,,;-..... .--- - r.-"'.-i.-. -h:- r . . "' " j s vr ktMIl V - " N I CI u'j ! j iiJ Ji-L - ,MW BI1& H."6., HIDAT MOESISfi, JULT: I30i: VOL XIX-KO. 100.' TWENTIETH TEAR ,W y ,1s, T ' ,, f p j i i t - V; ' V. , : V IS IS KB ra n 71b k ifyoa oltoe me, o o o o that it takes money to cary on business successfully. You do me an injury, whether inten tionally or not; in delaying settling your account. So I ask you to please make an early settlement. 47-49 POLLOCK STREET. ' Vade Mecum Spring, AfiunliUK more than 20,000 alloiiN per day. ANALYSIS GRAINS PIR U. S. GALLON: Potassium Sulphate 512.1 Scxlium Chloride 1.4687 Magnesiuiii riuljiliate l!J..ri934 CalcianiOhUiride 0 541H) Calcium Hulplmtn 64.55S1 Calcium Hi-r-arliniiiitt' 11.5 8A Iron Bi-carhimalH 1.995 Lithium Kulpliatn Trsrcs Silica A58H Orftnir Matter anil Vulatilv In organic Matuir 5.872ft Total-Grains, 105.M54 Above annlysia made by me uliows freedom from .surface wator and quite large amounts of Hulphata Carbonate of Calcium and Hulphate of Magnesium. J AH. M. WHITFIELD, Analytical Chemist. Richmond Va.. Sep. 4, 1WHI. Winkton, N. C October 10, 1900. After quit an extended experience of prescribing and noting re sults of various mineral waters, I unhesitatingly think this water the best renovator and. "builder up" of them all. For Scrofula, Catarrh and Blood Diseases generally it is almost a Specific. Too much, in my opin ion, cannot be said of the curative properties of Vade Mentim Water, D. N. DALTjON, M. D. For sale by F; S. DUFFY, Druggist, A Freh lot P mall Pig lUnm, BreakUtt "Btripn ltd Kio Hams and English Curfd Rliouldere. If you want oinethlng nice try orr 8moked Pork Fau tagefl, cked in nil, 12Jc lb, they are all right. W also hare a full line of ('mined Meat, Vegetable, Soup, etc. If you want good .bread, try our 2 lo and - 8c Floor thf j can't be beat an yw lure. ' . We are alio headqaartori for Morning Glory Brand of Coffre owe ana bc prr prmna u a iraae winner. (Jive ui a trial and we will guarantee to pieaae you . """"" Your for busine, C T - 23. aPaAJEBKBK, Jr.,' X Wholeaal bb4 RtrUU Orocer, . J PUOHI 69. . Cm, nroad A IfancMk Nul '', rJn Weatherproof. A good bams, tables and 'all out bullding-s. "...- Elastic Carbon Paint for your roof. " tuont Sulphuric Anhydride (SOS) 47.9946 Lime (CaO( S5.4228 Magnesia (MgO) 4.5812 Iron(Fe) S008 Potash (K20) 8988 Soda Na80) . , 7788 Chlorine (CI) 8.9669 Llthia (Li20) Traces Rilica (8i08) 5639 Carbonic Anhydride (COS) 6.9372 Organic and VolatiluJInnrganic matter 5.8720 Total drains, 106.0448 From the Analysis of Dr. Jas. M. Whit Held the foregoing figures ai&-deducted. TH08. CLAUKK, A. M. Hi. D. Bond University, Germany. Nov. 87. 1900. Flue Butter and Coffee, Oar . No. 1,3, 8 and 4, at 20c, 25, i ."A :iU8l;:fi.:' h r f nn paint for warehouses Gacklll Hardware to Hll'f D0BL1IT0RT-H Directors Sojaitrj Home resar go Bolld Within Approprlatlou , 1 Ex-TreB. Worth Will Tarn Oyer "M fTOrj- Peaee laWl tate. Tlesnlt of Strike. . ,, .; Zee at the Park. Riligh, July 25, Work has not at jet begun On. the dormitory it the Bol diera' Home here for the reaton that the dtreotort decided to have -rarloiM build ers examine the place and fee If the building caa be completed within .the $5000 allowed by the legislature. The frontage will be 110, th depth AO.' f he old dormitory la to be removed and'all Iti available timber need in the conit&c tlon of the hew one. ' I " Ex-8tate Treasurer Worth baa formally notified his bondmen that" he will tuti over all hla property to them toward making good the stealings of W. H, Mar tla whe was hie clerk. The1 Baltimore oompanylc vyaljlaInjK .bpda.maa will heveito be aaeicU uiUk tt Chairman McNeill of . the corporation commission ba bought a very attraolvi place here andiAvIll make Raleigh? hit Ureat satialactlon is felt Here at tne news of the appointment of Bradley J1. Wooten ie a teoonf , lieutenantoy In the regttlar Oavalry. . lettergram the TJnb ted States Senator who secured the ap pointment saya .Woolen has reflected mach credlt:poa hit State by his con duct In service In the Philippines.' I President Dinwiddle of Peace Insti tute here finds the demand for morel room so great' that be has leased a spa cious residence owned by General It: F. Hoke for use as a dormitory. Nearly all the Seaboard Air Line ma chlaista here are arranging to go to Portamoutb to get work in the shops there at only six are to be retained here. No work save In the way , of simple re pairs Is to be In future done at Raleigh. The plan of re-openlng the shops burn- ed,ln 1898; I abandoned,'' T machin ists find that they are worte off than before the strike began, aa the have had two and a half months work, and will have to leave here here to get work. At the city "parK "here a "oo" has been established and' It is already quite a feature. A hearts to arrlre In a few days, the gift of the Seahoaid Air Line Library Association1. A pit It now being prepared for him. , '- There were teatterod local showers In lli.t section last nlghli with much elec tricity. " The discussion of the issue of bonds $30,006) fpi itroet ltoTetnCTvttiere ft qulle;iiTjjr. i lie-opponents or tne u tue have raised 1 campaign' fiwd and nave sjrea iwnTjngntA f j Chairman otcNcIll of tb C . Corporation Oommlselon says holders of bank stock, State er National, are not entitled to have their liabilities oV-ducted from the amount of snch stock when listing It for taxation. Garment Workers Gain. Nw Toaa, July 94 Thirty-one man nfaeturers have Ibtf fr , nwU satlsfac lory agreetneati iwlth luaJ-tnlwd Osr meat 'Workers. ; - ' .. According to General Secretary White the strike will probably last .three weeks longer. The striker say that 7,000 ad dillonal men 9,000 of thorn from Newark went oat tody, Making 8fl,000 lo all. Carolina Leaf ue Games. Special to Journal.. , . , . . Raleigh, Jaly lo.-Today't score, Wll Ington 8, Raleigh t. Charlotte, July The borne team easily' defeated Tarboro, today, score, Charlotte 8, Tarboro I. Hailstones Wclgniof 3 pounds ? Bt. PcTKBsaoao, inly S4 A had. storm JajUM.dMrkit of Schists, govera- Me crops over a win area,, inree and saaVTm brsTklllesl. iHUnUr lock of Itteep and f6 lusia.enlt were. earrledof by a lood. iftnae ol.tbe btiL sloan wslgbed three pounds., ( A bad eomplesloB generallf ,resull from laaetlve Tlvsf and 'bowels, la all sootk easeav ' DeWftt't " Little"' Early Riser redno tiMtfyla rwalts. FS. Daffy Oe, ' V" "' : ' Oil IVayV Awful Recorl n- Watklngloa, Jnly iLfti. Ual, with KM, had tb hlgkeet leetperatisr la Its lUlory." " -- r' . LovlevMle. with 107, fc)iosrrMtd U- Mi. rMl did the Msnsvlu w record For II hoert tie mercury at sfc too 4 Ksaia tlly, The .maximum il"' trws,108 : - t Ta Ilaeer I0r fmrrtdrs ow In eluds Us Upper Mississippi Vales'" it Uwsr Mltenorl Valley, and-lbe Ml.UIle tad lowe Ohio Valley. . castohia Tof I;.;...!t and CL''.'.;eV , ,. y. SWANSBOR0." July 8t-Mr. " Stanly Oaksmlth' of Hollywood Carteret county, was in town a few day ago prospecting. Judge Hugh Humphrey of-Ooldsboro, " was her for several day lately rustica ting, and taking fat oar sea breezes, Esq. Hugh was once a native of this place. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Herring, of Orien tal Pamlico county, are here visiting their relatlVe and friend. . Mrs. R. L. Williams and children, of Portsmouth Va., are here visiting their parents and friends. Mrs. Idk Williams and children of Wll mingtonljT. C, are among the visitors here. Dr. W rf. Bunting and Mr. Walker Mean of Wilmington are taking In our healthful resort now. 1 Mr. Ambrose Guthrie of Punta Oorda, Fla., Wat here last week visiting. Mr. E. R. Provost of Indian river Pla. came a few days ago and will stay a month before hit return. "Buck" It a native of this. State and county and hasn't been here In 13 years. Mr. R. C. Foster, formerly of Swant- boro, now of Flomerton Alabama, came to tee us all and remained 2 weeks, be left yesterday for Alabama. We have more visitors In the summer than we can accommodate, every week we Lave letters from whole families wanttug to come to Swantboro for health and recreation; and have to write them back, there la no chance to board. We need a hotel and need it bad, also a railroad. Some one please come and look and see what a great placet this Is for your comfort, provided "WWi-a hotel and railroad, or either, one would bring the other suro. Some moneyed firm should try It quick. Very little sickness here, very healthy now, two deaths la the place In 10 years grown people, they were ovei 50 years old, each. Our population now Is about 350 all told, no colored in the place. Mr.'John O. Barber, near here, died last week, aged BO years, lio leaves wife and several children- Hev. F. 8, Recton performed the burfal service at Lebano Church, near Swansboro. Tee people here and near abouts live to be old before they die, two deaths among the colored population In our neighborhood last week, were Israel Jones, aged 127, and Kitty Jones, aged 101. Don't this show a healthy com munity, ? we think so. )lr. J. Herbert Ward,.(Uubby), former, ly of Swansboro, now of Falson, and Miss Mollle Bell, daughter of W. II. Bell of Belgrade, this county, were happily married last Weduetday, at Belgrade, by Rev. F. 8. Bocton. They gave us a short visit and left for their future home at Falson'a yesterday. One or two more marriages soon, so things look now. Our town is on the Increase U the time. If one dlos two or three come, only -twelve bsbies In the place now. Uev. J. B. Olive Is holding a protrac ted meeting at Bear Creek Church this week, Rut. A. W. Setter of Morehcad, Is doing tber preaching. Bear Creek Church Is five miles from here, J B Olive Is pastor, Baptist. Rev. Mr. Becton preached a good ser mon here last Hnnday night to a large audience. Rev. C. R. Paul hat gone to the tt rails for two weeks on a visit to hit people. Mr. E. Wlndloy and wife, of Trenton, came last week oh a Visit, Mr. Wlndley ha taken the contract lo finish the Bap tist Partonige here snn will' be with ul for a season. "' Schooner W. T. Parkers, Capt. George Howard, la In port loading with ' lumber! for New York. She Is a three matter. W. O. It It emler to keep wolt thin get enrod. DeWltt't Little Early , Risers taken now and then, will always keep your bowel la perfect order. Tbey never (ripe but promote an easy gentle action. F. 8. Duffy A Co. GBDDY. Jaly !4 The weatber I Very warm and ha been very rainy, but It It hot and dotty now. We are- xpetttlif 4 larger freshet la the river thl tint thin w had before.' .'' v'---;. ". ' We ara having a protracted meetlof at La' Chapel" thl week,' tber hat been a very large crowd o far, w hop It will eontlna oao to tb tad ofth meeting. . Rev, Lowder I th preacher. Mr. Bishop Dadley who bat been very UI II Improving little."" " There I a toga la oar aelf hborhood. W would tle to Sad bin oat Thtr ha be WitllBfTIoqe la three pl all don about lh earn time. . They msy not aow be In or. vlolalty aad w know ao who H I ot where they are. Mr. and Mr. William Haft of Ktnslo sre vlrttlni their parent la onr vlcl ItyT' ' - - . " .' . Mr. Levey 111 anger tad Mis Mla' Oaaiiat of roar city are vUltleg tb.tr other, Mr. NBey Osakto.' " ' . . ; ' Had White aad Blue , A CHlU WJOTS. . ' Tb pleasant flavor, gatl action, ad toothing effect of ftrep of Figs, wba l need of 1 1 alive, and If lb father or mntbaf be ot!t or billon, lb moat gratifying rulta follow lu ne; to that It It thl tfl fsmlty rrmtdy kaow' and very family should hart btUe. Majia- fMtered by tb Callforala Fig Byrtip Co. . ' - - 3 V "5 i r -75 i y i WIUiWOOD. Tobacco Curing. Cojtoa Good but. Corn ' i.tJ i . Poor, : Religious Services. JuIy 86 The tobacco farmers are busy curing tobacco aow.S Tbelr crop were badly aamaged by dry weather, but has Improved much since the rain. Cotton la small, but looks prosperous, corn is damaged badly by the heavy Winds'. Mr. Abe Fisher and wife of Klverdale Bpent Sunday at Wild wood visiting Mr. W. T. Pelletlcr. Mr John Bender of Pollocksville spent Sunday at Wlldwood visiting his uncle, Mr. T. J. Tolson. Rev. M. I. Chappel preached in tho M. E. Church Sunday at his regular ap pointment. Rev. S. H. Isler preached a noble ser mon Monday nlirbt at tho Presbyterian church, Mr. Willie McCabe and Mr. Johnnie Watson went to Newport Monday even ing on business. Mr. D. Howells has the finest water melons in our place. Mr. W. A. Teasley has some fine to bacco. It runs about 1200 or 1000 to the aore. W When you want a modern, up-to-date physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at F. S. Duffy & Co'a. drug Btore. - Failing Vision Inevitable. Strange to say while all parts of the bodyis growing, tho eyes are going back, this begins at the 10th year, but docs not become manifest until middle life; at the ago of ten the eye posncsses s near point of (I!) throe Inches, at (20) wenly four inches, at (3(1) thirty, 5t nehes, at (40) forty, 9 Inches. At this period the near or close point liKH receded beyond a comfortable (Us ance, because of a flattening of the eye, alak8. hardening of the lens and a weak ening of the muscle governing it, there fore as the power of making the lens more convex Is removed and as the eye becomes flatter, yoo must see that trou ble commences and aid must lie had from some source. Science and art has bestowed uh will that aid In glasses which adds convexity to the eye and rcstotoa the near point ti a comfortable distance. Von ran get them fitted correctly by J. O Haxtkk, Jr., Ordinate Optician. Thotc fainons little pills, DcWIii'f Little Early Risers compel your liver and bowels to do their doty, thus clvlng you pure, rich blood to reenperate your ody. Are easy to take. Never gripe C. H. Duffy & Co. Personals From Chip. July Jilth To day has been the hot test of the season. Several of our young people attended the protrflclcd mooting at Lano's Chapel. Miss Lla.le Kwetl lsApendlug thr week with relatives Were Our baae ball bny)l will play the Yancoboro boyt Friday at !1:.'1Q p. m Mr. and Mrs. D. 1. Htreot rotnrnvil .Sunday from a visit to relatlfes at As klos. ' Mitt Annie Ewoll Is tearhlng a pri vate school at Oak Groro school house. We with her groat success. ' Mr. sad Mn. C. H. Dougherty return ed Thursday from a visit to Hvn Springs.'-Mr. Dougherty says they bad most "ramgageoo" lime. Mr. Asa Avery has accepted position with Mr. W. K. Brown st Vaocelmro. Mrs. L. V. Lancsner who hat been very tick, we are glad lo rtporl it con valescent. Meesr. C. T. Tat and J M. Wilcox. of Uma, wsr In oar mklst Haadty. Mia Bonnie Willi Is vltltlng relatives si Lima. ' Meatr. Howard aad lloatar. of tb Planter Warehoaw, of yoar elty, were hrysUiday. s . . . : . - Mr. B. C Laaeaeter has beea very tick tot evral -.day. - the Star Wsreboose, UreanvIlK aid alr.Lawreeee Whltord,.f Clsy Root, Wr la on i aslgbeor hood to day. Mr.Ua Brewer, of Mapf -Ofpreee, reiaraedlaallhareday freai attest trip to BMefort. lie wa eoomnenUd by Mbae Deity aad lea Brewer., j , "'' " - . WaatwirM WiM.rm. Pit -tUsi' th,anony roe ed wfJl be qtlekly and petmsarally healed If )oa DtWIlft Wltok lletel Aalve.- Be wste Of wntlhUe oaaterftlt. P. B. Daffy A Co. .' ,. v- u ., . e .Top the People. - f)f Vir ad ".in" h"iiar fnf rtil. N at t b p-tiitd lrt.ro gnry builoeri I ata h -ttr prrfd u $m b-ltt St.fitt.rfi rhy rd ini Wot lrli. W1ip all k;nd Pt hmI jiwlfr lorgo sliHa, n f wt IUnnirilt Brti a ami laths ww rldy t "i"rt rwUf. tnd T ( I? st y ii iij l,ar'l!jf Aim) U.f( t i rvpi 71 r" 'i I ' I 1 1 !.H .. Notice t HlfiD mm rmuD Liui Corned JUST RECEIVED. Fancy Cakes and Crackers. Canned and Potted Moats of all kinds Fresh Clflver Hill Print Bptter. Fancy Cream Cheese. Intsoi twl Ginger Ale on Ice, 3 bottles for 25c l!ig Hams to eut, and Numerous other good things to eat, nice and fresh. Give me a call. Yours to please, J. L. WEI 'Phone 91. 5 0 Very Stimulating. In warm wentlutr good cof- 3JJ fee is tonic mid stimulant, gciiUe, effective and necesga- try. Our coffees are very niiiicti.ing, and repay tho luivci in his expectations of a delightful drink every time. tVe ate still oll'eiing lioval lilue --every fifth pound fieo. We aii- still holding the fort! J. J. TOLSON, Jr., Broad St. Grocer. Thutsdayt Aug. f OPENING DAY At the Planters Warehouse. We will have plenty of buyers, with the ordera tor your tobacco, and you can do as well on this market as any in the State. Build up your home market by bringing your tobacco here, 11 you do not get as much for it as any other market, we do not expect your patronise. Come down to the opening and keep a coming. . Sales every week day at 11 o'clock. J. M. HOWARD, Manager, S. B. CURRIN, Auclioneer. 1 II p w 1 It 1 m To Catch'Ftsb ( ' mm html nt aa antM I. ry KmnU'I be tlabnrata or espetaiv but It iNmM fee (nnd, Moat llkly yo knme that ttirh aa Mitftt eaa be ntilatit ed bora. . Dm) axiMl taylwf rlfti ONt Innd, km ibttt w have the Aneat lla wt Fishing mCT&chk wttherily. We r rf aa a b UJate IrM nbllea aall and li7Ttinf Qt DwIm to Dicvoktw, Pmaaaiea, trOafiwo . O'mna, pNTMsetiaArvaa, Joe Panrtiis, Rvataa Prasrra, tiki twmm,6- , tl-fl Mlodk 11 fir hp., R. C AI f. it f.ii kiiCl elAm Dea, reVedtftif f iowda, a 91. jJil f rjr tMl fflf to May fat, ISA, are hereby C llf Tf'rr,Tlnwm )uti!i. fnf tJ r.fiit 1Umm ' vsxaki aUlnt Uw from thli rWy, Ja!y IX1J. -' ' J. J. fo ,' CHyO-. Tinnmnnrnnmn rumomuuin Mullets I Wholesale fc Retail Orocer, 71 Ilroad St. Phone 137 E. C. D. "A 0. D. LINE. On tamtt e the aeewal !rn.ln to rliy wltharaVit tWat wwrkw om Ntar- dy Jafy IWi eatll furthw aoUe wrtaf ner . the laaaw Mr. berne will tall at II eVInrk, mom, oa twiWy aaJ PrVtay. mafclng stop M Orbta, Hnaaoke I,hkI aad Xsgi ad knth Wy . ' . vJw tUns M. C, Jal, It, m. : Importanl Notice! , A Pwh tUt to eirynwe Uvtesl fw frn).,(rd rf..!an arnr rtae, tea treft d slmrt ,m, lif vf t tgh ., m.! tim; Una wi frm, c m . K l't-i .tt.f.r,,ty t yrr ' h fUn t4 s.llinf, Ot font mm. n4 t.iM P. O. f V