ni t ry r - l The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, aad whldf b&S toea ' V in ll 4A fni" iw SA hum. lias Kamia . Af - - - - wop ww.w. HUD pigll(MiUV - " nas been made underhla pet -ftffi. Mnalsoperrlsion sine fta infancy. t-COCC4i , ATlnwnn rain aIm4m na tm hlal AU Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-soodn are bat Exporiments that trifle rltb and endanger the health of -Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What Is CASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless' substitute for Castor Oil Pare gorle, Drop and Soothing SynrpSe It i$' Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor' other Narcotie substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms and allays Feverlshness. . It cores Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy tnd natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend , x f GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Hare Always Bought In Use. For Over 30 Years. , THtT BWTtllll WWIW, TT tHIRIUV ITMff, 1 VWHI WTW, Beauty is Health. Walnut Lake, Ark., Jan t, MOO. ' I thank yon for the benefit I reoeivea from your edvloe ml the Wine of Oardul I took ia mv terrible eonditlon. My lite wa no pleasure to me at all and I m of no ate to an t body. After reoelTine; your advice and medfoine I oommenood taking it and began immediately to -improve. The palm left aw aad tha mensee, which cam at the correct time, continued threa days. I have gained strength and my weight has tacreeaed. My hnsbaad aaya tha medicine kaa mad aw bstUr loo si a than ever before. MreTlizZIB MANNEU. Womanly heahh naana height eyes, rery cheeks, clear carnplexioa aad elasticity of form ThU is tha youth esaawssured1 by years the buiity ot perfect womanhood. Beautiful wo men arc happier and get more out of life than their sisters whoa facts Indicate suffering; Wine of Cafdal made Mrs. MsancJI "better look. feM" end Infinitely happier because It cured her af those terrible patae. But shelsaaeacepttoa. AYlNEftCAnDlil ta triearuraW wxasvra rai aad freedom from the drsg- gkig pains which made their lives to miserable. Wan tacts, hagcar. eye and emaciated forms are the results si suffering. What suffering, can com pare with the torture of krtfuUr setnstruatlaa, leatwrhoea and falling of the womb! Beauty flees quickly before the ravages of such disease. The sharp pants of felling of the womb deepen the crow tracks la the late. -Menstrual Irregularities rob the eye of Its fire and the eompksiaa of Its tramparency. Uaeorrhot drain the body of It strength, bat Wia of Cardul restores the natural baaoty, arrghbms the eye, dears tha msaaluUsa. rounds put the figure and brings beck the vigor of health. Every druggist hi thi city handles $1.09 bottle of win of CateM. nanMH," 1M wa.raasnss mmmmu wpe.y, ...w.f, m Th4 SP0RTM6 WORLD" A rapalsu- All Aronnd BaU FldyetV - M'ttlio Koilurv Hie cretck tight fielder of Ed Hanlou's Brooklyn Superb, Is oiio of the roost popular ball ploy era la tEe Nijttopal tcafiBo. : "Little Wlllleae the BrooUy'''faosJiketo & bm, la a bunAte of tteel nprings He Is on of the bent timely bitters la Itanlon'o fam ily, and his- raglfj eye Mvei1 . falls 'to spot tDo htitbcr vrhvn ft npproacbra bis territory. : . " Keelor to - an -mausually (rood aU around baU Jrtayer. Hl Bcldlng and . . ' 1 A nir' itoaaatcat. i ' x a Dig millstone monument urer a tnodeBt miller1! grtTe Is a unique eight near Graytotrn, O,- The mlllEtana Is cated In the center of an old burying tround and can be seen a mile away, coming down tbo 'blll. ' - ... It marks the last resting placed a "happy miller of .the old school, who knew not the cares or worries of a rkv IrrR ex falling grain' marketJiut' who ground bis corn and" wheat for' his neighbors and lived contontedly jn his small profltg. - . '. . 1 ; : ' Chiseled on the back of the mono, merit la this poem: .:. : ' v . - ' A nnXCB'S ilOrTOlffiKf.' tA inlllstos taken froa las nuU - Beneath this stona a miller ilea, - Who left tba worM before the-rin , ,4 - Of modem ways of nakiiur Sour x And benee pasted many a happy hour. Be tvas not forced to speculato Nor im-Chlcago's moremcnt wait. Be did not care for foreign trade, " i But sold his neighbors all be made. ' Cables. and telegrams were rare; The owketa did not nuke htm swear. : fimall was his mill, bis profits round; Clear was his head, bis slumber, sound, lie envied none, be wjaa envied not And died contented with Ms lot. Cincinnati Star. why-suffer; FRon;a,gts Grippe fad aB 'other fomVoTmaUdiei when you , .-..i -'-. n be curetf by" - " t . ' r-:?Ml kt 1 1 rt tm 4 , v The wprtJ does oat contain better remedy JrVany wonderful cures, roadevby'tt' Jnts n botne. -Money refunded if it fails to do the work Delight ful to take. . t t Itajti I I UU I CKiiiTcinijj ...- vf . 1 1 -nr - Local Druggists. a 1 : . . A Good Telephone BEHVICB 18 A HU81NK88 NE0K8H1TY, A HOME CONVENIENCE. A COM BINED (oiiveiileure, Luxury ! . Order Your Phono at Orc Service f rub'icltiiiB- -NOTICE t NORTH CAROLINA, I ' laths Crareo Conaty. 8n(eriqrConrt. Dald W II.00 and Polly Ann Wilson, hi wife, . John 1). rlhf pparrl, el al. NOTICE I Thr ilefrn.lant almto namoil will take notlrn (bat a arlloo ootHled a a Hot baa bora menoaeoord la tba Haporlnr Court ol Crovoa oooaty to perloet I be till to iwn earlalr) lou. of land ellaale la lu ell y of Now Hern, N. C. and fao lns oa (lartnaa antl Joaat straau, aad to caaeal aroelala dead in said pro party ' tatpnvporly Osaka to M 6fr1ot( aad the said Wr-DSot will furthoc Uk otlce taal be is roqnlred to appeor l lb nail una of the Hoparktr Coart of sold eoanly in bo held on tbe Iblrd Mor day I a Hrrritsnlrr. 1001, al the enart boo a of aald fotmlr la Now Bora. N. C, aad answer or daraar Uitho oompklnl la all M-llon, or toe plaintiffs will ply to tbe Cowrt for the relief amended la aald rotnplalal. Tbls list oat of Juno. lofli. V W. M. Wawow. . ' " ' ,v v V.B.V, Have You Seen the Living Pictures On Free Kxliibitloii nt Henrys Pharmacy, 127 Mddle Street. Tkl. la I V. a . . Inm .Im.I.m I Ilia im tin M7fini . mi.ww viv.i' the time to prepare for ' the ''sure Doalb" ot bone, aota, roacbea, and In ecu. Hnw? Llalea I Use Borax, nalaral prod union of the sarin, no IrnV porlly ealert Into it original elements or maaafaetare' We have either lima or spaoa to give tbe nameront detailed aaes for which Borai may be need; W ran only soKgost headline, lot. For.ToV lH tod, k$ Madlcloej Ird, U the Laundry; 4th, For tbe IIooao1s 81b. As a Preearvallve; Bta. For Anle, 7th, MlsrerUaeooe. We bare It la poo si packages, aad Ike clicalar.glra U dlf ferrot naee for which It may be pal. Fall line Toilet Articles aad I'arfuta. ery. Physician's " Preaonrriloo earafutlt i-a-a ;''it.I WWW J-' sjsjwavaja WILLIE KEBLEH 8 DATTINO' POSITION. batting ability are well known to bnso ball followers throughout the country. His versatility was illustrated a short time ngo when Hanlon was forced to play him on the third Back. Keeler played the difficult position In Al fash Ion, accepting many difficult chances without an error. Kcclcr Is the Idol of hundreds of tho habitues of Washington p.-.rk. During the Kin nes iu Brooklyn his supporters are never backward In applauding his playing. aaol, 08 1-4. Bred e The Bnrl, SllT. John II: Shults lins bred fiunol. 2.-08-4 (champion record to hlRh wheel Sulky), to The Earl, '2:17 nt 3 years old. The morels now 13 years old, nud this wttf be her swond fonl. The first one lived but a few days. The Earl Is by Mambrlno King, out of Princess Hoyul (2-ycar-old record 20 aud 2-yonr-old trial 2:15y4), by Chimes, sou of Electioneer and llcnutl- ful Bells, seeoud dam, Esuibella, the groat pi-odiicliiK daughter of Alcanta ra; thlra damt 4nnabel. ttn producing danghtcr of George Wilkes, and fourth dam, Jessie Popper, the producing daughter of Mnmbrlno Chief. t Sunol Is by Electioneer, out ot Wax- ann.'"br Oencrn I. Benton, she out of Wsiy. thiighlred ROghtet of I- Ihgtoo. Xh fonl win tracQ .wougq stre And dam Oeeen Alftun- tein,alald and will carry the blood of other great brood mares. Including Al ma alater. The speed Inheritance will be very great, and the renultaat maturity ehovld be a record breaking trottstt. . IDMlIISTHATRIX KOTICC, ' : llaMog this day qaallM as adatlals 1ralilof lb owlet of 1. It, MeDahM. ' tjt)sd.'.AU prrartfis odrbtd to Mid UU are erejoo! 4 id ak aasadlale , MifaMtt Aad alt parson kotdlag ctalsss agslest said oalal are otlftod to prnl the sense for psyasoat mm W fort the Ird day nf Jaly. If or Ibl fAMhw wfll he pWoVd la bar of root). mf. ' - : , : , ntea1ylft. 1MI.. '- , ' , . JINHltC. MrDANIEL, 1 ' Admtalatratflt. a. tltoeaB, o'saaw tl. aaaara, w, ara' .. a,o-aa-. i 5 " , . v - ' r if O A af of jWSaaa4oT. Aw O. ' Oplnf Oeneral Btuklaf BuIm Marrh 1, 101, Horploe sd CadirV . M ivonu, ii,ooottOi Protnp4 aad earofnl atlotiUoe glroa to all btKsaaao owt-Md to , Aotousto rocotrad on fawraUe tornss. I. . 4 Ottvsa Stea-Wrwa, naiwawM w. lpa, Inaa. H . r ww mht, . W. tiralns-v. , . r.e all weasel, . a.irwa. Mark IHontaay. , m. (baa. !.., Jr. iara Hafca, a.wraesa. row. UrnantalL, "Va . Taea i.V 11. Wa'mijirnorr. 'ArcKlccl fi Si;:n:.c:!::l CUan. fair Uwnw, fnarafiU4 ha rha-aiWIly snail (roaa diKi Im wall ad ffe frtas Isnr-artlia. Ko-riajly t totwiavl . r-rrpawa fof kamsa ( tomptloHA r aiirad daily (afcvptyeindaye; t In to a an. Hnn.IT (rMafl oy) T S " U f Mai. For pti and otlr InfmsnUWio, A'Mraaa, ' , Uct7 IcrTCo. Every woman loves to think of the timo'when a. soft little body, all her own, will nestle In her bosom, fully satisfying the yearning which lies In the h sart of every good woman. But yet there Is a black cloud hovering about the pretty picture m her mind which fills her with terror. The dread of childbirth takes away much of the )oy of motherhood. And yet It need not be so. For sometime ther has uen upon the market, well-known and recommended by physicians, a liniment called filers friend which makes childbirth as simple and easy as nature Intended it. It is a strengthening, penetrating liniment, which the skin readily absorbs. It givea the muscles elasticity and vigor, prevents sore breasts, morning sick ness and the loss of the girlish figure. An lTitolligent mother in ButU-r, Pa., any: " Were i to need Mother's l'riena AKfn, I wuulii obtain 0 bottles if 1 had to py S3 per bottlo for it." Get Mother' Friend at tho drug; Btoro. $1 per bottle. THE BRAD-FIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Write foe ear free Illustrated book, " Before Jlaoy Is txrtn' . a a a a a a a a - a a a aa a a.Aaa.xaaa a av A .aa. aaaa . Ff "Sf f f Vf f f f Tf f f ?f f VSFf TTSSf V?f f f f S?f T THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. LITERARY CLASSICAL SCIENTIFIC COnMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL PEOAOOQICAL MUSICAL Annual tixpenses $1(K1 In $140; fur non-msidrnts 'of the rlate tKSO. harnlty of 80 members. Practice and obsorvation fclumi f about '-Tin pupils. Tu secure board in tho dormitories all free tuition applications should btt made before July 15th. ressiun opens Sep tember 18th -;CorresiUin(leiice invileil from tluise desiring comjwv tent teachers and sU-nograpliers. For catalogue and oilier information address : ' President CHARLES D. HclVER, Greensboro, N. C CPUEGF Fni. V MEN TERM5 flODERXTE. FOR BEAUTIFUL CATAUOOUe C ADDRtSS J JV M H HOLT. Oak Ridgk NC I. I. WARD, Attorney at Law, 74 Bo. Front St , Opp. Hotel OhntLtwka, . , ,. .. JSEW 11KUN, N. (J. Craven County Attorney, l p .Cirwiit Cravett, Jones, Onslow, Cart eret, 1 amiico, tlreene, JU'noir, ami tlie Bupreme and F deral Courts. Hotmt Military School. OXFORD, IV. . Elegant huihliiiKs, heated by the Buffalo fan system, securing perfect ventils lion, t'ixleen new rooms for two buys each to be added for the fall term. En- (rajreiuenls should be made early. Annual attendance up to the full capacity and many turned away each session for ho lt of room. ISesl athletic Held, with quarter mile track, in the South. Faculty of specialists with special work. Currlic ulniu preparatory to the best college or university education. An atmosphere of high ideals sin roiiiids the school, as students not preparing for higher education are excluded. Fall term begins September li. Ahc?r:r. nsi Tmi io, zi lo Tats felfoct VaHneaday, July 10th, miel, lb T. QologEatt fioBCDOUi "f 3oiag West No. 8 Faaseoca TraiM No. 4 DAILY, P ;: btonoKm Ar. 40.., ....... Goidaboro 11 06 09, ........ LaGraajo.... 10 8 633...... ...Kinstoa 10 IS 7 40. Ar. New Bom, Lr 9 00 T50.!.. ..Ly. " Ar. 87 9 15. . . Ar. Uorehead city Lr 7 87 No. 6, Pa laonger Train. STaTlOU: No. 6, Pa nitr DVIL.V. Ar. a. m. 1 5 Ooldsboro. . 8 05.; Best's 8 18 LaOrange 8 23 Falling Oreek BEG .Ktnston 9 48 Oaswell 8 55 Dover 9 07 Core Creek 9 21 Tusoarora 9 25 Clark 940 ...New Bern 11 15 0.1. Morehead City Lv .. a., at. Lt.p. u) ... 8(7 ... 744 ... 784 ... 7 24 ... 7 14 ... 703 .... 0155 6 40 6 SO , 622 610 4 SO P. K. Atlantic (Joit&l Xsine. R. P. II. Ifelletler, ATTORNEY Af tAW, Mid lie Street, Lawyers Brick Balldlof. Will practice In the Counties ol Craven 'arteret, Jonaa, Uaalow ana Peinlloo. U. H wrt at New Ham and Irapraui Ooort Dick Claaraaa'a DOSrtk. . Dick Clnwsoti, the famous California Jockey, died a few days sgc st the home of bis parents ln Ilssot'ri rrora hasty, consumption. lie leaves a 'wife and child. 4 ?' T roar jeers ago Clslraon acada: a (reat. repuutioo on lb cajirotaie track. He appeared in the east In 1607 and rode so well for 8am nildretb Usl ke was engaged tbe following sea- ton It SI. C Whitney at a largo salary. At tbe fan meeting at HiicerMuesi Bay' In 19)7 Clawaon was engaged lo rWc tAlouctte, one of tbeirloof borse ttortod for tlie'Foturiry by tlie Meaara. Thompson of Brookdsle; N. J. I.'Alloo tttvws lb dcapleed oml(W of the atnlsM. but DerertltekMS Clawaon got ber feome In front for tbe rich stake. f 'lawaoo was not occful with air. Whitney's borae. In tbe ailddle of the aeoaoii employer and employee agreed to discrete. From tbe time of parting wlttj'ifr. Whitney Clawaon met Ul tack.', lie gained weight rapidly And eiild not get many meuote. f1 tires O-aMrka aWalaa ot."' 'i OOs u ttoorae eara iuaa aw iteancl taltlrgrotjad Bear Mew Toit rhT foe eotniog-Bgnt onwei joe Wolcott and "Dearer Ed" Martin may lake place without polic Interfertnrei fererybody eeeiM to be wondering bore O Rourke la figuring ofl boldlog tk bent, but the gra! optntoti favor CofiaecUcut. rtt kfabtr saye be ) ot blle tgbta be WI4 la Con- actsntt tor aoma tlm Ho come, but Hilly MafllajJ-llIlrD and lfi leffrwe epixHir to Ullere Ibet Mid M oxt. Tbe Bght la qoeetloa U to be lor the fVotoced baerywtight eMnpm able of the world" aod 11.000. ' . v rj r fs IK ?aa 0. j Hanvor bs u that lidwi lrk Young will atarp dowr fre I t H'l1 hlp-f the htkmner4 id in fan. tl Un ytr sern contract etplrre at that time. The tarWo onr ar ! ts) have dridd oa asking tr1ri'it Ktrt to a lid Vest . Intr-fT! dlaavnalon r aactlbad S tbe CBt of Ibl pro Ipitv bxt, 'J VTTL. Slsimeas,', ; A.V.Ward SlMftONS 4 WARD,. , ATTOBKEi aal COUNSELORS at LAW. lie Stan, 1, c - Oflloe 86 Bo. Front 8treet, nearly oppo site Hotel imallawa-a, - JtOoWalso-at Halelgh.) rtaollceln the counties -of Grave. 00 aod wake. In the Bupreme and Fed eral GourU, sod whererer services are noslrea. : : . . 1 , - , . p. Notice First Meeting of Credijors. a the District Court of the CnlleVI 811, for the Eastern Dlttrlct of North Carnllna la tbe matter of H. L. DAVI8 of Wayae coaaty, H, C, Eaokrupt. f f- To Tua UaaniTOM or tub PsmtTtosis, who bu been adjudicated a Pak ropt. Take Notice S ft That a iaetlD of the creditor will be bald ai the office of L. J. Moore, ttaf erne, la New Bore, M. 0., at I, p. ., aa Ike rib day of July. 1901, at which Usee lb creditors nsy attend, prove their aUlase, kp point a Iras tea, aiamUrt the bask rapt aadiaaasaet soch other boslaeaa If may properly tjoan hofoie the naellBg. Hfat in Bankruptcy.. New Bora, H.O.-lo)yU,lflOL. 4 .Ar. Wilminhton & Nkw Kerne R, TIME TAHLE NO. 5, InlCirecl Wednesday, Aug. 7, ltr8, Daily Kxcept Bunday, (loinj; Mouth soiiKUUl.K: Ooing North No. M, Passenger Trains "No. 50, !v. a m, stations: Ar. p m, 1) 00 New Borne 5 40 0 ISO Pollockavillo ..... li 04 . . .Maysville 4 40 Jacksonville 4 IS Wilmington, Union Depot Wilmington: Lv. ... 2 tt v a I'assknokh ft Fbeiobt. No. 4. Leave Wilmington Monday. Wednee- dnv and Friday. Lcao Now Berne Tues- Jay, Thursday and Saturday. Lv. a at . Lv. Wilmington, Ar Hcott'B Hill ... . Woodside Holly ridge . . Dixon Verona Jacksonville.... Northeast. . Whiteoak . . Mavsvllle . . . 215 Pollookeville 7 20 2 66 Debrubl's 6 86 8 40 Ar. New rWne, Lv 8 00 'Daily Kaoept Bvnday. J. R. KENLY, UenersJ Manacor 10 OS. 12 08. 1215 P H No. 8, 7 30.. 8 40.. 9 30.. 10 Itf . 10 61 . 11 20.. 12 OS. 12 80.. SI 55.. 1 30.. Ar. P M ... 148 ...12 55 ...12 lb .1140 ...10 61 ...10! ... 9;. ... 81 ... 81 8 06 Kx?oiitiix Notice. Having thi riav qualified as Executrix ol the laat W ill anil Testament of Jane Uraham Hughes, late of Mew Bern, de ceased, this, it to notify all mon lutv lr 1. claims sirainst the estate of my tcs tatrls. u pn-aent the same, .roperly anltientlcatetl, to me, or to my AUoniey, na or Imfore Uis 10th dav ol Junn, 1902, or thi notice will be . leaded lo tr of their recovery. A 11 person Indebted tu said estate wfll make prompt payment. JANK DAYfcH limitllW, Kxecntris. Oraiiam Davm; Ally. New Bern, N. C June 10, 1001. 4 r.Ail a uvw nv.iveiw Vatjrloi;-r 1a ksM W rUrd t baaJth r, 1:r'rra py ll,a of Ckwir'-' ! .': r ';, If . - V dje!, , r ,! ' ' " '' : " " ' It a lltaj lot ll ll rails'. In ( r t Ufcrft laL Cth D M fcsra r:!4 silnO.r traalm.nt fof year t. t j ! ;"el '.c H ( rarr.w'y and J.a'fwt h 1 ?n rr.'. -ff . If otlce Fint Reetloe f Creditor ' la tbt District Oosrt ' of Ihe tnllad Slate, lot the fsasWa District of N, C. la the ftaller! f Deary Oelmak, 'of Ways 'coesty, baokrspt lailak reptcy. - . ' - ', p - t To ike Crtdltnn of rotltleaefs. who U brie s-ljwllcatrd a TJeokttpt. , - Take notice that a neallag of rroH tore aill be arid si the tttUm of U i tt, Lrferee, It New Beta, N. C , ;ai UMstraibs-;uirlsf of July 1661, -at wbtck llsselbe etedtlor y atisad, prove thctr tlslsaa, appolal a Ussite, saaals the bankrupt and IraBasytf rich OtbH beelaet 4 sasy propaHy be fore the Bjantf . L. i. Moxiaw, . tufert la lUskroptry. iN.wnfa,lf.C.,Jly Ilia. isot. . ' , , ' mm', .. i;xr!i(orej VrHlr, MSTli ff U-'t d.w qoSi flM a Ft', li'.of VI Ilia Usi V, ! ... f in. it .i t i ! I rek 1 I'd il (.!, r, .!..!, I . 1.1" roii'y .11 r- I -r S bir.r r an i lit reteta of'.fif In k-iraanl f ' T ' " .ir.,l(''.l, to irv ! '. .a Im I t'li Her of J'i'r IM. ot n ( ll,r ir t' irva en ll.ta .;! a1') I '!a-l'd I" i i Notice X Notice Is hereby given that at tbe next meeting of the Board of County Com missioners for Craven county N. C, to he held on the first Monday of Augual 1901, .1. 11. M. & B. It. Wanen will make application for license to sell liquors under Hcctlon seventy of the Kevenue Act of North Carolina, passed by the General AsHCmhly of 1(101; and that Bald applicants propose to oarry on said busi ness In the llrst township Craven coun ty, near the town of Vanceboro, across tho hrldpo from Bald town. .). R. M & B. It. W ASHEN. Applicants. This 4th day of July, 1901. No. 1, I I No. 2, Mi'd Ft. and Stations: Mx't Ft. and Pasa.Tn. Psss. Tn. DAILY. Lv, a m Ar. p m 5 00 Ooldsboro S 83 5 33 Best's 4 58 6 15 LaOrange 4 23 6 29 Falling oreek 8 58 7 16 Kinaton 8 83 7 23 Oaswell 2 23 7 57 Ar. Dover, Lv 2 10 8 20 core Ore ' 1 10 8 55 Tuscarora 12 48 9 30 Clark's 12 40 9 50 Ar. New Bern, Lv 12 10 No. 9. f No. 10. 1 30 Lv. " Ar 10 47 2 12 Mivcrdale; 10 15 '' 2 ) cronlun 10 00 Sir, liavelock 9 40 3 34 .. .. .. Newport, Lv 9 03 3 47 Wildwood 8 47 3 5 Atlantic 8 88 418 ...Ar. Morehead oily, Lv.. .8 20 4 28, ...Ar. M. Oity Depot, Lv 7 50 '.a. .a.m. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 8. L. DILL, Buperinteaden AtliiiiiilMtralorVt Notice Having this day qualified as adinlnls trator of ihe estate of George Bishop de ceased. All persons Indebted to ssld enisle are requested to make Immediate payment. And all person holding claimB against Bala estate are notified to nresent tbe same for navment on or be fore the 10th day of June 1902 or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of recov ery. TblB June 10th, 1901. K. K, Bishop, Administrator. E.V.Smallwood HEADQUARTERS FOll HARDWARE And all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Foreclosure Sale. PoTSDaot to a lodgment of the Bo potior (lonrt of Cravea coaaty January term 1900 la an actloa, entitled Cesar liectoi and wife against the A. ck N, C. railroad eon oan V. the andaralgned. Klerk ot eald Coart, aothorUad and directed lo foreetoee a certain mortgage dead tieented by Dajld Beat sod wife Mllly, In Ilea of I'losecntioa uoaa oi said plaintiff Casm fleotoa aod wife la aald tnlU nu inareiora, in onra ence to said Judgment 1 wllf offer for ale at the a att hneea door la New Bern, al IS o'clock, Monday AOgu.l wa. 19(11, for caak all the HikL-tltle aad latere-! of Ihe ld David D and wife la and to a ovrtaln plena or parorl of lead . ttiuled la Cravea eonety, M wit Olog portloB of lb 3 aare great M katliaiaolNoTlb larollo 10 W. X. Clarke, aad by aaVd Clerk and wife ooa vyn in Miuy newt, ay oeoa Paiaxi pni It, IH9T, and recordeu lit tha ofllce ol la lirwiaier of DiaMs of (!f eveo -Cooaty Ika-lnnlnr at Oelliw'i gate oa the waoin.tonolng Ihrnce, along the lrta road lowanle Dover' tn Jlat Waablo. too BI4, tbenrsx at riebt angU; whb his li la a asaele Is Dover a rear tbeace anrtb. at rlf ht snla to a slak. tbenre with Ik line of Wart tad Ilccto lathe Irsas road ol UlB Hrolhara, thenr as 111 llino Ires road U lb feed tuioea, I banco oaat, elnag the Sarap to lb rVet eutUio, eald U rontala liny erne, (ojm her with the ImptovemeaM tbafeo. . . ' W M. WATrUiN. - ' C'lark Hnperlof Court. JBe1fci 101. Heating and Oookinj; Storsa and lUngoa, Limo, Cement, Plaster, I'ainU, Oil, Varniih, Pa it, Saab, Doors, Hlimls, CutlorJ and all tbe usefnl artlcM osnally fonod lo an (Tp-to-dato Hardware Store, Bi?t Bt4U- Itrettt Prh?j. Under Hotel Chattawka. Special Saturday k Wednesday Flier. From UoldBboro and Intermediate stations to Morehead City. In effect Saturday, Juno 29th, 1901, until other wise ordered. Leave Ooldsboro 3.40 P. M. LaUrange 4.09 " " Klnston 4 33 " Dover 4.55 " " New Bern 8.00 " Arrive Morehead City 7.26 " All "Week End" and Saturday night tickets will he honored on this train. The above train to be run on Satur day only. 8. L. Dili.. Oen'l 8upt. A. & N. C. RAILROAD COMPANY, Passenger Department, New Pern, N. 0, May 31st. 1901. To til agents, A. N, C. R. R.. Season 1901 The following rates of Passenger ftro 0!rndri!n,!L. i v V. A i '.,rt I r-.' r . an ( ' T I .. 1 . I. 't- P QUICK NOTICE! for Rent 1 bave aevcrat TTnusca and one store.' ' 8ot mrl 'A fcw lfed' HeaH HaDd-nutde Hhlnglea; Brlclt amlUtht. Doot forgot, uur f'tuR tra JveWood Bigvllill?' TmrrT paek eigh scaoon, totraear a, ar. o -r Nest Wra opati ImVaWf I L 1901. One M the baat arhuialt la the South At- bvatlr Mataai faculty nt lis trained taark era; ananrpmtwd library and gyamtahiat f--IUtti aoallat BUilantaaiivMtkffaa, 111 pna aimed tl ta tn give the bt ratthaliag lufliiannae bod tu aa terra and davalnp eiraaigth of eharnrnaw at tha same lima. Terms low. For U luatrafl ralatrfnaavrt altorm, tddre j, 1, T, 1)1 fNH, lld Mastar, y.',' ' ' ' loBa, af lis ii. noTaXAnn. : l f '-tiir lo 0O. It'.h'fT, . E.Tw-.vf vA F." j to Morehead City tnd return In effect Jane 1st, 1901. Ooldsboro, 4 00 1 1 CO 1 25 Betl's, 3 75 1 40 1 10 La Orange, 3 50 1 30 1 00 Falling Creek, 3 25 1 0 99 Ktnston, 8 00 1 10 80 Caswell, 3 00 1 00 80 Dover, 2 75 90 75 Core Creek, 2 70 85 70 Tuacarora, 1 85 80 05 New Bern, 2 00 75 60 Rlverdale, 1 75 70 66 Croatan, 1 70 81 60 Qavelock, 1 00 o 45 Newpott, SO 85 86 Wildwood, 40 15 16 tieaaoo ticket good to ratura until Oct. Hat, 1901. YJatnrday aatll Tuesday. fHoaday exoarsloa, good for Bnaday only, try 6 and 6 train. Haatater Kiearslon TlckaU (Saaaon 901) (root A. A N. C. Btatloas, Ron ad rrlp for Bevea Bprlng, N. 0. Heraaflav tickets will be sold from Stallone named blow lo LaOrange to partla vlaltlig the above Springs at the following rate of fare for the Booed Trip. Ooldsboro, $ .70 New Barn. .T8 it's, .80 Hlverdale, M4 felling Oreek, .88 Croataa, t.00 Ctnsioa, .60 Uavelock, IJ6 Oeewell, M Mewport, I.4S Dover, 1.06. Wildwood, 9.89 Core Creak, 1.80 M City, l.0 Tsacarora, 1.79 Tickets oa tale Jane let, U Coa- ttwat ttrkat aod llaUl these. Oood to rat re Oev list. 1901. All tickets meal Ualfawa, : COUPON of AT10N8. Tkroagh rata af fare. Boead trip lirtaU fraa Coepoel telloae batew to potau aaatad oa Weetera Monk Osre laa Railroad (aaeewa 1901.) Ttohete saia Jaa la. 1WH ta Heat. 1Mb, 190s, laclaalve. Ooad tot ratara yaseage on at before Oct. Hit, 1901. ' ' at. ' Wew K1bv Le ' To 7Tf J(1PP tnt'lM Oraagt niek4rf,v JU oO niM flLll ia.oJ Morgaatoa, 14JI.11 U 11JS ILM 014 fort l I4JU I1M U. Hiaca l.av S".w ia.r ia Asbevtlle ' 11 81 1R. U.4 ItJw rotPptlage ll.M 17JO 18.95. Ilatf RaUa U n Other raaorl ht Western to--.,. ti. art i.i. -u n'm. .'oin , , ithi. wrmy , . M.e4 apoa af r.lUiatloB. ( Wuirra aad Tyareof ar fraa. Chlldre aadar lwU 113) year of tg, ball laa bove lata. B.I, I'lLL, , O.P.A. t J II c