the arena are. mock quick .In their movements than are tbe bullar Thetr born are euore poiated aad bmc formldsbl. They do not lower their bead to th grauaid abut their eyea mat cbarga-ltk a locosaottve apew tbe ralte. bat. are alert tad 'ready to fblVrw' every move- dmM of tbrtr pracra? TMirhraa Ilk tactic have beea adapted not to blind, bovine free! attack, bat ta the eW every ef active aad-mnalag beaata of prey, or which the admaa bullngKtee I ooly a feeble nlmle. If the ctteap Idol of th Spanlah pop ti lac woo Id far-7f aad eetr IM aow which kaaVtoat beea robbed of their ealvaa, tb7 might perbapa forratall tit butra- mi aJ t ,woad ai any rata. a athlBg to earn their laarl.-Ptia ItTftat WwlaV j Ma Dlaarraey ia atedlataapak eraaied aaa oaaraar of tba laaeitimsswf baa . haw fiaatd f rDey Ktag'a Maw Otsrasery eo kaaafHlor, Ji'au amraat'' tea aaraat Maw oav hofaiaat tlethw of Coaaaaiasiowrl leorTPrla'4at- avrWeAlafa, vhaaavta -wa a-4a, has sisama t4 perfeet haWt. Fr CavagaaavOaldt). Aatkak, Craajga Btylms, ill aaf WheoptagCwaaw tl a) thalctteaJ Hte4awreral4akiU'Habf- C. p. set ajhraajiaiiai atfi ilea at tafaada am y. large Whi) m aad IL0A Trial botlle free. rilteMtg.Jaly U-B auaaaat wa laayasUlalsv thby alt thai lately eueasl halaaVa henaae he tfteld aat dla lo4 Xarlf aaa af Ov.tlegM Hew Ufa nrr oald have ls-vn iwiagaWs thtc r ahawtgeaikB. iis ia latlUOoai, re.i u i f yaaaia ' f rlaa -at, Maay her df - laiaVhy ; U adlaaveVaggtaW , .. '. ,- CAPUoin . Cures Hczchcs ran Ei'iLt-.ts;i'j::2T?. D.csta chit yexcat Tbla preparation contain all of th digeatanta and dlgenta all kind ot looov ligivesKMLauvreitef and never falla to cure. It allow you to eat al! tbe food you wanC The aiaat sensitive stomachs can take ip. By lt use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after every thing else failed. - It prevent rormauou orgs. on luestoni sch, relieving all 8tremmfter eating. liciiDgunnecesssry. x'jeasantiaukev lttUUa't fcaylaV-.'. - 1 out am yeu aaaai rreparaaontror K.v. I raw m ft no. tMiir iwn. nuww coowiine ais-aiineii uie sou. kfci F. B. WJFFJT-4 CO. ' Olaaaoaae lu Mrtoorltar.- - . The lur;je?t Iron uu-tforlt.-s come from tht-cnuyon KIhMo. In Arijoua.uu.l were- dlKvevfrvd aboot ten yeara -aatN' Of this fatnons "falll' Professor Ward. the notdrnl history collector, baa aeveu large specimens and 20or more smaller' ones. Tbe surfnoe of tbe birger tme Is covered with indt-ntntious or nlta scooped ont by a chlsuL Sometimes holes n-ore-thus bored entirely through these openings that the specimens may be suspended for more effective dis play. The canyon Diablo tneteorltts are remarkable lu being ne of the two known kinds thnt contain diamonds. The diamonds are uhrcS and mlcre- scoplc ninl have no conitiierlcal valued- New York Post Heartburn. When the nuantltr of fond taken ia nwi large or the quality too rich heart burn la likely o follow, and especially an if the iligestion baa bean weaken nd b constipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Matticate the food thoroughly. Let all hours elapse between mealt and when you feel a fullness and weight In th region of the stomach after eating, Indicating that you have ealen too much, take one of Uhamberlaln'a Stomach and 1 Iver Tab Ms and the heartburn may be avolde '. For sale by F. P. Duffy A Co. Very Cloe BfoatheaY" James Stlllmnn. the millionaire bank er, has the reputation of being a very close mouthed tunn. Mr. StUlman ia the owner of a yneht, and one day he asked Frederick I. Tappen of the Oal latin National bank to go out wltb him on a crulae. Wheu Mr. Tappan re turned, a friend asked him bow be had enjoyed himself. "Oh," ssld Mr. Tap pan, "we had a very lively time. W were out five dny. and Btlllman apok to me twice." New York Times. You can never cure dyspepsia by dieting. What your body needs Is plenty of good food property digested. Then if your stomach will not digest It, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure wlH: It contains all of tbe natural digeatanta haaoe moat digest every class of food and so pre I are It that aalure can lie It In nourish ing the body and replsVtng tbe wasted tlasnea, thus giving life; hearth, strength ambition, pure blood and good healthy appetite. F. 8. Daffy A Co. riahfcMk. "Here la an article," aald the hard war dealer, in eonrermttoa with -hla customer, "about which not on man Id a hundred could give you any Infor mation other than naming it" Be laid 0eoed a box of flabbooke and held one of tbe little barbed luatrumenta In U bands. "It would oe doubt ur- prta yoa," b continued, "to hear that l Philadelphia ahw over 100.000 of these thing r aold annually. Curi ously enough, nearly all of our Hah hooks are Imported from England, al though lately there baa been on fac tory located at Akron, O. "Th Englbtk book aU Com froaa ajvsllag cllatRodlte aa aiw hwaaV made, hundred of NvtM ohmsets M employed- to Dto-aud polish Ibemi- It seem to be ou Industry wber aaa. calnery ha Mot yet copplanted human Bagen."-PblUiMmla Ttmea. Daring last May aa lafaal child of oar aigbbor we affrlf froai cholera laraatnm. Tba dorlnr bad give ap all hop of recovery. I took a hotlat af CaaatherUla' Oolle, CaoWr aad Diar rhoea Hdy la th bows. tIHag tbeaa I frit Mr It weald do good If aeoordlagta direct lo la tare day Ilea th child had furly rcwvrd. Tba child I toe; tlgoroa aad baallily. hv raeoaMBoaded this tsassjy frwqaaal ly aad hav aever kaoaa . to i fait If ha, Ceana Baawa, Book waiter, Oh la. Mold by f. 8. Oaf y Co. Iowa's Kara, y tJ-Th Caaatlts lloa wasdmewr th Ha thl asc tag la ta rao atih U ColaatM. There It a (04 wlad fro th aoath. , tAalTOnXAt ' f2S Basaaal aaBal BtaoaaaBssBA oad - - ' bt awpj wowapj ajaBBosawgyv aaai sawB) rhfUdelpht. Jaly M OafUlas of ta ola V easels m day report aaMaally heavy fof dartag lh peot tw,y, aad lra-tlai etavatert pasted a Bisroas tot her f, Arurra, fl , ir a. hav fcaadtad Df. Moffetl' TI .1 HA (Teavkref fnaraWrt) ever slottlrat!atrodallra Id th pahll Sad fed aa pmprtoiary MdtHe,ad oar trad t h ha atlllr taemi froas year to year aeill mt orHer aew aatovat U lw Of ihr hfr1 put fr year, ttVI l Very atmg tl p ot Hi BwtU Bad IK MtlafoMlo ftleg'lg to tke ai(h' of il t.. try, f tk.f sty t!,tt a'l'.'rf hi', . a; j t -HK'nrn lh a " ef ti. :!. rtf"t e - tae rif ii?iifi- a,. l a .'.. n toH-taot tl t ' ' r T,i t i.Ak'n At .t r i en.. traahaa gase44f ; Wheat U . linkH u atarai . King Edward ha on very aotlceabl Uttl. habit tamUiar TO all thoW who W lntlote wltb the royal clrela thia ia that hie uajeaty. whenever hri annoyed or angry, invariably Com mence to pass tl left hand tbtragtrrT rauy and rapidly dowa bu beard. Many years aga before bis marriage to th Princess May. in fact; the Duk ot York lived, naturally, .very mnch at Bandrtnghaa.' At that time-he and hla stater, Princes Uaud; were, aa they are ow-, the graateat of frienda. aud Whenever either of them reuulred aay apeclal favor from the Prince of Wale they would invariably , help each other to obtain It" Once the Duke of York bad iiromlned to a sir the "(rnr'nor," as beometliurs called his roynl hlshneaav td allow lYtnceM Maud to visit for a few "Any some frleuds wlio llvetl Tatli er far from rhindrtntibnmj The h4bwss -bntl frequently asked. but lu vain, and now the son and heir had proitiHied to do his beat. "Oh, fa ther's In tbe garden now by himself." Bald "Princess Maud to tbe Quke early one tnorntug. "Do go and ask bin). Ton promised yon would, you know!" "AH right!" cried the duke, rushing -off to fulfill his promise. A few minutes passed by, and then back be came, very quietly and thoughtfully. '"Well," eagerly asked Princess Maud, "any suc cess?' "Don't know," curtly replied tbe duke. "Haven't asked bim yet." "Why not?" plaintively queried Prtn cess Maud. "Well," replied tbe duke. 'yon surely don't think I'm going to ask' the 'guv'ndVna favor when he' sitting lu tbe garden pulling'-' hi beard!" Modern Society. The Best Remedy for Stomach and Bowei Troubles. "I have been in the drag botlneu for Iwmty years and have sold most all of I he proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all stomach and bowel; trouble," says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. This remedy cored two severe eases of cholera morbus In my family and I hav recommended and sold hundreda of bel lies of It to my customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and aura oqre In a pleai.nt form." For tain by F. 8. Duffy A Co. The Praree Before GottTShwve;. General Daniel Sickles told a story Illustrating tbe tenderness of President Lincoln's heart as well as his faith In Providence and his beautiful optimism. After Sickles had been wounded at Gettysburg he was removed to Wast tugton, and the president called on him at the hospital. When the general described the battle and tbe awful slaughter, "Lincoln wept like a child." "While the two armies were converg ing,", said Lincoln, "I went Into my room and prayed as I never prayed be fore. I told God that If we were to win the battle he must do It, for I had done all that I could. I went from my room with a great load lifted from my shoulders, and from that moment I sever had a doubt aa to the result W shall bear good news from Grant, who aaa been pounding away at Tlcksburg for so many months. I am In a pro pltetlc mood today, Sickles, and I aay that you will get well." "The doctors do not say so." "I don't care, Sickles, you will get well," persisted the president. And that afternoon, Oeneral Sickles goes en to aay, a telegram waa receiv ed from General Grant aanoaaetng th fall of Vlcksburg. HI own recovery followed. A Wav on rtnaaraaaVOVaotaaaaatOaaaaftaa Bi;nj6TOUIarOaelia or OlxaMct a4l haaaa u Olm. i.TVar tu nxi Can JbTruat f IWT axon aae tiaa IIBMaaaaoapafalh wiioiao aaiiaot paaua ot aaranIM a Ma, vaaal SaaaJtaa aaoaalo. (aoaaaaaarr, WaSoooteZ toe w rea a Wrtn aMartM(, Toaenl' toaao taaa.Hr Mjam mi oormm.B. . at. (ms uvaa m wVJX21lZ511 i aaao, i i iltitr ai-fwa ft otiieiao a mT3 v r. p, ourrr oo. Notice of Dlstolntioi of Coparlaer ihlp. TV eopartaertklp aaratofor e slating batweta raral Oasklll aad Was B. Bhaaaa aadet lh Baas aad sljt al Fer al Cask 111 A Co., klhUday dissolved by asataal coasMt, Wat. B. Blades ha old hit lalaratt la aaU) ooarta1ilp to rarateOaaklUaad said Farala Oaahin ha aesaaaed all th debt aad ltabilltta of U said oopanaersklp. Alt la debt 4m Ik Bra to b paid to Feral Oaa- iov - ; . , This ta fOth, day of J sly HOI. I FERX1I OARKItiU " I ' Wav B. BLADK0. . - Bailee f tliiolitlei tf Ci Fill TV eavpartMrshlp hereto fnr ettaUag bet wa tV W. a rate t roof aad R. U Haspkfaa, adr the aaat aad sty I of Arvkatroeg sad ftlapklaa, la Ihla day dlaeolvod by atolaal aoaeeal, Mr. Maapkla baeaold hit latoraat la aaad eo-partnership said B. W. Arac trwg, aad ld K. W. Arattifnag baa aiaeaao I all lh debt and HaWlltle af aid eo-paitoortklp. All lb debts da h iraa t b Bald ta Me. Arwtlnang.' ThU lb 10th day nf Jaly. I0n. X. W. ARalrJTni0; K. U "taTKISD, Th hattnea herrlofor doa aader Ik (rm Btaaf Araoraf aad lmp. klaa, will la folate he vMidoi. by bm, aad I Mk tH eoellawd pairosapa of lh filo.li pf tl.a iImii Urai, a it all St f iirnti, f fm'.'xs ta r''l aay hl t"atlf n lh-a ft !!f St r.y ttora, ft l tl K'l lie ri, b W J '. K W, 1 ! tornoi aaaaaaaaavrtaJaaTlff Baaa4aiawsSoal aa Bit I,';! M Oi. CHildrea are constantly exposed to all aorta of dis s. The air ther IneaBik ia filled with germs, sewer gas aad dnat front the filthy atreets are inhaled into the lungs and taken into the blood. At the crowded school roTjaaa anV other public place they come in contact almost daily with others recovering from or ia the first atagesrol cratagHou -disease.- Yott-cant quarantine against the baOaaaetaf he world, and the hestjou caw do ia to keejc their bided in good condifkar; "and thur prevent nr -t mftigate the diaeaee. You have perhapa learned from observation or experience that, healthy, robust children (and thia means, of course,. &)&amt'V&olitoi)iMt nearly go Kable to .contract diaeaae peculiar to them, aad when Uicy do it is generaMytMtHMld-fona. On theother hand.-weokr emaciated and sickly ones seem to eatelt every disease that cornea along. This ia because theirfclood is lack ing ir aH trje'elmn1ecBry' td sustain and build up th body.' Pofcowef every -description accumulate ' in the system, because the polluted and Sluggish blood is unable to perform its proper functions, Such hildreMerla Mtaod purifier and tonic to give Strength aad vitality to their blood, and-3. S. S. , being a purely vegetable remedy, makes it thd safest ttnd besfesW the delicate constitutions of children. 8. 8. S. iot only a perfect blood saedieine, buHs-pre-emiaHitly the tonic for childnett ; -it increases haeirappetitt and strengthens the digestion-aud aaaiadlatioei of food. If your child ren have any hereditary or acquired taint in their blood,' give them S. S. S. and write to our physicians for any information or advice wanted ; this will cost you noth ing, and -will 'stattthe little weaklings on Ihc-foad to recovery. Book-on Blood and Skin Diseases free. TMB aWHT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, QA. mnmnmnmnnnun Harris Lithia Slrongest Natural Lilbia Water on tbe Market. A Perfect Prescription from Fatme fur all Pneass uf the Liver, Kidneys, Bladder and Blood. v .ni ..... ..a D-i. a. ...I i.n r.......;.,.., ... JLSWtaiiJ uhjiucuu.u aiiu j Everywhere for Hrijht'i Diame, Albuminura, Cystitis anil (irnvil. Nutferers from Rheumatism. Gout "Harris Lithia Water" the most effective remedy lebtiiuonials from physiciaus and patients tliat eliminate all iue,tiens of doubt sent to any address. ai a Table Witer Hanii Lilbia is Unexctlli-.l, IT IS CI.ltR, Pl Wl, I.OKI.E6b AM) SI.H.II I I.V Ai in. Still: Carboys and Demijohns, Cases ot lii gal. bottles. Sparkling: PinU and Quarts. MAX L JACOBS, Local iimiiinnixiiii Seven Springs High School! Splendid Location. Large and Com- modioua Buildings. Drinking Water Excellent. First-cbut work in all departments. Board and tuition, rata very low. For further intomatioa addieaa, K. A. BlhtPKUsS, Prinoipal. Bavta Hraliaoe, N. C TRINITY COLLEGE '?z mz ty-0v gradnatar' aad undergraduat eoaraea of atady. Twenty -thro teachers In academic course. Klglit laboratorii-a 4a4oaBdwM'1aHidraTapurBtna. Large library facUitiea. Haw gyanoaaiaBi aud athletle appolBtateau In atat. Baatoaaraaltoa aw4 I aao Faoa). I AUaadsne awarly doubled within th tat aavwa yaarai Kipenae very low. I he beat eolleewils'tla ow that uaTeta a- - atadeut th boat advaatagoa. Head for caulogaa. PBICBIOBnT UUri, Dcaasai, H. C. i i Piroperf y Fr Kni. laav aoToval deeirabie tor sal, ttaalad ta lb boat Kit of lh Oily. Abas br af gaod lldiag lou la goad localiiasa. . J.l.WOLrXBDKM. The Farmers. &,MercIiaDls BaA.tftTaSw- Cspiul,' tirpiaa aad Irflts MAiAA . AMJL Mttv lMh- Wkat War Main OawvPar, aaai WmOtllMUfaV Tkrt Baak aJl lar owataea tpos t4vw"aabaaJa. It I f rarwoo ia Mat- JataUy aad liberally with alL- . Weoarefally Baf are trd tba latoresi of Mr aooloaaora, MoeoovaT, w fr- ,otty Haakaewa ta toe; ' t anrtasltle ofioa t a ia Miaaa ihU waya, aad yoa aaovr-4pol b ouoaioorallo. W r BM oMtantod to ovarlook Ik fans that lb twtarrwst of the Itaak aod tkooa f la roofiat arwdettsly BMd aav rasbof , ) awao- kf My attsai oiratd. Taie iiaak K a a rotlly for Will. aoA atfetf ker lw, till th anwaf Uaa of rroi(1ot. M lit )M Be o loevtiwHa o( Moyr tpo left whbteoetWi Wo eaep lv tooao T tnaa we ernetir L4lr of Oadll foe I tM'tiftt irieia t at to h proeipt, pregaa) a) InraJ. Is tie tatiler of amanaao-lallnot, tbla Fa! lnat ' tqlfaoot Wltkl a M.Hta-f rr.ial taahlr II it t)' lii. alidad with at at s p o. a ?u ia evwsi'lef U. i '.!.' f r I l. (.m'r no.- la l i f 'a. p wo a ' i r -fr t'-!, j :.- 'u ..I nature t..t I h n r a ''? ". e la 11 miininxxxiiiiiizg Water. 1 4 icaiiinrii uj i ...iiiniii. , iijii 1.113 k 4 and all Uric k c ill F.iiniin will find f ; MI,1 liV Alois UKAIoKllN. Illstrilintnr. nxunxxnxxiiixiiixxxixixxi NEW BKKN CONCLA VK 480, Improved Order Ilrplssopbt, meets 2nd and 4ih Thuraday nleliia, at H o'clock at Komi tree H-lf. Ir. E. F. Kaily, Ar, hiu; J Tnlaon, Jr. Financier; den. I), (lordui-i (secretary. NEW B1CHN LOIMJK No 1,F II A (' J. ('. Hen lea, I'reat; .1. II. .Snlili He cording Hey;ll. It. Kill, KlniiM lal H. , hleels In the Knights of IUriMmv it all every 1st anil Kril Monday tilghialn e-u l. month. CKAVKN UIIMJF. NO. I KMliHTH Or-.llAllMONY Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights In each monlli In Knuolree's Hall. I'nllnck atirel, al 7 o'clock. J. J.VYotiendea, Prealdenl; It. J. Dieooway. Hee'jn K. R. Hill. Flnanetsi Hiiriret arr tits' time to put up Preserves, ' Ifaana't Fntll Jnra. Kitra Hnbliera. Foenlaui lined Mat I to Pnwrvlag Ket ta. Kverythrng la ttrahtto lonkino UuaMlla. W have a few HavlUml Dwmav Hoaa whleh we will Bell at ant tbla week, aow la ywtr chaos to got ooa. ' As M la getting V.U In the eaani w ogee tVeeo Innra, Window Ri roena. HofHgeeaiiira and lea Cream Fvooaera, eheapov thaa vr, 0me get pvteo. LH.COTLEB D'DJTCO fr twv toll line t4 FrMt4 eV tltUng id tlx l.lthlatnf. lillo atmio. t in, ttotav v ntwhr , lllteurd 4 Antif. thir jnWva t , sod hf n l etlwtiat Iramr enA w u lUit yrfir ..Mlrv V ha thar I U tlw-s fnm pint V tea i) itH. . Twt'a t'y. - i CO wmr, - Vi - ( Southern Railway. Announces that, Iffet-tive J uuc :;ii. Inauguiated New Train Service Improved Meiu it1 JllWiil N Gfllurtoro aod Grcecslmia Which in connix. lion with the Aikinti. ami North Caiidiua Fuilnad j'ivei 8iilendid f ervice t and fruin i ew l-ern. WEST BOUND TIU1NH. N.i. 7-lily--u. II. I.v. New Pern H.ftO a. in. 7.0(1 p i.i. Ar. llohlsboi-o 11. (ii " f.Vi l.v. 0(ddhboru i.lifl " U.itl Ar. Keliiia. - S.Mi ' H'.H " Kaleigli, H.lli " ll.4.i " " Durham, 4sS tl .0a. in. Ll ( reensboro ,L r.lj " EAST BOUND IUA1N-1. No. I'4-Ilally-N. :il Lv. OreeiiNboiu 12.01 a. 111. 12.45 p. 111 ' Din ham 3.3.1 " 2.47 " " Haleigb .. " ?.4 " Pelina ('.41 " 4.4H ' Ar. Uohlsboro 7 1 ' 5.30 ' l.v. (ioldsboro 7 45 ' 5.40 A r New Bern 11.40 7.40 l- ( luse i-iinneclions made at (Ii-i;ii1m for nil points North, South 01 West. Pullman f'ervii 1) - l iain No;.. II . 12, 4-ai ry 1 lillinan Hh-i-pin t ai.. hetwt-Oohlslioi-o and Ui-t-enslM.i-o. I or full infiirnmlioii apply to th I age nt at ra liw-ii. or I'. I . Yhknox, T. I'. A.. ('hailotiK, N. 3. II. II IH.,'K'K. C. I'. A . V ashiiujlon. I). ('. ftnKSHALLHKItC, N C. A College Preparatory School for young men and Itiomen. Uii'l'M the Aiisjn. . tin- Mt'tlii.th r b ii-.rt;il ('linn h A ClllislU'ii limitr lit(iil in eiir - I tltr licr.ltliifst .( ih.ut .-f tli.- -M.n.- A full IX-S .f 1 t 1 1 - tt 11 1. ,i. I.. 1 . Itnillii.' tn-v.lv t u I :..n; fm nitliftl. 1 In- neigh 1m ir In. ... I ;ili..iittly fn r.-dt I lie rrl i 11:1 ry i K f t u hii In sulili.in.i t. th' t' ;;iil;ir ..., . , llnsiiM'ss 1 i'i:u tiiietil iiiv liein Hilil.il which lncludi'H 'I t'lejii-npii y w.l Ing, Hleniitrrnphy hn Uk k. i ini' t-'all TtTin iHlif. e.t '.'im! For furtlit'r I iirli. uliirs mhlre -Ui:V. r. M. LKV 1. .Tiil', .'1. si. UNIVERSITY of North Carolina Till'. UK A It Of the male's IdaralUaal t)tltai Accdemlc Oepaitincnt, MedUliw, I'liarmacy. Hubty Brr srhnlsithla Kr.r lulilua to lcber aad ninltieia' tout Loant for lb aeedy. At7HtdeaU, 41 lattrueturt New DntBAltorira, Wsler Wnikt. ( tn Iral lioatlnf Hyttrtn lltO.W toent In linptPtrmtnli In IIK)0 Bd 1801. Fall lei at begin Hepteaslier (. Il'l Adtlr, T. P. VENABLB, tUnl, A- Chapel Mill, N. C. A 'Summer Outuig Grakiii Academy WlH l aaota) etif.rral.mi yo V Stne iMaatdabaae t Of full, Mil Bod ' AalaltoA tat b arttati anawoat', p4 1 tmit n4 lro nt Ms (i4 antortal ha WiatMia eoa.liMnt ne r trU. thet we will bo fr f ia tho arfrtva . trf St aod HaUh. and I S all W iliat ooly . a an . 1 nta . r eti l l. prl i. or taWwa .vlnilTt cod ir M and " (nnH at (Ol.Ho. I 11. lirt(!v!f l

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